ZAMBEZI AThe Journal of Humanities ofthe University of ZimbabweVolume 30 No. i 2003ArticlesEqual Opportunities in Educational Management in Institutions ofHigher Learning: An Agenda for Gender Imf" ChipunzaA History of the Rhodesian Stock Exchange: The Formative Years,1946-1952 : George Karekwaivenani'The Politics of the Womb': Women, Politics and The Environment in Pre-ColonialChivi, Southern Zimbabwe, c.1840 to 1900 Gerald Chikozho MazarireThe Role of Communication in Social Forestry:The Case of Mwenezi Netsayi N. Mudege and M. F. C. BourdillonMetaphors in Shona: A Cognitive Approach N. E. MberiRelationships Between Firm Characteristics and ExportConstraints inSME Exporters Zororo MurandaUkubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo,Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956 Koni Benson and Joyce ChadyaEDITORIAL BOARDEDITOR-IN-CHIEFProfessor A. S. MlamboEDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSProfessor N. BhebeProfessor T. O. McloughlinProfessor L. M. SachikonyeProfessor M. W. MurphreeProfessor R. P. Werbner(Zimbabwe)(Zimbabwe)(Zimbabwe)(Zimbabwe)(United Kingdom)ZAMBEZIAThe publication of Zambezia, a bi-annual journal of the University ofZimbabwe, has been made possible by the generous support of thePublications Committee of the University. The focus of the journal ishumanities in Zimbabwe and the surrounding region but special articlesof a more general interest are also published. Monograph Supplementsto Zambezia cover the main disciplines of the University, and do notnecessarily have the same regional focus as Zambezia itself.ORDERSStanding orders for Zambezia are welcomed; please apply toUniversity of Zimbabwe PublicationsP.O. Box MP 203Mount PleasantHarareZimbabweA complete catalogue of titles published by University of ZimbabwePublications may be obtained free of charge on application to the aboveaddress.ZAMBEZI AThe Journal of Humanities of the University of ZimbabweEditor in Chief: Professor A. S. Mlambo ISSN 0379-0622CONTENTS Volume 30, No. 1, 2003ARTICLESEqual Opportunities in Educational Management in Institutions ofHigher Learning: An Agenda for Gender Linda Chipunza 1A History of the Rhodesian Stock Exchange: The Formative Years,1946-1952 George Karekivaivenani 9'The Politics of the Womb': Women, Politics and TheEnvironment in Pre-Colonial Chivi, Southern Zimbabwe,c.1840 to 1900 Gerald Chikozho Mazarire 35The Role of Communication in Social Forestry: The Case ofMwenezi :.Netsayi N. Mudege and M. F. C. Bourdillon 51Metaphors in Shona: A Cognitive Approach N. E. Mberi 72Relationships Between Firm Characteristics and ExportConstraints in SME Exporters Zororo Muranda 89Ukubhinya: Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo,Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946-1956 Koni Benson and Joyce Chadya 108© University of Zimbabwe, 2003.Published by University of Zimbabwe Publications,P.O. Box MP 203, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.Typeset by University of Zimbabwe Publications.fruited by Mazonyurom Paper ( onverlersThis issue published with the assistance of the Research Council of Zimbabwe.ZAMBEZIANOTES TO CONTRIBUTORSArticles of up to 8 000 words, as well as shorter reports and correspond-ence to the editor, are welcomed. Two copies of the manuscript andanother captured on disk should be submitted toThe Editor: ZambeziaUniversity of Zimbabwe PublicationsP.O. Box MP 203Mount PleasantHarareZimbabweREFERENCINGFootnotes are preferred, but referencing by authors, dates andbibliography is acceptable where this is the norm in the relevant discipline.Page references should always be given unless the reference is to awhole book or article.In either case, full bibliographic information about the source must begiven, including:Ł In the case of books: surname and initials of the author(s); title ofbook; place (city/town) of publication; name of publisher; date ofpublication; edition (if applicable).Ł In the case of a collected work: surname and initials of the author(s)of a contribution referred to; title of the contribution; surname andinitials of the editor(s); title of book; place (city/town) of publication;name of publisher; date of publication; edition (if applicable); firstand last page numbers of the contribution.Ł In the case of a journal article: surname and initials of the author(s) ofthe article; title of the article; title of the journal; date (year) ofpublication; volume number; issue number (unless the volume isconsecutively paginated); first and last page numbers of the article.In cases of doubt, it is always preferable to give too much informationrather than too little.