An invitation to join theRHODESIANA SOCIETYThe Society aims to unite a!! who wish to foster a widerappreciation and knowledge of Rhodesian history,The Rhodesiana Society was founded twenty-four years agoand has a membership of over 1 250. it is thus Rhodesia'soldest and largest society that encourages historical studyand research, recording in interesting form the story of thecountry in the only publication devoted exclusively to thispurpose: Rhodesiana.Membership is open to everyone. Paid-up members receivecopies of Rhodesiana published during the subscription yearwhich begins on 1st January, and ends on 31st December.Rhodesiana is published twice a year. The magazine hasreceived splendid reviews. Each issue contains a wide varietyof articles on Rhodesia's historic background: pioneering,military, transport, agriculture, political, biographical, literary,and so on.Tours to places of historic interest and other functions areorganised by the Society's three active branches that are basedon Buiawayo, Salisbury and Umtali.The subscription is only Rh$6,00 per year (plus 10c on non-Saiisbury cheques).Applications to join the Society should be addressed to:The National Honorary Secretary, The Rhodesiana Society,P.O. Box 8268, Causeway.168