26th YEAR No 127-PS clells why weeds need not mar your lawn! LAWN WEEDS OUT OF STYLE longer any need to buy weed seeds along with your grass seed. It is still necessary to deal with weeds that come from seeds in the soil or manures that may be added to the soil. Chemicals have been used experi- mentally to destroy these weed seeds in soils. This is more a procedure for the greenskeeper and greenhouseman. Any sterilizing delays planting and in the spring it brings seedling growth nearer to the ravages of hot weather. Alternate cultivating and sprinkling also delays planting and doesn't begin to eliminate all the weed seeds. There- fore, there doesn't seem to be any prac- tical method at present of preventing weeds. There is, however, a very prac- tical way of removing them from a lawn. You need only to enlist the aid of modern chemicals — they do all the work while you do something else. So it is much better to go ahead with a new lawn as soon as possible and then eliminate the weeds later. You don't have to be a botanist. With but a handful of uncommon ex- ceptions, any broadleaved weeds (di- cots) that are likely to show up in a lawn can be chemically jinxed without IT can hardly be claimed that lawn weeds ever were the rage. In days gone by, however, they have been more or less the mode, simply because most everyone had them. Like the whooping cough they were an accepted experience. They used to provide employment by the hour for many youngsters during summer vacation. How many LAWN CARE readers can remember earning 25c an hour to dig them out? Or so much per weed? You still see some folks wasting their cherished weekends doing this. Nowadays help is harder to get and at prevailing wages hand digging of weeds is almost prohibitive as well as ineffective. The weed digger has gone the way of the lamplighter, because controlling weeds is now almost as easy as flicking on a light switch. Folks now are more weed conscious and by the same token are more dis- criminating about their lawns. A good lawn by today's standards is a jewel compared to those of several years ago. Weed Seeds In Soil. Thanks to modern cleaning equipment and know-how which make top quality grass seed 99 and 9 1 / 1 0 0% weed free, there is no harm to the lawn. Most of them need just a single application of the ad- Clinging 4-XD particles mean goodbye to ugly weeds! vanced 2, 4-D preparations, 4-XD or Weed & Feed. A few take a follow-up treatment after a couple of weeks. A glance at the chart gives you a work- ing knowledge of lawn weed control. Here are some known western lawn weeds that are now out of style: Bur Clover Sandbur Puncture Vine Mustard Sagebrush Spurge Dandelions Plantain Japanese Clover Thistle Chickweed Mallow Dry vs Spray. Some of the early weed controls were liquid concentrates. They had to be made into solutions for spray- ing. This required measuring and stir- ring and all the muss and fuss con- nected with sprays. The new way is the dry application — ready to use as it comes in the package. Sprays are almost impossible to ap- ply evenly over a lawn because it's dif- ficult to tell where you've been. Not so with dry controls, especially when distributed with a spreader. Crabgrass Time Again. As spring ad- vances toward summer, Crabgrass be- gins to make itself known. This differs from the weeds mentioned above in that it is a coarse grass. Since 2, 4-D preparations do not affect grasses, Crab- grass must be attacked differently. Three years ago Scutl was introduced and it has been saving lawns from Crabgrass ever since. Especially if your lawn had Crab- grass in it last year, you'll want to get an early start this year. May and June are good months to start. Just get out the lawn spreader and fill it with those green mica-like granules that flow so freely from a package of SCUTL. A few applications at one week intervals Guide to Weed and Pest Control with Scoffs Dry Granular Materials Broad-leaved such as Dan« delions, Plantain, Thistle, Bur Clover, practically all non-grass type of weeds. Crabgrass Sod Webworms, Ants, Ear- wigs, Grubs, Armyworms and cutworms. Material Scotts own granular 4-XD formulation of 2, 4-D. WEED & FEED Exclusive Scotts compound of 2, 4-D in special grass food. Cost To Treat 44c per 1,000 sq ft basis bag purchase. $1.07 per 1,000 sq ft (bag size) Weed control value of 4-XD plus feeding. SCUTL Scotts unique for- mulation of mercury and other chemicals. $ 2 . 75 per 1 , 0 00 sq ft (¡umbo bag basis) covers cost of three normal rate treatments. Also inhibits fungus diseases. In M< as Cn Lawn & Turf Pest Control. Dry Applied. Soon or on *,ve* This is Simply a Planning Guide. See Folder in each Package for ( $ 1 . 16 per 1 , 0 00 sq ft basis bag purchase. first checks its growth, then discolors it, and finally disintegrates it. come a sod. A good thick sod is seldom overrun with weeds. Weeds take over when the grass is allowed to starve or become weakened by other causes. in keeping importance Light but frequent feedings are of utmost the sparkle of spring in your lawn all sum- mer. Five pounds of Turf Builder is enough for each one thousand square feet. Feeding is simple and accurate when you use a good spreader designed for the purpose. Rosette types of weeds succumb to action of 4-XD. Regular Feeding Helps. One of the best ways to minimize weeds is to grow a good healthy lawn. To do this requires sowing a safe and sane lawn seed mix- ture and then keeping the grass proper- ly fed. Smoothest lawns are built with a scientific blend of a few carefully selected grasses. There are only a few grasses s u i t a b le f or lawn use so conglomerations of numerous grasses are almost certain to contain some undesirables. Select lawn grasses will knit laterally as well as grow vertically if they are fed the right food. This means thin spots will fill in and the turf will be- All Applications with the Spreader When To Use never non-grass weeds ctive growth. e as 4-XD except avoid on in hot \her. lush grass Aay, June, or as soon irabgrass noticed. Seedling Grass Delay until after new lawn has had first cutting. Wait until second season i. e. spring until fall, fall until next spring. Apply to dry grass after second mowing. Reserve watering afterwards. n as pest is suspected mce a year as preven- Complete Directions In seedbed of new lawn or anytime after germin- ation. Creeping kinds may need follow up treatments within two weeks. Brown Spots? Maybe It's Fungus lawn If your is competing with Crabgrass, Scutl, of course, is the answer. Even if you don't have Crab- grass, Scutl can give you a better lawn. Fungus diseases cause brown spots in even the best of lawns, particularly in hot weather and in the presence of lots of moisture. The sick areas are usually quite circular in shape, may be the size of a silver dollar or more like a pie plate. Sometimes "smoke rings" appear. Watch for the first indications and apply Scutl. The mercury in it has a fungicidal effect and if repeated once or twice at two week intervals, usually checks this strange disease. As a result the grass is greener, healthier with less opportunity for weeds to get started. • for SCUTL, NEW Directions Folder available for the asking. A post card will do . . . Scotts, Palo Alto. . . . Can I kill the Bur Clover in my Di- cbondra lawn with chemicals? No. Don't use any of the broadleaved weed controls on Dichondras as it also will be eliminated. Broadleaved weeds in Di- chondra lawns have to be handpulled the old way. However, Crabgrass can be treated by Scutl without harm to Dichondra. . . . What is the enclosed weed that is in- festing my lawn and how can I get rid of it? Cutting doesn't seem to help. introduced when river-bottom soil The weed is Nutgrass. It's a toughie. Of- ten is used in lawn construction. The following letter from a LAWN CARE reader offers hope for its control: "About two years ago a letter from your office confirmed that I had Nutgrass in my lawn. You suggested I try 4-X. I would like to tell you what happened. After the first application the Nutgrass turned brown and seemed to die out. Several weeks later it started to pop up again, but not so thick. I treated it again and it lost itself for most of the summer. However, it showed up in spots. I shot it again and that seemed to take care of it. This spring it has shown up in only one or two small patches. I believe before the summer is over it will be gone."—C G Boyer, Fresno, California late in fall If I use 4-XD . .. to kill weeds in my lawn will it also kill the lawn clover? I don't want to lose that. Ordinary weed controls severely damage or kill White Dutch Clover. 4-XD is more versatile. A single application ordinarily just inhibits the blossoming of lawn clover for awhile. This is generally considered a point in its favor. Several applications are needed to kill lawn clover, As the thermometer goes up the height of mowing should also go up. While close cropping is all right in the cool of spring and often desirable, higher cutting is bet- ter for hot weather. Unless you have a Bent- grass lawn plan soon to start mowing at IV2 to 2 inches. The extra growth serves as in- sulation, reduces evaporation of moisture from the surface soil. Some like to cut their lawns in a contin- uous counter-clockwise direction. This throws the clippings on to the uncut grass so they will be rechopped. • • Words About Watering if watering Grass will do better is started when soil begins to dry and it feels firm under foot. This occurs be- fore most people realize — especially if days are sunny or windy. Perceptible slowing down of grass growth may well indicate soil drying just as it may also indicate a need for fertilizing. It is not necessary to water heavily if started in time. T he secret is to keep soil moist before roots suffer or soil begins to shrink and crack. This lat- is characteristic of adobe or any ter other clay soils. Once they dry severely, rewetting is difficult. Contrary to oft-published advice, it is all right to water in the hot sun. As a matter of fact such waterings may be extra beneficial because of the cool- ing effect on the grass. T he greater evaporation is of no consequence. For details about proper lawn watering write for a free copy of bulletin 123-PS. Lawn Moths Starting Early coming from L A WN C A RE readers indicate that lawn moths were starting in early April this year. they can be expected to be more numerous than ever, probably due to the mild winter. This may serve as a warning Reports in them making If you notice their short, low flights over your lawn, bet- ter make an application of Lawn & T u rf Pest Control without delay. It takes only a few minutes and is good lawn insurance. Y ou can get the story-in-a-nutshell insects by about these and other turf requesting LAWN CARE 105-PS. "Thank you very kindly. Your sugges- tions and products have helped me produce a beautiful lawn."—M A Satz, Seattle "I have been given one of your folders by Mr. Barriskill who is a regular customer of yours, and I would like to say he has a wonderful lawn. He speaks very highly of your products."—B Grant, Victoria, Canada O M S C O TT & S O NS C O. 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