P U B L IS H E D IN F E B R U A R Y , M A R C H , A P R IL , A U G U S T A N D S E P T E M B E R B Y O. M . S C O T T & S O N S C O ., M A R Y S V IL L E . O H IO . S U B S C R IP T IO N S F R E E TO T U R F E N T H U S IA S T S A . . . . Acid Soil, Liming . Algae, B lue-green . A nnual Bluegrass . A n t s ........................................ A rm y W o r m s ....................... A rsenate of Lead . . . . . . . . Issue No. . . . . . . . . . . . 48 47 39 12,65 5 44 . . . . . . B B e e t l e s .................................. B i r d s ........................................ B o w l i n g .................................. B row n Patch Disease . . Brow n Spots B u c k h o r n ............................. B urlap, Seeding protection . B uttercup, Creeping . 44 29 31 36 . 5, 36, 44, 47, 50, 61 7 51 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c C h i c k w e e d ............................. Chinch B u g s ....................... Clover, W h i t e ....................... Compost for Topdressing C r a b g r a s s ............................ Creeping B uttercup . C ut W o r m s ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . 50,66 38 3 . 35,67 14 37 . . . . D Damping-Off Disease . D a n d e l i o n s ............................ . Diseases of T urf . . D ollar Spot Disease D orm ant Seedi ng . . D rainage, T i l e ....................... . Drop Seed Grass . . . . . . . . . E ....................... Earthw orm s Earwig, insect pest Eye-Spot, Zonate, disease Excess M oisture . . . . . . 47 . 16,30,49,55 . 36,47 . 36 . 62 . . 34 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 45 47 47 F F all G r a s s ............................ F all S e e d i n g ....................... F e r t i l i z i n g ............................ . . . 35 . 41, 56, 66 . 5, 31, 64 I Foxtail Issue No. . . 42 . . .................................52 Garlic, W ild . ............................. 8 Gill-over-the-Ground G o o s e g r a s s ..................................................22 Grass S u b s t i t u t e s ...................................... 54 Ground Covers Ground I v y ....................................................8 ....................................................... 44 G rubs ............................ 27,54 H . . . . .......................11 Heal-All H e n b i t ....................................................... 40 Honeycombed S o i l .......................43,58 H o r m o n e s ..................................................62 H u m u s ....................................................... 59 i Iron S u l p h a t e ..............................................6 Ivy, Ground ..............................................8 Ivy, P o i s o n .................................. 57, 61, 66 K K n a w e l ....................................................... 24 Knot Grass, G e r m a n .................................24 K n o t w e e d ..................................................17 Leaf Spot D is e a s e ............................ 47,61 Liming Acid S o i l ................................ 48 . . . . . . ........................... 67 ........................... 59 ........................... 37 .......................20 M . Mallow M anures . Mash, Poison Bran Milk P urslane . M i l d e w ....................................................... 47 M oisture I n j u r y ....................... 36,47,61 Mold, Slime . 36 Moles ........................................15, 50, 55 M o s s ...................................................4,55 Mowing ........................................................54 M u c k .............................................................59 M u lc h .............................................................63 Mushroom S o i l ..............................................59 Issue No. T o a d s to o ls ................................... 20,36 Topdressing...................................3,46 Trees, F ertiliz in g ...............................7,34 Trefoil, Y ellow ....................................... 21 Turf Builder for T r e e s ..........................7 Turf Builder, Summer Use . 5, 31 Turf D is e a s e s .................................. 36,37 . . V itam ins................................................. 62 v w W a te rg ra s s ............................................ 35 Watering Methods.................................. 60 Web-Worms ......................................... 5 Weeding T o o ls....................................... 16 Winter, Effect on G r a s s ........................ 63 W in te r k ill.............................................63 Winter Protection..........................11,63 Winter S e e d i n g .................................. 62 W i r e g r a s s ............................................ 35 Y Y a r r o w ................................................... 9 Yellow J a c k e t s .................................. 41 Yellow Trefoil .................................. 21 z Zonate Eyespot, disease........................ 47 Scott Literature A complete paper bound file of all previous Lawn Care bulletins may be had for only 25c in stamps or coin. This durable, loose- leaf binder, contain­ ing all Law n Care bulletins to date, will be sent for $1. In­ cluded is alphabeti­ cal index and sheet of graph paper for mapping your lawn and keeping a record its maintenance. Your name gold of stamped on cover—20c extra. . . . . . . . 47 11, 41, 56, 62, 66 . 29,43, 58, 63 . 62 28 . 59 . 34 18 26 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 5 . 46,59 18 . 18 . . 13 . 29,43,58 60 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nimble W ill . Nutgrass, Yellow . . N O O rchard Grass Organic M atter in Soil . . . p . . . P e a t ....................... Peppergrass . Plantain, Broad-leaf . Poa A nnua Poison Ivy . P urslane . Purslane, M ilk Pussley . . . . . . . . . . Quackgrass . . Rib-grass . Rolling in Spring . Q . . . R s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Issue No. . . . . 23 28 . . . 45 46,59 . . . . . . . . 59 33 1 . 39 . 57,61,66 32 20 32 . . . . . . . . 19 . . 7 . 29,58,63 . . . . . . . S c u m ....................... Seeding in Fall . . Seeding in Spring . Seeding in W inter . . Sedge . Sewage Sludge . . Shaded Lawns . Sheep Sorrel . Shepherd’s Purse Silver Crabgrass . Skunks . . Sodium Chlorate Sod Web-Worms . Soils, Im provem ent . Sorrel, Sheep . . Sour Weed . . Speedwell Spiking . . . Spring Program Sprinkling, Sprinklers Spurge, Spotted Squirrels . Sum m er Fertilizing Summer Grass Sum m er In ju ry to T urf . . . . . . . T . . . 31 . . 36,37 Good Lawns is the amateur gardener’s guide to better lawns. Pocket size, it con­ tains complete but condensed information on how to build a new lawn or renovate an old one. Sent free on request. Tem perature, Affects Grass . Terraces . Tiling . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 25,26,27 Bent Lawns in a new edition w ith color illustrations. It tells the story of the most beautiful of all lawn grasses—Scotts Creeping Bent. Sent free.