SCIENCE IN RHODESIA IS A PART OF YOUR SCIENCEFor News on Rhodesian ScienceOrder a regular copyof , , .IN THIS ISSUETRENDS IN AGRICULTUREProductionMarketingResearchExtensionEducationŠUniversityEducationŠSchools and CollagesBook ReviewsScience ForumIndigenous Treei.Kotes from SocietiesCOMING EVENTSB M.trcn 3 . " ;.m.SJPinopuljt. --i -jni-i Proif 11L'vMi- Ł' C-.raivt-, G. Bat.j, ~. P Bow.'ŁŁ ,1;-.:, I Okwiins K i:tHiut J. Hdt,!.,. D. -\Ho-",f'-s W ; Ki.ey-: W ŁŁKft ui.'ier thef Mr A. H. Sienn.'-.The Rhodesia Scientific Association-COVER PHOTO: IHuinmytion, ifien insight -Sunset onKariba. fSee Editorial) iPhoto hy Ministry of information).and1 wish to become a sutT.criher 'Ł'ŁP.O. Box 8351, Causeway, Sail.-aI enctose cheque, mom- i dm Ł.N-jmtAddressSignedSubscription rates Single ronic^.Annual sub&cI he Rhodesia Science News.oiy, Rhodesiavea,,sj(Blot -v . iiiit.ils)Ł ption $5 00inch monthly issue of Rhodesia Science News contain'. @ Artic!fs un curt em research and development « A briefingŁ in what goes on scientifically in Rhodes.,! ® A calendar of scientif.c events « Notes and news from Rhodesiansc-entific societies m Science Forum, in which to an ones v,ew;- ® Indigenous trees described and illustrated. Etc. etc.146