20th Year No. 94 PUBLISHED FIVE TIMES YEARLY FOR LAWNTHUSIASTS WEED - FEED Simultaneously control with lawn nourishment has evolved from extensive trials on the Scott experimental lawns. It is just now being introduced as "Scotts Lawn Food plus Weed Control." It should be pointed out that the major credit for this time-saving help to better lawns should go to those who set the stage with their own basic research years ago. Dutch scientists who possibly initiated work on the growth inhibitory effects of certain compounds; Boyce Thompson Institute workers; one of the country's leading botanists associated with Chicago Uni- versity; outstanding scientists in our own Department of Agriculture—all played a vital part. Several years ago English investi- gators experimented with the dry method of farm weed control by simply JU ST a year ago LAWN CARE heralded the culmination of a long search—a method of controlling broad-leaved weeds by simply spraying them away. Almost magic it seemed, especially since this could be accomplished with- out harm to grass. Now comes a further development that will make lawn maintenance still simpler—a combination lawn food and weed control. This new compound, easily applied in the dry form, at once solves two of the most important fac- tors in maintaining a nice lawn—(1) it clears out weeds such as dandelion, chickweed, all buckhorn, plantain, common non-grass weeds, while it (2) feeds the grass to fatter growth to fill in the openings left by dying weeds. What is believed the first successful commercial product combining weed The upper portion of this test plot received weed/feed treatment. 2 adding inert carriers to the active com- pound and dusting over the vege- tation. This has proven fairly success- ful in large fields but is impractical for lawns because of drift harming nearby shrubs and flowers. Workers in the U. S. D. A. showed the value of adding fertilizers at the time of weed control application as ad- ditions to spray solution or as dry mix- tures. In the latter case, double and triple rates of the active compounds appeared necessary—a risky concentra- tion for general lawn use. Picking up the thread of these de- velopments, the Scott lawn crew tried combining weed control chemicals with various types of plant food materials. The problem proved less simple than expected. But the idea was so tantaliz- ing that efforts were continued in spite of discouragements. It was early recognized that forms of materials had to be uncovered which would work as well or better combined than separately. The materials used would also have to be compatible physi- cally and biologically, so the results on grasses and weeds were as desired. Physical compatibility was obtained after discarding the use of granular forms of fertilizer which had seemed logical to use because of advantages in SCOTTS LAWN CARE broadcast application. A more pow- dered form proved superior and into this a finely divided soluble form of weed control blended nicely. Further- more, there was no separation or de- mixing in agitation. Persistence Rewarded A material was developed which spread evenly and easily, yet coated the leaves with enough of the fine powder to cause destruction of the weed, root and all. With it the right source of plant food was included to provide a slow, long lasting feeding which would encourage grass to take possession as the weeds disappeared. Here then, a new product, boon to the lawn enthusiast. One easy treat- ment in dry form slays the weeds, yet stimulates the grass—two of the most important steps in lawn beauty. The combination seems to do more than either treatment by itself. It had been observed that weed control alone sets grass back temporarily. However, a simultaneous meal of the right lawn food will offset this effect. Some have objected to extra mowing resulting from ordinary feeding. Strangely tests in Scott Growing laboratories double check proper blending in pro- duction of the weed/feed combination. No chemical analysis is sufficiently accurate to verify toxicity to weeds. Beware of Shady Operators In Lawn Work in It has been several years since gyp operators lawn work have been active. But they are back this spring as witness this recent letter from a LAWN CARE reader: Do you have a salesman by the name of Frank C . . . ? He came here Tuesday of last week and although I cannot say posi- tively that he said he was with your com- pany, that was die impression given. He sold what he said was Turf Builder and other chemicals combined. His price was 3c per lb., and he did scatter some black stuff over our lawn. After my husband paid him $138.00 and a neighbor $55.00, he said the application must be followed with "Scotts Seed." [Give him credit for that.] When he had gone, we grew suspicious and realized that at the price charged, he should have used over two tons, whereas he actually used only a few bucketfuls. If these were your products, we won't feel too badly cheated in spite of short weight. The sad answer is that this operator did not use materials from Scotts or any other legitimate source. The usual procedure is for them to get a truck load of worthless muck, which looks good because it is black. They scatter this over a lawn with the flourish of showmen, collect their money and van- ish, leaving one tangible result—a crop of weeds that will sprout from the scattered muck. in curtailing The way to avoid fraud in Various Better Business Bureaus are wise to the^ways of these pseudo land- scape gardeners, and have been instru- mental their activities. However, it's such a lucrative racket that they are sure to pop up elsewhere. lawn work is to deal only with known local contractors who have a specific place of business and are known in the com- munity. They will gladly supply refer- ences to other clients and customers which can be quickly checked. Don't encourage these lawn racketeers. N ew Chemicals A id Lawn Pest Control The value of D DT in controlling various pests, such as mosquitoes, lice and flies, has been well established. New chemicals or new uses for old materials are being discovered regu- larly. At least one of these, Sabadilla, will be of real help in controlling cer- tain pests that do harm to grasses. Fortunately DDT, Sabadilla and other chemicals can be combined to make a general pesticide for control of a num- ber of lawn pests. These materials are relatively non-toxic to humans, pets and birds when used in the diluted strengths required for pest control. Scotts have prepared an easy-to-use formulation of Pest Control for the convenience of those whose lawns are being injured by any of the following: just below Grubs of Jap Beetles harm grass by sever- ing roots the surface. T he grubs hatch in August and September, feed on grass roots in the fall and again in May and June. After a severe attack, chunks of sod can be rolled up like a carpet to reveal the light, cream colored grubs, shrimp shaped, about Vi to % inch in diameter. Pest Control, applied any convenient sea- son, will keep Jap Beetle Grubs in check for several years. T he common white grub of the May beetle is more difficult to control because it usually the ground. Arsenate feeds much deeper of Lead at 10 pounds per 1000 square feet is still the only known deterrent. in Earthworms are of many kinds and names including angleworms, dew worms, night crawlers, fishing worms. They are generally not harmful, in fact are said to be important in soil drainage and in topsoil formation. In harm excessive numbers, lawns earthworms may two ways. Their casts may in SCOTTS LAWN CARE interfere with mowing. T he smother grass plants, make the ground bumpy or even larger ones are able to grasp young seedling plants and pull them into their burrows. Extensive damage may be observed occasionally in wet locations harboring large colonies. If earthworm activities are obnoxious, there would seem no reason for not taking control measures. They won't all be eliminated but their activities considerably reduced. On the other hand if Pest Control needs to be applied for other to be concerned as to depopulating earthworms. is little reason insects, there Skunks, Moles damage their at- tempt to get at grubs and worms in the soil. Eliminating the cause of skunk and mole activity. removes supply food lawns in this Bugs, Chinch Sod Webworms, Army Worms and Cutworms are also checked with Pest Control. Applications should be made in warm weather when they are active. Scotts Pest Control is made up simply as a convenience item in lawn mainte- nance. It is broadcast dry over the lawn surface, very lightly, preferably with a good spreader. W hy Stemmy Grass In Some Years? During May and June, folks send in quite a few samples of coarse, stemmy grass, wanting to know "how come?" This illustrates the extreme effort of Nature to reproduce its kind. Late spring and early summer is the normal seeding time for many grass varieties. to thwart the mower by shooting out tough seeding spikes very close to the ground. Some plants will try Ordinarily this condition soon dis- appears. Elimination can be hastened by raking up the stems before mow- ing to be sure the bed knife gets a fair chance to decapitate them. O M SCOTT & SONS C O. M A R Y S V I L LE - - O H IO E V E RY P A C K A GE OF S C O T TS LAWN C A RE P R O D U C TS BEARS T H IS T R A DE - MARK AND IS S E A L ED FOR Y O UR PROT E C T I ON