uINSIDE n MICHIGAN THE N E W S ^ Legislative News In The Michigan f a r m News FARM ONE DOLLAR A N e w s p a p e r For Michigan Farmers NEWS A Progressive Newspaper for Michigan Farm Homtl Ninth Year, Vol. IX, No. 4 PER YEAR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931. FIVE CENTS PER COPY Issued Semi-Monthly MICHIGAN RANKS Will Rogers Misses, LIVE STOCK EXCH. MICHIGAN MEN ON BUFFALO PRODUCERS BOARD GOVERNOR AVERTS HIGH AT STATE But Not Often VOLUME TOTALS DRIVERS' LICENSE, Will Rogers to the contrary, a FARM INS. MEET pocket veto can be administered by the president only during the MANY MILLIONS MALT TAX SCRAP last 10 days of a Congressional Growth of State Farm Mutual session. The cowboy humorist, Annual Meeting Reveals A n Compromises With Sec'y Of usually well informed in his A u t o Insurance Co. Is daily telegrams to hundreds of Enormous Co-operative State and Speaker Phenomenal. newspapers throughout the na- Machine. Ming. tion, erred last Wednesday in A FARMERS COMPANY his description of this matter, as he did a few months ago FARMERS ^ R E OWNERS PLUMBING CODE BACK when he confused Daniel Web- Has 7500 Agents and 500,000 ster, the orator, with Noah Web- In Nine Years Detroit A n d str, the compiler of a diction- McNitt Asks Repeal of A c t ; Policyholders In 29 Buffalo Have Refunded ary. Plumbing Racket Is States. $323,000. If the president does not veto Claimed. Bloomington, III.,—Fifty-six Mich- a measure within 10 days after it is sent to him by Congress, it Lansing—Upwards of 800 gathered igan agents of the State Farm Lansing—Two head-on collisions, automatically becomes a law at Lansing's Hotel Olds Thursday Mutual Auto Insurance Co. and between Gov. Wilber M. Brucker and without his signature. If, how- evening, Feb. 19, for the dinner and State Farm Life Ins. Co., nearly all Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of ever, Congress adjourns during excellent program which launched the farmers, attended the annual con- state, on one hand and Rep. Fred R. the 10 day period, and before an annual meeting of the co-operative vention of some 1,500 delegates at Ming, speaker of the house of repre- actual veto, the bill dies auto- Michigan Live Stock Exchange. Re- the home offices of the company sentatives, on the ocner, were averted matically, by the pocket veto, port of the dinner program appears here February 18 and 19. during the two weeks period just without Congress having a sec- elsewhere in the News. passed. Peace and harmony reign ond chance to vote on the meas- At the business sessions at the Olds ure. next day Live Stock Exchange officers reported on the effectiveness of their The first threatened impact was Similar provisions cover sim- settled by strategy; the other by ilar situations in Michigan legis- sales agencies—the Michigan Live Stock Exchange at Detroit and the compromise. Mr. Fitzgerald and lation. Speaker Ming are satisfied, and if Producers at Buffalo. the governor is not entirely so, he In the nine years since opening has given no evidence to the contrary. these farmer-owned terminal market Since 1919 Michigan has had a CONGRESS SNAPS offices they have sold $212,000,000 worth of live stock. Every shipper has found his check immediately good driver's license law, and the secretary of state's office has had charge of this OUT OF IT; PASSES for 100 cents on the dollar. Each guarantees payment for every ship- activity. It brings patronage—the right of appointing many minor offi- cials throughout the state to carry ment with a $50,000 bond and the as- IMPORTANT BILLS sets of the terminal office worth about $50,000 each. out the law—to that official. It brings political power, and not an inconsid- erable amount of prestige. It also Every year since 1922 the Live Michigan Life Stock Exchange has three directors on the Board of Buffalo Producers Co-operative means, regardless of how little value Veterans' Bonus A n d Muscle Stock Exchange has saved enough to Commission Ass'n. • One, Mr. E. A. Beamer of Blissfield, is its president. Buffalo Producers, largest handler the average citizen might place on pay its members ass'ns a substantial of stock on that mark* t. is operated by the co-operative Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and New York Live Stock Shoals Bills Go T o patronage dividend. Exchanges. this phase of it, that the secretary Directors shown above in the photograph taken just after the recent Buffalo Producers annual meeting of state's signature is carried on the President. During 1930 the Exchange collected cards in the pockets of some 2,000,000 and returned to patrons shipping loss are: Back row, left to right, C. C. Howenstine, Hicksville, O., vice president; J. R. Allgyer, Columbus, O.; E. A. automobile drivers. claims as follows: Detroit shipments Beamer, Blissfield, Mich., president; R. D. Ward, Dowagiac, Mich.; John O'Mealey, Hudson, Mich.; front row: Secretary Jumps First ALFRED BEXTALL PASS BONUS OVER VETO $1,400; Buffalo shipments $2,000. Lee R. Highlen, Liberty Center, Ind., secretary-treasurer; Warren W. Hawley, Jr., Batavia; Ed. Bartholomew, Governor Brucker wanted to Detroit's Business Goshen, Ind., and J. R. C ummins, Portland, Ind. < **Kitfi Farm Bureau's Insurance Director During 1930 the Detroit sales office change this so that the commissioner Michigan agents saw several of House O. K.'s Lame Duck Bill, handled 37% of all Detroit yards re- of public safety would control regis- their number honored as outstand- ing' insurance writers among the Balked Supply Bills Proceed ceipts, an increase of 5.54% over 1929, or 433,632 head of stock out of Swift's Instant Freeze HOUSE O X ' S TAX tration, and re-registration, which is again asked at this Bession. The Company's 7,500 agents. Bishop Leads All B. D. Bishop of Benton Harbor Washington.—Congress speeded up 1,209,848 received. Both Detroit and Buffalo Producers handle the most stock in their yards. Fresh Meats Described FOR PALM OLEO commissioner of public safety, Oscar G. Olander, is appointed by the gov- ernor; the secretary of state is elect- led all automobile agents with 287 during the week just closed in an ef- ed, all of which means that the influ- At Detroit, the Michigan Live Stock Packer Is Packaging Family freeze package meats is expected to applications in the last five months It ence exerted by governors oyer these and won a national prize of $100. fort to pass bills necessary to carry on Exchange declared a 15% refund of Size Cuts for Retail stimulate meat sales," Mr. Simpson Will Pass T h e Senate If two officials is somewhat different. the government for another year, total commissions to be paid its ship- said. "Larger consumption of meats a Vote Can Be Jesse Patterson of Charlotte took without the necessity of an extra ses- Be that as it may, before any bill ping units, or $16,805.43 out of $107, Store Trade. means better volume of business for second place with 258 applications and a prize of $75. sion for the 72nd Congress, after 369.55 total commissions paid for sale live stock producers. Had. calling for such a change had reached March 4. of stock. Lansing—Michigan farm families the legislature, one from the secre- Michigan district agents took 2nd, "With package meats retailers tary of state's office, embodying re- Of eleven bills classed as "essential" Detroit has refunded to shippers have been reading advertisements will know their exact costs. Retail- Washington. — The Brigham-Town-1 5th, 6th and 7th out of the 11 prize two had been passed on to the presi- $167,000 since May 1, 1922, and has in color in national magazines about ers with special roast or steak or send bill, to tax all colored oleomar- j registration plans, to be carried on winning positions for all State Farm Mutual district agents in the United dent last Thursday, leaving nine bills, handled over $80,000,000 worth of Swift & Company's retail package chop trades won't have to make up garine 10c per lb., has passed the by that official, appeared in both States. Michigan prize winning and, six more days in which to pas? stock. Its surplus and undivided pro- cuts of meat, delivered to the retail on cuts in demand what they lose house and gone to the senate. It is j houses, getting the jump on any other them. fits are $42,000. merchant, in various family sizes, on the rest of their stock in trade. the dairy interests answer to natural such measures. It brought about a district agents and the number of series of conferences between the policy applications in their territor- Three Important Bills Buffalo's Business sellophane wrapped, and frozen by Certain cities and sections run yellow palm oil oleo, now evading the. governor and Mr. Fitzgerald, the re- Three highly important measures During 1930 Buffalo Producers han- the instant freeze process. heavy to particular cuts for their 10c tax for artificial coloration. ies the past five months were R. G. Gibbens, of Kalamazoo, 1248; C. H. were passed by Congress last week: dled 35.4% of all Buffalo receipts or February 20 the Michigan Live loca.Hty. Package meats will enable Michigan congressmen who wrote | sult of which was that the change Fowler, of Lansing, 1173; A. N. the Norris "lame duck" bill, the Nor- 564,327 head for Michigan, Ohio, In- Stock Exchange annual meeting the meat industry to handle these Sec'y Brody of the Michigan State will probably not be made. Farm Bureau advising of their sup- Malt Tax and T. B. Brown, of Jonesville. 1030 and R. ris Muscle Shoals bill, the soldiers' diana and New York shippers, out of audience saw the new Swift & Com- situations to best advantage. bonus bill. None of these is an "es- a total of 1,592,736 head received. pany products. They heard F. E. port of the Brigham-Townsend bill Speaker Ming of the house has been W. Sleight, of Laingsburg. "Hotels, restaurants, dining cars Michigan agents awarded Michi- sential" measure, that is, a govern- Buffalo Producers refunded 15% of Simpson of Swift & Company tell and other large users like package last week were: Senators James battling ever since the session opened ment supply bill. President Hoover total commissions to its shipping what packaged fresh meats are Couzens and Arthur Vandenberg; for provision for funds with which to gan prizes at Bloomington for in- meats and we are serving them in Representatives John C. Ketcham, build a tuberculosis sanitorium for was expected to veto Muscle Shoals units, or $13,516 out of $90,000 total likely to mean to live stock produc- surance application production in large quantities. and the bonus legislation; the lame commissions. ers in improved markets and better Roy O. Woodruff, Earl C. Michener, the northern part of the upper penin- the last five months were B. D. We find that in the average retail Carl B. Mapes, Frank P. Bohn, Bird sula. He hails from Cheboygan. The duck bill has a long road to travel at Buffalo has refunded to shippers returns from their live stock. Bishop, Jesse Patterson, W. C. Hood and Ear.l Patterson. best. $156,000 since Nov. 1, 1922, and has Swift & Company packaged meats shop 50% of the meat trimmings J. Vincent, Louis C. Cramton and malt tax looked like the best "bet", The eye of the reading public is not excite admiration by their attrac- sell for % cent per pound whereas Grant M. Hudson. Observers believe as it was framed to yield $1,500,000 Auto Insurance Growth handled $132,200,000 worth of stock. in the packing plant they are worth It was brought out at the conven- caught by government supply bills. Its surplus and undivided profits tiveness. They represent the best 7 to 8c per pound for rendering, that the senate will pass the Brigham- annually. Townsend bill if it gets to a vote tion that the State Farm Mutual Possibly this partially explains why total $69,000, and it owns a fine build- 25% of the packing house output. etc., an item of importance to the Governor Brucker heartily dislikes they have been left behind in the Since they are shipped with dry ice there. Dairy interests have worked this malt tax, which at present is in- which started in Illinois in 1922 ing worth $10,000. producer. swiftly on the palm oil matter. with an income of $29,222 found blasts of oratory over more popular Michigan Live Stock Exchange's (solid carbon dioxide gas) refrigera- operative because of a ruling of a bills which strike public imagiuation tion, they are frozen stone hard. "Many fresh meat cuts are in Michigan Milk Producers sent three Wayne county court. The governor its total income in excess of $7,000,- Detroit and Buffalo houses are mem- and fancy. The only reason the inter- Dry ice has a temperature of 110 package production," Mr. Simpson directors to Washington this week to has asked for its repeal on the 000 in 1930. It's loss payments of bers of the National Live Stock Mar- ior department's supply bill landed on below zero. Instant freeze meat said, "including standing rib roasts, j support the Brigham-Townsend bill— grounds that it recognizes home $3,288 in ,1922 increased to $4,285,- keting Ass'n which operates on 21 the front pages of the nation's press dropped on the floor, thumped like rolled roasts, lamb stew, beef ham- L. W. Harwood of Adrian, Robert brewing as a taxable, and thus a legal 000 in 1930. It's assets are now live stock markets from Pittsburgh to two weeks ago, was because it car- a rock and bounced. A steak has burger, veal cutlet, packages of 2, 4, Taylor of Lapeer and Fred Myer of industry. $5,373.50 and the total reserves are San Francisco and has handled co- ried, as a "rider", provision for a the plane surface of a board and is 6 etc., pork or lamb chops, steaks, Fair Haven. The Speaker repeatedly insisted on $4,773,235. operatively over a billion dollars about as hard. $20,000,000 compromise relief fund for etc. In many cuts tho bones are re- its retension; but last week, he and worth of live stock since 1922. food and agricultural rehabilitation "Instant freeze." said Mr. Simp- moved. Various size family require- the governor settled on a compromise loans in drought-stricken districts. Other Services Other services to shipper members, son." freezes the various outs at un- ments govern the size of the cuts. Coffee lc Cup; Smart by which the northern hospital may believably low temperatures and so Instant freeze meats are machine The president signed the interior dep't bill last week, after its passage reported by Exchange officers, are quickly that ice crystals do not have cut and wrapped. Two men with a Brazil Shops Close be built from the proceeds of a bill introduced by Rep. William B. Wre- purchase of feeders on the market as explained in the FARM NEWS for time to form in the tissues, nor do machine can cut 75,000 lbs. or 850,- and direct from range; feeder loans the gelatines or meat juices exude. 000 or more pork chops daily. Rio dc Janeiro, Brazil.—The first ford of Detroit. This measure would Feb. 14. Other supply bills have been at 6%; transportation and claims The meat freezes through instantly. effect of the entrance of the govern- impose a tax of four cents a share on held up as pawns, pending passage of service, freight rate work; daily, "Frozen solid as they are, it is not ment into the realm of domestic all stocks or securities exchanged or r t'he better known bills. Now that the two most troublesome ones, the bonus and the relief bill, have gotten out of etc. "Instant freeze meat is not to be necessary to thaw weekly and radio market information, confused with frozen mea which meats before cooking. we see very little in this country. told not to put them in water. Re- instant freeze economy, brought about the closing of transferred, except original issues. Cooks are half a dozen smart coffee shops along The governor intimated that he would the fashionable Avenida Rio Branco, sign the measure carrying provision Mr. P. O. Wilson, general manager Gradually frozen meats develop ice tailers must install refrigerators Congress, some speed is looked for. when the price of coffee was ordered, for erection of the much needed "TB" of the National Live Stock Marketing crystals in the tissues, they exude that will operate at around 10 Bonus Bill by decree to be cut in half, from 2 hospital, and Fred Ming went back to Ass'n, said that the biggest job ahead juices, etc. Instant freeze process above zero for stocking instant As to the measures passed last wok, of all Exchanges is to organize new was developed to retain every freeze meats which gradually thaw cents to one cent a CUp. The pro- the house smiling back of his huge the bonus bill was easily the one af shipping ass'ns in territories not now natural feature of meat. prietors claimed that they could not grey moustache. fecting the most people. It was piss- out in the ordinary ice box," Mr. served. He urged support for the "Attractiveness of Swift instant Simpson said. furnish the sugar, pay the orchestra ( apital Punishment ed in the house first (all appropriation and inet the rent with their wares Crime legislation attracted most at- Federal Marketing Act, urging that and "money" bills must originate in tention during the last two weeks, the purpose of the Act is to aid co- large main dining room to capacity. cut to one cent. the house), by the thumping majority of 363 to 37, more than enough to override the anticipated Hoover ve'.o. operative marketing. Let farmers make any changes, and as needed, Mr. ECONOMY WILL The governor is himself a master In Buenos Aires, living expenses but financial deliberations accounted Mason and a past master of Salina dropped at the same time. The gov- for most of the work of the legisla- Wilson urged. Lodge No. 155, Saginaw. ernment entered the retail food busi- tors, which is frequently the case. The senate gave it an endorsement of 72 to 12 in passage. The work of Michigan's senators, James Couzens Live Stock Resolutions Exchange delegates SWEEP MICHIGAN ness. Potatoes dropped to less than The Foster electric chair bill, passed The governor declared that never one cent a pound; soap to one cent by both Houses, will apparently land before in the history of the state a pound; milk to 5 cents a quart. on the April 6 ballot for approval or and Arthur Vandenburg, are credit- resolution commended their officers was there such a need for down- ed as being highly important in se- for their work. State Example Should Bring right economy. "I say this without Rents are expected to drop at once in rejection by the voters. line with the governmental determin- Old A pre Pensions curing passage of the measure. Urged the directors to see railroads Local Results, Brucker comparison and with reference to no ation to lower cost of existence to the about a reduction in mixed car min- Legislators are playing with the President Hoover vetoed the Predicts. previous administration," he said. citizens of this country. idea of an old age pension; two bills measure as was expected. Congress imum weights, claiming that present Sees Program Unpopular mixed minimum weights almost al- have been introduced dealing with promptly passed it over his veto. "I am determined that nothing B. D. BISHOP Regulars Support Bonus ways needlessly penalize the shipper. Lansing—That his "kitchen econ- shall pass my desk that has not been Farm Bureau Pays Fall the subject. One would impose a tax on users of gas, heat and electricity, Led 7,.*)(M> Ins. Agents Managers said present weights are omy" administration is more than thoroughly scrutinized The Company has 7,500 agents in Speaker Nicholas Longworth of the house, led the revolt of regulars against driving railroad business into trucks. just an effort to curtail unnecessary and effort made to hold down expenses every Fertilizer Dividends which is "sure death" to any money Opposition was expressed to a leg- expenditures in the state govern- consistent with raising bill; the other would take it 29 states and has written more the administration opposition to ment in that it will gain momentum efficient govern- Lansing—The Michigan State Farm from the general fund of the state, a than 500,000 policies. There are what is claimed to be an unwarranted islative bill offered by Rep. James that will spread through county, ment. Such a program, I know is Bureau membership dep't mailed fatal suggestion in this "economy" McBride, providing all co-operatives about 6,000 losses reported month- demand on the national treasury un- city and township governments unpopular with those who want and patronage dividend checks Feb. 25 to session. should file a rather complete business ly. Farm cars are insured principal- der the terms of the bonus bill. Sen- throughout the state and eventually want and want. But political like Administrative Board (orb ly. ator James Couzens, following passage report annually with the Commission- build up a healthy respect for pub- or dislike, to the best of my ability Farm Bureau members on their fall er of Agriculture, with any other in- lic office and make for the good of I will keep faith with the people of purchases of Farm Bureau fertilizers. The house passed the first of four Michigan is one of the leading of the measure, threatened a filibuster states in the 29 It has some 400 against essential bills until the presi- formation asked for. Incorporated the entire state of Michigan, was ex- Michigan." The checks ranged from small related bills, the general purpose of agents and has written 63,000 poli- dent would indicate his probable ac- shipping ass'ns file a somewhat simi- plained by Governor Wilbur M. amounts to as high as $20, depending which is to place a strict curb on the He urged a policy of "firmness cies since October 1926. tion. A veto was unofficially prom- lar report with the Sec'y of State an- Brucker, February 24. on the amount of fertilizer purchased. appropriating powers of the state ad- that will not waver" in combating ministrative board, of which legis- The State Farm Life ised. Senator Vandenberg, tradition- nually. Seeing no good in two quite Governor Brucker was the princi- crime. "I wish punishment were so Future patronage dividends will be Vice pres. Morris G. Fuller re- ally a follower of the president, threw similar reports, the delegates said cipal speaker on the "Michigan certain and so severe that it would applied against members' membership latures have been increasingly jeal- ported that the State Farm Life had his influence to the bill. NO. Night" program held in the Masonic be a warning 24 hours a day." dues, with check for amounts in ex- ous ever since it was created in 1921. Directors re-elected for three years temple under the auspices of Capitol The 1931 legislature would be willing written $7,000,000 in Life insurance The measure provides that world He said that his administration is cess of $10, or the member may up to December 31, 1930; that at war veterans may borrow from the were Fred Klotz, Portland; Charles Lodge No. 66, F. and A. M. Over just beginning to feel that it have the balance applied toward his perhaps, to give the board $1,0' annually with which to meet emer- the close of its first year of opera- government up to 50 per cent of the Woodruff, Hastings; Edwin Dippy, 1,000 master Masons from Lansing "knows the ropes" in matters of Farm Bureau Life Membership, the gencies, but no such appropriations (Contlnued on page 2.) (('ontinued on page 2.) Perry. and surrounding lodges packed the state government. Farm Bureau said. (Cor TWG MICHIGAN FARM NEWS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 /..'... • .' i .. a e •-N T w o McBride Bills Congress Has Passed 3 Important Bills Hiram & Marthy Agree (Continued from page one) Interest Agriculture full value of their adjusted service certificates, at 4y2 per cent a year. McBride was associated at Michigan These certificates, when granted, were People arc so different; By R. S. Clark "Course they can't," says S u c c e s s o r t o t h e M i c h i g a n F a r m B u r e a u N e w s , founded Representative Explains, and State College some 15 years ago he not to mature until 1945. Several ef- No two just the same. Marthy. J a n u a r y 12, 1923 Powell Comments on said. Mr. Ellsworth was originally forts to shorten this period, have fail- Scores a-setti?i' pretty "7 ain't said they could. ond c l a s s m a t t e r J a n u a r y 12, 192.°., a t t h e postoffice Co-op Bill. a co-operative operator at Traverse ed, but in 1924, over the veto of Pre3- In the Halls of Fame; Everybody, way down deep, a t C h a r l o t t e , M i c h i g a n , u n d e r t h e Act ot M a r c h ".',, 1ST!'. City, later assistant state market di- ident Coolidge, veterans were grantd Hankers to be good. rector at the college when Mr. Mc- the right to borrow up to 22y.> per Hundreds just a turnin' Lansing—Members of the legis- Bride was market director. The Onto Easy Street; "Though they are so different P u b l i s h e d t h e s e c o n d a n d f o u r t h S a t u r d a y of e a c h m o n t h b y t h e M i c h i g a n F a r m N e w s C o m p a n y , a t its p u b l i c a t i o n office a t 114 L o v e t t St., lature who watch bills pertaining phraseology of the McBride bill was cent, at 6 per cent. Millions left a-grubbin' It can't he denied C h a r l o t t e , Mich. to agriculture are regarding with copied from a similiar law in effect Secretary of the Treasury Andrew For things to UKOT and eat. Folks ore all a lot alike E d i t o r i a l a n d g e n e r a l offices a t 221 N o r t h C e d a r St., L a n s i n g , M i c h - interest two bills offered by Rep. in New York state. Mellon claims that enactment of the Underneath the hide. i g a n . Postoftice b o x 70S. T e l e p h o n e , L a n s i n g , 21-271. bill would place "a potential liability James N. McBride, of Burton, Coinin. Powell's Comment Marthy was a tcllin' "Scores a-seltin' pretty Shiawassee county. of $1,720,000,000 on the national treas- Comin' home from town Wish for youth again Herbert E. Powell, commissioner ury," acting on the premise that every E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager The two bills have attracted at- of agriculture on being asked his All the hairy Russic-ns Wish they'd traveled tention of to-operative farm organi- opinion of the measure, said: "Just veteran will promptly apply to borrow Has torn their uons down. straightcr S u b s c r i p t i o n r a t e $1.00 per y e a r , in a d v a n c e . zation officials, and of dairymen. as long as this department isn't every cent allowable. Backers of the In sight of God and Men. The first would require that every asked to employ clerical help to measure put the "drain" at $335,- Claim there's no Hereafter; co-operative association engaged in handle these reports, all very well. 000,000 and upward. No one seemed Men has got to plod "Hundreds, just arrivin', VOL. IX SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 No. 4 agricultural or horticultural opera- The information on file here might to know what the cost would be; Hopeless in the shadows-- Start to realize tions must file an annual report prove useful; from what I can learn many people guessed. Say there ain't no God! In earnin', not in hoardin'. with the Commissioner of Agricul- of the measure, I would neither op- Lame Duck Hill Satisfaction lies. Bean Growers Organizations Need a Merger ture. pose nor favor it. I do not, how- The two bills sponsored by Senator "Shucks" I says to Marthy "Millions, just a pluggin; "I wouldn't have co-operative as- ever, want to be saddled with the George Norris of Nebraska, showed, '•Just hold on a minute Knoic Cod's savin' grace There are two bean growers marketing organizations sociations think that they have any- responsibility of having to restrain by their passage, that the man who They can't squash religion V>y making lairs agin it. And, livin' on His footstool thing to fear from this measure, any co-operative organization from endorsed Alfred E. Smith for the Can look Him in the face." developing in Michigan—the Michigan Bean Growers, "said Mr. McBride, in discussing his operations because of any con- presidency in 1928, has not suffered measure last week. "The informa- clusions I might draw from "They can't husli the throbin' Marthy, she can tell 'cm; Inc., with headquarters at Saginaw, and the Michigan their perceptible loss of influence. His Of hearts just born to pray tion which would be gathered with report," he added. favorite is of course the "laino duck" Martin/ ain't no fool. Farmers Co-operative Bean Marketing Ass'n, headquart- the commissioner of agriculture ]iy ji.rin' up a- calendar She ain't taught for nothin' The measure referred to the house bill, which would end the absurd prac- Without no Sabbath day. would be of considerable value to committee on horticulture, does not tice of depriving newly elected Con- That class in Sunday School. ers at Alma. mem hers of every co-operative as- confer any such power on the com- gressmen of their places for 1) months sociation in the state, as well as to missioner. ••They nor any other ga>}g Me. I'm strong for Marthy A merger to make one bean growers marketing organ- after their election. Congressmen Can't abolish Cod Right from A to Z their officers, who could compare The Dairy Bill elected last November AVIII start ization is sensible and possible. Mr. Judson, in the their organizations with others of By linin' up His folloirers And. (with reser rat ions) Another measure which would functioning next December, unless a Before a jirin' squad." Marthy's strong for )ne. audience at the Michigan Farmers Co-operative Bean the same clafs."' he added. clothe the commissioner with dis- special session of the incoming 72hd Tii > C o - o p B i l l Marketing Ass'n meeting at Alma Feb. 23, suggested cretionary power, however, is the congress is called March 4. The Nor- The bill i.rovides that every phase McBride bill providing for the ris measure would have Congress con- such a merger. The audience applauded. of an organization's business in- licensing of milk dealers of the vene on Jan. 4, after election, and the formation would be reported. state, with "certain exceptions" newly elected president would take Michigan Ranks High Farm Board To Sell? Both organizations want to market beans co-opera- Incorporr.ted co-operatives make which might be granted by the com- office on the succeeding Jan. 24, in- at Insurance Meet Washington—Several million of the tively. Both are denied that right by certain jobbers. an annual corporation report to the missioner of agriculture. This bill, stead of March 4. Congress would be (Continued from page D Sec'y of State and pay a corporation house bill No. 91, file 58, is in the seated first, to handle any situation tion every operating expense had 100 million bushels of wheat con- Michigan Bean Growers, Inc., has some 8 local asso- tax and recording fee. Membership hands of the committee on agricul- arising out of the death of a presi- been met, dividends had been set trolled by the federal farm board ciations of 1,200 growers in Saginaw, Bay, Midland or unincorporated co-ops make re- ture. dent-elect, or disputes concerning an aside, and that not a cent of the through the Grain Stabilization Cor- ports to the secretary of state every poration shortly will be sold abroad The chief provisions of the latter election. $400,000 capital and surplus ad- and in the domestic market; says the counties and several more under way in Gratiot and Isa- three years. McBride said that the measure are: Every dealer would be Senate Support Expected vanced by the State Farm Mutual Weekly Kansas City Star. lienency shown to the co-ops in the required to pay an annual license While the bill had not actually been Auto Ins. had been touched. Not bella counties. It has co-operatively owned local ele- exception to the general corporation fee of $10, save in instances where passed on Thursday, the fact that the only that, but $16,000 had been ad- The disposal of the wheat, which vators for bean handling, and the sales service of the act, should remove any objection on a license under a 192 9 "statute" or senate has already approved similar ded to the new company's surplus, thus far has been only in small quan- the grounds of "duplication of re- "any other statute" was already bills six times in the past, plus the a remarkable first year record, tities, is easily explained. The stabil- nation-wide operating Michigan Elevator Exchange at ports" which has been heard in issued by the commissioner, or in house vote of 289 to 93, last week, indi- said Mr. Fuller. ization corporation has about 1 mil- some quarters. the event the dealer purchased with cated the measure practically assured lion bushels of 1929 wheat at Buffalo, Lansing, recognized for Michigan by the Federal Farm In short, Mr. Fuller said, State "The two kinds of reports have not more than two producers, or of passage. It calls for an amend- Farm Life policyholders have met 400,000 bushels at New Orleans and Board. State College men are aiding the Michigan Bean nothing in common; there would does a monthly business of less than ment to the federal constitution) how- every insurance requirement and small quantities of the old crop at Growers, Inc., organize their locals. be no duplication," commented Mr. $200. All licenses would be issued ever, and would have thus to be ap- have $416,000 extra security. He other places. At present this wheat McBride. "The corporation report, only after a surety bond of not less proved by 36 of the 48 states before it said dividends will be increased for is said to be in excellent condition, Michigan Farmers Co-operative Bean Marketing Ass'n covers the basic matter of financial than one and one-half times the could become effective. second year ordinary life and ex- but if not moved shortly, is in danger has membership strength and bean handling facilities set-up. There is no way of estimat- estimated monthly indebtedness to pectantcy policies and that a liberal of deterioration. It was said not ing the volume of business done, his producers was filed with the i Muscle Shoals dividend scale has been adopted for more than 2 million bushels of the around Alma in Gratiot county. from the corporation report. I feel commissioner by the applicant. In While citizens are interested in the the new modified life policy. wheat was in this condition. that a co-op which is being operated lieu of the surety bond, however, lame duck bill, and veterans are vital- Mr. Alfred Bentall^ director of In addition, there is about 12 mil- Farmers interested in co-operative bean marketing fairly to its members, will have the dealer could deposit an equal ly interested in the bonus bill, taxpay- State Farm Mutual insurance in lion bushels of stabilization wheat "in will find strength and marketing efficiency in doing it to- nothing to hide, and have no reason amount of cash or securities. Only ers who scrutinize their tax receipts Michigan, was called upon to talk wrong position". Some of this is for opposing the move to throw one license would be required, how- and wonder where it all goes, are on the training of local agents for southwestern wheat at Baltimore and gether. light on the entire matter. ever, regardless of the number of watching the Muscl Shoals bill. The auto insurance work, and also on other terminal points. This wheat The substance of the bill was sug- stations operated by any one dealer, bill has passed the house and the sen- training district agents for life in- largely is a mixture of 1929 and 1930 gested to Mr. McBride by R. E. Ells- the method provides. Machinery ate and has been sent to the president. surance work. crops. Live Stock Exchange Builds Well worth of the United States Depart- for revocation of licenses is includ- The same thing happened in the Cool- Michigan At Bloomington The amount proposed to be sold by ment of Agriculture with whom Mr. ed in the bill. idge administration; the president The Michigan Delegation included the stabilization corporation is only a W e are giving considerable attention in this edition pocket vetoed it. President Hover is ed the following 56 persons: small part of more than 100 million to the activities and the annual meeting of the Michigan Favorite expected to do the same thing this Lansing office—M. L . Noon, C. L . bushels of cash wheat now controlled year, and there is no indication that B r o d y , M r . a n d M r s . B e n t a l l , M i s s A. M. by the farm board, or the nearly 200 Live Stock Exchange. And well we may. Recipes Use Good Sense and an outright veto could be overridden BB .eDist. rg. 1—II. G. Gibbens, J. E . A n d r u s , million bushels the stabilization cor- by a two-thirds vote in each house, if D. B i s h o p , Mr. a n d M r s . W a r d C. poration expects to own, next July 1, A n y institution whose two sales offices have sold co- Rest the measure were to come back disap- H a r v e y a n d Merle B t e m m . G e r r y , D. E . of the 1929 and 1930 crop. The old H o o d , H . P a q u i n , F . J. This recipe column is establish- proved. Dist. 2—Mr. a n d M r s . A. N. B r o w n , wheat must be moved, even at a sac- operatively for farmers $212,000,000 worth of stock in It's no disgrace to take fifteen The measure provides for govern M r. and Mrs. Jesse Patterson, Earl P a t - ed with the hope of a mutual ex- t e r s o n , J . E . C h a n d l e r , H . D. Gibbins, rifice, to make way for the 1931 crop, the past nine years touches the lives of a good many minutes in the middle of a busy ment opration of the power and Mr. a n d M r s . J. P . C a r n e s , A . L. L a n d o n as well as to prevent the danger of change among our readers. We de- morning or afternoon and de- nitrate project on the Tennessee river a n Dist. d G. W . Ray. thousand farm homes in an important way. These fam- sire reliable recipes, appropriate for 3—C. H . F o w l e r . L. B . F i s h b e c k , loss by deterioration. liberately forget about house- in Alabama, near the town of Shef- Ch£;s. McCalla, J . T. G a g e , B . F . H a r s h , general farm use. We will appreciate work. To sit and visit or to lie ilies have had immediate returns, the best their stock contributions. field. The plants, located near "Muscle a n d L e o aCv eu*m, mC.i n gC.s . Olsen, L o u i s Sele&ky VALUE UP A THOUSAND TIMES H . W; H down and relax for a short Shoals" were built by the federal gov- Dist. A—H. II. A n d r e , E s t h e r A n d r e , would bring on the market. Every Live Stock Exchange + time is not a sign of laziness ernment at a cost of $150,000,000 for dine, B e n V a n L e n t e , R o b e r t F e r r a l l , A. H a r a - New York—Louis Maurer, litho- S. N e w h o u s e , Geo. M c C a r t h y , T u n i s check to the shipper has been worth 1 00 cents on the MY MOST ECONOMICAL but a sign of good sense. The the manufacture of nitrates used dur- V a n S t r i g h t a n d J o h n Van Oeffelen. grapher and painter, who was 99 MEAT DISH woman who knows enough to ing the world war. For the last 12 G. Dist. 5— R. W . Sleight, C. L . Shafley, H . S m i t h , F . F . W a l w o r t h , Geo. B a t e - years old Saturday, has lived to see dollar on presentation for payment. The Exchange + rest before getting completely years, the equipment has been idle; m a n a n d It. B e u h l e r . the value of his work increase as exhausted is the one who can a detail from the United Stats army H eDist. 6—Jesse Blow, A. G. T a y l o r , W . much as a thousand times. posts a $50,000 bond for both Buffalo and Detroit HAM LOAF "carry on" the longest. Such c k r o t h a n d F r i t z M a n t e y . By Mrs. E. E. Boyer has been keeping the machinery Dist. 7—Mr. a n d M r s . I. B . M c M u r t r y When he was a young man, back in houses, and an equal amount in assets in each instance \yt lbs. smoked ham, ground a fifteen minutes out of the greased and the brass polished, while a n d B . J. S e n s k i . the '50s, he made sones for Currier iy 2 lbs, fresh pork rather lean, work day, even when dusting, lawmakers wrangle over the fate of and Ives, lithographs which retailed today to guarantee shippers their payment. ground darning, or dishes are waiting the project. Life Membership Up for 25 cents to $3. Now those litho- From small beginnings in 1918 the Michigan Live 2 large slices of bread, flaked to be done, may prove a sound graphs are bringing from $300 to investment. The renewed vigor The measure provides for the erec- Stock Exchange has grown to a powerful business organ- 2 eggs with which household duties tion of government power tranflinfa- At Washtenaw Meeting $3,000. Collectors are avid for them 1 cup milk sion lines, over which govnn.aent- because they depict America before may be attacked, and the peace ization, charged with great marketing responsibilities. It Dash of pepper of mind given by this "time to manufactured hydro-electric power the Civil War and before photography. Make into loaf and bake l a b o u r s . Ann Arbor.—150 attended the an- is active in many fields in behalf of all live stock produc- think," makes the rest of the would be distributed in competition nual meeting and dinner of the Wash- Use silk thread for basting velvet. BAKED HAM work seem easier and is more with private power companies. Pri- tenaw County Farm Bureau here Feb. ers. It is part of the co-operative National Live Stock likely to leave the komemaker vate interests, however, won d have, the privilege of bidding for the lease 14. Speakers were C. A. Curtis, preva- By M r s . E. E. Boyer Marketing Ass'n which operates on 21 principal live A thick slice of smoked ham put in a cheerful mood to greet her of the nitrate plants for the quantity lent of the Saline Bank, who spoke production of fertilizer, under the ,n the relations between formers and Far in Wrench Supreme in roaster and spread with y2 cup family at the end of the day. stock markets handling most of the receipts in most in- brown sugar mixed with 1 teaspoon mustard. Add milk to nearly cover ^.. Norris bill, if a suitable lessee could hanks. Mrs. Edith M. Wagar, state stances. be found during the first year fol- director, discussed women's work, and and bake 1% to 2 hours. A few spoon butter, the liquid from salmon, Sec'y C. L. Erotly explained the 3. P. mated. Haired Plymouth Special offer now! Pay later. cents per pound in the United States Writefor FREE Catalog fees on the sellers and restaurants nation which tolerates complete mo- to private interests. In so doing, he Enough water is measured into and 9 cents in Argentine. Senator Rocks $13.00, S. C. Rhode Island Reds $13.00. S. C. White Leghorn $11.00 per KALAMAZOO handling oleo. The Lennon bill is in nopoly of its national nitrates and wrote: the pan so that the silver will be Howell of Nebraska said that a 100. March delivery and one cent per TANK & SILO CO. the senate committee on agriculture, continued importation of foreign completely covered. But before plac- duty of 6 cents would not put the Chick less in April. Postpaid. Kalamazoo, Mich. "To give away this, one of the FOWLERVILLE HATCHERY, of which Frank A. Smith of Luther is fertilizer projects, while permitting greatest of our resources, would be ing the silver in the pan, says Miss American producer on a parity with Geo. A. Peckens, Prop., SaveMoney-ouM iWMTile chairman. nitrates and fertilizers at the rate of an act of folly. Hale, for every quart of water one Argentine raiser. The representa- Fowlerville, Mich., Box 338 One reason butter prices have drop- more than 1,000,000 tons per year. "If we are guilty of it, our children level teaspoon of salt and one level tive of the leather Interests main- ped is that one large oleo manufac- A tax of $12.58 per ton is added to will be forced to pay aan annual re- teaspoon of baking soda a r e dissolved tained that there is no relation be- MICHIGAN ACCREDITED turer, using the new yellow palm oil the cost of these products and this turn upon a capitalization based upon in it. Then the silver is put into the tween the price of beef and t h e CHICKS JODays oleo, has reduced the price of thetax must come out of the farmers' the highest price which the traffic will pan and with it the aluminum cup or price of hides. oleo 3c per lb. and encloses a coupon pockets. We a r e by far the largest purchas- bear. a small piece of zinc. One must be 10 chicks free with every 100. Ask for free catalog, telling about our large type Barron and Australian blood White Leg- Free Trial worth 3c more. The tax paid on ally yellow" and recently made pala- are the only nation with a "They will find themselves face to careful to have the aluminum or zinc colored oleo is 10c. Palm oil, "natur- er of foreign nitrates and fertilizer face with powerful vested rights and touch some of the silver, and the It may be hard to believe, but 200 We HARD TO BELIEVE horns from Pedigreed males of 800 to egg breeding. Also our egg bred Park's Strain B. Rooks and Whittakers pieces of silver touch each other. The poultrymen do tell us that when a It. I. Reds. 100% Live delivery guaranteed. TJsed by largest table, escapes the 10c tax on "arti- national nitrate and fertilizer pro- strengthened by every defence which water is brought to a boil, and in a hatcheries. Highly gram, established by its government, money can buy and ingenuity of able pullet is hatched, she has between MEADOW Holland, BROOK POULTRY FARMS, Michigan e n d o r s e d b y ficial coloration." that continues to sell its electric corporation lawyers can devise. few minutes the tarnish will have dis- 3,000 and 4,000 tiny, undeveloped eggs prominen t poultry appeared from the silver. The pieces people everywhere. energy at two mills per kilowatt hour "Long before that time they may in her body. The number she will Healthy, lively chicks a practical Producers First $1,356 to a power trust, which in turn re- and very probably will have become can then be taken out a few at a actually lay, however, depends first BABY CHICKS certainty with— sells it for private gain and monopo- a consolidated interest, controlled time and rubbed dry while hot. upon her inherited ability to produce BABY CHICKS. S. C. White and Grows to $1,000,000 ly. from the financial centers, dictating Brown Leghorns, Anconas. S. C. Rhode It is very important, cautions Miss eggs; and secondly, on the manage- island Reds, Barred Rocks, of high egg We are the only government that the terms upon which the citizen can Hale, that the salt and soda be ment of the flock. bred blood lines. Orders now being Ohe Lansing—"Nine years ago the co- year after year continues to ignore .conduct his business or earn his thoroughly dissolved before the silver booked for spring delivery. We guarantee 100% live delivery. Send for free cir- operative Producers Live Stock Com- its pledge to the farmers to supply Simplex mission Ass'n, now the nation-wide them with fresh fertilizers at cost. livelihood and not amendable to the is put into the pan, otherwise the Never beat a cake after folding in cular, gives full details. Boven's Hatch- the egg whites. ery. C Boven, Prop., Holland, Mich., BrooderStove National Live Stock Marketing Ass'n, And this, notwithstanding that the wholesome check of local opinion." isilver will have a speckled appear- R-8, Box M. -is bound to give perfect results., started on the St. Louis market with estimated saving would be $16 per The wisdom of the foregoing utter- ance. Silver with an oxidized finish r It is the oil stove with automatic/ ^heat control. Ventilates as it heats. $1,356," Mr. F. M. Simpson of Swift ton, or 43 per cent of the prevailing ance, and the significance of Presi- CANNOT be cleaned by this method, RICH CONTEST BLOOD rThirty days' free trial to prove it & Co., former Producers chief, told dent Roosevelt's admonition, should since it removes the oxidation. In HANNAH Leghorn ChicKt 'If this marvelous brooder stove doe retail prices. fnot reduce labor 90%, or save 25% the Michigan Live Stock Exchange We are the nation which built the receive our earnest thought, for his To keep silver from tarnishing pen 267 eggs per bird was the average of the Hannah at New York Contest (1920-30) Parmingdale) F operating expenses, or raise from 20%J to 50% more chicks, return stove/ annual meeting February 20. "That world's largest nitrates and ferti- words still a r e vital to the general when not in use, it may be protected where Hannah pen won first and also the two highest [and receive refund in full. Simplex^ year we established six terminal mar- lizer plants, dams, power houses, public welfare and progress. from the sulphur in the air by hold- individuals on points. Free book gives details of this turns losses into profits. Pays^ and other big consistent winnings year after year. for self in single season. Lasts ^ ket sales offices, including your Buf- etc., spending more than $150,000,- In the 100 years since President ers for it made from dark colored i A MORE PROFITABLE LEGHORN FLOCK years. Write for free Brood- ier book and dealer's name> falo house. The first year the six000 thereon, and allowing them to Monroe first brought the subject to flannel. White or light materials are Yes, you can have one! Official records and reports j n your territory., houses earned for their shippers remain in utter idleness for more the nation's attention, Muscle Shoals not recommended, since the sulphur of customers in this valuable book shown at the left show WHY a more profitable flock can be matured $104,000. When I left the Producers than 12 years. has continued yearly to rise in im- with which these are often bleached from Hannah chicks—all of which are Michigan cer- >implexBrooder Stove M the earnings had increased to $1,000,- What Is The Remedy? portance, side by side with the steady causes the metal to tarnish. tified. Zto N. Ellsworth Ave. Grand Rapids. Mich. 000. Let us insist on operating our own Don't wait—remember that early pullets raised from advance of American independence Hannah chicks will make money. Order direct from American plants; on employing our and national security. "Packers hope with you that live own people in the United States, and Farmer Averages 4Jc our breeding farm. Mail postal now for free book. W. S. HANNAH & SONS stock prices will improve. Packers avoiding the necessity of our farm- It was not, however, until after the do not make more money on too high ers buying foreign nitrates and United States had entered the World For Milk; Sells at 13*c 2119 Eastern Ave., S. E. Grand Rapids, Michigan Silver King Coal or too low prices." fertilizers (produced by foreign War—during October, 1917— that the labor in foreign countries) Washington—The committee in- upon real value and importance of Muscle vestigating the cost and selling WASHTENAW HATCHERY is big, blocky, clean burning. C. E. Annin, of the poultry depart- which a tax is levied that is in ex-Shoals was appreciated. Then the price of liquid milk, which has been Ask your coal dealer for a trial ton. ment at the University of Wisconsin, cess of the total cost per ton of ni- various branches of the War Depart- working along the same lines as tion.Quality Chicks, Scientifically Hatched. Bred primarily for High Egg Produc- Fifteen years of breeding high quality chicks; pure Tancred and Tom Bar- Republic Fuel Company reports hens on record that have laid trates if produced in our plants at ment found themselves confronted the investigation pertaining to the ron Leghorns. Sired by Cockerels of 285 to 310 egg record hens. Barred Rocks of BAY CITY and LANSING Offices as many as 1,000 eggs in their life- Muscle Shoals. with a very large deficiency in thecost of wheat, flour and bread, was fast maturing early layers. Sired by Cockerels of 240 to 265 egg record hens. Special Discount on orders before March 1st. For information regarding our time. Let us, by t h e operation of our supply of materials for explosives. told recently by Ethelbert Stewart stock, write factories, automatically and without The problem was to meet this need, of the Bureau of Labor that t h e WASHTENAW HATCHERY, Geddes Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan Farmers 9 Buying Guide cost to the government, put a prac- quickly. The nitrate division asked average price paid t o farmers tical and universal plan of farm re- England how she had met this situ- throughout the United States is 4 % C H I C K S (SO Chicks Free) PULLETS lief into operation. ation. The British replied by sending cents per quart and that t h e retailer "QUALITY WILL TELL" MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. R i t e s on Rites o n Application ADOliratinn Let us hasten to make use of the experts to help us meet the urgent is getting 1 3 ^ cents. He said that Flocks Lowest price chicks and pullets in years. Blood-tested Special pen matings. health certified by licensed Veterinarian. Big Barron strain White Leg- "talent" we -have received. We are demands of the gun divisions for ex- the wholesaler will average about horns, from R. O. P. Pedigreed 200-290—Large egg breeding. Barred Rocks too not properly using that abundance plosives and, if possible, to work out 6 cents. The retailer's price rang- are bred for type, size and big eggs. Chicks shipped C. O. D. Pullets C. O. D. Oil Musicians— S ^ S S S ^ i i f f i Hotel Hermitaoo Grand Rapids. with which we are now surrounded. es from 10 to 19 cents per quart. approval. Write for illustrated catalog and discount prices. instruments. New and used instruments * wici nermiiage European. 200 a definite plan «£ procedure. FAIRVIEW HATCHERY & POULTRY FARM, Zeeland, Michigan, R-2, Box 31. and accessories. BUTTERFIELD MUSIC rooms. With bath, $1.50 and $2 per day. We are failing to use properly our Apparently, the committee finds the CO., 14 K. Fulton St., Grand Rapids. . Without bath $1 and $1.50. John Morah. greatest asset towards relieving un- England had met her problem by price of milk to the consumer has Hoosier Brooder H o u s e — „ A n ; At the Colleg< Mgr. employment within our borders— the employment of amatol, a mixture declined whereas the testimony con- Chicks a t Wholesale Cost 7 Make the Union an asset which would assist our of T. N. T. and ammonium nitrate cerning the price of bread did not Bldg. Cafeteria 5 WEEK OLD WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS 45c round with floor $68.00 up Electri, in eating quarters when in East Lan- farmers in a practical form and While all this negotiation was go- indicate much, if any, price decline cubators ?U.80. Write today. I c a b e r g your Hardy sturdy baby chicks from heavy e^K producers, English Dietrich Hdwe. Co., Lansing, Mich. sing. Good wholesome food, rightly pre- would be the least expensive method ing on, the War Department was ful- before the committee started its in- White Leghorns, Anconas or Brown Leghorns X*>'4c, Barfed Rocks or R. pared. Reasonably priced. Endorsed by 1. Reds l%c, Mixed 7%e, Heavy Mixed 8%<\ With your order we will Michigan State Farm Bureau for all concerned. ly aware of the gravity of the situ- vestigations. Here in Washington, give you Free Feeders and Foundations and also 8 chicks free per Baby Chicks and Pullets— ation, realizing that any army and there has been a decline in t h e each ioo you order. No down payment required. We pay postage. We Tom Barron Strain S. C. White Lee- Hotel Kerns A t Lansing. Many AUTHOR'S NOTE—In attempting to navy without an adequate supply of price of bread since the committee guarantee 100% live delivery. horns. Hillview chicks and pullets will liuici rverns organi_ deal with this important question, I am G R E A T N O R T H E R N H A T C H E R Y , R-3-F, Zeeland Michigan years farm m»™& y o V-,Jj o t h a s t o QUALITY and zation headquarters. Comfort at easy hoping that the experience I have had ammunition, would be practically started hearings. PRICE. BIO ILLUSTRATED 40 page prices. N. Grand at Mich. Center of city. in farming and in various commercial worthless. It also was apprehensive and industrial pursuits, together with F^pSf | % HILLVIEW POULTRY Cafeteria, garage, Rates $1.50 to $3. FARM, Zeeland, R-4, Michigan. Bee Keeper* Wax, Supplies, Grafting the privilege of having lived in theof the imminent danger of a blockade South and the Muscle Shoals area in Grafting Lan- close contact with the economic and of the Chilean nitrate fields, which BROOD SOW CONCENTRATE A satisfactory concentrate mixture ROYAL EGG BRED CHICKS StOD a t HERKIMER HOTEL terns, beeswax, tin cans, etc. Send for physical conditions involved therewith, were our source of supply. for brood sow is: 69 pounds of corn- "More Than 75% of Onr Business Each Year Is With Old Customers" •^•.vrK « i . GRAND RAPIDS illustrated catalog T, price list. A. G.may reflect in the treatment of this sub- 15 years breeding for production is back of Royal Leghorn Chicks—Have won at MODERN, 313-327 Division Ave., South Woodman Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. ject. My suggestions are offered in the The naval battle of the Falkland meal, hominy, or ground barley; 20 Michigan Egg Contests over all entries. Records up to 803 at other contests. Pedi- Free parking space. Rates $1.25 to $2 75 spirit of constructive criticism, with de- Islands, between the British and Ger- pounds of wheat middlings; 5 pounds greed males head matings. You will want some of these chicks for next winter's per day. You'll enjoy stopping with us. production of large white eggs. Write for catalog. Order now at reduced prices. Chicks, S. C. T o m Barron— ductions ineffectual drawn from the prolonged and controversy over America's man battle fleets, was a grim warning of fishmeal or tankage; 3 pounds of Royal Poultry Farm &. Hatchery, S. P. Wiersma, Owner, Box F, Zeeland, Mich. Ma v ns English strain, white leg, large size, lop- Grafting W a x — - £f£Z?s ' over combs, all bred from pen stock This article one of a series on this for us as well as for the allies. It re- greatest natural asset. linseed meal; and 3 pounds of chop- supplies. Berry baskets. Send or pricfes birds, records 200 to 270 eggs. Mated to vealed the folly of being dependent up- ped or ground alfalfa hay. M. ii. HUNT & SON, 510 N. Cedar St" pedigreed males for 7 years with records subject. Lansing, Michigan. Cream Separators— A n D e T Su r s - HATCHERY, Holland, R-3, Mich. of 240 to 300 eggs. Write for circular and bargain prices tliis rear. HILLSIDE Muscle Shoals on a foreign source of supply for nitrates vital to the manufacture of explosives. This was particularly SQUILL RUINS RATS An onion-like plant that grows Keystone Quality New and used machines. All makes re- paired. Work guaranteed. Cream Separa- Hawaiian Steel Guitar— In referring to Muscle Shoals it be- true of the Chilean deposits, involving wild along the Mediterranean coast ^"f? 1 comes necessary for the reader to re- as S. C. White Leghorns and Rocks tor Repair Co., 114 N. Grand, Lansing. weeks. Instruments furnished. Write they do, a tremendous volume of produces the safest r a t poison yet from rigidly culled and masterfully mated stock which develop into producers that will assure you of an income above cost another season. Order early to assure for free booklet. HONOLULU CON- alize that if it were not for themarine tonnage and transportation in known. I t is called red squill and positive shipping date. Strawberry Plants- "PROFITABLE 16 MOST SERVATORY OF MUSIC, 1522 W. Main mighty Tennessee River, the United St., Kalamazoo, Mich. supplying the needs of a country the does not seriously endanger other ani- C A P I T A L K E Y S T O N E H A T C H E R Y , 1110 Ontario St., Lansing, Mich. varieties $3, 1,000 up. Latham largest States nitrates and fertilizer plants size of the United States. mal life. red raspberry, 100 Cumberland black raspberries $2.25, 1,000 $15. Blackberries Seed Inoculation— CULTURES would never have been located at grapes, etc. Highest quality guaranteed. by the method used by Michigan State Sheffield, Ala. For the river, at this This tonnage would be subject to Our chicks are hatched from free farm range breeders. Catalogue free. Westhauser Nurseries. College. Made by a Bacteriologist of 25 The average yield of oats in 1930 Sawyer, R-19, Mich. point, makes enormous quantities of enemy attack, during war, from the was 44 bushels per acre which has Every chick is Michigan Accredited, which means it is from breeders that have passed the official inspection of poultry years experience in such work. Onlv 50c for culture for one bushel of seed. Write cheap electric power available for sea and air throughout the entire only been exceeded three times in specialists under the supervision of Michigan State Poultry Im- Young Peoph _DoBusiness You Possess for free circular. THE EDWARDS their operation. length of its extensive journey. provement Association. Rigid culling and careful breeding of Worth? LABORATORY, Lansing, Mich. (To be continued) th ehistory of Wisconsin. Hunderman's chicks account for their popularity and profitable- You can turn your time into value with The Tennessee River gathers its ness. Get Our New Low C. O. D. Prices. <>et our Catalog atid us. LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, waters from seven states. It is form- new prices on our White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks 130 W. Ionia, Lansing:. Monuments- BEAUTIFULLY Uncle Ab says the best way to lose and El. I. Reds. HUNDERMAN BROS., Box 60, Zeeland, Mich. DESIGNED ed by the junction of the French, VENTILATING TROUBLES Merliral T H E monuments of the most beautiful- granite B A R T Z D R U G CO. and marble. Call or write. We employe Broad and Holston rivers, four miles Half of the ventilating systems in- one's bad traits is to strengthen the ITICUILOI MONROE AVENUE no salesmen. You save the difference. above Knoxville, Tenn. I t flows stalled in Wisconsin barns fail to good ones. World's Record Blood Lines 89 Grand Rapids, Mich., offer to send FREE Largest monument works in Western work in cold weather because the A SAMPLE PACKAGE of their Albeca Michigan. SIMPSON GRANITE WORKS, southwest, crossing into Alabama. At Pills, a remarkable remedy for consti- 1358 W. Leonard, Grand Rapids. Guntersville it turns almost a right barns have not been built warm pation. Write today. angle, flowing northwest clear across enough to supply heat to make them PEAT MOSS BETTER BRED CHICKS AT LOWER COST BIGGER PROFITS are awaiting you with Foreman Strain White Leghorns and work according to observations made Litter for Baby Chicks Barred Rocks. Consistent contest winners for twelve years. Official individual the state and emptying into the Ohio Unexcelled as a sanitary litter for records to 319 eggs, contest egg scores 280 points per hen, pen averages 266.6 eg^s by the Department of Agricultural En River at Paducah, Ky., about 40 miles gineering a t the Wisconsin college of baby chicks. It helps prevent dampness per bird, commercial flock averages 235 eggs. Michigan's highest official laying in houses, absorbs unpleasant odors, is stock and national laying champion blood lines available in our commercial grade above Cairo, 111., and the Mississippi agriculture. economical. One application will last 4 of cliix at low prices. River. or 5 months. It saves labor. FARM RELIEF On November 6, 1871, a gauge was established on the Tennessee River CREAMERY BUTTER STATES Within the boundaries of the •ill states lighten heavy soils, retain moisture, add two We breed our winners. Solve your poultry problems with my large vigorous type Peat Moss is used in the garden to birds, officially recognized as the large-egg heavy-producing strain. Profitable for or three years, indorsed by leading production authorities. Sweepstake win- humus to tiie soil, promote root growth ners production class Michigan State Fair, Detroit, 1928-29-30. Contest winners and for mulching plants. Price, $4 perNew York, Illinois, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Maryland, etc. Write for free Educa- at Florence, Ala., for the purpose of bale, contains 20 bu. before pressing. tional Catalog—it's a practical poultry course. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS ON ORDERS of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, 'Freight Practical farm relief is helping you conduct necessary recording daily the flow of the prepaid to any railroad station BOOKED NOW. is produced fully 40 per cent of all the In the lower peninsula. operations at lower costs a n d greater profit. stream. creamery butter made in the United FARM B U R E A U S U P P L Y STORE, FOREMAN POULTRY FARM, Box 323-H, LOWELL, MICHIGAN This record from the year 1895 toStates. Lansing, Mich. PROF. E. C. F O R E M A N , Owner and Manager This is exactly what Mermash 16% is doing for poul- 1923, and subsequent surveys of the trymen. In 1930 it grew better chicks—chicks that river and its tributaries, carried out by United States War Department En- were larger—more vigorous—better feathered and with gineers, proved extremely valuable in more color in their shanks a n d beaks and combs than establishing the national nitrates and those raised on competitive feeds. fertilizer scheme during the world war. MERMASH 16% saved about $40,000 to the people Muscle Shoals: In the counties of who used it last year instead of the high priced, closed formula chick starters previously used. Colbert and Lauderdale, Ala., a stretch of the Tennessee River forms CI Farm Bureau Michigan adapted alfalfa and elover seeds grow, a rapids or shoals. The fact that If you didn't save your share of the $40,000 last year, large mollusks or mussels are found endure and produce profitable crops. be sure to get Mermash 16% for your chicks this spring. in the stream bed, probably caused the Participate in profits that co-operative buying will make district t o be called Muscle Shoals. for you. The state name, Alabama (Here We CI Michigan certified Hardigan is the best alfalfa for hay and seed Rest) is taken from the Chickasaw Know the fun and satisfaction in growing better Indian tongue. production. Ask your dealer for Farm Bureau Brand. chicks than you have ever grown before—and the joy Early efforts of the United States government to improve this 37-mile of getting a chick starter at an egg mash price to help section of the Tennessee River be- poultrymen to real farm relief. tween the head of Brown's Island and the present bridge at Florence, Ala., See your local distributor of Farm Bureau Supplies (known as Muscle Shoals) had their THERE IS REAL ECONOMY about Mermash 16% for chicks. official beginning on December 7, 1824, when President James Monroe, In using the Best seed at a lighter rate of seeding on a good seed bed. in his annual message to Congress, Farm Bureaij Services, Inc. presented the annual report of the Sec- Lansing, Michigan retary of War, John C. Calhoun. The report recommended a survey of Mus- cle Shoals as one of the three great works which h e (Calhoun) regarded Font » MICHIGAN FA KM NEWS SATTRDAY, FKBRlARY 28, t»81 The young man laughed. "Isn't it ed, "for I have promised to take him "Listen to the rest of the message," right or not," said the Colonel. "If he extraordinary?" he said "How small the world is! And tell nie, Herr in with me in the project." said the commandant, continuing to is an impostor I don't know how Do- "Good! Very well, then, that's all read: " 'Prince Stephen, the King's lores will take it. I am sure; I dread TO ADJUST PLUGS Moonlight P r e f e r r e d Kenser, have you been back to Stan- zow lately?" settled. Now we'd better go in." | brother, is expected to arrive back at to think. You see, she is desperately The Colonel meantime was more Suez next week from his Arabian ex- in love. FOR EASY START At last the manager found his and more convinced that he was on pedition; but meanwhile Count Bala- ("Copyright, 1929, by Arthur Weigall. Dis- A Novel— By Arthur Weigall tongue. "No, not for some years," he answered, his eyes still fixed in a the track of the murderer. He told metz, Equerry to the King, and now tributed by King Feature! Syndicate, Dolores so and it was evident that of the Embassy, left London last Inc.) Thin Dime Not Accurate In Six Parts bewildered stare. his suspicions pointed to Lestrange. night and will arrive at Alexandria (To be continued in our March 14 edition) Enough, Engineer When the Colonel had gone Le- The young man then was pardon- on Wednesday. Please help him in strange turned to the gaping Herr ably amazed when he was again with every way to effect the identification, Says. A mnn caTIed John Anderson Is found to your house this evening to get dead in his bed in an Alexandria hotel. your consent." Kenser. "I think you know me," he smiled. Dolores to have her broach the sub- and afterward to confer with Prince ject. Stephen, to whom the crown will LEGISLATURE COST Automobiles of tractors that start hard in cold weather may be con- Col. Tesserton, the British Consul, thinks lie's been murdered. The Commandant, "The whole thing is too sudden. Rawden and Dr. I,oland believe he killed You can't possibly know your own "Let us go over to that bench and have a talk." Herr Kenser gulped. He said: "I "Charles, my darling," she said, "I pass in the probable want you to tell me truthfully: Did nunciation of rights by Prince Peter. you kill Mr. Anderson?" eveift Please take all steps to prevent the jof-the re- IS $630 PER HOUR sidered as in need of adjustment of the spark plug points, for according himself. The death is a great shock to minds." death of King Charles being reported to F. W. Duffee, Wisconsin college am at your Majesty's service." "No, of course I didn't!" he de- Congress Sets Nation Back of agriculture engineer. Ilerr Kenser, the Hotel Manager. Do- "Oh, yes, we do father," said Do- "Sit down, Herr Kenser," said clared. or revealed until Prince Stephen is lores, beautiful daughter of Tesserton, lores. "We knew at once." Charles, seating himself on the gar- "Don't be afraid to tell me," she safely back in Stanzow.' " 1,400 per Hour; $11,200 Many engines will not operate identifies o t t o Keiss, a German an- "Yes, but I can't consent to let my den bench. Per Day. properly in cold weather unless the archist, as the man she saw with An- said; "because it won't make the "Well, I'm hanged!" the Colonel daughter marry a man I know noth- spark gap in each plug is adjusted derson the night before. A young man, The manager, after glancing least difference to my feelings for ejaculated. Charles ^estrange, arrives from Cairo ing about." nervously about him, did as he was you, and I will never, never, never "But, you know," Captain Rawden Lansing—Government comes high to just the right width. The more an engine is run, the and falling in love with Dolores, Intro- "What is it you want to know about bid. give you away." She spoke with pas- remarked, "this does give some color these days, despite the ever present more duces himself to iter on the beach. She me?" Charles asked. "Whether I complaint that public servants are the spark plug points are worn "Please go on smoking," he was sionate sincerity. "I've told you be- to Tesserton's idea that it was mur- away, and the wider the spark gap im again on the morrow. can support your daughter?" N told, "and be so kind as to show no fore—if I have had the misfortune to der—a political murder." not adequately compensated for their R e i n warns the Colonel to keep an "Well, your financial position has sign that you have recognized me. fall in love with a criminal, then I "On the contrary," Dr. Loland re- services. The last session of the becomes, therefore when we hear • y e on Lestrange as a suspicioui the statement than an automobile son. The y o u n g man is questioned by to be considered." f When did you do so?" must try to reform you, but I shan't plied, "it strongly supports the theory legislature, the session of 1929, cost has been run from ten to fifteen erton and xives satisfactory answers "Oh, that's all right!—I'm quite Only just now, your Majesty. . ." cease to love you. Actually, I don't of suicide. The Carpathian royal the taxpayers of the state an average thousand miles or a tractor has been ding his movements on the night well off in a small way. I have about "Ssh! You must continue to call think for a minute that you are a family are notoriously eccentric; I of $630.70 an hour, while the mem- operated for a long time without ad- Anderson was killed. lie asks D.loies twenty thousand pounds a year. We me 'Mr. Lestrange'. There is nothing criminal; but I shouldn't be a bit sur- heard all sorts of stories about the bers of the two houses were actually justment, we may take it for grant- to m a r r y h i m , explaining lie Is well off shall be able 'to live quietly on that." for it but to take you into my confi- prised to hear that you were mixed King when I was in Stanzow. His sitting. This comes to $5,042.35 a day ed that it is high time that the spark and can support her in comfort. The waiter caused a diversion by dence, Kenser. Can I rely on you?" up in this case." uncle, whom he succeeded, is believed for 85 actual session days, or a total plugs be taken out and adjusted. CHAPTER .'{ bringing the tea and taking the new Herr Kenser raised a podgy hand He was bewildered. "But you /to have drowned himself; Prince cost of $428,600, appropriated for the The correct gap in mild or warm The sound of approaching voices order, and during this interlude Colo- and placed it dramatically upon his couldn't love a murderer or a crimi- Peter is a weird sort of fellow who session. The per hour cost is figured weather is twenty-five thousandths terminated that first astounding con- nel Tesserton considered this aspect heart. "Absolutely," he replied. nal, could you?" he asked. writes poetry and paints impression- on the basis of an 8 hour day. of an inch while in cold weather the tact of earth with heaven, that first of the outlook. He found it eminently ist pictures; and Prince Stephen is a Those who would instinctively gap should be cut down to twenty violent entrance of her dark mortali- satisfactory. The only question was dare-devil of a chap, always risking reach for a sheet of writing paper and thousandths of an inch or less. This ty into the immortal splendor of the as to Mr. Lestrange's veracity. Some his life in some mad adventure. They write to their representatives to come means that the points need to be set heart's kingdom. As he released her confirmation was required, and in his nicknamed King Charles 'Rae Lunjs- home at once in the interests of econ- with considerable exactness and and scrambled to his feet holding his next remark he said as much. dor, the King who Preferred Moon- omy, should stop to consider that the "the thickness of a thin dime" idea bands upward in exultation, she fell "All this is rather sordid, isn't it?" light' because of something odd he cost includes compensation for all will not be accurate enough for best hack, half sitting, half resting, prop- Dolores asked. once did—I forgot the story; but it's members and some house officials, for results, because " t h i n " dimes vary lied upon her arms, quite out of "Not at all," said her lover. "Your only one of many." a two year period, and for a large greatly in thickness. breath. father is quite right. He would be "I wonder if Kenser recognized number of employees for many weeks Most cars and tractors come She was blinded and deafened. It foolish to take me on trust." him," said the Commandant. "That before and after the session. How- equipped with a wrench, to the side was as though in that long kiss she "Then I must know something might account for his agitation." ever, as the fruits of the entire two of which is attached two small thin had been born again. Slowly she re- about your position and upbringing," "A curious thing," the Doctor told year period, are realized only during blades, one blade for setting the covered her senses and burst into the Colonel went on. "I am sure you him, "is that Lestrange also comes the actual sitting time, the cost per spark plug gap and the other for set- passionate tears—inexplicable tears will understand." from Stanzow, so he told Tesserton." day can be computed on this basis. ting the distance between breaker —which brought her back to actuali- "Perfectly," was the reply. "Well, "You don't say so!" exclaimed The session of 1929 was short, com- points. These gauges are of the ty. I was at school at Eton, and my clubs Captain Rawden. "That's most extra- pared with others preceding. The proper thickness for the engine Charles Lestrange stared down at are . . ." He paused, then murmured, ordinary." present session will cost more, chief- with which they are supplied and her in intense anxiety. "Oh, well . . . !" and, ticking them The next day being Sunday, Dolores ly for the reason that legislators now should be used in making the ad- "Dolores, darling!" he whispered, off on his fingers, named four of the was obliged to go to church with her receive a straight $3 a day salary, or justment. in a frenzy of distress. "Don't cry. most exclusive in London. father, this being part of the consu- $2,190 in two years, as against the If such gauges are not supplied, a Dolores! Why are you unhappy?" The Colonel gave no sign of pro- lar routine. Charles^ therefore, spent $XhO a year pay previous to this ses- "feeler gauge" can be obtained at any "I'm n-not unhappy," she mutter- found satisfaction. "You have a pro- an intolerably dull morning. sion. The appropriation to carry on hardware store and an investment in ed, "I'm frightfully h-happy." fession, I take it," he said. Suddenly the thought occurred to this legislature is figured at $461,919, such a gauge will be repaid many "Come down to the sea," he said. "No, I devote myself to my hobbies, him that matters would be greatly in the bill not yet passed in the times through better engine opera- "There are two women on the beach." and I have a mania for traveling. I simplified if only the body in the houses. tion obtained by 'having the points She nodded without raising her shall force your daughter to wander mortuary were eliminated, so that There is one consolation Congress set right. eyes. "All right," she gulped, fum- round and round the world with me." Stephen would not have to perjure costs almost twice as much, even if bling with the knot of her belt. "I shall love that," said Dolores. himself by pretending to identify it. the cost of the national house is Reported by Radio Later, seated beside her upon the "I was thinking that perhaps a His roving glance fell upon Nico, spread over the 48 states. The ses- warm rocks, he was declaring to her house in London, and a place in the adding up figures at his table near sions of Congress set the nation back Lansing—Proceedings of the Mich- bis unheard-of adoration, asking her country, and a villa on the Rivera, the front entrance. He stolled across $1,400 an hour; $11,200 a day. igan Live Stock Exchange annual when it was that she first realized might serve for headquarters," to him, whereupon Nico rose smartly meeting here February 19 and 20 her love, telling her of 'the inception Charles suggested, spaciously, and and stood at attention. College Support were reported in considerable detail of his own passion, and of that com- Colonel Tesserton was duly impress- "I see that Herr Kenser has told in the coast to coast National Farm plete eclipse of all else in his ex- ed. It should be mentioned, perhaps, you who I am," Charles smiled. Lansing—"Michigan State College and Home hour radio program istence which had ensued. that the loss of his daughter did not "Yes sir." Nico replied, without supported the Live Stock Exchange Tuesday noon, January 24. "I don't know what my father will unduly grieve the Colonel, for he had looking at him. 13 years ago when we were orga- say," she said, "only this morning he been hoping for some time to find "Well, unbend a bit, and treat me nizing and has assisted other co- Fur that has been wet will not mat warned me not to make too much of a himself in a position to marry again, as though I were somebody of no operative enterprises during all if it is thoroughly brushed. friend of you, because we didn't real- there being a certain lady of great John Smith, alias John Anderson, has been identified as King consequence." these years," said Pres. E A. Beam- ly know anything about you." charm and punctuality who had clear- diaries of (arpalhia. "It's very hard, sir," Nico muttered. er in opening the Live Stock Ex- "I think I'm fairly respectable," he ly indicated her readiness to share "I want you to do something for change dinner program February told her. "Good! Did you recognize me in "Why not?" she asked "Love pene- with him the regularity of his habits, the first place, when I was John An- trates right behind that sort of thing, me," said Charles. "I want the body 19. Silver King Coal Before they parted he arranged to and the presence of Dolores had been derson?" i love you, Charles darling, so if there of John Anderson removed from the is big, blocky, d e a n burning. call for her at about five and drive an undoubted obstacle on the path- is anything you have to hide, tell me, mortuary; can it be done?" Many a man thinks he is buying Ask your coal dealer for a trial ton. "Yes." her into Alexandria. This he did, ar- way of love. "It ought to be easy," said Nico. Pleasure, when he is really selling "And when I came back next day and I will help you to 'hide it." Republic Fuel Company riving at her house in a handsome Presently Charles turned the talk with my moustache and beard shaved But Charles kept his secret, telling "Right! Well, steal it and bury it, himself a Slave to it.—Poor Rich- ard. BAY CITY and LANSING Offices carriage and pair hired at the hotel. to the subject of the recent tragedy oil", and calling myself Lestrange, you her that he had nothing to hide and or sink it in the sea or something, "When at length they left the house, at the hotel. "You know," he said, didn't recognize me?" assuring her that he was not im- and I'll give you five hundred she was delighted by the manner in smiling at Dolores, "your father had Herr Kenser shook his head. "No," plicated in the tragic affair in Room pounds." which he offered her his arm, and by an idea at one time that I was con- he said. "You see, one is not prepared 17. "I go off duty at five today, as it's the courtesy he displayed in helping nected in some way or other with for resurrections. I didn't look at At length they rose to their feet Sunday," said Nico. "I'll see what can her into the carriage. He ordered the driver to take them the affair." you closely until just how, after the and walked down to the gate, their be done this evening. We had better Colonel Tesserton laughed. "0|i, Colonel had told me that you came arms about each other. jto the leading jewelers and there that was only because I had a warn- from Stanzow. Then, like a flash, I not mention it to Herr Kenser; he is What's In A Name? "I do wish we could get married very exciteable." Do you remember what Shakespeare said about stealing showed a preference for the most ex- ing about you." saw who you were. For a moment I quickly," he said. Therewith Nico took his departure, pensive rings. He was induced at stealing his purse as compared to his good name? Dolores brought the conversation was dazed; but presently it dawned "This waiting is intolerable!—I and Charles sat back in his chair, last to choose one of lesser value, back to the subject of their marriage, on me that you must have changed shall never have a moment's real con- chuckling to himself. In effect, he said, "a good name had a value beyond words." which, nevertheless, was far more speaking of the procedure in the case places with the Head man. Will you tentment until we can go off together In the afternoon he received a tele- costly than she had ever hoped to of a consular wedding. Your names allow me, sir, to ask you how you into the world, and leave everything phone call from Dolores, inviting him 3Iilkmnker is a name that symbolizes farmer profit—prog- possess. He paid for it with English will have to be posted for six weeks found a handy corpse?" behind. I shall go down to the to come with her for a sail on a yatch ress and pride—because it lowers costs. It is sold co-operative- bank-notes, which he tossed across at the Consulate before the • license Charles laughed. "My dear Kenser, Austrian Consulate tomorrow morn- ly to progressive dairymen, who are proud of their cows and the counter as though they had can be obtained," the Colonel pointed it was full moon," he said. "You must ing and see if it is possible to get a belonging to a friend, she having been their ability to produce economically. The best dairymen use it. been unconsidered trifles; and he out; "and during that period I hope have heard in Stanzow that mad special license." asked to bring a man with her; and placed it upon her finger with the you won't mind if I make some in- things always happen to me at full thus he was fortunate enough to be in Farm Bureau Mermashes (with Manamar) and Eggmaker— "We haven't announced our engage- whispered protest that it was un- quiries about your—er—bonafides. I moon. They call me Rae Lunjsdor, ment yet," she smiled; "but I suppose her company for several hours, and are names that mean honesty—value and results to poultrymen. worthy to be regarded as aught but take it that you are English by birth." 'the King who Preferred Moonlight.' " that doesn't matter. You'll have to to have the great felicity of watch- Mermash 16% is the outstanding chick starter in the state. No a very small token of his stupendous ing at her side, the sun go down, and other starter equalled it in growth—pigmentation, feathering, "No, he isn't," said Dolores. "That's And he proceeded to explain the take me without a trousseau, too." of driving home with her in the dark- love. vigor and low cost. The name Mermash is an assurance of reason for his incognito adventure. "We'll go strait to Paris." he said, ness. Thence they drove to a then the difficulty. He is an Austrian." "and you'll be able to get all you your best opportunity for profit in the chick game. famous open-air cafe, where an Colonel Tesserton flinched as Reiss had talked to him and later he On the following morning—Monday had gene to the beach where he had want there." —Nico came to his room shortly after English military band was playing; though he had been struck, and in a discovered the suicide. The man Avas The moon was now high above the 3Iermashes, or Eggmaker for egg production are names that and since it chanced that this band voice of ice he inquired where Mr. still breathing, so Lestrange had tree-tops, and he turned toward it the arrival of his early tea. Charles mean all a poultryman could desire—approved rations— proper- was in full blast at the moment when Lestrange was born and where was carried him to his room. By that started up in bed on seeing him. ly balanced—quality ingredients nad—sold co-operatively. with arms extended. "Think of the "Well?" he exclaimed. "What news?" the carriage and pair, clattering over his home. time he was dead. the stone flags which paved the "He comes from Stanzow in Car- wonderful places that the moon has Nico spread out his hands. "It was See your local d i s t r i b u t o r of Farm Bureau Supplies. "It was then," said Charles, "that W r i t e for our free booklet on these feeds and how to street, drew up at the gates, the en- pathian Dolores told him; and at this I decided to change places with him. seen!" he exclaimed. We must visit perfectly simple," he said. "The feed t h e m . trance of Dolores and her cavalier, her father visibly jumped. Stanzow! I went back to the beach and collect- them all, Dolores—all the beautiful corpse is now in a native warehouse, and their passage between the crowd- —the birthplace of Herr Kenser, who ed his clothes, then I clipped Lis places in the world: and at every full in a packing case marked, 'Plate- ed tables, were spectacular. was a friend of Otto Reiss, and whose glass, with care.' " FARM BUREAU SERVICES, INC connection with the affair had by no beard to resemble mine and took all moon we will celebrate the first time Charles lay back on his pillow and Their minds were too far elevated my clothes and left them there and we met. That shall be our only <•:. K f Lansing, Mich. for them to observe that, seated at means been disapproved. took his and dropped them into the calendar, and moon-rise and moon-set laughed aloud. "Stanzow?" he repeated, in dread- "Are you sure it's safe there?" one of the tables, Colonel Tesserton sea. Then I shaved and turned up at shall be our only * * * clock." "As safe as a house," said Nico. was staring at them, open mouthed. ful astonishment "Then Herr Kenser your hotel." Colonel Tesserton had gone that You're an audacious fellow," Charles He waited only until they had seat- is a friend of yours?" ed themselves then he went over to "Herr Kenser?" Charles asked. "I may abdicate," went on the night to play cards at the house of remarked. By the way, I owe you them. "Why should he be?" young man. "At any rate, the London George Benton, who had invited Dr. five hundred pounds. I can give you A moment later Lestrange was on "Well, bis feet offering his hand. There- too," the Colonel replied. alter the Colonel seated himself with The he young is man a native started. of Stanzow, "You don't police are on the track of John Loland and the Parde to make a half in cash now and the other half Anderson and soon they will discover four. Their conversation turned when I can get at my banking ac- that he and I are the same. Dr. presently to the tragedy and then to count. Will that be satisfactory?" Family' I n c o m e Loland has embalmed the body and Lestrange. dignified affability, and affixed his say so!" he exclaimed. "How extra- when the examination is made the Nico's total expenditure in the af- It has been truly said, "Give a woman $50,000 and Colonel Tesserton coughed uncom- fair having been some thirty pounds, she may be in want in a few years; give her $2,000 an- monocle as he picked up the bill of ordinary! I had no idea. . ." fare. The Colonel rose to his feet. He truth will come out but meantime I fortably. "Look here," he said, "I've he deemed his reward . eminently nually and she may be short of money before the end hope my brother Stephen will be here got something to tell you. I'm most "I think it will be as well," he said wanted to walk about, to be alone, to and I will have to decide whether to extremely worried about it. This satisfactory; and he left the room of the year. Give her $100 per month—or any fixed quietly, "if I drink something with think; and when Dolores and her let him believe me dead or not." with his head full of dreams of fellow, Lestrange, has proposed to wealth. sum that is adequate—and she will prosper as long as you, to show these confounded busy- lover also rose he considered the bodies that your friendship has my propriety of taking a hasty departure. "You wish me to hold my tongue Dolores, and she has accepted him. At about eleven o'clock that morn- she lives." They are engaged to be married." approval." A little later the'Colonel confronted sir?" asked Kenser. "Good Lord!—that's quick work," ing, just when Charles and Dolores Herr Kenser. "I do." The same statement is true for men. "Yes, of course," the young man re- Dr. Loland exclaimed. "Have you were renewing the glories of their plied brightly. "Have some tea. We've "Weren't you saying the other day "But Nico knows." given your consent?" romance upon the beach, Dr. Loland Man has not devised better machinery to carry out only just ordered ours." that you were born at Stanzow?" he "Can you trust him?" "No; at least only provisionally. discovered that Anderson's body had the intentions of a life insurance policyholder and to "I think a glass of cognac would be asked. "Absolutely." You see, he seems to be quite all vanished. handle his beneficiary's interest than the investment more suitable,'' the Colonel replied, Herr Kenser drew in his breath; "Then I shall have two confeder- right, but I can't be sure. I'm going He rushed to the Commandant to with a faint smile. "I find these situ- any reference just now to that city ates—and what can I do to reward to write tonight to a friend of mine in report the theft. He found Colonel machinery of a life insurance company. Policyholders ations rather upsetting." made him feel faint. "Why?" you?" London to ask him to verify his state- Tesserton closeted with Captain and their beneficiaries scarcely realize the privilege that "What situationis?" Dolores asked, "Because Mr. Lestrange has just Herr Kenser was elated. "There is ments." Rawden, having come over from the is theirs. at once defiant. been telling me that he, too, is a something, sir," he said. "His Royal "Why not cable?" the Doctor sug- Consulate to discuss the arrange- "This: you two together here; and native of Stanzow." Highness Prince Stephen knows gested. ments to be made in connection with State Farm Life insurance settlement options enable rday alone on the beach, and, I The manager's mouth dropped me. . ." "You're right," the Colonel replied. the arrival of Count Balametz. a man to provide his family with funds regularly over a suppose, this morning too. It almost open. "What!" he exclaimed. "Does he, by Jove!" "I'll cable." Both men started to their feet, and "Didn't you know?" "Yes. You may remember that he period of years in a manner similar to that in which they 3 to me I ought to ask this young Their conversation was interrupted within a few moments the usually "No, I had no idea." was the chairman at the International by a servant, who announced the ar- somnolent police station was buzzing would be received if he were alive. H e may choose a man what are his intentions." "I say, Lestrange!" the Colonel Railway Conference in Stanzow three rival of Captain Rawden. with activity; but nothing came of it, lump sum settlement, a schedule of payments for 10 "In this case, it doesn't matter," years ago. I have a scheme for build- said Dolores, turning to her parent, called, on seeing the young man, who ing a hotel in Stanzow, and he very The newcomer produced a sheet of and at length the three of them seated or 20 years, for the life of the beneficiary, ect. "because, you see . . . we . . . well, had come in after seeing Dolores kindly said he would do what he paper. "This is a cable message which themselves once more in the Com- the fact is . . . " She paused, and home. arrived from Scotland yard an hour mandant's room and confessed them- Let us explain it to you. held out her left hand, with the ring Charles came over. "I've just been could to help. Now, if you could put ago," he said, "and has been decoded. selves completely defeated. in a word . . ." sparkling upon her third finger. telling Kenser that you and he are It reads: 'Strictest secrecy necessary, Dr. Loland asked whether the Colo- State Farm Life Insurance Co. The Colonel stared at the ring, at fellow-countrymen. He didn't know "My dear Kenser, I will put in John Smith, alias John Anderson, has nel had cabled London regarding more than a word: I will put in some been identified as King Charles of Charles Lestrange's bona-fides (itnd Bloomington, 111. without understanding. "Hullo! it." i that?" he asked. The manager stared at Charles as money if you want it." Carpathia. . . .' " received the reply that the cablegram Hd." said Charles. "It's the en- though he had been a ghost, and The manager's heart beat with ex- "Good Lord!" Dr. Loland exclaimed. had been despatched on the previous Michigan State Farm Bureau sent ring. I proposed to your gradually a look of dawning recog- citement. This was beyond his wild- "Great Scott!" cried the Colonel, at day. State Agent Lansing, Mich. on the beach this morning, nition came into his eyes, a look of est hopes. "That will be sufficient to the same moment. "It's a conspira- "I shall probably hear by tomorrow and she accepted >tning amazement, even horror. insure Nlco's loyalty, too," he declar- or the next day whether he is all H SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 MICHIGAX FARM XEWS FTYF HOME AND FAMILY Edited by MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR. Address alt communications to her at Carleton, Michigan. PAGE MOTHERS TELL US H o m e Entertainment \f- THEIR BEST HOME AUNT HET By ROBERT QUILLEN By MRS. KBITS M. WAQAM This is a restless period for growing youth. All desire some- POOR PA By CLAUDE CALLAN Farm N e w s Patterns (Price 15c each) thing new, something different,—sometimes far beyond the better judgment of their elders and out of reach of their ability to provide. ENTERTAINMENTS What are the best means that are actually within our possibili- ties of providing amusement that will satisfy our young folks so that Young People and Parents they will cleave to home pleasures? How to combat the fascination of the auto, how to offset the Enjoy These Home desire for exciting picture shows, how to meet the problems of "some Events. place to go" every night has been a source of worry to American parents. We have asked several to tell us Changes come rapidly; we passed from the staid old horse age of their best home entertainment, over to the universal auto craze in no time; we moved from the particularly for their young people, monthly church social to the daily picture show while we were catch- and we feel that this exchange of ing our breath; we changed from a practice of "father ancrSnother ideas is of mutual benefit. knows best" to an independent "think for myself" policy for the Mrs. Mima-d Farley tells us, "Our youngsters, and we found our selves allowing it even if we were Sunday night buffet suppers are most •A ^ ^ not in accord. popular with our friend*. The sand- But we are likely to see a return to home attractions. Our prob- wiches, cookies, cottage cheese and " T h a t little rjoorc cf a 8ue May lem now is how to provide wholesome entertainment that will bring "Of course I won't get m a d , " salads are all on the dining tabic ccme over icsteiciay to t2ll me her to us ;i united family life. Some mothers tell us in this edition of Ma says. " I want you to tell me The guests are provided with trays troubles. She's been married five the News how they have been making and enjoying successful home just for the fen of it. I know you months now, an' ever once In a must nave been disappointed in and each one serves himself. In the while she feels kind o' fed up w i t h entertainment. me at times when we was first summer time, the young folks find John, an' she's scared she don't married, an' it's somethin' to their entertainment out doors, the love him like she ought to an' laugh about now." older ones in visiting. We serve 20 to 40." I am most certain there will be their lives is goin' to be m i n t be- cause she wouldn't ever get tired of him if they was meant for one W h e n In N e w England " W e l l , I did wonder jest once if I didn't make a mistake in m a r r y - in' y o u , " ! says. "Of course l men and women in after years who will look back to the Sunday evenings another. " I reckon I got her pacified, but she looked like she'd j u s t found D o A s Yankees D o considered you an angel, but one day when you didn't have your hair fixed an' you had left your "at home" of the Farley's as red let- out about Santa Claus. clothes l y i n ' around on the floor, ter days. Why not pass around the " G e t t i n ' tired of a husband ain't But You'll Find Yourself at one time, there still was no lack Of dishes. I sorter weakened on you a n ' pleasure of entertaining to a group wondered if some cf the things I of congenial friends and in this may no sign o' nothin' except that r i d - Doing The Unexpected Rditcmber This Tomato had been told about y o u — " in' on a merry-go-round ain't no keep the community together? treat to the man t h a t takes up Now and Then. As we entered the great ball room "Some of the things your sister Mrs. Chester Smith of Nashville tickets. that evening we saw tables and tables Nan told y o u , " Ma interrupted. " I offers this most worthwhile sugges- " I ' v e been so tired o' Pa, espe- By MKS. EDITH 31. WACJAB and tables, each arranged to serve 8 haven't forgot what she s a i d . " tion, "My young people greatly enjoy cially after a hard day's ironin', Since writing the sketch about Bos- people. Tables in the gallery, tables " A n y w a y ! looked at y o u . " I a "Fireside Supper". Spread covers t h a t I felt like I'd take rat poison ton and its points of interest observed in the alcove, tables in the annex, in says, " a n ' just for an instant I on small tables for the number of if he said another word—an' I while there last December for the fact, tables everywhere, each with saw somethin' in your face t h a t guests, 8, 12 or 16, and serve them a reckon he's the best man in the American Farm Bureau convention, I its center piece of flowers. made me wonder if you was quite real sugger (with crackling logs for world, except for slammin' the At each place was a small jug of as good stock as I thought you door when I'm t a l k i n ' about his have been besieged to continue with was." music) and follow the supper by the story. At this time I'll tell about maple syrup from Vermont, a small kin folks. " Y o u got that from your ador- cards, bridge, 500 or whatever they some of the meals we enjoyed while jar of preserved cranberries from choose. Corn may be popped or " Y o u get tired of a husband Massachusetts, a beautiful apple from able sister N a n , " Ma says. "She there. talked about my people bein' i n - marshmallows roasted during the same as you would fried chicken i f . y o u had it ever' meal. You Some of us jollied ourselves about New Hampshire and a ripe tomato. ferior, but if there's any great evening. A crowd is never hard to hear him t e l l i n ' the same stories the mistakes we might make when we At some of the tables we noticed pint superiority in your f a m i l y I've get together for such an evening." bottles of milk, besides numerous never seen it, unless people are ever' time you have company; an' took up our residence in the "seat of Mrs. A. B. Jones says, "Each mem- about the f o r t i e t h time he tells culture" for a few days. One woman pamphlets of recipes, etc., bringing to superior j u s t because they're help- ber of the family decides what shall you what's wrong w i t h the world from one of our western states asked our attention the wonderful qualities less." be served for their birthday dinner; an' how he'd fix it, you t h i n k us if we should remove our gloves of these different state products used ' W h y , mama, you're a n g r y , " I it may be chicken, or weiners or oys- you'll go crazy if you hear it any while eating. It was a real shock to as favors. We also found a folded says. " Y o u wanted me to tell you, her to see a man on the street wear- linen napkin upon which was placed ters, it may be ice cream or pumpkin more. ' an' besides this happened t h i r t y pie. And each can invite a special " A wife t h a t ' s got any sense j u s t ing a straw hat in December, some- a very crisp roll. These rolls were years ago." learns to t h i n k o' somethin' else 6763. Child's Rompers. guest on his birthday." when her husband's t a l k i n ' . It's thing that is taboo even in Michigan a part of every formal dinner we ate " I don't care whether it was 7094. Ladies' Coat. Cut in 4 Sizes: 6 months, 1, 2 and Mrs. B. Keith says, "Our family there. t h i r t y years or t h i r t y m i n u t e s , " Designed in Size,: 36, 38, 40, 42 like ! told Sue May—the reason after September 1st. Ma says. " I f you t h i n k I'm your and 44 inches bust measure. A 38 3 years. A 2 year size requires 1 % never tires of reading aloud and play- fleas don't run a dog w i l d is be- It took us but a short time to be Where Crackers Are Met ing all kinds of games together. In inferior you are at perfect liberty inch size requires 3 ^ yards of 54 yard of material 32 inches wide. To cause he learns to scratch w i t h o u t convinced that Boston people were no The first course was an oyster to run home to your sister Nan this way our children have become inch material. Collar and cuffs of finish with bias binding requires p u t t i n ' his mind on i t . " different than folks from any other cocktail served without wafers. The an' stay t h e r e . " fur will require 2% yards 7% inch- 2% yards 1% inch wide. familiar with a larger number of part of our country; we all have pe- dishes were then removed and an books and have a good vocabulary at (Copyright, 1931, Publishers Synd.) (Copyright, 1931, Publishers Synd.) es wide. For collar and its lining, culiarities that are typical of our sur- empty soup plate was placed before and for facing on cuffs of fur cloth 7101. Girls' Dress. hand. "When we have a crowd, we roundings, but all in all we are each diner. The waiters (all white Designed in Sizes: 0, S, 10 and 12 sometimes just visit or play card or other contrasting material will very much alike. men) came with a large tureen of require % yard 54 inches wide, cut years. It requires 3 yards of 85 games or have guessing contests. Mrs. Fred Bunnel says the radio Perhaps Bostonians were looking white sauce soup and ladled out a For family dinner parties we often crossw-isc. To line coat requires inch material for a 12 year size, if has been a source of entertainment to for folks who were wild and wooly, generous serving to each. No crack- 4 1/6 yards 35 inches wide. made with long sleeves. If made have the children make place cards her family. and the shock was just as great to ers or wafers accompanied the soup INTERESTING WOMEN with short sleeves 2% yards. To in season and have riddles on them Mrs. Jay Chamberlain mentions the them when once they understood how at any meal we hacl while there, but 7087. Ladies' Dress. finish with bias binding requires to be guessed as the plates are served piano as being a real factor in their alike we all are rather everyone seemed to think it Designed in Sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40 1% yard i% inch wide. or even jokes to be read. Sometimes daughter's life. was the proper time to eat that roll. and 4 2 inches bust measure. It re- But they do serve their dinners and we make funny puns about each Right here let us urge you to allow These dishes were then removed quires 4% yards of material 39 6982. Girls' Dress. banquets a bit different than we do. inches wide for a MS inch size. For name." the children the privilege of self-ex- There seemed to be such quantities and a dinner plate was placed before Cut in Sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 pression in their choice of music. contrasting* material 1% yard 36 years. A 12 year Bice requires 2% of china and yet we were at a loss each guest. The waiter then ap- inches wide is required. They may "strum" on the piano when to know just how to manage our proached the table with a large plat- yards of 3!» inch material. For con- A PENNY POSTAL CARD you might prefer hymns, they may bread and butter without a separate ter of the meat to be served. In this 7036. Ladies' Dress w i t h Slender Hips. trasting material '/, yard 38 inches Will bring you a FREK planting twist the dial to jazz music when you plate for it. instance it was roast duck. He quick- Designed in Sizes: 38, 40, 42, 44, wide is required cut crosswise. The book Covering every farm need I I Landscape Design, Fruit Trees, might prefer to hear the latest recipe At the big Farm Bureau banquet dy placed a serving on each plate, and |6, 48, 50 and 52 inches bust meas- tie will require % yard of material Seeds, Shrubs, Spray Materials, for cooking codfish, but when they ure. A 46 inch size requires •"»' i five inches wido cut bias. Baby ('hicks, Bee Supplies, etc where some 1,500 guests were seated quickly followed with a tureen of Everything for Farm and Garden. are doing that you have them with potatoes from which he scooped a yards of' 39 inch material. \ • CUTLER & DOWNING CO., you, which is the point. join in. Have the young folks bring spoonful on each plate as he fairly of contrasting material requires xk NOTICE! Be sure t h a t you address Benton Harbor, Mich. yard out on a true bias. your pattern order envelope to the Mich- Mrs. Minxes says in the summer in their instruments occasionally and trotted around the table, followed in igan Farm News, 11-13 Sterling Place, time her three young folks enjoy cro- encourage them to do their best. the same way with buttered peas, 6718. Misses' Dress. B R O O K L Y N , N. Y., as stated on the quet, tennis and miniature golf, of order coupon. Orders mailed to our "Provide good reading material and then gravy and butter. The only Cut in Sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. other offices must be forwarded. Delay Ornamental Shrubbery which they have inexpensive sets, either second hand or home made. In take turns in reading aloud. Let each thing that the guest passed to his A 16 year size requires 3 Vi yard, of follows.—Editor. Decorate your yard. Have some pride guest come prepared to lead a favor- neighbor was a side dish of jellied :.'.i inch material. The collar of in the old home. Make it look like you winter they have games of various ite game with the thought that lead- cranberries. With this course was contrasting material requires Vt are really glad to live there. And Listen! Shrubbery adds to the farm's value. kinds, each Christmas bringing a new ership will be encouraged. Have the served a piece of corn bread. yard 35 inches wide cut crosswise. ORDER B L A N K Write and ask us about our beautiful one. The radio, victrola or piano young folks in once in a while and As soon as this course was finished The widuh of the Dress at the lower MICHIGAN FARM NEWS floweringshruhbei'v and hedge. NAGLE'S NURSERY, Benton Harbor, Mich. provide music for dancing which is let them have possession of the kit- the dishes were removed and another edge with fullness extended is 2% Pattern Service, growing more popular among the chen—let them make candy and let plate, the size of a breakfast plate yards. 11-13 Sterling Place, B r o o k l y n , N. Y . young folks as years pass on. Pop- them prepare and serve the lunch. was placed in front of each person. 7105. Girls' Dress. Enclosed find cents corn, apples or home made candy are They'll all enjoy it." We actually wondered what was com- Designed in Sizes: 0 nios., 1, 2, :! Silver King Coal usually the only refreshments for an evening at home but for a regular Mrs. ('. J. Drown says several fam- ing next. Our curiosity was soon sat- ilies of their neighborhood have form- isfied, for the waiter brought to us a and 4 years. A 2 year size requires jrard of 32 inch material. The For pattern Size is big, blocky, clean burning. party something special is planned." ed a social club and they look for- large salad dish of leaf lettuce upon Pattern Size ~ A s k y o u r coal dealer for a trial t o n . MRS BCRAI/CE. CU^T/SS bow of ribbon requires l yard, .Mrs. (Wo. Warren says, "have a ward to the evening when they meet. which rested two forks ami each guest i p r i n g 1931 fashion book Republic Fuel Company song fest once in a while, try out The entire family is included and all was expected to remove his portion Mrs. Curtis*, chaplain and juve- 6979. Ladies' Sli->. B A Y C I T Y a n d L A N S I N G Office* solos, duets and a chorus where all join in the spirit of the evening's fun. from that dish with the forks and put| nilo matron of the Michigan Slate Designed fn Sizes: Small, 34-36; Name 0; Large 42-44; Extra Sometimes it is dancing, sometimes it on the plate in front of him. Try it Grange, is one of the best known large, 46-48 Inches bust measure. A U. I\ I), (or Street) games, sometimes music and a few sometime and see how awkward you farm women. For several years she Medium size requires .'! ft yards of times they have had a radio gathering really are. was a member of the State Grange City State when the president speaks or other Executive committee. She has al-i 39 inch material. To trim with lace That Tomato! ways been active in educational and or banding requires 3 V2 yards. (Patterns are 15c each, fashion book special programs were on the air. Divide The Cost articles served in a simple way are dawned upon us that we were sup- Imagine our chagrin and at the Simple refreshments are limited to 3 same time our amusement, when it public service work. She served on 1 's yard. her home a part of the evening's entertainment. posed to make our own salad out of years, as a member of the Board of food cocktail, and over a serving of Library Education for It years and for five Board for 12 Shoulder strap:-, of ribbon require 15c. Send silver or stamps.) Of your Mash by the Price of Eggs and A friend suggests a masquerade the tomato we found at each place at years was county chairman for agri- capon, the first we had ever eaten party for Hallowe'en, a holiday gath- the beginning of the meal Most of cultural extension work. She has and it was superior to either chicken Multiply the Result by 3 ering of some sort or a hard time us had already eaton ours as we did been active in Sunday school work or turkey, although we think we party during the late winter, as some not know how we could preserve it since early life and has been untir- would have omitted the sauce. of the ways to entertain friends, but as a souvenir. If there were any who ing in foreign missions. There is a Sweet potatoes were served in lit- You will get the per cent of egg production necessary also suggests that the family go to- had sensed the Boston restraint at chapel in Korea as a memorial to tle balls roasted crisp, far different gether to the better shows once in a all, it vanished from that moment, for Uier mother. The Curtiss home at from the candied soft potato we are fa- to pay feed costs. while, and take a day off every now we were all in the same boat. A sal- Charlotte is open house to teacher.--, miliar with. At one of the restau- Try it. If your production isn't high enough to pay, and then and go and see some special ad dressing was served by the waiter, extension workers and y o u n g rants we noticed corn johnny cake attraction within driving distance as usual. people. Until recent years was served with all meals instead of do two things: and that we hunt out the beauty spots These plates were removed and Curtiss lived on the farm in Eaton the brown and white bread we always on our farms and see how we can than a plate with a huge piece of ap- county where she was born. expect. And unsalted sweet cream 1. Cull out the loafers. They eat, and eat, and eat, enjoy them best. ple pie, mounted by a generous scoop butter was usually served, where again we missed the salt. but don't pay any board. of ice cream and accompanied by a Hospitable New England 4x4 inch slab of Wisconsin Swiss New England folks were generous Doughnuts Walnut Size 2. Buy a Farm Bureau Egg Mash. There is a kind BigFREEDASS cheese completed the meal proper. and most hospitable—the city women One pleasing surprise came to us invited us to a tea given in our honor one morning during breakfast. While m iz\ that just fits your needs. Study them. STRAWBERRY BOOK This was followed by the stylish Illustrates in natural colors our heavy demi-tasse coffee—a miniature cup of and not only did they serve tea but attending a conference with Miss yielding, Biq rooted .Hwtl!I'll, Northern , proum M A S T O D O N and atl varieties black coffee, probably 3 tablespoons there were quantities of sweet cider. Rowe of the Farmers' Wife, a young of Strawberry. Raspberry and small fruit PLAIN LAYING MASH—Use where you have milk plants.Crarx-vim'B, Kruittr«-» »ny married man. Panned all my life. C. S. Butler, 128 Charles St., Lansing, Michigan, He Sold It For 55c Washington—Forceful arguments by C o n g r e s s m a n L,OUIS C r a m p t o n of STOCK MARKETING Lamb p r o d u c e r s suffered the most, there being an i n c r e a s e of 18 per cent in sheep and lambs m a r k e t e d in 1930, tralization of volume, w e c a n m o r e easily a p p r o a c h r e g u l a t i o n or stabili- zation of production, which will even- Classified Advertisements will be charged at the rate of 4 cents a word. Where the ads are to appear good SINGLE MAX, GOOD TEAMSTER, mechanic, knows tractors, trucks; fair milker, long farm experience, wants Bushton, Kan.—William a f a r m e r living n e a r h e r e opened an Oberle, Michigan before t h e H o u s e W a y s a n d Means C o m m i t t e e t h i s week t o work by month. William C. Withey, h a v e b e a n s included in t h e B u r t n e s s WITH E. A. BEAMER over 1929, with a 2 per cent decrease in cattle and a d e c r e a s e in hogs t u a l l y mean stabilization of process. Issues W a r n i n g twice or more, the rate will be 3 cents a word each insertion. R-4, Fennville, Mich. CAPABLE YOUNG .MAX, 24, SINGLE, Bhort-course student of M. B. C. wants e l a b o r a t e s e t of t h e m o s t h i g h l y a p - p r o v e d m e t h o d s of f a r m a c c o u n t i n g . He discovered two t h i n g s : first, bill p r o p o s i n g an i m p o r t s e m b a r g o on certain agricultural products a r o u n d 8 per cent. On top of this, a " I n the formation of o u r National POULTRY farm work by the year. Life experienced. went for n a u g h t as t h e a d m i n i s t r a - Live Stock M a r k e t i n g association, o u r References. William Sote, 829 Kast t h a t it cost him a fraction over 62 t i o n let it be k n o w n t h a t it will n o t Co-op Producers' President l a r g e p a r t of t h e e a s t e r n t e r r i t o r y CIIK'KS HIGH ('[.ASS BARRED Grand River Ave., East Lansing, Mich. cents to g r o w a bushel of w h e a t , a n d support such an embargo at this t r i b u t a r y to t h e Buffalo live stock several producers associations found HOCKS—Imported R. O. P. Males-Dams Reviews the 1930 249,254,264 e£KS-mate•>• de- perience, wants work by month. John .success of t h e Buffalo Producers, Must Lend A s s i s t a n c e tails of our liberal plan address, Spring Pickett, 1021 Xo. Washington Ave., Lan- which reflects back on t h e i r local " W e must, therefore, lend every a s - Aroor Poultry f a u n , op' m g AIDOI , sing, Mich. A very substantial price reduction has also been made on Farm Ja< fcson County, Mich. ass'n and their personal fortunes. s i s t a n c e possible to help t h e s e associ- WANTED—WORK ON FARM BY Bureau SUITS, BED BLANKETS, ROBES, Etc. The Buffalo P r o d u c e r s is owned by ations hold their volume and m e m - BREEDIXO STOCK month by single man, age 26. Lived on t h e Michigan, Ohio, I n d i a n a and New bership, and at t h e s a m e t i m e con- farm all my life. Rollie Willert, Middle- Write for samples and information—better yet, visit our dis- P1JKS. K. A. BE A.HER TEN PEDIGREED WHITE LEGHORN ton, R-2, Michigan. York co-operative Live Stock Ex- tinue to increase o u r v o l u m e from Cockerels sired by R. o. P. cock No. 122, play room, and make your selection first hand. P r e s i d e n t Beamer reviewed briefly large, individual p r o d u c e r s whose 279 to 316 eggs Dams record. ?2 each. YOUNG MAN, 31, WITH FAMILY changes. It is by far t h e l a r g e s t 600 egg incubator, turning trays, $20. wants work by year on farm. Raised on h a n d l e r of stock at Buffalo; s a t i s - t h e a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of the Buffalo s h i p m e n t s d u r i n g 1930 were i n c r e a s e d Hall Poultry Farm, Durand, Michigan. farm, has farmed himself. Willing Members, patronize your Department—Make your dividends materially". worker. Roy Woodard, Sunshine Car- factory sales work lias built its pat- co-operative since its institution nine dens, R-l, Lansing, Mich. pay your membership dues. ronage. y e a r s ago. In 1922, he said, m a r k e t - Michigan Live Stock E x c h a n g e dele- Harold Thompkins, S. C. R. I. Red Cock- erels, bred from an outstanding Middle WANTED TO RENT—FARMS Buffalo P r o d u c e r s and the Michigan ing of live stock consisted solely of gates to the Buffalo m e e t i n g included West flock, which won 1 »a ribbons since 1927. Also have held state egg laying Live Stock E x c h a n g e at Detroit a r e selling livestock on a t e r m i n a l m a r k e t F r a n k Benham of H o m e r and Dr. F . contests. Price $3.00 each. Hatching edTWO MARRIED MEN, EXPERIENC- farmers, want to rent one large farm MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU p a r t of the t a n n e r - o w n e d , co-opera- and in some cases on its m e r i t s and E. Styles of Battle Creek. eggs, $3.00 per hundred. Norman Linn, furnished, or two smaller ones, close to- tive National Live Stock M a r k e t i n g to the highest bidder. P r e s . Beamer and J o h n O'Mealey of Williamston, R-l, Michigan. gether. Interested in poultry. James Duffy, Evart, u-4. Mich. Clothing Dept. Ass'n co-operative sales offices on Co-operatives iihe Service Hudson and R. G. W a r d of Dowagiac, POULTRY SUPPLIES every p r i n c i p a l American live stock Michigan directors, w e r e re-elected to market. T h e y e a r w a s not p a r t i c u l a r l y sat- "Since o u r advent on the m a r k e t nine y e a r s ago, t h e r e has been not only a m a r k e d i m p r o v e m e n t in t h e the P r o d u c e r s Board. FOR S A L E - BUCKET V. NO. 5 INCU- bator, capacity 600. As good as new. Price |35. Wayne County Hatchery, 3831 CHANGES AHEAD W. Kirby, Detroit, Mich. b isfactory for f a r m e r s and live stock p r o d u c e r s in the Buffalo m a r k e t i n g selling services and general m a r k e t p r a c t i c e s on t h i s and other terminal WORLD GETTING FOR FARM BOARD a r e a , Mr. B e a m e r said. T h e g e n e r a l , world-wide business depression, Mr. Beamer said, caused a c u r t a i l m e n t in consumptive demand, m a r k e t s , but t h e co-operatives live stock m a r k e t i n g associations of this c o u n t r y (largely t h e producer agen- READY FOR WAR L I V E STOCK CATTLK MILKING SHORTHORNS. AX E x - Several Members Expected to Return to Private $4,775,000 t h e r e b y c r e a t i n g a s u r p l u s , ending in a general liquidation and severe price cies) h a v e included in t h e i r m a r k e t - ing m a c h i n e r y m a n y services other t h a n selling, which directly affect the Fred B. Smith Addresses The ceptionally good lot of young bulls 3 to 14 months old priced reasonably. Foster Bros., Xiles, Mich. (3-14) Life. For Your Protection decline. L a m b and cattle feeders w e r e income of the live stock producer and Michigan Live Stock FOR SALE—REGJSTi;RED H.OLSTE1X Heifer 3 vis. Due July 26. Must sell W a s h i n g t o n . — P r e s i d e n t H o o v e r is Policyholders in the State Farm Mutual Automobile severely penalized in m a n y i n s t a n c e s , should p r o p e r l y be t e r m e d m a r k e t i n g Exchange. before March, will sacrifice for $100. Also likely to find himself a p p o i n t i n g sev- Insurance Co. have the above cash reserve back of their h e said, t a k i n g from $4 to $5 per h u n - certified Wolverine Oats, purity 99.8. eral new m e m h e r s to t h e F e d e r a l services. Carl F. Eisen, St. Clair, Michigan. policy as an assurance of dependability. " I n other words, t h e live stock pro- Lansing—"Sixteen million men F a r m Board p r e s e n t l y hy r e a s o n of d u c e r of today m u s t be able t h r o u g h a r e u n d e r a r m s t o d a y . E v e r y Medi- HOGS vacancies t h a t have been predicted for 500,000 State Farm Mutual automobile policies are his own o r g a n i z a t i o n to have not only terranean s e a p o r t " is a n arsenal. FOR SALE—25 HEAD PURE BRED some time. of record in 29 States, wherein the Company has 7,500 M u n i t i o n s p l a n t s m u s t e r i n g funds to Duroo sows and gilts, 3 male white collie C h a i r m a n Alexander Legge, whose the best selling service on the m a r k e t , pups 4 months old. Farmers' prices. dynamic personality has featured agents. More than 63,000 policies have been written but he m u s t h a v e m a r k e t information, go t o Geneva in 1932 to w r e c k a n - Phillips and Mitchell. Charlotte, Mich- other disarmament conference." So igan. - 2-28. every move of t h e Board, is r e s i g n i n g in Michigan, where we have some 400 farmer agents. r e s e a r c h , feeder buying, financing, said F r e d B. S m i t h , w o r l d t r a v e l e r , to r e t u r n to t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Har- With a State Farm Mutual policy you may drive your t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , direct selling and leg- FOR SALE—DUROC GILTS. BRED. islative services available. addressing the annual b a n q u e t of Two hoar pigs. From Grand Champion. vester Company, probably April 1. car without worry, and enjoy the freedom that comes t h o Michigan L i v e s t o c k Exchange, Harold Shafley, St. Johns, R-2, Mich. Mr. Teague h a s notified California " T h e s e c a n be furnished only in a the e v e n i n g of F e b r u a r y 19. 2-28-31 friends t h a t he expects to return with insurance protection. big n a t i o n a l way, a n d o u r National home to r e s u m e work as p r e s i d e n t of Live Stock M a r k e t i n g Assocaition has " B y s t e a d y g r o w t h in a r m a m e n t s HAY and STRAW There is no delay or red tape in settling claims. Care- t h e w o r l d is g e t t i n g r e a d y for an- two large fruit co-operatives a n d man- built a m a r k e t i n g m a c h i n e which per- other outbreak," continued Mr. FOR SALE—30 TONS CHOICE AL- age his farm. fully selected agents have your interest at heart. W e of- falfa hay. Lester Allen, Ithaca, Mich. forms all these services. Smith, quoting British and other Sam McKelvie, w h e a t r e p r e s e n t a t i v e fer a nation-wide service at rates that save money for 3-28 Likened to H a r v e s t e r Combine s t a t e s m e n ' s views a l o n g t h a t line. from Nebraska, is scheduled to r e t u r n WHOLESALE CARLOT DISTR1BC- you. "I like to call it t h e 'live stock m a r - " E v e r y w h e r e in t h e world," said tors hay and straw. Always an outlet. to N e b r a s k a a b o u t J u n e 15 w h e r e be keting combine,' as it m a y be com- Mr. S m i t h , " t h e cry is a n y t h i n g b u t The Harry D. Gates Company, Jackson, edits t h e N e b r a s k a F a r m e r . No Man Can Afford to Drive Without Insurance. Mich. (5-9) Mr. Schilling of Minnesota is t h e pared to the h a r v e s t e r c o m b i n e which things they are. Anything for a change." dairy r e p r e s e n t a t i v e on the Board. cuts, h a r v e s t s , t h r e s h e s and sacks the g r a i n all in one operation, a n d which " U n t i l n a t i o n s c a n l e a r n t o com- FARM MACHINERY His t e r m expires in J u n e . STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS. CO. Use Y o u r is used by t h e successful g r a i n g r o w e r who h a s sufficient a c r e a g e to m a k e it pose t h e i r differences in a n o r d e r - ly, legal m a n n e r , t h e r e will be w a r , " Mr. S m i t h p r o p h e s i e d , p o i n t i n g o u t FOR SALE—ALFALFA FEEDEIi 21 Disc. Nearly new. A bargain. One mile R e m a i n i n g m e m b e r s a r e C. D. Den- south and Vz mile west of Almont, Mich- man, live (stock r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , Mr. igan. F. W. Hough. J a m e s Stone, tobacco and o t h e r inter- Bloomington, III. MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU economical. " I t is evident t h a t if co-operative that the Hague Tribunal, the League FOR SALE—NEARLY NEW WOL- ests, Mr. Wilson, fruit a n d vegetable State Agent Lansing, Mich. of N a t i o n s a n d t h e World Court verine Greyhound Hay Press, 17x22. In r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . m a r k e t i n g is to forge ahead, a large fine condition, will bale 4 tons or more Association volume must be c o n c e n t r a t e d in t h e h a n d s of one organization. The Agri- w h i l e d o i n g good w o r k a r e b u t a good s t a r t . T h e y n e e d m o r e s u p p o r t . " U n t i l w a r is o u t l a w e d as a m e a n s per hour. If interested write Chas. H. Montague, Clio, Michigan. Sec'y Christensen h a s accepted a n offer to become Dean of A g r i c u l t u r e at FOR SALE—INTERNATIONAL HAY t h e University of Wisconsin, effective c u l t u r a l M a r k e t i n g act recognized this of s e t t l e m e n t , t h e fact t h a t 8 2c of press in good running order. Will bale April 1. And ship your stock co-opera- a s fundamental and i n c o r p o r a t e d t h a t o u r f e d e r a l t a x g o e s t o pay for w a r , from 2 to 3 tons per hour. Otto Her- I t looks as though the F a r m Board tively to Detroit or Buffalo for principle in t h e act. wever. Phone 54-21, McBain, Michigan. The Federal telling about the deaths and misery, (3-14). m a y produce much news in future the best r e t u r n s . Our service on or r e f u s i n g to p a r t i c i p a t e will do months—possibly .changes in policy, these m a r k e t s has built us t h e largest volume of t r a d e a t both. A , , little t o s t o p w a r , " Mr. S m i t h s a i d . H e is c h a i r m a n of t h e W o r l d ' s Alli- FARMS ect., u n d e r new m e m b e r s a s yet t o be named. W h y O u r Fertilizers Our salesmen are the best t h a t NOW -F« £?' »!«™ LE a n c e of I n t e r n a t i o n a l F r i e n d s h i p . FARMS FOR SALE can be had. We a r e h e r e to sell your stock to the best a d v a n t a g e Three years <>r research and Silo development have produced tlio silo thai experts call Entertainment features good s i n g i n g b y M a u r i c e K o e p p e a n d included FOR SALE—120 ACRE FARM CLAY and clay loam. Level. 2 barns. 8 room house. Hog .and hen house. Good. 19 Months Pass; Large Do So Well so t h a t you may realize t h e most for your work. perfect. Not NEW - but a combination of the perman- R i c h a r d Lincoln, Muir, Mich., 4-H club boys, a q u a r t e t t e from t h e U. of $8,000. $4,000 down, balance easy terms. Good water. Good drainage. Near school, Size Bills Nearly Gone Nitrogen in Farm Bureau fertilizers is nearly 100% ance and beauty of tile, church. Write, Jerome Crooks, Vassar, with modern practices of silo M., f u n n y s t o r i e s by H e r b e r t L e o n R-2, Midi. (3-14) Washington—Citizens who still soluble in water, or quickly available to plants, as Returns to patrons guaranteed c o n s t ruction. Absolutely Cope of C a r o a n d d a n c e n u m b e r s by by bond meeting U. S. G o v t re- smooth, acid and moisture Ardis Hamer, Harriet Ann Spaur, 18 ACRES, 9 ROOM HOUSE, HEN have some currency to carry a r o u n d against the general rule of 7 0 % water soluble nitrogen quirements. proof walls, no absorption house, woodshed, garage for 2 cars, a in t h e i r p o c k e t b o o k s , h a v e perhaps from ensilage or a crum- Yvonne and N o r i n e O'Mealey. A beautiful summer home. Good fishing. noted that almost total disappear- in fertilizer. bled, acid eaten silo. Here's s q u a r e d a n c e followed. lx>ts of shade. Write to Mrs. Cora Bee- Michigan Livestock Exchange athecost perfect STAVE silo at actually less than bower, New Richmond, Mich. a n c e cf t h e l a r g e sized banknotes Why is Farm Bureau Fertilizer Faster? Other good silos. Write to- FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES, which w e r e a b a n d o n e d 19 m o n t h s W e u s e only such h i g h g r a d e n i t r o g e n s o u r c e s a s n i t r a t e Detroit, Mich. or day for details. Agents wanted in open Another Wallop For all kinds at all prices, free list. Send for yours. C. C. Otis, Kalamazoo, Mich. ago, in favor of t h e n e w smaller of soda, calcium n i t r a t e , s u l p h a t e of ammonia, u r e a , etc., sized ones. Officials of t h e t r e a s u r y Producers Co-op Com. Assn. territory. The Dairy Interests 2-28b. d e p a r t m e n t say t h a t only a b o u t o n e - w h i c h dissolve in w a t e r a n d m a k e t h e i r n i t r o g e n quickly available. E a s t Buffalo, N. Y. ALL-TILE, Inc., FOR SALE AND TRADE—5 to 200 acre farms located near East Lansing e i g h t h of a t o t a l v o l u m e of n e a r l y 1909 Factory St., five b i l l i o n s in p a p e r m o n e y is r e - L o w e r g r a d e fertilizers depend m o r e or less for n i t r o g e n Kalamazoo, MichgHaT) Washington—With the a d m i n i s - and Lansing. For full information, call or write East Lansing Realty Co., phone m a i n i n g in l a r g e n o t e s in circula- on cottonseed meal, t a n k a g e , tobacco s t e m s a n d o t h e r v e g e - t r a t i o n in W a s h i n g t o n giving t h e 3284, East Lansing, Mich. 3-14b oleo m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n opportunity tion. t a b l e s o r a n i m a l m a t t e r w h i c h m u s t decay before t h e i r n i t r o - to sell colored oleo w i t h o u t the FURNITURE gen is available to t h e p l a n t . W A N T E D , LIVE POULTRY, EGGS " c o l o r e d " tax, w i t h t h e b u t t e r m a r - k e t s h o t to pieces, w i t h t h e liquid FOR SALE—A $50Q PLAYER PIANO Tale of Two Hats Y o u n g p l a n t s N E E D n i t r o g e n most before cottonseed meal, t a n k a g e , etc., can give t h e m n i t r o g e n . W e specialize in live p o u l t r y , e g g s a n d v e a l . Used e g g caaea m i l k m a r k e t being flooded b e c a u s e 24 for balance of contract due of $83.00 cash. K a n s a s City, Mo.—One d r u n k prob- for aale i n lots of t e n o r m o r e , b y f r e i g h t o r e x p r e s s . Also new rolls and bench free. Will deliver free ably said to a n o t h e r : "I'll t h r o w y o u r coops for s a l e . S h i p p i n g t a g s a n d m a r k e t i n f o r m a t i o n a r e s e n t free of t h e low cost of b u t t e r , t h e d a i r y anywhere in Michigan. Call us, 93436, h a t into t h e reservoir, t h e n you can Phosphorus and Potash—Farm Bureau fertilizers em- i n t e r e s t s a r e sufficiently h a r d p u t , Chaffee Rapids, wiuiul and reverse charges. for t h e a s k i n g . it w o u l d seem, without Bros. Furniture s o m e o n e 106-118 Division Ave., So. (hand Rapids, Company, t h r o w m i n e i n ! " At least t h i s is the ploye quickly available superphosphate. A chemical G A R L O C K - W I L L I A M S CO. INC., 2 6 1 4 O r l e a n s St., D e t r o i t proposing and the United S t a t e s Michigan. (3-28-46b.) theory explaining the m y s t e r y of two action on phosphate rock in our fertilizer factory re- Tariff Commission seriously con- Foil SALE—$7ir. COMPLETE FOUR b u t t e r " ! h a t s found floating on the room outfit of furniture, sold five months surface of the municipal r e s e r v o i r s leases the availability to plants that Nature requires sidering the proposal, to cut t h e ago, for balance of contract due of only diuty on i m p o r t e d c h e e s e by 50 p e r $380. The party who originally purchas- last week. Two d r u n k e n m e n had from 2 to 15 years to bring about. Our potash is the cent. ed this outfit last October, lost his posi- been noted clowning in t h e moon- w o r l d s best. tion and left town forcing us to take the light at t h e edge of t h e reservoir, the State mutual Rodded Fire ?) Fire \ Insurance Co., of Hitch. *J HOME orrice—TLINT. MICM. f~ Policy T h e cheese a n d d a i r y i n t e r e s t s , of furniture back. course, are protesting, but This outfit has been used such a short time and has had such t h e i r good care that it cannot he told from w a i l s m a y fall u p o n t h e s a m e deaf new merchandise, outfit Includes three- piece living room suite with reversible n i g h t before t h e h a t s w e r e found. F o r fear t h e m e n h a d fallen in w i t h t h e h a t s , 16,000,000 gallons of water Mechanical Condition F a r m Bureau fertilizers a r e finely g r o u n d and screened a t e a r s a s did t h e p l a i n t s of f a r m e r s cushions, mixing. They a r e t h o r o u g h l y cured. J u s t before s a c k i n g a n d Don uiees. Get your protection now with the STATS MUTUAL covered all over in the same w h o p r o t e s t e d a g a i n s t t h e r e d u c t i o n material; Bxl2 heavy seamless rug, wal- w e r e d r a i n e d off. No m e n were s h i p p i n g they a r e r e - g r o u n d , re-mixed, r e - s c r e e n e d . M o i s t u r e RODDED PIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. Over |M,5OO,600.O0 at risk. $454,731.89 net assets and resources. Paid over $l,n:.X,t; IT. 1 I in losses since in t h e d u t y on m a p l e s y r u p a n d junior lamp, 27table, nut davenport walnut end table, inch axminster throw found. in F a r m B u r e a u fertilizers is reduced to about 3 % as a g a i n s t our organisation, June 14th, 1908. A broad and liberal policy. 3,994 new sugar. New E n g l a n d n o w h a s a rug, walnut orthophonic type console 8 to 10% m o i s t u r e for m o s t fertilizers. members last year. Write for a sample copy and for an Agent to call. y e a r ' s s u p p l y of m a p l e s u g a r a n d phonograph with records, eight piece walnut dining room suite, plate glass STARTED IX 1893 E x t r a d r y n e s s of F a r m B u r e a u fertilizers i n s u r e s fineness, H. K. FISK, SECY, 702 Church St., Flint, Michigan. s y r u p a n h a n d , it is said, m a i n l y be- buffet mirror, 9x12 velvet rug, 26 piece T u b e r c u l i n testing of cattle was e a s y d r i l l i n g and easy r e g u l a t i n g . U s e r s a p p r e c i a t e it. cause of t h e e v e r i n c r e a s i n g i m - set of silverware, walnut vanity dresser, chest of drawers and bed, double deck s t a r t e d in Wisconsin in 1893. The p o r t s of t h e C a n a d i a n p r o d u c t s . coil springs, oval throw rug, five piece campaign for complete county area We offer analyses which conform very closely with Tho manufacturers of c h e e s e breakfast etc. suite, congoleum rug, dishes, Don't forget this is all in the very testing w a s s t a r t e d in 1920. recommendations of the Michigan State College Soils claim t h a t w i t h a h i g h e r r a t e of d u t y best of condition. Will repaint the Dept. Remember that Farm Bureau fertilizer, properly LIBERAL COMPENSATION t h e y could p r o d u c e t h i s c o u n t r y t h e the breakfast suite in any color chosen by purchaser. $50 down will deliver this cheese which is n o w b e i n g i m p o r t - outfit, or we will store it free of charge XT'R'W On Fruit Trees, Berries, applied as to analysis, amount per acre and the crop, nxiw Shrubs and Evergreens, can be expected to average $3.54 profit for every $1 PAID ed. S o m e of t h e I t a l i a n cheese im- until p o r t e d , it is claimed, can n o t spring for only $10 down. Easy terms can be arranged on the balance. be Write today or phone 9-3436 reverse charged CHAFFEE BROS. FURNITURE LOW nnrppc Shade trees, vines, roses, plants, the famous celery invested in fertilizer. m a n u f a c t u r e d h e r e . "If t h a t is s o , " CO., r i d O - E i O city quality at new low s a y s C h a r l e s W . H o l m a n , S e c r e t a r y Rapids, Michigan. 106-118 S. Division Ave., Grand (3-28b) prices direct from Nursery to you. Write Buy the co-operative way. It pays. See your local today for New cut price 1931 catalogue. of t h e N a t i o n a l C o - o p e r a t i v e Milk CELERY CITY NURSERIES distributor of Farm Bureau supplies for Farm Bureau Producers' Federation, "certainly Kalamazoo, Mich. Sox 100 FARM HELP—WANTED Brand Fertilizers. W e have the right analysis for your t h e Tariff C o m m i s s i o n can find n o c o m p a r a b l e costs of p r o d u c t i o n in WANTED—MAN WITH TWO SONS crop and soil. Wants Subscription Agents t h i s c o u n t r y a n d so can not l e g i t i - to rent 400 acre dairy farm. Everything mately reduce the duty." furnished. References required. Lester Allen, Ithaca, Mich. 3-28 Silver King Coal FARM BUREAU SERVICES, INC. For information, write W A N T E D — F A R M WORK is big, blocky, clean b u r n i n g . Measured in t e r m s of people em- Ask your coal dealer for a trial ton. Lansing, Michigan MICHIGAN FARM NEWS, 221 N. Cedar St., Lansing, Mich. ployed, capital invested, or value pro- WANT WORK OX DAIRY or POUL- Republic Fuel Company duced, dairying is today A m e r i c a ' s try farm. Capable of operating one. Best references. Mason Everett, 3760 BAY CITY and LANSING Office* greatest industry. Monroe ave., I ticli.