Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives Stockholm, Sweden This u a journal with an interdisciplinary focut in the social sciences. It is both theoretical and practical nature, and seeks to confront and deal with every aspect of human development, coveting all the socio-economic systems of the world. It has interest in such issues as basic social needs, fulfillment of human rights, avoidance of both class and other structural violence, the search for disarmament and peace, the maintenance of ecological balance, the removal of poverty and unemployment, improvement in North-South relations, and the finding of an international framework to deal equitably with trade, industrialization, migration, technology transfer, and general socio-economic disparities of a regional or a global kind. DECEMBER 1989-SPECIAL FORUM ON NIGERIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY CWb«oS.A.Ob«»g* Import Substitution Industrialization: What Lessons Have We Learned in Nigeria? WUktJ.Okanra The Malhew Effect, Ake'a Defensive Radicalism and Urban Bias in Nigerian Development Planning DiaWMos Causes of Student Unresta in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exploration AUnOIJU Marketing Systems and National Development: The Issue of Food Distribution in Nigeria Ikackakmi G. Eilakor Analyzing Third Worid Development: Early Historical Strategies Versus Contemporary Paradigms J. O. OlfcOMISTWt The Role of Agriculture in the Industrial Development of the LDCS A5.Agu4a Mobilization Approach to Rural Development in Nigeria: Constraints and Suggestions S.Ofok Alike Crisis, Repression and the Prospects for Democracy in Nigeria Tad* Akin Ala* Cusure in the Development Process The Nigerian Experience OtmM OtwVau The Political Economy of Rural Savings Mobilization S.O.Okafor Political Unification And Transition Planning: Nigeria's Experience 1947-1960 Dtjo A. Abdalrahaiui Social Policy Ooali and the Distribution of Health Services in Nigeria and Tanzania NmkHa*H.AdikM Health Sector in a Developing Economy: An Analysis of Primary Health Care Problems in Nigeria CP.Ej»»do«« The Effects of War-time Controls in the Gold Coast, 1939-45: A Case Study of the Vulnerability of African Social Classes in a Dependent Colonial Economy KoUOtagbMk Performance of Nigerian Universities in Sudent Crisis Management Write to SJDA, P.Box. 7444.103 91 Stockholm. Sweden.