Zambezia (1999), XXVI (ii).PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWE: AHISTORIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWBRIAN RAFTOPOULOS*Institute of Development Studies, University of ZimbabweAbstractNationalism, as a mobilising ideology, has had a powerful presence inZimbabwean history, as it has on a global level. This article is an attempt totrace the historiography of nationalism in Zimbabwe from the 1960s to thepresent. It argues that since the celebrated nationalist inspired texts of the1960s, there has been an increasing attempt to unpackage the ideology andpractice of nationalism and nationalist politics, fracturing our view of thelatter through a more careful analysis of class, gender, ethnicity and changingrural-urban relations, as well as periodising the presence of nationalism inZimbabwean history. The result is that we now have a more complex pictureof nationalism, reflecting both its continued resonance and its uneven anddifferential presence. This has opened up the possibility for less ahistorical,essentialist notions of the subject.INTRODUCTIONIn his 1979 review of the social and economic historiography of Zimbabwe,1Ian Phimister set out to explore the path-breaking contributions of Marxistinterventions in the historical debates between 1970-1979, emphasisingalso the limitations of the existing liberal and Africanist discourse. Therelationships between structure and agency, forms of accumulation andsocial differentiation under colonialism, and the tensions between theAfricanist's emphasis on the more or less unified agencies of nationalistpolitics and the differential responses to colonial rule stressed by radicalhistorians, formed the central features of Phimister's seminal discussion.In his conclusion, Phimister lamented that there was often amethodological overlap between liberal and Africanist discourses on theone hand, and the new radical historiography. Explaining the cause ofsuch an overlap Phimister observed that such radical historians,were constrained to clear away the existing historiographicalundergrowth and to initiate construction of materialist interpretations* I am grateful for the useful comments of Dr. Patricia Hayes.1 I. R. Phimister, 'Zimbabwe: Economic and social historiography since 1970", AfricanAffairs, (1979), 78, (cxi).115116 PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWEof Zimbabwe political economy, but in doing so they inevitably riskedthe appearance and occasionally the substance of capture by the veryliberal problematic they were confronting.2The result of this methodological proximity was 'the failure of Marxiststudies of Zimbabwean economy and society to establish themselvessecurely as a distinct paradigm'.3 This failure of Marxist studies, referredto by Phimister, was related to the problem of understanding thenationalism-race-class triad under colonialism. While the Africanistemphasis on the celebration of African, and more broadly, nationalistagency, paid too little attention to differential struggles, the radicalemphasis on class largely subsumed issues of race and nationalism.Because of the failure of both the Africanist and radical historians toconfront the relations between these categories in more convincing ways,a common analytical problem in this area in the 1970s, the methodologicaloverlaps were not surprising as each held on to the stronger coat tails ofthe other's arguments.The issue, of course, was not only a methodological problem, butwas also located in this force field of the political dynamics of the period,1970-1979. Problematising nationalism in the context of the on-goingliberation struggle not only at a national level, but also in a regionalcontext, had serious political implications for historical analysts. Morewill be said about such political contextualisation below.The issues which Phimister raised in 1979 have continued to surfacein the historiographical debates on Zimbabwe, since that period. Thearguments have taken different forms, but the central problem of relatingnationalist hegemony to difference, and discourses of unity to thecontradictions born out of the struggles and varying perspectives ofsubordinate classes, remains. However, there was one problem in theperspective Phimister proposed for a future paradigm of historicalresearch. His emphasis on the centrality of class for future historicalwork, always contained within it the possibility of economistic andreductionist readings. He has recently emphasized this formulation bystating that unless the processes of race, nationalism, and gender 'arerefracted through class they ultimately mislead rather than inform'.4Phimister's own excellent work, like much of the radical history whichhas relied so heavily on him, myself included, has sometimes displayedsuch economism. This central focus on class perhaps also stemmed from2 Ibid., 267-268.3 Ibid, 267.4 I. R. Phimister, "Keynote Address at the Conference on 'The Zimbabwean Economy 1930-1990", 4-7 August 1997, University of Zimbabwe.B. RAFTOPOULOS 117an underestimation of the potential for fruitful growth within the liberal,Africanist paradigm. In fact there have been substantial developments inthis field centred around the work of Terence Ranger, the doyen ofZimbabwean historiography.Important work on the 'inventions' and 'social constructions' ofnationalist and ethnic discourse has emerged under Ranger's influence.These developments are still characterised by some of the problemsPhimister raised, which will be discussed below. However, their centralconcern with nationalism has provided valuable lessons for new analyticaldevelopments.In order to carry out this review of Zimbabwean historiography, thisarticle will concentrate on two periods. Firstly we will revisit briefly theperiod covered by Phimister, starting however from 1967-1979, in orderto make some additional comments on the developments in this period.However, the major focus of this discussion will be an assessment ofhistoriographical developments between 1980-1997, namely the post-independence period in Zimbabwe. In doing this we hope to review thequestions which were raised during the formative periods ofhistoriographical growth, as well as the limitations of such interventions.THE PERIOD 1967-79The year 1967 marked the publication of the formative Africanist text onAfrican agency in Zimbabwe, namely Ranger's Revolt in Southern Rhodesia.5The book had a formative influence not only academically, but alsopolitically as it helped to feed the nationalist invention of a continuousthread of anti-colonial struggle. The book dealt with African resistance tocolonial intervention in 1896-97, which in popular nationalist discourse,became known as Chimurenga I, the sequel being the liberation struggleof the 1960s and 1970s. This book was completed while Ranger wasteaching at the University of Dar-es-Salaam between 1963 and 1970, afterbeing deported from Southern Rhodesia in 1963 for his involvement innationalist politics during his seven years' stay in the settler colony.6 Foryounger aspiring historians like myself, who were also involved innationalist politics, the lure of Ranger's unified vision of early anti-colonialstruggle was strong. In 1982, a leading Zimbabwean poet paid homage toRanger, in a poem entitled 'To Terence':5 T. O. Ranger, Revolt in Southern Rhodesia. 1896-97 (Heinemann Educational Books, London,1967).6 For some recent biographical details on Ranger see, John McCracken, 'Terence Ranger: Apersonal appreciation', Journal of Southern African Studies, (June 1997), (23), (ii).118 PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWEYou were gone when I came,and yet I have metthe blood you spilledin the muscle of history.Your history, Terence,is an arrivalwhere others departed.7In 1970, this book was followed by Ranger's The African Voice* whichPhimister aptly described as 'a mature expression of the Africanistscholarship which then dominated central African studies'.9 This bookattempted to track the development of African political and socialorganisation in Southern Rhodesia up to 1945, a precursor to the study ofmass nationalism in the colony.In addition to Ranger's African work, numerous books by leadingAfrican nationalists themselves, which span both time periods underreview in this article, appeared which provided both general andautobiographical accounts of nationalist struggle. Ndabaningi Sithole,who was to become the first president of the Zimbabwe African NationalUnion (ZANU) in 1963, produced his book>t/ncan Nationalism10 in 1959 inwhich he combined his personal movement towards Nationalism, with anattempt to theorise what he termed the 'factor of nationalism.'Eshmael Mlambo's The Struggle of a Birthright (1972)11 also attemptedto provide the historical background for the emergence of Africannationalism. Autobiographies by Bishop Muzorewa (1978), MauriceNyagumbo (1980) and Joshua Nkomo (1984)12 provided interesting andvaluable insights into the lives of major nationalist leaders, within thebroad narrative of nationalist politics. In the case of Nkomo's book,appearing in the middle of the war in Matabeleland in the mid-1980s, thestory is also one of the tensions and break-up of nationalist unity. Themost interesting of this genre of work were the two books produced by7 Chenjerai Hove, 'To Terence", in Up in Arms (Zimbabwe Publishing House, Harare, 1982133.8 T. O. Ranger, The African Voice in Southern Rhodesia (Heinemann Educational B(x>ksLondon, 1970).9 Phimister, "Zimbabwe: Economic and social historiography since 1970\ 253.10 Ndabaningi Sithole, African Nationalism (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1970).11 Eshmael Mlambo, The Struggle for a Birthright (C. Hurst Company, London 1972).12 Bishop Abel Muzorewa, Rise Up and Walk (Sphere Books, London, 1978); MauriceNyagumbo, With The People (Allison and Busby, Ix>ndon, 1980); Joshua Nkomo, The Slnrvof My Life (Methuen, London, 1984). *B. RAFTOPOULOS 119Lawrence Vambe in 1972 and 1976.13Vambe's work provided a fascinatinginsight into the urban social history of nationalist politics setting in animportant precedent for the growth of urban historiography in Zimbabwein the 1980s and 1990s.Ranger's Africanist sway in the study of early anti-colonial strugglesin Southern Rhodesia dominated the field, until the emergence in the1970s of alternative analytical perspectives. Between the work of GiovanniArrighi,14 Charles Van Onselen15, Duncan Clarke16, Phimister17, Harris18and Davies19, processes of class formation, class struggle and articulationof modes of production, became a more prominent feature of the analysisof the settler formation. However, these interventions by radical scholarsfailed to seriously engage the problematic of nationalism for a number ofreasons. Firstly, much of the work by these radical scholars wasconcentrated in the period before the emergence of mass nationalistpolitics in the mid-1950s, and thus the implications of the analysis ofclass for an understanding of nationalism were not seriously explored.Secondly, the most important historical texts on class, namely the workof Van Onselen and Phimister had as their central focus, the establishmentof the existence of worker consciousness, against the moreundifferentiated focus of the Africanist and liberal schools. Thus VanOnselen boldly stated:By systematically probing the response of African workers within thecontext of a specific industry, it seems possible to suggest that therewas a well developed worker consciousness from the earliest days ofthe mining industry.2013 Lawrence Vambe, An Ill-fated People (Heinemann, London, 1972); Also, From Rhodesia toZimbabwe (Heinemann, London, 1976).14 G. Arrighi and J. Saul, Essays on the Political Economy of Africa (Monthly Review Press,London, 1973).15 C. Van Onselen, Chibaro: African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia 1900-1933 (Pluto,London, 1976).16 D. G. Clarke, Contract Workers and Underdevelopment in Rhodesia (Mambo Press, Gwelo1974); Agricultural and Plantation Workers in Rhodesia (Mambo Press, Gwelo, 1977);'Structural trends affecting the conditions of labour for African workers in Rhodesia',Rhodesian Journal of Economics, (January 1976), 10, (ii); 'The Under-development ofAfrican Trade Unions and Working Class Action in Post-war Rhodesia' (Oxford Workshop,Unpub. mimeo, 1974). Clarke, a prolific researcher, published much more in the 1970s.17 I. R. Phimister and C. Van Onselen, Studies in the History of African Mine Labour inColonial Zimbabwe (Gwelo, Mambo Press, 1978).18 P. Harris, Black Industrial Workers in Rhodesia (Gwelo, Mambo Press, 1974); 'Industrialworkers in Rhodesia, 1946-1972: Working class elite or lumpen proletariat?'. Journal ofSouthern African Studies, (1975), I.19 R. Davies, 'Notes on the theory of the informal sector with reference to Zimbabwe', SouthAfrican Labour Bulletin, (1977), III.20 C. Van Onselen, 'Worker consciousness in Black miners: Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1920',in I. R. Phimister and C. Van Onselen, Studies in Colonial Zimbabwe (Gwelo MamboPress, 1978), 19.120 PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWEMoreover, heavily influenced by social historians such as E. P.Thompson and Eugene Genovese, Van Onselen sought this expression ofworker discontent 'in the nooks and crannies of the day-to-day worksituation', which in his view were the only ways in which workers couldexpress their discontent in the context of the repressive labour conditionson the mine compounds. In this kind of analysis class tended to becomea delimited corporate framework, linked to an historical task ofproletarianation.21 The reductionist pull of such a trajectory was hardlygoing to be of much use for an understanding of the complexities ofnationalist mobilisation.The work of historians like Van Onselen and Phimister was developedwithin the context of the radical South African labour historiography ofthe 1970s, which in Lewis's words, 'followed hard on the heels of therevival of South African trade unionism in the early 1970s'.22 This growthin labour history also reflected the focus of the South African Left onlabour as an alternative focus of anti-apartheid struggle. The decisiveeffects of Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement on the politicalscene in South Africa during this period, also raised important theoreticaland political questions on race and nationalism, which may have fed aheightened concern with class on the part of large sections of the SouthAfrican Left. In such a context class could once again have the effect ofsubsuming issues of race and nationalism. In any case the influence ofthese developments could be detected in the work of the radical historiansfocusing on labour in Zimbabwe. Thirdly, even when questions of ethnicitywere dealt with by radical historians, the dynamic and construction ofethnic consciousness was located largely in the abode of production.23Thus even though the political economy interventions of the radicalsraised serious questions, absent in Ranger's work, the work of the radicalhistorians itself raised new problems and limitations.However, Ranger's work not only faced criticism from the Marxistinspired historiography. His own interpretation of the uprising of 1896/97,which fed so much nationalist nostalgia and mythology, was seriouslyundermined by the late 1970s. The work of Beach24 and Cobbing25 seriously21 In a different context, see T. Nairn's critique of E. P. Thomson's use of class, in T. NairnThe Enchanted Class: Britain and Its Monarchy (London, Vintage, 1994).22 John Lewis, 'South African labour history: A historiographical assessment', HadimiHistory Review, (1990), 46, (vii). a'23 I. Phimister and Charles Van Onselen, "The political economy of tribal animosity: A casestudy of the 1929 Bulawayo Location 'Faction fight". Journal of Southern African Studio(October 1979), 6, (i). s>24 D. N. Beach, 'Chimurenga: The Shona risings of 1896-97'. Journal of African llfctnn,(1979), 20, (iii). ry-25 J. Cobbing, 'The absent priesthood: Another look at the Rhodesia risings of 1896-07-Journal of African History, (1977), 18. (i). " ŁB. RAFTOPOULOS 121challenged Ranger's exaggerated view of the extent of unity and popularresistance in the conflicts of 1896/97. Beach and Cobbing seriouslyquestioned Ranger's view of the organisation of the Risings, underminingRanger's view of the role of the Mwari Cult in organising these Risings.Where Ranger had sought to demonstrate the unity of the Shona andNdebele in the Risings as a prelude to later, mass nationalism, bothCobbing and Beach painted a more differential, less romanticised picture.In Cobbing's view the 'problem of scale' was for the most part not solvedby the Shona or Ndebele in the supratribal sense pointed to by Ranger.26Cobbing thus concluded that it was,above all fallacious to seek in the events of those years a surge ofZimbabwean nationalism or proto-nationalism, which was only todevelop this century.27Thus by 1980 Zimbabwean historiography was faced, on the onehand with a still influential Africanist school, whose often undifferentiatedperspective on nationalism had been critically dented; on the other handthe 1970s had seen the emergence of a radical scholarship which, thoughit had raised serious issues regarding the differentiated struggles undersettler-colonial capitalism, had been unable to bring such insights to bearon a convincing problematisation of nationalism.HISTORIOGRAPHY IN THE POST-COLONIAL PERIOD: 1980-97In the immediate post-colonial years Of the Zimbabwean state, therefollowed a series of studies attempting to demonstrate the unifyingcapacity of nationalism, and its ability to express and integrate a varietyof subaltern struggles. In 1981, a work by Martin and Johnson,28represented little more than a hagiography for the ruling party, anunashamed apologetic justifying th« coming to power of a section of theliberation movement. However, two much more substantive studiescelebrating the growth of nationalism, namely Ranger's PeasantConsciousness and Guerrilla War in Zimbabwe,29 and David Lan's GunsRain30 appeared in 1985. Ranger's work, located in the Makoni District innorth-eastern Zimbabwe, traced the development of a radical peasant26 Phimister, 'Zimbabwe: Economic and social historiography since 1970", summarises thecritique of Beach and Cobbing succinctly.27 Ibid.28 D. Martin and P. Johnson, The Struggle for Zimbabwe: The Chimurenga War (ZimbabwePublishing House, Harare, 1981).29 T. O Ranger, Peasant Consciousness and Guerrilla War in Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe PublishingHouse, Harare, 1988).30 D. Lan, Guns and Rain: Guerrillas and Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe PublishingHouse, Harare, 1988).122 PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWEconsciousness in this area which developed out of the experiences ofcolonial conquest, land alienation, and centralised, authoritarian stateinterventions in the agrarian questions from the 1930s. This growth ofpeasant discontent provided the basis for guerrilla mobilisation andnationalist politics. Moreover, the use of spirit mediums as symbols ofthe rights of peasants to land, was incorporated into ZANU's mobilisationstrategy. The result was that the,collective action and collective suffering of peasants and guerrillasproduced a corporate ideology in Makoni District and elsewhere in thecountry.31David Lan's work also stressed the close cooperation of guerillas andspirit mediums in mobilising peasants, with the latter legitimating theauthority of the liberation forces against discredited chiefs whocollaborated with the settler regime.A similar insistence on Ranger's 'composite ideology' can be found inthe work of Manungo who sees the guerrillas as 'an extension of peasantresistance to colonial rule' with the peasants viewing the liberation forcesas 'their children who had come to assist them in removing the burden ofcolonialism'.32In 1992 a major critique of Ranger's and Lan's perspective onnationalism appeared in the work of Kriger's Peasant Voices,33 in whichshe argued that Ranger's stress on unity ignored the differentiation withinthe peasantry along the lines of lineage, age, gender and wealth. Thus sheargued that Ranger's 'narrowly constructed concept of peasantconsciousness' based on 'shared cultural nationalist ideology' ignoredvarious levels of differentiation of peasants, and thus overstated peasantgrievances against the state and White settlers in the arena of agriculturalproduction. On nationalism she concluded:The concept of nationalism, like that of peasants is outward orientedand assumes that peasant differences with each other pale in significanceto their differences with alien others. Peasants appear as a classmotivated against an alien state, whether characterised as capitalist,imperialist, or colonialist.3431 Ranger, Peasant Consciousness and Guerrilla War in Zimbabwe, 182.32 K. Manungo, 'The peasantry in Zimbabwe: A vehicle for change', in I'reben Kaarsholm(ed.) Cultural Struggle and Development in Southern Africa (James Currey, London, 1991)117-118; see also K. Manungo 'The Role Peasants Played in the Zimbabwe War of liberationWith Special Emphasis on the Chiweshe District' (Ph.D thesis, Ohio University, 1991)33 Norma J. Kriger, Zimbabwe's Guerrilla War: Peasant Voices (Cambridge University PressCambridge, 1992), 27. "34 Ibid., 240.B. RAFTOPOULOS 123Moreover, central to Kriger's thesis was the view that in order tomobilise a nationalist consciousness in the countryside, guerrillas wereforced to utilise coercion rather than persuasion, because of the conflictingagendas of peasant communities. Thus the guerrilla war in Zimbabwewas successful despite the lack of popular rural support.Other critiques of Ranger also emerged. Alexander,35 one of Ranger'sforemost students, argued that Ranger's study was based on an area whichwas a prime example of successful peasant production, an experiencewhich could not therefore be generalised. She proposed, in a critiquethat applied also to Lan and Kriger, that studying the national liberationstruggle in Zimbabwe differed according to the areas' experience of thewar, its geography, the political and religious institutions and the natureand extent of incorporation into the colonial political economy.36Alexander also criticised Ranger for his failure to seriously address theproblem of guerrilla violence and coercion, treating the latter 'more as anecessary condition of war than as an indication of social tensions'.37Moreover, Alexander's own work on rural struggles demonstrates the unevenrelationship between nationalism, 'traditional' authorities and peasantcommunities, in her comparative study of the liberation war experiencein areas in the north-east and south-west of Zimbabwe, respectively.38While Kriger's work posed serious questions and problems forRanger's work, her own understanding of nationalism exposed a failureto understand the hegemonic capacity of nationalist struggle. Her centralconcern with the use of coercion in nationalist struggles, disarmed herfrom confronting the passionate commitments of nationalist affiliations.Thus a few major problems can be located in Kriger's work. Firstly,referring to Alexander's earlier point about the need to understanddifferent area responses to the liberation struggle, Kriger like Ranger,sought to generalise a particular district experience to the guerrilla waras a whole. Moreover, the area studied namely Mtoko district, had aparticular potential for coercive strategies because of the rival nationalistmovements operating in the area. As Alexander points out:Kriger neglected the role of Methodism in creating support for BishopMuzorewa's UANC Towards the end of the war, a strong UANC and35 Jocelyn Alexander, 'Things fail apart. The center can hold: Processes of post-war politicalchange in Zimbabwe's rural areas', in Laurids S. Lauriden, (ed.) Bringing Institutions BackIn Š The Role of Institutions in Civil Society, State and Economy 0DS Roskidle University,1993 [a]), 35.36 Ibid., 134.37 Ibid., 135.38 Jocelyn Alexander, 'The State, Agrarian Policy and Rural Politics in Zimbabwe: CaseStudies of Insiza and Chimanimani Districts, 1940-1990' (D. Phil thesis, Oxford University,1993 [b]).124PROBLEMATISING NATIONALISM IN ZIMBABWEIn fact the last two to three years of the war witnessed a more generalIn fact the last two to I y liberation movement, sensing apointed out, peasant criticism of guerrilla violence did not automatical*imDlv lack of support for the nationalist struggle.P 4e workZs far discussed has concentrated on the rural expensesof nationalism and anti-colonial struggle. However, in the study ofot nationalism «u relations between nationalism^^S^Z^^^^ picture of nationalistgles has begun to emerge. Phimister's recent work has continued toSS the differential and uneven process of the ^^Jfi*jfcHis comprehensive Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe 1890-1984*SPa3 on his original explanations of capital accumulation and classstmggle during this period, while his long-standing interest in the s udyof capital and labour in the mining sector has resulted in a detailed studyof Zimbabwe's largest coal mine.4'1In studies of urban social history, which began to emerge slowly inthe 1970s45 and then expanded rapidly in the 1980s, a more complexprocess o'f the differentiated and layered experiences of various urbanclasses has been presented, thus further problematising the understandingof nationalist consciousness. Such studies have sought to understandclass ethnicity, gender and nationalism in the urban areas as part of a39 Alexander, "Things fall apart, The center can hold', 135.40 The Work of D. Moore on the struggles within the liberation movement over political andmilitarist issues in the mid-1970s is a valuable contribution to an understanding of th«various trends within nationalist politics. See D. Moore, "The Contradictory Constructionof Hegemony in Zimbabwe: Politics, Ideology and Class in the Formation of a New AfricanState' (D. Phil thesis, York University, 1990).41 S. Robins, 'Heroes, heretics and historians of the Zimbabwe revolution: A review articUof Norma Kriger's Peasant Voices', Zambezia. (1996), XX1I1, (i), 86.42 Ibid., 87.43 I. R.Phimister, .An £conom/c and Social History otZimbabwe 1890-1948: Capital Accumulationand Class Straggle (Longman, London, 1988).44 1. R. PhimWer, Wangi Kolia: Cool, Capital and Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe 18!M.]