On KEEP UP Navni Interesting to Throuoh Farm Newt DEALERS THINK 12 C Farm FAKSi Bureau Objects FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR MICHIGAN A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 mas FIVE CTJNTS PER COPY THE NEWS A Progressive Newspaper For Michigan Farm Homes Issued Semi-Monthly; Bitter Linseed-Resin ILLINOIS ENACTS WILL BE THEIR TOP To Federal Sales Tax Washington—The American Farm East Paint Repels Rabbits Lansing—Michigan S t a l e Col- INCOME TAX TO OFFER FOR WOOL Bureau is opposing the sales tax as one which will be paid by those least able to pay it and will allow big in- finds that linseed oil and resin, mixed together at fairly high temper a t u r e , a n d a p p l i e d t o t h e b a r k of fruil AID REAL ESTATE come to escape. The Bureau says re- trees is a harmless and effective re- Farmers' Wool Pool Sending duce exemptions and limit deductions pellant for rabbits. Thirty-two rab- Funds Apply To Schools To Many Sacks For The which enabled corporations having bits confined this winter to a small 130 billions gross income in 1929 to orchard containing treated and un- Relieve Property Dollar 1932 Pool declare 118 billions not taxable. Raise treated trees chewed plenty o{ bark For Dollar inheritance and gift taxes, which are 'rom the untreated but wouldn't Lansing—Michigan Co-operative on unearned wealth, and there will be ouch those that had been painted. Chicago—The State of Illinois has Wool Marketing Ass'n said March 25 no need for a sales tax, the Bureau that it is not yet ready to make a enacted a State income tax, effective observes. final announcement regarding a warehouse at Lansing, in the mean- time it is sending sacks to pool mem- MONROE COMPARES July l, 1932, the proceeds of which are to he deposited in the Public bers for their clips. Shipping in- structions will follow. Farmers may sepure information on the Ass'n pool and marketing con- MICHIGAN BEAN TAXES AND PRICES, School fund of the State treasury to reduce or replace dollar for dollar taxes now collected from real and tracts by writing Sec'y C. L. Brody at 221 No. Cedar street, Lansing. Liberal cash advance win be made as usual. GROWERS REPORT ASKS QUESTIONS personal property for school pur- poses. The bill was enacted Feb. 2 and signed by Governor Emerson Feb. New» that wooj buyers believe 12 cents will be their top price is ex- pected to increase interest in the pool. A series of Wool Ass'n meet- 2,000 MEMBERS Taxes Doubled, Income Halv- 22. The State income tax was presented to the Illinois Legislature by organ- ings is to be announced shortly. 50% In 16 Locals Are Using ed, Farm Bureau Speaks ized farmers in the 1927, 1929, 1931 sessions and lost by narrow nuuglim 12c Say Buyers Pool Method Of To Point each time. lousing—Michigan Wool Dealers Ass'n im-HiiiK a t Lansing March 1 •"> Marketing In June l!t::i t:ix distre.sa reached Monroe—Monroe County Farm Bu- such proportions thai the Governor eemej to b<> agreed without saying reau at a meeting early in March of Illinois called a conference of all so in so many words that 12 cents Saginaw—From nothing to 16 ac- which resulted in a com- compared county and local V.I23 public a pound probably will be their top tive bean growers ass'ns totaling some 2,000 members, with local co- expenses with those of 1931 and asked mittee of l l beitig charged with malt- county officers questione that, .suggest- Ing a report on what to do. !()!• WO()1. \'rl d by local wool buyers operative bean processing and hand- Eight of the committee were from ed means for economy. The chair- at the opening of tbo l!i:J2 season ling facilities, with 50% of the mem- man of the county board of supervis- Cook Co., including Chicago, and three have ranged from 15 cents and down bers using the pool sales method of downstate men, one of whom ors was present, and answered ID around 1 (» or 11 rents per pound. marketing beans, and having the was Karl C. Smith, president of the tions on county tax matters. They said the trend is to grade Michigan Elevator Exchange as its Illinois Agr'l Ass'n, which is the than in previous seasons. sales agent, State and local ass'n di- The comparison, presented by Mrs. Farm Bureau In that State. After 4 The wool dealers claimed to be at rectors of the Michigan Bean Grow- Wagar showed that between 1923 and months study the committee made re- sea as to H»32 opening prices, stat- ers, Inc., meeting at Saginaw last 1931 the State tax had almost doubled; commendations wh; steers SS to $9-$4 to property taxes paid in proportion to uro'und 1~r/r last season as against trade. Neil Bass, manager of the Ele- • and milk $2.S.>$1.I;1. Income from the property. If half in 1921. This condition means vator Exchange bean dep't, explained A list of questions prepared by Mrs. of any person's net income is derived ••< r discounts lor such wool they the selling of the beans. said. A. B. Love, state college marketing Tihe local buyers warned all wool specialist, discussed successful trade • >>rs that clean production and and membership policies as they •areful shearing and preparation of might apply to the Michigan Bean pleasure fy EA. O'Neal Editor's Note—The Farm News takes tion and assistance to insure the tion has builded a program designed Wagar was discussed at length. These from tax paying property, his com- questions which were to be asked of puted income tax may be reduced the township supervisor or the county one-half, etc. Taxes on one's home clerk, included: How much tax exempt may be deducted, but not in excess of in presenting to Farm Bureau real estate in county and township, $100. General property taxes may be wool will be necessary to make sales Growers, Inc. Following are themembers in Michigan President O'Neal's well-being of agriculture, its basic to bring about equality for agricul- in face of competition by Australian Bean Growers locals: message to Farm Bureau members. The industry. This national failure has ture. And unless our program is what is its value? How many non- deducted from gross income, as in the illustration and text are from the April taxpayers in township and county? Federal income tax. wools. number of tlie Bureau Farmer, American permitted great selfis,h interests to carried out, it is inevitable that the The emergency freight Auburn Bean Growers Ass'n rate in- Bay City Bean Growers Ass'n Farm Bureau publication. rob agriculture of its just rights, American farmer will become a slave How much does each election cost and It is estimated that the act will im- j Farm people have been driven to to the land. We will lose the very how can this amount be reduced? mediately remove from general prop- r cre/MM granted the railroads recent- Breckenridge Bean Growers Ass'n ly will como out of the farmer in i'ass City Bean Growers Ass'n HERE is only, one way to re- poverty that other groups might fibre of our nation and I regret ex How much does hospitalization erty one-third of the State levy in re- Decker Bean Growers Ass'n this way: It will cost $1.01 per cwt. llemlook Ceia Bean Growers Ass'n store happiness and prosperity wax sleek and fat. ceedingly to say that there are today the township and how much the cent years, according to the Illinois to ship Michigan wool to the seaboard Bean Growers Ass'n that rightfully belongs, to your "The individual farm has been selfish and vicious interests in this county, what are doctor's fees? Agr'l Ass'n. .Ml. Pleasant-Isabella Co., Bean Gr. in carlots as against 02 cents last Ass'n farm home. That way is through pitted in economic war against high- nation who openly express the hope How many units of government are Less than carlots will take Marietta Bean Growers Ass'n the organized power of farm men ly organized and centralized finan- that the farm people will soon be there in the county and is there any I am not bound to win, but I am Middleton Bean Growers Ass'n and women of the nation working cial and industrial croups and thecome agricultural slaves and serfs. another 40 cents per 100 lbs., the Merrill Bean Growers Ass'n duplication of duties? Are there any bound to be true. I am not bound to Mun&er Bean Growers Ass'n together in everything that will individual farm could not but lose. "Pages of statistics and figures wool dealer said. Pinoonning-No. Bay Bean Gr. Ass'n mothers receiving pensions whose succeed, but I am bound to live up mean more profit In the farming in- could be quoted to demonstrate the Wool Dealer Ass'n officers for the Saginaw Bean Growers Ass'n "Your organization—tne Farm amount should be reduced because of to what light I have. I must stand dustry and more happiness In rural Bureau—county, state and national, inequality under which the farn ending March 15, 1933 are M. AValertown Snover Bean Growers Ass'n Bean Growers Ass'n children becoming of age? How with anybody that stands right.—> ;. Sturgis, Fowler, president, E. C. living. has been created to meet his situa- people of this nation labor and live much do electric lights on the high- Abraham Lincoln.JU Smith, Ovid, vice president; Alvin "Today, great forces, some world- tion. Farm people have realized, as TJiey are not needed. You on you ways, in parks and in schools cost? Little, Kalamazoo, secretary. Children's books, and others which wide In scope, are moving to the de- few others in the nation have, that own farm, facing the facts of today Are they all necessary? What is the To dry a woolen sweater when. are handled a great deal, may be struction of that which you hold not only the well-being of the farms having gone through the bitter ex washed in cold weather, lay a white bonded indebtedness of your township, cloth over the register and put the periences of the past few years Commercially, seas do not divide, protected from water spots and most dear—your farm and your but the continued prosperity and ad- know these things only too well. Al county and school district and how sweater on it. This hastens the they unite. The Seaway will bring finger marks with a coat of clear farm home. vancement of our nation depended "This nation has failed to provide, upon agriculture being restored to a of the talbles and charts of the statis does your own 1923 tax compare with process and keeps the sweater in the continents of the world 1,300 varnish. A varnished cover washes (Continued on page 3) your 1931 tax? .shape. miles closer to the Midwest. easily. in its national policy, proper protec- basis of equality. Your organiza- Demand $ 1OO in Panic; Bank Must Call $ 1 ,OOO in Loans cent stamp, in safety; but to send the to meet all requirements for basic been busy for more than two years philosophy behind the order. It does O'Brien, a thousand dollars in credit? Credit Situation Shows The same amount in currency by mail is an awkward and costly operation. money in America. Crisis Finds Banks Unprepared in an endeavor to prove the public not occur to him to wonder why he The bank can take the note of any is wholly to blame for the debacle; did not go to the paying teller when of these men, for a thousand dollars, Need of Managed Currency During the World War many thous- ands of patriotic men and women sub- Such prognostications and discus sions can be found si altered through while they try to erase all memories he wanted to get a thousand dollars. give him a check book, and let him, of their fine-spun theorizing. Mr. Jones deposits his note, and the start his normal round of paying scribed for government bonds, which the technical magazines of 1923-4-5-6- Checks Explain Credit Expansion bank credits him on its books with bills; and yet the bank can feel se- were delivered through banks and However, the use of checks is the the amount less the interest. He is cure in the knowledge that a hundred Wilson Says Federal Reserve System Has Failed paid for in installments. This taught 7-8 and into 1929. Unfortunately they are written in the professional jargon device that makes it possible for a given a check book. It is unlikely dollars in cash will be ample to han- Public in Regulating Supply of Money; millions 6f people to open bank ;ic- ounts and use checks instead Of cash. bank to loan "credit" in a volume that he will take a dollar of cash out dle any emergency that may arise, in four or live or even ten and twelve of the bank when he leaves. He will conjunction with the loan, through- Used Twice in 8 Years to Depress Housemaids deposited their wages [g times as great as the cash on hand. go to his office or his home and write out the entire cycle of use and until oumiercial banks and carried check Take any bank statement you may checks to pay the obligations thai he note is paid. Prices and Wages >ooks of their own. Truck drivers have. You will find an item "Loans and caused him to borrow the "credit". The Answer _____ •""tide which appeared in the columns ind newsboys opened bank accounts Discounts" and another item "Cash The men who receive Mr. J< The answer to the question is: — By LUCIUS E. WILSON md paid their personal expense with on Hand and Due from Banks". The checks do not rush to the bank and of the Farm News recently but if will Loans and Discounts will be any-ask for cash. They, too, have the when a bank has a hundred thousand It is extremely difficult to umler- help the reader to review the essen- •hecks. where Prom four to twelve times the check book habit. They deposit Mr. lollars of cash in its vaults, it can 1'reiliHnl ( a s h A Curiosity cash item. In passing, it should be Jones' checks, and the bank gives safely loan a million dollars of "cre- tand how a bank can "loan money' tial points in another way. This check hook habit continued to io a customer far in excess of all the If all the buying and selling of the said that the bank makes its money, them a credit on its books, meanwhile dit" to its customers, provided time* •ash the bank has on hand unless one people was done with hand money— grow even after the War. The use by loaning "credit", which it creates. debiting are normal. The bank charges inter- >f cash did not increase with the Mr. Jones' account. Of est on the million dollars of credit is experienced in modern banking if every transaction was carried If the bank could loan nothing but practice. through by the immediate payment of growth of population and business; course the checks may be deposited in the actual cash, it would be an un-other banks than Mr. Jones' but under that it loans. You can figure that a on the contrary there was less cash The average citizen knows almost cash—a bank could not loan a dollar changing hands ta 1!>2S than before. profitable undertaking. There would normal conditions that makes no prac- well managed bank, under ordinary nothing about the management of unless it had the actual dollar in cash, The use of checks made money less be no enormously expensive banking tical difference because Mr. Jones' bank onditions, receives the current rate ready for the borrower the minute he palaces in big cities or small ones. of interest (which may vary from 4% •>anks, and the subject seems very signed his note. Under such circum- and less necessary in the ordinary will receive for deposit checks on the to 8% or more) on one hundred dol- < omplex when explained in print. So when Mr. Jones goes to the other banks; and so the banks merely lars of credit, for each ten dollars of stances if Mr. Jones went to the bank transactions of the business day. Therefore, the public 'turns from bank for a loan, he does not ask forexchange checks at the close of each cash in its possession. This explains and borrowed a thousand dollars, he This phenomenon attracted the atten- •lie subject with a sigh and leaves the would sign his note and walk out of tion of professors of economics and cash. In fact, he does not want cash business day. If any cash is trans- the huge profits that many banks whole matter of monetary and bank- the bank with a thousand dollars in business administration. All sorts of at all. It would be inconvenient to ferred from one bank to another, it have enjoyed. ing laws in the hands of the super- currency stowed away in bis pocket. predictions were being made in 1928 load his pockets with cash, and then will be only that small amount need- walk around the city paying bills, or ed to effect a balance after the chocks Different in Smaller Communities tankers of New York whose selfish The bank could not loan to him un- to the effect that, we, as a people, To prevent any misunderstanding, interests are so vast they can afford less it had the money right there on would dispense with the use of cash wrapping it in sealed packages and are set off against each bank. The to employ the shrewdest lawyers, the the counter. altogether, except for very minor in- sending it by registered mail to hit amount of cash that actually moves the reader should be told that the creditors. banks in the smaller cities and vil- most skillful publicity men, and the cidents. between banks in the same city is so lages, cannot loan such a high ratio Growth of Cheek System What Mr. Jones wants is a check small as to be negligible. •nost astute lobbyists to watch the Inasmuch as gold was the basic of credit to cash as can the big banks A hundred years ago—or even fifty book. Having arrived at the bank, wording of proposed laws, to fill years ago—a very large part of busi- money (although none of it was per- An (nterefetliig Qaestloa in great cities. The loans made by newspapers with propaganda and toness was done with cash. But it is mitted to remain in actual circula- Mr. Jones interviews the cashier and Ask yourself this interesting ques- small banks to local customers have signs his note for a thousand dollars, influence Congress. inconvenient and dangerous to carry tion—paper currency being issued LZJGIUB h. WILBQH if that is the amount of the loan, lie tion;—inasmuch as the bank can loan to be for ioager times, and are less Loan $51 on $5 (ash large sums of money around on ones against it) there were many promi- of the economist and banker. They takes the signed note to the window Mr. Jones a thousand dollais of cred- easily converted Into cash through In 1020 the banks of America were person. People learned to like check nent college economists, including it, and not have to put up a hundred rediscount ing at the Federal Reserve, Waning about fifty-one billion dollars books instead of cash. There are members of the Harvard School of are difficult reading for the uniniti- of the receiving teller, and deposits dollars of cash at any place in thethan, the big-bank J(> when there was only about five billion many advantages in using checks. Business Administration, who advanc- ated. / The current of these theories the note just as he would have depos- whole cycle of his transactions; how This compels the small banka to 'lollars of cash available for business Bills paid by checks are not open to ed the plausible theory that we really came to an abrui>t halt in 1930. When ited a thousand dollars of cash. Mr. much credit can a bank loan it i maintain a larger of cash »se in the country. How are banks argument; there is a record of pay- did not need anything like the quanti- people began to lose confidence In the Jones is so well trained that he nev- has a hundred thousand dollars ii against each loan. During the pres- able to do this? How can they mul- ment and the check itself is the re-ty of gold then on hand in the United banks, and the demand for money in- er thinks of asking why he goes to (•ash in its vaults? ent panic the small banks have befu tiply the dollars in their possession ceipt A check for a hundred dollais States. They argued that the use of creased, it found the theorists and the receiving teller when he wants to Do you see that for each hundred the victims of a sj as to loan ten or twelve times as or a thousand dollars can be mailed checks could be broadened until an the bankers totally unprepared to borrow money. He does as he is told, dollars in the vault the bank can loan many honestly < i and ~* i.u »*wi « u ~. thousand dollars can u two ounce of gold would be quite sufficient meet the crisis. Both parties have and does not question the banking Mr. Jones, or Mr. Smith, or Mr t on pa*;. much "credit" as they have cash? lor a tno san11 An explanation was given in the ar- across the continent SATTRflAY, MARCH 26, 1932 two MICHIGAN FARM NEWS ings account nor a greater balance 'possible with a managed currency. If Feed Prices Drop at than $2500. Deposits are accepted \ Congress would pass the necessary only from individuals and not ,from The Power Is On -legislation, establishing a National Buffalo Stockyards any company or corporation. The i n . Credit Reserve, operated by a com- tereBt rate is -' '< • mission appointed by the President of East Buffalo—Reductions in feed By R. S. Clark !the United States, that Commission prices made March 15 at the Buffalo The speaker of the house is usual- The power c a m e on last Monday On all our wires a n d things, And one beside the hen house, is f.u a poU- mil doors. could be charged with the responsi- ards by the Stockyards Company. lv a. man's wife. Successor t o t h e Michigan F a r m B u r e a u N e w s , founded Ho we're illuminated now- T h e y ' r e iust a hit expensive, bility of keeping the commodity priced- he fourth reduction in a year, will J a n u a r y 12, 1923 J u s t like so m a n y k i n s * . But handy for the choi • index at a stable figure, which could ave live stock shippers about $!)5,000 E n t e r e d a s second class m a t t e r J a n u a r y 12, 1923, a t t h e postoffice Now M a r t h y every m o r n i n g The best of all is evening. be set as that of 1926. When the price uring 1932, we are advised. a t Charlotte, Michigan, u n d e r t h e A c t of March 3, 1879. By Inaugurates the day serving toast tliafs toasted When 1 and Marthy sit ae the rue a-readtng, of commodities dropped, the Commis- Following are the rates a year ago 1 The now electric way. Our p a p e r ' s hrightly lit. sion would go into the market and nd the new rate, and the percentage Published t h e second a n d fourth S a t u r d a y of e a c h m o n t h by t h e S!ir> never has to scrape it purchase United States bonds, putting f deduction: M a r . 5 M a r . 15 Per Cent TAKE Michigan F a r m N e w s Company, a t is publication office a t 114 L o v e t t Tilt- way she used to do,— And when I go down cellar out currency therefor. If the price of St., Charlotte, Mich. Just flips the little dingus Anil it's toasted thru and thru. To till t h e apple pan, 1 see m y w a y as plain a s day, commodities rose above the index- [ay, cwt 1931 $1.90 1932 $1.L'."» Drop 34% TOLL OF F.rlitorlal a n d g e n e r a l offices a t 221 N o r t h C e d a r St., Lansing, Mich- lorn, bu L55 1.00 igan. Postoffke box 708. Telephone, L a n s i n g , 21-271. And when it comes to cleaning, A proud and happy m a n . figure of 1926, the Commission would »ate, bu t.25 I.W CHICKS It surely makes her smile Then in about •> couple w e e k s sell Government bonds for cash and traw, cwt L.jM LOO E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager To run the shiny Hooper-Vac They s e n t us up on trial. Will come the fateful night When M a r t h y moves t h e bed put the cash away in its vaults. Thus The stockyards company includes around the supply of money in circulation a its price for feed all of the ex- worni'proof Then, Marthy's not t h e only As is her heart's delight. could be regulated in keeping with the penses incident to carrying on that Subscription 50 c e n t s i>er y e a r in a d v a n c e one, Km- there is also m e The t i m e is gone when Hiram price-index. service, including rentals, labor, etc. your mashes with T h a t K<*ts his choiing lightened By electricity— Will blunder blindly in And decorate the furniture This plan has been advocated by During 1931 the stockyards built a Vol. X SATURDAY, MAItCH 26, 1932 No. 6 With valued chunks of skin. able men for years. It is opposed by new hog house with a capacity of STERLING You see we sort of figured T h a t while t h e chap w.is And when 1 wake a n d w o n d e r the sinister forces of the great central i,000 hogs to improve the service. here, W h a t t i m e it is at night, banks. The reasons for this opposi- TOBACCO Bureau Aiding Farm Credit Banks To have him wire t h e b a r n too Would he a good ideal'. 1 pull tho cord beside the bed And j u s t snap on t h e light. tion should not be difficult to under- Postal Savings System The Federal Intermediate Credit banks have loaned more than a He fixed t h e m r i g h t convenient, Xo wonder if I whistle, stand. The Postal Savings System was POWDER As no one "im dispute— And M a r t h y hums a tune1,— ounded by an Act of Congress in billion dollars to some ir>:> co-operative organizations and to thousands of farmers through more than 900 local loan associations. The Intermediate or farmers credit hanks do not receive deposits Right in t h e feeding alley, And by the BilO c h u t e ; The power came on Hicks s t r e e t Last Monday afternoon! MOST MUCK SOILS 910 to provide facilities for the de- )osit of savings at interest with the ecurity of the Untied States govern- I/I .„ Turkey Breeders Safeguard Your Flocks and cannot depend upon deposits for money to loan. Instead they sell debentures or bonds which usually find a ready market with the bi« banks at a very low rate of interest. cash in America was not over one them is an intelligent system of man- tenth of the bank deposits. The bigaged currency which can be increased HARMED BY LIME, nent for repayment on demand. Any person 10 years old or more may open an account, but no person SAFEGUARD Against Blackhea.d Determination by banks to remain as liquid as possible has forced •the Credit Banks to offer bonds with as much as &% interest. By the banks began to gather in all the cash or decreased, as the index price of they could reach and all the notes commodities and labor indicates. and bonds that could be discounted It is necessary lor the reader to re- COLLEGE ADVISES nay have more than one postal sav- YOUR CHICKS— 3O per cent of chicks started" / i time such money gets to the farmer tho rate is too high. It might be as much as 9%. at the Federal Reserve Banks. The call a basic fact of economies in this smaller banks, in the cities of the connection. The index price of com- Fertilizer Containing Copper IG:O t h e State j£ut«al Roflded Fire 24 YEARS each spring die before they reach maturity. One fifth of The American Farm Bureau is supporting the Intermediate Credit Middle West especially were simply modities is made by averaging the Sulphate Found To Be u s u r a n c e Co., \v:is organized and growing chicks show worm i n . squeezed to death. odiiy it is tin- tafgesi atid *tr»ngest festation. ^ ^ ^ _ Banks in seeking legislation to make its debentures eligible for lower prices of all commodities. When this arm tire insurance company in the interest, lf> day, renewable loans from the Federal Reserve system; Effect of A MaiuiuHl ( iirreney index figure declines—that is, when Beneficial tate. J You can stop these losses and raise rompt and satisfactory settlement more and bigger pullets. Just mix1 also so that these farm credit batiks may accept notes and bills of ex- The'panic could have been stopped an average of all comodities will no East T,ansing—Most muck soils ition,claims, a skrbng financial i>iisi- and our broad, liberal policy STERLING TOBACCO POWDER in \ change drawn by farmers co-opera fives and borrow money on them from at any point in its mad rush if the na- longer buy as much money as hereto- do not require lime and an appli- ire the factors responsible tot State the mash as directed and continue the Federal Reserve banks in tho same manner that commercial banks tion had had a managed currency in fore, it is because the stock of money cation of lime to them is likely to Vlutual ftodded*s steads grpwfh and feeding in the regular way. This easy' eadership today. handle industrial paper. This legislation should be enacted. the hands of a governmental commis- has not kept pace with the production injure crop growth, according to Dr. f you want coSfplete pvotetftion witli method has the universal approval of sion, with proper powers. In fact, of goods. Paul M. Ilarmer, muck specialist, safety write toda.\- for our desirip- State colleges and experiment stations.' there is reason to believe that the To make the same idea clearer; if Ive folder to H. K. FISK, Secretary, Farming Farm Taxpayers Michigan State College. 02 Church St., Flint, Mich. Order direct from this ad and assure If you get tired of farm work and want to increase your profits, Federal Reserve could have brought 11 the goods—food, manufactures, met- Dr. Harmer says most important the panic to a halt immediately fol- als and minerals—that come from muck crops which do not respond yourself fresh powder with correct nic- otine content. 25 lbs.—2.OO, IOO lbs. you might consider a slick one like this: lowing the stock market crash if the farms, factories and mines, were piled well to lime treatments are onions, —5.OO. F.O.B. Louisville, Ky. first, creato o. ptate-wide taxpayers association. Any name that controlling gang of bunkers had de-into one huge mountain each day, and spinach, celery and potatoes. He stale ITlutual Ro4ded Fire pleases yon will do. Get some membership cards printed, which will sired. the money stock of the nation was put says that experiments at Michigan Insurance Co., of ItticK. STERLING REMEDY CO. 1434 Cypress LOUISVUJL$, KY. state that anyone who pays you $1 dues per year, cash in hand, is a Naturally, you ask how. The an- in a heap beside (he goods, you would State College during the past eight member of your association and entitled to any benefits that may derive swer is comparatively Bimple. If the understand that the total money val- years have definitely determined from such membership, and will receive copies of any literature that contraction of credit had been met ue of the goods could not be more that there are many mucks m Mich- your taxpayers association may publish. Not will publish, but may with a steady emission of new money, than the total amount of money. The gan which, by nature, are too sweet publish. sufficient in quantity to balance the goods could not be exchanged for any for satisfactory crop production. ud: Build yourself some kind of a sales talk which will empha- reduced credit, there would have been more money than there was in exist- Such a condition is usually attrib- utable to the burning of the muck size ttu;f your association will try to reduce taxes or lighten the tax burden. Do not commit yourself to any definite program, or ag to how hard you will try anything. You might say, for example, that you'll IN 1928 Banks Loaned Twelve Times Their Cash Reserves at one time or another, or from the presence of marl within a short dis- Irvin Cobb try to secure permanent, $1 license plates for automobiles. That sounds tance of the surface or, in certain pretty good, and you can try hard while sitting under a tree somewhere too too too too too IOO IOO too too IOO too IOO spring-fed mucks, from the evapora- "I have invested in life insurance to make part of tion of alkaline spring waters which what I shall leave safe as well as to make my later this summer. While fishing, perhaps. has left a concentration of the alka- Third: Get some salesmen for your idea. Send them out in pairs. line salts in the surface soil. years pleasant with income." No. 1 man does all the talking. No. 2 listens and is a good witness if Not all mucks, however, Dr. Har- you should need one. Pay these fellows 70 cents out, of each dollar mer explains, have been alkali There is no plan in life that cannot be aided to com- collected, .pay a superintendent 10 cents more to watch them and collect, Some were very strongly acid, yet pletion through life insurance. and you net 20 cents. You just sit in your office and 1take in 20 cents, lime failed as ihe solution to the let's say, for the work of the association and its officers . Represents Bank Credit problem. Others, less acid, did not Insurance is simply money for future delivery to require lime. On such fields, where You won't be the first in Michigan "with this idea. We have seen membership cards in one outfit numbered around 5,000. They've pried Based on*/00 Cash Reserve, onions failed to do well, producing yourself, to your family. greenish bulbs instead of yellowish dollar bills and $2 bills for "three years of the same" out of old boys who brown bulbs, trials with copper sul- "Wouldn't give 10 cents to be 20 years younger. Names of signed-up phate produced results, both in yield The absolute safety of life insurance makes it the neighbors are used to loosen other neighbors' grip on the $1. It's no and color, so remarkable that com- fun without the SI. A hearty handshake and good wishes isn't enough. ideal investment. It is the only investment in which mercial fertilizer is to be obtainable You'll want to be prepared to have prosecuting attorneys looking this spring, containing copper sul- the principal is always safe, is certain to be paid in full you up, State police nosing around, newspapers yelling "racket", dis- phate. in good times or dark depression should the policy ma- trustful citizens freezing up and edging towards the telephone, but it Dr. Harmer claims that on the appears to pay. So far the law has found nothing to catch hold of. more acid mucks, most crops have ture or become a death claim. Anyone has a right to satneertbe his cash to anything he wants to. He's been benefited by the copper sul- supposed to know what n.t> is doing. It's a crazy world anyway. phate application while on some of It is a constantly growing savings account which the the less acid mucks, certain crops have responded. insured may call upon in emergency and retain his full Eachrepresenfs*3.33 /n Some of the intensely acid mucks Demand $100 in Panic; Bank Cash Deposits. have been found to be suited for the protection. State Farm Life Insurance policies are growing of the newly domesticated especially advantageous to farmers. Must Call $1,000 in Loans blueiberry without the application of lime, this authority says. (Continued from p a g e 1) and banking continues. The federal ««rviceful institutions. They were Reserve System, both by the law STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO. unable to obtain additional cash, when which established it, and the self- Farm Bureau Services is said tt their depositors grew frightened and made regulations that guide it, is be ready this spring with muck fer BLOOMINGTON, ILL demanded it. The small banks have bound to reduce the total amount of tilizers containing copper sulphat A LEGAL RESERVE COMPANY been crucified to make a Roman holi- money plus credit in the face of a according to State College recom day for the super-banking gangs. It panicky state of the public mind. Explanation—This shows $100 cash cut into twelve $8.33 units i n - mendations. is the first step toward a compulsory You can see how this occurs. Sup- stead of only four units as illustrated t h e custom of banks t w e n t y years earlier. W i t h each $8.33 of cash as a unit, the bank could Michigan State Farm Bureau system of branch banking, which, if pose the banks of the country are loan $100 on i t . The bank could loan a total of $1,200 w i t h only $100 in real cash at any t i m e . When banks extend their in " c r e d i t s " New Announcement On State Agent Lansing, Mich. permitted, will make the smaller cit- loaning a thousand dollars of "credit" credit ratios to t h i s extent they are inherently sound, y e t 1928 ies and towns mere feeders to the cen- on each hundred of cash. Suddenly t h i s was a common practise. Farm Bureau Picture IN 1903-04 no reason for the public growing sary. All that is required to prevent Chicago—County Farm Bureau Banks Loaned Four Times Their Cash Reserves alarmed about the banks remaining ence on any day. Of course, in this may now secure American Farm Bu "liquid" or solvent. So long as the illustration you must look upon bank reau motion pictures not only with $100 S/00 $100 9100 sum total of money and credit was credit as a part of the stock of money. out charge as in the past, but deliv kept stable, the prices of commodities Now if the pile of money is sudden- ered prepaid and are to return then Farm Bureau and the wages of labor would have ly decreased to half its former size, charges collect, according to tin remained stable likewise. the total money-value of the goods American Farm Bureau Federation a If the Federal Reserve had gone in- must shrink also. And this is exactly 58 East Washington street, Chicago to the market and bought all the gov- what happens when there is a violent At present there are 11 Farm Bureai ernment bonds in sight, and paid for "contraction of bank credit". the bonds with the paper money of Supply of Money Determines the Federal Reserve System, the de- Therefore the total price of the request, the Bureau advises. photoplays in circulation, all hal hour length. Catalog is supplied oi Garden srs sired increase in the stock of money goods in money;—or the price of the Farm Bureau motion pictures arc might conceivably have been attained. money in goods depends upon the sup- produced in the interests of the mem Of course, the Federal Reserve is ply of money as balanced against the bership. The plays are dramatic an awkward machine to meet such a supply of goods. The index price of clean and in good taste. Professiona Seeds BankCrtdit BankCred/t Bank Credit Bank Credit crisis because it is not allowed to is-commodities is merely the scientific directors and players make them sue paper money in excess of one dol- statement of this balance. Like Farm Bureau alfalfa, Most of the scenes are "shot" in the lar for each forty cents of gold in its Another way to look at the index- Oak Park, 111., studio of the Atlas Ed clovers and other field seeds are vaults. This restriction is so narrow price of commodities is as a ther- ucational Film Co. Others are made 1 *23 1 1 S2£ 1 f ^ ^ ^ l that it might have hobbled the Fede- mometer which shows the need for in various parts of the country, ac 1 Cash 1 Cash 1 1 Cash 1 1 Cash 1 ral Reserve. or excess of money. When the stock cording to the picture's requirements RELIABLE mUefostfm WDepositm ^pepostt^ Federal Keserve Sat Still of money is too small the price of Farmers in Farm Bureau films are VIGOROUS The total stock of gold is so small goods is too low. When the stock of whiskerless; their wives dress as ui Ilil faarafl Explanation—This chart shows the ratio of cash to "bank credit" as compared with the normal volume money is too large, the price of goods to date as any. Radio versions of PRODUCTIVE loaned by an ordinary bank in 1903-04.. The shaded portion repre- of business that perhaps the Federal is too high. The index-price, like the some of the pictures have been pre- sents $100 of cash. The bank could loan $100 for each $25 held in Reserve could not have issued enough thermometer, tells the story. When sented over the National Broadcasting reserve. Thus with only $100 In real money, the bank could loan cmrreney at the critical times to have the thermometer indicates that the circuit. Nature Rives us hut one hest " c r e d i f1L t o four different customers to a total of $400. The white portion* ©! ttie chart represents the bank credit based- on the cash. stabilized the combination of money room is too cold, you open the furn- chance. Make the most of it tral banks in Now York. and credit. But it is an indisputable! ace drafts, and when the temperature About 25 per cent of all Brown with Farm Bureau garden seeds. something happens to disturb public- is too high, you close the drafts. W h a t W e Need confidence—a crash in the stock mar- fact that no attempt was made by the T rpres Managed Cnrrency Swiss cattle in the United States are Tt is easy to lose the thread of rea- ket is quite sufficient to start trouble Federal Reserve to utilize even the found in Wisconsin, according to reg Write for our Garden Sood soning, which leads to the cure ot the —and some important part of the limited means at its command. The same simplicity of operation is istration records for the breed. panic, because there are so many in- business public grows a bit frightened As pointed out in a preceding arti- Circular. Best varieties for teresting deductions and implications and, going to the bank, draws out cle, the Federal Reserve System is Michigan. arising at every step in the study of cash. Every time a hundred dollars the man Friday for the super-banks LIVE STOCK MEN the monetary and banking structure. of cash is withdrawn from the bank, of New York, which can and do cor- PRICES ARE ROCK BOTTOM But the essential idea, which must be that same bank must require some ner the stock of gold almost at will. kept constantly in mind, is this: America . muet have a stock of of its customers to repay a loan of a The Federal Reserve System has for- thousand dollar feited the confidence of the American SELL YOUR OWN FARM BUREAU SUPPLY money and credits that increases public. Twice in 8 years it has al- Buy your feeders . . . Finance your purchases . . . Sell steadily as our production of foods, Remedy For Credit Collapse lowed itself to be made the agency of STORES clothes, houses and a thousand other This is what the financial pages reducing the credit supply of the them finished . . . Co-operatively all the way. commodities increases. Bay City Lapeer This fundamental economic truth call "contraction of credit". When it country, for the sole purpose of de- You can send your stock to Detroit or East Buffalo yards and Lansing must be repeated millions of times, starts there is only one way to stop pi*essing commodity prices and wag- sell it direct to the packers through the Michigan Live Stock Ex- Imlay City Pinconning until the average citizen finally gets it, and that is by an immediate and es. In 1921 it was the means of de- change, which is as near to you as your nearest shipping ass'n or Saginaw it. This truth must become tli- heavy increase in the amount of cash stroying the live stock business of a member who is affiliated with us. Get the FULL RETURNS from nerstone of his thinking. He must available for circulation. dozen western states. That demon- your stock. brush aside all the lesser facts that Back in 1930, and still more acutely stration of the power of the central Some 20,000 farmers, belonging to 150 Michigan shipping ass'ns, confuse him. in 1931, the banks grew more and banks should have warned America of have at Buffalo and Detroit their own sales offices, top notch sales- Impossible Vnder Present System more uncertain about the course of the danger to all business that is in- men, and the largest volume on both markets. It is utterly impossible to keep any events. The public began showing herent in the Federal Reserve. But R e t u r n s t o p a t r o n s g u a r a n t e e d by $50,000 bond scientific balance between ; the total signs of wanting more cash and less what was done to business in 1921 was m e e t i n g U. S. G o v e r n m e n t r e q u i r e m e n t s amount of money ; it, on one of checks. By midsummer of 1931 it merely a rehearsal in preparation for hand and the total production of our became a veritable rush and people the wicked deflation of 1929-30-31-H2. MICHIGAN LITE STOCK EXCH. PRODUCERS CO-OP ASS'N farms ant! the other: so started runs on banks in many parts 5foney Panics I n necessary Detroit East Buffalo, N. Y. long as our p of money of the country. The total amount of Money panics are utterly unneces- SATTRDAT, MICHIGAN PAflM Tallest Sassafras Tree almost on a basis of equality with $85,200,000,000. Agriculture re- Lebanon, Mo.—Standing 45 feet tall Merchants Organized Power Calls the ot.her classes in our nation if ceived of this, $10,400,000,000 or and measuring 15 feet and 3 inches around, the giant sassafras tree on Home and Family Section Turn Stores For MeimberSj-O'Neal (Continued from page 1) from our national income we re- 12.2%. Agriculture should have ceived 24.8% of the total. received $21,100,000,000. In 1930, Get 12 H % of Pay the national income was $71,000,- the farm of S. A. Casey, east of Le- banon, i.s the largest of its kind in Edited by MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR. Address all communications to her at Carleton, Michigan. Into Schools ticians and economists are but shadows of reality as compared with "Let's look at the figures. In 1928, 000,000. Farm income was $7,600,- our total national income is report- 000,000 or 10.7%. On a plane of the United States. your living experience. Monroe—About 80 members of the Our Disadvantages ed at $82,400,000,000 but the agri- equality, agriculture should have re- Other large sassafras trees are- extension groups of the eastern part cultural cash income for the crop ceived $17,600,000,000. Sandy Springs, Md., 12 feet, 1 inch; .\>\v Sti;.iisville, 0., 10 f ee t; Delta, Since Our unpaid for years. of Monroe county spent a very Even if they had indulged in worthwhile afternoon recently with "You know that the prices you have had to pay for the things need- year 1928-1929 was only $10,600,- 000,000. Instead of being a fourth About 50% Behind "Those are the big national fig- Ca., 9 feet, (i inches, and Huntington county, Pennsylvania, !» feet, 7 inches. For Sale Signs dreams of retired life with travel the merchants of Monroe. and leisure at will, they have awak- The women, have been studying ed in the operation of your farm, and in an effort to maintain your of the total, it represents an eighth, ures. In plain everyday language. or 12.8%. Agriculture, instead of they mean that you, as an individ- The tree near here is more than loo years old and was a large sized tree Are Down ened to the reality that get-rich- home furnishings this winter in co- quick: methods are not reliable. A operation with Michigan State Col- proper living standard too high. "You know that you have had to have been receiving $10,600,000,000, should ual, should have received about two have received not less than $20,400,- dollars for every dollar that you when Samuel II. Casey settled on the farm home with modern convenienc- lege. Their county committee, as- 000,000. have received. es and comforts is as near an earth- sisted by the county agrl agent, C. pay a much higher rate of interest tract in 1834. By MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR for the money used in the operation "In 1929, our national income was Continued on page four These are days when farm people ly paradise as one should hope for. Ward Andrews, and the secretary of of your business than was paid by More married women are disap- are staying right on the farm and What To Do Xow? the local Board of Commerce had those engaged In commerce and in- and are glad to do so. For Sale But, while now we have the inclin- canvassed the stores that carried pointed in love than spinsters. ation to fix up and "show them" we merchandise along these particular dustry. signs have been relegated to the You know that you have had to find the cash is not available, so lines and arranged a tour. Farmers 9 Buying woodshed. Folks once more see the good what can we do about it? The ladies assembled at the office produce your crops and sell them, at world prices while commerce and; Guide Rate* on Application points to country living. They are In a frame of mind where they can once more enjoy its advantages and The bubble has bursted to be sure, of the Detroit Edison Company. the pipe dream did not come true, After seeing a complete stock of )ut the foundation of the old farm electrical ihome equipment, they industry and labor rested under a< cloak of protection provided by tar- riff.s, immigration laws and other MICHIGAN BELL Grafting Wax— everyday beauties. We shouldn't wonder at all if s still there and it will respond to a were divided into four groups and slow process of dressing up just as conducted to two furniture stores t has always done for generations where they were given detailed in- similar devices. "You know that you have borne TELEPHONE CO. they meet the approval of agricul- back. an unfair share of the ever-mount- & SON, LANSING, MICH. tural leaders to unite with their formation on upholstery materials ing tax burden. And, in spite of this neighbors in forming the local or- The only thing to do is to make and wood finishes. At one place an fact, you have not been provided! Hotel Kerns—tLlja-n/me- Ma °y ganization they always have needed he best appearance one can with expert on wood refinishing gave ex- he facilities at hand. Everyone can plicit directions step by step, to- with the school facilities .enjoyed >ears tarm ortraai- so badly. by those living in towns and cities, zation headquarters. Comfort at easy straighten up the lop-sided fence, gether with recommendations on and you have not been provided with prices. N. Grand at Mich. Center of city Cafeteria, garage, Rates $1.50 to $2.50. Beekeepers S u p p l i e s — ^ J ^ ^ On The Road Hark They now want to fix up the place a bit and make a real home of it. the sagging door; he can trim the varnishes, oils and brushes. At an- trees and prune the shrubbery; he other store they were shown samples can rake the yard and burn the rub- of a full line of wall paper with the year-round roads enjoyed by those in industrial and commercial centers. Your TELEPHONE and A I.ltoot Co. goods. Send for cata- When everybody was talking sub- )ish; he can bury the old cans and frank discussion on price and suit- "But it is unnecessary to continue i S f e S J " "N T Monuments— J N T & SSON ON - divisions and expanding cities and new industrial centers, there seem- ed no incentive to build new fences ack on the rattling boards; he can ability of use. 'clean house" in the barns and sheds At four places extensive exhibits and sort and put In order the thous- ihad been arranged of ready made a recital of these fundamental facts t.hat are within the experience of every Farm Bureau member family protects your home and or paint the buildings or landscape and and one things that had been curtains, also curtain, slip cover and within the nation. & z a s i no salesmen. You save the difference tho yards on the farms so soon to ))o absorbed. That is all past. Those eft for the expected farm sale of drapery materials. our dreams. The last place of inspection was Produce 40% of Weatyh is a convenient necessity Laryeat monument works in Western who were not in on the wild adven- "Those things are within the Improvements Change L.ives at a factory where furniture is made everyday experience of every farmer. ?i£ h & an i S 1 M P ; S O ' V G R A N I T E WORKS" ture do not have to take steps to And on the inside of the house and also repaired. Informal ion and A. Leonard. Grand Rapids. again get possession of the remnants Out of these facts, the statisticians much can be done that takes but various demonstrations were given Garden Seed— S5«bg of what was once the old homestead ittle money. A little fresh paint on the process of repairing and re- and economists have drawn their tables which express the sum total. Store, Lanrfn*, Mich., for price list on with buildings torn down and land does wonders. It not only changes covering overstuffed furniture. their high quality, adapted true-to- overrun with weeds and with taxes These summarizatioiis show that the namo, guaranteed garden seeds. the looks of a dingy kitchen but it The merchants appreciated the hanges the thoughts of the individ- keen interest shown by the groups total value of American farms and their equipment has shrunk from f>(> The telephone is a friend in any and agreed with them that if the Gold Seal Chick ual who applies it. Any home workshop will give a consuming public in general was to 48 billion dollars. This indicates Owners Make Money new lease on life to the home work- trained on what to-tony and what to the trend, but the sad part comes when you compare the condition of emergency. It enables the farmer to know er if it finds itself with chairs and pass by, much money could l>e saved agriculture with other groups in Vein- aft** yefir Rural Gold Seal Cluck cus- table and cupboard of a different to every home and an enormous tomers return for tlicit annual supply of good chicles. This year—a year of lower incomes— hue. Once get the mind working amount of cheap, trashy stock would our nation. W<> find now that the population of tho entire I'nitfd where and when to sell. It runs hurried this is especially tmc because Gold Seal Chicks make profits for their owners. Heavy layers rigiht and countless ways will pre- soon be eliminated from their States consists of 122,775,(141; peo- mean nigfler profits. Have eggs—lots of them— sent themselves for added cheer and shelves. ple. Of l.his total, r,:5,S;2O,2l>:! live errands to town. Gets extra parts when Buy Rural Gold Seal Chicks. There nre satis- ontentment. The extension groups in the west- in rural sections and a total*of 30,- fled Rural customers in -."> States and Canada. Fresh curtains, rearranged furni- ern part of the county are planning 447,229 dwell out on the farms. Breeding Is Important ure, new flower boxes, home-made on a similar tour of stores in Dun- Those living directly on the farms there's a breakdown. Calls the doctor. ontrivances, a shelf here and a hook dee and Milan. represent 24.8 per cent of our total Rural Oold Seal Chicks have many genera- tions of high egg breeding. Right now in our there, all tend to satisfy the longing population. They have invested in mating* are cockerels with as high as five for a change. Connects with the homes of relatives and generations of over 300 eggs. Trapnests are operated £65 days of the year on oar own breeding farm —in addition all chirks are Michigan Accredited. And if we cannot have the new owns and hats we had so hoped Household their land and equipment a large percentage of our total national in- vestment. Their labor produces the Service to Customer* Special Discount would l>e our share, we can brush up the old, we can take the best por- Helps raw material upon which depends more than 40% of all our com- neighbors. Banishes loneliness. Pays Every Rural customer is entitled to Get special discount tion of two and rejoice in the one —+— on orders booked now merce, industry, labor and transpor- our free service1 in chick rearing and pullet maturing . We want you to for delivery the first two weeks in May. we have as the result of wise plan- A tablespoon of vinegar added to ning; we can wear the cotton gown each pint of water when cooking tation. for itself in money and confidence many make money—the more the better. We can still furnish "It would appear, then, that the We will help you all we can. Get free chicks on certain with the same pride we did the silk beets will preserve their color. farm people of this nation would be catalog. .THE RURAL POULTRY FARM, R-l Box N2332, Zeeland, Mich. dates in April. Write. a year or so ago, knowing we are Any candle may De made to fit times over. doing as others do these days. any candlestick if dipped into very Our Resources Are Many We can plan the garden to supply wax. hot water long enough to soften the NATIONAL for more our needs for the coming year, we can live within our own production To clean a bottle or cruet, half CARBIDE 1 The telephone is worth more than it if needs be and enjoy the other fill with cold water and add a table- HOUSE-UGHTING fancy fruit . . • things all the more when on rare spoon of dry mustard. Shake well COOKING AND costs. occasions we indulge in them. then let stand for half an hour. IRONING GRASSELLI We can find pleasure in our neigh- Rinse thoroughly. borhood, we can appreciate those A SPRAY about us and once more realize that A stool of correct height for the home folks are best." We can housewife should be found in every BUY with Confidence! serve our church and our home clubs kitchen. Dishes may be washed, USE with Confidence! and DUST and the things close at hand that ironing done and vegetables prepar- have needed us so much while we ed just as well while one is sitting had our eyes on other fields. We as when standing. RECOMMEND with PRODUCTS can be content to let those in high- Old silk stockings cut into inch r places do their work without too strips, round and round, may be Confidence! much assumed supervision on our crocheted into very attractive rugs. FARM BUREAU SERVICES Manufactured under definite chemical control, part but rather we can "keep the thus insuring uniformity; certified as to qual- dome fires burning" knowing full Lansing, Michigan Always turn ba«k two or three well that it is the local unit that is inches when making the heading for or see your local Farm ity and preferred by many leading growers. the most essential factor in any a curtain. This allows for shrink- Bureuu Distributor great undertaking. age when curtains are washed. GRASSELLI GRADE While we are cramped for means Arsenate of Lead Powder Monohydrated Copper Sulphate to do the things we had all hoped Finger nails that are inclined to- Calcium Arsenate Powder Casern Spreader to do, we still find there is much to be brittle should be soafoed occasion- Bordeaux Mixture Powder Sulphate of Nicotine be done right here at home. Things ally in olive oil. Lime Sulphur Solution Sulforon that but a short time ago seemed too Dry Lime Sulphur Flake Zinc Sulphate trivial for us to bother with, yet now When baking fruit cakes, place a Kleenup Oil ., j ^ S * * * DUTOX-Our Non-Anenical Insectkide seem most essential to a rounded pan of water in the oven and this out life. will aid in keeping the cakes moist. THE GRASSELLI C H E M I C A L COMPANY Incorporated This depression isn't going to be 629 Euclid Ave Cleveland, Ohio all calamity; it's going to bring out If a teaspoon of cold water and a 1530 E. Hancock Ave .-.Detroit, Mich. the stuff that's in us; it's going to pinch of salt is added to the whites 2101 Canalport Ave Chicago, Illinois bring us down to earth again; it's of eggs when making meringue, it going to open our eyes to the bless- will be light and fluffy. ings we have about us that we have taken as a matter of course or have When making a stew, place a not seen at all. It's showing us our glass pie dish over the top of he weaknesses and 'toringfing out our kettle. The steW can bo watched strength at the same time. while cooking without lifting the cover or allowing steam to osy married man, 2 children. Ex- perienced. References. James H. Leiby, phane*, we could find a way. But we So we gave up worrying about paid; 19::2 catalog free. AMERICAN 1-7 South Charles St., Lansing (3-26-lt) mpbile Insurance Company will assume all financial CHICK FARM, Box B, Zeelaml, Mich. believe that What you want from us frills long ago, and put our energies (l-23-6t-37p) WANTED—FARM WORK: BY MONTH is the best food procurable, a wide into stocking the finest foods and risk? Will defend you in court if need be, under terms or year by married man, 28, with family. SEEDS and PLANTS Alfred Jones, 3805 So. Cedar St., Lansing, choice, and the lowest prices going. keeping their prices low. We do Michigan. (3-12-it; of the policy? DUNLOP STRAWBERRY PLANTS $3 Of course, we could give you business that way, not because we per 1,000; 5,©00 @ $2.75; 10,000 er, L'J!) E. Randolph St., LansLntf. both fine food and fine frills. But have any feelings in the matter, Write us before you buy. Fete \\>t. (3-26*lt) legal reserve company at rates that save money for you. Prices down where they belong. James G I'restage & Sons, THH ALL.EGAN WANTED—FARM WORK BY MONTH frills in the grocery business make but because we've found out that NURSERY, Allegan, Box X, Michigan. No Man Can Afford to Drive Withont Insurance. up year by yountf married man. Farm (2lo-»t42b) raised. Experienced. Write L. E. K., foods come high. W e can sell the that's what most people prefer. % Michigan Farm News, Lansing, Mich. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, PREMIER (rf-26-lt) $4 HO per thousand f. o. b. Ludington. X J Martin, Ludington, Mich., R. 1. i:<;<; CARTOXS STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS. CO GU \ n \ N " r i : i : n (2-27-3t-16p) SEEDS—CERTIFIED PARCEL POST ECO CARTONS BEST The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. Bloommgton, 111. Worthy <>nts. Purity 99.8^, Qeftalaatfon out. Packed in Immll.-s <>f ten. :', dozen siz.- B6t. 8 dozen size $1.25 bundle. Hun- <\",1 ••;-•"."*. bushel, 4". cents. dreds satisfied i-ustomers. Cash with or- ' Certified Spartan Barley, Purity 18.8%, der. South Haven Fruit Exchange, South MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU Ornimation N •"•"*, bushel, 70 Haven, Michigan. t3Tl2-2t-35b) *A & P d o n us* C«llophan« for _4 . . Lansing, Mich. TvrtifiP'l Golden Glow Corn, Purity prof acting certain p*ri»habl« foods <;rnnination, !H%, Pliplle.l, Graded, It is just about imnosHib!*? to find State Agent 508 bushel $2.25. Two or more at a better combination in a man than $2.15 bushel Phone 20-F-4, Ralph G. an open mind and a closed mouth. Collin, ML Pleasant, M k h i g a ( 3 ; 1 2 . u . 4 7 SATURDAY, MARCH 26. Iftao MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Honest Dollar". And Lucius E. Wil- rather than hold us to a false, dis- discarded and make room for an up- been prices after the Civil war and have them, but they do it by the igtiot Organized Power Calls Likes Wilson Articles i sons article on the money shortage. honest, sold standard that does not to-date finance system that will allow trying to enlighten others of our of the masses on public question^ dangers for years, but our young men But I am ready to enlist fOr /, For Members,-O'Neal On Money Problem His stand for a currency based on measure value but is an accurate men to pay debts with a dollar of the as a rule have very little understand- war to help kill the money mOno ly (Continued from paxa three) the average price of all products of measure of but one thing on earth, value at time of contract rather than and supplant it with a just sy s t e m° Editor: labor is similar to one advanced by and that is the greed of Shylocks. ing of any political questions. "The program that has been creat- with dollars, two to four times great- But it does not seem possible that value received will mean equal ed by you, through your organiza- Having studied finance in the old a Mr. Mills of Detroit about 60 years The gold standard has come down er value. greenback school and also in the lat-ago, letting the average price of com- through the dark and dim past and is Our time will undermine the great the money power can spring a scheme to be returned. tion—the Farm Bureau—carried to like this "deflation that injures 99 of A. EL BEEBE its successful conclusion, will bring er Populist school, I am much pleased modities govern the issue of full legal a twin fully to the flat world theory. government our fathers built. We Mendon, Mich., about this necessary equality. by your editorial, "The Need of an tender money by the government, every 100 citizens and hold it over If civilization survives, it must be lived through the 30 years of falling "T. Heavier It's a life time ration. zation lies in the development of a great membership, truly representa- !se?ui:r whi,oa;::g- Mermash 1%% is an excellent ration for tive of every agricultural section of horn chicks on Mermash 16%. t h i d g T 0 W t h and development of young our nation. At 9 weeks he sold 520 cocke- y & r J o "I ask you to serve on the Presi- reis averaging i"i lbs. each, ducks and turkeys. dent's membership Committee of A. The year before 500 cockerels F. 15. F. for a period of 30 days. raised on " " mash averaged During that 30 days, I want you to 1*4 lbs. when sold at 9 weeks >__ do just one thing—call on one non- and 4 days. Credit Mermash Bi ember neighbor. Tell him the with 2G0 lbs. more bird to sell. IF you HAVE NOT FED MERMASH- true story of the Farm Bureau and This Coupon will bring you THE of what the successful carrying out STORY O F M E R M A S H of its program will mean to him, to and our Special Introductory you and to your entire community. Price Offer for yourfirstbag In accepting the responsibility of For MERMASH—see your local dis- of Mermash. ill is appointment and in currying out this one ta.sk, you will be definitely t r i b u t o r o f Farm B u r e a u F e e d s Name and directly contributing to the final Address successful accomplishment of our effort. It's a pleasure to make hay in a field of Farm Bureau alfalfa like this. 62 tons FX-3-26 from 20 acres in two cuttings. "Your state and your county or- M A I L TO Farm Bureau Servicw, Inc., Ltmlns, Michijin ganization have, undoubtedly, well- planned membership campaigns for Why not have the best alfalfa? A long-time stand this year. These should receive your complete co-operation and as- sistance. This special effort that I of a heavy yielding variety ? You can have it at low cost am now asking you to make must not and will not, in any way, inter- fere with the plans of your state and county organization. It is just an individual effort that I want each of Milkmaker with Farm Bureau's hardy Michigan Variegated. Michigan Variegated comes from fields sown to genuine Hardigan, Orimm, Ontar.o Variegated, Lebeau or Cossack varieties, which are our hardiest longest lived, heaviest yielding alfalfas. These fields were not registered for certffled seed production, but they have produced seed. Seed from such fields £ Michigan you who receive this message to as- Huine and to contribute to the or- ganization. And your effort will b.e tho result of the development of an Pays with Production Variegated. We recommend Farm Bureau: MICHIGAN VARIEGATED ur Ban " organized power that will restore ripm^S ^ i e n t T ^ a y y ? e l d e r > L ° n g l i v e d l S e l e c t e d > high test, thoroughly equality to agriculture and that will cleaned seed. I t s price is a money saver. Farm Bureau's Michigan bring full prosperity and happiness Variegated is guaranteed to meet State College's requirements as to i S to the farm homos of this nation." S f a n d ^ n e g a t e d bloom characteristic of this hardy, Michigan ENROLLMENT BLANK GET THE BEST RETURNS FOR YOUR WORK PRESIDENTS MEMBERSHIP Sow Michigan Variegated alfalfa with State College developed COMMITTEE OF THE A. F. B. F. E, A. O'Neal, Provident, Ainerli'nn K;um Huron 11 F e d e r a t i o n , E>8 Rf*\ \V;ishini;iMii Street^ Chicago, Illinois. Farm l>.:ii Mr. P'N< supplies all these seeds. I will ilo my part, I am happy to acceot appointment on the President's Membership Committee of the A. K.I '..I". and will serve for the next 30 days on that Committee. During that time 1 Other Farm Bureau CERTAIN SEEDS are Red will cull on m leant one non-member Heavy producing cows hold their production and condition Clover, Alsike, Mammoth, Sweet Clover, Timothy Let us s h o w y o u . . . neighbor farmer, will tell that family Corn and Beans. • ry of our organization, and will 'i" everything- In my power to brlfig MILKMAKER at lowest cost on home grown feeds properly balanced with Milk- Michigan Variegated SEED GURANTEE: Only Farm Bureau guaran- them into the organization. In do- Means maker 24, 32 or 34';' protein. tees to the farmer to the full purchase price of the seed This coupon will brinffVou a sam- ins this, 1 r««lUe that 1 am doing my ple of Farm Bureau MICHIGAN part |n the effort of the entire organ- Moneymaker its vitality, description, origin and purity as described VARIEGATED alfalfa seed and our isation to secure equality for Amerl- Five of the highest producing herds (including 1st on the analysis tag. descriptive circular. BTiculture. Count on me. in GOOD TIMES and 2nd place) in 2,400 herds of all breeds in Michigan AND POOR Dairy Herd Improvement Ass'n records ending June 30, For Farm Bureau ALFALFA SEED (Nil tue) 1931 made their production on Farm Bureau's Milk- —see your local distributor maker dairy ration. of Farm Bureau Seeds (Address) MAIL TO Ft,m Buit.u Service., Inc. Lw*l«f. (State) (County) "BUY ERA CO-OP- TIVELY" ...SEED.., FEED... Farm Bureau Services, Inc LIFE AUTOMOBILE « A ND It is difficult to keep a brooder house dry when H is crowded. Moist TWINE... TIRES... i Lansing, Michigan INSURANCE AT A "FARM helps spread disease. LIME... SUPPLIES RISK RATE" The amount of milk trucked to New 221 North Cedar Street v has increased ten times the past four years.