Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Files
- Metadata
Dublin Core (XML)1.3 KB
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- Alternative Titles
Hillsdale County, Michigan
- In Collections
- Copyright Status
- No Copyright
- Date Published
- Cartographers
W.W. Hixson & Co.
- Material Type
Maps (documents)
Cadastral maps
Plats (maps)
- Coordinates
W 84°49ʹ36ʺ--W 84°21ʹ37ʺ/N 42°04ʹ25ʺ--N 41°41ʹ45ʺ
- Scale
approximately 1:51,000
- Publishers
W.W. Hixson & Co.
- Language
- Extent
- 1 atlas (18 unnumbered pages)
- Note
Publication date estimated by M-9 history.
Scale determined from section lines.
- Copyright Information
- Published in the United States before 1978 without a copyright notice
- Catalog Record
- Permalink
Page Info
1 of 18: Wright, Township 8&9S Range 1W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.476112--W 084.360422/N 041.811535--N 041.703932
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
2 of 18: Pittsford, Township 7S Range 1W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.476691--W 084.361371/N 041.898778--N 041.811373
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
3 of 18: Wheatland, Township 6S Range 1W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.477369--W 084.361981/N 041.986208--N 041.898381
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
4 of 18: Somerset, Township 5S Range 1W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.478035--W 084.362354/N 042.073464--N 041.985822
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
5 of 18: Part of Amboy, Township 8&9S Range 2W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.592697--W 084.475828/N 041.723998--N 041.811409
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
6 of 18: Ransom, Township 8S Range 2W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.59272--W 084.475929/N 041.811411--N 041.738451
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
7 of 18: Jefferson, Township 7S Range 2W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.592933--W 084.47606/N 041.898381--N 041.811075
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
8 of 18: Adams, Township 6S Range 2W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.592923--W 084.476691/N 041.98583--N 041.898144
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
9 of 18: Moscow, Township 5S Range 2W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.592941--W 084.476989/N 042.072934--N 041.985556
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
10 of 18: Part of Amboy, Township 8&9S Range 3W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.709018--W 084.592385/N 041.723501--N 041.811041
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
11 of 18: Woodbridge, Township 8S Range 3W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.709064--W 084.592083/N 041.811075--N 041.738132
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
12 of 18: Carmbria, Township 7S Range 3W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.709314--W 084.592494/N 041.898296--N 041.810579
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
13 of 18: Hillsdale & Fayette, Township 5 & 6S Range 3W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.709569--W 084.592776/N 042.000072--N 041.941585
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
14 of 18: Scipio, Township 5S Range 3W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.709602--W 084.592791/N 042.071768--N 041.999505
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
15 of 18: Camden, Township 8 & 9S Range 4W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.825377--W 084.708606/N 041.810981--N 041.696126
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
16 of 18: Reading, Township 7S Range 4W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.825342--W 084.709063/N 041.898033--N 041.810579
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
17 of 18: Allen, Township 6S Range 4W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.826095--W 084.709274/N 041.985702--N 041.897883
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink
18 of 18: Litchfield, Township 5S Range 4W
- Material Type
Plats (maps)
Cadastral maps
Maps (documents)
- Coordinates
W 084.826496--W 084.709379/N 042.072476--N 041.985456
- Extent
- 1 map
- Note
Page from: Plat book of Hillsdale County, Michigan
- Permalink