P U B L I S H ED IN F E B R U A R Y, MARCH. APRIL, AUGUST A ND SEPTEMBER BY O. M. SCOTT 8t SONS CO. MARYSVILLE, OHIO Seventh Year Number 28 SEDGE-NOT A GRASS is more ful screening, will r e s u lt in coarse g r o w t h, marring the beauty of an o t h e r w i se good lawn. Important Species W h i le we are selecting the vari- ety k n o wn as Chufa or Cyperus esculentus for pur- poses of g e n e r al discussion because it fre- quently found in lawns, there are several other spe- cies worthy of m e n t i o n. N u t- (C.-rotun- g r a ss dus) is more com- monly in t he s o u t h, al- though it often gets as far north as N ew Jersey. Another Sedge of which a number of specimens come to us for identifi- : Low Galingale, cation each year C.-diandrus. It is quite similar to Chufa in appearance and soil preference, but is an annual. It is not as aggressive as the other types. Another annual Sedge is Kyllinga named for Peder Kylling, a Danish botanist of the 17th pumila, found C O P Y R I G HT BY O. M. SCOTT & S O NS CO. THE three f a m i ly S e d ge (Cy- peracea) is a large and thriving one. There are prob- ably thou- sand species scat- tered all over the world. They re- semble grasses as well as rushes, yet s e p a r a te a re a f a m i ly in them- selves. A common identifying feature of most S e d g es three- is their cornered a nd three -sided stem w i th no joints. These stems are angled and solid, not and hollow like grass stems. round Generally speak- ing the Sedges are i n c l i n ed to pre- fer a moist soil. Marshes and wet l a n ds and other waste areas recently drained are fre- quently headquarters for various mem- bers of this family. When soil from these low spots is used in the construc- tion of a lawn it will likely contain tubers or root stalks which will sprout. Such roots, if not removed first by care- Sedge (Cyperus esculentus) century. As with other annual weeds, the annual Sedges may be controlled by preventing seed production and im- proving soil fertility. Commonly found in none-too-well- cleaned Kentucky Bluegrass is another type of Sedge belonging to the genus Carex. There are at least 185 species in this group. Muhlenberg's Sedge (Carex Muhlenbergii) is its complete name. It is not particularly objectionable in lawns and as a forage crop is of some value in the south. Spreads By Rootstalks Most likely to be troublesome in a lawn is the type of Sedge with under- ground root stalks. Such a weed is Chufa or Yellow Nut-grass. Chufa is also known by many other names in different sections of the country. Some of these names are Nut Sedge, North- ern Nut Grass, Coco Nut, Rush Nui, Earth Almond and Edible Galingale. To be specific its name Cyperus escu- lentus, means edible nut sedge. It is a hardy perennial that bears edible tubers having a flavor very similar to that of the almond. stems tubers and This type of Sedge seldom produces almost entirely on seed, depending underground for propagation. In common with most of the other Sedges, Chufa is very grass- like in appearance. It is yellowish green in color. The scaly underground stems bear small fleshy tubers which send up new stems at close intervals. Method of Control Like Quack Grass and Canada This- tle the stems and underground tubers of Sedge must be starved out. There is a difference of opinion as to the success to be had in ridding a lawn of Sedge by simply providing better drainage, moist soil being regarded as the favored spot for this weed. The Ohio Experi- ment Station believes that drainage is not enough, although this is important if final eradication is to be achieved. The individual plants must be pulled out when the ground is soft, special care being taken to get as much of the underground stem as can be removed. If a new plot of ground to be put into lawn the Yellow Nut-grass type, by all means let it lie fallow through the summer and cultivate it periodically to remove the rootstalks. infested with Sedge of is Dandelions CEeaned Another dandelion story was torn from the house organ of the General Electric Company by Mr. Charles S. Ruffner, a customer at Schenectady, New York. It reads as follows: "G. C. Adams in the Central District G. E. office at Chicago believes he has solved the dandelion problem with his G. E. vacuum cleaner. He works on the assumption that if the dandelions can be prevented from seeding, the day will be saved. Taking his cleaner into the yard he attaches a long extension cord. He then attaches the tube and the head for cleaning upholstery. Start- ing the motor he drops the head over the nearest patch of white blossoms and they disappear like magic. When he has covered the area within reach of the hose he moves the cleaner, repeating the operation and soon all the blossoms are gone. Then he is free to dig or dose the plants themselves." Dandelion killing experiences are becoming most intriguing. Are there others? O. M. SCOTT & SONS CO. MAR Y S V I L LE • • O H IO EVERY PACKAGE OF SCOTTS LAWN SEED BEARS THIS TRADE-MARK AND IS SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION 2 28 a