DT946,Z3v.lno.lZAMBEZIAa journal of social studiesin Southern and Central AfricaVol. 1, No. 1, January, 1969.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEOF RHODESIAZAMBEZIAA Journal of Social StudiesinSouthern and Central AfricaVolume I, No. 1 January, 1969Edited byG. FortuneUNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF RHODESIASALISBURYUniversity College of Rhodesia, 1969IPrinted in Rhodesia by Mardon Printers (Pvt.) LtaCONTENTSA Fresh Pattern of Higher Education I. MichaelInterest Groups in South African Politics. A Methodological Survey P. B. HarrisModel and Metaphor in Social Anthropology D. H. ReaderThe Shona Religion M. GelfandThe State of the Theatre in Rhodesia C. J. Wortham75 Years of Writing in Shona G. FortuneA Sociological Analysis of Ngomahuru Isolation Hospital Sister Mary AquinaReviews"A Very Strange Society" (Allen Drury)"Rebellion in Rhodesia 1896-7" (T. O. Ranger)by P. B. Harrisby W. F. Rea1921374755698789ZambeziaObtainable on exchange or by purchase, price W/- per issue.Communications to be addressed to:The Librarian,Publications Department,University College of Rhodesia,P.Bag 167H,Salisbury,INTRODUCTIONThis new journal has been launched to meet a need for a publication to carry studies of relevance tosociety in Central and Southern Africa. Its editors plan to produce it twice a year and will welcome contri-butions in the fields of education, sociology, social medicine, political science, history, linguistics, studiesin literature and the arts and, indeed, all fields related to the study of society in Central and Southern Africa.We have selected the title ZAMBEZIA to convey our primary interest in the life of human societies incountries on, or around, the Zambezi. We would want the name to carry the same wide interest and re-ference that it did in the past. We shall also wantto look both to the south and the north of the area in whichmost of our work and research is done. There have been many worthwhile pieces of research carried out inRhodesia in the past ten years or so which have been "lost" for want of such an outlet as Zambezia isexpected to provide. Moreover, developments in Central and Southern Africa in the past few years havebeen such that the whole area is one of continuing interest to all students of the social sciences.Zambezia is a journal of the University College of Rhodesia. This does not mean that articles are to beexpected solely from academics at U.C.R. and it is hoped that scholars from other areas will participate.Indeed, our first article on higher education has been contributed by Dr, Ian Michael, Vice-Chancellor ofthe University of Malawi, and it is one which we are pleased to publish. As for the other articles two are bysociologists (one methodological and one empirical article), one by a political scientist, one by a studentof the drama and one by a scholar concerned with African languages. One other contributor, ProfessorMichael Gelfand, deserves special mention in this editorial. This is not only because of his distinction inseveral of the fields to be covered by the journal but particularly because, more than to anyone else, it owesits inception to his persistent advocacy of a U.C.R. Journal of African Studies,We believe that the range of articles of this first number will give some indication of the scope of whatwe hope will prove a successful venture.