Zambezia (1977), 5 (i).BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MAN*T. WOODDepartment of Biochemistry, University of RhodesiaA BIOCHEMIST HAS been defined as someone who 'talks of Chemistry toBiologists, of Biology to Chemists, and of women to other Biochemists'.However, nowadays there are many of the fair sex among the members ofour profession and tonight I shall discard that ever-fascinating subject totalk to you of the development of the relatively young science of Biochemistryand to attempt to outline a few of the many ways in which it has been ofbenefit to man.In order to do this, I intend to sketch for you the early historical develop-ment of the subject and then to describe how a knowledge of Biochemistryhas benefited mankind in three fields, namely, in achieving an understandingof inborn errors of metabolism, in research on Cassava, and finally in thedevelopment of the ideas and concepts of rational chemotherapy.Historical Outline. Biochemistry may be considered as the science whichdeals with the application of the laws of chemistry and physics to livingorganisms and, up to the present time, great success has been achieved inunderstanding how living organisms originate, grow, develop, and reproduce,through the operation of these laws which were originally formulated andapplied only to explain the behaviour of inanimate matter. Furthermore,although there is much that we do not understand about living organisms, ithas not been necessary to date to invoke a concept of a 'vital force' or toformulate new laws which fall outside of the domain of physics and chemistry.Consequently, the discipline of biochemistry developed out of chemistry onthe one hand, and biology on the other, with substantial contributions fromphysiology, medicine, and agriculture. Originally, the term 'physiologicalchemistry' was used and it was not until well into the present century thatwhat we now know as 'biochemistry' acquired its name.There is much room for argument and discussion as to which were theprincipal events that led to the eventual development of the science of Bio-chemistry, so I would emphasize that the choice presented here is a purelypersonal one.The story begins in 1752 when Rene de Reaumur embarked on someexperiments to study the nature of digestion. His approach was one of whicha modern-day biochemist would not feel ashamed. Taking advantage of thefact that birds of prey eject from their stomachs article of food that theyAB inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Rhodesia on 24 June 1976.4142BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MANcannot digest, Reaumur fed a kite food encased in a small metal cage andexamined it after it had been regurgitated. He found that the food had beenpartly eaten away by the solvent power of the contents of the stomach. Tenyears later Lazarro Spallanzani, an Italian nobleman, confirmed Reaumur'sobservations with birds and extended them to other animals and to man. Infact, he made himself quite sick by feeding himself food contained in per-forated wooden cubes which were later recovered for inspection.Over the years 1742 to 1786, the Swedish pharmacist Karl WilhelmScheele isolated many compounds from natural sources, several of whichhe purified and obtained as pure crystalline organic chemicals. Thus, heprepared the protein casein from milk, glycerol from animal fats, uric acidfrom urine, and lactic acid from sour milk. He obtained citric acid fromlime-juice, malic acid from apples and tartaric acid from wine. These sub-stances however had to remain objects of curiosity until the fuller develop-ment of organic and analytical chemistry had taken place.In 1780 Lavoisier first clearly stated the nature of respiration which helikened to a slow controlled combustion. Thus he stated *respiration is there-fore a combustion, slow it is true, but otherwise perfectly similar to thatof charcoal'. Then in 1806 the great Swedish chemist J. J. Berzelius definedthe term 'Organic Chemistry' in his book Lectures in Animal Chemistryas 'the chemistry of organized matter.' Implicit in this definition was thethought that the chemical substances produced by living things were funda-mentally different from the 'inorganic materials' found in inanimate matterand that they constituted a separate field of study. This view persisted for awhile but began to disappear following the synthesis by Friedrich Wohlerin 1828 of the 'organic' compound urea from the supposedly 'inorganic'compound ammonium cyanate. The synthesis was a simple chemical re-arrangement brought about by heat as described by the equation below:NH4CNO = NH2CO.NH2However the conversion of the inorganic compound into an organic one wasnot so clear-cut as might be desired, since the ammonium cyanate althoughconsidered an 'inorganic compound' itself was obtained via the heating ofdried blood, horn and hides with iron and potash, definitely 'organic' sources.The final blow to the 'Vitalism' theory Š the idea that the constituents ofliving organisms could only be made through the operation of some mysteriousvital force Š was dealt by H. Kolbe in 1845. Kolbe succeeded in synthesizingthe organic compound acetic acid using only the elements carbon, sulphur,hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine.His synthesis involved, first, the heating together of carbon and sulphurto form carbon disulphide (Equation 1). The carbon disulphide was thenchlorinated to produce carbon tetrachloride (Equation 2). When the latterwas passed through a red-hot tube, tetrachlorethylene and free chlorine wereformed (Equation 3). In the presence of water and direct sunlight these twoproducts combined to form trichloracetic acid (Equation 4). Reductive hydro-lysis of the latter with potassium amalgam as a source of nascent hydrogenyielded acetic acid (Equation 5).T. WOOD43C4-S ^> CSCS, + 2CL BH»-C12CCLCOOH2CC14-2H2O+-6[H]GC14CCL4- 2S4- 2C1CCLCOOH + 3HC1CH,COOH 4- 3HC1Equation 1.Equation 2.Equation 3.Equation 4.Equation 5.In 1833, Payen, who was director of a sugar factory in Paris, and Persos,a university teacher, described the precipitation by alcohol of an extract ofmalt to give an impure preparation of diastase, the enzyme that convertsstarch to sugar. This was the first preparation of an enzyme and used a tech-nique which is still widely used by biochemists to this day, that is the pre-cipitation of enzymes by alcohols and other organic solvents. The recogni-tion by Berzelius of the nature of enzymes led him in 1836 to develop the idea,and introduce the term, 'catalysis'. He wrote:we have good reason to suppose that in living plants and animalsthousands of catalytic processes are taking place between the tissuesand the fluids, producing the multitude of dissimilar chemical com-pounds for whose formation from the common raw material, sap,or blood, we had not been able to think of any cause, but which, infuture we shall probably find in the catalytic power of the organictissue of which the organs of the living body consist.This was a remarkably clear enunciation and description of what werecognize nowadays as the field of 'intermediary metabolism'. It is interestingto note that it was not, as some might think, that the phenomenon ofcatalysis was discovered and enzymes were subsequently recognized to becatalysts, but that the whole idea of catalysis stemmed directly from an under-tanding of the nature of enzyme action.Fermentation, In the nineteenth century fermentation was a mysterious pro-cess by which sugar was turned into alcohol that had been known sinceRoman times. In 1818, Erxleben, a German industrial chemist, published asmall book on fermentation in which he suggested that yeast was a plantwhose growth caused fermentation. This entirely correct idea, however, ap-peared before its time and Erxleben's theory was overlooked. Then, duringthe three years 1835 to 1837 three separate individuals, Cagniard de La Tour,Theodor Schwann, and Kiitzing independently put forward the idea thatyeast was a living organism and Schwann explained how this plant-likematerial was responsible for fermentation, converting sugar into carbon dioxideand alcohol Š the idea put forward by Erxleben some 20 years earlier.The scientific establishment of that time were reluctant to accept thetruth of these ideas and in 1839, Wohler, aided and abetted by Justus vonLiebig, who was at that time the editor of Annalen der Chemie, published ananonymous article in that journal attacking Schwann's theories and ridiculingwith heavy teutonic sarcasm the microscopic observations on which they werebased. He described the observations that he himself had been able to makewith the aid of a fictitious super-microscope:It is possible to distinguish clearly a stomach and intestine, theanus as a pink spot, and the urine-forming organs. From the moment44BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MAN"they escape from the egg, these animals visibly gulp down sugar outof the solution and one can see it quite clearly arriving at the stomach.There it is instantaneously digested, as shown by the expulsion ofexcrement which follows promptly. In short, these infusoria feed onsugar and release alcohol from the bowels and carbonic acid fromthe urinary organs.And all this in a yeast cell, not much more than a blob under many modernmicroscopes!Baron von Liebig, who had done a great deal to apply the conceptsand methods of chemistry to such diverse fields as agriculture, physiology,and pathology, was reluctant to admit that the chemical changes of fermenta-tion required the mysterious 'vital force' of living organisms and believedthat fermentation was the result of the shaking apart of the sugar moleculeby the ferment (enzyme) arising from putrefying bodies. Thus, there ensueda lengthy debate between the main protagonists, Liebig and Pasteur, overthe nature of fermentation. Pasteur upheld the view that there was 'nofermentation without life', and Liebig that fermentation was a purely chemicalprocess catalysed by yeast or by some chemical substance derived from it.Then, in 1897, Eduard Biichner and his brother Hans, working in Tubin-gen, suceeded by accident in obtaining fermentation without the presenceof cells. The story of how they came to do so is a prime example of the well-known principle in science of 'Serendipity'. They were attempting to preparean extract of yeast for the purpose of feeding it to patients to determine itstherapeutic effects. The yeast was first ground with sand, then kieselguhrwas added and the liquid was squeezed out in a press. Having obtained ayeast 'press-juice' in this manner, the next problem was how to prevent theliquid from going bad. Most ordinary antiseptics available at that time suchas phenol and mercury were too poisonous for human consumption, so theyhit on the idea of using the kitchen technique of preserving the juice byadding large amounts of sugar. Imagine their surprise when very soon theliquid began to bubble and froth and show all the signs of a vigorous fer-mentation!Thus both Pasteur and Liebig were correct! There could be no fermenta-tion without either chemical substances (enzymes) produced from living, oronce-living cells, or, the presence of the cells themselves.The fermentation of sugar by yeast-juice, although spectacular, comesto an end after a while, even though there is plenty of sugar remaining, whereaswith living yeast the fermentation continues until either the sugar is all usedup, or the alcohol level rises to a point where the cells can no longer operate.The British biochemists Harden and Young, in London in 1905, found thatif inorganic phosphate is added at this stage of arrest the fermentation startsagain and continues. They discovered that phosphate is required because,during fermentation, the inorganic phosphate is converted into organic phos-phates, the sugar phosphates, and phosphate originally present in the yeastjuice is used up and the fermentation is unable to proceed. When intact yeastcells are present, their content of phosphate is recycled and fermentationcontinues.T*. WOOD45Their discovery, together with the later investigations of such well-knownearly biochemists as Embden, Meyerhof, Warburg, and Parnas, led to theelucidation of the glycolysis pathway (Fig. 1), sometimes known as theEmbden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. Many of the biochemical reactions ofibis pathway are common to both the process of fermentation and to theconversion of glycogen to lactic acid which occurs in contracting muscles.Thus a whole era of Muscle Biochemistry was opened up. In 1929, Hardenwas awarded a half-share in the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his part in thesediscoveries.In 1926, James Sumner in America had a remarkable achievement. Hepurified the enzyme urease from jack-bean meal and succeded in crystallizingit and showed that it was a protein. Thus Sumner became the first man tocrystallize an enzyme and to show that enzymes, although enormously complex,resembled other crystalline organic compounds such as cane-sugar or naph-thalene. His results, however, did not go uncontested and they were vigorouslydenounced by Willstatter, a respected German biochemist who had con-centrated many enzymes but had been unable to detect any protein in theirsolutions. These anomalous results were due to the insensitivity of the methodsthen in use to demonstrate the presence of protein rather than to the absenceof the same. Thus, even as late as 1929, three years after Sumner's achieve-ment, the Encyclopaedia Brittanica stated that 'Enzymes were formerly thoughtto be proteins, but this is no longer believed.' However, during the nextfew years, Northrup, another American biochemist, purified and crystallizedseveral more enzymes and showed them likewise to be proteins Š a viewwhich is one of the basic tenets of modern-day Biochemistry.That this year is the fiftieth anniversary of Sumner's discovery has notbeen overlooked in biochemical circles and recently Theorell recounted thefollowing story. Svedberg was in his office in Uppsala when there came aring at the door. He opened the door, and there stood a man, unknown tohim, who said 'My name is James B. Sumner, I have crystallized an enzyme',vSvedberg immediately concluded the man to be mentally ill and saying, 'Yes,yes, one moment' in a placatory manner, he hastily shut the door, locking itfrom the insideFrom the time of Sumner's discovery the science of biochemistry wasfirmly established as a separate discipline and in the years to follow came tofull flower in England, France, Germany and America.Having presented this short historical sketch, I should now like to go onto outline for you some ways in which biochemistry has been of benefit toMan.Inborn Errors of Metabolism, At the beginning of this century A. H. Garrod,a physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, was studying the raredisorder known as alcaptonuria. This condition is characterized by the passingof urine of a normal colour and appearance, but which, on standing in theair gradually darkens and finally turns black Š an occurrence, you can imagine,which would cause some concern to the unfortunate subject. This pheno-menon is due to the presence in the urine of large quantities of a substance46Yeast onlyBIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MANMain Glycolysis PathGlucose or GlycogenGlucose-6-phosphateFructose-6-phosphateFructose-1,6-diphosphate\Dihydroxyacetone Glyceraldehydephosphate ^~^ phosphateInorganic phosphate1,3-Diphosphogiyceric acid3-Phosphog!ycerateMuscle only2-PhosphoaiyceratePhcapho-enci-pyruvatePyruvateCarbon dioxideAcetaldehydeAlcoholFigure I: THE GLYCOLYSIS PATHWAYLactateT. WOOD47'-CHCHNHCOOH2 2phenyialaninephenylalaninehydroxylaseHO"CHCKNHCOOH2 2tyrosinetyrosinetransaminaseiV-CH-C-COOH2 II0p-hydroxy fDheny] py QJviHOH COOH\/CCOOH nfumaricacidCH,I -COCH,COOH^ qcetogcet[c_acidhydroiase enzymeHitCOH/C.H.H/ HO'COOH.c.H\COOHaadLmaieyiGcetoaceticacid 'isomeraseoxidase enzymeOHH-OH homogentisicXacid oxidaseHCH2COOHhomo gejitisjcjicjdH COOH OH C-COOHmaleylacetoaceti£_acidFigure 2: THE ENZYMATIC PATHWAY OF BREAKDOWN OF PHENYLALANINEAND TYROSINE48BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MANcalled homogentisic acid which is not present in normal urine and rapidlybecomes oxidized in air to a black pigment.Now, Garrod fed homogentisic acid to persons suffering from alcapto-nuria and found that it passed through the body unchanged and was all ex-creted in the urine. When it was fed to normal people, however, the homo-gentisic acid was metabolized away and did not appear in the urine. Garrodalso showed that the excretion of homogentisic acid was increased by feedingprotein and that giving the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosinealone would increase homogentisic acid output.From these facts, he inferred that homogentisic acid was a normal inter-mediate in the pathway for the metabolic breakdown of these two aminoacids and that, in a person inflicted with alcaptonuria, there was a lack ofone or more of the enzymes responsible for breaking down these amino acidswith the result that this compound accumulated in the tissues and sub-sequently overflowed into the urine. Correct as these ideas were, it was notuntil some 50 years later that the complete metabolic pathway for the cata-bolism of these two amino acids was fully worked out (Fig. 2) and themissing enzyme was identified as homogentisic acid oxidase, thus completelysubstantiating Garrod's hypothesis.Garrod also investigated the distribution of this disorder among thevarious members of the family of each patient. At a time when the ideas ofGregor Mendel on inheritance were just beginning to be applied, he deducedthat the condition could be explained as being due to the inheritance of adouble dose of a rare Mendelian factor, or as we would say nowadays, adouble dose of a recessive gene. Garrod introduced the term 'inborn errorctf metabolism' to describe this type of condition, indicating that an inheritedfault in the body's metabolic machinery was responsible for the abnormalsymptoms. This term is now widely used and the well-known geneticist HarryHarris in his latest book on Human Biochemical Genetics has listed some 25different disorders associated with a hereditary deficiency of the corresponding25 different enzymes and a selection of these is given in Table I.Table IINBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISMDisorderHexokinase deficiency hemolytic anaemiaHereditary fructose intoleranceFavismGalactosemiaMcArdle's diseaseCongenital lactose intolerancePhenylketonuriaGaucher*s diseaseNieman-Pick diseaseLesch-Nyhan syndromeEnzyme LackingHexokinaseLiver aldolaseGlucose 6-phosphatedehydrogenaseGalactose 1-phosphateuridyl transferaseMuscle phosphorylaseLactasePhenylalanine4-hydroxylaseGlucocerebrosidaseSphyngomyelinaseHypoxanthine-guaninephosphoribosyltransferaseT. WOOD49From our present-day understanding of these disorders of metabolismhave arisen the possibilities of control and of remedial action. For example,some babies suffer from galactosemia, a disorder in which galactose accumu-lates in the tissues due to an inherited inability to metabolize lactose, andcataract and liver disorders result. These infants can now be kept free fromsymptoms by denying them milk of all types and feeding them a galactose-free diet. When they reach puberty another enzyme takes over the functionof the one that is missing and thenceforth the children develop normally. Inanother defect ol phenylalanine metabolism known as phenylketonuria,phenylpyruvic acid is excreted in the urine and the accumulation of this sub-stance in the tissues soon causes mental deficiency. Although they cannot befed a phenylalamne-free diet because phenylalanine is an essential bodyconstituent, persons suffering from this defect can be helped considerably ifthey are maintained from birth on a diet low in phenylalanine, so that onlythe barest minimum for body requirements is provided.Another way by which the incidence of 'inborn errors of metabolism'may be decreased is by 'genetic counselling*. Persons carrying defective geneswho may not themselves suffer from any symptoms of disease may be identi-fied by modern biochemical methods. Once identified the position can beexplained to them and they may be given advice so that they do not un-knowingly produce afflicted children. Finally, in the future, with the recenttechniques of 'genetic engineering1 there is the exciting possibility that onemay be able to insert a gene into the organism, or into the egg cell, to replacethe gene which has been identified as defective.Cassava. The science of biochemistry has also brought great benefits to Manin connection with the growing and production, preservation and preparationof his food. As an example, I should like to describe some ways in whichbiochemical studies have been of service in a field with which I have hadsome personal connection.The cassava plant is a very important root crop throughout TropicalAfrica, South America and Asia. It is a plant bearing swollen edible tubers,which when cooked are not unlike potato and consist mainly of carbo-hydrate. Although low in protein, it is a good source of calcium, and theleaves (that can be cooked as a green vegetable) are rich in vitamin C. How-ever, it has one serious nutritional drawback. The plant is poisonous! TheCHOHC ENFigure 3: LINAMARIN50BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MANtuber contains a cyanogenic glucoside called linamarin (Fig. 3). This com-pound is the beta-glucoside of acetone cyanohydrin, akin to amygdalin aglycoside containing benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide which is the poison-ous constituent of bitter almonds. It is a compound which can be brokendown to produce cyanide. There is also present in the cassava plant, anenzyme called linamarase, which can hydrolyse linamarin to produce hydrogencyanide, an extremely poisonous substance better known under the name ofprussic acid. Hence the designation of the glucoside as 'cyanogenic' or cyanide-producing.Traditional methods of preparing and cooking the cassava root resultin the release and removal of much of the hydrogen cyanide. The tubers arefirst peeled and the extremely poisonous peel is thrown away. Then the peeledtuber is cut up and mashed or steeped in water so that a considerable part ofthe hydrogen cyanide resulting from enzymic action is removed in the wash-water or lost by volatilization to the air. Finally the tuber is boiled or roastedand more of the toxic material may be volatilized in these processes. Never-theless, occasional incidents of acute poisoning due to the ingestion of cassavado occur, probably as the result of careless treatment of the tuber or of thecooking of an unusually toxic strain of the plant. Almost no research hasbeen carried out on the question as to whether chronic poisoning occurs fromthe eating of cassava over a period of many years, although there are strongindications that such symptoms as blindness, liver enlargement, and dis-orders of the nervous system might be expected to result from such a staplediet. At the present time there is considerable interest by international aidorganizations in methods of increasing the production of a less toxic gradeof cassava which can be fed to both humans and pigs.The release of hydrogen cyanide from cassava root was first demonstratedby Henry and Boutron Chalard in 1836. But it was not until 1906 that Dun-stan and the same Henry (who must have been about 90 at the time!) isolatedlinamarin in a pure form and reported that hydrogen cyanide was liberatedby hydrolysis of the glucoside with hot dilute acid. Much subsequent workplant material QUtolysiscontaining linamarinHCNhot acidundecomposedlinamann100%yieldofHCNFigure 4: THE ASSAY OF LINAMARINhas been carried out by agriculturists, medical men, and nutritionists, directedto studying the cultivation and improvement of cassava of low toxicity and theeffects of eating it on man and animals. Nearly all of these studies have de-T. WOOD51pended upon an accurate measurement of the amount of cyanogenic glucosidepresent by means of the assay procedure outlined in Figure 4. The assayconsists of a self-digestion, or autolysis, of the plant material, followed by ahot acid-hydrolysis and measurement of the hydrogen cyanide liberated.Although much useful information has been gathered from studies using thisprocedure, many of the results obtained have contained anomalies and in-consistencies.More recent research, however, using improved procedures for purifyingthe glucoside and studying its biochemical properties has revealed that lina-marin does not in fact yield significant amounts of hydrogen cyanide whentreated with hot acid and that only treatment with linamarase can break downthe glucoside to produce this substance. The former results merely reflectedthe ability of hot acid to facilitate the release of hydrogen cyanide alreadyformed by traces of enzyme in the linamarin sample.As a consequence of a misinterpretation of results in this obscure cornerof natural product research, an unknown number of the thousands of measure-ments made in the past of hydrogen cyanide levels in the plant are incorrect.The amount of hydrogen cyanide actually measured depended more uponthe amount of the enzyme linamarase in the sample and on the length of timeallowed for the autolysis step, than on the amount of the glucoside present.Thus, only a fraction of the amount present may have been measured by thefaulty assay procedure, which was based upon the false premise that hydrogencyanide not liberated by self-digestion would be liberated in the second stageof the procedure by acid hydrolysis.Later biochemical studies have led to improved procedures for theassay of the glucoside and it is hoped that future advances in our knowledgeof cassava and of the toxic effects ol the glucoside will henceforth rest on asound analytical foundation.The Development of Chemotherapy. In St Petersburg, in the year 1891, aRussian medical man, Romanovsky, was using a special microscopic stain(consisting of a mixture of eosin and methylene blue) that he had developed,to study the blood of patients being treated for malaria with quinine. Underthe microscope he observed that the malarial parasites within the red bloodcells of these patients showed signs of damage; the nuclei of the parasiteswere beginning to disintegrate and, when he observed blood from these samepatients a few days later the parasites had completely disappeared.Romanovsky concluded that quinine acted by damaging the parasitemore than it damaged the host and he suggested that without doubt othercompounds could be discovered that would cause maximal damage to theinvading parasite and only minimal damage to the host. This idea, however,was not favourably received and was ignored, being ahead of its time, untilsome ten years later it was resurrected by Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich coined theterm 'chemotherapy', literally 'therapy by the use of chemicals', and he definedit as 'the use of drags to invading organism without injury to thehost'. Ehrlich was fond til describing his ideas of chemotherapy in terms of a'magic bullet' with which, it was possible to shoot micro-organisms without52BIOCHEMISTRY AND BENEFIT TO MANharming the human body. The idea was embodied in the 'chemotherapeuticindex' which he defined as the ratio:Minimal Curative DoseMaximal Tolerated DoseThus, a drug which produces a cure when given at a dose of 1 mg/kgand causes harmful effects at a dose of 50 mg/kg has a chemotherapeuticindex of 1/50 or 0,02. Nowadays we also speak of 'selective toxicity' andenvisage a drug being specifically designed to inhibit some enzymic or meta-bolic process going on in an invading organism and at the same time beinginnocuous to the host.Unfortunately, this goal of 'rational chemotherapy' is most often achievedthrough producing the 'chemotherapy' first by the blind, good old-fashionedmethod of 'trial and error' and the 'rationale' for the success or otherwiseof the drug is only adduced at a much later date. For example, those mostsuccessful drugs, the penicillins, act by blocking the biosynthesis of muramicacid peptides in the cell walls of bacteria by virtue of their similarity instructure to part of the peptide molecule in the bacterium (Fig. 5). Penicillinkills growing bacteria because the newly synthesized cell wall is defectiveand cannot contain the high internal pressure which is a characteristic of thebacterial cell. As a result the cells burst and die. The human and mamalianFigure 5: THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE ACYL-D-ALANYL-D-ALANINE PEPTIDE OF THE BACTERIAL CELL WALL (A-CO- . . .)AND OF A PENICILLIN (B-CO- . . .) COMPAREDT. WOOD53hosts do not have cell walls of this structure so a truly selective action onmicro-organisms results. This mechanism of penicillin action was only elu-cidated, however, some 20 years after the introduction of the penicillinfamily into clinical medicine.Nevertheless, as our knowledge of the principles of selective toxicityincreases and our understanding of biochemical mechanisms in all sorts ofliving organism expands, so the ultimate goal draws nearer Š the day onwhich a biochemist can sit down at his desk and, using his hard-gained know-ledge of the differences in metabolism between a given parasite and its host,he may design a truly selective drug that will kill the parasite without harm-ing the host in any way and thus fulfill Paul Ehrlich's dream of the 'magicbullet''