26th YEAR No 130 Good Lawns Have Cash Value WHEN YOU list your personal assets, figure the value of your Scotts lawn as having increased at least 50% in the past few years. There are two reasons for this. One is the increased cost of building a lawn these the fact days. The other, that folks are willing to pay more for houses surrounded by good lawns. Evi- dence of the cash value of good turf is furnished in letters like this one from Maurice f Hall of Flint, Michigan: home—even before he completes plans for the house itself. Automobile land brings another story, from Frank Frigon of Livonia, suburb of Detroit: "I recently sold my home and purchased a new one on a large corner lot. I can truth- fully say that one of the best selling points was my Scotts Lawn. That above all else gave me the top dollar for it." So treat your lawn to the very best in materials and care. You will be re- paid many times over for your labor in months of pleasure it brings you each year. If you do sell your home, you have built up an equity that will re- ward you as much or possibly more than any improvement you have made in the property. If you don't have a Scotts Lawn — please take note that the fall season is the very best time to make the invest- ment. At modest cost in materials you can have one of the most enjoyable around the home projects. A "Do It Yourself" hobby where the amateur can get professional results. Sept - Oct Lawn Program Time is short if you wish to take ad- vantage of the best seeding time of the year. Short cuts are suggested to get the seed into the ground as soon as possible. New Lawns. Even if you have very good soil, it is advisable to feed with TURF BUILDER seeding. Rake it in lightly and go ahead with seeding anytime. If lawn is kept moist, germination and seedling growth will be more rapid. just before "Four years ago I bought a home in a new subdivision. The lawn was supposed to be finished, but it was a mess. I picked up a Lawn Care pamphlet which interested me and had myself placed on your mailing list. That fall I tore up my so-called lawn and planted Scotts Seed. I got a wonderful catch and since that time with the minimum of effort have had a beautiful lawn, so much so that it has been like a green oasis in a desert of poor lawns. the fact that two other homes in "This spring because of a sinus infection, I decided to sell and move away. Regardless of the same block have been for sale for sixty days and still are, my house sold in eight days. "The three homes are very similar yet I received $1000 more than one is asking and $1500 more than the other. The prime differ- ence among the homes was the lawn. I firmly believe my house sold because of the lawn." Thus the public now has a dollar appreciation of lawn beauty. In this instance a Scotts Lawn increased the value of the home between five and ten per cent. William L Wagner of the Times Herald, Washington D C writes: "I used Turf Builder and Scutl on my last lawn and have been sold on nothing but Scotts products. I give my Scott Lawn credit for selling my last home at a nice profit." Mr Wagner wrote further that he is planning a Scott Lawn for his new from one Established Lawns. By mid-September the damage from crabgrass has been done. There is little use in trying to kill it. Frost will soon do that. Broad- leaved weeds such as dandelions, plan- tain, buckhorn should be treated. To save time, use Weed & Feed — get double duty application. A day or two after weed control, soak the ground or wait for a heavy rain before sowing seed. If Weed & Feed not used, apply TURF BUILDER at 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft before seeding. Lawns that are thick and sturdy will not need seeding. If weeds are a prob- lem in such lawns, apply 4-XD followed later with a feeding of TURF BUILDER. Or do the two jobs at one time with Weed & Feed. Mowing. Rather short cutting is advised for most lawn areas for the coolcr fall season and should be continued as long as the grass grows. New lawns should be cut at 1 or IV2 inches and mowing started as soon as there is anything to cut. It is a mistake to let young grass grow so tall it lops over. Remove Leaves. Traffic over a new lawn must be held to a minimum. However, leaves smother grass and ought to be removed from any turf area before rains mat them down. A leaf sweeper or power grinder will save time and labor where there are many leaves. Consistent Record For 25 Years The very first issue of Lawn Care in 1928 reported on a seed bulletin of the New York State Experiment Station. At that time only 16 of the 88 lawn seed mixtures examined approached the minimum requirement for reasonable quality, and Scotts was well above any other brand in turf producing varieties. This year the station issued another bulletin on the quality of lawn seed sold in the state. Those reading page 14 will learn that 75 brands were tested in 1952. These ranged from a zero content of sod-producing grasses to 97.9 per cent. The latter is identified in the analysis detail on page 36 as Scotts Lawn Seed . .. the leader in 1952 as in 1928. Feed, feed, feed, if you want Lawn seedings grass or shrubs or trees or roses. need not be even at today's high prices. The is in sowing nial varieties. lesser amounts • better . . . costly secret of peren- Remember Turf Builder is handy to make a non-skid surface on ice-covered walks and drives. Easy to do those bad mornings with a Scotts Spreader. Keep spreader and Turf Builder handy in the garage. Corner /of, trees, modern house — poor lawn is no asset. NEW LAWN PLANTING OR RENOVATION It's a good idea to set your sights as to what you can expect to accomplish in the development of your own lawn. Here are outlined some of the basic for various categories requirements lawns. of AAA - De Luxe Lawn AA - Good Lawn A - Utility Lawn Soil C o n d i t i on be S h o u ld 9°o d' Pr e f e r a b ,Y not gravelly. r e a s o n a b ly l o a m y, Practically any soil except sands and gravels. Will do well in heavy clay if care- ful soil preparation. Will grow on most anything that passes for soil, but the better the soil the better the lawn. Lime Needs Tolerates mild acidity. Lime in most Atlantic in general, needed coastal states, east of Ohio. Except in area where farm- ers never use lime, shouid be applied to keep soils near neutral range. Tolerates acid soils and ab- sence of lime. Seed to Use Scotts Lawn Seed Bluegrass Blend Scotts Special Watering S h o u ld be k e pt m o i st throughout growing season. Once established, tolerates drought fairly well. MAINTENANCE started, Once minimum moisture. thrives on Mowing Feeding O t h er Cool weather: one inch Hot: 1 y2 inches Cool: 1 to 1V2 Hot: i y2 to 2 inches inches Cool: i y2 Hot: 2 inches 3 to 4 times yearly Spring and fall Once yearly Scutl series to control disease. Scutl series to control disease. Re-Seeding Early fall is best for all lawns One application of SCUTL section, not treated, shows ugly result of a Snow Mold attack. Photograph last December controlled fungus causing Snow Mold. Right in late March. Why Scotts Lawn Seed Is Higher As e x p l a i n ed in LAWN CARE 129, turf-producing harvests of grasses determine seed prices. the basic The final outcome of that most important seed of all—Kentucky Blue- grass—was even less than anticipated in early August. Government figures showed less than half a normal crop. That was optimistic. The actual supply available for top quality lawn seed is much below that figure because so much of the harvest is poor quality, light, chaffy and of low growing ability. Even so, the formula and quality of Scotts Lawn Seed will be maintained — it is as it has been for over thirty years . . . the standard of quality. publicized Merion Bluegrass A LIMITED amount of the highly is available for experimental planting. Although the early enthusiasm for this variety has been shown as overdrawn, some folks have had good success with it. While our stock lasts, it is offered at $5.30 per pound, postpaid. Address orders to — Scotts, Marysville, Ohio. BEFORE you put your Scotts Spreader away, why not check it over and give it a good servicing. Then it will be ready to give you its most efficient operation next spring. It should be thoroughly washed and oiled. If repairs are needed, ask for a copy of the "Spreader Service Manual." This provides a guide to you or to a garage or service station mechanic for getting the Spreader back together. It's really not hard. The manual also gives prices on replacement parts if such are needed. LAWN CARE Pocket Edition Combines all im- portant issues to- date in handy ban- tam book that fits in coat pocket. New size to serve needs of fac- tories seeking lawn information books for employee read- i ng r a c k s. T he books make appropriate gifts for a list of friends who are lawn strugglers — 25 c each postpaid. inspired O M S C O TT & S O NS C O. M A R Y S V I L LE - - O H IO M R - B 3B B i 5 53 EVERY PACKAGE OF SCOTTS LAWN CARE PRODUCTS BEARS THIS TRADE - MARK AND IS SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION J L — < g)