Znmbezia (2002), XXIX (ii)'Shona (derivational) Morphology: AnObservation in Search of a Theory'K. G. MKANGANWIDepartment of Linguistics, University of'ZimbabweAbstractThis article concerns a traditional analysis of Shona morphology, which is based ona (positional) classification of affix morphemes into prefixes and suffixes. It positsthe hypothesis that the distinction supports the other traditional (but morecontroversial) distinction between inflectional and derivational affixes, a distinctionwhich is seen by many scholars in the literature as not being a sharp one. What,however, seems to be the case for Shona, and possibly for Bantu as well, is that thedistinction is in fact quite sharp, and is based on the simple positional distinctionbetween prefix and suffix. All Shona affixes fall into three classes, namely inflectional,derivational and clitical. The data seems to support the hypothesis.This study on morphology proceeds on the basis of the following keyassumptions. The morpheme as the basic notion of morphology isuncontroversial, theoretically speaking. Bloomfield's theoretical constructhas remained basically the same over the years, and Nida's 1949 definitionof morphology as 'the study of morphemes and their arrangements informing words' is widely accepted in Linguistics. The other key assumptionsare that the classification of morphemes into roofs and affixes, the positionalclassification of affixes, in relation to root morphemes, into prefixes andsuffixes and the fact that morphemes are either free or bound are no longercontroversial issues. Lastly, this article also proceeds on the assumptionthat root morphemes have either a primary or secondary (i.e. derived) lexicalcategory membership.These assumptions mean that the following general observations aboutShon.i can safely be made. Shona has roots and affixes, prefixes and suffixes,free morphemes and bound morphemes. The vast majority of Shonamorphemes are bound, in the sense that each must occur with at least oneother morpheme. Free morphemes, like ideophones, necessarily constitutemonomorphemic 'words'. All Shona affixes are bound morphemes. All freemorphemes in Shona are roots, but most Shona root morphemes are alsobound. A Shona 'word' has the following typical morphological structure(root morphemes in bold):174K. G. MKANGANWI 175[1] (a) ka - rume ka - teteC12 male C12 thin'a small thin man'(b) va - cha - ka - gum - an - is - -an - -a ne - motaC2 FUT C12 hit REC CAUS REC tv with car'They will smash it against a car'(c) ma - zi - kuru - tuC6 C21 big very'very big ones'What has been controversial over the years is the classification of affixesinto inflectional and derivational affixes. There are many reasons why thishas been the case, one of which is the fact that it is a functional classification.It involves 'meaning' and 'category', both of which take morphology intothe realm of syntax, thereby creating another controversy regarding thedistinction between morphology and syntax and the central controversyregarding what a word is, because the syntax-morphology distinction isbased on prior acceptance of the concept of 'word'. This has not takenmorphology away from its custom of making the distinction betweeninflectional and derivational affixes.As far as Shona is concerned, the morphological distinction betweeninflection and derivation (which is the central concern of this article) seems tobe very neat and straightforward, and need never have been uncertain. Thediscussion that follows is based on the distinction, assumed at the beginning,that root morphemes are primary members of one lexical category or another.For the purposes of this article, therefore, root morphemes are either verbs,substantives or ideophones. Each category has unique morphosyntactic featuresthat distinguish it from the others. Apart from the ostensive definition,made by the following examples, this classification is also assumed withoutdiscussion.[2] Verb: -tuk-, -famb-, -gar-, -sik-, -p-(scold) (walk, travel) (sit, stay) (create) (give)[3] Ideophone: tomu, tende, shaku, kunja(jumping) (sitting) (falling) (falling)[4] Substantive:(a) Noun: -komana, -romo, -ngwa, -mbudzi(boy) (mouth) (bread) (goat)(b) Adjective: -kobvu, -tete, -fupi,(fat, thick) (thin, narrow) (short, brief)(c) Others: -mwe, -oga, -ese,(one) (alone) (whole)176 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'Primary membership to these three category distinctions forms the basisof my inflection-derivation distinction.The most commonly used characterization of the distinction betweenderivational and inflectional affixes is that, typically (but not necessarily),derivational affixes change the grammatical class or category of the roots towhich they are attached. On the other hand, inflectional affixes are mere'trappings' of sentences, which do not change the grammatical category ofthe roots to which they are attached/Inflectional affixes are those that marksuch things as number, gender/class, tense, aspect and mood. Thus, it canbe asserted at this stage that 'derivational' affixes are those that are non-inflectional.Before going into some of the more 'original' and possibly controversialobservations, the article begins by repeating the often-used distinguishingfeature between the inflectional and derivational affixes. In addition to thefact that the syntactic category of the root to which inflection applies doesnot change, there are other characteristics. Inflections are characterized bywhat is sometimes called 'syntactic generality', which means that aninflectional affix will apply to all members of the category to which it canapply. For example, a tense affix is inflectional because it will inflect allverb roots, and all nouns have prefixes as their inflectional affixes. Theother characteristic of inflectional affixes is that their application is statablein terms of rules. Because inflectional processes are derived by rules, suchas agreement rules and others, they are obligatory processes. All this is trueof Shona.In contrast to inflectional morphology, derivational morphology is differentwith respect to all the features that characterize inflectional affixes. Forexample, as already stated, derivational affixes, typically (but notnecessarily), change the syntactic category of the root to which they apply.Verb roots can be changed into noun stems, while ideophones can bechanged into verbs, but the distinguishing feature is that, while inflectionshave to be carried out as a matter of morphological requirement, there is noroot in Shona which has to be derived as a matter of rule. In other words,derivation is not obligatory. Each derivational affix is specific to, or restrictedto, certain applications.For example, a particular verbalizer of ideophones does not apply to allideophones, nor does it apply as a general verbalizer whenever thatderivational productive process is needed. In fact, most verbalizers applyselectively to very restricted sets of roots.This is also true of Shona, as the Shona morphology sketched belowshows. The sketch also serves as background to the general observationsand as an illustration of the article's hypothesis. What also needs to beadded and emphasized is the fact that what are treated as derivationalaffixes include those that do not change the syntactic category of the root toK. G. MKANGANWI 177which the derivational affix is added. This means that Shona has two typesof derivational affixes: those that change the category of root morphemes,and those that do not. Verbalizers, ideophonizers, and nominalizers,obviously change the categories, while verbal extensions do not change thecategory of verb roots from being verb roots.Shona derivational affixes that do not change the syntactic categories ofthe roots to which they are added have important characteristic featuresthat must be mentioned and illustrated. The first is that, although thecategory does not change, typically, the new forms, like the extended verbroots, have large meaning changes, as the following examples illustrate:[5](a)(b)(c)-sung-tie'-tuk-' scold'-bik-'cook'-sung- -'tie'-famb-'walk'-femb-'sniff-w-'fall'Š> -sung-unur-'untie'Š> -tuk-an-'scold one another'Š> -bik-ir-'prepare love potion'-> -sung-ir-'carry out traditional child birth ceremony'Š> -famb-ir-'take responsibility'Š> femb-er-'guess'Š> -w-ir-'get into trouble'It should be noted that translations of the extended forms are a palereflection of their full meanings. The applied extension in particular bringswith it very large, and many, meaning changes. This links up with anotherbut related characteristic of Shona derivational affixes, which do not changethe categories of roots. Derivationally related pairs, such as those under [5],tend to split up or to move away from one another in both meaning andform. For example, to many Shona speakers the verb 'root' pairs in [6] havelittle or nothing to do with each other (any longer).[6] sungir- -bikir- -fambir- -fember- -wir--sung- -bik- -famb- -femb- -w-What is perhaps even more interesting about the Shona derivationalaffixes is that the 'derived' meanings or meaning combinations created arealready present lexically in Shona. Once again verbal extension (and otherforms) illustrate this point as the following examples show:178 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'[7] (a) -famb-is- or -famb- chaizvowalk INT walk very much more(b) -kavir - irir- or -kavir- zvakaresow seeds REP sow seeds again(c) -sek - erer- or -sek- zvakakwanalaugh PERF laugh perfectly(d) mu - kuru - tu or mu - kuru kwazvoCl big very Cl big very 'very big''very big'(e) zvi - shoma - na or zvi - shoma chaizvoC8 little very C8 little very 'very little''very little'The above examples conform to all other distinguishing characteristicsof derivational affixes. If what has been said so far sounds familiar, this isbecause it is familiar. Scholars like Bybee (1985) and others have said it allbefore. What this article is arguing, and what the sketch below illustrates, isthat Shona confirms most of it.To conclude this discussion of the distinction between derivational affixand inflectional affix, it can be asserted that all Shona suffixes are derivational,while all inflectional affixes in Shona are prefixal, and vice versa. Although theother criteria, particularly that of generality, may not absolutely distinguishderivational and inflectional morphology in Shona, the positional distinctionin relation to root morphemes should absolutely distinguish the two typesof affixes in Shona. This can be demonstrated by using the three rootcategories of substantive, verb, and ideophone.SubstantivesThe term 'substantive' is used in this article to indicate any one of thefollowing types of construction (ostensive definition): Nouns, Adjectives,Selectors, Enumeratives,1 Quantitatives, Demonstratives and Pronouns(Mkanganwi 1973, Fortune 1984). Syntactically, 'substantive' may also bedefined as a group of words functioning as a noun, including the nounitself. Substantives have an overall similarity in their constructional patterns.They are typically of the pattern Prefix + Stem, as the following examplesshow:It should, however, be pointed out that the names used are arbitrary. 'Emunerative'has no more to do with counting than 'selector' has to do with selecting. Figureswould do just as well.K. G. MKANGANWI 179[8] Noun Adjective Selector Enumerativemu-romo (mouth) mu-kuru (big) u-ya mu-yizvi-ro (things) zvi-iri (two) zvi-pi? zvi-mwema-saga (bags) ma-shanu (five) a-no ma-mwe'Stem' here refers to the substantival root, with or without any othermorpheme. Except for the so-called 'stem-less' substantives (pronoun anddemonstrative), this is all there is to the 'formation' or construction ofsubstantives. It should be clear that what is being described here is theconstructional pattern and/or morphology of simple substantival wordsand the inflectional process rather than word formation in the strict senseof the word.As already noted, inflection is an obligatory morphological operation.That is, perhaps, why inflections are sometimes referred to as 'grammatical'morphemes. Failure to inflect substantive stems makes Shonaungrammatical. Derivation, compounding, and reduplication only occurwhen the 'meaning' they bring is needed in the individual's use of Shona.This study now focuses on derivation as something that is different fromthe formation of simple or primary substantives. Derivation is carried outto add more substantival words and, of course, more 'meaning' than simpleconstructions achieve. The 'formation' of the following four substantivetypes clearly involve derivation for the two major reasons: they involvesuffixing and 'meaning' change. As already argued, Shona derivation issuffixal and changes meaning and /or grammatical category of themorpheme(s) 'derived'. Although the majority of noun stems are simple,primary constituents, Shona morphology also provides for the derivationof roots which 'originally' belonged to other categories. Almost all derivednoun stems are formed from verb roots. They are derived by the simpleprocess of suffixing a vowel (tv) to the root. The allomorphs of thederivational vowel suffix are morphologically conditioned by the class ofthe noun to which the derived root belongs, as the following examplesshow:Class Root Suffix Noun Meaning[9]1117613mu-ru-chi-ma-mu-mu--gar-gar-gar--gar--bat--bat--l-e-0-0-i-0mugarirugarechigaromagaromubatimubato(one who sits)(peace, comfortable life)(chair, seat)(buttocks)(worker)(work, handleiThe terminal vowel, therefore, seems not to be as problematic as hasbeen thought. It is a suffix and derivational.180 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'Adjective stems are derived by suffixing adjectival suffixes /-tu/, I -ana/, /-sa/, etc., to indicate the heightened or more intense degree of thequality expressed by the adjective, as in the following examples:[10] -kuru-tu (too/very big) cf -kuru (big)-shom-ana2 (very few) -shoma (few, little)-kobvu-sa (very fat, too fat) -kobvu (fat, thick)The 'formation' of the 'stem-less' substantives, demonstratives, andpronouns fits what can be regarded as simple derivational processes.Pronouns and demonstratives are very special types of words because theyhave no 'roots'. All there is to them are the gender concord series. Theirmorphology fits into the derivational structure of all Shona 'words', becausethey are just like other Shona 'words'. Pronouns and demonstratives aresimilar in that they use the suffixal vowel as a derivational morpheme.Table 1 below reveals differences, which, however, will not be discussedhere, but which demonstrate, at least, two things: First, the 1st and 2ndperson and class 1 forms of the pronoun do not need to be 'derived' becausethey are already 'words', and secondly, for phonological reasons, bothforms need a 'prefixal' stabilizing vowel (not included in the table).Reduplication is a form of derivation because its sole function in theformation of substantives, particularly adjectives, appears to be the same asthe other function of suffixing, which is to indicate a heightened or moreintense degree of the quality expressed by the root or stem reduplicated.That is why reduplication can be seen as a form of 'suffixing' which involvesboth root and affix morphemes. Reduplication, in this case, is a logicalprocess, by which a root morpheme or a suffix morpheme is repeated,thereby creating a substantival word with a different meaning. In otherwords, reduplication is suffixal because it is derivational. This is consistentwith the claim maintained in this article that all derivational operations inShona are 'suffixal'.The number of times the root or affix is repeated is not important becauseit simply corresponds (in meaning) to the degree or intensity of the qualityexpressed by the root or affix, as demonstrated below:[11] (a) Noun class 1 -ana (puppy) > -mbwa-ana-ana (puppy)class 17a zasi (below, down) > -zasizasi (very far down/below)2. /-ana/ is also a noun stem of class 1 which can also be used as a derivational suffixto indicate child of or young of, e.g. imbwa (dog)> mbwa+ana (puppy), dongi(donkey) > dhongi+ana (young of donkey), rume (male)> rume+ana (boy, son).K. G. MKANGANWI 181class 17a mberi (ahead) > -mberimberi (very far infront)class 3 -soro (head) > -kumusorosoro (very farabove)class 6 meso (eyes) > -mesomeso (loose morals)b) Adjective: -shoma (few) > -shoma-ana-ana (veryvery few)-kuru (big) > -kuru-kuru (very big)-shoma (few) > -shomashoma (very few)-doko (small, little) > -dokodoko (very small)-fupi (short) > -fupifupi (very short)-nyoro (soft) > -nyoronyoro (very soft)Table 1: 'Stem-less' Substantives (Demonstratives and Pronouns)Class/PersnIsIPIislip1234567891011121314151617181920Type A DemonstrativesClass Affix SuffixŠŠŠu-va-u-i-ri-a-chi-zvi-i-dzi-ru-ka-tu-hu-ku-pa-ku-mu-svi-k(w)u-ŠŠŠ-u-a-u-i-i-a-i-i-i-i-u-a-u-u-u-a-u-u-i-uType B.DemonstrativesClass AffixŠŠŠu-va-u-i-ri-a-chi-zvi-i-dzi-ru-ka-tu-hu-ku-pa-ku-mu-svi-k(w)u-SuffixŠŠŠ-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0PronounsIniIsuIweImiu-va-u-i-ri-a-chi-zvi-i-dzi-ru-ka-tu-hu-ku-pa-ku-mu-svi-k(w)u--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0182 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'For obvious semantic reasons, the more intense or heightened degree ofthe quality expressed by some adjectival roots can be 'multiplied' by beingrepeated as many times as the speaker feels the need for that degree orintensity, e.g.[12] -kurukurukurukurukuru... (much more than extremely big)-dokodokodokodokodoko... (infinitesimal)-tetetetetetetetetete... (extre - e - emely thin)VerbsPrimary members of this category have already been illustrated in example[2] above. The inflectional, which is the same as saying the prefixal,morphemes occur before the verb root in the form of subject concords, tenseformatives, aspect and mood morphemes, and object concords. Table 2illustrates the inflectional morphology of a typical finite verb.Table 2: Morphology of the VerbNEGha--ha----AGRva-ti-ri-ku-ri--TENSE-cha--no--0---a--ASP-0-?si--si---i--MOOD-0-1-0--0---0--0-OPRO-mu--va--chi--ndi--u--STEM-on-i-tuk-a-gur-i-kur-is-a-rim-a-vuy-aGLOSSthey will not see himwe used to scold themit used not to break itto make me growit used to plough itcome!The purpose of this illustrative Table, which presents the morphemes inthe order in which Bybee (1985) claims to be universal, is not to show theintricacies of the inflectional morphology of Shona, but to show that allinflections occur before the verb root. 'Stem' rather than 'root' is used in theTable because both primary (i.e. monomorphemic) and secondary (orderived) forms must be inflected.It has already been established that elements and constructions whichare classifiable as primary members of one category may be found inanother category as secondary or derived members, as in the followingexamples:[13] Verbal Substantial Ideophonic-gar- (sit) -gar-o (chair, seat) gar-e (sitting)-kur- (grow) -kuru (big) kur-e (growing)-famb- (walk) -famb-i (traveler) famb-e (walking)K. G. MKANGANWI 183Without worrying about the directionality in the derivational processaffecting certain roots, it is already very clear from this very limited selectionof examples that the suffixal vowel is a derivational morpheme.As has been argued above, all derivational affixes are suffixal. Theprediction which this claim makes is that all polymorphemic 'stems' inShona inflexional morphology are 'derived' constituents. The samemorphological facilities that have been demonstrated to apply to substantivalmorphology are also applicable to the Shona verb.There is only one complication though. It has to do with the morphemethat has already been shown to perform a derivational function on the verbroot to form derived noun stems. The morpheme has traditionally beentreated as a 'verbal' morpheme. Here, it has been 'logically' treated as aderivational affix, both because it is a suffix and also because it actually'derives' noun stems from verbs. The question now is: if it is the samemorpheme which is now seen in the 'citation forms' of verb stems, asdemonstrated in the following examples, what is it now doing?[14] -da-nzwa-tora-sunga-pupura-imba-taura(love)(hear, feel, taste, smell)(take)(tie, arrest)(witness, testify)(sing)(talk, speak)The presence of the terminal vowel makes perfect phonological sensebecause the stem becomes syllabically pronounceable. The problem,however, remains in the interruptability of the 'stem' by morphemes thatare commonly known as verbal extensions, as in the following examples:[15] -d-an-a (love one another)-nzw-is-a (cause to hear)-tor-er-a (take away from)-sung-unur-a (untie)-pupur-ir-a (witness in favour of)-imb-iw-a (be sung)-taur-is-an-a (make each other speak)Harford3 claimed that what is traditionally regarded as a verb is reallynot a category at all without the final vowel, which she treated as the 'head'3. This observation was made by C. Harford on July 25, 1994, as a theoretical positionto support her other observations in her Departmental Seminar paper on TheMorphology of Negation of Final Vowels in Shona', University of Zimbabwe.184 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'of the phrase. There is no scope in this article to follow this issue through.All that needs to be highlighted is that the behaviour of the final vowel (orterminal vowel) does complicate a few things. This study, having made it aderivational affix which is consistent with its suffixal position, there is littleground to change that. As is known, some scholars, such as Fortune (1985)and Scott Myers (1990), regard the terminal vowel as a discontinuousmorpheme which is always found together with, and relating to, otherinflecting affixes, as documented below.[16] vachainda (they will go)havachaindi (they will not go)vainde (that they may go)This article's position is that the final vowel is a 'syllabilizer'. All verbroots end in consonants (i.e. (C)(V)C. Because stems and /or citation formshave to have a (C)V syllabic form, which the root does not have, themorphological and phonological structures of Shona do not coincide in theverb. All phonological units larger than a single phoneme must end in avocalic nucleus.Phonologically, there are no closed syllables in Shona. The final vowelseems to have a dual morphological and phonological function. On the onehand, it is analyzable as a distinct morphological element quite separatefrom the verb root and clearly interruptable by the insertion or addition ofone or more verbal extensions as [15] shows. On the other hand, it does notseem to have an evident meaning or a grammatical function. Its apparentlypurely mechanical role seems to be merely phonological. However, it doesseem to perform a distinct derivational role. It cannot, therefore, be treatedas an inflectional affix.The approach of this study is one that treats each affix as being uniquelyeither derivational or inflectional, but not both. There is only the one finalvowel, not a case of homophony. The final vowel (tv) either acts alone to'derive' a primary verb stem or with other verbalizing morphemes toderive secondary verbs from other categories like ideophones, nouns, andadjectives, as evident in the examples below.[17] (a) without verbalizer-tor-a (take) = primary-kur-a (grow) from /-kuru/ (big)-tsvuk-a )redden) from /-tsvuku/ (red)-kwar-a (scratch surface) from /kwaru/ (scratching surface)(b) with verbalizer-koko-t-a (scrape food) from nounnyoro-v-a (becomes wet or soft) from adjective-paru-k-a (crack) from ideophoneK. G. MKANGANWI 185Typically, however, derivation, which changes the category of the rootmorpheme into a verb stem, involves a distinct verbalizer as the derivationalsuffix, as example [18] illustrates. [17b] above illustrates the derivation ofverbs from nouns and adjectives. The majority of derived verbs come fromideophones. In fact, it is almost true to say that, for every ideophone, thereis a corresponding derived verb.[18] Ideophone Verbalizer Verb Stemsvetugwadakongonyadzungawenzveve-k--m--r--ir--ts--ng--dzeng--tomu-k-a (jumps, leap)-gwada-m-a (kneel)-kongonya-ir-a (walk like a baboon)-dzunga-ir-a (walk aimlessly)-we-ts-a (pull out)-nzve-ng-a (dodge, avoid)-ve-dzeng-a (cut up to slices)Because of the very close relation between verbs and ideophones in thesense that, as already noted, for (almost) every ideophone, there is acorresponding or derived verb, verbalizers are very numerous and of anenormous phonological variety. The selection or combination of a particularverbalizer and a particular ideophone seems quite idiosyncratic. Somederived verbs are so strongly lexicalized that the verbalizer and the originalideophone are normally thought of or processed as monomorphemic orprimary verb roots, despite the fact that the corresponding ideophone isstill distinct and commonly used. The following examples illustrate thispoint.[19]IdeophoneiunyinzvevecheVerbalizer-ng--k--ng--dzeng--k-Verb 'root'-jung- (pierce)-nyik- (immerse)-nzveng- (dodge)-vedzeng- (slice)-chek- (out)This seems to support Bybee's (1985: 88) meaning-based analysis.The other morphemes, which occur as suffixes after the verb root, are,clearly, all derivational affixes. What is being referred to here are what aretraditionally labeled verbal extensions. These derivational affixes do notinvolve change of category. When discussing the derivation/inflectiondistinction earlier, this study used the verbal extensions to illustrate the factthat derivation does not have to change the category membership of thederived root. Verbal extensions are derivations because they involveconsiderable meaning change and all the other general features discussed186 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'earlier. The other reason is, of course, that verbal extensions are suffixal. Asalready noted, the meaning of the extended verb root can be expressed inother lexical and/or syntactic ways. There are as many as 13 differentextensions all of which cannot be illustrated and discussed in full here. Allthat can be said is that extensions are derivational and suffixal, as illustratedin the following list of words.[20] -pur-(i)w-a (be thrashed) -passive-tuk-an-a (scold one another) -reciprocal-rim-is-a (use to plough) -causative-taur-ir-a (tell) -appliedExtended verbs can be further extended with cumulative meaning, in thesense that each extension will have its own meaning involved in the totalmeaning of the verb. For example,[21] -tuk-an-is-ir- (cause to scold each other for some reason)-gar-is-an-is- (cause to be at peace with each other)-tor-er-w- (have something taken away from...)All of the 'primary' stem, deverbative stem and denominative stem canbe reduplicated to form morphologically more complex stems. ReduplicationŁhere involves both, when the elements combined are at least two occurrencesof the same lexical element, as well as when the reduplicated element is aderivational affix or suffix. Reduplication of the verb stem is a very commonShona morphological device, which serves to express the frequency and/orcontinuation and/or repetition of the action expressed by unreduplicatedverb stem, as in the following examples:[22] -famb-a-famb-a (walk up and down, etc.)-mir-a-mir-a (stand around)-tomu-k-a-tomu-k-a (jump on and on, etc.)-tuk-an-a-tuk-an-a (scold each other frequently, etc.)One extension of the verb (the intensive) can also be reduplicated, butonly to indicate a heightened or more intense degree of the quality (intensive)expressed by the verbal extension. For example,[23] -bat-is-is-is-is-....a (hold very, very... firmly)-reb-es-es-es-es-....a (become very, very, very... long)As in the case of the reduplication of the adjective stem, the repetition ofthe reduplicated extension is theoretically indefinite, because it depends onK. G. MKANGANWI 187the degree or intensity the speaker wishes to express. The reduplication ofthe reciprocal extension, which is restricted to C verb roots, seems to be forphonological reasons, since only what would be monosyllabic verb stemsare reduplicated to achieve the typical Shona word which has to have atleast two syllables.There is absolutely no meaning difference between the reduplicated andthe unreduplicated reciprocal extensions. The following list illustrates thispoint.[24] -d-a (love) -d-an-a, d-an-an-a (love each other)-nzw-a (hear) -nzw-an-a, -nzw-an-an-a (be friends)-p-a (give) -p-an-a, -p-an-an-a (give one another)Shona verbs, apparently, do not need compounding, after reduplicationand other derivation devices. Compounding, as a source of the freest, largest(open) class of items, with the richest most specific meaning, seems to berestricted to nominal structures.IdeophonesMorphologically, the ideophone is a very straightforward word. In its'primary' form, the ideophone has no internal morphological structure andit is a free root morpheme. The 'secondary' or derived ideophone, however,does have a derivational morpheme acting as an ideophonizer. The closerelationship between the verb and the ideophone has already beendemonstrated. Some Shona dialects, like Zezuru, permit the derivation ofall verb stems into ideophones by means of the final vowel (tv), as hasalready been shown and as the following examples demonstrate.[25]chetomudzunga> -che-k- >> -tomu-k- >> -dzunga-ir- >-gar- >-taur- >-nhong- >chek-etomuk-edzungair-egar-etaur-enhong-eThis is further evidence that the final vowel is a derivational suffix.Ideophones cannot be inflected, which is the same as saying that no prefixesappear with ideophones.CliticsFinally, there are Shona morphemes that do not easily fit into the root/affixdichotomy, which this article has operated with. This is a class of boundmorphemes, which are neither inflectional nor derivational. They are called188 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'clitics. In fact, clitics are not affixes. They are bound words. Their mostdistinguishing feature is that, while they have to be appended to individualwords phonologically, in fact, what they lean on is the entire phrase.4 Theother distinguishing feature is that many of them are already complexmorphological structures. For example, the possessive proclitic and thepronominal and demonstrative enclitics are not monomorphemic. In otherwords, clitics are 'words' which enter syntactic constituent relationshipswith other words or phrases to form 'phrases' of varying degrees of'delicacy'. They are the same elements that are called clitics in morphology(Zwicky 1977, Anderson 1988a), when they should really becalled 'words' and belong to syntax. They are clitical for purely phonologicalreasons. Although Shona has two positional types of clitics, those whichlean forward in the following word, called proclitics, and those which leanbackwards on the preceding word, called enclitics, which also differ in otherrespects, their positional status as 'prefixal' and 'suffixal' elements does notinvolve them in the distinction between inflectional and derivational affixes.This article, therefore, maintains its claim that, in Shona at least, and possiblyin Bantu as well, all prefixes are inflectional, while all suffixes arederivational.Derivation and inflection are strictly morphological processes, whilecliticization is a strictly phonological process at the syntactic level. Thefollowing are examples of some of the Shona proclitics which have beencalled 'inflecting affixes' (Fortune 1970 and 1985):[26] (a) sa-pa-mukomana mukuru (such as at the big boy)(b) se cha-vana vaviri (like that of two children)(c) yo-mu-danga guru (of the inside of the big pen)4. Matthews (1974:218) describes clitics as intermediate units, word-like in their grammar,but phonologically must lean for support on another word adjacent to them.'K. G. MKANGANWI 189A related issue is whether what is traditionally treated as a noun classprefix of class 2a is really an inflecting affix. It shares a lot with locatives,possessives and other proclitics, such as 'belonging' to what can be claimedto be syntactic structures, and, most striking of all, causing exactly the sametonal changes on their hosts as those caused by the other proclitics. Althoughit is not the intention here to discuss tonal changes, it is important toillustrate only this point by the following examples of classes 2a andcopulatives from one of the Shona dialects.[27] mombe LL 2a: VdMombe Cop: imombe HHLsarudzo LLL VdSarudzo isariidzo HHHLrongedzero LLLL VdRongedzero frongedzero HHHHLAppending /Va-/ or the copulative proclitic has exactly the same tonaleffect.ConclusionShona root-affix morphology seems to be very simple and can be capturedby the following diagram:I + IŁ PREFIX Ł ROOTI INFLECTION IJ ŁSUFFIX 'DERIVATION I1+2 = INFLECTION or 'primary'words1+2+3 = 'Secondary' (or derived) words2+3 = DERIVATIONIn other words, +3 means 'derived'. This also means that the so-called'terminal vowel' and verbal extensions are derivational affixes. Suffixing isalso morphologically derivational in the broader sense, which includes notonly suffixal affixes but also root morphemes as in the reduplication ofadjectives and verbs and the compounding of nouns. This, therefore, meansthat there is no real morphological difference between the traditional terms'suffixing', 'derivation' and 'compounding'. Suffixing is derivational in thebroader sense of a morpheme appearing to the right of a root in a 'word'automatically performing a derivational function. The operative phrasehere is in a word, which excludes clitics which, as argued earlier, are separate'words', although they are phonologically parasitic. The difference betweenmorphology and syntax also seems a little clearer.190 'Shona Morphology: An Observation in Search of a Theory'BibliographyANDERSON, S. R. 1988, 'Morphological theory', in F. 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