Zambezia (1980), VIII (i).OUR DAILY BREAD*M. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSERDepartment of Crop Science, University of ZimbabweTHE STORY OF our daily bread, in the literal sense, is older than civilizationand is of prime concern today in the global context of plant food productivity.Appropriately perhaps, our story starts with the Book of Genesis, with Adamand his love for a woman in the Garden of Eden. For this error he was thricesentenced, firstly he had his garden confiscated, and then he begat two agri-culturalists.Abel the herdsman was slain rather early in a successful career by hiselder brother Cain, the tiller, who without implements, was unable to comeup with the goods and expended his wrath during a now-infamous brotherlyaltercation. And so for the good of his soul Cain was sentenced to earn hisdaily bread by the sweat of his brow. This he did in the face of great floods,droughts and pestilence, and to this day crop agriculturalists are similarlyafflicted.Here endeth the first lesson!Long before the Book of Genesis was written, ancient scribes told onstone tablets of the earliest agricultural activities. Probably the first 'school-books' were tablets recording farmers' instructions to sons on how to growand harvest the grain (Leonard, 1974). Archaeologists reach back even furtherso that we may use the intriguing quality of hindsight that a sense of historygives us, to revisit the beginnings of the New Stone Age and gain insight intothe activities of the earliest Cains and Abels in the Nuclear Region of SouthWest Asia.One of the archaeological digs dates back to about 9000 B.C. at TellMureybit in Northern Syria (Fig. 1) where under a four-metre mound lie theremains of much of the early kindred of our modern small grains (Darlington,1978). In different ancient village settlements along the nuclear crescent thestory of the earliest tillers of the agricultural revolution has been unearthedto tell of the pre-eminence of grain-growing as the engine of human evolution.The cereals that were swept into growers' baskets were genetically greatlydiverse and variable. They were amenable to selection, change and adaptationwhenever and wherever cultivators took them across the Old World in a waywe tend to forget now after over a hundred centuries of human migration.The history book for this period is the Old Testament. It is the anthro-pological record of an extended and crucial transition from the nomadic wayof our ancestors who had marched and roamed for a million years on the*An inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Rhodesia on 5 July 1979.OUR DAILY BREADFigure 1: SITES OF VILLAGES ASSOCIATED WITH EARLY FARMERS IN THENUCLEAR CRESCENT.frontiers of the last ice age. Bronowski (1973) aptly describes the immemorialnomad's activities as one 'whose most advanced technique was to attachhimself to a moving herd as the Lapps still do'. Civilization took off fromthe cultivator's need to settle: to nurture his grain.Agricultural man's migrations were slow, dominated by the pace thatdomestication of plants and animals dictates. Man, in turn, was dominatedby the plants and animals that he nurtured, for they became more and moreinterdependent on each other for survival. This symbiotic relationship -wasthe physical means of man's extraordinary success, for with his biologicalgifts of hand and brain, he manipulated and moulded selected living forms,and so set himself apart from the cogwheels of the natural ecological system.Man's agri-culture ensured his survival and expansion, but as it turns outwas also the avenue to a direct confrontation with nature and the root of hisdilemma today: that of accommodating his population size to his sustainablefood supplies.Homo sapiens has always been a highly fertile species; he has had to bein order to survive a precarious balance between his high birth rate and highdeath rate for over 99 per cent of the lifetime of his species. Three develop-ments have significantly redressed the balance in his favour, namely the Agri-cultural and Industrial Revolutions which have dramatically increased hisability to wrest bounty from nature, and the brilliant developments of modernmedicine which have greatly reduced his death rate and extended his life span.M. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSER 3And now, suddenly in the last decade, a series of phenomena have cul-minated in the development of an awareness of a possible global confron-tation with Malthusian prediction. It is widely anticipated that populationgrowth will outrun sustainable food supplies within the time-span of one ortwo generations. We need to examine the evidence for this possibility againsta backdrop of two scenarios, namely food-production capacity and populationgrowth.Whereas on a global scale the total human population is expected todouble in forty-six years, the technologically under-developed countries ofAfrica and Latin America will predictably double in about twenty-five yearsŠwhich is three times the population growth rate of technologically developedareas of North America and Europe (Chrispeels and Sadava, 1977). Populationgrowth rate between 1970 and 1975 has slowed down by about one-third inNorth America and East Asia, and by almost one-half in Western Europe(Brown, 1978). In 1976 the United Kingdom and Belgium had achievedpopulation stability whereas East and West Germany, Luxemburg and Austriahad achieved negative growth rates (Brown, 1978). This demographic trend inWest Germany is referred to as 'Der Pillenknick' (the pill pinch). TheScandinavian countries, France,'Italy, Switzerland and the U.S.A. have birthrates below 15 per 1,000, while most Eastern European countries, the U.S.S.R.,Japan, Australia and New Zealand have birth rates between 15 and 20 per 1,000(Brown, 1978)The lowest population growth rates, as well as achievements in decreasingthese rates, generally occur in the temperate regions of the world where agri-cultural productivity is greatest. The highest population growth rates,generally in excess of 30 per 1,000, occur in tropical countries which inci-dentally also have limited agricultural productivity. It is inevitable that thefood situation will considerably worsen in Africa, and Central and SouthAmerica.In a general consideration of humanity's food prospects we may recognizefour biological systems: Croplands, Grasslands, Forests and Oceanic Fisheries.In that these are biologically renewable resources they form a foundation tothe global economic system. It is essentially to croplands that humanity mustlook for future increases in food supply, particularly in the three staplecereals (wheat, rice and maize) to which over half the world's cultivated landis-devoted and which constitute the largest proportion of plant foods pro-duced (Fig. 2).All plant foods combined provide an estimated 88 per cent of the calories(carbohydrates and fats) and 80 per cent of the protein that .human beingsconsume on a global basis and the balance is derived from animal products(Chrispeels and Sadava, 1977). This situation applies particularly to the under-developed countries, in contrast to the affluent countries of North America,and to some extent Europe, where more or less half of the protein consumedmay come from animal products. When any one of the grains is consumedas a single staple it is likely to lead to protein malnutrition because grainsare generally deficient in one or two of the amino acids essential for growthand health.OUR DAILY BREAD1OO15O2OO 250 300 35O 400Figure 2: APPROXIMATE ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF PLANT FOODS (MILLIONSOF METRIC TONS).In contrast to wheat and rice, which is consumed directly by man, aboutthree-quarters of world maize production is fed to livestock, especially in theU.S.A. and Canada, but also in France, Italy, the United Kingdom and theU.S.S.R. (Chrispeels and Sadava, 1977). Conversion of plant protein toanimal protein for human consumption is expensive, especially for non-affluent societies, as only 10 to 30 per cent of the energy ingested in the grainis available to the next consumer Š man. The rest is used up in metabolic,muscular and nervous activity.M. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSER 5To put this in theoretically quantitative terms the present world plant-food production could at best support either 15 billion (15,000,000,000)vegetarians or about 5 billion people who derived half their energy and protein| from animal products. On a unit of land basis, 1 hectare could support 14'' vegetarians or 4 to 5 people on the mixed diet. Given the present increases, in world populations, humanity's lot will increasingly be with plants as themajor source of food, supplemented with animal food products that will^' differ in each country to the extent that agricultural and population policies'. and good management will allow.I The 'poor man's' meat is the protein-rich seed of legumes which derive'( most of their nitrogen from bacterial fixation in the roots. The most protein-j rich legume is the soya bean which has undergone extensive increase in world1 production in recent years, especially in the U.S.A. where about two-thirds'/ of the world crop is grown. China grows about one-fifth of the world crop of< soya beans and Brazil grows about one-seventh. Soya beans are grown foranimal consumption, while human consumption is at present limited to the]' oil by-products.j. Increased demand for soya beans led to a doubling of the world pricein 1973 and more and more land converted to soya production. For examplej in Brazil a considerable area of land normally devoted to growing table-beans,the staple protein diet of the low-income masses, has been converted to soya( beans in recent years, and exemplifies the fact that world trade is not usuallyconcerned with nutrition. Furthermore any means which promotes the acqui-sition of foreign currency for the purchase of petroleum has become of primeconcern in international trade.I* The Soviet Union has_ become one of the principal importers of soyaI ^ beans although not to anything like the extent of her importation of wheat( from North America. The U.S.S.R., forced by her increasing population toproduce more wheat, opened up new wheat-growing areas north of the forty-ninth parallel in areas which have insufficient rainfall and harsh winters. Aseries of massive harvest failures (Fig. 3) led to the large Soviet purchase ofAmerican wheat in 1972, and brought to an end the era of large surplusworld food stocks. Furthermore subsequent Soviet grain contracts made withf North America, which commands over 96 per cent of the world export wheat|* trade, helped put an end to the era of American food aid to underdeveloped'» nations, and also helped push the world price of wheat from US$2.00 perf bushel in 1972 to nearly US$5.00 per bushel by 1974.," Concerned non-affluent countries of the Third World, now virtuallystarved of North American food aid, demanded increased food handouts atf the 1974 World Food Conference. These same countries, at the World Popu-f lation Conference in the same year, rejected suggestions that they should curbtheir rapid population growth rates. Also at about that time a four-fold in-I crease in the price of petroleum heralded the energy crisis. The food situation* was considerably exacerbated by the serious downturn in world grain reservesL (Fig. 4).OUR DAILY BREADFigure 3: GRAIN PRODUCTION IN THE U.S.S.R. (Source: Chrispeels andSadava (1977), 223).The under-developed countries have been left largely to fend for them-selves in a situation described by ecologist Garret Hardin (1974) as 'lifeboatethics'. This situation depicts a series of lifeboats occupied by the developednations. The people of the Third World, hungry and in deep water, must beprevented from getting into the boats lest everyone drown. The face ofmorality shifts in the light of a transforming world food economy.Meanwhile world grain yield per hectare is levelling off at a time whenit is taking only eleven years to add the fifth billion to the world population,and when the list of food-deficit countries reads like a United Nations roster.The stork has caught up with the plough.Increases in plant food production may be achieved either by increasingyields on the same land area or by expanding the land area. Increased pro-ductivity by yield agriculture has been a fairly widespread world-widephenomenon for the past three decades. The principal areas of high-yieldagriculture are also those with the smallest potential area increases, namelyNorth America, Europe, China, Japan and South-East Asia. A few developingcountries in South America and Africa have achieved relatively modest in-creases in grain production via both avenues.The classic instances of countries turning to yield agriculture are Japanin rice production and the U.S.A in maize production. The Japanese successoccurred as a result of national mobilization of political, social and scientificM. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSERQ40 i(INCLUDES GRAIN EQUIVALENTOF IDLED U.S. CROPLAND).1960Figure 4:65707580WORLD GRAIN RESERVES AS DAYS OF WORLD CONSUMPTION,1960 - 78 {Source: Brown (1978), 132).resources, whereas the American achievement was mainly due to the breedingof new genetic hybrid varieties backed up by advanced scientific crop-production practices. High agricultural productivity in the temperate and sub-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere is generally the result of advancesin yield agriculture to the extent that yields are closely approaching themaximum biological ceiling for high productivity. In terms of the S-shapedbiological growth curve (Fig. 5) the point of inflection where progressiveacceleration gives way to progressive deceleration appears to have beengenerally reached for grain productivity outside the tropics. It is pertinent tonote that it is in these regions that significant reductions are being achievedin human population growth rates.The most critical situation concerning increasing food deficiency isoccurring in under-developed tropical countries in terms of a widening gapbetween food production and food consumption (Fig. 6). Conversely theseareas, particularly Africa and South and Central America, have by far thelargest world reservoir of uncultivated arable land (Fig. 7) mostly in the formof woodlands and forests. If these areas were brought into crop production itwould be possible to at least double or even triple the existing 1.3 billionhectares of land cultivated in the world today.There are, however, major constraints to crop expansion in.the tropics.Firstly the continuous cropping system so successful in temperate zones isOUR DAILY BREADQLLJDCOWNTIMEFigure 5: THE S-SHAPED BIOLOGICAL GROWTH CURVE.seldom successful in the tropics for a variety of reasons of soil and climate.There is for example an overabundance of highly weathered soil in the tropics,and a disproportionately large share of available nutrients resides in the densevegetation cover. Removal of this cover by deforestation and cultivation leadsto a removal of nutrient supply, loss of residual soil fertility by leaching,rapid oxidization of organic matter in soils exposed to the sun, and a tendencyfor considerable soil compaction.Tropical agriculture also has to contend with a host of pest and diseaseproblems typical of warm climates. Futhermore, particularly in Africa, droughtsare periodic, dry seasons are long and warm, and rainfall is unevenly distri-buted and of high intensity. To these natural constraints must be added theprohibitive cost of converting land to agriculture and the building of a complexagricultural infrastructure with its transport requirements, marketing systems,credit institutions, technical advisory needs, and research and educationorganizations.There are nevertheless a few tropical countries where a sufficiently de-veloped agricultural infrastructure existed along with unusually good irrigationpotential and sufficient Government support to enable the so-called 'greenrevolution' to occur. This was an area in some developing countries charac-terized by the introduction and spread of new high-yielding short-strawedvarieties of wheat and rice. Outstanding plant-breeding achievements gave thenew varieties a package of new genes: (a) for short straw less prone to lodge,(b) for efficient utilization of up to three times higher doses of fertiliserM. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSER500«Ł 4002 300ig 200Ulo15019601961Figure 6:19851986WIDENING GAP BETWEEN FOOD PRODUCTION AND FOOD CON-SUMPTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES.AFRICAS. AMERICACEN. AMERICAU.S.S.R.S.E. ASIAU.S.A.EUROPE0 200 400 600 800MILLIONS OF HECTARESFigure 7: UNCULTIVATED ARABLE LAND IN THE WORLD (Source: Crispeelsand Sadava (1977), 141).compared with the old commercial varieties which sometimes decreased inyield with higher fertilizer inputs, (c) for resistance to several pests and diseases,and (d) for inherent adaptability to a wider range of climatic conditions.By the late 1960s about 13 million hectares had been planted to the new'miracle' varieties and had expanded the Asian food supply by about 16million tons, or enough to feed about 90 million people (Brown, 1978). Massivefamine was further allayed by expansion of the green-revolution into the mid-1970s at a time when food-aid from North America was being effectively cutoff for other reasons.The impact of the green revolution in individual countries was miraculous.10OUR DAILY BREAD+3"-4-1961Figure 8: MEXICO : NET GRAIN TRADE, 1961 - 78 {Source: Brown (1978),149).In India wheat production doubled in the six-year period 1966 - 72, andMexico and Pakistan achieved similar dramatic yield increases in wheat pro-duction. In a similar time period Columbia more than doubled its rice pro-duction on the same hectarage planted, and other green-revolution countriessuch as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philipines followed suit.Like that celebrated phenomenon in Physics, it was a quantum jump,and rivalled the story of an even earlier miracle when the five thousand werefed with two fish and five loaves of bread. The leader of the green-revolutionteam of plant breeders, Nobel Laureate Dr Norman Borlang, had predicted(Brown, 1970) that the green revolution would buy time, perhaps ten or twentyyears, during which Governments could bridle population growth. Alas, itacted more like a fertility pill! Population is again outrunning food supply incountry after country. For example as Mexico's high population growth ratecontinued its inexorable path she turned from a grain exporter in the lasthalf-decade of the 1960s to a substantial grain importer in the 1970s (Fig. 8),and treads a well-worn path for sustenance to her northern neighbour.Only China used the reprieve as Borlang envisaged, by launching aneffective family-planning programme, boosting its food supply with the miraclevarieties of wheat and rice, and damming and diverting rivers to bring one-third of her arable land under irrigation.The green revolution which took off with such success and optimism, washit by global economic constraints related to energy costs which affectedfertilizer prices in particular, and ran out of countries with the necessaryresource potentials. By this time only Mexico had completely converted toM. A. SCHWEPPENHAUSER11JNS