20th Year No. 95 PUBLISHED FIVE TIMES YEARLY FOR LAWNTHUSIASTS KEEPING SPRING IN SUMMER LAWNS WH I LE there the story has been told over the country, we want to be doubly sure that readers of L A WN C A RE realize is something new and vital for the summer maintenance pro- gram. It is the easy-to-use dry com- pound which, when scattered over the lawn, produces the double benefit of destroying broad-leaved weeds while nourishing the grass to thicker, greener growth, both at the same time. is going on feeding and while safe, slow acting that process the weeds receive a knockout powder from which they will not recover. Other Summer Suggestions After an excessively wet and cold spring, the weather may suddenly turn hot and dry. If so, watering may need to be started earlier than suspected. Water-logged soils restrict the grass root system because oxygen is excluded. As rains diminish, the upper inch or two of soil dries. The roots, having been restricted to this zone, suffer injury unless surface moisture is replaced. The general recommendation is to water lightly and frequently to keep this surface zone moist. As the deeper soil drains, and roots can extend, water- ing can be less frequent and heavier. Examine the soil occasionally by cut- ting a plug as you would inspect a watermelon, and replace moisture be- fore the grass begins to wilt. The complete watering program is set forth in other issues of L A WN C A R E. Continuous rains, though they keep the grass green and lush at the time, also carry away soluble plant nutrients in the drainage water before the grass needs or can make full use of them. In addition, the rapid, lush growth of grass takes its toll of nutrients in producing unusual amounts of foliage. These are two very good reasons for lawn another serving of giving your nourishing food in the summer. The new process is so simple and easy that it's hard to grasp at first. But it works. What has been done is to combine the potent weed-killing factor of Scotts 4-X with the best mild and slow acting sources of grass food. The combination has been "lawn tested" further during recent summers, and proven by extensive greenhouse tests during the winter months. In past years it has not been too dif- ficult to have a nice green lawn in the spring when rains were abundant and the sun not too hot. But the average lawn would go into a summer slump just when the family might enjoy it most. In spite of faithful watering, the grass took on a tired, ragged look. Most folks hesitated to feed in the sum- mer for fear of burning the grass and having it look worse. Weeds, equipped with greater reserves of food and mois- ture larger in their thick stems and roots, continued fresh as daisies. Now the story is different. As your lawn enters that heretofore doldrum season it may be safely treated with the new combination of Scotts Lawn Food plus Weed Control. This provides a 2 Most lawns, except those of Bent- grass, thrive better in hot weather if not cut too closely. The roller should be adjusted so that the bedknife is to 2 inches above the floor level. Synchronize the frequency of cutting with the rate of growth. Collect clip- pings when they are so heavy that they may smother the grass beneath. Other- wise clippings may be collected or al- lowed to drop at the discretion of the lawn owner. The mulch they furnish is slightly beneficial for moisture reten- tion. See mowing issue of L A WN C A R E. SIRS: Our lawn has always been more or less a poor one, but the suggestions that we received from you made us realize that our lawn from now on can be much more of a pleasure. It is our intention to feed and care for our lawn in the Scott manner. This is a great simpli- fication over our past procedure wherein a beautiful lawn resulted but twice a year; it would get terribly scorched and burned, and the waiting while its health was always embarrassing. it would again gain L. C. S. Cleveland, Ohio. Reduce Hay Fever And Ivy Poisoning Many L A WN C A RE readers will want to join in the concerted effort to help get rid of ragweed and poisonous va- rieties of ivy, oak and sumac. A sub- stantial contribution can be made at little cost and efiort. One less ragweed may mean one less sneeze for several victims in your own neighborhood. One less plant of poison ivy, oak or sumac may save some poor soul the awful agony, itch and rash of a severe case of poisoning. In the last two years, neighborhoods, cities, and even metropolitan areas like New York City have banded together to reduce the suffering of hay fever victims by the killing of ragweed. It's easily done by spraying infested vacant lots with a material like Scotts 4-X SCOTTS LAWN CARE some time between June 1 and August 10. One packet in a gallon of water makes a death spray for a thousand or more plants. Use it any day when rain is not imminent. Poison ivy, oak and sumac are a bit more difficult in that a second or third treatment may be needed. Even so, the extra efiort will pay off in the satisfac- tion of a good deed done. Try to enlist your neighbors, your community and your friends in the campaign to stamp out ragweed and poison ivy. At least make a start your- self. Others will surely follow suit. Chemical Control For Crabgrass A lot of L A WN C A RE readers are in- quiring about recent publicity on vari- ous chemicals being offered for crab- grass elimination. There is encouragement that some day a chemical will be developed that will control crabgrass the way broad- leaved weeds can now be dispersed. However, the present status is best described in the words of a Depart- ment of Agriculture official who said, "Chemical control of crabgrass is still in the experimental stage." We continue to test every material suggested and to check other experi- ments while keeping in close touch with the responsible research officials who are working in grasses. If used at all, chemical treatments should first be tried on a limited area to check (1) effectiveness, (2) possible damage to desirable grasses, or (3) cumulative harm to the soil. Another important factor is possible fire hazard, poison danger to children, pets or birds, discoloration of walks, foundations, clothing and like. Some chemicals cause skin injuries, corrode equipment, and crystallize if long exposed to light. the