PROPER FEEDING—FIRST STEP TO LAWN BEAUTY No. 64 found Because scientists have the humble blade of grass contains more vitamins than any vegetable now in the human diet, writers of sensational news copy have advocated "lawns for lunch." Paradoxical as it is, grass may be a high vitamin carrier but lawns themselves are food—not vitamins, but the plain, everyday neces- sities of the grass family. in need of invariably rapid drainage of water carries away still further amounts of food. The real exhaustion of fertility results from the growth of the lawn itself. In just one growing season, a single grass plant may develop as much as 36 inches of growth in stems and leaves. Unless the food consumed in producing this bumper crop starvation must soon set in—and this is the most common cause of lawn failures. Such failures are easily avoided by a simple program of lawn feeding. The nomi- nal cost returns generous dividends in green, healthy, weedfree is replaced, turf. The first and most apparent benefit of feeding is a richer, brighter and fresher color. This is what gives lawns their sparkle and makes them stand out in contrast to neighboring lawns. A strong, sturdy growth is the second benefit. The deep, penetrating roots that result from feeding enable grass to draw on a larger volume of soil mois- Each of the millions of grass plants that make up a lawn is a living organ- It must obtain food and water ism. from the soil and oxygen from the air. The quantity and combination in which these are available determine the vitality, the color and density of turf. Unlike birds or animals, a grass plant cannot go wandering about in search of food. It must take what nourishment it can find in the limited zone of soil where it makes its home. Competing for the supply in the soil are 400 or 500 other grass plants on each square foot, A thin, starving lawn where weeds have a free hand. This properly fed grass is deep-rooted, thick and weedless. all requiring more food for the con- tinual production of green blades. Where soils are sandy or gravelly the ture, helping it to come through the summer triumphantly. The thick, vig- orous topgrowth is more resistant to insects, disease. If damage should occur from mistreatment, disease or the well fed turf is better able to heal these injuries. Moss is an often-present warning that soil is becoming deficient in plant food elements. Occasionally is needed but usually fertilizer is all that is necessary to drive out the moss and allow the grass to spread. lime lawn feeding Curbs Weeds. The most valuable benefit from correct is that it keeps in check weeds which might otherwise flourish out of all con- trol. These unsightly pests always fre- quent areas of wornout soil where the grass has become thin. Lawns weak- ened by lack of nourishment actually invite encroaching weeds. Weeds are the result of poor turf, not the cause of it. Well fed lawns become so dense, due to that weeds are unable to make headway and soon disappear entirely. the reserve of soil fertility, The Right Food. All of these bene- fits will be of only temporary nature if care is not used in selecting the food that you apply. For the bright green color will fade in just a few weeks' time instead of lasting for months. The topgrowth will be fast, instance, FEEDING DATE A spindly and soft, an easy prey to weeds, insects and disease. flower and garden The first step in choosing a fertilizer for lawns is to get one that is com- to feed grass. A pounded especially fertilizer general won't do because to encourage the production of blossoms or fruit. In contrast, the need in lawn feeding leaf growth and deep, sturdy roots. to encourage green is prepared is it Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are the only important soil elements which grass needs and which are deficient in most soils. Of these, the first is of primary importance because it is responsible for the green vegeta- tive growth that is, after all, the lawn. A food blends the three major elements so that Nitrogen substantially predominates. scientifically prepared grass The second step is to select a ferti- lasting powers. Common, lizer with general purpose fertilizers are com- posed entirely of minerals or inorganic chemicals. These dissolve in water and may be so rapidly absorbed that they result in overfeeding. This causes a quick but soft, lush growth. The effect is short-lived and there is no reserve left in the soil to fill the continuing FEEDING DATE NUMBER 64 demands of between feedings. the grass in periods The comparison to the human diet is that stimulation can be obtained from a beverage but real food that "sticks to the ribs" is needed to keep a sturdy body. Such solid or lasting food is sup- plied to lawns by organic ingredients whose effect is slow but durable. The most beneficial lawn fertilizer is made of a combination of quick-acting chemicals plus organic ingredients. It gives the grass and provides long lasting nour- ishment in a steady flow. stimulation immediate to too The price per bag frequently determines what fertilizer is purchased. The specifications for a good grass food as set down here are of much greater importance. The for lawns goes three to four times farther in feeding grass and in addition gives the best results. The lowest priced fer- tilizers are the most costly because they must be applied heavily and at more frequent intervals. fertilizer right little actual plant Manures And Peats. The use of manures is not as prevalent as formerly due to their scarcity, but many folks still have the erroneous idea that they are the best fertilizers. Such materials have food value because they carry such minute quan- tities of available nutrients. A ton of manure is apt to provide a lesser supply of food than a hundred pounds of sci- entifically prepared grass fertilizer. Furthermore, manures are to likely introduce enormous quantities of objec- tionable weeds such as Crabgrass and Chickweed. The from manures and similar substances results from the humus they add to the soil, improving the physical rather than the chemical condition. They should be incorporated the soil before seeding or mixed with soil to provide topdressing material. fi4 b real benefit thoroughly in that fall Other materials 3 the class of manures, from the standpoint of being good sources of humus but negligible sources of plant food, include various types of peat, mucks, ordinary sludge and so-called "black dirt." into Lime is a soil amendment and helps to reduce excessive acidity but should not be considered a fertilizer substitute. When To Feed. Feeding can and should be planned so it will produce for the maximum lawn beauty the greatest number of months. In spite of common experience to the contrary, it is not necessary to have a lawn off- color for more than a few weeks out of the year, and that only during near- zero temperatures. Early spring feeding is advised to get grass off to a good start for the trying months ahead of it. Spring is the time when grass generates new roots and they can be made sturdy and far reach- ing by early feeding. In addition, this treatment places in the soil a reserve of those elements that the grass will need during the summer. in late winter, while The first feeding of the year can well be made the ground is still frozen. Even if extremely severe weather follows, is no appreciable loss of food. there Repeated feedings through the grow- ing season may be needed if ordinary mineral fertilizers are used. It is much better to use the longer lasting types so that only two or three applications are needed each year, spring, summer, and fall. A mid-summer feeding will help keep a lawn bright green in color and vigorous in sward. This summer appli- cation is especially needed when the lawn is growing vigorously all season because of frequent rains or regular watering. Care must be exercised in to avoid fertilizing burn. The vegetation must be perfectly dry at time of application. Not more in hot weather than the recommended amount should be applied and afterwards this should be washed in well with the hose. New grass should not be fertilized until the plants have matured, that is grown through two seasons. The soil of a new lawn planted in the spring should be fertilized well before seed- ing but the grass should not be fed until late fall. The fall feeding helps grass recover from the effects of summer heat and drouth. It strengthens the roots and provides a supply of food for their use over the winter months. This is needed because there and activity even the plants are dormant to all outward appearances. Fall time feeding can be done any after the nights start getting cooler until the ground is frozen solidly. This period usually extends from late August through November. root growth though is to apply all-mineral How To Feed. While it may be dif- ficult fertilizers without some burning of the grass, this does not apply to fertilizers con- taining a substantial portion of organic ingredients. Regardless of the fertilizer used, it is always best to make applica- tions when the grass is dry and at rates no heavier than recommended by the manufacturer. Special mechanical spreaders can be obtained at small cost to insure uniform distribution at cor- rect rates or the fertilizer may be broad- cast by hand. SPECIAL PROBLEMS There are certain special problems in the that necessitate a modification standard feeding procedure. New Lawns. The incorporation of a liberal food supply in the seedbed prior to planting a new lawn is one of the best assurances of success of the lawn. No matter how dark or rich a soil may look there is pretty sure to be a need for additional nutrients if the young grass is not to be weak and stunted. Trial plantings and the experiences of lawn builders have proven conclusively that a carefully fertilized seed bed will more quickly develop a mature sod with deeper roots and fewer weeds. Crabgrass. Many lawns become badly infested with the summer annual weed, its most Crabgrass. This pest makes active growth starting with the hot weather of June and July and continu- ing the summer. Wher- ever it occurs, early spring feeding is doubly important so that the desirable grasses get the Crabgrass. the benefit and not throughout for the Shade. Grass under trees is at a par- ticular disadvantage because tree roots compete so strongly limited nutrients in the soil. When one consid- ers the food consumed in producing wheelbarrowful after wheelbarrowful of leaves, the tremendous drain on the soil begins to become apparent. It is generally advisable the tree separately every few years by digging holes down below the grass zone and placing tree roots are thus inclined to get their food from these reserves instead of from the surface soil where grass roots are con- fined. If tree-shaded lawns thin out in summer it often helps to make an extra application of food in early June. them. The fertilizer to feed in to Vitamins. Any article on feeding lawns would not be complete without that seemingly magical reference is especially word—Vitamins. This appropriate now when there is so much talk about treating grass with concentrated s o l u t i o n s, particularly Vitamin Bj. Since grass has the ability to syn- thesize vitamins, hormones and other growth substances in large quantities, there is no need to supply them sepa- rately. All that is necessary is to co-op- erate with Nature by supplying a well balanced diet, at proper intervals, and she will do the rest. 64 c