A discussion oj the vital problems o f lawn making and maintenance P U B L I S H E D S E V E R A L T I M E S Y E A R L Y B Y O. M. S C O T T & S O N S C O M P A N Y - S E E D S M E N March-April 1930 - M A R Y S V I L L E , O H I O No. 2 Vol. Ill (Achille Millefolium). FRIEND and FOE Y ARROW, IS THIS WEED Other English names for this weed are Milfoil, Thousand-leaf, Sanguinary, Bloodwort, Soldiers’ Woundwort, Nose­ bleed Weed. This is one of the few weeds that cannot be classified as a serious pest. It is not par­ ticularly unsightly, the leaves being fern-like and ra th e r p retty . T hese leaves do, however, lie flat upon the ground, tending to smother out other grasses. If allowed to go to seed the plants will grow two feet tall. Nat­ urally they are not per­ mitted to produce seed in the lawn but being a per­ ennial, p ro p ag ate by means of root stalks as well as seeds. In pasture and waste lands where al­ lowed to grow unmolested Yarrow blooms between June and October. The seeding time is August to November. Yarrow grows throughout North America and in most parts of the world. It is a very hardy weed, thriving in almost any soil and be­ ing indifferent to tropic heat or arctic cold. The Latin name reveals the fact that Yarrow was named for the invul­ nerable Achilles who, it is said, used the herb for the cure of his Myrmidons wounded at the siege of Troy. It is known that the plant has some medicinal value and its dried leaves and flowers bring a fair price in the drug market. Tough Root System In addition to the fern­ like leaves which at the base of a fully matured plant are about 10 inches long, there are w hite flow ers appearing in a dense, flat-topped, com­ pound corym bis. T he roots are horizontal and tough and cling strongly to the parent plant. The foliage is strong scented and has a b itte r taste (probably the reason it is used for medicine). Cattle avoid the plant for that reason but may eat it in dry fodder, in which case it becomes very damaging to the quality of dairy products. In some parts of the world the pure seed of Yarrow is obtain­ able, indicating th a t it has some use as a grow­ ing crop. Business friends of ours in Ger­ many say that Yarrow is not cultivated there but that the seed is hand collected where it grows wild. "It is used for sheep pastures and also in chemists’ shops as a • • » • » • « • • • m iit m iM I M I M I I H M I lH S I I I I I I M M I I I H I im it lllim iim M M m M I I I M lim iim im ilim illlM M M M M I I I M I I I M M H I I I I H I I I M M M M M I M lM M medical drug.” Writes an English seedsman: ''Yarrow is certainly not considered a weed in this country. At one time it was used in quite considerable quantities but now in a very small way. It is always in sheep pasture where it is considered a very useful plant. The seed has been known to command a price of $2.00 per pound.” Possible Airport Grass It is possible that Y arrow , while now considered a weed, m ay yet become a useful plant in this country. As a matter of fact, the grass is now being consid­ ered for use on air­ ports principally be­ cause of the tenacity with which the foli­ age clin g s to the roots, also because of the tough root sys­ tem itself. The thick, finely laced leaves adhere to the ground and form a sort of carpet which may prove quite useful in keeping down dust, one of the serious airport problems. Means of Control Yarrow is one of the few weeds for which there is no remedy recommended other than hand digging. Because the roots though spreading, are attached so se­ curely to the parent plant a whole colony of Yarrow may be ousted in one pull if the ground is soft. Seed production may, of course, be prevented by close mowing. Many do not regard Yarrow seriously be­ cause it is not unsightly and is preferable to coarse ugly weeds if weeds you must have. However, it shouldn’t be allowed to take the place of desirable grasses. Most impure lawn mixtures contain many thousand seeds of Yarrow per pound. Earthworms Next WEEDS will have a rest in the mid­ summer issue of Lawn C are and the feature article will be on the subject of Earthworms and their elimination from a lawn. You will be surprised to learn how much study has been put upon this matter and what interesting fact* have been brought to light. Appreciates Advice Y OUR bulletin of February, 1930, on Ground Creeping Ivy is what we have been waiting and looking for, for quite a number of years. W ith the simple treatment that you outline it should be no trouble to get rid of this, one of the very worst of all lawn pests. R. S. Isaacson, Princeton, 111. "Your Turf Builder is a perfect won­ der.” C larence G riggs. Ottawa, 111. Qrass Hunting in Africa IN a recent issue of one of the farm papers we noted a very interesting ar­ ticle by L. W . Kephart of the U . S. De­ partment of Agriculture written after his return from East Africa. We learn that for thirty years there has been a systematic introduction of new grasses from foreign countries, dur­ ing which time 80,000 plants have been brought to this country for experimental purposes. A large portion, of course, are doomed to failure because they are not adapted to conditions here but many of our modern improved varieties owe their beginning to this process; for example numerous cereals, cotton, soybeans, alf­ alfa and various fruits and vegetables. In the field of grasses there are notably the fescues. Mr. Kephart traveled thousands of miles in East Africa and sent back seeds of 150 different grasses from which there may emerge some outstanding varieties which will be a blessing to either the farmer or home owner. This research on the part of the government is constantly going on. It is a part of the general pro­ gram of the Department of Agriculture to discover and classify new plants of ev­ ery description for the profit and pleas­ ure of our people. Note: Mr. Kephart has been good enough to write us about two possible lawn grasses which his trip brought to light. We shall tell you about them in the next issue of Lawn Care. — f— Scott Publications The following may be had for the asking: Scott’s Seed Guide, a 72-page book of valuable information for the man who farms. Bent Lawns, an illustrated booklet which tells how to make and maintain a Creeping Bent Lawns. Lawns, a small booklet of condensed facts about the making of a new lawn and the improving of an old one. Converting to Creeping Bent, a folder which explains four methods of remaking and improving an old lawn by using Bent. In addition to the above we will send to anyone a full set of the issues of Lawn Care which have preceded this one. There have been nine and the fol­ lowing lawn pests have been discussed: Plantain, Crab-grass, Dandelions, Moss, Grubs and Beetles, Chickweed, Buck- horn, and Ground Ivy. Dandelion Eradication AS promised in a previous issue of this * paper, we are glad to reprint an artice appearing recently in G olfdom Magazine on the subject of Dandelion and Plantain eradication. The author is Mr. John Mac Gregor, Greenkeeper of the Chicago Golf Club. I have tried every device and method which I thought might combat them. First, I tried cutting them under the ground, and I found they had in­ creased instead of decreased in num­ ber; where one was, six or seven showed up from the same plant, so the pest was multiplied a thousand fold. Then I tried gasoline. I took an ordinary oil can and soldered a spike with a sharp point to the spout. The spike extending an inch and a half beyond the end of the spout, this was pushed into the heart of the dandelion and a small amount of the gasoline deposited in the wound, which was very effective, but an expensive cure. Then there was the danger of poison­ ing the soil. During this period we wrote to the Department of Agriculture at Wash­ ington for information on the eradica­ tion of dandelions. When the informa­ tion came, I immediately set to work on this new system. We bought a power sprayer of 200 gallons capacity, also a potato sprayer attachment, which was attached behind the outfit. The formula was one and a half pounds iron sulphate (copperas) to one gallon of water, the solution to be ap­ plied with 150 pounds’ pressure. I fol­ lowed the instructions, choosing one of the worst infested areas I could find. The day following the application I looked over the result of the experi­ ment and was disappointed. All that could be noticed was the leaves of the dandelions were spotted with rust. Then I noticed that where the wheels of the sprayer had traveled the leaves were entirely black. I decided we had the correct formula, but the method of application would not give the desired results. The first dandelions I sprayed were just as strong as they were be' fore I started. During this period I was trying to devise ways and means whereby this solution could be handled and applied with dispatch. At this time we still had horses and they were the only means by which this sprayer could be navigated. Any­ one who has had anything to do with horses knows that hauling a 200-gal­ lon sprayer, loaded, is real work, and that they must be given a breathing spell quite frequently to enable you to have them the following day, espe­ cially in hot weather. The result was, before I had covered half of the rough, the wheels had bruised the leaves, I must devise some means of bruising the leaves so the iron could penetrate, and hit on the idea of using a chain drag which had been used during the construction of the course. I am glad to say this has proven to be the death knell of the dandelion, although suc­ cess was not to come just yet. When we got the first few ship­ ments of iron sulphate it was coarse and hard to dissolve. Upon investiga­ tion I found we could purchase granu­ lated or sugar iron sulphate. This I found could be dissolved in less than half the time. Then I procured six fifty-gallon barrels and knocked the heads out and used them for dissolv­ ing, putting 100 pounds of iron sul­ phate in each, dissolving with suffi­ cient water. Three of the barrels are enough for a load in a 200 gallon tank. The other three barrels are dissolving while the load is being emptied on the course; when the men return, these three are pumped into the tank. Every time three barrels are emptied, the material is put in for the next load. I use a portable double-action suction pump for pumping the solution into a tank, using a two-inch suction and a two-inch outlet hose. After two years’ experimenting, we purchased a Fordson tractor. This was the first time results really began to show, as I found the rough could be sprayed in a week, and that five suc­ cessive sprayings two weeks apart would kill ninety-eight per cent of the dandelions. The only ones left were some of the very largest, which were very easily destroyed with a weed stinger and gasoline. The success of this treatment is evidenced by the fact that the treated areas are free from dandelions. Do not use iron sulphate on bent turf, either seeded or stolons. It will kill out badly. Mr. Mac Gregor supplements this in­ teresting article with a letter to us in which he further expresses his satisfac­ tion with his present method of eradi­ cating dandelions. He also say*: "The best method of application for lawns is a fifty-gallon spray barrel on wheels so that it can be moved about. It is not necessary to have a pressure pump. A hand operated pump will be satisfactory. The soil should not be sat' urated with the material. It is only necessary to spray the foliage, then it should be dragged immediately before the material has a chance to dry on the foliage. You will find at the end of two weeks the dandelions have made a new growth and it is only by the continual killing of the new foliage that the vi­ tality of the plant is sapped. Finally there is nothing left.” The equipment to be used in carry­ ing out Mr. Mac Gregor’s plan would of course depend upon the size of the area. Only on large lawns or extensive grounds would the fifty-gallon barrel be necessary. The type of container to be used should be determined by the lawn area which needs to be treated. To carry out the dragging idea either a steel door mat or a heavy plank pulled over the lawn should suffice.