Credit Union Regional Conference1972This Conference was held at the Universityof Rhodesia in August, 1972, and the themewas 'The Role of Credit Unions in NationalDevelopment'.Credit Unions in Rhodesia are local organi-sations which are based on the two principlesof self-help and mutual aid. Each organisa-tion is operated by committees of voluntaryofficials who are selected by members them-selves in both the urban and rural Africanareas. A Credit Union is a co-operative savingsand loan society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act as a non-profit organi-sation to serve members only. The primary ob-ject of a Credit Union is to promote the socialand economic interests of its members, but thewider purpose is to provide the basis for indi-vidual self-fulfilment and community improve-ment. Credit Unions and Savings Clubs arethus intimately concerned with developmentat the 'grass roots' level, and provide practicaleducation in financial discipline amongst therural and urban poor, which is commonlylacking in developing countries. In additionto financial education, Credit Unions under-take co-operative projects. For example, mem-bers have combined their individual savingsand established a small project committee toUniversity of Rhodesiapurchase fertiliser in bulk. Advantages includea reduction in price and delivery of materialsto the local area. Similarly, maize for foodhas been purchased in bulk by members indrought areas. Savings Clubs can also under-take local projects to meet members' needs.Many Savings Clubs in the tribal areas ofRhodesia are now engaged in agriculturalpackage programmes and several urban SavingsClubs have undertaken successful housing pro-jects.Forty-five participants attended the confer-ence including visitors from Botswana andMalawi. Major themes in the programme in-cluded a field study of the savings club Š agri-cultural package programme in Seki TribalTrust Land, an analysis of the role of creditunions in urban development, and explana-tions of the simplified savings stamp and cer-tificate scheme.An outline report of the conference will beavailable in 1973. This report and other in-formation on the role of Credit Unions andSavings Clubs in development can be obtainedfrom: The Director, National Co-ordinatingCouncil for the Credit Union Movement inRhodesia, P.O. Box 8409, Causeway, Salisbury.G. A. SMITHConference of the Central AfricaHistorical AssociationThe Central Africa Historical Associationhas a conference every second year and in1972 it was held at the University at the endof August. As is usual with these well-attendedconferences, the topics for discussion rangedwidely, from African history to Vietnam, fromWorld War I to Ulster. Subjects of particularinterest to teachers of history in schools arealways included and this year they rangedfrom the organization of school history societiesto sixth-form special subjects such as TwentiethCentury Totalitarianism. The guest lecturerwas Dr. R. Davenport of Rhodes University"who gave a Public Lecture under the auspicesof the Faculty of Arts of the University on therecord of Southern African Urban Areas Poli-cies.Most of the papers presented will be pub-lished by the Association either as separatepamphlets or as articles in Rhodesian History;details can be obtained from the Hon. Secre-tary, Central Africa Historical Association,History Department, University of Rhodesia.The next conference will be held in August1974.R.S.R.82