OXFORD UNIVERSITYCOLONIAL RECORDS PROJECTThe project completed its task at the end of last year, but work continueson the preparation of guides to the larger collections of papers. Over eightyof these guides have so far been produced. As well as material of generalCommonwealth interest, they describe papers concerned with specific terri-toriesÅ  East, West and Central Africa, the Middle and Far East, WestIndies, Pacific and other areas. Copies of guides concerning a particularregion can be obtained from The Librarian, Rhodes House Library, Oxford,where the collections are housed. There is no charge, hut refund of postageis welcomed.ICENTRAL AFRICAN JOURNALOFMEDICINEFIRST VOLUME 1955Eighteen Years' Record of Diseases of Central AfricaARTICLES AND SUPPLEMENTSDealing with Medical History of Rhodesia, Zambia and MalawiMost Back Issues Still Available.CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION: $10 A YEARP.O. Box 2073,Salisbury.84