KEEP UP On New« Interesting to MICHIGAN NEWS Farm«r« Through the THE NEWS Farm News A Progressive Newspaper For Michigan Farm Homes A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers FIFTY CENTS PER TEAR SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1932 FIVE CENTS PER COPY Issued Semi-Monthly LUCIUS E. WILSON SPEAKS BEFORE State College Holsteins In Howell Sale May 11 FARMERS DRAWING Wool Good To Own At MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE ON PANIC 8c-10c, Dealers Agree TAXPAYERS WIN WHEN SENATE ADOPTS Bast Lansing—Michigan state WOOL TO ASS'N Lansing—Michigan wool at pres- HORTON BILL TO RETURN ENTIRE AUTO AND NEED FOR A MANAGED CURRENCY College has joined the consignors to the Michigan Hole lei n breeders sale POOLAT LANSING ent prices—prices that can hardly Wednesday, May 11, at the fairgrounds, Howell, as reported in the last is- sue of the Farm News. The roster Market Drops Advance to 8c wool—is be termed market prices since there appears to be no ready market for pretty good stuff to own. WEIGHT TAX FOR LOCAL ROAD RELIEF Declares Collapse of breeders consigning to the sale Dealers Now Paying This was the opinion of dealers at Exposes xposes FaultsFault of includes the leaders in the industry, the special meeting of the Michigan About 8c Wool Dealers Association, at Lan- If House Agrees, Counties May Be Able to Drop according to J. G. Hays, secretary Gold Standard; That Price of Money Is of the association. Lansing—Condition of the sing, April !.">. Local Tax Levy for Road Purposes; Shift to Pay Serradella Farm of Oscoda, is the market caused t lie National woo cult Dealers who find financing diffi- Doubling and Tripling Goods, Labor first llolstein breeder in the State Marketing Corporation to advise the Woo are refraining from engaging McNitt Twp. Road Funds From Gas Needed to Pay Debts to be awarded a certificate showing Michigan Co-operative Wool Market- very this actively in the wool business spring, they said, while those the herd to be free from Bang's ing Ass'n April 11 ihat advances on who have cash available are willing Tax Aids Property Owners lip LUCIUS /:. WILSON think at all, when the public is dis- disease, or contagious abortion. Sev- wool placed in the if>32 pool will be to stake their money in wool, which April 11, at Lansing, Mich. tracted and diverted from it by a eral other herds from which con- 8 cents per lb. instead of 10 cents can be and is protected with insur- series of propaganda tricks, man- Lansing—Important road tax relief, perhaps early elimi- I am speaking to an audience of aged with almost diabolical clever- signments awaiting have been made are as announced in the April 9 Farm ance. accreditation. Every ani- nation of the road tax item from tax statements may be ex- lawmakers who are confronted with ness. News. It is quite apparent that the deal- two major difficulties, First, the mal in the sale will have either Michigan Wool ] Dealers Ass'n ers are entirely up in the air. But pected by Michigan taxpayers through the Horton bill, adopt- bitter and stubborn facts of the Reviews Past Efforts come from a herd accredited free members meeting at Lansing April those who said they are out after ed 29 to 1, in the Senate April 18, if approved by the House, greet panic; and second, an utterly Take a moment's time to review afrom abortion, or will have passed 15, agreed quite negative test within 4 5 days of generally among business expressed no fear of losses, without substantial changes. contused public mind, groping for the succession of tricks, schemes, sale date, Mr. Hays said. themselves that 8'cents a pound buying as they have been. They p relief. shoddy sensations and contradictory have no prospects of selling im- The Horton bill was recommended by the Governor in his would be their purchase price. Some mediately in the east at a profit. Public attention, for the time be- pronouncements that have trailed said they might go to 10c. Those message to the special session. It provides return of all the. ing, is concentrated upon tax reduc- one another through two and a half State Paid $17,568,019 buying wool this year said they fig- The wool market for the dealer, at tion. Most of the metropolitan daily wretched years; effectually prevent- 10 cents, is a speculation, they said, automobile weight tax, amounting to about $20,000,000 an- papers throughout the nation are ing any concentration of public at- In Salaries Last Year ure wool a satisfactory investment in the face of the lowered consump- nually, instead of half as heretofore, to the 83 counties for at such prices and would just as tion of recent weeks. engaged in a crusade against all tention on the breakdown of that Lansing—The pay roll of the State soon convert money; into wooi. road debt retirement, for road maintenance and road building government expenditures. Like strange and complex contrivance of of Michigan in salaries amounted Farmers have been drawing wool The association took a poll of other sensational drives, this wordy our gold and bamk credits that we call members present and about 50 per within the counties. One-eighth of the weight tax will be money system. to $17,568,019.56 for the fiscal to the Farm Bureau's 72 8 East Shi- cent were willing to go along on a excitement is totally lacking in dis- The stock market crash was fol- year ending June 30, 1981, diyided awassee street warehouse, Lansing, 10 cent base and the remainder divided equally between the 83 counties, seven-eighths ac- crimination. People are being lash- as follows: in good volume the past two weeks. held for an eight cent price, in keep- cording to the automobile registration in the several counties. ed into thinking that all government lowed by six or eight months of en- Salaries in Dep'ts $10,075,500.37 €harles McCalla of Ann Arbor ing with the wool pool advance. is a tangled mass of incompetence deavor to maintain the wage and The Horton bill also provides that $2,500,000 due the price level by the Administration. Salaries, institutions 7,492,519.19 brought in 1,186 lbfc. in his car, a One dealer said he was offered 14 and corruption; that half or two $17,568,019.56 record for such transportation. counties under the McNitt-Smith-Holbeck township road act thirds the taxes could be abrogated; Unfortunately, the only means em- cents for wool delivered in Boston, and that tax reduction will cure the when ployed as conversation; at a time This statement was presented to The Michigan Co-operative Wool this week but he didn't accept. The in 1932, and increasing to $4,000,000 annually in 1936, shall panic. This clap-trap is merely one cisive the thing needed was a de- the State Senate April 5 by Senator Marketing Ass'n, 22^. North Cedar ndustry figures it costs about 5c a be paid out of the State gasoline tax revenues and not deduct- more piece, in u long list of mental cient to offset in increase basic money suffi- Peter B. Lennon as part of a peti- street, will send wool bags and ship- pound to buy, store and deliver wool sleight-of-hand tricks to distract credit. No one bludgeoned the shriveling bank tion from the Clayton Grange of ping tags to poolers on request. New to Boston. He expressed belief that ed from the weight tax. public attention from the causes of eral Reserve into utilizing its the Fed- Genesee county asking that the .members to sign. get a marketing contract wool is about as good a commodity The principle of returning the en-* Farmers are trucking limited total appropriation for all State wool to the warehouse, neighbors to hold as any other commodity. tire weight tax to the counties and the counties by the State shall be the present distress. salaries be cut at least 20%. .powers to supplement the disappear- are going together. Wool may be paying the McNitt-Smith-Holbeck ear marked for specified road pur- Ta\«%s Not T i n ' Answer ing bank credit, at a time when the sent truck or rail, freight collect, money from the gasoline tax fund . and may be used for no other No possible savings in taxes can downward momentum of business Six Bills Enacted In which is deducted from the cash ad- Farm Loan Borrowers was strongly urged by the Michigan purpose. It provides tho order oC balance the losses of the panic to was slight, and could have been vance. Cash advance is made as Petition Legislature State Farm Bureau as necessary if importance of these purposes. Re- the farmers and business men of checked easily. Michigan. It is variously estimated When conversation demonstrated The Special Session soon as the wool is weighed. Prompt real estate is to have real relief in tirement of road debts to lighten service is given. Farmers laJke their Lansing—Representatives of 10,000 the matter of road tax, which ranks the tax load is near tho top of tho ihat 50 or 60 billion dollars are cut its inability to check the depression, To date the Legislature has enacted advance checks home with them. ederal Ffenn Loan borrowers in with school tax as the heavy bur- list. The bill provides for local off the national income each year the advertising fraternity rushed to the following legislation recommend- Farm Bureau Services dealers are Michigan met at Lansing April 18, dens. distribution of the money betwoeu by the depression. Michigan's share the center of the stage. "Buy Nowed to the special session: accepting wool for shipment to the iieaded by J. C. Stafford of Lawrence, Since the counties have been re- the county, villages and cities. of this national loss is a half dozen and Bring Back Prosperity" they Bill to reduce State College appropria- pool. fan Buren county, president of the ceiving one-half of the weight tax, The proposal to return the weight times the total state tax. All your shouted. This piece of ballyhoo was tion from mill tax by 15%. Similar bill reducing U. of M. funds Poolers should sack their wool association of Michigan Federal Farm the Horton bill, if approved in its tax and how to divide it and how it honest and painstaking efforts to backed by enormous publicity, but 15%. before delivery or Rlan to do their joan Ass'ns Resolutions presented present state, will pay them about may be spent locally has developed lighten the tax burden will fall far in the light of succeeding events we trade Keduces State advertising for tourist own sacking on arrival at. the ware- he Legislature urged enactment of $10,000,000 more by 2/3. annually from more controversy to date than all hurt of satisfying the fantastic ex- must smile at its infantilism. . Reduced I>ep't of Agr. funds for cattle house. It's better to sack at home. he relief measures for delinquent automobile tax revenues. The Mc-other matters considered in the pectations that have been aroused. Later came the parade of the Sun- T-B test 33%. Governor recommended Each sack should cany inside and taxpayers prj^ented to the special Nitt bill will add $2,500,000 more special session. It appears that tho Tax reduction will not produce 15%. of depositors of out Wool Ass"n tags furnished to session by Gov. Brucker. They en- from the gasoline tax fund. taxpayer's interests have prevailed. the slightest discernible effect in re- shine that Prophets, who chorused to us a Bill everything was really all right closedauthorizing- bank to reopen the bank. show the name and uddress of the dorsed distribution of the automobile By 1936, if weight tax revenues The Horton bill is welcomed by Bill authorizing receivers of closed establishing the prosperity of Mich- except we had lost our courage. They banks to pledge assets with Reconstruc- shipper and other information re- weight tax on the basis of a/ equally do not drop too far, the 83 counties Uie great majority of taxpayers. It igan. The wicked shrinking of the 8 prices of farm produce since 1929 advised us to borrow money, and tion Finance SJorpjomtion to borrow money quested. in depositors' interest. Poolers should use only >etween the counties and % accord- will be sharing about $24,000,000 curtails the building of new State undertake improvements of farms paper twine to tie wool. Fleeces ng to automobile registration. of automobile weight and gasoline roads and turns a large share of the cannot be compensated by a saving or factories at once. Interest rates tied with binder twine and such taxes per year for local road purpos- automobile taxes back to the coun- in state expenses. Any such proposi- were said to be low—until one tried CORRECTION cordage are penalized in grading. es, which will be about $14,000,000 ties from whence they came to pay tion is so absurd that it ought to borrow. The spread between In our April 9 edition we mis-Paper twine washes out. Farm Bu- House Votes 152-23 To more than they have been receiving local highway debts, to maintain newspaper reports of interest rates, spelled the name of Mr. W. F. reau Supply Store at Lansing can carry contradiction on its face. spite of the enormous newspaper and and the actual cost to borrowers Nicolai of Hopkins, Allegan county, supply paper twine, postage prepaid Continue Farm Board The Horton bill provides that the and each year. build local roads as necessary and to relievo local real estate ac- radio publicity given to it, there are was nothing less than shocking. new Farm Bureau member. Mr. at 2r» cents per two lb. ball. Washington—Enemies of the Fed-automobile tax money returned to cordingly. many thousands of Michigan people But the Sunshine Prophets were too Nicolai became a member on invita- The Wool marketing Ass'n advises jral Farm Board, who have hoped whose tax-thinking is beginning to polite to mention anything unpleas- tion of Mr. Mont Baird of Hopkins, that it will send a man to discuss o kill it in this session of Congress, Henry Ford Buys Farm Henry Ford farms. Several Ford rlarify itself;—who realize that the ant. Leading lights in the twilight member who accepted the invitation wool pooling wherever farmers will received a crushing blow April 8, farm trucks drove in and took de- Legislature cannot do mitracles; — zone between Big Banking and Big of President O'Neal of the American :all a meeting. when the House voted 152 to 23 not Bureau Oats and Barley livery of the entire order. who know that when you have cut Business made the front page with Farm Bureau to all Farm Bureau to end the board's life June 30, "lit waste from public expenses you fervid appeals to "have faith in members to serve on his Members' Yellow sweet corn contains prac- 1932, and have the Dep't of Agricul- Lansing—700 bushels of Farm will have accomplished all that is America." But the Sunshine Cure Membership committee, with a quota tically 28 times as much vitamin A ture liquidate its affairs. Instead Bureau's Spartan barley and ii700 Clipped 346 Sheep in Day possible. seemed to lack authority, because of one or more members in 30 days. as does white corn. the House appropriated $1,000,000 bushels of Farm Bureau's Wolverine If you go beyond the waste, and volume and prices continued to de- for its work for the next year. The oast, raised by Michigan Crop Im- The world record for sheep shear- wreck the school system and dump cline. From 1914 to 1931 the amount of Uncle Ab says no matter what Associated jPress dispatches char- provement Ass'n members, was pur-ing is held by an Austral Jan shear- the highway program and abandon Era of Statistician :oconut oil used in oleomargarine in economists may teli you, supply al- aterized the vote as "an overwhelm- chased from the Farm Bureau Sup- er, who clipped 346 fleeces in a ten the whole plan of public improve- Then the era of Business Statis- the United States increased 500 times. ways equals demand. ing expression against its abolition." ply Store here last week for the hour day. ments; you will save the people tician opened. They are the men nothing. What you WILL do, is to who draw solid or dotted lines on version to beguile us from dwelling employment 'element in a panic living and begin to "save". What system, we must not examine it too Our Gold Paradox intensify the curse of unemployment charts, and make blaok areas above on tho unpleasantness of paying could be solved by opening up new shall wo "save"? What does the critically. The gold standard, the Money OUGHT to be a simple thing. and pilo up the necessity for state and below the line called "normal". Europe's war debts. regions. American Bankers Association mean Declaration of Independence; and It should be a medium of exchange charity next winter. The balance between these black A nation-wide howl about gov- In the great panic of the nineties, by its preachments about saving? the home-and-mother complex have and nothing more. It SHOULD NOT Hight months ago the President's spots is a business "cycle." These rnment extravagance was the a man who lost his job in a Detroit Suppose we had begun "saving" been, bracketed together. Thus the be a device subject to endless manipu- Commission on Unemployment Re- business cyclists told us, in oracular means employed. The press became factory could move to Dakota, take back in 1926 or 1927. You have gold standard is rendered sacrosanct. lation by big banking. If we had a lief, in opposing the granting of manner, that we .had a "joy ride in white-hot with proposals to cut up a farm and go ahead. Few peo- been told, by alleged economists that I do not believe that a great na- scientific money system, in which the Federal aid, argued that the proper 1929" and now we must pay for it. salaries, drop .highway construction ple realize that a whole row of what we were having a joy ride back then. tion like America, capable of produc- < nurse was "The adoption by the When the Northwestern Life investi- programs, reduce teaching staffs in is now prosperous states, was then Suppose we had "saved" three or ing all the food, clothing, housing, quantity of money in the country kept step with the rising productive ca- localities, of wise, local, long time gated the prognostications of these chools and colleges. The bald fact unpeopled. Both Dakotas were four million automobiles that were conveniences and comforts for her pacity of the nation, the probability construction programs." wiseacres and found that they had hat discharging a thousand men open; so was western Nebraska and built in those years—put them in people; will view with tranquility a of panics would be reduced to the Just how such programs are to be been given 46 chances to call the i from road building jobs meant Western Kansas. Oklahoma was storage out of harms way. Or half steadily rising tide of unemploy- vanishing point. But we have noth- handled without taxes is only one of turn in business, and had fumbled throwing four-fifths of them on still Indian territory and Texas, west the washing machines that were ment, want and misery; while our many contradictions that have shat- 86% of the time; their pretentions public or private charity was buried of Dallas, was part of the great open bought and used by housewives who leaders waste time in sheer drivel, ing of the sort. We are told that wo tered general confidence in present subsided. Nevertheless they were in an avalanche of reportorial chat- spaces. thought it reasonable to avoid back- or in misdirecting public thinking operate on a "gold basis" but in the day leadership. State legislatures, granted acres of newspaper space in ter about government extravagance. With millions of acres of fertile ache? Or two-thirds of the sewing into blind alleys. The hungry man same breath it is explained that WM bedeviled by buck-passing and fan- which to spread their twaddle in Here you have heard a brief re- land beckoning for people, there machines? Suppose we had not who is willing to work must be must not expect to make payments in gold because there is not enough of tastic demands for tax reduction, front of a befuddled public. view of the succession of shoddy was no chance of a growing army of paved a yard of highway, thereby brought together with the surplus will take comfort in learning that in- About ten months ago, when the tricks that have diverted the public unemployed stagnating in cities. saving millions of barrels of cement of food and clothing and housing. it. We have only four billions of gold in telligent citizens are coming to see business cyclist had ceased to regis- mind for more than two years, from Nor had the invention of machinery and throwing thousands of men out Starvation cannot walk tho land in- the country and our daily buying and the panic as a sky-rocketing of the ter strongly, something else had to any logical examination of the advanced far enough to trouble so- j of work? Suppose we ,had done all definitely. Thank God there is same- selling, in normal times, is about that Price of money. As this understand- be invented to keep the public from breakdown of our system of ex- ciety. It is sheer nonsense to say these assinine things back in 1927.thing in American blood that will much. Also we have a huge debt, pri- ing spreads, the public will perceive thinking. So America was told that changing goods and services. We that we will come out of this panic Would we have found success and rise against such vast stupidity. Men vate and public, which is made legally that the only way to bring taxation our banking leaders, in one lighten- have been lulled into somnolence, by the same means that we came prosperity that way? like you would not remain quiescent due in gold, but there is so much of within the economic reach of the tax ing flash that illuminated the econo- when we should have been vigor- out of the panic of the nineties. Kith But Broke while your families starved. it that we could not hope to pay the l>ayer, is to lift the prices of com- mic world, had discovered what ously awake. We ihave been assur- There is no enormous industry Nations and people grow rich by gold when the debts fall due. So we modities and wages back to the ailed us. We were "in a backwash ed that "This panic is just like the like the motor trade, growing as producing the material things we If weIteform can Without Passion effect have to make our debt payments, and the necessary mon- do our ordinary buying and selling, 1926 or 192 7 level. We paid our of the World war"! Bless you, that other panics—we always come out Jack's beanstalk and inviting the eat and wear and use; and those tuxes then. We could pay them to- was the cause of our hard times! of them, and we will drift out of labor and capital of a generation. spiritual things that make life etary and banking reform now, it will with bank checks, which, under a con- day, if we could lay hold of the Why hadn't we known it all the this one." Two days ago a distin- Here is one panic, from Wihich we worth the struggle. When men talk be done without undue heat, and with venient fiction, we presume to be re- money by exchanging the same time? This brilliant explanation guished New York gentleman, in a must save ourselves, by dint of seriously about plowing under every maximum intelligence. If it is post- deemable In gold. Of course every Mtiantity of milk or wheat or labor was just another example of the nation-wide broadcast consumed 16 human Intelligence, if we are to be third row of cotton, and destroying poned another year, so that accumu- intelligent man knows the checks lor a dollar. penetrating wisdom of our great minutes in telling us that the cure saved. A kindly and open-handed millions of bushels of wheat, and lated miseries and injustices of the could not be redeemed in gold, even A dairy farmer In Livingston linancial leaders. All that part of for the panic was "plain living and Providence has exhausted its con- scrapping one-half tho industrial present system drive men mad; theby the wildest stretch of the imagina- county told me this week, that his the press which recognizes its high thinking," He may rest as- tinent-wide stretch of fertile land machinery (New York Times, Oct. change will not be intelligent. If rad- tion. The bank checks issued in one milk check for March was $47. The master's voice responded with noble sured that we will follow part of his and mineral resources as a means of 31, 1931) it is time that Jntelligent icalism runs rampant, the super-bank- day would absorb all the gold in same farm with the same number of sentiments and summoned the peo-advice—we will live plainly. liquidating the losses of panics. men ask why we must be suffering ing tycoons of New York will have America;—then we would have to shut • ows in 1928 brought a check for ple to do reverence. This was in a How Panics Arc Alike Save Our Way Out? from poverty in the midst of riches. themselves to thank for it. up shop until the gold filtered back to $250 in the same month. A shrink- fair way to go over big, when a Sen- There is much truth in the state- We are beginning to see this fact Slowly but surely the American The inescapable first step toward a some central point again. Thus we age of $200 a month is twenty-four atorial Committee uncovered the un- ment that "all panics are alike" if dimly, A rapidly increasing num- people are focusing attention on this return of prosperity is a sufficient sup- have a gold standard; provided we do hundred a year. No tax reduction pleasant facts surrounding the sale one considers the essential elements ber of intelligent citizens are ques- failure to exchange the wealth ply of basic money. Very recently not use it. But if we use it, we can- Program is going to save this farm- of foreign securities to the American in one. Always there is a disastrous tioning the validity of much of the which we are so amply able to pro- New York and Washington are making not have it. er more than a hundred dollars. Be- people by the same bankers. fall in the prices of commodities and conflicting and witless advice given duce. A surplus of food, and mil- a sadly belated effort to increase bank Such fantastic nonsense belongs it) an intelligent man he is neither the wages of labor. Always there is us so freely by financial leaders. lions of underfed people, is intoler- credits as a substitute for basic mon- an insane asylum. Gold standard ad- ed nor fooled. He will welcome Assume Foreign War a shortage of money and credits. You will recall a few months ago, able. Last month, in Chicago, when- ey. That is the purpose of the Na-vocates, however, solemnly assure UB e saving of a hundred dollars; but Withh undaunted undauntd ppatriotism how- Always the men and women who when the cry was "Save, and get out ever I took a walk in the loop, of tional Reconstruction Corporation and > > e is properly demanding the ever, ever, tho super-bankers "olunteered l raise food, make goods, or work in of the panic Return to the days of an evening, I was stopped in every the Glass-Steagall bill. Instead of that the mystic virtues of gold, es a monetary basis, arise from the irra- Uv r io-op.rativo ass'n stockholders w.lio know that a co-op Is financed And here I sit a Churning, like a sentimental chump J because the supply is so limited that from their personal stock subscriptions; that it receives no favor or ad- And my eyes are son of misty, as the cream HOPS tlniiiip-a-thump, it can be cornered. It is cornered blame, you may find yourself in court, sued for dam- vantage from banker, creditor, debtor or customer that is not enjoyed And my heart goes thumping backward to the days of long ago When 1 was Hiram 8 sweetheart, and Hiram was my beau. today. A group of super-banks abso- ages. It happens every day to someone. by private competition. 'These stockholders know that if their onter- lutely dominate the gold stock, and fails to pay its way they will lose their investment. They know- He would often do his nicest things in his most awkward way through it they rule the credit based that t h e Farm Board calls for exactly the same security for ,i loan as All so k m d of sheepish-like. j u s t like he did today He never was a slobber wheels, to lolly-Kan around on the gold. Under such conditions, If you drive without insurance, and have such an any local bank, is per.haps even stricter since t h e Board is the target Hut when he brings mo posies they're the nicest to be found for so many of murderous intent. And I love their fragrant freshness and I love my Hirnm too small banks, such as we had in Pinck- accident, you'll hire a lawyer and fight hard to avoid a For the awkward sentimental things he doesn't forget to do ney, or in hundreds of other commun- f h e t e farmers knoAv that local banks take care of nearly all farm- ities, cannot possibly lay hold of verdict that may sweep away your life's efforts and ers' co-operatives financial requirements. Bank loans are not gifts or enough basic money to meet their mortgage your future. i;«\ money. Last year alone American co-operatives did more than two Hllion dollars in business. The total appropriation granted nearly Lucius Wilson Speaks ernment bonds; most of us paying for needs when depositors call for cash. them iu Installments, and taking de- We hear much about "frozen assets" three years ago for the life of the Farm Board was a revolving fund of For Managed Currency livery through a bank. This taught in speaking of the failure of small If you carry State Farm Mutual Automobile Insur- ipDOO.OOO.OOO. (Continued from page 1) millions of people to use bank ac- banks. Why are assets frozen? Be- ance liability and property damage coverage, and "'Co-operative marketing" says the Blue Valley circular, "is sup- stand how bank credits are inflated or counts and check books who never had cause the supply of money in the should have such an accident, the Company protects posed to save for producers t h e small profit which private enterprise deflated; and how the prices of goods before. Teachers, office employees, country is so tightly held by the big may earn for service rendered." T h e idea is correct, but stated in- and labor may be controlled by such workmen and millions of others adopt- central banks that the small banks your interest in every manner. adequately. processes. Vet, until this knowledge ed the check book. The housewife cannot get any. It is not the assets Operating margins are now very narrow and no doubt the profits becomes general, the public cannot paid her maid with a check. The that are frozen—it is the nation's sup- Should the case go to court, we provide legal repre- ait small for everyone; but it has been our observation in the past that protect itself against vicioua deflation- maid deposited the check and paid her ply of cash that is cornered. vitli private enterprise the "small profit" is frequently all t h e traffic ary schemes. bills with checks. Under the present monetary system sentation, and fight the case. We assume the loss, if Will bear and competition will permit. Very often t h e situation h a s The Average Citizen, in his naive It was different in l'J04. A contract- there is no future for independent innocence, thinks a bank is a place or back in 1904, would have drawn banks in the smaller cities—even in any, as provided in the policy. The worry is off your given birth to a co-operative. where one leaves his money for safe- enough cash on Saturday morning to mind. Your home is safe. You can go on about your The circular advises that this is a poor time for farmers to go into keeping, when it becomes inconven- have paid the wages of very workman cities up to half a million population. business by joining co-operatives, which "form corporations, borrow ient to carry around. He supposes on the job on Saturday afternoon. But They cannot survive. They cannot be business. money, give their notes for the same and go into the manufacturing and the money remains in the vault un- during the war his men were taught powerful enough to compel the super- marketing business, . . . but it is a good time for everybody to stay close- til another comes along to borrow it. the convenience ot bank accounts and banks to yield the necessary share of We offer safe auto insurance coverage and nation- to and study well the business h-e knows most about." Once more, the IF THIS WKRK BANKING PRAC- checks, and now lie pays with checks. cash in a time of stress. These in- old go homo and slop your hogs policy. TICE, THERE WOLL1) NEVER BE Thus checks took the place of cash in dependent banks are bound to be wide service in a legal reserve company at low rates "Unlike co-operative marketing we pay our full share of taxes for ANY HANK STOCK SKLLIXG FOR tens of millions of transactions. Less strangled some time or other in the that save money for you. support of t h e government," says t h e circular. W e have yet to see the TEX TIMGS &BOVG PAR. recession of confidence. and less cash changed hands. The Branch Banking farmers' co-operative t h a t didn't pay its legal taxes. We recall that at Ma mi fixture of ( rruit Washington recently tin-re was a cry to reduce exemptions and limit de- demand for cash decreased. Banks The initial step toward universal We have 500,000 policyholders and Wbfttia bank does is to manufacture learned that more and more credit ductions which enabled private corporations having 130 billions gross credit fcnd sell it. Whatever money could be loaned with less and less branch banking 'is the wiping out o( 7,000 agents in 30 states. income in 1!'2!) to declare l i b billions not taxable. Looks as though may be in the vault is merely a safe- cash reserve. the independent banks. Unless a most of t h e boys know how to duck, or hire tax ducking experts. guard against the possibility of a de- managed currency, which cannot be The Universal (hock Theory If tanners 1 co-operative marketing enterprises could be built, positor .wanting some cash, bankers cornered, is speedily adopted, the pro- financed and kept going painlessly and at good pay, etc., for those in- In fact you can find learned discus- cess of destroying all independent know, jfroin experience, in normal sions in technical journals of a few STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS. CO led, from tax money to be bad for the asking, as the circular stifr- times, that eight dollars in the vauli years ago, by collegiate economists banks will go through to the bitter end. much cash as will he needed and bankers, advancing the theory that Recent action by the Senate Committee Bloomington, III. . W* believe that thousands worrying along in private business would see the light. Do they act as they talk? They remind us of Bill against a hundred dollars of checks. the universal use of checks would on Banking and Currency advances Bunk, who was described in the Farm News July 13, I!'-"). Therefore the banks feel safe in grant- the idea of a completely centralized MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU abort all need for money, and theo- banking structure. Control of two WHO'S BILL BUNK IX YOUlt COMMUNITY! ing to borrowers the right to draw a State Agent Lansing, Mich. 'Bout thirty years ago Hill Bunk hundred dollar* in checks for each retically, at leas»t, one dollar in cash billions, of gold will give absolute unit of eight or ten dollars in the would be all a community would need. domination over the bank credits of DistritnTtin' what's makes you gray." Lest Ititn of money in a chunk But Hill don't seem to Ket that way. lie bought some wool of folks around And lost on every .^"'1 durnecl pound, Bill Bunk ter me made the surmise vaults. Of course each borrower has You will note, in passing, this theory this nation. When this scheme is r?*W*?nW^f>iVn/*\ii7i\foi\M^ ISill Hunk is petting rich uml Kay That tanners ort to organise the legal right to draw a hundred dol- dovetails with the fantastic reasoning accomplished, fifty men in New York He's done it lofiln' just that way. I'er legislation only, "Cause, lars in cash (to continue the illustra- on which the gold standard is based. will determine how much bank credit Ter j;it relief just pass some laws." tion) but experience shows that nine- This intriguing theory omits one the people shall have; what shall be Bill Ba'ftk, lie biters dealt in stock Jlut all the Hunks t>> Kii their pay. KM bklined m a r Sot his latin in hock, Didn't make their pile just quite that ty per cent of his checking will call tremenduously important considera- charged for it; what interest must be II.- paid too min-li, the shrink was way. for nothing more than transfers of tion. It fails to perceive what would paid on long time loans as well as bad, And lost 'bout everything he had. I'.ill Bunfe just wears hisself out telling I low farmers ortei' do their own debits and credits on the books of the happen to all the bank credits, if the short; whether factories shall open lie bought a new sedan today From loBin' money just that way. SellilT As individuals, an" have sumo sense Hill Bunk, he say« you can't combine By showiu' their independence. bank. one dollar fell into the hands of a or close; what Michigan farmers shall man who was very selfish and shrewd, A simple illustration will make this and who discovered that he could take receive lor a year's toil. This will be MICHIGAN BELL clear. Suppose you deposit a hundred over the entire physical wealth of ihe a managed—or mismanaged money Your purchases at all, no tinn F"er fertiliser, feed Yr < oal. i t s bound ter put ye In the hole. That's what I'.ill and his brothers say lie tills \ i u this cause lie thinks he may Pli k 'em lots easier thataway. dollars of cash in the bank. Into the community by the simple process of system, with a vengeance. "It needs no bank comes Mr. A who wants to bor- hanging on to the dollar. All the bark ghost, my Lord, come from the grave, TELEPHONE CO* But they seem to Bortef buy that way. Hills lost Bo much I'd think he'd quit And let us fellers have a rip row a hundred dollars. He signs hi credits of the community would be to tell us this." i lieerd r.ill Bunk say he allows .\ i tak)ftg care of our own biz. note. It is okayed by the Cashier, and based on that one dollar as the avail- There is a group of bankers who are "To make mote money, keep more And make our pile like he made his, COWS." But Bill can't make no KOoses lay he is told to take it to the window ot able cash reserve. Whoever cornered directing the policy of the nation, who "I'eidu'tion Is the thinj;," says he, His golden egga if he dbes that way. the receiving teller. Mr A never the dollar could compel a deflation of believe that enormous power and prof- "That oiler interest hicks like me. —By J. P, Walker. thinks of inquiring why he goes to bank credits to suit his will. it is to be had through branch bank- the receiving teller, when he wants ing. Some of them think, honestly no Taxpayers Subsidize Commercial Truckers We are inclined to take our railroads as a matter of course. Most of them have been community fixtures for many years. Many date Wholesale disaster TVould fol'ow. money, instead of to the paying teller The bank would have to summon its doubt, that if a bank is big enough He follows direction and asks no ques borrowers suddenly and demand pay- it will not fail. By the same course tions. At the receiving teller's win- ment. The borrowers would have no of reasoning, they think that unlimit- The telephone helps back to what we consider the remote past. dow he delivers his note, and then he choice but to throw whatever assets ed branch banking will enable a bank Within the past dozen years commercial truck and bus transporta- tion, operating on highways built by public taxes, have absorbed such a volume of freight and passenger transportation as to endanger the rail- learns that his note is to be deposited they had—houses, bonds, goods—on to manufacture and loan perhaps the same as cash. He receives a nice, new check book, and goes home, and roads, in which the public has a tremendous interest, not only as a con- begins writing checks to pay bills. (Continued on pakre :: i the modern farmer . •. •) tinuing means of transportation but in the billions in cash investment Perhaps he sends one to the grocer, Classified Ads that individuals, banks, insurance companies and others have in them. The truck has a tremendous advantage in the use of city streets as well as the trunk line highways. It may deliver from door to door. However, in our opinion, the public is paying extra taxes to make up and anbther to the landlord and a third t<) the garage man. But the grocer does not rush to the bank and Classified advertisement* ar« cash with order at the following rates: 4 cents per word for one edition. Ads to appear in two or mor* editions take the rate of 3 cents per word per edition. to make" money cash the check—on the contrary he what a portion of our shippers save 'by trucking freight. takes the check to the bank and de- A national truck association states that it pays 7 cents of each posits it. The landlord and the garage dollar of revenues in taxes as against 6 *£ cents for the railroads. The man doj the same. The bank charges BABY CHICKS FARM MACHINERY railroads spend another 20 cents in maintaining their own right of way. Mr. A's account and credits the grocer, BABY CHICKS—ROCKS, REDS, Leg- COR BALB-tfaoH IM TO 7 INCH Telephone service enables the farmer 'lite public builds and maintains a suitable right of way for trucks. It the landlord and the garage man. The horns. Hatches, every week. Splendid four and live ply new belting. Five invests thousands of dollars extra in each mile of concrete road to layers. Great entire cycle, beginning with the loan inability guaranteed. Get 1932 prices. for broilers. Thirty day cetlts per foot, u|). Also 7.", root endless make it strong enough to stand up under the heavy trucks. at the bank to Mr. A and carrying High eyg strains. Brummer & Fredrick- Write for prices. O. A. Resmussen bolts. Steel water tanks, 8 to i bhis to call buyers in surrounding towns and Consider the railroad and the truck in a snowstorm that blocks through; to the settlement of the ac- son Michigan. Poultry Farms, Box 30, Holland, Greenville, Mich. (12-26-tf-32b) (4-9-::t-:;o]>) traffic. During the storm early in March the New York Central rail- counts at the grocer et al is complet- obtain the best prices for grain, livestock, road hired 600 men to remove snow from its Syracuse yards and tracks. ed, and not a dollar of cash has left RURAL r.OXA) SEAL CHICKS MAKE WANTED— FARM WORK money for their owners. They have many Truck drivers, knowing that the taxpayers would clear the roads the bank. generations of hisli egg breeding. Cock- tor general automobile traffic, Bat in tneir hotels until the highways It is this check book habit that erels with aw hiuh as five generations <>r WAXTKD— FAU.M WORK BT MONTH •• In our mating*. Write or year i,y n;;irrieii man, .".(), With 2 chil- hogs, fruits and vegetables. were made ready for them. makes possible the loaning of large tot frtee catalog and low 1932 prices dren. Experienced farmer. James M credits, [by banks, with stnall cash re- Rural Poultry Farm, ll-l, Box N2432 Leiby, 127 South Charles St., Lansihg! It would be interesting to see a motor truck firm build its own Zeeland, Mich. C4-23-2t-48b) (4*»-it) serves. The bank can loan Mr. A a highway from Ity, and Dixu*ate on its own prooertv, and base its hundred dollars of credit, with a CHICKS Ki;o.\l Vl<;<>i;<>rs NORTH- month WANTED WORK (>X FARM r.v by middle aged single man. Gen- When machinery repairs are needed, . accordingly, and compare its costs and charire.s with an identical ern bred stock; sweepstakes prize win- reserve of eight dollars. Therefore ners; MICHIGAN ACCREDITED. Large era] rartn experience. W. C. Plckworth trucking firm on today's system. :'."*'._• X. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich- it can loan ten thousand dollars of type Leghorns as low us |5.58 pet 100; Barred and White Rofc&s, fteds, White or when it is time to buy spring supplies, credit, with eight hundred dollars of Wyandottes $«.5O. Commencing May t6. Livestock and Legumes. cash in reserve. What the bank actu- Pedigreed males head SUn- Matings. Al- WANTED -FARM WORK BY MONTH During this period of inadequate returns there is greater need than ally does with your deposit of one Gel Free catalog. sprted chicks. Livabillty guarantee. or y. ;lr. Married man, 2 children, boy 9 LakeView Poultry giW 11. Farm t; years for s.-lf. By month before that. Can do the work. Willard a telephone enables him to learn where before to establish a permanent system of farming which will main- hundred dollars of cash is to cut it Faun, K-s. Box 36, Holland, MfcHi. Moore, 248 W. Randolph St., Lansing tain the fertility of the soil. Increasing the acreage in legume* and ( l»23-4t-63t» Michigan. Up into twelve parts, and loan twelve (4-23-lt) prices are lowest. converting farm products into livestock or livestock products is the hundred dollars of credit against it. LIVE STOCK WANTED KAlt.u WuKIv BY MONTH best means tor bringing this about. Fortunately for those who are jtust Xow you can understand the reason or yen r l,y married man, 28, with family. inaugurating such a program, there is an opportunity to do so at mini- for the anti-hoarding ballyhoo. WANT TO EXCHANGE REGISTERED Alfred Jones, 618 River St., Lansing Guernsey cow or heifer from hi^h pro- Michigan. (4-23-lt) mum expense. In these days of wholesale bank ducing stock for mule or team. W A Anderson, Bentoh Eiafbor, K-1, Michigan. WANTED—FARM WORK BY TEAR And, in emergencies, he can summon The cost of Seeding an acre of land to legumes has depreciated failures there is plenty of reason for ( l - 2 3 - l t - s ) or month by married man, :;7. .small fam- even more than the purchasing power of the farm dollar. The decrease questioning the soundness of an S'r ily. Neat, good habits, pleasant, got)d In land values accompanied with a decided reduction in interest rates cash reserve, or a 15% reserve or a SEEDS and PLANTS milker, good w i t h stock. UeoTffe GalVin -':'.n w. St. Joseph St., Lansing, Michi- aid immediately, by telephone. the era of high prices makes fixed charges much less against land 25% reserve. Banks tacitly admit the DUNLOP STRAWBERRY PLANTS J3 gan. Phone B3388. i l-"::-it > taken out of crop production and devoted to grass and legumes. The harge. Mighty few banks today dare per 1,000; 5,000 ttp $2.75; 10,000 <3> $2.50, WANTED—FARM WORK BY .MONTH value of labor required for seeding is correspondingly low. The pur- to operate on less than 369J or more All 80 varieties. Best plants in Michigan. "'• year. Married man. IT,, c,n,. child kinds of Nursery Stock. Seeds, Five years bn dairy farm. ash reserve. Why is it? The bank- Write us before you buy. Fr-^e list. Bwing, ;;M'!I BO. Cedar St., J.aiisin« Raymond The telephone is worth more than it of livestock to utilize the crop produced can be made under most Mich- Prices down where they belong. James igan. favorable conditions for the buyer. ing practices about which bankers G. Prestage & Sons, THK ALL.EJGAN boasted three years ago are proven NURSERY, Allesan, Box X, Michigan. (4-23-lt) costs. Such a program works in two ways for the betterment of agricul- WORK BY MONTH BY RXPERl- lisastrous. A slight increase in the (2-13-6t-42b) etic,i farm hand. Norman Gar chow tural COBditioi ms land to legumes takes it out of competition witli that which is producing surplus crops. Stocking farms with live- demand for cash, on the part of the SEED COR X—CERTIFIED OOLI>EN All,a, Mich. 4-1':;. u J utblic. was sufficient to tumble banks <;lu\v, mown from oar to row system. WANTED- WORK ON FARM BY stock furnishes a market at lionit' for large quantities of grain and over like houses of cards. Seed enrs selected from standing corn. month by young man, single. Experienced Fire l&nt the liurlifliik. F. \V. Johnson < S- farm. Howard Wil-ox. Mason, Michigan t*9-2t>28p (4-23-lt) FARM THRU inancial tycoi (nay as "Under the li -ill t>ill which L I M E F Lucius Wilson Speaks ner, ditnplibg at me. so long that I gold .standard advocates, this Congri " Your N.e« $ know its dimples have grown whisk- ling with debts is very respectable, .•lose the I'ederal capitol and oral Reserve banks now 1. Agstone Meal (bulk only) -"" Biirelu' Bur..u Hydr^te'd P U v e r i z^m™" e d ^ e (b l l l k , o r 8 0 |b< For Managed Currency ers. Alibis, silly campaigns and news- very honorable, very righteous. But ate all state authority. Govern- i ountvy. But just as to expand the credit fm-ilitios of tli<- i will, Farm Ib.' sacks." bags)> (Continued From Page, i.) paper sensations have palled. I want any proposal to manage the cur-ment will reside in the Central tion when i an, choose ;i time V.M Ins . the patient's s y s t e m is twenty or fifty dollars of credit for m revive! s. e men em emJrency | so as to his highly banks. ready for it. su the Pfederel R< Ask Local Farm Bureau doubling the Commenting on the Glass-Steagall i» r j C(>s one dollar of gold reserve. This is ployed again; see new wealth created j respectably trickthat, of gentlemen—is bill, the sumo writer says: have to time thetr operations in accordance with tin nt a s of the many widely-acclaimed each day on farms and in factories. debt burden- I ' l i i i i n i i i o d o n i- viewed with alarm by our dis- to 'economize gold". Of And I want to see the public given a j course this scheme carries a legalized iiitdium of exchange that will encour- tinguished financial leaders, who. of course, are inspired only by lofty Michigan for more monopoly of the gold supply; other* age us to trade goods and services, so patriotism. They earnestly warn us wise it could not operate. The Cen-that we may enjoy the fruits of our against departing from the sacrosanct HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' SALE tral bank must have possession of "the creative abilities. Wednesday, May 11, 1932, at Noon fancy fruit . . . dollar" (to recall an earlier illustra- Tlift >cc«'ssary Changes gold standard. They paint terrify- Ho well, Mich., Fair Grounds ing word pictures of inflation. They tion) and therefore be able to fix the There is no mystery surrounding the point to Germany after the war; al- Negative blood test. From areas free from T-B. 70 head of young GRASSELLI terms upon which debts will be paid. necessary changes in our monetary iS^gfcT they"kZw ' p*«rfectly;" >ell I believe this idea is a delusion of "" Thousands of men ^Tejtiurt that a a Sscientifically (,entifi(ally managed m anaKed < ur- cows, yearlings, calves, bulls consigned by stub reputable breeders as Lakewood Farms, Van HooSen Farms, Detroit Creamery Farms, / grandeur; but it is fraught with hid- known ,ts essentials tor a quarter of: r e m()rer,S(,nblam.e lo SPRAY eous consequences to the rank and Mnvt n vM.'-^/ W Q A NTITV 0 F t h e |)( a r s <*»»«« »*W <* repudiation, Lakefleld Farms, M. l>. Buth, Blythefleld Farms, Serradella Farms, Michigan State College, etc. file of the people. The Central bank, T H :PK and DUST by having control of gold, also has ^ V IUS W J ^ K°U * felH,lh,T\ ' ° - t«an IN- loon. a micrometer Sometimes does theytolose a toy their bal- Sale Under Direction of control of credits. It could start a That is to say, again, thej tempers and call us, who advocate MICHIGAN HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION PRODUCTS deflation of prices wherever it suited molehill must grow as the mountain a l l intelligent and scientific cur- the selfish Interest of the inside gang. grows. Let me repeat, this cannot be'renry, some hard names, Money Volume Controls \ done with gold, because there is no, T h e c e n t r a l banks> of co Send for Catalog to J. B. TOOLEY, Sale Manager, Howell, Michigan Manufactured under definite chemical control, There is no longer any doubt that £ a y of swelling the production of gold n g h l a n v t n a u g e l r o m g o l ( L Their the quality of exchange medium—that tfc keep pace with the rising genius 1 ) a i d publicists never cease reiterat- thus insuring uniformity; certified as to qual- , is, the money and the bank credits— of scientists and inventors who de- i n g certain stock objections to the ity and preferred by many leading growers. GRASSELLI GRADE with which society is equipped to buy vise marvelous new machines with ac- management of the money system and sell, is the dominant factor in es- elerated speed. Gold is a rigid thing, i by any group that is even siightly tablishing the index price of com- Then a growing human society is responsible to the people it serves, Buy Aritnate of Lead Powder Calcium Arsenals Powder Bordeaux Mixture Powder Lime Sulphur Solution Monohydrated Copper Sulphate , Casein Spreader Sulphate of Nicotine Sulforon modities. At close of any day—or hackled to an unchangeable money, A New York journalist, in syndicate week—or month—or year—if society he living organism cannot survive, articles writes last week: were to pile up, in one vast mountain here are bound to be recurring times Perhaps tho most important all the products of the farms, fac- hen the money-price of commodities which ful Important lesson mankind ii;is learned in its pain- experience with m o n e y la t h a t the Quality FENCE Dry Lime Sulphur tories and mines, that mountain would »rill have to be scaled down violently, power to manage money must not !>•• con- Kleenup Oil Flake Zinc Sulphate DUTOX-Our Non-Arsenical Insecticide be the real wealth newly created. o fit the restricted supply of gold. lidcd to king*, nftnistera or legislatures. For governments, because they have to through the Now, suppose that all the money and . There . , ,is .a childhood story., of a cruel T H E GRASSELLI C H E M I C A L COMPANY 629 Euclidlid Ave. Ave 1530 E. Hancock Ave 2101 Canalpot Incorporated Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich. , . er or later the mountain must be ex- nited to sleep. The giant, however, countries , spend money, cannot t>.- trusted wU'» the bank credits are placed in a pile—a l a n t w h o lived in a c a s t l e a n d kept ,„,„,.,. ,,, manufacture it. molehill—beside the mountain. Soon- bed on which unwary travelers were That \» tiu- reason w h y in all advanced tin- central banks <>f issue, thai is. tlio institutions Which Control the vol- Farm Bureau nalport Ave Chicago, Illinois changed for the molehill. The moun- nsisted that each traveler must fit nine of money, ar« kept Independent d d t off Farm Bureau Fence is good, dur- tain cannot be sold for any more dol- he bed. If he was a tall man so that <>t the Government. Tin no other able fence and will give mauy years lars than there are in the molehill, ead or feet extended beyond the end l ! w: v : i n ll( l(;riee of money since 1929 has made We pounds of products variation in its working force was than in 1930. The in processing and selling each item; how this system, built up over thirty on cash. t impossible to pay debts incurred I relatively small; forty-odd packing years, spreads risks and tends to hold The molehill must grow as the before that date. Debts—public and i mountain grows. We know that the private have been doubled or trebled: plants, more than a hundred produce sales volume. Farm Bureau invention of power-driven, automatic by this sky-rocketing in the price of machinery multiplies the productivity money. stations and 400 branch houses con- of every worker in factories and on tinued to operate near capacity. Livestock raisers should know the of Debts farms. David Friday says it increased Garden 60 per cent in the eight years pre- ceding 1929. In the face of that chal- lenging fact, civilized society must According to the ethics of the Farmers Buying 9 Read in the Swift & Company factors that govern selling prices, volume and profits of Swift & Com- 1932 Year Book how the difficult con- Seeds take one of the two courses;—adjust ourselves so we can consume the com- forts and luxuries we produce; or, Guide Rate* on Application ditions were met. pany. The 1932 Year Book discusses these things. throw 40 or 50 or 60 per cent of work- Grafting Wax— HAND WAX find' BRUSH WAX. All best varieties for ers out of jobs and carry them on the We use the b»8t of materials, and mix Related in this compact booklet well. Send for price list. M. H. HUNT IgftBi Reliable, vigorous, pro- dole. & SOX, LANSING, .MICH. are the methods used in cutting costs Your copy awaits you. The at- ductive. As one American to another, I re- fuse to subscribe to the defeatist and Hotel Kerns W I S I 1 CIUO At IaJ sln ! *- y between the farm producer and the tached coupon may be used in send- deflationist program that has been zation headquarters. * years farm organi- BUY AT THESE STORES Comfort at easy forced upon us by the cornering of N. Grand at Mich. Center of city, retailer's store—methods, the effects ing for it. the nation's gold supply, and the afeteria, garage, Rates $1.50 to $2.50. Or order by mail. Write for breakdown of the inflated system of Beekeepers Supplies—N, Our tree garden seed circular. bank credits. I believe the Machine and A. I. Root Co. goods. Send for c;ita- kg&t witli its mighty potentialities lOff. M. ][. HUNT & SON, LANSING, Bay City Lapeer can be made to yield mankind a uni- MICHIGAN. Swift & Company Hart Lansing versal prosperity and happiness be- Monuments— BKAUTIFULL.T Imlay City Pinconning yond anything ever enjoyed. As soon DESIGNED Purveyors of fine foods Saginaw iiionuments of the most tful g l t * beautiful ; is wo manage our money and banking andd marble. C Call or write. We employe with half the ability that has distin- no salesmen. You save the difference. Largest monument works in Western FARM BUREAU SUPPLY guished our industrial growth we will Michigan.r SLMPSON GRANITE WORKS, distribute as skilfully as we produce i:i. >8 W. Leonard, Grand Rapids. Swift £ Company offers to retail- STORES Or, to put the same truth in less pleas- ers everywhere the highest quality Swift & Company, Write tho Farm 4221 Packers Avenue, ant words; if the industrial organiea- Bureau Supply of meats in Swift's Branded Beef Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois tion of society during the past hun- Store, Lansinff* Mi<-h., for price list on their liixh qualify, adapted true-to- and Lamb, Swift's Premium Hams dred years, had been as blindly selfist tiame, guaranteed garden seeds. and Bacon and enhances demand for produce by advertising brands Please send me, without charge, my copy of the 1932 Year and reactionary as our financial or- and MARKERS of high quality. Swift's Premium ganization, we would have been plow- Memorials— < '.utral M i < hlgah'B Book. Milk-Fed Chicken, Golden West ing witli crooked sticks and dressing largest stork. Fterpetoate the family name with a distinctive Mrtnorinl. Le1 Fowl. Swift's Brookfield Butter, like Ghandi. us eo-operate with yon In its design ami Eggs. Cheese and many other Name_ Betting*. Attractive booklet "Personality products. 1 am tired of listening to false in Memorials' free "ti request. Phone Address^ promises of relief. I have been told 26-672. i:. A . v r . \ K i : i ; , L©2« K. Mi. Hope Ave., Lansing. "We rover the that business is just around the cor- , APKTI, 23, FOOt MICHIGAN FARM XEW8 Lucius Wilson Speaks their discredited prophecies and opin- man. We are assessed half a billion every month for. eighteen consecutive actionaryisni that summons us to re- lowering of the standards of Ameri- can living; ten millions of people on Falmouth Co-op ks For Managed Currency ions "Oh is published in an ironical book, dollars for the National Reconstruc- months. Yeah". Every citizen should tion Corporation to save the railroads verse the chains which bind us. The prophet Etijah stood before the dole and the number increasing Cut in Public Salary otinued From Patv Further Trouble Ahead ut the rate of a million a year; or read it. and such banks as may be selected. King Ahab and warned him that no to thf' condition of tha country. Unless a managed currency is you will make the fight for a scientific They iould not hope to expand credit j Deflation Continues It is proposed to allow incomes in the adopted this year, we will enter upon rain would fall upon Israel until there p'almouth—Fal month Co- with nope of while it w a s un was general repentence. The droughth ,money system that will enable us to tivc Marketing Ass'na 262 t a i n whether Congrrees would balance t h e Meanwhile the economic facts on higher brackets escape from increased another winter of growing unemploy- exchange the products of hand and iemh luidK' could not hope to do it which an intelligent man must base taxation, and shift the burden to a ment. What are we going to do about began. The first year, the poorest .sub- while the (Country was threatened with his conclusions tell their own unhap- brain, to the end that the men and have petitioned tho Legislature t the adoption fcf the Bonus. Even with sales tax on the necessities of life. feeding the people '• We cannot raise, jects of the king were starved. The women of today, and the children of a referendum to enable voters • verted, it i.s probable that py story. Car loadings continue to And because a dragooned House of by private gift, the huge sums needed. second year, the more well to do per- reduce all county and t0wn 8nl|) l° they cannot hope to do much more than ished. The third year want stalked tomorrow may work, build, create, ad- to Arrest the precipitous deflation now In decline, which means the people are Representatives dares to ga^ at the Cities cannot persist in the irrational vance. Out of it will come a pros- iicers' salaries to the basis nrovw progress, until there are si#ns of return- denying themselves more and more of dose it is castigated by the press. the King himself. Then he was will- in the laws of 1914 and to red Ing sanity on the part of governments in policy of issuing five or ten year perity pervasive and deep. We may t in reparations and debts- I the comforts and luxuries of life. The automobile manufacturers, the bonds for food and lodging consumed ing to grant the courageous old salaries of State representativ U e uctiona in trade, ;uid political p e a c e — Steel production is in the doldrums at last of America's daring adventurers prophet the trial of authority between look into a future where a greater Senators 2 5 % . Test of the ° end with thi toratlon a m o n g t h e this year. An end to this economic Machine Age enables mankind to live "We the directors 1 of the American people of their National mo* about 25% of mill capacity. The in business, are putting on an heroic stupidity must come. The panic must the thousand priests of Baal, and the one old man from the hills. Standing better, grow wfrser, and die happier operative Marketing Afla'n, rait prices of farm products sink to un- drive to coax business from "around be cured, intelligently and effectively •zr,i members In Misaaukee <<>umv There is the mental attitude of plumbed depth. Delinquent taxes the corner". If it scores a qualified cured, or we will see capitalistic so- before the people Elijah cried "How than in all the ages of recorded his- hereby petition in the interest of e,Z'n the New York financial district. You threaten the existence of our school /long halt ye between two opinions? tory. and for the support of our represent?*/^ failure, as it is destined to do; we will ciety go over the precipice. .Mr. BcOtt, and our Senator, M r .'•B1IVl'. are told, not at all delicately, that system and the continuance of muni- If the Lord be God, follow Him; but in requesting a referendum to 'hF. °. unless the Congress of the United cipal government. But railroad rates then experience a collapse that leaves God sives us reasoning powers that if be Baal, then follow him. sentt-d before the voters at the N O V P ^ " Our doubts are traitors and make 1882 election requesting' a reduction bc()f'r States takes the orders of the Big are increased. Interest and commis- nothing to the imagination. To this we may use them. We can, if we will, extremity have we come, through fol- choose the course of progress, ad- The Issue is Clear us lose the good we oft might win all township and county officers' s-iia down to the basis a s Incorporated?* es Hankers, and passes the legislation sions on private borrowings make Ur The issue is as clear today. Either by fearing to attempt.—Shakes- laws of I M I , and reducing Uepresem. they order, the nation will have no Shylock look like a benevolent gentle- lowing a course of economic near- vancement, happiness and prosperity fives' and Senators' .salaries L'.V ent *- thinking which has been discredited instead of blindly worshipping the re- you except defeatism; a permanent peare. relief from the gold corner and the credit strangulation. Dose l o r QongreM Congress mint force American tax payers to assume the European war debts. Congress must pass a reve- nue bill which pleases the super- bankers. From such sources came the FARM BUREAU FIELD SEEDS " I have been using Farm Bureau Oils in my car and tractor proposal of low taxes in the high in- come brackets; and a general sales 1,000 for two years and am very well satisfied with the results," Fritz Mantey, well known farmer and seed grower of Fairgrove, Tus- tax on the meagre life bought by the poor man. Rail- necessities of road legislation must conform to the TRACTOR cola county, writes us. " I change the oil in the tractor every three days and find demands of the investment bankers. In short, Congress must HOURS! that the oil drained from the crankcase is in much better condi- pass under the yoke, and become the tion than the oils used previously. obedient flunkey of international banking. You, who live in the mid- No Repairs "The tractor has been run about 1,000 hours since I began usipig Farm Bureau oil. I have not had the least bit of motor west, and who arc told that good citizen&hip requires your attention to Motor trouble, and the tractor is in excellent condition. the choice of congressmen and presi- dents; can revise all these worn out notions about government. You may Perfect " I change the oil in my car every 1,000 miles. I have driven 19,000 miles and believe the motor is practically as good as new. nominate and elect congressmen, and senators and presidents, but I never have to add oil to the tractor or car between oil changing their function is to be nothing more periods." than window dressing for the finan- cial powers. The governor of the Federal Re- For Heavy Yields of High Quality Crops ASK YOUR FARM BUREAU DISTRIBUTOR FOR serve bank in New York will be the ostensible head of the oligarchy, but SEED is the most important factor in making a crop. Its choice is MIOCO, 100% Paraffin Base he is nothing more than a mouth- B U R E A U P E N N , 100%, Pennsylvania oil piece for the super-banking crowd. in your hands. The best goes furthest and produces more. Who is the governor of the Fed- Farm Bureau's Michigan grown, selected, tested seeds are chosen eral Reserve bank in New York? Is for their ability to produce heavy yields of top quality hay or grain. In 5 gallon cans and drums at Farm Bureau prices that will save you money. 25,000 Michigan, there any means by which you can Ohio and Indiana fanners use our oils and greases. reach him and make him hear the Your local Farm Bureau distributor has these Farm Bureau Seeds in cries of the families of twenty mem- bers of a fine social club in the stock: greatest city of Michigan who took ALFALFAS their own lives last year because the panic had robbed them of their all? Farm Bureau's MICHIGAN VARIEGATED Can you make him listen to the ap- A Great, Low Cost, Heavy Yielding, Long Lived Hay Producer peals of the tens of thousands of families that face eviction from their Certified HARDIGAN and certified GRIMM homes? Just how will you go Eligible for certified seed production. Unexcelled for hay. about convincing his "best judge- ment as to the condition of the CLOVEES country?" Red Clover, Alsike, Mammoth, and Sweet Clovers Why, you don't even know his High test, thoroughly cleaned, heavy yielding. The best name! You have nothing to do with clover seed Michigan grows. his selection. He takes his orders from the super-banking institutions HUSKING and ENSILAGE CORN that are In business for profit, first, last and all the time. During tho two and a half years of accumulat- Certified M. A. C, Picketts, Golden Glow, Polar Dent and Clements White Cap. Uncertified Farm Bureau Yellow Dent Husking Corn. STORY of the ing disaster, has this man uttered Ensilage Corn: Farm Bureau Yellow Ensilage, Farm Bureau White one word .to indicate that he has the slightest understanding of the plight of a people who must have an in- Cap, Red Cob, Learning. These varieties will grow and mature in those sections of Michigan for which they are intended. Guaranteed high, vig- orous germination. Field selected, dried, shelled and graded SALESMAN crease of money and credits at once. by corn specialists. if they are to avoid universal bank- ruptcy? I beg you, as grown men who must CERTIFIED ROBUST BEANS Also light and dark red kidney beans and the Baby Chicks exercise the God Given faculty of reason, do not expect anything from these men in the future, different OATS and BARLEY from what you have received in the Certified Wolverine oats (for light soils) and Worthy oats (heavy soils), past. The leaders among them told are Michigan's best and heaviest yielding oats. Certified Spartan barley gen- Lawrence Wright of the Farm Bureau Supply Store at Bay you what to expect more than a year erally outyields other varieties 3 to 10 bushels per acre. City tells us this story: ago. Albert Wiggin, the head of the Chase National bank and Paul War- OTHER FARM BUREAU CERTAIN-SEEDS burg, then of the Manhattan Trust Timothy, Sudan Grass, Millets, Field Peas, Let us show you • • • Mr. E. S. Needham was raising White Rock chicks on Mer- Company tried to make it clear. If any of you gentlemen doubt that the Michigan Grown Manchu Soy Beans mash 16%. The day the chicks were 4 weeks old, a feed sales- deflation of 1931 and 1932 was a SEED GUARANTEE: Only Farm Bureau guaran- Michigan Variegated man called to sell him another chick starter. planned operation, I ask that you tees to the farmer to the full purchase price of the seed This coupon will bring you a sam- read the published statements of these ple of Farm Bureau M I C H I G A N two men, made in January of 1931. its vitality, description, origin and purity as described VARIEGATED alfalfa seed and our Finally the salesman said: "I'll show you how much you They boldly told you that three on the analysis tag. descriptive circular. have lost by not feeding our feeds. If fed our starter your birds tilings were going to be done. First, there was to be a wholesale slash in should weigh 10 ounces at four weeks." wages ami commodity prices. They For Farm Bureau ALFALFA SEED Address implied this slash must be deep enough to reduce the American plane —see your local distributor He produced his scales and started weighing chicks. Not of. living to the same level as of Farm Bureau Seeds one did he find weighing less than a pound. That was a tough FN-4-22 European peoples. Second, there was M A I L TO Farm Bureau Service*, Inc., Laming, Mich. break. Ten ounces was all he could promise for his feed and the to be a cancellation of war debts. They were not quite so frank in this chicks fed Mermash weighed a pound or more. At six weeks Mr. statement, preferring to soften it with Needham reported that the Mermash pullets averaged iy a lbs. the term "readjustment". Third, the titriff barriers must be broken down. each. Through the Wringer No matter how much you may dis- agree with this deflationist policy you Mermash aims to be the lowest priced, good chick starter on must acknowledge their candor in the market. It's a superior dry mash. Starts chicks-grows notifying you that you were going to be put through the wringer. pullets-maintains peak egg production at lowest cost by supply- It is conceivable that our New York ing all the essential food elements. It's a life time ration. hanking leaders have reasoned them- selves into the belief that the Ameri- can people must accept a living stand- Only Mermash supplies chicks and poultry with iodine in ard, like the European peasant, at food form-kelp and fish meal. Michigan soils and crops are defici- bare subsistence level, with no beck- LIVER MEAL oning hope for the future. That is the Mcrmash and all Farm Bu- ent m iodine, an important food and growth element. That's why only logical conclusion that a keen reau poultry feeds containing Mermash wins the pen against pen tests for the healthiest, best eyed obsjerveij1 can draw from the meat scraps now include as part developed, .owest cost chicks. Mermash is a winner for young admitted policy of the financial ty- coons. I do not believe the American of the scraps a portion of liver people will submit. I dp not believe meal from fresh hog livers. Ex- lucks and turkeys, too. there is any need to submit. periment station tests show that The managed currency plan is a liver meal benefits chicks, pul- concrete and sound step toward re- lets and laying hens. That's stored and permanent prosperity. It why we include it in tho ration. challenges your consideration. that its proponents ask is a fair chance All Corn Champions Use Farm Bureau We have no mysterious term lor IF YOU HAVE NOT FED MERMASH- to lay its merits before the American Fertilizers for High Yields it. It's liver meal and we tell you so. o ^ T " b r i n 3 vo» THE S O R Y OF MERMASH citizenship. They invite examination and discussion. And that is exactly ARTHUR W. JEWETT, Mason 92 bu. per acre. and our Special Introductory Price Offer for your first bag what is denied them. It is almost im- H. ALFRED STURM, Pigeon 95 bu. per acre of Mermash. possible to obtain space in any metro- politan daily to advocate a change in Corn Growing Champions in Regions 2 and 3 of Micmgan State College 1931 Corn Growing Contest. the monetary system looking toward For M E R M A S H — s e e your local dis- ;i release from the stranglehold of the FARM BUREAU FERTILIZERS PROVIDE THE BEST PLANT gold standard. Meanwhile, nation wide publicity is given to puerile and FOOD AND ARE PRICED RIGHT t r i b u t o r o f Farm B u r e a u F e e d s inconsequential twaddle in support of See Your Local Farm Bureau Distributor TO_F«ri^Bureau Strvictt, Inc., L«mint, Mi'chi»«J] the God of Things as They Are. Night after night the radio brings "BUY CO-OP- oHclunents from financial leaders importuning us to be patient, and sav- oracularly advising us to keep up our courage and how all is ERA TIVELY" ... SEED.,. FEED... TWINE... TIRES... Farm Bureau Services, Inc. LIFE AUTOMOBILE I N SURA NC E « AND for the best: or assuring us that the or else telling us we LIME... SUPPLIES Lansing, Michigan AT A "FARM i long siege. They RISK RATE" offer no definite facts upon such opinions | A compilation ofj