UNIVERSITY OF RHODESIARecent Research Publications in the OccasionalPaper SeriesSOCIAL STUDIESDUNLOP, H. 1971 The Development of European Agriculture in Rhodesia1945-1965. 73pp. $3.00.PASSMORE, G. C. 1971 Theoretical Aspects of Community Action andLocal Government. 96pp. $4.20.READER, D. H. & MAY, J. 1971 Drinking Patterns in Rhodesia. HighiieldAfrican Township. 50pp. $3.00.STOPFORTH, P. 1971 Survey of Highfield African Township. 15pp. $3.00.STOPFORTH, P. 1972 Two Aspects of Socia'l Change. 12.0pp. $4.20.MAY, J. 1973 Drinking in A Rhodesian African Townsh:,j. 94pp. $3.00.SCIENCEOLIVER, J. 1971 Introduction to Dairying in Rhodesia. 152pp. $3.00.WEINMANN, H. 1972 Agricultural Research and Development in Rhodesiaunder the Rule of the British South Africa Company, 1890-1923. 161 pp.$3.00.TOMLINSON, R. W. 1973 The Inyanga Area: an Essay in RegionalBiogeography. 67pp. $3.00.MEDICINEWAPNIK, S. 1972 The Small Intestine and the Effect of Partial Resection10pp. $2.10.EDUCATIONATKINSON, N. 1972 Educational Co-operation in the Commonwealth.265pp. $5.10.ORBELL, S. F. W., FREER, D. J. & HENDRIKZ, E. 1973 Preschool Oppor-tunity and Sex Differences as Factors affecting Educational Progress.30pp. $2.10.RECENT INAUGURAL LECTURESHARRISON, A. 1973 The Release of the Muses. 28pp. 90c.MURPHREE, M. W. 1973 The Study of Race and Ethnic Relations inSouthern Africa. 24pp. 90c.DE VILLIERS, J. M. 1974 Holism, Agriculture and Natural Resources.15pp. 90c.All payments must be made in advance to the Publications Officer,P.O. Box MP45, Mount Pleasant, Salisbury, Rhodesia. (The prices quoted arein Rhodesian dollars; Rh$1,00 = US$2,00.RHODESIAN HISTORYVolume 1P. S. GARLAKEP. STIGGERJ. S. GALBRAITHJ. M. MACKENZIEP. R. WARHURSTM. C. STEELEVolume 2A. j. DACHSP. STIGGERn. A. KOSMINR. HODDER-WILLIAMSI. R. PHTMISTERC. M. BRANDVolume 3W. F. REAH. H. K. BHILAM. E. PAGER. W. BALDOCKM. L. RIFKINDT. R. H. DAVENPORTVolume 4D. N. BEACHG. FORTUNEN. M. B. BHEBEJ. R. D. COBBINGR. J. CHALLISSPRICES (per volume: allZimbabweAsians in Kenya and RhodesiaThe Early Years of the B.S.A. CompanyAfrican labour and the Chartered CompanyThe Tete AgreementThe Southern Rhodesia Labour PartyRhodes' grasp" for BechuanalandVolunteers and the profit motive in theAnglo-Ndebele WarThe Pioneer community of Salisbury, 1897The B.S.A. Company in MarandellasThe Shamva Mine Strike of 1927African trade unionism since FederationChristian Missions in Central AfricaTrade and the survival of an African polityLivingstone and the Jumbe of NkhotakotaChancellor and the Moffat SuccessionLand Apportionment in perspectiveRhodesian and South African policies forurban AfricansHistoriography of the people of ZimbabweWho was Mwari?Ndebele Relations with the ShonaLobengula, Jameson and the occupation ofArt n fn /Xt~i o 1 O t*i fHlviasnonaianuOrigins of the Educational system of SouthernRhodesianumbers available)IN RHODESIA RhS2,50OUTSIDE RHODESIAIndividuals Rh$3,5OJInstitutions and Trade RhS4,50JJlf paid in Rhodesian dollars; if paid in any other currency the priceequivalent of USS8.00 for individuals and US$10,00 for Institutions and1970197119721973is theTrade.ORDERS to the Central Africa Historical Association, History Department,University of Rhodesia, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Salisbury, Rhodesia.ZAMBEZIAA Journal of Social Studies in Southern and Central AfricaEARLIER ISSUESVol. 1, No. 1, 1969.A Fresh Pattern of Higher Education Š I. Michael.Interest Groups in South African Politics: A Methodological Survey ŠP. B. Harris.Model and Metaphor in Social Anthropology Š D. H. Reader.The Shona Religion Š M. Gelfand.The State of the Theatre in Rhodesia Š C. J. Wortham.75 Years of Writing in Shona Š G. Fortune.A Sociological Analysis of Ngomahuru Isolation Hospital Š Sister MaryAquina.Vol. 1, No. 2, 1970.Arthur Shearly Cripps: An Assessment Š D. E. BorreSi.The Changing Rhodesian Political Culture: 1969 Š P. B. Harris.The Ceremony of Mishashe (Green Vegetables) held in Mashonaland ŠM. Gelfand.A Village School and Community Development in a Rhodesian TribalTrust Land Š M. W. Murphree.Afrikaner and Shona Settlement in the Enkeldoorn Area, 1890-1900 ŠD. N. Beach.Selected Aspects of the Socio-Economic Character of Natal Towns ŠM. A. H. Smout.The Role of Environmental Factors in the Education of African Pupils ŠS. F. W. Orbeil.Agony on the Zambezi. The First Christian Mission to Southern Africa andits Failures Š W. F. Rea.Tribalism and Detribalization in Southern and Central Africa ŠD.H.Reader.Vol.2,No.1, 1971.Land Policy in Southern Africa during the Nineteenth Century Š A. J.Christopher.Population and Family Planning in the Economic Development of RhodesiaD. Clarke.Aspects of Divorce in Rhodesia Š B. Goldin.Shopping Centres and Shopping Patterns in Two African Townships ofGreater Salisbury Š M. A. H. Smout.Shona Traditional Poetry Š G. Fortune.Historical Rationale of the Policy of Community Development in theAfrican Rural Areas of Rhodesia Š G. C. Passmore.All past issues are available from:THE PUBLICATIONS OFFICER,University of Rhodesia LibraryP.O. Box M.P. 45,Mount Pleasant,SALISBURY.Price: R$3,00 per issue plus postage.IMPORTANT: Payments must be made in advance by cheque/postal order/bank draft.ZAMBEZI AA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL STUDIES IN SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA.Vol. 2 No. 2, 1972.Aspects of the role of man in erosion in Rhodesia Š M. A. Stocking,The acculturative effects of schooling on African attitudes and valuesŠ Betty Jo Murphree.Southern Africa and the nation state ŠA. J. Christopher.Government policy and African wages in Rhodesia Š P. S. Harris.Tradition and innovation in Shona literature Š G. P. Kahari.Roy Campell: The effect of his political ideas on his poetryŠ D. M. A. F. Middleton, Freiherr von der Valkenstein.A Social survey of Dzivaresekwa Township, Salisbury Š G. L. Chavunduka.Suicide and attempted suicide among the Shona Š M. Gelfand.African views of urban life Š C. Kileff.Vol. 3, No. 1, 1973Introduction: Race in Southern Africa Š M. W. Murphree.The History of Race Relations in South Africa Š T. R. H. Davenport.The History of Race Relations in Rhodesia Š P. R. Warhurst.South African Racial Policy Š N. J. J. Olivier.Race Policies in Rhodesia Š W. R. Whaiey.Race Relations in Mogambique Š J. L. Ribeiro Torres.'Non-Racialism': Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland Š S. Ngcobo.The Multiracial Myth Š A. J. Dixon.Race and International Politics Š H. H. Patel.Persistence and Change in South African Society Š C. M. Brand.Dialogue and Closer Association in Southern Africa Š M. C. Steele.South Africa's Foreign Policy and the World Š A. M. Chambati.Flame or Lily? Revisited: A Response and Elaboration of Rhodesian RacialAttitudes Š G. C. Kinloch.The next issue: Vol. 4, No. 1 (December 1975) to be published in April 1976:Will contain articles on various aspects of management in Rhodesia andSouth Africa.