Zamhezia (1977), 5 (i).PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACH*W. R. MACKECHNIEDepartment of Civil Engineering, University of RhodesiaTHE PRESENTATION OF an inaugural lecture is an occasion to which theincumbents of all Chairs look forward with varying degrees of trepidation.One feels that the University authorities themselves also exhibit trepidationin the matter and for this reason they require a softening-up period beforeallowing the candidate to take the floor. I prefer to compare this to thatwell-tried procedure in reinforced concrete work of allowing final set to occurand following this by curing, before the shuttering and props are strippedand removed. That is the moment of truth for a structure, and that momenthas now arrived for me and the new Department of Civil Engineering.My first duty must be to repeat the thanks expressed to the contributorsto, and supporters of, the Faculty Fund Raising Appeal. The response ofthe profession, industry, local authorities, large public companies and financehouses, has been extremely generous. Without their faith in our Faculty andthus in its constituent departments, there would, as yet, be no Faculty ofEngineering in Rhodesia. We wish them to know that we very much ap-preciate their acts of faith; and that we are eager to accept the challengeimplied, and will do our utmost to justify their confidence in us. We areparticularly delighted with the response in terms of student numbers andto them and their faith in joining us we intend to respond as effectively aslies within our power.1 feel it incumbent upon me to treat the broad field of civil engineering,rather than to choose a topic within my own experience or particular interest.This makes it necessary to look at the development of the subject and theprofession from its very beginnings, but without involving us in too detaileda history of technology.Engineering achievements in early history before the advent of machinery,invariably involved the expenditure of very considerable effort in terms ofmanhours; and the civil engineering projects of those days, just as they dotoday, not only required the ability to conceive the completed project and themethods to be used during construction, with due regard to feasibility andto the materials available, but also were particularly dependent on the abilityto manage men. The failure of the Tower of Babel was assuredly an exampleof a failure in engineering management rather than a foundation or a struc-tural failure. In fact, the Tower of Babel was probably a Ziggurat or templeand some of the most massive of these structures are reputed to have beenAn inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Rhodesia on 8 May 19755558PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACH250 m in height Š veritable man-made mountains, beside which the greatpyramids pale into insignificance. The city walls of Sumeria were also ofmonumental proportions; the highest were of the order of 60m, with basewidths of 30m. Irrigation and flood control techniques, coupled with fertilesoils, gave rise to an agricultural surplus and, on this hinged the ability ofthe Assyrians and Sumerians to indulge in the structural excesses alreadymentioned. The responsibility of the engineer builder was brought home tohim by the Hammurabic code which would have put him to death if failureof his structures caused loss of life, and the sentence might well includemembers of his family if a family were killed in a collapse: a mantle ofresponsibility which rightly continues but is more humanely applied today.The materials available dictated the structural forms used and the lifeof the structures. The Tigris-Euphrates people worked largely in sunburntbrick with little timber or stone; and as their rivers were relatively wild, fewof their engineering achievements survived the ravages of time. The Egyptiancivilization was better protected by the desert barrier, and the Nile wasnaturally regulated and more predictable. This enabled consistent agriculturalsurpluses to be used for trade. Barges and ships were built, and stone andtimber were added to brick as the principal building materials. Structuralform was still largely confined to columns and lmtels but larger spans werefeasible. The engineer reached a peak in the public esteem and the quality oflife was high.The first major revolt against technology appears to have been that ofancient Greece. There, philosophical thought, music and the arts, and sport,caused an eclipse of technology. Scientific principles tended to be confinedto their pure and philosophical applications rather than to any engineeringapplications. Greek civilization spread to Syracuse in Sicily where probablythe best known exponent of engineering was Archimedes. It was symptomaticof those times that he is best remembered for his principle, the problem ofthe alloy of King Hieron's crown, rather than for his war machines whichwere fine engineering developments. Regrettably, even he was conditionedto decry his own practical achievements compared to his contributions toscientific principles. The Romans were well aware of his potential usefulnessand Marcellus gave explicit instructions that Archimedes be taken alive.Unfortunately, he was killed while busily engaged in sketching new designson the beach sands.The Romans were a motivated and pragmatic people with a real senseof purpose in life. While we may dispute just who introduced the arch andthe use of concrete, they certainly deserve the credit for having had thecourage to exploit new structural forms and to advance the art and practiceof engineering by venturing forward to ever larger spans, new materials andnovel techniques. Concrete was made by mixing natural pozzolithic volcanicmaterials with lime, shuttering and centering, and propping techniques wereestablished. The timber truss was introduced and developed, and simpleJintels became rarer. The 43m dome of the Pantheon, and the long span semi-circular arches of their bridges and aqueducts, such as the Pont du Gard,W. R. MACKECHNIB57continue to bear testimony to the excellence of their work. However, founda-tion engineering was not the Romans' strong point and they failed to ap-preciate the need to use bonded piers or to design to resist scour in riverbeds. This led to many bridge failures and, following the collapse of theRoman Empire, bridge building became a lost art.The eras which we have dealt with all depended upon the increasinglyefficient labour-management techniques which the rulers had delegated totheir armies. Doubtless there are still wild moments when the civil engineeringcontractor might relish the re-introduction of slavery. The slaves, of course,were those who practised and could benefit technically, particularly in timesof peace, when the art of engineering could be perfected and propagated.Therein lies the reason for degeneration of the public esteem in which theengineer was held. Engineering had the taint of a servile profession.No survey of engineering could omit the Roman Road. That these roadsserved their purpose for Roman needs cannot be disputed, but they againillustrate the economic excesses in which one could indulge with slave labour.Pavement thickness of 1 to 1| metres in mortar, concrete and masonry werecommon and could have carried the abnormal loads of today. Unfortunately,their route location technique was generally confined to taking a direct bear-ing from A to B. This resulted in steep gradients and disadvantageous crossingsof marshes and rivers. They attempted to come to conclusions with naturerather than to persuade and seduce her: these two essential arts of the CivilEngineer had yet to be learnt. The Roman road provided good access to laterinvaders and the Anglo-Saxons and others soon learnt the advantages ofliving as far from them as possible, and made little effort to maintain them.Bridge building was revived in the twelfth century by the Benedictineorder, Fratres Pontifices. London Bridge (is falling down) was one of theirproducts. The ability to build bridges was then considered to require divineinspiration and vouchsafed only to men of extreme piety. This probablyaccounts for the Pope's title retained to the present day of Pontifex Maximusor bridge builder-in-chief!The schism between the Structural Engineer and the Architect was in-evitable, as no man can be everything to all men, yet who is to say just whenit occurred? Perhaps it was in Roman times and perhaps in the Byzantineperiod or the perpendicular or even the late Renaissance, the seventeenthor even in the twentieth century, where we have had our Le Corbusiers andNervis. Structural fonn began to flex its muscles again in Norman times witha revival of basic Roman techniques. The dome which had been perfected atSt Sophia, Constantinople, in the sixth century in all its glory with penditivearches and semi-dome buttresses, returned to Venice in the shape of StMark's which was commenced in 977 A.D. An interesting feature of Byzantinedomes was the use of earthenware jars as void formers to reduce dead loads.The permanence of stone for roofing as opposed to timber, led to thedevelopment of vaults and groins, the pointed arch and the flying buttress.A sympathy for structural action and interaction developed and theory beganto be related to practice. The fine cathedrals of France and England bear58PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHtestimony to the development of structure. In England the overall charge ofengineering work was vested in the Surveyor-General and holders of this officewere men such as Inigo Jones and Sir Christopher Wren. The latter, in myview, was one of the last who could really claim to be the embodiment ofArchitect, Engineer, and Town Planner. Wren's masterpiece, St Paul's, in-corporates a triple dome each serving its own particular purpose. The outerdome is lead on timber to resist the weather, the intermediate conical brickstructure supports the stone lantern and the ball and cross, while the innerbrick dome is serving a purely decorative function. The previous and evenlarger St Paul's, a grander version of Salisbury (Wilts) Cathedral, had thehighest spire of its time, but was so badly damaged in the Great Fire thatWren's attempts at renovation were unsuccessful and led to a serious collapse.Doubtless he benefited from the experience. The present structure indicateda return to a more conservative solution. St Paul's has shown signs of distressand the chain which resists the dome's thrust has required strengthening andreplacement. After 300 years small settlements continue to occur and thebuilding has now been monitored for over fifty years since the major renova-tions (1925-30) with precise levelling to an accuracy of three hundredths of amillimetre, with linear checks to a tenth of this accuracy and continuousrecords of subsoil water levels. It is a moving experience to go down intothe crypt of St Paul's and study the model of the original spired church tosee the massiveness of the present columns and to take note of Wren's epitaph*Si monumentum requiris circumspice'.The Rebellion of 1715 in Britain clearly illustrated the need for bettercommunications in the North; and the Army, which still carried out thistype of work in peacetime, set to under that fine Engineer, General GeorgeWade. In the next thirty years, he planned and constructed some 260 milesof the 1 100 miles of military roads eventually constructed in Scotland andbuilt some 30 bridges. As slavery was now a thing of the past in Britain, hepaid his labour Š Is, a, day for sergeants and artificers; Sd. for corporalsand drummers, and 6d. for privates. The 30 bridges cost a total of £7 183and the roads £16 000 (or £67 per mile). The couplet was coined by Caulfield:If you'd seen these roads before they were madeYou'd lift up your hands and bless General Wade.Good roads are a two-edged sword and Bonnie Prince Charlie made good useof Wade's roads in midwinter 1745-6 in advancing right through Scotlandto Derby before lack of local support convinced him that discretion was thebetter part of valour. Wade and his army were cut off by snow in Newcastleand even the invocation of the fourth verse to the then British NationalAnthem which ran as follows:God grant that Marshall WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bringMay he sedition hushand like a torrent rushRebellious Scots to crushGod save the KingW. R. MACKECHNIE59proved to be no substitute for a full road network. The '45 did lead to theconstmction of three times as many further military roads in the followinghalf century and provided much of the motivation for engineering trainingand skills in Scotland, Whether Robert Burns had been travelling on Wade'sroads or others is not recorded, but he did have this to say about 3780:I'm now arrived Š thanks to the gods!Thro' pathways rough and muddy,A certain sign that makin' roadsIs no this people's study.Engineering was developing fastest in continental Europe in the eighteenthcentury, notably in France, with the establishment of the Ecoles des Pontset Chaussees in 1747; in Germany at Karlsruhe, and in Holland where theproblems of sea defences and drainage were paramount.The canal as a means of economical transportation sparked develop-ments in Britain. It led to the associated canal aqueducts, canal tunnels, andlocks of Brindley and Telford and to the development of that marvel ofbrawn and muscle in the muck-shifting field, the navvy who worked on thenavigations.Economic pressures and the competition of free enterprise became para-mount; the railway rapidly overtook the canal and there was no longer timefor the tried and trusted system of training based solely on apprenticeshipand experience. Experience had to be distilled and the initial dose of engineer-ing education in theory and principles was conceived. The pooling of practicalobservation and knowledge led first to the foundation of the Smeatonian.Society of Engineers, and independently, thereafter, to the Institution of CivilEngineers in 1818, with Thomas Telford as its first President. The adjective'civiF was chosen about this time to distinguish them from military engineers,both branches having previously co-existed simply as engineers prior to this.Figure 1: TELFORD'S MUNAI SUSPENSION BRIDGE60PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHFigure 1 illustrates Thomas Telford's suspension bridge across the MenaiStraits in Wales. This was an unprecedented and remarkable achievementfor its time (1820), spanning 168m and permitting the passage beneath it oftall men-of-war, an admiralty requirement. Telford assembled his suspensionchains across a nearby valley as a preliminary check on their adequacy lest onerection on site over the water lie might lose them due to a failure. Apragmatic and eminently logical engineering approach to a problem.Figure 2 illustrates the Britannia Tubular Bridge constructed across thesame Straits in 1825 by Robert Stephenson. Understandably his railwaybridge had to be constructed on the next best site and here the waterway was300m in width but a rock in mid-channel, known as Britannia Rock, enableda solution using two main spans of 150m each to be adopted. The magnitudeof the bridge can be appreciated by noting that the height of the main towersat 70m approximates to that of Salisbury's highest buildings. Stephensonproposed an arch solution initially but this was rejected by the Admiralty whohad previously rejected a similar initial proposal by Telford. Stephensondesigned and built a one-sixth scale model to satisfy himself as to his proposalsbefore adopting the tubular box girder solution; even then he made provisionfor the use of ancilliary suspension cables from the towers as can be clearlyseen in the figure. Recently the Britannia Bridge was damaged by a fire in-volving wooden railway sleepers and it is ironic that the solution adoptedto recommission it has been the provision of arch supporting structures belowthe box girders.Figure 2: STFPHI:NSON'S BRITANNIA BRIDGEFigure 3 shows the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem, a reminderthat construction of considerable intricacy had been carried out by theMoslems at an even earlier date. Spare little thought for the present goldendome; it is mere anodized aluminium less than a decade old, but concentrateon the model of the Dome of the Chain on the lower right which was builtas a model prior to construction of the Mosque itself, and appreciate the use-fulness of models of structures in their conception and development.The earliest recorded teaching of engineering at a university in Britainwas that of Professor Robison in Edinburgh, one of whose most famousstudents was John Rennie, who replaced London Bridge, after it was finallyW. R. MACKECHNIE61Figure 3: THE DOMES OF THE ROCK AND THE CHAIN, JERUSALEMpermitted to fall down, with the most elegant arch structure which has onlyrecently been dismantled and re-erected in America.University College London, introduced courses in engineering in 1827,but the Inaugural Professor failed to take up his appointment. Thus, creditfor the first full University School of Engineering in the English-speaking worldgoes to King's College, London in 1838. The Massachussetts Institute ofTechnology opened in 1865; Cambridge appointed its first engineering pro-fessor in 1875. The University of Cape Town's first Professor of Civil Engineer-ing took his seat on their Senate in 1903. Oxford only followed suit as recentlyas 1909 and even Professor Southwell stated in 1930 that it would be rashto assume that the respectability of engineering as a University Faculty wasyet beyond dispute.The Institution of Civil Engineers has maintained its involvement withcivil-engineering education throughout. The contribution they have madehas stood the test of time and flourished in the English-speaking world savein America, where, I am convinced, they are the poorer for it. While theprogressive division of the profession into constituent institutions Š mechani-cal, electrical, and many others Š was understandable, it can only be re-gretted. This division of influence and purpose was confined to Britain andSouth Africa and I can only express my delight that this is not the case inRhodesia, nor in the other countries of the Commonwealth.The magic of the appeal of civil engineering is in the catholic nature ofthe civil engineer's involvement in the requirements of society. Few civilengineering projects do not require that breadth of knowledge Š definedin the Charter of the Institution of Civil Engineers (London) as 'being theart of directing the great sources of power in Nature for the use and con-venience of Man' Š or the possession of the attributes noted on the coat of62PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHarms, 'Science and Ingenuity'. Examination of the 1828 Charter shows thaiit goes on to define the scope of the profession in detailas a means of production and of traffic in States both for Externaland Interna] trade as applied in the construction of roads, bridgesaqueducts, canals, river navigation and docks for internal inter-course and exchange, and in the construction of ports, harbours,moles, breakwaters and lighthouses and in the art of navigationby artificial power for the purposes of commerce and in the con-struction and adaptation of machinery and in the drainage of citiesand towns.While some of you may gasp, we in the profession can only say that, whilesome of these topics have been delegated, the increase in scope has beenvast and a concise definition is no longer possible. The Civil Engineer mustset his sights on an expanding universe. He cannot afford to enter a restrictivefield because that will result in a particular identity, and thus loss of thecivil engineering identity, which depends on leadership and breadth of vision.When I joined the University, I was asked to consider a name for my depart-ment other than 'Civil Engineering' to indicate the unity and commonness ofpurpose which we certainly intend to foster and develop here in the Facultyof Engineering in Rhodesia. I gave the matter earnest consideration andwas faced with 'civil' engineering or a string of ten adjectives to only oneof which I could dare profess. I believe that the decision to retain the originaltitle of 'Civil Engineering' was the correct one, and that any other titlewould be either divisive or pretentious.The growth of cities in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries led toever increasing problems in the provision of services particularly the provisionof water and the disposal of sewage. I trust you will not think me too jingo-istic if I continue to refer to London and Britain on a few further occasionsbefore coming closer to home. In 1815 the cesspools of London could beconnected to the sewers; there followed serious cholera epidemics between1831 and 1854 with up to 20 000 deaths in the worst years. The sewers dis-charged all along the Thames and the 'big stink1 of 1858 is said to havebeen so bad that the committee rooms of Parliament were untenable. Thisprobably explains the speed with which the amending legislation was passedto enable the main-drainage system (still functioning) to be financed. How-ever, there was a resistance to the proposals from many quarters who showeda strong resentment at London's good sewage being thrown into the seaand not being retained as manure for their benefit.I think this illustrates thatwe are not necessarily at the bottom of the trough today but may well beclimbing back to conditions of sanity and reasonableness in the pollutionfield.The railways reigned supreme for the remainder of the nineteenthcentury; bridges, and viaducts, cuttings, embankments and tunnels pro-liferated, and theory and engineering materials developed in an attempt tokeep pace with the natural challenges presented by topography. The bridgeof the century was certainly the Forth Bridge (Fig. 4), with its three massivecantilever double frames in tubular riveted steel. Sir Benjamin Baker'sW. R. MACKECHNIE63Figure 4: THE FORTH RAILWAY BRIDGE (Benjamin Baker)structural concept and Sir William Arrol's triumph of construction, a tech-nique you will not see repeated, as it represents a labour-intensive systemwhich would be just as uneconomic today as rebuilding Hadrians Wall, usingstone masons.That the Firth of Forth has been bridged once more we all appreciate(Fig 5). The new suspension structure leaps the waters with grace and powerFigure 5: THE FORTH ROAD (SUSPENSION BRIDGE)and particular lightness in the towers Š a by-product of a recent and morelogical approach to combined compression and bending stress analysis.The estimate for rebuilding Hadrians Wall in 1850 was £1,1 million inthe currency of that time, and the contractor would have used the sameskills and methods as the Romans. A well-known international contractorcarried out an estimate in 1974 and would have quoted £55 million! Whilethis may simply represent a steady rate of inflation of only 3,2 per cent perannum, the important point to note is that the method previously used is nowcompletely unthinkable and the present day 'economic' alternative is a rein-forced concrete wall, with a cantilevered walkway, a considerable proportionof the cost being in shuttering rather than steel or concrete.The civil engineering heritage of Rhodesia has always outstripped theimaginings of visitors to the country and it is right and proper that weshould review this briefly. There is much that we can be proud of and yetthere is still boundless motivation in what obviously requires to be done. The64PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHdevelopment of the railway system was rapidly carried out and it was a goodengineering solution in which the narrow-gauge lines pointed the way andwere progressively lifted and rclaid in more remote areas once the currentgauge could be provided. While George Pauling's methods and mannersmight have to be modified to make him socially acceptable today, hecertainly achieved his end. His feats of converting the 60 miles from Beirato Bamboo Creek from 2ft. to 3ft.6in. gauge, between Thursday morningand Sunday night, or of constructing 400 miles of the line through Bechuana-land to Bulawayo in under 400 days are still outstanding. It must be admittedthat standards were different then. There were a considerable number ofderailments and the track structure was lighter; stone ballasting only followedlater, and major river crossings were laid on the wide sand beds of rivers untilthe bridges were built. On the Shashi, for instance, the approach gradientswere 1 in 25. and the locomotive threw up a bow wave when the river wasflowing unless, of course, the trucks became buoyant or the track was washedaway and caused the derailments which occurred from time to time.The road network developed more slowly. The first motor vehicles reachedBulawayo in 1902 and Salisbury in 1905-6, but it was not until Christmas1909 that the first car journey between these two centres was completed andthat took six and a half days! I must admit to finding my motivation tobecome a civil engineer strongly influenced by childhood memories ofChristmas trips on this same route and early involvement with tyre chainsand delays at almost every low-level bridge on the way in one year oranother. The strip road was the equivalent of the narrow gauge railway andI am pleased to see some portions preserved as national monuments; perhapswe should treat some of our early low-level bridges in the same way.Rhodesia has been fortunate in being a land in which people have hadconfidence and where they have been prepared to match their thoughts byaction. Typical of this has been the action of one of our Faculty's majorbenefactors, The Beit Trust, whose contributions have been very significantin the civil engineering field. Communications and transportation were theareas of obvious need to which they first turned their attention by makingloans to the Railways and by donating large sums (£200 000) for the construc-tion of branch lines such as the Gwelo-Fort Victoria line.The major bridges which were paid for by the Beit Trust were the AlfredBeit Bridge across the Limpopo; the Birchenough Bridge across the Sabi;the Otto Beit Bridge across the Zambezi; and the Kafue and LuangwaBridges in what is now Zambia. In addition to these they contributed thecost of some 90 low-level bridges in Rhodesia, a total, in terms of cost atthe time of construction of £1 000 000.With the advent of civil aviation the Trust contributed £50 000 for theconstruction of airfields and paid half the capital required to establish RANA(Rhodesia and Nyasaland Airways),During the last forty years, the Trust has turned its attention to educa-tional and hospital buildings. The provision of engineering scholarshipscommenced in 1931 and continued annually from then until the close of theW. R. MACKECHNIE651950s, two junior scholarships for first degree purposes and one senior scholar-ship for postgraduation training purposes were awarded. Two Fellow-ships for postgraduate study and research together with other bursaries forfirst degrees continue to be awarded and are open to students wishing tostudy in any chose discipline. No fewer than three of the current academicstaff of our Faculty have been Beit Scholars or Fellows, and within theUniversity and Rhodesia there are many others who have so benefited.In engineering on a wider scale we can mention men such as Dr J. R.Rydzewski and Dr H. Olivier in the field of irrigation engineering, andProfessor E. Hoek in rock mechanics.We have in Rhodesia a number of exceptionally fine examples of thebridge. The Victoria Falls Arch (Fig. 6), the Chirundu Suspension Bridge,Figure 6: THE VICTORIA FALLS ARCH BRIDGE(Painting Maintenance Work in Progress)and the Birchenough Bridge high tensile steel arch were all, at the time oftheir construction, examples of the state of the art which could hold prideof place on a world-wide scale. They continue to be capable of serving theirpurpose and, although increasing wheel loads will call for strengthening, thisdemonstrates that the original designs were not too conservative. The bridgehas developed in Rhodesia within the limits set by the materials available,the topography, and the economic constraints. Composite construction insteel and concrete, and open spandrel concrete arch, the precast prestressedconcrete beam, the void formed slab, and the concrete box girder, to mentiona few types of bridge, have been developed for local application to give usFigure 7: LUNDI RIVER BRIDGE66PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHthe efficient graceful structures we take for granted today. Figure 7 showsthe Lundi River Bridge on the Fort Victoria-Mashaba road which is a typicalexample of such a structure.We are reminded of some of the trials and tribulations of crossing riversin the early days when, for instance, one of the solutions offered to solve thetransport crisis which followed the decimation of the trek ox by rinderpest,was the camel. Now I do not believe that a civil engineer was guilty of servingon the committee which designed the camel because Colonel Flint soon dis-covered that if you wished to keep a swimming camel's head above water,it was essential to apply an aft to fore moment by swimming behind andpulling down on the camel's tail! A civil engineer would surely have in-sisted on a reasonable longitudinal metacentric radius.The development of water resources is another area in which Rhodesiahas a proud record. There has always been a consciousness of the need forcontrol, and of the impingement of that control on other natural resources.The rapid growth of population at the present time is focusing attention onthe need for a realistic approach to water development, and particular pro-jects must now be considered in the context of the catchment as a whole. Theprogressive granting of water rights and the ad hoc construction of dams isonly in the national interest, to the extent that the developments mootedare intuitively correct. This position requires to be reviewed and replaced bymore logical planning, which is in the overall national interest. Whetherexisting water rights granted in perpetuity can remain as granted, must becarefully examined now rather than at the turn of the century when theprovision of alternative solutions will be circumscribed by increasing pressureon resources or even completely compromised. There is a need to plan ournon-consumptive use of water to enable it to be re-used in such a way thatunavoidable contamination is kept acceptably low for the secondary andtertiary users with consumptive use following thereafter wherever possible.The marvellous and equable climate of this land enables us to constructlow-cost housing at lower costs than in many other countries but do wenecessarily make the best engineering decisions in this respect? Our breadthof vision must be such as to consider the medium and long-term consequencesof our decisions. We may be required to construct as much housing as wehave today in the next 15 or 20 years, merely to mark time with respect tothe proportion of the population housed, but the houses we build in thatperiod must have a longer life free of major maintenance and obsolescenceif we are not to find ourselves building our society as a cantilever which willeventually do one of two things Š overbalance into the abyss and fall as awhole, or fail at the root with the same end result.Housing requires urban and regional planning; transport systems mustevolve or we will strangle ourselves. No one will dispute that there are manyadvantages of decentralization and even in untrammelled Rhodesia, this isan obvious solution. Nevertheless, the natural response of established centresis to resist it. As the standard of living continues to increase, even a relativelyW. R. MACKECHNIE67static population in terms of total numbers will generate exponential in-creases in traffic and vehicle numbers. The challenge for Rhodesia today isto have the courage to provide the infrastructure in advance to woo the citi-zens away from inefficient transport to the rapid-transit mass transportationsystems of the future. That this requires changes in population distributionand density is regrettably inevitable. Our problem is to make this transitiona desirable goal and not an irksome imposition of authoritarian decree. Wesee the civil engineer as one of the prime professionals in this sphere, andI am pleased to note our involvement with the postgraduate course in urbanand regional planning recently established in the University, to which membersof the staff of my department are contributing. Figure 8 shows a pedestrianMall in Vallingby, Sweden photographed in 1956. All vehicle traffic is ex-cluded and access is by underground road and rail. Hopefully, the shape ofthings to come in First Street, Salisbury!Figure 8: PEDESTRIAN MALL, VALLINGBY, SWEDENAll structures depend on a satisfactory foundation and, although Rho-desia has less than her fair share of problems in this field, nevertheless wehave our volumetrically active clays and our loose leached profiles whichcause distress by shrinking, swelling, or collapsing. The foundation engineercan solve these problems for an outlay of some 10 per cent of project cost butthe highway engineer has to contend with the problem and defuse the situa-tion by managing nature, keeping moisture contents constant as far as possible,or by collapsing unstable structures by subjecting the profile to a very muchhigher intensity of compaction and vibration than that to which it will ever besubjected in its service life. Roads are constructed on local materials largelywith local materials to suit local traffic and to perform for many years inthe local environment.68PRACTISE BEFORE YOU PREACHThis has called for the adaptation of methods established elsewhere toour particular environment, and has resulted in our acquiring experience, andoften having to learn from varying degrees of failure. We have, however,established how certain methods and materials do perform, and more im-portant, why they failed to conform here, and how to overcome their im-perfections. Dolerite gravels decomposed with remarkable alacrity until limeor cement stabilization was found to inhibit the process; full-width road sur-facing promoted hydrogenesis, the build-up of moisture in the base, andfailures occurred just when the wet season appeared safely past. There werea few pleasant surprises. Our Kalahari sands were not the ogres with res-pect to either roadworks nor heavy structural foundations that they had beenmade out to be, and simply cannot compare with the reputedly similar, buthighly leached, materials of the Zambian Copperbelt where, for many metres,soil has such an open texture that if we could only keep the water out of it,it would float quite readily.All civil engineering is highly dependent on the materials available in thelocality of the project, and materials such as timber, steel, cement, sand, rock,bricks and blocks develop their own particular local characteristics. The timeis fast approaching when it will be essential to have our own research instituteinvestigate and develop applications for the engineering use of such materials.A construction industry research institute has so much to commend it. Thedividends should soon reach the economy and should ensure the best returnon this research investment. It would not preclude contact with neighbouringinstitutes and overseas research centres. We would submit that it would makeexisting contacts even more positive, meaningful and useful than they are atpresent. The start must, of necessity, be small but the country cannot afford notto start. The creation of such an institute should provide that trinity we re-quire for complete interaction and interchange of profession and industry,University, and applied research. It would provide the full motivation toretain our engineering manpower and permit full development of professionaltalent.A typical example of such involvement is Professor Alec Skempton ofImperial College, who came back to teaching and research from the BritishBuilding Research Establishment, bringing with him that blend of practiceand theory that was to lead to the establishment of what is probably still theleading school of thought in soil mechanics, and he still continues active con-sulting practice. May I take this opportunity of commending his publicationsto you all whether student, professional colleagues, or laymen. The writtenword is there so clear, so concise, and so logical, that it cannot fail to inspire.This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Erdbau-mechanik by Karl Terzaghi whose pre-eminence as a geotechnologist wasthe catalyst leading to the formation of the International Society for SoilMechanics and Foundation Engineering in 1936. The forceful and continueddevelopment of this branch of engineering has been dependent on the logicaland single-minded approach of the practitioners such as Casagrande andSkempton. The very essence of all the considerable advances which have«t