Pressures on the industry mounting during "Decade of the Environment BY LISA GITLIN It wouldn't be practical to list all the pres-sures weighing on owners of professional lawn Strongly Optimistic Optimistic Uncertain Pessimistic 55 application businesses. As you list them, the number grows. In spite of this, LCOs as a group, had a solid, if not spectacular , 1990. Their outlook for 1991 is guarded. Some of the problems gnaw-ing on the industry in 1990 and into 1991? Growing public anxiety about lawn chemicals, mounting regulations, and a slowdown in the home building industryŠ these topped LCOs list of con- cerns.. Some complain of the increasing costs of complying with regu-lations. Others are upset by media's seeming-ly ceaseless warnings about chemical contamination and pollution, about the safety of lawn care products. Increasingly LCOs are being asked questions about the safety of their prod-Strongly Pessimistic ucts. This they don't have a problem with. But, is anybody listening to their answers? Everyone interviewed by LAWN CARE INDUSTRY magazine agreed on one overriding point: as the years go on, LCOs will need more expertise (technical, business, even public rela- tions) to wring fair profits from an ever- See LCOS on page 6 WWNGREIN Serving the needs of the professional lawn care operator » JULY 1991 VOLUME 15 NUMBER 7 Still growing but LCOs uneasy BY RON HALL We never asked the question so bluntly before but we're still surprised at the response. Fully 40 percent of the LCOs answering our 1990 State of the Industry ques-tionaire (mailed to 1,000 readers, 264 completed and returned) say they're "uncertain" about the future of their industry. Another 10 percent are either "pessimistic" or "strongly pessimistic". That leaves slightly under half feeling good about their futures in the chemical application business. The responsesŠoffered by readers prior to the start of the 1991 application sea-son (at least in the cool-sea- son turfgrass market)Šsig-nifies, we think, an indus-try, searching for answers. The questions certainly are there: ŁIs the American public as concerned about pesti-cide use as the media? ŁIs the chemical applica-tion market mature, even in secondary and small-town America? ŁWill the regulatory cli-mate continue to tighten on professional pesticide users? ŁHow much will the pub-lic pay for professional lawn care? There is no one answer to any of the above questions. Indeed, answers vary according to regions of the country. Obviously the busi- ness climate in New England is much different than it is in, say, Florida. Overall though we can confidently say that the industry is still expanding. In spite of the uncertain-ty, 73 percent of the LCI respondents say their busi-nesses grew in 1990 and they expect them to grow this season. Since 40 per-cent of the respondents indicate they grossed $50,000 or less in 1990, we don't can't pretend that the 23 percent growth they expect (averaged) means a proportionate number of new customers. The responsible, mostly n**>Mr5fi******** _ ^ PETt COòKINGHAfl LItirtAKY ul-i¿l USGA TURFGRASS INFO FILE 30 mCHIGAN STATEjUtfXV w t kST-^AuZJj^^ 4 flÖ24-AÜ4ö independent, LCOs we've interviewed these past sev- eral months, say new cus- tomers are harder to come by, but that they've boosted revenue per customer. They say they're adding ancillary servicesŠroadside vegetation, small tree/shrub, etc. Some also now charge for services they previously provided as part of their basic service. Pressed to estimate the size of the chemical lawn care industry from our sur-vey, we put the total at $2 billion. We serve 10 million Americans. Again, this is not as homogeneous a market as perhaps it was even five See UNEASY on page 7 GrassCycling , an industry success. Read about it at the Georgia Governor's Mansion, page 4. Donnea NO SHOW at the ONE SHOW! GREEN INDUSTRY Elm The Largest Lawn,/Landscape Show EVER! ! IN THE NEW TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER Š NOV. 19-21,1991 SPONSORED BY: Associated Landscape Contractors of America / Symbol ol Good Practica ^^ \ niruiiMu utm UM UMCUTIN if nmu / v ŠI Professional Lawn Care Association of America mis Professional Grounds Management Society Two Great Educational Conferences Register and attend the program that targets the specific needs of your business. PLCAA EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE ALCA/PGMS LANDSCAPE AND GROUNDS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 'Meet The Challenge" "Network With Industry Leaders EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Keynote Address by Special Guest "LAWN CARE INDUSTRY CHALLENGES" PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOPS SUNDAY NOV. 17 EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Keynote address by Jay Levinson. Author of "Guerilla Marketing Attack" WINNING BIG PROFITS FROM YOUR SMALL BUSINESS CONFERENCE INFORMATION (404) 977-5222 CONFERENCE INFORMATION (703) 241 -4004 Get Details Now... complete and return this form or Call (404) 973-2019 Send more details on: Ł I'm interested in attending the show Ł PLCAA Educational Conference Ł ALCA/PGMS Landscape and Grounds Management Conference Ł I'm interested in exhibiting NAME COMPANY ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, ZIP) PHONE( ) FAX( ) L Mail to: GREEN INDUSTRY EXPO. 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd., NE, Suite C 135, Marietta, GA 30068-2112 WWN OIRE INDUSIRY RON HALL Editor-in-Chief MAUREEN HREHOCIK Group Editor JON MIDUCKI Publisher ROBERT. E. EARLEY Group Vice President TERRIE FREAR Production Manager ROSY BRADLEY Senior Production Manager JUDY ALLEN Group Marketing Manager KEN McSHANE Production Director PHIL RUSSELL Graphic Designer MARILYN COPP Senior Circulation Clerk QAIL PARENTEAU Reader Service Manager BUSINESS STAFF Midwest Office JON MIDUCKI (216) 826-2855 Publisher ANNE LANGHENRY (216) 891-2739 Regional Sales Manager 7500 Old Oak Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44130 FAX (216) 891-2683 Southern Office: DICK GORE (404) 233-1817 FAX (404) 261-7022 3475 Lenox Road, N.E., Ste. 665 Atlanta, GA 30326 Western Office: BOB MIEROW (206) 783-0549 FAX (206) 784-5545 1515 N.W. 51 Street Seattle WA 98107 Classified: DAWN NILSEN (218) 723-9349 1 E. First St.. Duluth, MN 55802 Please send advertising material to: LAWN CARE INDUSTRY 120 W. Second St Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 723-9465 RICHARD B. SWANK, Chairman RICHARD MOELLER, President LARS FLADMARK, Executive Vice Pres ARLAND HIRMAN, Vice Pres ./Treasurer JAMES A. ADLER, Vice President JOE BILDERBACH, Vice President DAVID T. MAYER, Vice President BRIAN NAIRN, Vice President PHIL STOCKER, Vice President LCI ADVISORY COUNCIL LAWN CARE INDUSTRY (ISSN 0160-6042) is published monthly by Edgell Communica- tions, Inc. Corporate and Editorial Offices: 7500 Old Oak Boulevard. Cleveland, Ohio BARRY TR0UTMAN Massey Services Orlando, a A. J. P0WELL JACK ROBERTSON U. of Kentucky Robertson Lawn Care Lexington, KY Springfield, IL 44130. Advertising offices: 7500 Old Oak Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44130. 233 North Michigan Avenue, 24th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60601 and 3475 Lenox Road. N.E. Suite 665 Atlanta. Georgia 30326 Accounting. 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