KEEP UP MICHIGAN THE NEWS On News Interesting to A Progressive Newspaper Farmers Through the For Michigan Farm Farm News Homes A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers Vol. IX, No. 22 FIFTY CENTS FIVE CENTS Issued Semi-Monthly, PER YEAR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 PER COPY MANY MICHIGAN The New Chief BEET MEN FIND Annual Meet Dec. 11 HART TELLS WHY Mason Farm Bureau's RESERVATIONS NEW RULING TO FARMERS TO GO of Conservation INTEREST GAIN The annual meeting of the Mason County Farm Bureau, scheduled for MARKETING ACT and BUILD REVENUE REDUCED FARE TO NAT1 MEET IN SUGAR CROP Friday, December 11, is to be an all- day affair with a potluck dinner at noon. The program will include some BURNS HIM UP FROM LICENSES Gratiot County Growers Are local musical talent and several Farm Bureau members who are con- State Farm Bureau Is Sending speakers, .among them being C. L. Tells Jobbers He Objects to templating attending the annual con- Must Show Truck Weights on Delegation to Chicago Signing 1932 Contract Brody, manager of the State Farm Set-up of Co-ops by vention of the American Farm Bur- Official Weight Slips For Convention With Alrna Plant Bureau The program committee is eau Federation at Chicago, Dec. 4 to expecting, also, to be assisted by State College 9, will find the officers of their county To Obtain Plates Prof. Wingarten, who has been asked Farm Bureau ready to assist them M. L. NOONls^ HONORED THIS PLANT IDLE IN '31 to address the meeting. IS AN OLDTlNE BUYER by taking care of their hotel room FAKE REPORTS COSTLY The dinner committee consists of the reservations. The local officers should Convention Marks Thirteenth St. Louis Has Handled About wives of the directors of the organi- Denies That Co-op Marketing be informed now if you plan to attend 1930 Investigations Bring In Anniversary of Work Half of Crop Grown zation, Mrs. Elon Colburn being chair- the Chicago meeting and wish room Is Any Real Form of reservations made for you. Also, get $60,000 Additional From Of Organization There This Year man. The meeting is to be open to all who Farm Relief in touch with local county Farm Bur- Reweighing Trucks eau president or secretary if you Michigan is to be well represented Success of the venture in 1931, are interested, whether Farm Bureau Michael J. Hart, of Saginaw, wish to take advantage of the special, Possibility of adding several hun- at the thirteenth annual convention wherein farmers and business men members or not. Scottville Community newly elected congressman of the fare-and-half rates offered by railroad dred thousand dollars to the state's of the American Farm Bureau Feder- co-operated to save the beet sugar Hall is to be the place of meetng, at eighth congressional district of companies. You must have a certifi- revenues from motor truck licenses in ation which opens for a three-day industry for Michigan, has resulted Scottville. Michigan, made 150 bean jabbers cate, which is issued without cost, if 1932 is foreseen through action of the period, Dec. 7, 8 and 9, at Hotel Sher- in sugar beet acreage contracts be- and friends understand that he is you get the fare-and-half railroad department of secretary of state man, Chicago. The Michigan delega- ing offered in Gratiot county to put tion will attend the convention, in- structed to support the Federation's the Alma Sugar plant back into operation again next year, informa- POTATO MEN OF strong for co-operation as applied to rate to and from the convention. You whereby official weight slips will be the handling of farm produce so present this certificate when you buy required, issued by authorized weigh long as it does not interfere with or your ticket at your local railroad stations under direction of the state tion from that county indicates. policy favoring incorporation of the S. B. Locke, associate biologist, U. equalization fee principle in the Ag- S. Biological Survey and Intermoun- The Alma plant will be assured of a ricultural Marketing Act. tain Forest and Range Experiment 100 day run next fall if 20,000 NORTHWEST HIT station. department, before truck owners will be issued truck licenses. The Michigan Farm Bureau's en- Station, an experienced outdoorsman acres, reported as the maximum dorsement of the A. F. B. F. campaign and a nationally known authority on sought, can be contracted for. It is for the equalization fee was given at game management and forestry prob- ing claimed that field men are meet- TRUCK HAULING STATE ACTS TO In past years, truck owners have been allowed to use any sort of weight slip in certifying to the weight of the state convention, two weeks ago, lems, has been appointed conserva- part with ready co-operation on the trucks when securing license plates. with a pledge, also, given to support tion director of the Izaak Walton TheofAlma the Federal Farm Board. League of America, according to an prospective growers. sugar contracts, it is Resolution Supporting Rail Shipping Adopted at AID INVESTORS Starting with the 1932 plates, truck owners will be required to use official reported, offer the beet growers for In addition to the Michigan Farm announcement made this week by M.1932 a guaranteed price plus a fair Bureau's board of directors, the K. Reckord, manager of the League. division of profits above cost of pro- state's delegation will include many Mr. Locke, a graduate of the Uni- duction, with settlement guaranteed Buyers Meeting IN SECURITIES Department of State weight receipts. Without a department receipt, license plates will not be issued. delegates from county units and versity of Maine, has had 25 years the month following date of de- Michigan potato growers are not other friends and loyal supporters of field experience in studying forestry livery of beets at the mill. the only' ones who claim to suffer Establish Service Division hasIn aevery city where the department branch office, one or more the organization, some of whom have problems and the development of From the St. Louis sugar plant of from the inroads of truck hauling Of Securities Body scales are to be designated as official been making annual pilgrimages as gafne management programs in thethe Great Lakes Sugar company which is claimed to take an appreci- To Help Buyers and the owners will be supplied with unofficial delegates to the big national U. S. forests and the game fields of came announcement that about able toll in the way of lessened department weight receipts. Before convention to lend their moral sup- the United States. He is the author 63,000 tons of beets would be sliced prices on certain markets where poor applying for licenses, it will be neces- port to the various problems in which of numerous scientific articles on fish, there this season, about one-half of quality tubers are disposed of by RESULT OF CRITICISM sary for owners or drivers to weigh Michigan agriculture is vitally in- game and fur. He assumes his new which had already been manu- truckers who buy and sell on a mar- the truck in actual operating condi- terested. duties ,with the League on December factured into sugar. The St. Louis gin of profit which does not allow for Bondholders Will Co-operate tion. The Michigan organization recog- first. plant is located only a few miles overhead costs. The owner and scale weighmaster nizes considerable honor attached to from the Alma plant and was the Minnesota potato shippers, through In Setting Up Special Michael J. Hart then sign the receipt which will be Committees the appointment of Michael L. Noon, its president, as chairman of the very important final session of the PAY TRIBUTE TO first plant in central Michigan to official action at a regular meeting get under way last spring with a re- of the Minnesota Potato Shippers As- compete with individual enterprises. vised contract which allowed grow- sociation, in October, adopted a reso- The eighth district congressman- A new division within the state accepted by the department in issuing plates. Last spring, several instances ers and manufacturers a 50-50 split lution which put them on record as elect was the central figure at a securities commission's department is were discovered where truck owners convention, when the report of the resolutions committee is brought forth. Mr. Noon's appointment to MICHIGAN WOMAN on the returns from the sugar crop. banquet given by Michigan Bean to be created for the purpose of ob- Overlapping of the St. Louis and finding "that transportation of pota- Jobbers at the Bancroft Hotel. Sagi- taining and furnishing information Almost $60,000 in additional weight wilfully attempted to defraud the state. Alma plant territories left the Alma toes by motor truck has a demorali- naw, on the evening of November pertinent to defaulted bond issues. head this important session has been made because of his thorough knowl- edge of parliamentary procedure and FOR NEEDLEWORK plant idle this season because grow- zing effect on market prices of this 19, as a testimonial to his success- ers deemed it unwise to attempt to commodity to growers, dealers, job-ful campaign in the recent district taxes were collected by department investigators from these sources. In This new division, according to an addition, It) is believed that many his rapid-fire skill in controlling con- Kalamazoo Farm Wife Dis- operate >both plants, due to the late bers and brokers and that, so far as election. announcement by Geo. F. Mackenzie, others pay less than the legal fee be- vention crowds in critical moments. start made in promoting the newpossible, transportation should be Mr. Hart, charging that he hadchairman of the commission, will cause of ignorance of the actual Thousands To Attend plays Hand Applique Quilt contracting plans 'between the grow- confined to rail carriers in order to been misquoted on so many oc- serve as a clearing house and a serv- weight of their truck. ers and the sugar makers after effect a stabilization of market con- casions, recently, in press dis- ice department for the public to ob- The A. F. B. F. convention is ex- At Big Exhibition hope had been abandoned in most ditions." patches, read his message from tain all available information concern- Truck and trailer license plates will pected to attract at least 5,000 farm- manuscript instead of giving an ex- be on sale at all branch offices of ers from all sections of the country. Mrs. Neil Finley of Rt. 10, Kalama- quarters for saving the sugar in- The Minnesota growers' resolution temporaneous speech. The Mich- ing defaulted bond issues. the department December 1. They will bring an assortment of zoo, has been hailed at national head- dustry for Michigan following last further stated that trucking tended to igan Farm News is reproducing, The service will include such mat- ideas and opinions on every phase of quarters of the American Farm Bur- season's, unprofitable experience in put poor quality potatoes on the mar- herewith, excerpts taken from a ters as the amount of default, the agriculture's manifold problems. eau Federation as one of the nation's the industry. Among these, as indicated by the for- leaders in home-made farm reliqf ket ahead of the U. S. No. 1 grade and condition of sinking funds, principal, St. Louis sugar making has shown &\ a low price, thus establishing un- copy of his speech as submitted by interest, taxes, present income of the an average production of about satisfactory market conditions. him to the daily newspapers on the FARMERS STUDY mal program, will be overproduction work. property, whether the income is being and surplus crop control, reduction of 15.22 per cent sugar content in the evening of the banquet. This tribute to Mrs. Finley came as crop handled to date this fall, it is This is a problem with which the The NEWS does not qualify any deposited with the trustees or is being agriculture's intolerable tax burden, a result of her reservation for space Michigan potato growers have been of Mr. Hart's assertions nor dbes it diverted for other purposes, and other LOCAL EXPENSE adequate financial credit for farmers, in the Home Industries Display of the said. Delivery of the crop is being struggling, also, for several seasons. subscribe to them. related inquiries. regulated to avoid excessive quanti- transportation problems, stabilization exposition to be held in conjunction Properly regulated trucking, however, Taking directly from Mr. Hart's The decision to increase the serv- County Governmental Cost Is of the dollar, disposition of Muscle with the A. F. B. F. convention at ties of beets held in storage at the has been found to be practicable in typewritten speech, excerpts follow: ice rendered the public by the com- Subject For Monroe Shoals, a national land utilization Chicago. plant. This regulation is reducing the normal deterioration losses to certain localities but. like handling "Congress, in their endeavor to mission follows recent criticism of F. B. Meetings policy and other matters of equal Mrs. Finley is joining with hun- considerable extent and cuts cost of livestock, the haulage costs sometimes satisfy the demands of manufactur- the department by persons who believe significance. dreds of other farm women in exhibit- handling the beets at the plant. ers, have thrown agriculture out of the commission has not been strict run higher than by rail if the com- Monroe County Farm Bureau, in Convention preliminaries begin ing their home-made products, at the modity is not handled properly. balance with industry. enough in the past in reviewing and annual convention at Frenchtown Dec. 4 with the opening of the Second convention, with hand-applique tulip "As I view the situation, the maintaining checks on securities. National Farm Women's Conference quilt, made in her own home. Genesee Senator May farmers were put at a disadvantage The commission has been most re- tablish Grange hall, on Oct. 29, voted to es- a committee to make a study and the First National Congress of RABBITS EAT HKADS OFF through National legislation favor- Farm Bureau members and leaders Not Ask Re-election Experiments in rabbit feeding at ing industry other than farming. cently criticised in not having detected of county expenditures as a move Home Project leaders. A conference attending the annual national Farm of Farm Bureau transportation ex- Bureau meeting, as well as hundreds State Senator Peter B. Lennon, of State College have brought to light a To pass these discriminatory laws, and put a stop to certain alleged ir- to Ibring about a better and more perts is scheduled for Dec. 5 and on of city shoppers, will see and be able Genesee county, told a meeting of the probable reason why the rabbit according to my point of view, was regularities of financing by the Fed- general understanding by farmers Dec. 7 the convention proper will get to purchase the products made by Hillsdale County Tax Reduction feeding industry has not succeed- wrong. eral Bond and Mortgage company of of the county's financial problems. under way. League, Nov. 20, that he had made no ed in Michigan. Cost of building a "Any policy that saps the pur- Detroit. This committee, comprising three these enterprising farm women in pound of rabbit weight has been found The new division will also co-operate members, Mrs. Edith M. Wagar, Big Exposition Planned their own homes. plans for seeking re-election to the chasing power of the forty million An "Exposition of Agricultural next State Legislature, according to to increase as the animal grows old- people upon the farm obviously is with bondholders in organizing com- John Welti and John Kirtland, has A competent sales lady will be on been instructed to make a thorough Progress", whose keynote is "Educa- hand to take orders for any of the reports from those who attended the er, the cost ranging from 12c at four an underlying cause of a recurring mittees to act for them, informing study of certain details of county tion and Progress," is to be staged products exhibited and send the or- meeting. Senator Lennon is said to weeks to more than 39c at the sev- business depression that prostrates them of all pertinent facts available during the final three days of the ders to the homes of the makers "who have made no statement as to possi- enth week. Wet mash rations were th.e people in general. surrounding the issue, and aiding in government costs and report the gathering. ble reasons for not becoming a candi- found more economical than dry "Not-with-standing all the claims forming committees lor their protec- committee's findings at regular will, in turn, fill the order and send mash rations. meetings of the Farm Bureau "Wife Savers" which are being the articles to the purchasers, C. and propaganda spread by govern- tion. throughout the winter. rapidly installed on up-to-date Amer- D. ment agencies for the Farm Mar- The commission also will obtain in- The Monroe organization adopted ican farms for the benefit of the National Farm Bureau officials de- Co-operation Is Necessary keting Act, with its pooling and 1 co- formation, if desired, pertaining to a plan of holding monthly meetings American farmer's partner and busi- clare that the products sent in to the Without praising or condemning the new congressman from operative scheme, the proof is con- individuals and their qualifications for ness manager, will be featured ex- Home Industries Display show con- the eighth congressional district of Michigan, the NEWS has clusive that the best business brains service on such committees, including this winter. These meetings are to tensively in the exposition, which has clusively that farm women of Ameri- this to say: that, with a Michael Hart in each congressional dis- that the government could muster, the committees which are now formed. be held in the nature of public dis- been organized to emphasize factors ca are not only artistic, but practical, trict, co-operative agriculture would get more advertising than backed by untold millions, can It is pointed out that the service is cussions. County agricultural ex- and influences contributing to the de- and good business women as well. it has ever had and it would not have to pay any advertising never place agriculture on a parity beyond that required by statute but tension work was given unanimous velopment of agriculture. bill for the information given. with industry by the co-operative the commission believes that these approval of the Farm Bureau at the marketing plan. annual meeting and effort is to be National co-operative marketing as- Mr. Hart has been successful in securing election to con- sociations created under the terms of the Agricultural Marketing Act, will SEEK TO RETAIN gress. He will go to Washington to represent Michigan and, particularly, the eighth district which is largely agricultural. "I am not now opposed to Co-op- private transactions have become an made to find some means of sup- erative Marketing, and I never have object of wide public interest. been. Arrangements have been completed porting the work in the face of the recent refusal of the board o£ for the first time present displays of Regardless of what Michael Hart's personal ideas or opinions accomplishments. Judge William S. Kenyon, Ford A COUNTY AGENT may be, he is one of our congressmen and if, as he permits us to believe, he is strong for agriculture, only the strictest co- "Our firm is probably the oldest carlot buyer of beans still in busi- division. ness in the State. There are many for immediate establishment of the supervisors to appropriate necessary funds for its continuance. Dodge, Iowa, of the United States operation between him and our agricultural agencies and recog- Circuit Court for the eighth federal Gratiot County Farmers And district, will be a speaker at the con- Business Men Set Up nized leaders can accomplish the greatest good at our national capital. firms operating elevators who pre- Farm Week Date Is Set date ours, but I think none who were engaged in the buying and MICHIGAN CORN vention and is scheduled for the In sizing up the new congressman's attacks against the morning session of the convention, Tuesday, Dec. 8. He will talk on cur- Finance Program Michigan State Farm Bureau and Michigan State College, the NEWS observes that the Farm Bureau has organized and con- selling of carlots. I have assisted The week of February 1 to 5 has many co-operatives in the disposing been designated by Michigan State of stock that was not readily College as Farmers Week. The AGAIN IN SHOW rent phases of American life, with A meeting was held at Ithaca stantly assisted co-operative marketing agencies, such as have marketable, and I feel sure that Friday program, this year, is to be stress on the fundamental values that Friday evening, November 13, for been developed in this state and which have enabled producers most of the co-operative elevators a full-day program instead of leav- Borer Quarantine Ban Re- must be preserved. the purpose of discussing and for- to benefit by aid made available from federal and state sources, and associations who have been en- ing this as the "get-away" day. Two moved Through Heat Treat- Judge Kenyon's appearance at the mulating plans for the raising of because the Farm Bureau's interest naturally lies in the welfare gaged in the bean business will tes- similar entertainment programs are great national round-up of organized funds to pay the expenses of main- of Michigan's 167,000 farmers rather than in possibly two hundred tify as to my friendliness. being arranged instead of a single ment of Display Ears agriculture recalls the time ten years taining a County Agricultural agent jobbers, brokers or independent buyers who make their living "What I am opposed to, in the evening's entertainment to avoid a in Gratiot county. by turning Michigan beans from the producers to other pur- ago, in the spring of 1921, when, as first place, is the plan of the Farm recurrence of last year's situation Michigan again is to be represent- United States Senator from Iowa, he A committee of three was ap- chasers. Board and its agencies and the wherein many guests were unable ed in the National Hay and Grain succeeded in organizing the feared pointed to select one man from each Judging the work of Michigan State College by the good it adoption of that plan by the Mich- to find seating accommodations in show at Chicago this year with and hated farm bloc, in the 67th Con- township and city as a committee to have charge of raising rands for has accomplished, the NEWS heartily commends that institution igan State College, which is using Demonstration Hall during the en-corn exhibits. This state has b<KW S SATURDAY, XOVEMBER 98, t»31 Monday evening at 8 comes the pre- Wool Industry Supports sentation • of the A. F. B. F. 1931 Award for Distinguished Service to 3,000,000 Persons in U. S. ROOT CROPS MAKE Agriculture. by Special rates have been arranged Wool, from growing to retailing, railroad companies. Fare-aud- affoids a livlihood for fully 3,00»,- GOOD STOCK FEED Marthy and Hiram By R. S. Clark half ticket coupons are to be issued, 000 persons 'in this country. Slight- Successor to the Michigan Farm Bureau News, founded the fare-and-half rate applying from ly less than 200,000 family bread- Yields Cut Production Costs "Say Marthy." Hiram says, acomiif in, January 12, 1923 winners are employed in the mills "Where did I put that shoulder salve lust Fall?" Dec. 1 t o ^ e c . 9. alone. The various industries pro- Per Ton To Low "That swellin' where Maude's sweat-pad is so thin Entered as second class matter January 12, 1923, a t the postofflce at Charlotte, Michigan, under the Act or March 3, 1879. ducing garments and other articles Figure "Begins to look some like a collar gall." Hart Dislikes Federal of wool employ another L' In the western states alone there are "How should I know where 'tis?" I answers back. East Lansing—Root crops which Published the aecond and fourth Saturday of each month by the Michigan Farm News Company, a t its publication office a t 114 Lovett Co-op Marketing Act 50,000 wool growers. Considering pioduce 20 or more tons of good "Just hunt it up. It's you that put it there." St., Charlotte, Mich. (Continued from page one) the dependents of all these, together feed per acre and which cost less If I kept track of things like he keeps track Editorial and general offices at 221 North Cedar St., Lansing, Mich- the part of the Michigan State Col- with the family members of workers nan $4.00 a ton to grow and harvest I never would know what was anywhere. igan. Postoffice box 708. Telephone, Lansing, 2l«-271. lege aud the leaders of cho Farm employed in other occupations in should be grown more commonly in Bureau to toeftte a feeling amonu which wool is a mainstay, it can Michigan than at present, according Men is made up of habits, good and bad ..Editor and Business Manager the farmers of this State that the readily be seen that the estimate of (The- same is true I reckon, of a mule). E. E. UNGREN their to the farm crops department at Mich- Each lacks some traits you wish he had man. who ships their produce in ::,000.000 persons deriving sustenance from the s'heep's fleece igan State College. And Hiram's no exception to the rule. Subscription 50 cents per year in advance some way is robbing him. Farmers who live in sections where \ "1 also desire to call the attention is conservative. He simply can't keep track of anything— corn will not mature enough to make of the existing co-operative eleva- good silage can use roots instead. The Loses bis glasses almost every night— Vol. IX SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 No. 22 tors to the menace of the actions of the Michigan State College. They have sent agents paid from tax money into territory already s< 3 THINGS MAKE kinds usually grown are rutabagas, mangels, or carrots. These crops con- tain from SO to 90 per cent water but I let him hunt an hour one night last Spring And all tho time they lay right in plain sight. r Oh! Yes! Now We Understand. The eagle eye espied the mouse but let the hare escape. by farmers' co-operatives and en- deavored to substitute their scheme A CO-OP STRONG the dry matter in the crop has the same feeding value pound as the dry matter in corn silage. for pound If he's said "Marthy. where's my night shirt?" once He has a thousand times; and maybe more. Yet. though he never finds it when he hunts; Daily papers, with their ever watchful eyes trained on the and compel these co-operatives to It hangs there just inside the closet door. annual meeting of the Michigan State Farm Bureau, as on all an- put their ( produce through a farm Roots Wisconsin Dean Emphasizes livestock which makes them more have a conditioning value for nual meetings of general importance, settled upon points of more board agency whether they desired And I can talk of what we want to do or less trivial consequence and spouted to the skies about them to do so or not. Manager, Membership, desirable for feeding than the actual For hours and he won't hear a word I say while some of the really worth-while and tremendously important '"Ihese propagandists from the Cash Reserve on tent of nutrients would indicate. All evening long. He'll read the paper through work of the resolutions committee evidently "went over their Michigan State College are organiz- Stockmen who exhibit at fairs an,d And then just set and snore his life away. heads." ing the farmers in uneconomic Madison, Wis.— A good manager, livestock breeders use roots to keep schemes which are bound under the a strong membership contract, and their stock in good condition. Car- My land, he can't tell when my birthday is Because somebody in the meeting reprimanded an individual conditions which they must oper- an adequate reserve are three essen- rots are especially valuable for feed- Or when's our weddin' anniversary! or a group, the daily news was full of reports of the matter while, ate, to result in disastrous failure tials which every co-operative or- ing to horses. How any man can have a mind like his in the same session, Michigan's sound-minded agricultural leaders with a loss of funds to the stock- ganization needs lor success, Dean And yet seem fairly healthy, I don't see! Deep, fertile, well-drained clay loam were struggling desperately to focus public attention on what they holder Chris. L. Christensen of the Wis- )r sandy loam are ideal for the root Most every wife I've ever asked replied saw to be the greatest and the gravest matter confronting their "The Government by bureaus is consin college of agriculture, for- crops, which need a comparatively industry and the other industries of Michigan and yet no wide- becoming a menace to this country. merly If she'd a-had the makin' of her man secretary of the Federal loose soil for the formation of their spread news went forth pointing to these deliberations of the Why should a few bureaucrats be Farm Board, explained to one of the roots. The ground should contain Before his brain grew up and ossified Farm Bureau. than the average citizen? In state co-operatives when it met here plenty of humus and be able to re- She would have somewhat modified his plan. Apparently the work of the Farm Bureau has begun to sink all history governmental bureaus recently. tain moisture. Root crops should not By adding little traits of character in and after a week or more from the time the resolutions com- have always been slow, generally Referring to tho choice of a man- be grown on the same ground more And sowing seeds of habits here and there mittee's report had been adopted, we find at least one very im- stupid and sometimes corrupt. ager as a matter of first import- often than once in three years. To make him just the very man for her; portant daily newspaper, The Detroit News, coming forth with a "Undoubtedly the culminating ance, the Dean pointed out that the Roots keep well in storage either in A helpmeet that would simply wear and wear. splendid editorial, commending the Farm Bureau for its action folly of the ever growing system of matter of price . arrangements with cellars or pits. They should be stored- regarding financial and credit matters. bureaucracy is the Farm Board dealers is an important activity of Now I, like all the rest of womankind, in places where it is convenient to Had the annual meeting been a meeting of financial wizards with its almost unlimited power to many associations which makes it Was quite denied that privilege in the start, •4 spend 5<>0 million dollars In the necessary that the manager toe a remove them as they are needed fcr and they had offered some such resolution or presentation of the And later, when I should have used my mind supposed aid of the American farm- man of rare tact iind business abili- feed. I listened to the dictates of my heart. situation in the light offered by the Farm Bureau, there might Complete directions for growing er. It represents bureaucracy in its ty. have appeared some measure of reason for reluctance on {he part root crops are contained in Special most indefensible form. Acting as Likewise to ^obtain 'bargaining With what results? Oh well, it's not so bad. of newspapers to withhold expression on the resolutions b^t when banker it loans at nominal rates of power, a co-operative must have a Bulletin No. 216 which can be ob- We've got along for almost thirty years; we get dirt farmers sincerely expressing their views on the great- interest to farmer co-operatives to good membership contract, for with- tained from the Bulletin Clerk at Thru storm and sunshine; happy times and sad est emergency matter of the day, this should have made the big enable them to compete with the out it the bargaining power would Michigan State College. Yet never shed a washtub-full of tears. news of their meeting. established marketing agencies of be a mere myt'hj. But even member- We believe the Detroit News editorial of November 19 is worthy of reproduction in its entirety, especially since it is shown in the final paragraph that it has no real reason for puffing the farm the country, which have been built ship contracts must up with infinite period of eighty years. patience over a with ample reserve funds in order be supported to bargain to advantage, Christen- BROKER CAUGHT And on the average Hiram's mighty good He never jaws me back, but plugs along And mostly does as I wish't he should organization except for its meritorious efforts. The editorial fol- lows: "Last week an organization which is representative of one of "Thus the nominal processes of sen has found. trade are disorganized and energies of the individual paralized. A reserve fund for a co-operative he likened to a savings fund for a IN $800 THEFT And when he doesn't—maybe I was wrong. Forgetfulness ain't much to cry about I can remember well enough for two. the State's greatest industries adopted in annual session the fol- "They have forced small and suc-family which is used to meet un- U. S. Acts Under Produce I guess I better go and take him out lowing as the first of its recommendations to its members. cessful co-operatives into their expected expenses. Without a re- That salve, the way he wanted me to do. national organizations making spec- serve fund largB enough to meet un- Law If Shippers Find "We believe that the withdrawal of funds from the banks ulators out of these successful co- forseen expenses, a co-operative of our State as the result of unfounded rumor has been large- ly responsible for the bank failures which have occurred. We operatives. If these co-operatives which is otherwise strong might be Fraud were to pay their loans today to the unable to weather a period of stress, urge farmers and citizens everywhere to recognize that those Federal Farm Board of the Stabili- the dean explaine i. Reserve funds Lansing—In its Nov. 22, 1930, edi- of its kind and represents the com- banks which have withstood the acid test of recent months zation Corporation on wheat, cotton, serve not only to tide over short tion the Michigan Farm News describ- Explosives In Agriculture, bined knowledge of outstanding have earned the confidence and support of the public and we appeal to the public to realize that, a further withholding of canned goods and many other com- periods of difficulty, but, as he ob- ed three years administration of the New Handbook For Farmers agricultural explosives experts and modities," they would be entirely serves, it improve:; the business U. S. Produce Agency Act whereby 20 years of their study, experimen- support is merely prolonging the interval which must elapse wiped out. It is to this form of co- standing of an association and helps hippers have a means of investigat- tal and field work. before final recovery. Where any lingering doubt exists as to operative marketing that I am op-prevent many market "Explosives in Agriculture" is difficulties ing, punishing commission men who the condition of some one bank, we suggest that deposits be posed. the title of thorough-going book that come to weak organizations. defraud them. divided temporarily among several banks, thus minimizing any "If Bureaucratic Government can just published by the Institute of Sheep In Virginia In 1609 risks, real or imagined. To those who can not accept the Other advantages attributed to a There are 40,000 shippers, dealers, Makers of Explosives, 103 Park coerce farmers into co-operative reserve fund were that of serving wisdom of this policy, we most urgently recommend that they marketing, how long will it be be-as a kind of business insurance and brokers and commission merchants Avenue, New "i ork City, and which The career of wool in this country avoid the risks of theft and fire, as well as total loss of in- fore it will attempt to force the at the same time making it possible engaged in the produce business in is available to farmers, who apply dates from the importation of a come, by purchasing United States Government bonds from farmer into co-operative farming, for a co-operative to enlarge its ser- this country. It is inevitable that to the Institute for assistance in small flock of sheep into James- their local bankers, thus insuring themselves of the highest the same as the- Russian Soviet vices to the members. These cash among such a number there are some farm improvement problems. Copies town, Virginia, from England in margin of safety that is obtainable and at the same time system." who cheat and steal. Today, all such have been sent to county agricul- 1609. By 1649, according to the reserves likewise make it possible only seemingly authentic records releasing much needed cash that would otherwise be hoard- handlers of produce must have a Fed- tural agents. for a co-operative to command the ed." eral license and are responsible to The book shows how improve- available, there were 3,000 sheep in 2 Billion Industry respect of other co-operatives and the U. S. Dep't of Agriculture. ments can be made in fields and il- the colonies. "It may surprise the reader to learn that this sound advice When every primary and secon- those with whom they deal. Following is a Produce Act fraud lustrates by drawings and diagrams comes not from an association of bankers or a committee of pro- dary division, together with tfce re- how to go abouit it; considerable in- fessional depression exorcists, but from the representatives of the case tried in New York City recently, tail phase is considered, it is a fair SHELLS KEEP WELL, PROPERLY reported by the U. S. Dep't of Agri- formation is given on the use and Michigan State Farm Bureau in annual meeting at Lansing. "Expressing as it does, the considered judgment of a class of the population which certainly has not suffered less than others from the business maladjustment and which by common rumor has been pone to seek radical and sometimes fantastic remedies estimate that a two billion dollar annual turn-over wool. is attributed to STORED That modern ammunition can be culture Bureau of Agricultural Eco- handling of the various explosives kept a long time and still be used nomics October 7, 1931, and which at- with safety if not subjected to too tracted wide interest among the pro- much moisture or too much heat was duce trade there: used on farms. It is the first book Farmers' Buying FIRE Losses last year in the State of For the past five years nearly It is related to three carloads of Michigan alone amounted to more for economic ills, this recommendation gives added testimony to the sober and thoughtful attitude of the average citizen during 250,000 acres of farm land has been recently proved when shells 16 years lettuce and one car of strips: beans, abandoned annually in New York old were tested by engineers. A shell released to Wm. Clark, Jr., by the Guide than $2,000,000. There is only one answer to this terrible menace. these trying months. The economic storm has made it hard for with 3*4 drams of powder developed Rates on Application him to keep on his course, and he is convinced of the need of some state. a mean velocity of 892 f. s. and a Rocky Mountain Produce Co., Denver, a|t Buy Protection new aids to navigation, but he has not laid down the oars, much mean pressure of 10,000 pounds. Colo., during August, 1930, to be Vrnina P*»*>rJp. D o Y o u Possess To prove to yourself that gootl, less has he attempted to rock the boat. These results compare favorably with handled on consignment. (OUng reopie Business Worth? reliable insurance is more than just another insurance policy, we "The patience with which the employes have accepted fewer • POOR PA present day ammunition. Ben Balish, in the name of Wm. rtu can turn your time into value with >s. LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Clark, Jr., reconsigned the cars to 30 W. Ionia, Lansing. invite you to investigate the "blanket" policy we write—it is a hours, with which stockholders have accepted cut dividends, and CLAUDE CALLAX A t broad and liberal policy that give's another dealer in New York City. The K«»m« Lansing. Many you most protection at actual cost. with which depositors in closed banks have accepted loss, has xvcrua. years farm organi- fraud became apparent upon compar- been due not so often to discouragement and resignation as to an AUNT HET sation headquarters. Comfort at easy ing the accounts sales rendered to prices. N. Grand at Mich. Center of city. IT. K. FISK, Secretary intelligent understanding, not of the causes of the bad times, but By ROBERt QU1LLK.V Cafeteria, garage, Rates $1.50 to $3. 702 Church St. Flint, Mich. of the fact that the situation demands the loyal co-operation of Wm. Clark, Jr., with those rendered all good citizens. We have heard of an automobile company in the name of Wm. Clark, Jr., to the BEAUTIFULLY whose employes volunteered to take a lower hourly rate sa that it Rocky Mountain Produce Co. It was DESIGNED ^ State Itlutual Rodded Fire J could cut the price of its product to meet the demands of a de- shown in court that the Rocky monuments of the most beautiful granite ® Insurance Co., of Itlich. ~j flated market. There are numerous corporations operating at a Mountain Produce Co. should have and marble. Call or write. We employe ^ ~ \ no salesmen. You save the difference. HOME ornce—FUINT. MICH. / - ^ loss in order that those who depend on its payroll may not feel received net proceeds of $943.92, Largest monument works in Western the last incli of want. And how often this year have the <\ whereas they actually received but Michigan. SIMPSON GRANITE WORKS, 1358 W. Leonard, Grand Rapitis. tors inabank forced to suspend by "frozen" assets i:, $149.04. resolutions of confidence in the bank's officers? Both defendants plead not guilty "These are not the propitiating gestures ol p beaten and later changed their plea to panic-stricken people. They are significant movements ol i "guilty". The following sentences YOU CREATE AN ESTATE IMMEDIATELY WITH ageous citizens whose erstwhile care-free confidence aofcd were imposed: have been hammered by misfortune into generous unden.uumin^ On Ben Balish, $150 ftne on each of and resolute determination. Of these movements, that which is three counts and nine months in the Legal Reserve Life Insurance voiced in the Farm Bureau resolution is but another and by no "You can't tfet any sympathy out house of detention, jail sentence to be means the least significant. of me about your t;i\rs," Ma says. suspended, provided he pays to the Paid for in Small Installments "Taxes *iever cost you otio single, Rock Mountain Produce Co. within "The News has often differed from the policies and aims of solitary rent." two weeks two-thirds of the net the State Farm Bureau, and will probably do so in the future, but "What this town needs most is a "What you mean, mama?" I few first class funerals. Ever* time amount of which the shipper was de- it seems to us that no more sound and timely recommendations risked. 'Tin payin' taxes all the we try to build a new school house frauded, of $529.92, but to be on for the guidance of bank depositors in times of stress has come time." probation for a period of six months. from any sqourcc than those which we reproduce above."' "No, you're not," .Ma declared. "I'm or put in a library or do anything • uplift the heathen among us, - There are several plans one miglit use to build an estate. Clark was fined $50 on each of three payin' 'em for you. When I wanted a Bill an" Jim throw back their heads counts and given 30 days in the house Some people rely on a savings program. Others invest a The Children's Hour new coat there was a tax lull to pay. an' howl about taxes. If ever' body of detention, jail sentence to be sus- part of their earnings in real estate or in securities such 1 dirt without the coat an' the money was like them, we'd still lie livin' in pended provided he pay to Rocky as stocks or bonds, but the difficulty with all of these plans ildren have a right to some time of their own. At least an went for taxes. When I wanted a trees. is that none of them can be depended on to guarantee an hour a day should be theirs to work or play, as they see fit, with- m;w dress there WJIK another tax bill, Mountain Produce Co. within two out lessons to do, errands to run, or younger brothers or sisters an' I [Taid it by doin' without a new "The trouble with both of "em is weeks one-third of the amount in- estate always available and that will pay 100 cents on the that they have Epanaged to make a dollar. to watch. Youngsters appreciate this hour of freedom at a far dress." livin' without no education an' ain't volved, or $264.96. The evidence was earlier age than most adults realize. If they find that older peo- developed by O. N. Harsha of the reg- "I'm very sorry—" I began. got sense enough to know what ulatory branch of the Bureau of Agri- Contracts issued by the State Farm Life Insurance Com- ple have respect for their time and they are expected to respect "It always seems to me," Ma says, they're misHin'. "that you're fdad to have taxes as an pany are especially adapted to fit the needs of those who that of their elders, there will be fewer displays of temper and "Ignorant folks don't blight a com- cultural Economics, U. S. Department wish to obtain both protection and a savings investment at less unwillingness to help when the free hour is over. excuse for not Kivin' me the money I munity much if they know they're of Agriculture. n.cil. I think you'd he upset if I was Ignorant. They've got gumption a very reasonable rate paid in small installments semi- Keeping the child out of mischief when he is free to do as he to ask / o r a few dollars an' you enough to let somebody else take the England Made It Hard annually. It is the only thing bought on the installment pleases depends on the way he is treated during the rest of the didn't nave a tax bill to tell me lead. plan which does not depreciate while the payments are be- day. The parent who makes a point of interesting the child in abou; "But you let a man quit school in To Manufacture Wool ing made and which becomes more and more valuable as occupations that suit his age and experience, and are wholesome "Xow,' mama," 1 says, "you know the third ' make a little time goes on. for him, is much more likely to have normal, happy, and easy-to- well eninigh—" money in spite o' not knowin' 'a' from Because England had forbidder live-with children than the parent who watches every move for "I know that I never net anything 'bull-foot', an" nine times in ten he the export of textile machinery fear the child will do something wrong. I want," Ma says, "an1 I'm tired of gets to thlnkin* lie's an important heavy penalties being stipulated for hearin' 3011 pity yourself about the citizen an' tries to botfa thin violation, the United States, direct- Many Michigan People C. B. Smith. I'. S. Kxtension Service. money you pay put for taxes. I'm the one to Be pitied, i need a new hat know that Ignor "He's so ignorant he don't even n affliction. ly after the Revolution, was hard put to secure essential equipment State Farm To Go To Chicago Meet M. L. Wilson, Professor of Econom- right iv/w, but of course you If as smart as anybody, an' to meet the rapidly growing apparel ;) ics, Montana Agricultural College. Benjamin H. Hibbard, Professor of a unique appeal for those who hear Economics, University of Wisconsin. some taxes to pay." "This special tax lias to be paid you can't show him how dumb he is requirements of the young nation. because be ain't uot sense enough to In 1778 Jeremiah \Ya dsworth Life Insurance Co. this month," I explained. understand it. erected the first woolen factory in Bloomington, 111. him . vention. Simeon E. Leland, Professor of Eco- this country employing more than \ "Well, take my hat an' pay it." "A town that's got two of 'em is Ntted l.eadd-s to Speak nomics, University of Chicago. s, "but don't ever try to make off than an armless man with one loom. In 1790 there were three Other prominent national lead- the itch, an' we ain't got no chance woolen mills in operation, with a be Included in the convention pro- Mrs. Frank Evans, attorney at law. me believe that men pay the taxes. Charles S. Brown, Field Servi< i If all hutu>«iids are like you, the taxes to make pi until the roll is total capacity ol about l.'.'Mio yards Michigan State Farm Bureau gram of speak pert. Federal Farm Board. of this country are paid by wive* an1 called up yonder an' they answer per year, valued at $7.".,000. At State Agent Lansing, Mich. ii. member Federal by wives only." nt\" Byfield, AIUKS.. in 179 4, the first in- Professors Wilson and Hibban! will . fd. I, Publishers Synil.1 corporated woolen company wa be heard at the Monday afternoon (Copyright 1931, Publishers Synd.) ernor sion. tablisihed in the United States. SATTKT) AY, NOVEMBER 28, 1031 3TICHIGAX FARM NEWS uomic evils of mass production. contraption that James Watt had College THE STEW POT Secret First Spinning Jenny The roller-spinning frame is said dedicated to industrial progi. Invented by Carpenter to have been evolved by Arkwright. the steam engiuo Does Potato We are told that there is nothing Of Being v The frame was driven by water- Make A Favor so wrong but that some good may In 1764 the first spinning jenny power and factories were built on n delicate glassware can be BO particular good coming out of a Well Dressed come out of it. Farm folks can see was built. It was the product of the banks and streams. A decade safely washed in very hot water if later came the spinninsr-mule, a Christinas practice which requires the worth of Bfaat I-ansing —One inexpensive 5 bushels of corn or 1% bushels of way in which housewives can boost wheat or a good-sized hen or about 50 prevailing fashion and discarding James Hargraves *8< iBlackburn. Choosing the best features of the England, and operated 8 spindles. combination The invention came about through frame. Dr. of the jenny and the slipped in on the side rather than Edmund Cartwright, a bottom first. The sudden expansion mechanical will cause it to crack when the latter Merry Kentish clergyman Michigan products is by the use of pounds of milk to pay for the Satur- the rest is one of the secrets of be- an accident. Hargraves. a .'arpen- leanings, invented the machine loom method is used. potatoes which may be utilized in day night's hair-cut and shave. ing well-dressed, according to Mrs.ter, happened to stumble against driven by water-power, and shortly Ruth Randolph of the University of the Saxony spinning wheel belong- afterwards, Samuel Cunliffe Lester with everything from soup to candies, With Wool Michigan State College nutrition Others will never believe that farm Wisconsin. specialists are advising the public folks are going through the hardest "Even though the Empress En- ing to his wife. In repairing it, the thought occurred to him that by Eggs In Storage devised the wool combing machine, (old storage holdings of eggs in October were equal to tin through the press as follows: genie hat is too small and curved setting the spindle vertically, ir completing the mechanical cyi le be- and tightest places they ever exper- in line for your well rounded head; might be adapted to work upon tbe tween, the raw product and the fin- holdings at the same time during GIFTS Miss Boberta Hershey, Michigan ienced, if we take time to quarrel State College coming to you should have a brim operated one hun- ished cloth. All this occurred be- Ion nutrition among ourselves all along the way.even though a hat to be most be- manifold system. His fifth jenny, tween 1770 and 1785, when the cent less than last year. That's ntade in 17Ct», -ist fi\ t but ten per There's a wool present that will specialist. offers a few dilT fit every person and every pocket- ways of preparing potatoes—souf- and should omit feathers and trail- dred spindles. He was mobbed by robots were yolked to the seething better. If a half dozen barbers in each ing bows, you can, AeverfheteM, indignant spinners—who nny or / book. Suppose every person inter- fle, a la 'iohlonrod, soup, muffins, township can make a nation submit take advantage of the slanting line mav not have envisioned th« eco- ested in wool should buy at least Spanish, Oak Hill, diamond.-; and to B universal charge, what might 1 3Of the new hat fashions. This line three all-wool Christmas gifts this Dutch. of the nation's population do it they is in itself one of the most flatter- year—the whole industry would Potato Miillins I For the potato muffins 1 '.• C. but thought as one? ing for most fact's. It hides ir- benefit! flour, y2 t. suit and 4 t. baking pow- Thousands of men and women der an sifted together. To 1 C. lar features, lengthens a round If only our farmers fully realized face and has a certain 'da-ir of its Patronize MICHIGAN BELL throughout the country who are cold mashed potato add % cup milk how very much certain interests own", .Mrs. Randolph .said. interested in wool are joining in a and stir until well mixed. Combine wantedsame above all things to keep Another aid to good taste in dress fanners unorganized or is simplicity. these Co-ops TELEPHONE CO* program to make other people to two mixtures and then add twoin a rebellious mood if organized, "Many a ten dollar dress can be Co-operattr* bnjftaf is to farmers happy-with wool Christmas pres- well beaten e. I 2 T. n the folly of made to look like a more expensive what purchasing depnrt- ents. shortening. Pli mffin staving by themselvessee most of them would iiM'ufs are to ]jirs;<* corporations. v tins ami ba,k< in a moderate oven friction within their ranks.of allowing edition merely by subtracting a bow Fsirui Hunan Products yi>»« jou or 'il~> degrees K. about. 30 minute*, o,r a half dozen or so of flnupcessary dollar tahu's not obtained else- LET US SUGGEST Potato S«l