RHODESIAN HISTORYVolume 1: 1970P. S. GARLAKE Zimbabwe. P. STIGGER Asians in Kenya and Rhodesia.J. S. GALBRAITH The early years of the B.S.A. Company. J. M. MACKENZIEAfrican labour and the Chartered Company. P. R. WARHURST The TeteAgreement. M. C. STEELE The Southern Rhodesia Labour Party. M. C. STEELESome problems of government in Rhodesia. D. N. BEACH Ndebele history in1971. A. J. DACHS The course of African resistance in Southern Rhodesia.Volume 2: 1971A. J. DACHS Rhodes' grasp for Bechuanaland. P. STTGGER Volunteers and theprofit motive in the Anglo-Ndebele War. B. A. KOSMIN The Pioneer communityof Salisbury, 1897. R. HODDER-WILLIAMS The B.S.A. Company in Marandel-las. I. R. PHIMISTER The Shamva Mine Strike of 1927. C. M. BRAND Africantrade unionism since Federation.Volume 3: 1972W. F. REA Christian missions in Central Africa. H. H. K. BHILA Trade andthe survival of an African polity. M. E. PAGE Livingstone and the Jumbe ofNkhotakota. R. W. BALDOCK Chancellor and the Moffat succession. M. L.RIFKIND Land Apportionment in perspective T. R. H. DAVENPORT Rhodesianand South African policies for urban Africans. M. W. MURPHREE Indigenousindependency and the church in Rhodesia. J. R. D. COBBING The unknownfate of the Rudd Concession rifles.Volume 4: 1973D. N. BEACH Historiography of the people of Zimbabwe. G. FORTUNE Whowas Mwari? N. M. B. BHEBE Ndebele relations with the Shona. J. R. D. COB-BING Lobengula, Jameson and the occupation of Mashonaland. R. J. CHALLISSOrigins of the educational system of Southern Rhodesia. R. S. ROBERTS Thebibliography and terminology of the legislature of Southern Rhodesia and itsdebates. P. TINDALL Great Zimbabwe in recent literature. M. C. STEELECommunity Development in Rhodesia.Volume 5: 1974E. T. STOKES History at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.T. O. RANGER The meaning of Mwari. S. I. MUDENGE Identification of theRozvi and its implication for the history of the Karanga. M. D. D. NEWITTTowards a history of modern Mozambique. I. HENDERSON Economic origins ofdecolonisation in Zambia. 1940-1945. G. C. KINLOCH Changing black reactionto white domination. H. BHILA Munhumutapa : the history and mis-spelling ofa Shona term. T. MACKENZIE Red Soils in Mashonaland : A reassessment.R. S. ROBERTS The making of a Rhodesian myth. M. GELFAND, C. J. &R. S. ROBERTS A two-toed man from the Doma people of the Zambezi Valley,R. BALDOCK Towards a History of Insurgency in Rhodesia. R. S. ROBERTSTowards a history of Rhodesia's armed forces.Volume 6: 1975G. LIESEGANG Aspects of Gaza Nguni history 1821-1897. B. A. KOSMIN 'Free-dom, Justice and Commerce': Some factors affecting Asian trading patterns,1897-1942. M. E. LEE The origins of the Rhodesian Responsible Governmentmovement. H. I. WETHERELL N. H. Wilson : Populism in Rhodesian politics.R. M. G. MTETWA and A. J. CHENNELLS 'Red Soils in Mashonaland : AReassessment': Contrary evidence. C. J ZVOBGO The Revd E. T. J. Nemapareand the African Methodist Church. R. M. G. MTETWA The relationship betweenthe Gutu dynasty and the Mwari cult. D. N. BEACH Mutapa : an alternativeapproach to the study of titles in Shona history.Volume 7: 1976D. N. BEACH Second thoughts on the Shona economy. J. G. STORRY Thesettlement and territorial expansion of the Mutasa dynasty. H. H. K. BHILAManyika's relationship with the Portuguese and the Gaza-Nguni. P. STIGGERThe emergence of the Native Department in Matabeleland. I. R. HANCOCKSane and pragmatic liberalism: the Action Group. K. N. MUFUKA Britain andAmalgamation of the Rhodesias. A. KATZ Aspects of the history of the Rho-desian Accountants Act.PRICES (per volume: all are available)IN RHODESIA Rh$2,50OUTSIDE RHODESIAIndividuals Rh$3,50fInstitutions and Trade Rh$4,50ftlf oaid in Rhodesian dollars; if paid in any other currency the price is theequivalent of US$7,00 for individuals and US$9,00 for institutions and trade.ORDERS to the Central Africa Historical Association, History Department,University of Rhodesia. P O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Salisbury, Rhodesia.16O