UNIVERSITY OF RHODESIA PUBLICATIONSRh$OLIVER, J.Introduction to Dairying in Rhodesia 1971 152p. 1,00WEINMANN, H.Agricultural Research and Development in Rho-desia under the Rule of the British South AfricaCompany, 1890-1923 1972 161 p. 1,00Agricultural Research and Development inRhodesia, 1924-1950 1975 240p. 2,00TOMLiNSON, R. W.The Inyanga Area: an Essay in RegionalBiogeography 1973 67p. 1,00DUNLOP, H.The Development of European Agriculture inRhodesia 1945-1965 1971 73p. 1,00BONE, R. C.African Education in Rhodesia ...... 1969 37p. 0.50ATKINSON, N.Educational Co-operation in the Commonwealth 1972 265p. 2,00ORBELL S. F, W., FREER, D. J. and HENDRIKZ, E.Pre-School Opportunity and Sex Differences asFactors affecting Education Progress 1973 30p. 0,50PASSMORE, G. C. and MITCHELL, M. T.Source Book of Parliamentary Elections andReferenda in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1962(ed. by F. M. G. Willson) , 1963 255p. 2,00WILLSON, F. M. G. and PASSMORE, G. C.Holders of Administrative and Ministerial Office1894-1964 and Members of the Legislative Coun-cil 1899-1923 and the Legislative Assembly1924-1964 1966 75p. 0,50PASSMORE, G. C.Local Government Legislation in SouthernRhodesia up to 30th September, 1963 1966 75p. 0,50WILDING, N.Parliamentary Papers of Rhodesia, 1954-1970 1970 161 p. 2,00HARRIS, P. B.Interest Groups in Southern African Politics 1968 105p. 0,50PASSMORE, G. C.Theoretical Aspects of Community Action andLocal Government ...... 1971 96p. 1,00HOFMAN, J. E.Assessment of English Proficiency in the AfricanPrimary School 1974 76p. 0,50McLOUGHLIN, T. O.Edmund Burke and the First Ten years of the'Annual Register', 1758-1767 1975 53p. 0,50TURNER, N.The Art of the Greek Orthodox Church 1976 97p. 2,00SMOUT, M. A. H.Commercial Growth and Consumer Behaviour inSuburban Salisbury, Rhodesia 1974 70p. 0,50BENNETT, T. W. and PHILLIPS, S.A Bibliography of African Law with specialreference to Rhodesia , 1975 291 p. 5,00CUBITT, V. S. and RIDDELL, R. C.The Urban Poverty Datum Line in Rhodesia 1974 139p. 1,0092