CALL FOR PAPERS "Women and Communication in Africa" Looking towards the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women, In Beijing, The African CouncU for Communication Education (ACCE) Is planning a publication focusing on women In Africa and their role as communicators and communication trainers. The book will also include articles on how communication affects women's development issues, and how African media portray women and women's issues. We cordially invite you to participate in this project, by submitting papers on any of the above themes. We would like to include all regions of the continent and we encourage a diverse scope of topics. Abstracts should be received by October 23, 1994. Two copies of full papers should be submitted by November 30, 1994. Direct all materials to: Mona Fetouh African Council for Communication Education P.O. Box 47495, Nairobi, Kenya Tel. Fax: e-mail: 254-2-227043 254-2-750329/229186 110 Call for Articles: AFRICA MEDIA REVIEW 19 95 You as a member of ACCE are cordially invited to contribute articles for the 1995 issues of our journal. The following themes are suggested to guide you: 1. Vol.9, No.l, 1995 Vol.9, No.2, 1995 3. Vol.9, No.3, 1995 Subcriptions: Development Communication (Rural Communication, Environmental Communication and Health Conv~nunication). Media Education (Policies, Institutions, Cultural Values and Curricular Concerns) The Eletronic Media {Radio, Television and Video Use and Development in AJhca). Institutional US$100 Individual US$35 (Outside Africa) Associate US$50 Individual US$25 (Within Africa) Student US$10 Within Africa, payment may be made in local currency to the National Coordinator. 111 Notes for Authors Africa Media Review (AMR) addresses itself to those interested in communication development in Africa with special reference to the impact of communication on Africa and its people. The Editorial Board welcomes well-researched, scholarly articles, book reviews and other contributions in all areas of communication for possible publication in AMR. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words (about 20 pages, including notes and references), book reviews should not exceed 2000 words (about 5 pages). They should be typed, double-spaced on A4 white paper. Three copies of each article and review should be submitted. full names(s) of author(s), The first page of the manuscript should provide the title of the paper, identification (position and institutional and/or other affiliation) and complete mailing address(es). Contributions must include an abstract of not more than 150 words. Notes and References Notes should be numbered serially in the text with a superscript and explained correspondingly on separate pages placed at the end of the manuscript. References in text should bear the name of the author of the article or book being referred to followed by the year of publication in brackets. Then all references should be listed in alphabetical order on separate papers at the end of the article. They should give the name of the author (surname first), year of publication (in brackets), title of the book (underlined), place of publication followed by colon (:), the publisher and page numbers, if necessary. For article references, the title of each article should appear in single inverted commas followed by the underlined title of the book or journal in which it appears, the volume number, the issue number and relevant page numbes. References should be as shown on the next page: 112 Ansah, P. (1986). 'Broadcasting and Multilingualism." In George Wedell (Ed.). Making Broadcasting Useful: The African Experience. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 47-65. Kasoma, Francis P. (1986). The Press in Zambia. Lusaka: Multimedia Publications. Ugboajah, Frank O. (1986). Communication as Technology in African Rural Development." Africa Media Review, Vol. 1, 1, pp. 1-19. No. Quotations in the body of trie text should be in double quotes. Quotations of six lines or more should be indented and typed single space with no quotation marks. Title and sub-titles in the article should be in upper and lower cases. Illustrations All illustrations should be clearly drawn in dark ink and large enough for printing reduction purposes. All charts, maps and diagrams should be referred to as Fig., and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are presented in the text. They should be put at the end of the text with indications in the text as to where they would be placed. Captions to figures should be written below the drawings. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Articles published in Africa Media Review may be reproduced only with permission obtainable through the Managing Editor. Authors will be entitled to a copy of the issue in which their manuscripts are published. Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or those of the ACCE. 113 Edited by Beverly G. Hawk "Hawk presents a wide-ranging collection of essays on historical and contemporary topics. Media researchers, Africa specialists, editors and correspondents debate the media's coverage of Africa and its effects on American views of the continent. The result is an important contribution to research on American journalism." - Sigma Delta Chi Award Citation Contributors Charles A. Bodie Robert Bookmiller Kirsten N. Bookmiller Lisa Brock Anne Cooper BosaEbo Hassan M. El Zein Jo Ellen Fair Julie Frederikse Rodger M. Govea William Hachten Beverly G. Hawk Paul Hemp TamiHultman Minabere Ibelema Wunyabari Maloba Stanley Meisler Chris Paterson Danny Schechter Elaine Windrich Thomas Winship David Zucchino ISBN 0-275-93796-8, 280 pages, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport, Connecticut 06881 USA, Telephone 203-226-3571. Available in the U.K. from Westport Publications, Ltd., 3 Henrietta Street, London WC2E 8LT, Tel.71-240- 0859 114 Editorial Advisory Board Dr. Cecil Blake Prof Cees Hamelink Dr. Alan Hancock Dr. Hugues Kone Mr. Reinhard Kuene Prof. Ali Mazrui Dr. Joseph Mbindyo Prof. R. L. Nwafo Nwankwo Prof. James Scotton - Information Sciences Division, IDRC Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya - Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands - Division of Communication, UNESCO Paris, France - CERCOM, Universite d'Abidjan, Cote d'lvoire - Media & Communications Department, FES, Bonn, Germany - Centre for Afro-American & African Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA - School of Journalism, University of Nairobi, Kenya - Department of Mass Communication Arts and Sciences, Howard University, Washington DC, USA - College of Journalism, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US A We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in publishing this issue. 115 The Following Back Issues of AMR are Still Available: AMR Vol.1, Nos.2 & 3, 1987. AMR Vol.2, Nos.l, 2 & 3, 1988. AMR Vol.3, Nos.l, 2 & 3, 1989. AMR Vol.4, Nos.l & 2, 1990. AMR Vol.5, Nos.2 & 3, 1991. AMR Vol.6, Nos.l, 2 & 3, 1992. AMR Vol.7, Nos. 1 & 2, 1993. AMR Vol.8, No.l, 1994. Cover design: Frank Odoi Typesetting and layout: Mrs. Gillian Ngola Printed by English Press Ltd P. O. Box 30127, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone 540581 on behalf of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Nairobi, Kenya, ISSN 0258-4913 Published by African Council for Communication Education