Zambezia (1993), XX (ii).SUBJECT INDEX TO ZAMBEZIA Š VOLUMES 1-20AbortionSeager, D. R. (1978) Commissions of inquiry in ... society. 6,1: 61-7.Aerial photographyWhitlow, R. (1988) Aerial photography... 1935-1986.15,2:137-65.AfforestationDavis, A. G. (1988) Afforestation in the Mazowe Valley. 15,2:119-36.AfricaBeach, D. N. (1988) A. B. S. Chigwedere's pre-colonial histories ofZimbabwe and Africa. 15, 1: 87-93.Hallencreutz, C. F. (1988) From Julius Africanus to Augustine theAfrican: A forgotten link in early African theology. 15,1:1-25.Whitlow, R. (1989) A review of dambo gullying in ... 16, 2:123-50.Africa, CentralCubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1:63-80.McCosh, F. W. J. (1979) Traditional iron-working in Central Africawith some reference to the ritualistic and scientific ... 7, 2:155-70.Murphree, M. W. (1981) The study of religion in Cent. Africa. 9,1:67-75.Reader, D. H. (1970) Tribalism and detribalism in... Africa. 1,2:55-75.Africa, SouthernAxelsson, O. E. (1974) Historical notes on neo-African ... 3, 2:89-102.Christopher, A. J. (1971) Land policy in Southern Africa during thenineteenth century. 2,1:1-9.Clarke, D. G. (1972) Discrimination in economic theory anddevelopment studies in Southern Africa. 2, 2: 85-94.Cubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.Dixon, A. J. (1976) Local government in Southern Africa. 4,2:107-10.Evans, M. (1984/5) The Front-line States, South Africa and SouthernAfrican security. 12: 1-19.Munro, D. (1978) The psychologist in blacker Africa:... 6, 2:105-15.Murphree, M. W. (1973) Intro.: Race in Southern Africa. 3,1:1-3.Pwiti, G. (1991) Trade and economies in Southern Africa: Thearchaeological evidence. 18, 2:119-29.Rea, W. F. s. J. (1970) Agony on the Zambezi: The first Christianmission to Southern Africa and its failure. 1, 2:46-53.ReadeF, D. H. (1970) Tribalism and detribalism in... Africa. 1,2:55-75.Steele, M. C. (1973) Dialogue and closer association in... 3,1:83-87.163164 SUBJECT INDEXAfrican literatureHallencreutz C. F. (1989) Thomas Mofolo's Chaka and... 16,2:173-84.Marechera, D. (1987) Soyinka, Dostoevsky: The writer... 14,2:106-11.African nationalismSithole, M. (1983) Recent works on the Zimbabwe ... 11, 2: 149-59.Afrikaans languageSchuhmacher, W. W. (1974) Is Afrikaans a creolized lang? 3,2:105-7.Afrikaner peopleBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Agricultural extensionCheater, A. P. (1978) Small-scale freehold as a model... 6, 2:117-27.Passmore, G. C. (1971) Historical rationale of the policy... 2,1:61-70.Scoones, I. and Cousins, B. (1989) A participatory model of agriculturalresearch and extension: The case of vleis, trees and ... 16,1:45-65.Agricultural productionBarnes, D. L. (1978) Problems and prospects of increased pastoralproduction in the Tribal Trust Lands. 6,1: 49-59.Ivy, P. (1978) The dryland cash crop production potential of nationalRegion II. 6,2:147-60.Masanzu, F. M. (1981) Supply response to prices ... 9, 2:167-70.Whitlow, J. R. (1979) A scenario of changes in subsistence land useand its relevance to the tribal areas of Zimbabwe. 7, 2:171-90.Agricultural researchScoones, I. and Cousins, B. (1989) A participatory model of agriculturalresearch and extension: The case of vleis, trees and ... 16,1:45-65.Agricultural workersdu Toit, F. P. (1978) Alternative perceptions of agric.... 6,1: 75-86.Aid agenciesChideya, N. T. (1981) American scholarship programmes for Africanstudents, 1959-75. 9, 2:137-153.Air transport, historyMlambo, A S. (1992) Civil aviation in col. Zim., 1912-1980.19,2:99-116.AlcoholismGargett, E. (1976) Drinking for pleasure Š & whose profit? 4,2:115-19.AnaesthesiaChinyanga, H. M. (1987) Anaesthetics: Frustrations, hopes andrewards. 14, 2:93-98.Anthropology, socialPearce C. (1988) A dialogue with Marxism. 15, 2: 181-97.Reader, D. H. (1969) Model & metaphor in socl. anthropol. 1,1:21-35.ApartheidBrand, C. M. (1973) Persistence and change in South ... 3,1: 75-81.Olivier, N. J. J. (1973) South African racial policy. 3,1: 21-30.SUBJECT INDEX 165ArchaeologyPwiti, G. (1991) Trade and economies in Southern Africa: Thearchaeological evidence. 18, 2: 119-29.AutobiographiesRoberts, R. S. (1982) Reprints and reminiscences of... 10, 2:139-41.Bantu languagesFortune, G. (1969) 75 years of writing in Shona. 1,1: 55-67.Behavioural researchJordan, J. D. (1979) A note on committee behaviour patts. 7,2:211-14.BiochemistryWood, T. (1977) Biochemistry and benefit to man. 5,1: 41-53.BiographiesRoberts, R. S. (1982) Reprints and reminiscences of... 10, 2:139-41.BotswanaNgcobo, S. (1973) 'Non-racialism': Botswana, Lesotho... 3,1:53-60.CancerChetsanga, C. J. (1987) Cancer research and risk... 14,1:1-10.Cattle Š socio-economic aspectsLe Roux, P., et al (1978) Problems and prospects of increasing beefproduction in the Tribal Trust Lands. 6, 1: 37-48.Mtetwa, R. M. G. (1978) Myth or reality: The 'cattle complex' in southeast Africa, with special reference to Rhodesia. 6,1: 23-35.Scoones, I. and Cousins, B. (1989) A participatory model of agriculturalresearch and extension: The case of vleis, trees and ... 16,1:45-65.Steele, M. C. (1981) The economic function of African-owned cattle incolonial Zimbabwe. 9, 1: 29-48.Cattle Š socio-religious aspectsLe Roux, P., et al (1978) Problems and prospects of increasing beefproduction in the Tribal Trust Lands. 6,1: 37-48.Mtetwa, R. M. G. (1978) Myth or reality: The 'cattle complex' in southeast Africa, with special reference to Rhodesia. 6,1: 23-35.Chartered secretariesKatz, A. (1974) The disabilities of Chartered Secretaries... 3,2:109-12.Chigwedere, A. B. S.Beach, D. N. (1988) A. B. S. Chigwedere's pre-colonial histories ofZimbabwe and Africa. 15, 1: 87-93.Child developmentOrbell, S. F. W. (1970) The role of environmental factors... 1,2:41-45.Pearce, C. (1990) Tsika, Hunhu and the moral education... 17,2:145-60.ChildrenReynolds, P. (1986) Concepts of childhood drawn from... 13,1:1-10.Theisen, R. J. (1978) The supplementary feeding of... 6, 2:169-74.166 SUBJECT INDEXChimurenga, FirstBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Christian churchesAxelsson, O. E. (1974) Historical notes on neo-African ... 3, 2: 89-102.Bhebe, N. (1992) A century of Methodism in Zimbabwe. 19, 1: 65-9.Chennells, A. J. (1980) The Catholic church in Zimbabwe. 8,2:195-212.Chennells, A. J. (1988) Anglicans and Roman Catholics ... 15,1: 75-85.Gundani, P. H. (1989) The shifting threshold in ... 16, 2: 185-8.Hallencreutz, C. F. (1988) From Julius Africanus to Augustine theAfrican: A forgotten link in early African theology. 15,1:1-25.Mafico, T. J. (1981) Church adaptation to the new social... 9,2:171-6.Peaden, W. R. (1979) Aspects of the church and its politicalinvolvement in Southern Rhodesia, 1959-1972. 7, 2: 191-210.Rea, W. F. s. J. (1970) Agony on the Zambezi: The first Christianmission to Southern Africa and its failure. 1, 2: 46-53.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Medical missions: A neglected theme inZimbabwe's history, 1893-1957.13, 2: 109-118.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Aspects of interaction between ... 13, 1: 43-57.Christian missionsAxelsson, O. E. (1974) Historical notes on neo-African ... 3, 2:89-102.ChristianityBourdillon, M. F. C. (1983) Christianity and wealth in ... 11, 1: 37-53.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1984/5) Religious symbols & political... 12:39-54.Kumbirai, J. C. (1979) Shona Bible translation: The work... 7,1:61-74.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Aspects of interaction between ... 13, 1: 43-57.Civil engineeringMacKechnie, W. R. (1977) Practise before you preach. 5,1: 55-81.Co-operativesAgere, S. (1983) Towards public enterprise: The role of communitydevelopment in the promotion of co-operatives. 11, 2: 99-107.ColonialismKinloch, G. C. (1973) Flame or Lily? Revisited: A response andelaboration of Rhodesian racial attitudes. 3, 1: 95-101.Patel, H. H. (1973) Race and international politics. 3, 1: 67-74.ColonizationChristopher, A. J. (1971) Land policy in Southern Africa during thenineteenth century. 2,1: 1-9.CommerceWild, V. (1992) An outline of African business history in... 19,1:19-46.Commerce Š urban areasSmout, M. A. H. (1971) Shopping centres and shopping patterns intwo African townships of Greater Salisbury. 2, 1: 33-39.SUBJECT INDEX 167Community developmentAgere, S. (1983) Towards public enterprise: The role of communitydevelopment in the promotion of co-operatives. 11,2: 99-107.Murphree, M. W. (1970) A village school and community developmentin a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land. 1, 2: 13-23.Passmore, G. C. (1971) Historical rationale of the policy... 2,1:61-70.Passmore, G. C. (1980) Beyond Independence: Unfettered... 8,1:85-99.Community participationAgere, S. (1983) Towards public enterprise: The role of communitydevelopment in the promotion of co-operatives. 11, 2: 99-107.Murphree, M. W. (1970) A village school and community developmentin a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land. 1, 2:13-23.ConflictCheater, A. P. (1991) Rural dev. and peasant alienation. 18, 2:89-104.Chennells, A. J. (1977) The treatment of the Rhodesian war in recentRhodesian novels. 5, 2: 177-202.Evans, M. (1984/5) The Front-line states, South Africa and... 12:1-19!Mangwende, M. (1984/5) The OAU: An analysis of the... 12: 21-38.CreolesSchuhmacher, W. W. (1974) Is Afrikaans a creolized lang? 3,2:105-7.Cripps, Arthur ShearlyBorrell, D. E. (1970) Arthur Shearly Cripps: An assessment. 1, 2:1-3.CultureCheater, A. P. (1989) Managing culture en route to socialism: Theproblems of culture 'answering back'. 16, 2: 103-22.Moyo, J. N. (1993) Civil society in Zimbabwe. 20,1:1-14.Murphree, B. J. (1972) The acculturative effects of... 2, 2:11-21.Pearce, C. (1990) Tsika, Hunhu and the moral education... 17,2; 145-60.Curriculum developmentGilbert, P. G. S. (1978) Venturing into curriculum change. 6,1:1-21.DeforestationDavis, A. G. (1988) Afforestation in the Mazowe Valley. 15, 2:119-36.DetribalizationReader, D. H. (1970) Tribalism and detribalism in... Africa. 1,2:55-75.DevelopmentDzinotyiweyi, H. A. M. (1988) The thrust of mathematics indevelopment: Trends and prospects. 15, 2:105-17.Development educationRussell, D. D. (1979) Education for development. 7,1:1-20.Development planningCubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.168 SUBJECT INDEXDevelopment policyPassmore, G. C. (1971) Historical rationale of the policy... 2,1: 61-70.Passmore, G. C. (1980) Beyond Independence: Unfettered... 8,1:85-99.Seidman, A. (1982) A development strategy for Zimbabwe. 10,1:13-39.DivorceSeager, D. R. (1978) Commissions of inquiry in ... society. 6,1: 61-7.Goldin, B. (1971) Aspects of divorce in Rhodesia. 2,1: 23-31.Dostoevsky, FyodorMarechera, D. (1987) Soyinka, Dostoevsky: The writer... 14,2:106-11.DramaMcLaren, R. M. (1993) Developing drama at the U. Z. 20, 1: 35-52.Wortham, C. J. (1969) The state of the theatre in Rhodesia. 1,1:47-53.Drama in NdebeleNdlovu, T. M. (1984/5) A survey of the play Indlalifa Ngubani? 12:85-96.Earth sciences, study and teachingLove, A. and BlenJdnsop, T. (1991) Surface processes vs. internalactivity: Student learning strategies in ... 18, 2: 131-41.Economic developmentBurdette, M. and Davies, R. J. (1987) The Zimbabwean economy:Prognostications and realities after six years. 14, 1: 73-83.Clarke, D. G. (1971) Population and family planning in the... 2,1:11-22.Clarke, D. G. (1972) Discrimination in economic theory anddevelopment studies in Southern Africa. 2, 2: 85-94.Cubitt, V. al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.Mlambo, A. S. (1993) The rich shall inherit the earth: Towards the roleand impact of IMF structural adjustment programmes ... 20,1: 53-76.Ramsay, D. I. (1978) Alternative perceptions of development in post-U. D. I. Rhodesia. 6,1:87-93.Seidman, A. (1982) A development strategy for Zimbabwe. 10,1:13-39.Economic growthWild, V. (1992) An outline of African business history in... 19,1:19-46.Economic reformBurdette, M. and Davies, R. J. (1987) The Zimbabwean economy:Prognostications and realities after six years. 14, 1: 73-83.Mlambo, A. S. (1993) The rich shall inherit the earth: Towards the roleand impact of IMF structural adjustment programmes... 20,1:53-76.EcosystemsSwift, M. J. (1983) The death of trees: An essay on the ... 11, 2: 79-98.EducationChalliss, R. J. (1979) Educational planning for Zimbabwe: The problemof unreliable historical perspectives. 7, 2: 215-41.Cubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.SUBJECT INDEX 169Geraty, A. H. (1978) Family life education in schools In... 6,2:161-67.Gilbert, P. G. S. (1978) Venturing into curriculum change. 6,1:1-21.Hendrikz, E. (1975) Rhodesia: Management of the nation's... 4,1:65-75.Hendrikz, E. (1977) Conflicts and compromises in ... 5, 2: 103-14.Jordan, J. D. (1988) School type &acad. achievement: 1985.15,1:43-52.Murphree, B. J. (1972) The acculturative effects of schooling on Africanattitudes and values. 2, 2:11-21.Murphree, M. W. (1970) A village school and community developmentin a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land. 1, 2:13-23.Orbell, S. F. W. (1970) The role of environmental factors... 1,2:41-45.Passmore, G. C. (1971) Historical rationale of the policy... 2,1:61-70.Russell, D. D. (1979) Education for development. 7,1:1-20.Thondhlana, J. et al (1990) An investigation into language attitudes ofsecondary school students in Zimbabwe. 17, 1: 85-100.Whaley, W. R. (1973) Race policies in Rhodesia. 3,1:31-37.Education, adultNyangoni, C. K. (1981) Libraries for national development. 9,1:49-58.Education, higherChideya, N. T. (1981) American scholarship programmes for Africanstudents, 1959-75. 9, 2:137-153.Michael, I. (1969) A fresh pattern of higher education. 1,1:1-8.Orbell, S. F. W. (1980) Partnership in transition and dev. 8, 1: 27-36.Education, non-formalMurphree, M. W. (1970) A village school and community developmentin a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land. 1, 2:13-23.Russell, D. D. (1979) Education for development. 7,1:1-20.Education policyChalliss, R. J. (1983) Phelps-Stokesism and education in... 11,2:109-25.Educational developmentBourdillon, T. J. E. (1980) Education in development. 8, 2:159-85.EmploymentCubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.du Toit, F. P. (1978) Alternative perceptions of agric.... 6,1: 75-86.Harris, P. S. (1972) Government policy and African wages... 2,2:39-45.Jordan, J. D. et al (1992) Classification of jobs into levels... 19,2:139-44.Suckling, J. (1974) What price Black labour in Rhodesia. 3,2:113-6.EngineeringMuggleton, L. M. (1977) Designer's delight and dilemma. 5,2: 115-28.English languageLouw W. E. and Jordan J. D. (1993) Corpus of Zimbabwean English atthe University of Zimbabwe computer centre. 20, 2:131-8.McGinley, K. (1984/5) First-year reading levels at the U. Z. 12: 75-84.170 SUBJECT INDEXEnglish literature Š see literature in EnglishEnglish poetry Š see Poetry in EnglishEnvironmental planningManley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4,1:19-39.Ethical issuesGelfand, M. (1975) Towards an analysis of Shona religion... 4,1:123-26.Family planningClarke, D. (1971) Population and family planning in the ... 2, 1:11-22.Mhloyi, M. M. (1986) Fertility determinants and ... 13, 2: 81-107.Mhloyi, M. M. (1992) Fertility levels and trends in Zim. 19, 2: 79-97.FamineDopcke, W. (1990) Famine in Zimbabwe. 17,1: 101-5.FictionLewis, R. A. (1976) Fictions. 4, 2: 57-68.Food productionSchweppenhauser, M. A. (1980) Our daily bread. 8, 1:1-24.Foreign policyChambati, A. M. (1973) South Africa's foreign policy and... 3,1:89-93.Ngcobo, S. (1973) 'Non-racialism': Botswana, Lesotho ... 3, 1: 53-60.Steele, M. C. (1973) Dialogue and closer association in ... 3,1: 83-87.ForestsSwift, M. J. (1983) The death of trees: An essay on the ... 11, 2: 79-98.Gender issuesBonnerjea, L. (1983) A feminist view. 11, 1: 59-71.Gaidzanwa, R. B. (1993) The politics of the body and the politics ofcontrol: An analysis of class, gender and cultural... 20,1:15-34.Kileff, C. (1975) Race, sex and occupation: The case of... 4,1:119-21.GeographyHywell-Davies, D.(1976) De utilitate et necessitate ... 4, 2:1-24.Whitlow, R. (1988) Aerial photography in ... 1935-1986.15, 2: 137-65.Hannan, Michael, Fr.Kumbirai, J. C. (1979) Shona Bible translation: The work... 7,1:61-74.Healing, traditionalBourdillon, M. F. C. (1974) Social relations in the understanding ofphysical events among the Eastern Korekore. 3, 2: 61-70.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1989) Medicines and symbols. 16,1: 29-44.Chavunduka, G. L. (1980) Witchcraft and the law in Zim. 8, 2: 129-47.Reynolds, P. (1986) Concepts of childhood drawn from ... 13,1:1-10.HealthcareJayatilaka, A. D. P. (1983) All for health. 11,1: 15-35.Thomas, J. E. P. (1981) Doctor's dilemma. 9, 1:19-28.SUBJECT INDEX 171Health institutionsAquina, M. (1969) A sociological analysis of Ngomahuru ...1,1:69-85.Health servicesWebster, M. H. (1975) The employment and management of humanresources in health services administration in Rhodesia. 4,1:53-63.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Medical missions: A neglected theme inZimbabwe's history, 1893-1957. 13, 2:109-118.Health, personnel and trainingJayatilaka, A. D. P. (1983) All for health. 11, 1:15-35.Webster, M. H. (1975) The employment and management of humanresources in health services administration in Rhodesia. 4,1:53-63.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Medical missions: A neglected theme inZimbabwe's history, 1893-1957. 13, 2: 109-118.HistoryBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Beach, D. N. (1980) The marquis de Sade: First Zim.... 8,1:53-61.Beach, D. N. (1988) A. B. S. Chigwedere's pre-colonial histories ofZimbabwe and Africa. 15, 1: 87-93.Beach, D. N. (1990) Publishing the past: Progress in the 'Documentson the Portuguese' series. 17, 2: 175-83.Beach, D. N. (1990) Zimbabwean demography: Early... 17,1: 31-83.Bhebe, N. (1992) A century of Methodism in Zimbabwe. 19,1: 65-9.Chennells, A. J. (1980) The Catholic church in Zimbabwe. 8,2:195-212.Chennells, A. J. (1988) Anglicans and Roman Catholics... 15,1: 75-85.Christopher, A. J. (1971) Land policy in Southern Africa during thenineteenth century. 2,1: 1-9.Davenport, T. R. H. (1973) The history of race relations in... 3,1:5-14.Hallencreutz, C. F. (1988) From Julius Africanus to Augustine theAfrican: A forgotten link in early African theology. 15,1:1-25.Mlambo, A. S. (1992) Civil aviation in col. Zim., 1912-1980.19,2:99-116.Passmore, G. C. (1980) Beyond Independence: Unfettered... 8,1:85-99.Roberts, R. S. (1970) Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Jameson... 1,2:77-80.Roberts, R. S. (1982) Reprints and reminiscences of... 10,2:139-41.Roberts, R. S. (1983) Patriotism or profit: Nostalgic ... 11, 2:143-7.Warhurst, P. R. (1973) The history of race relations in ... 3,1:15-19.Wild, V. (1992) An outline of African business history in... 19,1:19-46.Zvobgo, C. J. (1986) Medical missions: A neglected theme inZimbabwe's history, 1893-1957. 13, 2:109-118.HousingDavis, A. G. (1977) Farm houses and gardens in the... 5,2:169-76.Rakodi, C. and Mutizwa-Mangiza, N. D. (1990) Housing policy,production and consumption in Harare: A review. Part 1.17,1:1-30.Rakodi, C. and Mutizwa-Mangiza, N. D. (1990) Housing policy,production & consumption in Harare: A review. Part II. 17,2:111-31.172 SUBJECT INDEXSeager, D. R. (1977) The struggle for shelter in an urbanizing world: ARhodesian example. 5,1: 83-90.Housing Š bibliographiesMoyo, B.D. et al (1980) An annotated bibliography of... 8, 2: 187-93.HuntingChild, G. F. T. and Riney, T. (1987) Tsetse control... 14,1: 11-71.Independent churchesGundanl, P. H. (1989) The shifting threshold in ... 16, 2:185-8.Industrial relationsCheater, A. P. (1991) Introduction: Industrial organization and thelaw in the first decade of Zimbabwe's Independence. 18, 1: 1-14.Cheater, A. P. (1991) 'We are taken as shovels, used and put aside....'Anthropological perspectives on the organization ... 18, 1: 69-88.Gaidzanwa, R. B. (1991) Labour relations in a mining ... 18, 1: 49-67.Maphosa, G. J. (1991) Industrial democracy in Zimbabwe. 18, 1:15-23.Mutizwa-Mangiza, D. (1991) An evaluation of workers'... 18,1: 34-48.Shadur, M. (1991) Labour relations in a Zimbabwean ... 18,1: 25-34.Information servicesNyangoni, C. K. (1981) Libraries for national development. 9,1:49-58.Iron extractionMcCosh, F. W. J. (1979) Traditional iron-working in Central Africawith some reference to the ritualistic and scientific ... 7, 2: 155-70.Jameson RaidRoberts, R. S. (1970) Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Jameson... 1,2:77-80.KenyaBourdillon, T. J. E. (1980) Education in development. 8, 2: 159-85.Cubitt, V. S. et al 1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8, 1: 63-80.Mhloyi, M. M. (1986) Fertility determinants and ... 13, 2: 81-107.Korekore peopleBourdillon, M. F. C. (1974) Social relations in the understanding ofphysical events among the Eastern Korekore. 3, 2: 61-70.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1981) Suggestions of bureaucracy in Korekorereligion: Putting the ethnography straight. 9, 2: 119-36.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1984/5) Religious symbols & political... 12:39-54.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1988) Magic, communication and ... 15,1: 27-41.LabourPerrings, C. (1978) White mine-workers, the dequalification of labour-power, and the 'African advancement' issue in ... 6,1: 69-73.Ribeiro Torres, J. L. (1973) Race relations in Mozambique. 3,1:39-52.Suckling, J. (1974) What price Black labour in Rhodesia. 3, 2:113-6.Land degradationWhitlow, J. R. (1979) A scenario of changes in subsistence land useand its relevance to the tribal areas of Zimbabwe. 7, 2: 171-90.SUBJECT INDEX 173Land distributionDunlop, H. (1976) The publications of the tribal areas ... 4, 2:111-13.Whaley, W. R. (1973) Race policies in Rhodesia. 3,1:31-37.Land policyChristopher, A. J. (1971) Land policy in Southern Africa during thenineteenth century. 2,1: 1-9.Land reformDunlop, H. (1976) The publications of the tribal areas ... 4, 2:111-13.Land useBarnes, D. L. (1978) Problems and prospects of increased pastoralproduction in the Tribal Trust Lands. 6,1: 49-59.Cheater, A. P. (1978) Small-scale freehold as a model... 6, 2:117-27.Manley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4,1:19-39.Whitlow, J. R. (1979) A scenario of changes in subsistence land useand its relevance to the tribal areas of Zimbabwe. 7, 2:171-90.Landscape evaluationManley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4,1:19-39.Language useThondhlana, J. et al (1990) An investigation into language attitudes ofsecondary school students in Zimbabwe. 17, 1:85-100.Legal publicationsEastwood, A. H. N. (1982) Limitations of legal.. 10,1:59-62.Legal systemFeltoe, G. (1975) Rhodesia: Management of the nation's behaviour bythe law. 4, 1: 41-52.Whaley, W. R. (1973) Race policies in Rhodesia. 3,1:31-37.LegislationCheater, A. P. (1991) Introduction: Industrial organization and thelaw in the first decade of Zimbabwe's Independence. 18,1:1-14.LesothoMhloyi, M. M. (1986) Fertility determinants and ... 13,2:81-107.Ngcobo, S. (1973) 'Non-racialism': Botswana, Lesotho... 3,1:53-60.Leasing, Doris, literary worksRix, L. B. (1976) Some recent criticism of Doris Lessing. 4,2:103-6.Roberts, R. S. (1976) A select bibliography of work on... 4,2:99-101.liberation movementsSithole, M. (1983) Recent works on the Zimbabwe... 11,2:149-59.Liberation warBourdillon, M. F. C. (1984/5) Religious symbols & political... 12:39-54.Hastings, A. (1983) Mediums, martyrs and morals. 11,1:1-14.174 SUBJECT INDEXlibrariesMade, S. M. (1982) The library in the university community. 10,1:1-12.Nyangoni, C. K. (1981) Libraries for national development. 9,1:49-58.LingusiticsJefferies, A. A. (1992) Linguists, procrustes & linguistic ... 19, 2: 117-37.LiteracyNyangoni, C. K. (1981) Libraries for national development. 9,1:49-58.Literature Š see also Drama and PoetryMarechera, D. (1987) Soyinka, Dostoevsky: The writer... 14,2:106-11.Literature, epicMaritz, Jessie (1989) Towards a Zimbabwean Aeneid:... 16, 2: 151-7.Literature in EnglishBeach, D. N. (1980) The marquis de Sade: First Zim.... 8, 1: 53-61.Borrell, D. E. (1970) Arthur Shearly Cripps: An assessment. 1, 2: 1-3.Chennells, A. J. (1977) The treatment of the Rhodesian war in recentRhodesian novels. 5, 2: 177-202.Chennells, A. J. (1993) Marxist and pan-Africanist literary theoriesand a sociology of Zimbabwean literature. 20, 2: 109-29.Holland, R. W. H. (1977) Fiction and history: Fact and invention inAlan Paton's novel Cry, the beloved country. 5, 2: 129-39.Phehane, J. T. (1979) Access to Rhodesiana. 7,1: 105-10.Roberts, R. S. (1976) A select bibliography of work on ... 4, 2: 99-101.Shopo, T. D. (1977) Black liberalism revisited. 5, 1: 91-4.Steele, M. C. (1981) Olive Schreiner and the liberal... 9, 2: 177-82.Veit-Wild, F. (1987) Dambudzo Marechera: A prelim. ... 14, 2: 121-9.Zhuwarara, R. (1987) Zimbabwean fiction in English. 14, 2: 131-46.Literature in English, study and teachingMarechera, D. (1987) The African writer's experience of... 14,2:99-105.Literature in ShonaFortune, G. (1969) 75 years of writing in Shona. 1, 1: 55-67.Haasbroek, J. (1974) The study of the Shona novel. 3, 2: 117-20.Kahari, G. P. (1972) Tradition and innovation in Shona literature. 2,2:47-54.Kahari, G. P. (1982) Realism and the contemporary... 10, 2: 85-110.Kahari, G. P. (1984/5) Cultural identity and cross-cultural... 12:55-73.literature, study and teachingMaritz, Jessie (1989) Towards a Zimbabwean Aeneid:... 16, 2: 151-7.livestockBarnes, D. L. (1978) Problems and prospects of increased pastoralproduction in the Tribal Trust Lands. 6, 1: 49-59.Livestock productionOliver, J. (1979) Nature and nurture in animal production: A hereticalview. 7, 2:125-38.SUBJECT INDEX 175Livingstone, David Š biographies Š criticismRoberts, R. S. (1980) Another Livingstone? 8,1: 81-83.Local governmentDixon, A. J. (1976) Local government in Southern Africa. 4, 2:107-10.MalawiMichael, I. (1969) A fresh pattern of higher education. 1,1: 1-8.Marechera, DambudzoVeit-Wild, F. (1987) Words as bullets: The writings of... 14,2:113-20.Veit-Wild, F. (1987) Dambudzo Marechera: A prelim.... 14, 2:121-9.MarriageGoldin, B. (1971) Aspects of divorce in Rhodesia. 2,1: 23-31.May, J. P. (1983) African marriage in Zimbabwe. 11, 2:139-42.Steele, M. C. (1981) The economic function of African-owned cattle incolonial Zimbabwe. 9, 1: 29-48.MarxismChennells, A. J. (1993) Marxist and pan-Africanist literary theoriesand a sociology of Zimbabwean literature. 20, 2:109-29.Pearce C. (1988) A dialogue with Marxism. 15, 2:181-97.MathematicsDzinotyiweyi, H. A. M. (1988) The thrust of mathematics indevelopment: Trends and prospects. 15, 2:105-17.Stewart, A. G. R. (1981) Mathematics: Applications ... 9,1:1-18.MeaslesAxton, J. H. M. (1979) The natural history of measles. 7, 2:139-54.Mental healthChiwome, E. M. (1992) Traditional Shona poetry & mental... 19,1:1-17.Migration, labourBourdillon, M. F. C. (1977) Labour migrants from Korekore... 5,1:1-29.Chavunduka, G. L. (1976) Rural and urban life. 4, 2: 69-78.Moller, V. (1977) Migrant labour in Harare hostels .... 5, 2:141-59.Reader, D. H. (1970) Tribalism and detribalism in... Africa. 1,2:55-75.Migration, rural-urbanSeager, D. R. (1977) The struggle for shelter in an urbanizing world: ARhodesian example. 5, 1:83-90.MilitarismEvans, M. (1984/5) The Front-line states, South Africa and... 12:1-19.Military historyMcLaughlin, P. (1978) The thin White line: Rhodesia's ... 6, 2:175-86.Mining industryGaidzanwa, R. B. (1991) Labour relations in a mining... 18,1:49-67.Perrings, C. (1978) White mine-workers, the dequalification of labour-power, and the 'African advancement' issue in ... 6,1:69-73.176 SUBJECT INDEXMofolo, Thomas, literary worksHallencreutz C. F. (1989) Thomas Mofolo's Chaka and ... 16,2:173-84.Moral educationPearce, C. (1990) Tsika, Hunhu and the moral education... 17,2:145-60.MozambiqueBeach, D. N. (1990) Publishing the past: Progress in the 'Documentson the Portuguese' series. 17, 2: 175-83.Ribeiro Torres, J. L. (1973) Race relations in Mozambique. 3,1:39-52.Mungoshi, Charles, literary worksStratton, F. (1986) Charles Mungoshi's Waiting for the rain. 13,1:11-24.MusicAxelsson, 0. E. (1974) Historical notes on neo-African ... 3, 2: 89-102.Berliner, P. F. (1974) Vocal styles accompanying mbira... 3, 2: 103.Tracey, A. (1974) The family of the mbira: The evidence of... 3,2:1-10.NationalismKinloch, G. C. (1975) Changing intergroup attitudes of Rhodesian Whitesas denned by the press: The process of colonial... 4, 1:105-17.Patel, H. H. (1973) Race and international politics. 3, 1: 67-74.Sithole, M. (1991) Turmoil and tenacity: The road to the... 18,2:143-52.Ndebele drama Š see Drama in NdebeleNdebele languageRycroft, D. K. (1980) Ndebele and Zulu: Some phonetic ... 8,2:109-28.Zondo, J. (1982) Some aspects of the ideophone in ... 10, 2: 111-26.NutritionChitsiku, I. C. (1989) Nutritive value of foods of Zimbabwe. 16,1:67-97.Gomez, M. I. (1988) Aresource inventory of indigenous... 15,1:53-73.Theisen, R. J. (1978) The supplementary feeding of... 6, 2: 169-74.Oral historyHallencreutz C. F. (1989) Thomas Mofolo's Chaka and... 16,2:173-84.Organization of African UnityMangwende, M. (1984/5) The OAU: An analysis of the ... 12: 21-38.OrnithologyCottrell, C. B. (1982) An important milestone in Zim. ... 10, 2:127-37.Pan-AfricanismChennells, A. J. (1993) Marxist and pan-Africanist literary theoriesand a sociology of Zimbabwean literature. 20, 2: 109-29.Mangwende, M. (1984/5) The OAU: An analysis of the ... 12: 21-38.Participatory researchScoones, I. and Cousins, B. (1989) A participatory model of agriculturalresearch and extension: The case of vleis, trees and ... 16,1:45-65.Paton, AlanHolland, R. W. H. (1977) Fiction and history: Fact and invention inAlan Paton's novel Cry, the beloved country. 5, 2:129-39.SUBJECT INDEX 177PeasantsCheater, A. P. (1991) Rural dev. and peasant alienation. 18,2:89-104.PidginsSchuhmacher, W. W. (1974) Is Afrikaans a creolized lang? 3, 2:105-7.Plants, edibleGomez, M. I. (1988) A resource inventory of indigenous... 15,1:53-73.Poetry in EnglishBrown, G. R. (1982) Recent Zimbabwean poetry. 10,1: 63-76.Carter, H. (1974) Poetry and society: Aspects of Shona... 3, 2:11-25.Graham, R. (1978) Poetry in Rhodesia. 6, 2:189-215.Middleton, D. M. A. F. and von der Valkenstein, F. (1972) Roy Campbell:The effect of his political ideas on his poetry. 2, 2:55-66.Mutswairo, S. M. (1991) A Zimbabwean poet writing in English: Acritical appraisal of Musaemura Zimunya's ... 18, 2:105-18.Zimunya, M. B. (1980) Kingfisher. 8, 2:219.Poetry in ShonaCarter, H. (1974) Poetry and society: Aspects of Shona... 3, 2: 11-25.Chiwome, E. M. (1992) Traditional Shona poetry & mental... 19,1:1-17.Fortune, G. (1971) Shona traditional poetry. 2,1:41-6&Fortune, G. (1974) Nhango and Ndyaringo: Two complementary poeticgenres. 3, 2: 27-49.Political historyBurdette, M. and Davies, R. J. (1987) The Zimbabwean economy:Prognostications and realities after six years. 14,1: 73-83.Kahari, G. P. (1981) The history of the Shona protest... 9, 2: 79-101.Kinloch, G. C. (1974) Rhodesia in the 1960s. 3, 2:121-4.Passmore, G. C. (1980) Beyond Independence: Unfettered... 8,1:85-99.Peaden, W. R. (1979) Aspects of the church and its politicalinvolvement in Southern Rhodesia, 1959-1972. 7, 2:191-210.Roberts, R. S. (1982) Epiphenomena of the Struggle. 10, 2:143-50.Roberts, R. S. (1983) Last days of White Rhodesia. 11,1: 73-8.Roberts, R. S. (1983) Patriotism or profit: Nostalgic ... 11, 2:143-7.Sithole, M. (1983) Recent works on the Zimbabwe ... 11, 2:149-59.Sithole, M. (1991) Turmoil and tenacity: The road to the... 18,2:143-52.Political partiesHarris, P. B. (1969) Interest groups in South African... 1,1:9-20.Harris, P. B. (1970) The changing Rhodesian... culture: 1969.1,2:5-8.PoliticsBrand, C. M. (1973) Persistence and change in South ... 3,1: 75-81.Cheater, A. P. (1989) Managing culture en route to socialism: Theproblems of culture 'answering back'. 16, 2:103-22.Christopher, A. J. (1972) South Africa and the nation state. 2,2:32-7.Harris, P. B. (1969) Interest groups in South African... 1,1:9-20.178 SUBJECT INDEXHarris, P. B. (1970) The changing Rhodesian... culture: 1969.1, 2:5-8.Mangwende, M. (1984/5) The OAU: An analysis of the ... 12: 21-38.Moyo, J. N. (1993) Civil society in Zimbabwe. 20, 1: 1-14.Patel, H. H. (1973) Race and international politics. 3,1: 67-74.PopulationBeach, D. N. (1990) Zimbabwean demography: Early... 17, 1: 31-83.Bonnerjea, L. (1981) Invisible women. 9, 2: 155-65.Clarke, D. (1971) Population and family planning in the ... 2, 1:11-22.Kay, G. (1974) A socio-geographic survey of Salisbury... 3, 2: 71-87.Mhloyi, M. M. (1986) Fertility determinants and ... 13, 2: 81-107.Mhloyi, M. M. (1992) Fertility levels and trends in Zim.... 19, 2: 79-97.Sadie, J. L. (1975) Managing population numbers. 4,1: 11-18.Theisen, R. J. (1977) Variables of population growth. 5, 2: 161-8.Preventive medicineJayatilaka, A. D. P. (1983) All for health. 11, 1: 15-35.PropagandaBone, R. (1975) Management of the nation's minds. 4, 1: 1-10.Protest songsKahari, G. P. (1981) The history of the Shona protest... 9, 2: 79-101.PsychologyBone, R. (1975) Management of the nation's minds. 4,1: 1-10.Buchan, T. (1980) Stranger in a strange land. 8, 2: 149-58.Munro, D. (1978) The psychologist in blacker Africa:... 6, 2: 105-15.PublishingRoberts, R. S. (1983) Patriotism or profit: Nostalgic ... 11, 2: 143-7.Race relationsBaker, D. G. (1979) Time suspended: The Quenet Report and Whiteracial dominance in Rhodesia. 7, 2: 243-53.Clarke, D. G. (1972) Discrimination in economic theory anddevelopment studies in Southern Africa. 2, 2: 85-94.Davenport, T. R. H. (1973) The history of race relations in... 3,1:5-14.Dixon, A. J. (1973) The multiracial myth. 3, 1: 61-65.Gaidzanwa, R. B. (1993) The politics of the body and the politics ofcontrol: An analysis of class, gender and cultural... 20, 1:15-34.Harris, P. S. (1972) Government policy and African wages ... 2,2:39-45.Hodder-Williams, R. (1978) Research without progress. 6, 1: 95-98.Kileff, C. (1975) Race, sex and occupation: The case of... 4,1:119-21.Kinloch, G. C. (1973) Flame or Lily? Revisited: A response andelaboration of Rhodesian racial attitudes. 3, 1: 95-101.Kinloch, G. C. (1975) Changing intergroup attitudes of Rhodesian Whitesas denned by the press: The process of colonial... 4,1:105-17.Murphree, M. W. (1973) Intro.: Race in Southern Africa. 3, 1: 1-3.SUBJECT INDEX 179Ngcobo, S. (1973) 'Non-racialism': Botswana, Lesotho... 3,1: 53-60.Patel, H. H. (1973) Race and international politics. 3,1: 67-74.Ribeiro Torres, J. L. (1973) Race relations in Mozambique. 3,1:39-52.Roberts, R. S. (1982) Epiphenomena of the Struggle. 10, 2: 143-50.Roberts, R. S. (1983) Last days of White Rhodesia. 11,1: 73-8.Suckling, J. (1974) What price Black labour in Rhodesia. 3, 2:113-6.Warhurst, P. R. (1973) The history of race relations in... 3, 1: 15-19.Whaley, W. R. (1973) Race policies in Rhodesia. 3,1:31-37.Racial policyOlivier, N. J. J. (1973) South African racial policy. 3,1: 21-30.Ribeiro Torres, J. L. (1973) Race relations in Mozambique. 3,1:39-52.Whaley, W. R. (1973) Race policies in Rhodesia. 3,1: 31-37.Recreation areasHeath, R. A. (1986) The national survey of outdoor... 13,1: 25-42.Manley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4,1:19-39.Regional planningManley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4,1:19-39.ReligionMurphree, M. W. (1981) The study of religion in Cent. Africa. 9,1:67-75.Religious beliefsBourdillon, M. F. C. (1981) Suggestions of bureaucracy in Korekorereligion: Putting the ethnography straight. 9, 2:119-36.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1984/5) Religious symbols & political... 12:39-54.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1988) Magic, communication and ... 15,1: 27-41.Buchan, T. (1980) Stranger in a strange land. 8,2: 149-58.Gelfand, M. (1969) The Shona religion. 1,1:37-45.Gelfand, M. (1970) The ceremony of Mishashe... 1, 2: 9-11.Gelfand, M. (1971) A description of... Kurova Gum. 2,1: 71-74.Gelfand, M. (1972) Suicide and attempted suicide among... 2,2:73-78.Gelfand, M. (1975) Towards an analysis of Shona religion... 4,1:123-26.Hastings, A. (1983) Mediums, martyrs and morals. 11,1:1-14.Mafico, T. J. (1981) Church adaptation to the new social... 9,2:171-6.Religious practicesGelfand, M. (1969) The Shona religion. 1,1:37-45.Gelfand, M. (1970) The ceremony of Mishashe... 1, 2: 9-11.Gelfand, M. (1971) A description of... Kurova Guva. 2,1: 71-74.ResettlementBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Rhodes, Cecil JohnRoberts, R. S. (1970) Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Jameson... 1,2:77-80.180 SUBJECT INDEXRural areasMurphree, M. W. (1970) A village school and community developmentin a Rhodesian Tribal Trust Land. 1, 2: 13-23.Passmore, G. C. (1971) Historical rationale of the policy... 2,1:61-70.Whitlow, J. R. (1979) A scenario of changes in subsistence land useand its relevance to the tribal areas of Zimbabwe. 7, 2:171-90.Rural communitiesBourdillon, M. F. C. (1983) Christianity and wealth in ... 11,1: 37-53.Cheater, A. P. (1991) Rural dev. and peasant alienation. 18, 2:89-104.Theisen, R. J. (1976) Development in rural communities. 4, 2: 93-98.Theisen, R. J. (1977) Variables of population growth. 5, 2: 161-8.Rural developmentTheisen, R. J. (1976) Development in rural communities. 4, 2: 93-98.Sade, Comte Donattne Alphonse Francois deBeach, D. N. (1980) The marquis de Sade: First Zim.... 8,1: 53-61.Schreiner, Olive, literary worksSteele, M. C. (1981) Olive Schreiner and the liberal... 9, 2:177-82.SettlementBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Stocking, M. A. (I978) Relationship of agricultural history andsettlement to severe soil erosion in Rhodesia. 6, 2:129-45.Shona languageChimhundu, H. (1979) Some problems relating to the incorporationof loan words and the lexicon. 7,1: 75-91.Chimhundu, H. (1980) Shumo, Tsumo and socialization. 8,1: 37-51.Dembetembe, N. C. (1979) A syntactic classification of... 7,1: 49-59.Dembetembe, N. C. (1981) Remarks on some syntactic noun featuresin Shona. 9, 2:103-17.Fortune, G. (1969) 75 years of writing in Shona. 1,1: 55-67.Fortune, G. (1976) Form and imagery in Shona proverbs. 4, 2: 25-55.Fortune, G. (1979) Shona lexicography. 7,1: 21-47.Jefferies, A A. (1992) Linguists, procrustes & linguistic... 19, 2:117-37.Kahari, G. P. and Pongweni, A. J. C. (1983) Shona nomenclature. 11,2:161-7.Kumbirai, J. C. (1979) Shona Bible translation: The work... 7,1:61-74.Shona language, study and teachingChiwome, E. and Thondhlana, J. (1989) The teaching of Shona throughthe medium of Shona and English in high schools ... 16, 2:159-71.Shona literature Š see Literature hi ShonaShona nomenclatureKahari, G. P. and Pongweni, A. J. C. (1983) Shona nomenclature. 11,2:161-7.Shona poetry Š see Poetry in ShonaSUBJECT INDEX 181Shona peopleBeach, D. N. (1970) Afrikaner and Shona settlement... 1, 2: 25-34.Buchan, T. (1980) Stranger in a strange land. 8, 2:149-58.Cheater, A. P. (1986) The role and position of women in... 13,2:65-79.Gelfand, M. (1969) The Shona religion. 1,1: 37-45.Gelfand, M. (1970) The ceremony of Mishashe... 1, 2: 9-11.Gelfand, M. (1971) A description of... Kurova Guva. 2,1: 71-74.Gelfand, M. (1972) Suicide and attempted suicide among... 2,2: 73-78.Gelfand, M. (1975) Towards an analysis of Shona religion... 4,1:123-6.Hastings, A. (1983) Mediums, martyrs and morals. 11,1:1-14,Mafico, T. J. (1981) Church adaptation to the new social... 9,2:171-6.Pearce, C. (1990) Tsika, Hunhu and the moral education... 17,2:145-60.Opland, J. (1981) Shona oral poetry. 9,1:59-65.Shona protest songsKahari, G. P. (1981) The history of the Shona protest... 9, 2: 79-101.Shona proverbsChimhundu, H. (1980) Shumo, Tsumo and socialization. 8,1:37-51.Fortune, G. (1976) Form and imagery in Shona proverbs. 4, 2: 25-55.Shona sculptureDanks, J. (1979) Shona sculpture. 7, 1:111-14.Pearce, C. (1993) The myth of Shona sculpture. 20,2:85-107.Roberts, R. S. et al. (1982) Contrasting views of Shona... 10,1:49-57.Sithole, Ndabaningi, literary worksDay, J. (1979) Sithole: The politician as author. 7,1: 93-98.Social relationsBourdillon, M. F. C. (1974) Social relations in the understanding ofphysical events among the Eastern Korekore. 3, 2: 61-70.Social researchRip, C. M. (1975) The contribution of research in the... 4,1: 95-103.Social servicesShopo, T. D. (1977) Social welfare or social control? 5, 2: 203-11.Social statusCheater, A. P. (1974) Aspects of status and mobility among farmersand their families in Msengezi African Purchase Land. 3,2:51-59.Socio-UnguisticsThondhlana, J. et al (1990) An investigation into language attitudes ofsecondary school students in Zimbabwe. 17,1:85-100.Soil classificationIvy, P. (1978) The dryland cash crop production potentialof nationalRegion II. 6, 2: 147-60.Nyamapfene, K. W. (1983) Traditional systems of soil... 11,1:55-57.Watson, J. P. and van Wambeke, A. (1982) Soil moisture and soiltemperature regimes in Zimbabwe estimated from ... 10,1: 41-7.182 SUBJECT INDEXWhitlow, R. and Firth, C. (1989) Gully form and development on Karoosediments in central Zimbabwe: A preliminary survey. 16, 1:1-28.Soil conservationDavis, A. G. (1992) The work of E. D. Alvord in the ... 19, 1: 47-63.Whitlow, R. (1989) A review of dambo gullying in ... 16, 2: 123-50.Soil erosionStocking, M. A. (1972) Aspects of the role of man in erosion... 2,2:1-10.Stocking, M. A. (1978) Relationship of agricultural history andsettlement to severe soil erosion in Rhodesia. 6, 2: 129-45.Whitlow, R. (1989) A review of dambo gullying in ... 16, 2: 123-50.Whitlow, R. and Firth, C. (1989) Gully form and development on Karoosediments in central Zimbabwe: A preliminary survey. 16, 1:1-28.South AfricaBrand, C. M. (1973) Persistence and change in South ... 3, 1: 75-81.Chambati, A. M. (1973) South Africa's foreign policy and... 3,1:89-93.Christopher, A. J. (1972) South Africa and the nation state. 2, 2: 32-7.Davenport, T. R. H. (1973) The history of race relations in... 3,1:5-14.Evans, M. (1984/5) The Front-line states, South Africa and ... 12:1-19.Harris, P. B. (1969) Interest groups in South African ... 1, 1: 9-20.Kinloch, G. C. and Nipper, D. A. (1971) An investigation of nationalversus ethnic identity among white South African ... 2,1: 75-77.Manley, J. H. (1975) A methodology of environmental and recreationalplanning with special reference to the George-Knysna... 4, 1:19-39.Olivier, N. J. J. (1973) South African racial policy. 3, 1: 21-30.Perrings, C. (1978) White mine-workers, the dequalification of labour-power, and the 'African advancement' issue in ... 6, 1: 69-73.Rip, C. M. (1975) The contribution of research in the ... 4, 1: 95-103.Sadie, J. L. (1975) Managing population numbers. 4, 1: 11-18.Smout, M. A. H. (1970) Selected aspects of the ... 1, 2: 35-39.Steele, M. C. (1981) Olive Schreiner and the liberal... 9, 2:177-82.Soyinka, WoleMarechera, D. (1987) Soyinka, Dostoevsky: The writer... 14,2:106-11.Spirit mediumsBourdillon, M. F. C. (1981) Suggestions of bureaucracy in Korekorereligion: Putting the ethnography straight. 9, 2: 119-^6.Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1984/5) Religious symbols & political... 12:39-54.Hastings, A. (1983) Mediums, martyrs and morals. 11, 1: 1-14.Squatter communitiesSeager, D. R. (1977) The struggle for shelter in an urbanizing world: ARhodesian example. 5,1: 83-90.Structural adjustment programmesMlambo, A S. (1993) The rich shall inherit the earth: Towards the roleand impact of IMF structural adjustment programmes ... 20,1:53-76.SUBJECT INDEX 183Student politicsGaidzanwa, R. B. (1993) The politics of the body and the politics ofcontrol: An analysis of class, gender and cultural... 20,1:15-34.Kinloch, G. C. and Nipper, D. A. (1971) An investigation of nationalversus ethnic identity among white South African ... 2,1: 75-77.SuicideGelfand, M. (1972) Suicide and attempted suicide among... 2,2: 73-78.SwazilandNgcobo, S. (1973) 'Non-racialism': Botswana, Lesotho ... 3,1: 53-60.TanzaniaCubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.Teacher trainingOrbell, S. F. W. (1980) Partnership in transition and dev. 8,1: 27-36.TheologyHallencreutz, C. F. (1988) From Julius Africanus to Augustine theAfrican: A forgotten link in early African theology. 15,1:1-25.Hallencreutz C. F. (1989) Thomas Mofolo's Chaka and... 16,2:173-84.Hastings, A. (1983) Mediums, martyrs and morals. 11,1:1-14.Tonga peoplePearce, C. (1990) Tsika, Hunhu and the moral education... 17,2:145-60.TourismHeath, R. A. (1986) The national survey of outdoor... 13,1: 25-42.Town planningHardwick, P. A. (1975) Progress towards transportation... 4,1:77-94.TradePwiti, G. (1991) Trade and economies in Southern Africa: Thearchaeological evidence. 18, 2: 119-29.Wild, V. (1992) An outline of African business history in... 19,1:19-46.TranslationKahari, G. P. (1984/5) Cultural identity and cross-cultural... 12:55-73.Kumbirai, J. C. (1979) Shona Bible translation: The work ... 7,1:61-74.TransportationHardwick, P. A. (1975) Progress towards transportation... 4,1: 77-94.Jordan, J. D. (1983) Public transport in Harare. 11, 2:127-38.Tsetse flyChild, G. F. T. and Riney, T. (1987) Tsetse control... 14, 1:11-71.United States of AmericaChideya, N. T. (1981) American scholarship programmes for Africanstudents, 1959-75. 9, 2: 137-153.University of ZimbabweChiwome, E. and Thondhlana, J. (1989) The teaching of Shona throughthe medium of Shona and English in high schools ... 16,2:159-71.184 SUBJECT INDEXGaidzanwa, R. B. (1993) The politics of the body and the politics ofcontrol: An analysis of class, gender and cultural... 20,1: 15-34.Made, S. M. (1982) The library in the university community. 10,1:1-12.McGinley, K. (1984/5) First-year reading levels at the U. Z. 12: 75-84.McLaren, R. M. (1993) Developing drama at the U. Z. 20, 1: 35-52.Urban areasChavunduka, G. L. (1972) A social survey of Dzivasresekwa township,Salisbury. 2, 2: 67-72.Kileff, C. (1972) African views of urban life. 2, 2: 79-80.Urban communitiesShopo, T. D. (1977) Social welfare or social control? 5, 2: 203-11.Urban developmentHardwick, P. A. (1975) Progress towards transportation... 4,1: 77-94.Kay, G. (1974) A socio-geographic survey of Salisbury... 3, 2: 71-87.Rakodi, C. and Mutizwa-Mangiza, N. D. (1990) Housing policy,production and consumption in Harare: A review. Part 1.17,1:1-30.Rakodi, C. and Mutizwa-Mangiza, N. D. (1990) Housing policy,production & consumption in Harare: A review. Part II. 17,2:111-31.UrbanizationReader, D. H. (1970) Tribalism and detribalism in... Africa. 1,2:55-75.Shopo, T. D. (1977) Social welfare or social control? 5, 2: 203-11.Smout, M. A. H. (1976) Urbanization of the Rhodesian ... 4, 2: 79-92.Stopforth, P. (1977) Some local impediments to social... 5, 1: 31-40.Wild, V. (1992) An outline of African business history in ... 19,1: 19-46.Vambe, LawrenceShopo, T. D. (1977) Black liberalism revisited. 5, 1: 91-94.Weed controlChivinge O. A. (1988) A weed survey of arable lands of... 15,2:167-197.Chivinge 0. A. (1990) Weed science technological needs for thecommunal areas of Zimbabwe. 17, 2:133-143.WildlifeChild, G. F. T. and Riney, T. (1987) Tsetse control... 14, 1:11-71.Choate, T. S. (1979) Is our wildlife literature coming of age? 7,1:99-104.Rylatt, R. K. (1990) Conservation in Zimbabwe as seen... 17,2:161-74.WitchcraftChavunduka, G. L. (1980) Witchcraft and the law in Zim. 8, 2: 129-47.Mafico, T. J. and Chavunduka, G. L. (1986) Witchcraft: Belief andrealities: A debate. 13, 2: 119-37.Women and developmentBonnerjea, L. (1981) Invisible women. 9, 2: 155-65.Women's statusBonnerjea, L. (1983) A feminist view. 11, 1: 59-71.Cheater, A. P. (1986) The role and position of women in... 13,2:65-79.Seager, D. R. (1978) Commissions of inquiry in ... society. 6,1: 61-7.SUBJECT INDEX 185ZambiaBourdillon, T. J. E. (1980) Education in development. 8, 2:159-85.McCosh, F. W. J. (1979) Traditional iron-working in Central Africawith some reference to the ritualistic and scientific ... 7, 2:155-70.Perrings, C. (1978) White mine-workers, the dequalification of labour-power, and the 'African advancement' issue in ... 6,1:69-73.ZimbabweCubitt, V. S. et al (1980) Dilemma in development, education andemployment: An analysis of Zim., Tanzania and Kenya. 8,1: 63-80.Zimunya, MusaemuraMutswairo, S. M. (1991) A Zimbabwean poet writing in English: Acritical approaisal of Musaemura Zimunya's ... 18, 2:105-18.Zulu languageRycroft, D. K. (1980) Ndebele and Zulu: Some phonetic... 8,2:109-28.