A discussion of the vital problems of lawn making and maintenance PUBLISHED S E V E R AL TIMES Y E A R LY BY O. M. SCOTT & S O NS C O M P A NY - MARYSVILLE, OHIO Vol. IV - SEEDSMEN August 1931 No. 4 AVOIDING SUMMER LAWN INJURY lawns our recollection when TH E RE has never been a year in fared so badly in July as they did this year. We have had letters and have seen evi- dence of throughout the country. The usual occurrence is for the grass to wilt and turn brown in small scattered patches which gradually enlarge until, in some instances, whole lawns are literally burned up. lawns going bad As was to be expected, we found that Spring seeded grass suffered terribly. In fact any spring turf which survived is decidedly the exception. The reason for this is quite clear. Spring and early summer were favorable to the growth of grass with warm weather and plenty of moisture. Such a condition resulted in an excessive growth of blades and a conse- quently diminished root system. Results are almost always the same. While con- ditions are favorable the grass thrives but as soon as it be- comes very hot and moisture is scarce the grass immediately suc- c u m bs b e c a u se the roots supply the moisture require- m e nt of the p l a n t. While artificial water- ing will help such a condition somewhat it will not take the place of the natural rainfall which to support young grass. is needed cannot DAMAGE BY WORMS. Coupled with unfavorable weather has been damage by web, cut and army worms, which feed on grass roots and stalks. They have killed an enormous amount of grass. Some of these worms have not attacked the roots but simply cut the grass just at the crown so that after a day or two the entire lawn could be swept up with a broom. W eb worms have probably caused the V O L U ME 4 [ 7] the trouble was not due to any one thing but to a combination conditions partly of ascribed to unfavor- able weather. In addi- tion turf has been b a d ly d a m a g ed by worms and insects and by fungus diseases. UNFAVORABLE WEATHER. OW I NG to the serious damage to turf by vari- ous July visitations we are compelled to postpone the Knot Grass story until the September issue of Lawn Care* It appeared to us that a discussion of the causes for so many ruined lawns following the period of ex- treme temperature was more important. New grass, in par- ticular, has suffered from the unfavorable weather of 1930 and 1931. Grass planted last fall did not have an opportunity to become well established because the drouth continued well into the winter. For that reason fall growth was slow, roots were limited and the turf lacked the usual healthy vigor of fall seeding. While such grass revived in the early spring it did not become sufficiently strong to withstand the sudden and unus- ually hot, dry weather of July. most damage. They have been reported throughout Ohio and through the east. According to Mr. George M. McClure of Ohio State University, web worms originate from little white and yellowish brown moths. They lay their eggs in early June on blades of grass and these are hatched in from six to ten days. The young worms move down into the soil where they form a loose silken web while feeding on the grass roots, and, during the latter half of July form cocoons in which they pass the pupal stage and from which the moths emerge a little later. These moths continue the cycle and the new larvae become partly grown before winter, to become fully grown the fol- lowing May. They then pupate and the moths hatched in June proceed to repeat the cycle. The web worm in many instances has been confused with the army worm. The latter is usually about two inches long and of a dark gray or dingy black color with three narrow yellowish stripes on its back and a slightly darker and broader stripe on each side. In contrast web worms have no stripes but are cov- ered with small tubercles each bearing a tuft of small hairs. They are from one- half to three-fourths of an inch long. In average years web worms, like most other pests, are kept under control by natural parasites. But, for some unac- countable reason, these have failed to function properly this year. As such damage has heretofore been practically unknown no sure control method can be suggested. It would seem, however, that poison bran mash may be eifective. This is made by mixing 1 qt. bran, 1 level tbsp. Paris green, 2 tbsp. syrup and 1 pt. water. Mix the bran and Paris green dry. Pour the syrup over it and mix thoroughly. Scatter the mixture thinly where the worms are feeding. [ 8] VOLUME 4 TURF DISEASES. Fungus diseases have oifered a serious problem on golf courses for many years but until this season have never been much of a problem in lawns. The most common of these diseases is called brown patch. It ordinarily attacks grass in hot, humid weather and may appear in small patches about the size of a silver dollar or in larger areas sometimes a foot in diameter. The first evidence of an attack of brown patch is the cobwebby or myce- lium growth which may be observed in the very early morning. Following this the grass turns black and eventually be- comes brown and dead looking. In spite of the severity of diseases in lawns during 1931 we feel safe in pre- dicting that home owners need not be greatly concerned about them. is cheaper and less troublesome to let the disease spend its force, and, if necessary, to reseed and fertilize rather than to try to check the disease when it comes. It If it is desired, however, to treat brown patch a fungicide may be applied. Semesan, Nu-Green, Calo-Clor and Bar- bak are all good mercurial fungicides which may be obtained and applied ac- cording to the directions of the manu- facturer. While any of them will check brown patch after it has started they are not long eifective as preventatives. They will act to a certain extent as preventa- tives but the effect is limited to a very few days. Bent grasses have ordinarily been con- sidered more susceptible to brown patch than any other kind but during the past month blue grass and practically all other varieties have been injured also. A dis- ease, quite similar, which attacks only bluegrass, is known as leaf spot.