on KEEP UP News Interesting to Farmers Through the Farm News Vol. X, No. 17 FAKSt K1KTY CENTS PER YKAK A Newspaper,', For Michigan Farmers SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 FIVE CENTS FKK COHY THE NEWS A Progressive Newspaper For Michigan Hornet Issued Semi-Monthly Farm STONE TELLS GRAIN THESE PROPOSALS . CO-OP WOOL COOPS ENEMIES' FERTILIZER PREVENTS WINTER KILLING TO FACE YOU ON YELLOW DWARF DISEASE IN POTATOES ASS'N ADVANCE IS ATTACK IS HEAVY UP TO 8 PER LB. C Farmers Nat'l is Doing Well; NOVEMBER BALLOT Wool Prices Are Advancing; Elects Michigan Man Director fax Limitation, Exemption, 7 Cars of 1932 Wool Control of Legislature, Sold Chicago—The Farmers National Important Items Grain Corporation, grain handling Lansing ---Michigan Co-operative organization for farmers co-opera- The Farm News herewith presents Wool Marketing Ass'n which haa tives recognized by the Federal even proposed amendments to the been advancing BH<5 per lb. to Farm Board, earned $1,300,000 on ^tate Constitution, as furnished us by members for wool placed in ita Its marketing operations for the warehouse for grading and sale di- he Secretary of State's office. They rect to mills through the National year ending May 31, during which vill appear on the November ballot, time it handled more than 148 mil- Wool Marketing Corporation at ogether with a referendum to abolish Boston lias been authorized by the lion bushels of grain. It owns or he 1931 Act prohibiting sale of oleo- controls more than 7."> million National to increase its advance to bushels of terminal and country margarine colored to resemble butter 8 cents per pound on Michigan storage space, Gen. Mg. George S. and taxing oleo sales in Michigan. |wools and Go on western wools, ef- Milnor reported to the stockholders. The blackface type following each Fective at once. proposed amendment is comment by The Michigan Ass'n has shipped 7 The National has 2 8 regional he Michigan Farm News on the p r o - stockholders, suc-h as the Michigan carloads of 10 3 2 wool to Host on posal. which has been sold by the National Elevator Exchange in Michigan, TOP—This field planted with seeH from field showing small yellow dwarf which in turn serves some 80 farm- ARTICLE XVI infection in 1931. at good prices for these times on er elevator stockholders and 19 Section 11. The legislature may by BOTTOM—An adjoining field planted to healthy seed from outside the infected the advancing market. The lower aw establish a liquor control com- area. grades of wool hate been ordered bean growers locals. Three, drv seasons and an abun- of locating supplies of new seed stocks out first. President Carl Martin of the nission, who, subject to statutory dance of leaf hoppers, grasshoppers in t northern Michigan. imitations, shall exercise complete and other Insects have helped spread Interested Michigan Elevator Exchange was elected a director of the National, •ontrol of the alcoholic beverage yellow dwarf potato disease in Mich- growers should get in touch with these Wool Prices Move Up; raffle within this state, including the institutions for information and seed guceeeding L. .1. Taber of Ohio. This State College early spring Wheat between the stakes is on a retail sales thereof; and the legisla- igan. The disease may ruin a field service. Treasurer Walter Beam reported photograph of wheat shows the bene- strip of land that received an applica- National Leads Way the National out of debt with each ficial results of fertilizer on wheat in tion of lime. ure may also provide- for an excise as shown above. Seed from a slightly Treating the seed or spraying the ax on such sales: Providing, how- infected field may bring the above re- plants has no effect on yellow dwarf, of 100 banks with which it does preventing winter killing. Wheat beyond the stakes received sults the following season. The an- which cuts the yield In accordance Boston—'Wool prices continue to business, with a substantial cash re- Wheat in the foreground received an application of fertilizer and later ever, that neither the legislature nor swer, says the State College Farm with the severity of the infection. move upward under the leadership serve with its $16,000,000 obliga- no treatment. such commission may authorize the of the National Wool Marketing tion to the Federal Farm Board produced a good yield of grain. manufacture or sale of alcoholic bev- Crops Dep't, is a clean harvest for Laic infection is difficult to detect in Corporation, which announces that rages in any county in which the the infected areas and an outside the field. Sound seed stock will pro- 'it has advanced its prices three times funded over a period of 10 years, and the National's security and con- tinuity established as a going con- SERIOUS POTATO Grasshoppers Smile At lectors thereof, by a majority vote, source for clean seed next year. shall prohibit the same. duce a good crop on a field previously since Aim. l. Boston wool dealers State "College at East Lansing and Infected, the College says. Yellow have supported the advances. Man Spread Diseases Michigan was a dry State before Na- the Michigan Potato-Growers Exchange dwarf does not harm potatoes for con- Wool prices in Boston had drop- cern. PresideJnt Huff predicted -viettory PEST DISCOVERED ional Prohibition came into effect. This at Cadillac have undertaken the job sumption purposes. s an effort to provide for local option pi d by July to 6 3 % of the Boston for the co-op in its struggle with the (Chicago Board of Trade, -which has denied it full trading* privileges. ANDHJMINATED Time and money spent in spread- by counties and liquor if the Prohibition ing disease among grasshoppers to Act should be repealed, or modified so as control an outbreak are wasted, says oraffic permit States to restore the liquor if they so desire. A bit of pre- HOMESTEADING Busted By Depression, Some Become Shackers price in January. They have now regained all but 7% of that drop. Prices are still too low, but it i.s an The Board of Trade ig fighting an Dep't of Agr. Finds Tuber Dr. W. H. Larrimer, Bureau of En- paredness. order to close issued by the U. S. Dep't of Agriculture under the Act Worm in Shipments tomology. In hot weather the fungous and ARTICLE X Section 21. The total amount of LAND IN STATE Improvement. Woolen mills continue in the mar- Many old deserted farm houses ket. The National says that west- empowering it to regulate the grain .trade. From Virginia bacterial diseases which check grass- axes assessed against property for hopper without plagues develop rapidly all purposes in any one year shall any artificial aid, but in not exceed one and one-half per cent THING OF PAST and squatters' shacks in the upper ern wools are bringing 2 to 5 cenli peninsula and northern past of the per pound more than in July. lower peninsula are now being oc- President Huff announced the es- Lansing—Discovery and prompt of the assessed valuation of said tablishmeut of a seed marketing steps to eliminate a new and serious hot, dry weather or cool wet weather property, except taxes levied for the Available Tracts Are Unfit have been forced out of the city on Replacement Demand cupied by "shackers", people who dep't for the National. Criticism insect pest for Michigan were re- these diseases will not spread fast payment of interest and principal on For Agriculture, is already rising from the commer- ported by the State Dep't of Agri- no enough to stamp out an infestation, obligations heretofore incurred, which account of high rent. Many of these Explains Wool Gains matter what is done to promote sums shall be separately assessed in Timber Gone "shackers" are living on wild game cial seed trade. "The interest of a culture's fruit and vegetable inspec- them, says Dr. Larrimer. all cases: Provided, That this lini- killed in the closed season, 'by •vio- Washington—The rapid decline in million farmers takes precedence tion service recently. over the interests of 1,500 seed Inspector's on the Detroit market "Apparently," Dr. Larrimer says, tation may be increased tor a period Lansing—The chance to obtain lating the fish law and by picking wool consumption from July 1931 to of not to exceed five yeaus at any one "homestead" lands good enough to wild berries, but this winter' will tradesmen," observed Mr. Huff. discovered a heavy infestation of to- "nature has provided both disease inie, to not more than a total of five be developed into profitable farms find them in severe circumstances. May 1932 probably lias prepared the Mr. Stone's \\'»ruing bacco split worms or potato tuber and parasites to keep grasshoppers per cent of the assessed valuation, by was a pioneer opportunity. which .Many large families take a tent an Increase in activity based James C. Stone, chairman of the worms in several carloads of pota- from getting entirely out of hand. a two-thirds vote of the electors of has largely passed with that stage with them and put it up ,on state on replacement needs, says the i Federal Farm Board, congratulated toes brought in from Virginia. The spores and bacteria now caus- any assessing district, or when pro- Department of Agriculture. vided for by the charter of a munici- of the State's growth. The modern owned land, but so far trespass is the stockholders upon the spirit of Identification of. the worm was ing the death of millions of hoppers pal corporation; Provided Further, homestead lands are small tax-.le- ibeing permitted unless it interferes Improved sentiment in the wool harmony and good faith apparent made by Professor R H. Pettit of in the Middle West are always pres- That this limitation shall not ap- linquent areas usually located on with homestead rights. If they were market has been evident since June, throughout the -meeting. "My great the State college entomology dep't. ent, and, to multiply rapidly, these ply to taxes levied in the year 1932. the edge of the agricultural dis- made to move they would only go when consumption of combing and ooncern at this time," said Mr. It was the first appearance of the await only the right kind of weath- This is the much lambasted 1',A% taxtricts. to some other county and set Up clothing wool increased to 16 per Stone, "is not with the personnel of worm in Michigan, Dr. Pettit said. er and plenty of grasshoppers. imitation proposal of the Michigan Very little of. the hundreds of housekeeping again; cent above the low point in May. the Farm Board, but with the at- Drastic action to prevent intro- "Hot dry weather, which is ideal enacted Farmer. Indiana's legislature has just such a law, estimating it will thousands of acres of land now re- Activity in the Boston market in July tacks being made upon the Agricul- duction and spread of the pest»was for grasshoppers, is unfavorable for and August seems to indicate a con- cost the State $8,500,000; no estimate verting to the state for back taxes tural Marketing Act itself, both ordered by the-Dep't of Agriculture. the disease which wipes them out." made on how it will reduce receipts of is agricultural land, according to openly and under guise of criticis- Since several hundred barrels of in- —Department of Agriculture. ing Farm Board members." fected potatoes had come in the ndiana's local governments. On that the Lands Division of the Depart- same scale of reducing Michigan's State ment of Conservation. Practically INDIANA ENACTS tinuation of the improvement. It Is pointed out, however, that sustained improvement of large magnitude Chairman Stone solemnly warned shipment to commission men, the the meeting that "unless farmers pest stood a good chance to be wide- take off their coats and put up a ly distributed throughout lower TURKEY GROWERS tax by $8,500,000, it probably would re- duce receipts of our local governments all of this Jerhaps $85,000,000 or more. If ex- is composed of sand plains with the senses couldn't be cut accordingly, new timber removed or burned. tax delinquent property 1V 2 P C I TAX LIMIT would require an improvement in general business conditions and con- sumer incomes. fight to preserve the Agricultural Michigan to retail merchants. Even Marketing Act," they face the pos-though the shipment was intended sibility of losing it by repeal. "For for food purposes, it was dangerous HAVE BIG MEETING :axes such as State income taxes, etc., result the area that might be profit- must come in. Opponents say the pro- ably homesteaded is limited. posal will create chaos. Proponents say Special Session Does What The bureau estimates the United Michigan Will Vote it.es wool clip for 1!»:!2 as 7 per cent 3.K. Get the money from income and The economic situation within the than the clip of last year, and eight months or more," 'he ^ since moths would be liberated, 350 From 41 Counties at other sources. Farmers will risk chaos iiast year has caused a flood of ap- Upon that if the trend of domestic /"every form of old line business which would establish the disease plications for homestead lands. whose representatives have appear- in the State for the next season. Lake City to Discuss and vote for this amendment. production is downward in the next Many of the applicants are men born 1 w years the dependence of the do- ed before congressional committees The State Department of Agricul- Industry ARTICLE V jon farms, but who moved to the Some weeks back the Farm News mestic market on foreign wool supplies have constantly sounded the slogan ture ordered all inspectors to inspect Section 2. The senate shall consist ,city. Others are urban residents stated that the legislature of Indiana will be increased and the position of 'Repeal the Farm Marketing Act.' all incoming Virginia shipments for Lake City—Three hundred and of thirty-two members elected by sin- who believe that 10 acres of land had gone into special session to find the domestic grower will be strength- Line elevator systems with a hun- \the pest and. fumigate or destroy in- fifty turkey raisers attended the gle districts numbered from one to given them by the state will solve means to reduce public expenditures ened. dred elevators may instruct their fected stocks, as required. first annual Michigan Turkey Field thirty-two inclusive. Each even num- their financial troubles. and taxes. We present herewith a ^managers to get farmers to write to Tlie potato tuber worm works day held at the Lake City experi- bered district shall, in the year nine- According to the Lands office, digest of the proposals enacted and Washington demanding repeal of about like the wire worm commonly ment station Aug. 25. Forty-one of teen hundred thirty-four, elect one which has studied the results of those killed. >v the act. Each gets several farmers known in Michigan, except the tub the 68 counties of the lower Mich- senator for a term of two years. In hundreds of present day attempts /to wrke, and the result is an im- er worms can eat circles around the igan peninsula were represented by the year nineteen hundred thirty-six At homesteading, t,he average home- session reminds one of the steps tak- Action taken by the Indiana special SAFE FUMIGANT posing showing of seeming dissatis- worm ordinary wire worm. The tuber delegations of from two to 35 grow- faction with the law, though inspir- six generations each season, Dr. even numbered district shall elec-t one steader has a poor chance of suc- and moth go through five or ers More than 300 producers sign- and every fourth year thereafter, each ceeding. Less than halt of those en by tlie Michigan special session late last winter and early spring. KILLS WEEVILS ed in fact by misrepresentation and Pettit said. The moths fly at night ed the register. Flocks represented senator for ' a term of four years. who are given certificates to use Items marked below with a * indicate propaganda. These attacks of in- ranged in size from 30 to 3,000 Bach odd numbered district shall, in pieces of state land remain through that Michigan took or tried similar Chemical Destroys Insects trenched business upon the market- and lay their eggs in the dark. The birds. moth is about one-half inch long; the year nineteen hundred thirty-four the five years period necessary to ac- action. Without A Fire ing Act are but the opening guns in the tuber worm is about an inch Mrs. Thomas W. Musson, who is and every fourth' year thereafter, elect quire title; and less than a quarter Indiana's Special Session Hazard their campaign to destroy farmers' long and the diameter of a darning president of the Michigan Turkey one senator for a term of four years. of the total ever remain permanent- 'Reduced salaries of public empl co-operative marketing efforts. To needle. Growers' Association, invited lead- ly on the homestead. Many "prove saving approximately 12,500,000. The senatorial districts shall be and East Lansing—A method of de- repeal the Act would not destroy Discovery of the pest by the agri- ing produce dealers in New York and remain as now constituted, established up" at the end of five years when reduction •Rewrote next year's budget, effecting of |l,79lOOO. stroying weevils in grains and in the principle of co-operative mar- cultural Chicago to come into Michigan this the land goas on the tax rolls. Then •Diverted approximately $12,000,t00 from keting, but it would set back its prompt inspection service and fall and bid for the 1932 crop if and numbered, as follows: they remain another five years with- the state highway commission to coun- beans without incurring danger steps by the Department to farmers will assemble their big reapportionment (No change in SenatoriaJ districts or and We omit listing the out paying taxes and the land again ties, cities and towns. from fire or explosions has been test- progress by twenty years. Farmers prevent its entry into Michigan by •Merged 23,279 miles of township roads ed and is now being recommended everywhere should fight repeal agi- treating Virginia potatoes already birds in carload Iot3 at central districts.) its to the state. into county highway systems. Abolished county highway repair levies, by the entomology department of tation and serve notice that if or jhere and checking new shipments, points where auctions may be held. Section 3. The house of representa- Homesteads are not granted prom- saving $4,165,709. The association, when the Act needs changing, the enforcing an embargo if necesary, is Thomas, announced it would mail through President tives shall consist of on !: indred iscuously, it is indicated from the Declared live-year moratoriums on Michigan State College. (100) members elected for a term of j regulations furnished each appli- c o u n t y unit a n d three-mile gravel road The old method of fumigation was farmers, its friends, and not those a valuable service to Michigan potato questionnaires to the 1500 turkey bond i s s u e s . effective but the dangers attending who wish to destroy it, will do the growers. two (2) years from representative dis- cant. The state makes an investi- Fixed $i.">'i limit on t a x levies, reducing growers in Michigan early in Sep- tricts established as follows: gation as to the applicant to de- state Income by $8,600,000. its use caused some insurance com- changing." tember to ascertain whether or not Suspended for two years 2-cent edu- panies to decline to carry insurance Appealing to farm organizations A ratio shall be obtained by divid- termine whether he is serious in cational improvement fund levy, saving it would be necessary to establish ing the population of the state, as as-jiis intent to farm. The land which on buildings during the time the to get together and present a united Farm Board Wants to turkey pools and hold auctions. certained by the last preceding Unit- he would acquire is examined and if law1'nt to"teeth" in gasoline tax collection fumigant was being used. The new front when they come to Washing- halt gasoline "bootlegging.-" Sell Brazilian Coffee Kaeh grower is being asked to re- ed States decennial census, by 100.it is not agricultural in character, Penalties. used payments of delinquent tax material can be used without creat- ton to present legislative needs of port the number of poults in his the application is rejected. To issue ing any fire hazard. agriculture, Mr. Stone declared that Washington—The Federal Farm Aify county containing less,than the Reduced .Marion comity (Indianapolis) Board has requested the rem- flock and to indicate whether he ratio of population shall be attached a certificate for such land would be treasurer's income from f, per cent, de- The new killing agent for grain divided and divergent programs ad- its con- Will desire outside help in market- to a contiguous county or counties!10 issue a "starvation ticket," t h e linquent q 'ax p penalties to*.' per cent. weevils is propylene dichloride or a vocated by different farm organiza- ment of Brazil to modify Imposed 5,0-cent fee $100 mort- mixture of this material. Grain - tions is like "hunting with a scatter tract whereby the board will be en- ing his birds to form a district bounded by county l a n d ottice claims. recorded. « * abled to sell more than 62.F.00 bags _ B P e * & at e turkey field, day The homestead laws require that Authorized establishment of poor re- bins to be fumigated should be as gun." He said the enemies of co- lines and containing not less than one commissaries and funding of poor nearly air tight as possible and the were Ashley M. Berridpe, Supt. of full ratio of population. Each such not more than 160 acres be granted lief operative marketing come always of coffee a month. The coftee was the experiment farm. Prof. C. G. to one person and he must not be relief bonds over ten-year period. Authorized municipalities to acquire itself should be covered with with a united front and unified de- taken in exchange for wheat a little Card of the Michigan State College combination of counties and each the owner of as much as 4 0 acres of and operate, subject to referendum, util- a tarpaulin, blankets, or a layer of wands. over a year ago, by the board. poultry dep't; Dr. H. J. Batfseth county not included in any such com- control of the public ser* newspapers. The fumigant is pour- Sears (lie Critics Tho request was made, at the in- poultry disease specialist, and J. A bination'shall constitute a representa- lantf. At the time of application for the homestead he must pay into the ommission. OTHER ACTION ed directly on the grain under the "The 'great dark cloud' pictured stance of coffee roasters In this Hannah, poultry specialist of the tive district. There shall be appor- general fund of the state at the rate Failed to pas* lulls that would h a v e covering material. as being c«st over the grain market country who are faced with a coffee Michigan State college. ted consolidation of cotinti. tioned to each representative district of 10c an acre for each acre granted. merging of townships'. The granary should be closed. by the wheat purchased by the shortage and rising prices as the A roast turkey dinner was served one representative for each fuN ratio For five years he must actually live • K i l l e d pi and corporation in- Fumes from the propylene dichlor- Farm Board in its stabilization ef- result of internal troubles in Bra- tax Mil. Yound* birds of 1932, all raised un of population. Any representation on the land and be able to prove Killed bill permitting Intangible* to be ide are poisonous and should not be forts can no longer be blamed for' zil. The Farm Board has on hand der confinement, were killed for then remaining to be apportioned that he is farming the property. ourth their value. breathed. If the grain bins are market behavior," declared the l.or.O.OOO bags of coftee, each the feast. •'Killed retail Bales tax bill. Specialists declarec shall be assigned to those represen- During that time he does not pay Killed bill permitting "n"qme rule" con- more than four fret deep, a pipe Farm Board's militant chairman. weighing 132 pounds. turkeys raised under this methoc tative districts having the largest un- property taxes. At the end of five trol over salaries and mandatory levies. should be inserted in the grain to "Of the 257,000,000- bushels of greatly excelled birds raised on free represented fractions of tire ratio of years, if all conditions have been or Killed bill placing ton-mile tax on mot- allow some of the fumigant to run wheat held by the corporation on Little Pigs Are Popular trucks and bu range. population. met, the state grants him a deed to below the surface The granary July 1, 1929, but 14,000,000 bushels In each representative district con- the property, and the homestead lias Millions In Greenbacks should be left closed for 4 8 hours. of cash wheat remains in its posses- At the Detroit Zoo taining but one county and entitled become a "farm". If treated grain is to be used for sion," he 'announced. "This reduc- Detroit—Pigs are not "just pigs" Our Great Rivers seed, it should be shoveled over sev- tion in stocks has occurred while at the Detroit zoological park. FaT hereunder to more than one repre- There are now about 200 home- Are Worn Out Daily eral times. sentative, the board of supervisors steaders in Michigan, engaged in maintaining a price level for wheat from it. Pigs are a display in the The Hudson, Delaware. Potomac may, and, if the number of representa- "proving up" plots of from 4 0 to St. T^ouis—United States currency two pounds of propylene dich- in the domestic market of frQji six American farm exhibit and the very Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri and Colo rado rivers are considered the great tives exceeds four, shall, at its first 160 acres of state land. is wearing out at the rate of $10,- loride for each 100 cubic feet of air to eighteen cents a bushel above the latest thing in zoology. Little "pork- 000,000 a day, according to \V. O.space. A temperature of 70 d*»* world price level. It should be re- ers" are the most popular members of est seven rivers of the United States regular each or special session following apportionment of representative Candidates who talk about Woods, treasurer of the United is best for fumigation. of lessor importance are the Con membered, too, that declining farm the zoo younger set. "People like lit- necticut, Susquehanna, James, Cum hereinafter provided for. divide such abolishing all taxes and at tho same States. Dollar bills wear out in amounts of material will be needed Price levels during the life of the tle pigs better to look at," so when time lay out a program thai will re- about eight, months, while | 6 bills if the weather is colder or tl Agriculturar Marketing Act have they grow up. we are planning on re- berland, Tennessee, Tombigbee and representative district into bouse dis- quire millions, apparently did not last about 13 months and h bins can not l tightly. A been accompanied by declines in all placing •them, according to bupt. n. Warrior in the East, and the Ar tricts composed of compact and con-take addition when in school. numbers proportionately longer. gallon of this funiiKant weigh* ap- other commodities. ^ Copper sank kansas and the Red in the West. (Continued on page 2) Morris. proximately 10 pounds. ^Continued on' page 2) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. TWO MICHIGAN FARM NEWS be reduced 88%, Thornapple twp. 80% Draw Your Own Conclusions and Hastings city from $5.28T,358 assess- able property to $2,302,241 or a 57% re- On the same day the Senate cut the Federal. Farm Board appropri- duction. Apparently 75% of the reve- MICHIGAN ation in half to $600,000, thereby doing a great deal to cripple the Board, nues to carry on government would have to come from some other sources than Autumn Idyl NEWS it voted $ ion.nun to celebrate the anniversary of (Jeneral Clark; a Revolu- tionary War hero. •It voted almost $1,000,000 for a National Advisory Committee for real estate if this amendment is ap- proved. N ARTICLE III ion 1. In all elections ever/ By R. S. CLARK Successor to the Michigan Farm Bureau News, founded Aeronautics, thereby duplicating a part of the work of both the Army January 12, m.'J and Navy, which maintain aeronautic departmen inhabitant of this state being a citiren of the United States; every inhabitant Entered as second class matter January 12, 1923, at the postoftiee (The Shipping Board construction loan fund was increased from residing in this state on the twenty- at Charlotte, Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879. $185,000,000 to $250 notwithstanding the testimony that this Board fourth day of June, eighteen hundred "You've ni>' call to grumble about the eNtm .slop. has been loaning 3% government money to big shipping interests at less' thirty-five; every inhabitant residing I don't cut ^tx cantaloupes a n d c a t the sweetest t w o ; Published the second and fourth Saturday of each month by the than 1%. I don't gobble sweet corn till l nearly pop; Michigan Farm News Company, at its publication office at 114 Lovett in this state on the first day of Janu- «!., Charlotte, Mich. A total of 3% billion dollars was set aside for the Reconstruction ary, eighteen hundred fifty; every Mostly all that's in those pails is there because of you!" Killtorial and general offices, 221 North Cedar St., Lansing, Michigan. Finance Corporation to help railroads, banks and other business, but the Postoffice liox 708. Telephone, l-anaing, 21-271. male inhabitant of foreign birth, who Farm Board was slashed 50% to $600,000. to carry out its mandate under having resided in the state two years the Co-operative Marketing Act "to place agriculture upon an equal and six months prior to the eighth day E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager economic footing with industry." of November, eighteen hundred nine- o 1><> two dandies, I'unkrrf exactly right— In the Senate and in Congess enemies of co-operative marketing by ty-four, and having declared his in- rvc been a-watcHing for going on a week. H a d n ' t seen t h e other—way down out of sight— Subscription 50 cents per year; i! years for $1. in Advance farmer:; are doing their best to kill the. movement under the guise of tention to become a citizen of the Sort of blundered onto it, down beside t h e c r e e k . " economy. But what they do with the other hand makes the pi United States two years and six a little awkward. months prior to said last named day, ••How i Kke the Autumn, with all the garden sasa. Vol. X SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 No. 17 I Can -feast from day to d:iy and never crave for meat. and who shall have completed his na- 1 take joy in vegetables (hat nothing ean surpass. turalization prior to January first, 1 just eat, and take more, and eat, and eat, ami eat. nineteen hundred twenty-four; the "When we had that egg Want for supper t'other night More Hornswoggling FARM BUREAU FERTILIZER PLANT wife of any inhabitant of foreign I only ate ten sljees, but when 1 got to sleep J dreamed I U;is a sailor, a-floatlng out of Bight Speaking before the Michigan Grain, Hay and Feed Dealers Ass'n birth who, having resided in the state Beside a monstrous m»lpn, out On the briny deep. at Lansing September !) and referring to the Federal Farm Hoard, the two years and six months prior to the eighth day of November, eighteen hun- "l swam along beside it fc*haTiging by the stem Federal Co-operative Marketing Act and the agricultural college exten- (For, I should judge, this melon was seven feet across) sion systems, CoiiKieB.simiij M. .1. Hart of Michigan in charging that dred ninety-four, and having declared (lulls were Mapping 'found but I didn't like them such efforts "wante millions" said: his intention to become a citizen of For I knew they aimed to eat me and I'd be a total loss. the United States two years and six "I kept gfettlng hungrier with all that melon there *If the present policies of the federal government are carried on months prior to said last pained day, Till, as 1 was a-swimming, at last 1 schemed ;i scheme the legitimate grain dealer cannot survive land this government will go To clamber .on this melon and cut a generous share and who shall have completed his Ami change an ugly nightmare into a pleasant dream. as thoroughly socialistic as Russia." naturalization prior to January one, "Then, when tlii> heart was eaten, the rind would be my boat Who is a "legitimate" dealer in grain? Are only such as Mr. Hart nineteen hundred twenty-ior.i'. 'iiul And I would Sail her into port as merry as could be, every civilized inhabitant of: Indian Or else some ship would pick nte up, if I could keep afloat. and his fellow private operators of elevators tin; legitimateV Why? But how to climb the melon was the part that puzzled me. Because they have installed themselves as middlemen and are entitled descent, a native of the United States, shall be an elector and entitled to "I struggled and 1 labored *- and almost got on top to the position by some divine right, regardieM or the inarch of pPbga Wh< n something seemed to xo amiss — the wind, began to war Are farmers who produce the grain and who'may he stockholders and in- vote; but no one shall be an elector The waves turned into white-caps — the melon gave a flop and entitled to vote at any elecii< n, And 1 wakened In a shipwreck in the middle of the tloor. vestors of capital and therefor owners of a co-operative -elevator less legitimately in business than Mr. Hart and his crowd? unless he or she shall be above the "I was so dumined disgusted to lose that melon so age of twenty-one years and has re- That I got right back in lied fctgaln without a word to say. Mr. Hart and his fellows see that as farmers through their co-op- sided in this state six months, and in 1 aimed to drop asleep aga'tn, and dream it over slow— "What's that? Y e s , jnes, I'll d o i t . I t ' s c h o r e t l m e a n y w a y . " erative marketing enterprizes do more and more of their own marketing the city or township in which he or and make more by it, just so fast will the private middlemen arid their she offei's to vote twenty days next opportunities disappear. Therefore, they damn the agricultural exten- preceding such election: sion service because, it enables farmers to lind out how to soundly or- • Provided, that no qualifioJ elector business. The fact is that they have ganize co-operatives, they can't ask destruction of the extension in the actual military service of the sentence or grant a further reprieve. had the edge on agriculture for 7r, service for that reason ynd yet anywhere, so they blame it for high United States or of this state or in He shall communicate to the legisla- years and do not want to give it up.' taxes, for over production, for low prices, and so on. The Farm Board the army or navy thereof," or any ture at each session information of gets the same misrepresentation as these gentlemen go up and down student while in attendance at any each case of reprieve, commutation the land shouting "wolf! wolf!" before their brethren and for the public, A view in one of the plants where Farm Bureau fertilizers are institution of learning, or any person or pardon granted and the reasons Hessian Fly Wheat through the press. made. Here the manufactured anaylses of various kinds are piled engaged in teaching in the public therefor: Provided, However, that at This howl about preserving the "legitimate" dealers in grain is also in great cones of thousands of tons each for curing over a period schools of this state, or any regularly any time upon the discovery of new Threat In Regions of months. Befi>re fertilizer is shipped out to co-operative ass'ns, enrolled member of any citizens' mil- evidence a person may move for a The Hessian fly is unusually a howl to kill off the Farm Hoard and agricultural extension service it is machined, tested to check standards established for dryness, itary or naval training camp, held un- new trial* in cases of conviction for threatening to winter wheat plant- so that co-operative organisation and marketing information will be first degree murder. fineness and other qualities. - Thirty railroad cars can be loaded der the authority of the government of ings this fall for the 1933 crop in denied farmers. If Mr. Hart and his brethren put their stuff over, they're To prevent pardons to first degree mur- simultaneously from the docks of this building. the United States or the state of Mich- derers. eight states, practically every stub- Bafe for a long time to come; i! they don't, they're going to be drivej'.i igan, or any member of the legislature ARTICLE III ble field in the regions being so' further and further out on the limb. Trust them to do their best to abcut 34 out of 100 seats. Wayne, Oak while in attendance at any session of hornswoggle you on this subject. These Proposals Face land, Genesee and Kent counties would have 52 seats between them. Other the legislature, or said member's im- Section 4. Whenever any question heavily infested with the fly as to be a potential source of heavy infes- You On Nov. Ballot counties would lose representation accord- mediate family during such time, or is submitted to a vote of the electors tation, according to the.U. S. de- ingly. This proposal should be defeated. which involves the direct expenditure Do You Want This Done To Agriculture? (I ' o i i t i n i i r c l ! 1) ARTICLE X commercial traveler, or any qualified of public money or the issue of bonds, partment of Agriculture, said in a igious territory: Provided, that not elector employed upon or in the oper- only such persons having the qualifij- statement issued (by the Department. The National Organization to Reduce Public Expenditures, which more than four representatives shall Section 7. .All assessments hereaft- ation of railroad trains in this state, includes industrial, mercantile, banking, rea.1 estate interests, with some The prospect of the Hessian fly be elected from any one house dis- er authorized shall be on property at or any sailor engaged and employed cations of electors who have property farm organization representation, wants to cut federal expenditures 1% injury to winter wheat plantings trict, and each representative shall, its cash value. To the value of $1,000 on the great lakes or in coastwise assessed for taxes in any part of the billion dollars, which is commendaMe. district or territory to be affected by this fall is unusually threatening in as nearly as may be, represent an the household goods, provisions, live trade, shall be deprived of a vote by Recently, the Organization headquarters at Chicago published a de- qual number of inhabitants. the result of such election or the western Maryland, 'Pennsylvania, stock, tools, find stock of his tiad-e, reason 3f absence from the townsir'p, In each representative district con- lawful husbandns or wives of such Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, tailed list of the items which it wants to pledge every Senator and Con- owned by any householder, shall be ward or state in which he or she re- southeastern Nebraska and eastern taining more than one county and en- exempt from all taxation other tiian sides; and the legislature shall pro- persons shall be entitled to vote there- gressman to cut out of the national budget. Kansas. titled hereunder to more than one to pay public debts heretofore, in- vide by law the manner in whkh and o'm Of the 120 items mentioned, 64 might well be termed noa ; agricul- representative, the chairmen of the curred; and file homestead owned and the time and place art which such ab- proposal Property owners will look upon this tural and they total $1,450,338,500, nearly one-third of which is "exces- boards of supervisors of the counties occupied by a?;y householder shall to sent electors may vote and for the with favor. 8. Referendum on Act 55, Public Many Foreigners Here sive war veterans benefits." Other such items include army and navy items called superfluous, subsidies to mail liners, etc., etc. included in such district or a major- the "extent of -3,000 be exempt from canvass and return of their votes: Acts of 1931. Oleomargarine Act. ity of such officers shall, and in the all taxation other than to pay public This means that oleomargarine manu- Non-English Speaking The 5G items of interest to agriculture that Organization vent that a majority of such officers debts heretofore incurred, and for Provided Further, that the legisla- facturers have forced a referendum on the Lennon Act of the 1931 legislature There are 1,224,995 foreign do not agree then the secretary of ture shall have power to laws which forbids the sale in Michigan of inhabitants of the United States un- quarters would like to cull out total $49,582,500. Farmers will be sur- special benefit assessments for ways. state shall forthwith, after each ap- covering qualified electors who may oleo colored in any way to resemble but- prised to see some of the items slated to go if the Organization is suc- I'ntil 30 days, after any assessment ter and which imposes taxes on the able to speak English, or 8.7 per cessful They may wonder who in the Organization urged such items portionment of representatives here- roll is completed, filed, and the fact be necessarily absent from other caus- manufacture and sale of oleo in Michi- cent of the total foreign-born popu- inafter provided for, divide such rep- announced in the newspaper believed es than above specified: And Provided gan. This Act had the support of farm- for removal and why. For example, would you care to see these services ers, dairy interests. Was enacted through lation, according to Census statis- resentative district § into house dis- by the asse>sing officer to iiav^ the Further, that there shall be no denial the aid of the Michigan State Farm tics issued by the Department of and protections for agriculture discontinued? tricts t formed on the same b(asis and largest circulation in the taxing dis- of the elective franchise at any elec- Bureau. Commerce. Rat of r>a« • tdckyarda subject to the same restrictions that trict any person having an interest tion on account of sex; And Provided Foreign-born Negroes show the ilation <>f grain trading deral Farm Board are hereinbefore provided for in the in any property assessed by determine Further, that the legislature may pro- Stone Tells National smallest percentage unable to speak Control of tubfcrculofciB in animals formation of* house districts within the assessed value of such interest by vide by law that the electors of a •iriiitiir.il experiment s t a t i o n s A'grieultural extension work representative districts containing but depositing -with the assessing officer township may cast their ballots at a En£my Attack is Heavy English. est percentage. Mexicans have the high- (Continued from page 1) Horticultural crops d i s u s e control one county: Provided, that such house a duly executed offer to seil such township polling place located within inn! livestock estimates, from '25 cents a1 pound to five, oil districts are not required to be bound- property interest (describing it) at the limits of a city which has Regulation *>f grain grading Eradication of cattle ticks ed by county lines. any named price, whio'.i prico .shall incorporated from ierritorv^™^^ ]y -•(•from $1.60 a barrel to 25c. What A Silent Church Experiments In animal husbandry a part of the township. other commodity except wheat sold "The Church of the Silent Ser- Market inspection of farm prdducti For each representative district thereupon become the assessed value Control of predatory animals To enable voters living in city carved as high on July 1 this year as on the vice" is the naine given to a church Hog oholera control containing more than one county, of such interest; which offer may ba out of the twp. to have a voting place in same date a year before? Wheat at Newcastle, England, and has a Investigation of animal the secretary of state shall file in his ted at any time within GO days the city. sold at exactly the sanje price, while congregation * composed entirely of table and fruit insects control office a description of the house dis- after the roll was announced by any ARTICLE VI meanwhile, to cite one example, the deaf mutes. -Only two small win- Sugar plant Investigations Fertilizer Investigations tricts therein, specifying the number person first depositing such price ii. Section 9. • He may grant reprieves, stockholders of U. S. Steel and Gen- lows, no organ is ever played, no Japanese beetle control Hg *H«gulation of cotton futures trailing of representatives to be elected from cash with the county treasurer of the commutations and pardons after con- eral Motors sustained a price shrink- hymn ever sung and no word is ever diseases each district and the population county where such property is locat- victions for all offenses, except trea- age of five billion dollars. uttered. But the worshipers, by lip ilation of marketing of perishable products thereof; and in each representative ed, payable to the order of the offerorj son, first degree murder and cases of Cites Dep't of Commerce Insecticide and fungicide investigations . reading the. deaf-and-dumb alphabet "Meanwhile, we have been criti- district containing but one county, upon deposit of a duly executed con- impeachment, upon such conditions and signs, are as devout as any who The above are a few of the important agriculture items. It will be cized for building up a great and ex- the bcfcrd of supervisors of such coun- veyance of such interest to the accept- and with such restrictions and limi- have the good fortune to po noticed that regulation of live stock, Krain and perishable markets, pensive organization. As a matter ty shall cause to be filed in the otlice or, who may liave a decree of specific tations as he may think proper, .sub- all their faculties. Often more than placed in the law to protect farmer*, are among those slated to go. Also, of fact, our entire personnel num- of the secretary of state a description performance, and the state shall be ject to regulations provided by law bers just 360 persons. A neighbor a hundred take part in the services. the Federal Farm Board and the educational extension service which is of the house districts therein, specify- responsible for the money so deposit- relative to the manner of applying is the magnificent and costly De- developing BQO*O . 0Q Boys and girls club members in co-operative thought. ing the number Of ivpresciitati.. ed. for pardons. Upon conviction for THRKE-LKG(iKD TURKKY That's the root system of future co-operative marketing. Enemies of partment of Commerce building, be elected from each district and the Strong hands in charge of the pro- treason, he may suspend the execu- housing that department with its Woodland, Calif.,—On a ranch farmers' co-operative marketing will work hard to put this section of the population thereof. posed 1 54% tax limitation amendment tion of the sentence until the case near here belonging to Dwight 'Hninendatioiis across. blocked inclusion of the above exemp- 10,000 employes, yet we hear no Section 4. At the first regular or tions and a split ensued. Hence this .shall be reported to the legislature at complaint from industry on Breckenridge a three-legged turkey that special legislative session following proposal. It means $3,000 real estate and its next session, when the legislature was hatched recently. The fowl is It would be interesting to know who thought out the various items $1,000 personal exemption. The Hastings score. The truth is that the indus- normal in all respects except for the to be denied agriculture in the interest of economy and to analyse the the adoption of this amendment, and Banner figures that in Barry county shall either pardon or commute the trial classes are not honest in saying Baltimore twp. taxable property would sentence, direct the execution of the extra leg, which is slightly shorter arguments advanced for recommending their removal. thereafter at the first regular or they want the government out of than the others special session following each decen- nial United States census, the legis- Gentlemen's Agreements and Inspectors lature shall by law, in accordance with In this edition is an article relating how State Department of Agri- culture fruit and vegetable inspectors at Detroit in their routine exami- nation of incoming potatoes as to quality and grade discovered an infest- the provisions of this constitution, establish the representative districts and apportion anew the representa- WHEAT and RYE ation of Virginia potatoes by a worm and moth unknown to them. State College's Dr. Pettit identified it as the tobacco split worm or tives to the representative districts using as the basis therefor the last Fertilizer Recommendations for 1932 potato tuber worm, a serious pest not known in this state. The Dep't preceding decennial United States of Agriculture ordered inspectors to examine every barrel of Virginia census: Prom Circular Bulletin 53-Michigan State College Soils Section potatoes that could be loraWd and destroy infected lots. No doubt, a Provided, that if the legislature shall BY DR. C. E. MILLAR, G. M. GRANTHAM, P. M . HARMER- serious infestation has been nipped in the bud. fail to make an apportionment as The same day one of our staff learned of this incident, we had a herein provided for, or if the appor- letter from a reader who advised u* that in his opinion the fruit inspec- tionment made hereunder by the leg- TABLE I - S A N D S AND LIGHT SANDY LOAMS ton service should be eliminated as unnecessary expense as a purely islature shall be declared unconsti- on soi.s containing sufficient amounts of Mme than on soi.s deficient ,n ,ime political job. He- observed that while all his fruit inspected had pa tutional by a court of competent jur- inspection, nevertheless it appeared that the fruit inspectors knew little isdiction,-apportionment shall then be about the fruit business. made by the secretary of state as herein, provided, within ninety days Crop No manure or leguminous green Clover" or ^ ^ * Group 3 We do not know a single fruit inspector personally #mt our examina- after the adjournment of such legis- ^ T e a r l r * *?** tlle ™ ' the'lasl tSSytar? 0 ^ Within wlthin the l a s t two tion of the State Dep't of Agriculture records sbxnvs that some of these lative session or within ninety days inspectors have up to 20 years service and have Been employed through after final determination of the uncon- With no seeding of clover or one administration after another. That would indicate that there can't ' stitutiHiiality of such apportionment, alfalfa Crain alone, 200 p o u n d s be much politics connected,with the work, and that the men must have as the case may be. gained considerable knowledge of standards of quality of fruit in their Apportionment by the secretary* of WHEAT OR RYE years of service. state shall be enforced, if necessary. A farmers' co-operative ass'n told us recently that the State's by a writ of mandamus upon petition With seeding of clover or alfalfa ItK ' . "".".'_.f;.f>'1'tli,n!f.. .] I S " ; i l 'y n o t 2-12-6 or 2-8-10 fruit inspection servico undotrbteuly meant $10,000 a year to its business. of the attorney general, or any prose- recommended Tn this group*. We have seen Federal inspection of beans at the shipping point guaran- cuting attorney or city -attorney of tee the grade at the other end and eliminate unjustified and costly rejec- this state. The secretary of state tions for quality of the shipment. Rut the beans had to "make good at the shaN certify to, and shall include in shipping point. So does fruit. the next succeeding* publication of TABLE I I - H E A V Y SANDY LOAMS, SILT LOAMS AND CLAY LOAMS Public Acts a record of the final ap- Fertilizers are usual.y more effective on soi.s containing sufficient amount, o f , , m f h W A M a Undoubtedly our reader is a first class fruit grower and a gentleman. portionment made, containing the — — e than on s °'l8 deficient | n lime. If we could have gentlemen's agreements peinanently effective to ship number and description of each rep- only 1st grade products, there would be no need for inspection service. The Group 4 resentative district and the population unfortunate thing about gentlemen's agreements is that sooner or later Crop No manure or leguminous green thereof according to the last pi- manure used wilhin the last Group 6 someone forgets that he's a gentleman and may force everyone else to two years. WithIn ing United States census, and shall the last two do likewise. Umpires, referees, judges and inspectors are merely of- also file the same with the clerk of ficials empowered to enforce the rules which recognize and reward those With no seeding of clover or 2-16-2 or 4-16-4 each county within the state. who deserve it. No* and then the umpire or inspector will turn up lflf alfalfa 1 1 This is another effort by Wayne coun- i;rain ; 1 1 something—such as the potato tuber .worm—that is a great service to • ty politicians to reapportion the State . ' " "'' "(MI P'-iimls or more. With alfilfi n P , WHEAT OR RYE everybody interested. legislature for control. As the Wayne o r r County Plan it was overwhelmingly de- feated in 1930. It has been re-named the With seeding of clover or alfalfa J^ ! * * ' " The Farm Nfews believes that if we are to protect ourselves with Michigan plan. Wayne wants, to hold 7 2-12-6 or 4-16-8 Quality gi i have competent inspection service to main- out of .32 Senate seats as now. Control is tain the grades and our markets. sought by reapportioning the House ac- cording to population. Wayne would get SKl'TEMBElt 17, I C H I G A \ F A RM' N E W8 THRKF SUPERVISORS Tasty Russia Leads in Sheep Rage part of ii is that no- TAX REDUCTION IS Home and Family Section Ham Dishes PRICESOFTODAY But the Wool is Poor body blames the present women's cloth HORTON ACT AIM Edited by MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR WITHLATE W S Accordi- Dept. of About $14,000,000 Nev Addre,, a l , communication, to her at Carleton, Michigan. FRENCH TOASTED SANDWICHES .Mix ground cooked ham with butter <>r cream to ily on bread. Make sandwiches with tins ham filling. Befit Agricultu now than any other country in the ( has more • • GOOD • Funds Must be Used to twi) fK^f with 6t milk ami dip world, but th. i p*rt are of RELIABLE Andwiches Into it lightly on both We Have Seen Lows Close To an unimproved type which yields Pay Debts We Can Fill September With y in a hot buttered fan until golden blown on both si< Records JistaBlished In comparatively Interior wool. It' INSURANCE Complete protection with safety Is cer- The primary purpose of the Horto • * ' ^ s a n t Work and Plans hot with, a pickle relish 0 + ort. Those Days Russia would ever turn her atten- tion to sheep and develop fii;st class breed the effect on the. a really tainly the best and most reliable In* suranoe you can buy. State Mutual n.Miltil writes a broad, libeial. blanket form policy tha-t completed cover* tit* fuX act enacted at the special E FRIED HAM WITH MUSTARD GRAVY needs of the Memge tarmex. of the legislature this year is u, , ) l n [it's the Month That Brings W Plai men Horn the neighborhood for a smoked, ham in a hot frying pan and • quired amount of Celebrating its fiftieth aiiniver- world wool market might be And FIltK 1NS1 \ I, RODDKD \\Y U vide for tax reduction, according t Many Changes and meal or two, they act as though they and In-own on both sides. Btemove from tire J^ary the Wall Street Journal pre- cidedly serious for other wool pro- Michigan's lar^i^t farm mutual flr« In- loll »aeh slice in flour which lias a mass of historic data cover- ducers. surance company "with ass-cts and re- a n opinion written by Harry Dey< Opportunities enjoyed it and seem glad to be ourb e e n w e l l s p r i n k l e d w i t h d r y g r o u n d m u e r - i n g the past half century of great sources of almost half a million dollars. We have paid our members over $4,000.- tai-d. R e t u r n t h e m e a t t o \'.u- f r y l n assistant attorney general, at the re guests for the day. Guests? Ycf. add 1 U nips of milk and of the interests to the students of finance 000 in lntisca during the past 24 years riving them "proven protection" against queBt of Grover G. Dillman, stat By MH8. EDITH M. )Y,\(;\h' Who can call them other than guests Hour and mustard. Cook slowly until and economics. Among these is one Three Odd Cities nro losses. tliu m< September brings many changes to ,and who more deserves to share our If you want Kood reliable insurance, highway commissioner. reviewing commodity prices. "proven protection" against fire lasses. Hoards of supervisors may oonsidv the farm woman; the picnics are best cooking! JELLIED HAM SALAD writ* today for full information. Scale one tablespoon of granulated . . .Wheat .has . been • down to ., ,4 7 .. - % T I l p * Of Baltimore, St. Louis H. K. FISK, Secretary that approximately $4,000,000 returne about over; the hot days are scat- We; go over the bedding and wonder ni of '-old water. Then this year but ,t was three cents low- a ! 1 ( l Washington are not Included in 702 Church S t . , Flint, Michigan the counties under provisi. tered and chilly mornings make one it wo have a full supply for the com- iii of boiling w at< r. Add ii of vinegar and % teaspoon .salt. er last year and in 1895 was down a r f y ( . n u n t y Washington CO Hie act are available immediately fo think of fires and -heavier clothing; ing winter. We may n,eed another to 4 s tensive with the federal district of retirement of debts inasmuch as th the children gather together the school comfdrter or two. Cannot we man-in:When this mixture begins to jell mix Corn has been quoted at -1 ~< Columbia, while Baltimore and Ht. I "State ITlutualRodded Fire act became effective May 17, 1932. paraphernalia and start off for an-age to use some of the present cheap pts finely diced, cooked ham. this year. In 189G it was 1 9 ^ . Louis combine the functions of cily [ Insurance Co., of ITlich. Boards of supervisors at their Qcto other year. wool and make a warm wool bat quilt p diced • • Oats have sold as low a s 20%and county goVernmeni 'j chopped gre< this year. In t h e five years 1895 \)er meetings, the opinion state; That means new books at the , for each of the beds? We'd have what - tablespoons minced priori should anticipate division of approxi beginning and our first thought . very only a few city folks could boast of up boiled salad dyessiiiK. ,to 1899 inclusive they were a t some Rinse a mold in cold wat-r and on the times lower with record drop In mutely $6,000*000 lor general roa "Where's the money coming from?is if we did. bottom, sli.-,' 2 hard boiled i-u^.s. purposes unchanged by the act, vail Then there's those lunch boxes to Perhaps we have some, pieces in the Over this pouriii the ham •mixture. K.-t in 1896 to 14%. j firm. Rye has been quoted dojwn to able alter January 1, 1933. Must Retire pack every morning with something scrap bag well balanced yet palatable and at-while they stay there but if brought that floes nobody good ^ in 1932. In 1896 that cereal sold a t 28. New Low Of the approximate $10,0110,1100 ad tractive. dWional funds provided the countie out and sorted Would help to make a cover for the bed af someone less Feed Sack Lard at $3.7-' ;i hundred rjounds is this year's low, but lar'd was FOR FARM BUREAU under the act the counties must re her that the funds are to he usec fortunate then we. These are the times we can well Coverings #3.0.", in 1898. It is interesting to this l!».'!2 a t t h e piices below! We bought o u r usual high quality Funds available under the law ar suitings at. savings which a r e passed t o 'you, with other r e - September Home Making way of the dye-pot by making them year. In 1895 it was $3.68. not to be considered "weight ta> ductions in tailoring posts: money" the opinion states. Beth gas And if September is not too crowd- into rugs for .the porch or the bed- Cotton down to 5 cents fo ed} we can do much towards making room. Or they may be made into York Middling Uplands this oline tax and weight tax funds are We Offer involved. home more attractive. It looks as mats for the porch swing seat or for was a t a 50 year low althou ^ though we are all home now to stay, wooden chairs where they will be 1898 and '99 it was under 6 Cents. Suits in These Price Ranges 9 our spell of tripping and flitting, here comfortable, durable and most attrac- Farmers Buying anil yonder, looking for greei\er pas- tive. Fall Styles iFeature With Extra $20.00 $23.50 $28.50 $32.50 Guide tues, has been brought to a close and Some buy new burlap for these rugs Wool; Skirts Longer Trousers $25.00 $28.50 $35.00 $40.00 Rates on Application ince the awakening we find home a but it is a needless edst tor the farm mighty fine place after all although it woman where feed sacks are avail- n Hotel Kerns— £aJf f££- zatlon headquarters. Comfort at eaa> prices. N. Grand at Mich. Center of city may look neglected. able. « A roeent survey of fall stifles i" The sacks, after having been prop- the leading retail stores show that Why not do a bit of landscaping erly washed and boiled, are soft in wool will again be featured in the Special Blanket Prices ','afeteria, garage, Ratea $1.50 to $2.50. with what we can find at home? The texture and can be dyed any shade de- smarter dresses of t h e season. Wool MAYTIME SPECIAL COMPANION MJtS. EDITH M. WAGAR BEAUTIFULLY woods are full of beautiful specimens sired and their natural color blends suits, sweaters, -dresses of wool 70x80 plaid—double 70x80 - single - solid color Monuments— DESIGNED And how School \ children outgrow waiting for appreciation. We can share beautifully with every other, either crepe and light weight fancy weaves rnonuments of the most beautiful granite heir clothes and what a short time and marble. Call or write. We employe with the neighbors of our supply and no salesmen. Ydu gave the difference. hey can wear their summer things, perhaps they will share with us. The dark or light. The "light and dark prices which are attractive. are very popular and are selling at $6.45 $4.25 Largest monument works in Western shades of green dye combined with Choice 11 colors Michigan. SIMPSON GRANITE WORKS and what a lot they want that we had fall is the best time to divide peren- the natural, make a most pleasing Featured colors seem to run Choice 7 colors & 1368 W. Leonard, Grand Rapids. not thought of! and oh! how can wenials and to move roses and bulbs and from bright red to a rather ' dark stretch the egg money to cover it evergreens. Natures does most of her combination where cool colors are reddish brown with quite a few SERVICE COATS- -COVERSUITS needed, while the browns mixed with all? sowing of seeds in the fall, so whya bit of orange are splendid for theblues being shown as well as*, black You'll find these service coats and covoisuit.s just, the thing The Farm Is Doing More not follow her example and sow theroom needing warmth iind color. with white trimming. A good many this cooler weather. Keep your clothes clean and save them How tired we get of canning and perennial seeds and the hardy an- of t h e fall dresses are trimmed with With these garments. Farm Bureau Services lettering across Feeders After the sacks are^cleaned* ripped bright metal buttons and ornamentR picklinc and drying! Then we think nuals? and dyed they are ctt/fc lengthwise in the back and Services emblem over the left pocket. Good ad- of tht- thousands who are hungry and We can plan on making provision strips or strands three inches wide, >which give them a very sporty ap.- vertising for co-ops. A real buy at $2 for coat or coversuit. Ipearance. lave no garden to draw from for afor more birds around the home following a thread so 'hey will be winter's store and soon how ashamed grounds. We can select the material perfectly straight and easily folded. The newest and one of the most 6% discount granted Farm Bureau members we are that we have complained! We for making bird houses while going It is better to cut the strips as they popular of fabrics is "ostrich cloth." is applied as credit on membership dues. Cattle lecide to renew our efforts until through the woods Selecting our are needed, or but few of each color woolen, generally of a red, brown every jar and every crock is filled ihrubbery for home planting. Make at a time, as the loose weave of the or dark blue shade into which has It is a light or medium weight CLOTHING DEPARTMENT MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU Calves .vith something good. We even fill them of bits of log with the bark left material causes them •» 1 o ravel very been woven very small pieces of he empty bottles that have accumu- on. Don't make the mistake of mak- easily. ostrich feathers. This gives the 221 North Cedar Street Lansing1, Michigan Lambs ated with delicious fruit juices that ing bird houses of matched boards Turn the edges undet one-half inch, cloth a beautiful "tweedish" effect, hey may be enjoyed next winter and painted brilliant colors, for you will then fold along the,4< enter evenly, without the heaviness and other We are in position tq furnish ?pring rather than allow ourselves arouse the suspicion of the birds at pressing firmly between the fingers, drawbacks of a straight tweed. through our western connections, o be tempted by the out-of-season once. thus forming a doubled'strip one inch Down Go The Skirts either direct from the range or off ruit so attractive in our stores that, Place these homes close to the main in width. Several lengths may be fold- All fall dresses have been length- the larger western livestock mar- cheap, yet require cash that we body or large limbs of the trees with ed at a time, as directed, and pressed ened about twro inches, and it is pre- FARM BUREAU kets, all grades, including choice, now see so little of. Jthe entrance always on the tree side. with an iron, although many prefer dicted that styles of the future may FENCE is strong and We have #earned through this year's This makes the birds feel more seclud- to do them as needed. bring the hem line down to the durable. It will give feeder cattle, calves and lambs at reasonable prices. xperience that we must go back to ed and at home. Braid firmly and evenly, taking ankle tops. many years of efficient he old system and see to it that the The martins prefer, an apartment care that all raw edges are folded in service at low cost. It arm furnishes more of our living. house made of boards and placed high and that no ravelings are in evidence, Insures Attendance At is made by a large steel 6% Money iVe need every- cent of cash to pay for on a pole out in an open space. Mar- and do not pull too tightly. A braid he things that t h e f a r m cannot pro- tin are like airplanes, they, want room of three or five s t r a n d s ^ a y be us^ed, for a landing and their take-off must but to the beginner it would be far Church Against Rain manufacturer, with years of experience in the For Livestock Purchases uce. manufacture of high- Melbourne. Australia—A country And if we have any surplus fruit not be hampered by trees. If theeasier to stay to the three strand minister in Victoria backs his faith grade field fence. When WE ('AN' FINANCE T o r i : FEEDER PURCHASES WITH FERERAL MONEY THROUGH OUR CREDIT CORPORATION r vegetables or wood that might, go to'nPf fi? is near trees the martins will system. vaste, why not hunt up some un- onunate family who needs them and their home. »eding place where you can turn back a, half inch of each end toand noon on Sundays he collects in his congregation with rain insur- When a new strip must be added, ance. If rain falls between 8 a. m. FARM BUREAU you buy Farm Bureau Fence you get sound value for every dollar. FENCE AT SIX PER CENT INTER- EST. 0 bring to them a bit of cheer and atput sunflower seed and hemp. Tie a be joined, on the wrong side, and $26. He pays $1.25 a week for the There is a style and he sarme time relieve the .welfare bit of suet to a tree limb and see if whip these ends together with a rav-protection. The church service }Ve sell all grades of livestock at the birds do not like it. Not only will eling of the material, taking up only starts at 11 o'clock. Then if a size for every purpose. und of a little? strong market values through our We all know there will be a great our place be home for the birds but a (thread or two in the seam, press storm breaks before 12 the pastor Best service can be selling agencies at the Detroit and Buffalo markets. all for welfare assistance during the home will be all the dearer to us.. good so that the seam will be flat, makes two collections, one from oming winter, no matter who is September can be filled with work then fold the new strip and overcast insurance company .and one from the congregation. v the gives you sound value obtained from Farm Bu- I reau Fence when it is Write For Information. lected. One might think there's and pleasure and thoughtfulness and the folded edges at the seam. The ordes of men who could bring about plans foT the future. And the farm joinings will be scarcely noticed es- miraculous change in post-haste woman can call herself blessed when pecially if one guages them so that Wheat Fixed at $2.20 for every dollar erected on Farm Bureau Steel Posts. These rigid, durable posts are made Mich. Livestock ime if only allowed to have a chance phe has an opportunity for self-ex- they do not come too closely in the braid. Per Bu. 15 Years Ago of high-carbon rail steel r to continue a bit longer. Thank pression in, each. to the same quality Exchange eaven there are so few women mak- It is easier to sew the work into rugs as they are braided, for it is Augwrt 8 1 , 1017 standards as govern the | Hudson -:- Mich. ng such rash promises these days, for National Park Visits manufacture of Farm hey would never hear the last of it hard to determine just how much of On recommendation of the wheat Show Marked Decline the braid will be needed before anoth- price committee, headed by Dr. H. Bureau Fence. f they did not deliver the impossible! Use good, dependable Baking a Lost Art I er color is to be used, and also the A. Garfield, President Wilsori es- Tourist travel to the Nations! work is quite heavy to handle and tablished $2.20 as the maxiimfm Farm Bureau products I wonder if a mistake has not' been Parks will show a decline for the when sewed does not drag so on the price for wheat per bushel. The in the new fence you iade in the distribution of welfare year of probably 10 per cent, ac- hand of the worker. price, which will permit sale of a plan to build. our? I believe the old residents copding to information made avai.l- . FARM BUREAU PAYMASTER r Place the rug on a table or other 14-ounce loaf of bread for 5 cents, ould have thought the question out a able at the National Park Service. fiat surface while sewing. Be sure to is expected to meet with opposition it better, for they have long contend- Statistics through July indicate a allow sufficient fulness at the round- among the farmers.-—Files of the SERVICES, INC. 1 that the rising generation does not drop of 11 per cent over the 12-ed ends. I'se strong thread and make rand Rapids Herald. Lansing, Michigan The Paymaster is the new ave the self-reliance of their fore- month period with a total registra- the stitches close and firm. If care 1932 Life Insurance policy athers. From Minneapolis comes a tion of 1,643,845 visitors oonipared is used the stitches can be so conceal- Jew's Harp History ispau h that out of 47,000 sacks of with 1,85G,792 for the preceding ed that there will be no right or just issued by the State our for distribution, the Red Cross year. Five parks, however,,register- The Jew's harp originated i:i Eu- wrong side to the rug. If the braiding rope several hundred years ago. The Farm Life Insurance Com- as given out but less than one-third, ed a gain in sightseers. and sewing are well done the rugs date and name of the inventor are pany. THE PAYMASTER he reason given was that house- ives in the needy families do not now how to use it. The art of baking Velvet Now Being Used are practically indestriu tible and very not known. Two origina for the easy to wash. name are suggested: ( 1 ) from jaw's $1,976,853 Surplus For Hats and Turbans The rugs may be of any desired harp (the method of playirfg). (2) 1. A low Premium policy. • 2. Sound legal reserve insurance. 3. Pays for death from any as been lost. Women rely on the akeries and the canneries today here once girls were trained in all While the heat of summer was in ing to make and useful in any home. shape and size or of any combination because it was made and sold in of colors and will be ioTtnd fascinat- England by the Jews. Protects Your Policy full blast women "began thinking cause. 4. Has guaranteed premium for pes of food preparation. about fursvnnd wools and velvets. Not only are rugs made of burlap In the State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Co. It is an added waste to supply an They not only thought asbout velvet but they are now being fashioned of life. 5. Is available to a select class. lefficient homefnaker with flour to hats but wore them. messed up into something unfit to many other materials. And not only Classified Ads According to Alfred M. Best Co., authority on all 6. Meets the needs of a small French designers are usinp: vel-do they serve for floor coverings but Classified Advertisements are cash income. at, tor not only will we have to sup- vet for little turbans, small brim- are being brought into use as cushion with order at the following rates: 4 insurance in America, the State Farm Mutual Automo- 7. Is sure protection only—pays ly food, but we will have an added med hats and crowns of hats that tops, table mats, table scarfs, chair cents per word for on edition, i Ads to appear in two or more editions bile Insurance Company of Bloomington, 111., merits last expenses. xpense for medical care on top of it.have straw or other materials for cushions etc. And scraps of woolens take the rate of 3 cents per word per 8. Fits in with any other life t is not only the women who have brims. may be used up in this way. If one has edition. its highest rating for policyholders. insurance program. iven up home traits, for no longer 9. Cannot *securities The balance was in railroad, ml tools in exchange for eight room ig an extra tax to an already high riculture's daily broadcasts and lat- . two l"ts and gar industrial and Joint Stock Land Bank bonds. None of er printed for distribution in pam- Stanton, Michigan. -2t-b21) STATE FARM LIFE riced bill so as to "balance the bud-phlet form. Meaning of Colors the list were in default in principal or interest payments. et"; and how we balked when w^ WANTED—FAfeM WORK INSURANCE CO. The Library of Congres.s' recently aid the rent for the use of a safety- reproduced the printed pamphlets Different authorities ascribe var- The Company takes pride in making such a statement A LEGAL RESERVE COMPANY ox to find the bill not diminished on in Braille, under an appropriation ious meanings to colors, as follows: orWANTKI'— KAUM WORK BY YEAR month on farm in Mi ,of financial strength to policyholders at this time. ecoubt of the depression but also of $100,000 provided by Congress black, grief, death or evil; white, pur- or- Belaboring county by man, in, with BLOOMINGTON, ILL. axed for the same budget! for publication of books for the ity, truth or hope; red, courage or children. Michigan (arm exp< general farm experh n led, S State Agent Soptombor Jobs adult blind. Copies of the Rraille love; blue, loyalty, truth, or faith; White Pigeon, Mich. Carl H< n i l Marianna St., 111. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS. CO. September brings tlie~ silo filling publication have been placed in gold, glory pr power; silver, purity or Michigan State Farm Bureau nd how glad we are when we know nearly 200 institutions, and efforts chastity; purple, royalty or justice; Bloomington, HI. YOUNG MAllUIKI) .MAN' WANT Lansing Michigan .ie job is done, that's one crop cored are being made to put them ai green, youth, immortality or gladness; work on farm '• B. Te or and out of the way. We rather private homes where blind people viol.t. pentience; yellow, jealousy, in- II farm, MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU, State Agents-Lansing children. ike the task of feeding the crew of prepare the meals. constancy. it-i, Michigan.. SATTRDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, FOUB MICHIGAN FARM NEWS "Fruit is in good to excellent con- The befit markets for the canned Sailing Squirrels Many German Schools Testing Records Say Best Feed dition and heavy crops of peaches tables are Canada, the United For-Get-Me-Not Bow Is Are Radio EquipPecj and fall apples are now being pick- Kingdom, the West Indies and the Effective After 18 Yrs. It is said that the sdwirrHs of Still Pays The Most Money ed and marketed." Orient, but our vegetables are ship- ped to practically every country in H a r r i s o n , Arl&—Nat. Miller, Lapland, a laud of many rivers and lakes, have learned the art of navi- One school in three in Germany \n now equipped with a radio. The , the world. cleaning out his desk, discovered a gation. If one of these squirrels Gerwian school radio programs n o w Cows Haven't Changed Habits is not too wet. In many fields, l-37th of Vegetables wishes to cross a river or lake it however, water is standing in low letter on which lay neatly a piece reach 2,500,000 pupils and 6.1,000 In Depression, Says Harvested Is Exported of string tied in a forget-me-not dra^s a piece of bark down to the teachers, he said in callfng a tt e n . places. Sahara Teems With Life; bow. He puzzled over it. Ultimate- water's edge, sets it afloat and C. A. Baltzer tion 10 a rapid development of inter- "Corn cutting and silo filling are The United States exported $8,- Polar Deserts Are Barren ly, the piece of string did its work climbing aboard lifts its tail for a est in radio for educational purPos* also progressing rapidly, although 726,000 worth of vegetables in the and Miller remembered the letter to sail and lets the wind carry it es there. Bji r. I. BALTZER slowed up on several days by rain. fiscal year just ended Included in Strictly speaking, only dry lands be one his wife had given him to across. School broadcasts last year nu m . Dai in Dep't State College Pastures and m.adows have been these exports were %4,571.TNH) worth are considered as deserts. It ie there mail 18 years ago. He •rushed out bered 2,000 with 24 per cent, the East Lansing—With milk and especially benefitted and they of vegetables in the natural state that the ghosts of buried civiliza- and mailed it. It was addressed to bntterfat prices tumbling during now green and luxuriant. .Many and |3,155,000 worth of canned tions walk and the traveler comes Miss Lucy Harding at Berryville. Fleeces up to 30 Lbs. largest single type, devoted to the year 1931-1932 many Micnigan music. Broadcasts on information fields of late potatoes have been re- vegetables. upon ruins of great dead cities, as Ark., who, fortunately, still resides In Spain and Australia the Merino about Germany ranked second and dairymen have no doubt had the vived in growth and the prospects The value of the vegetables har- in the Sahara. But we also have there.—Kansas City Star. question arise in their minds as to for good crops greitly enhanced. vested for sale is about $296,000,- cold deserts, as well as hct deserts. breed of sheep has the longest wool comprised 2 2 per cent of the P r o . the proper practice concerning pro- Corn is especially good and the late 000, according to the Btireau ot the The polar ice-caps are the truest Barley, oats. of any kind of sheep known. The wool grams. duction per cow and per berdi buckwheat anil clipped from an average sheep weighs crop is filling well ami will make ex- Census, so that out of each $37 deserts of all, for they support no wheat, all lost money for the labor Records from herd improvement cellent silage, provided frosts do worth of vegetables harvested for life whatever, unless of a piicro- of growing them in New York state but three to eight pounds, but as much Uncle Ab says it is a gpOd plan to associations show that even under not come within ten days or two sale, one dollar's worth was shipped scopic sort. The Arabian desert and last year, according to farm ac- as thirty pounds may be obtained always have the courage to app ear conditions such as everyone ex- las good as you really are. perienced during thif; past year only weeks. out of the country* i the Sahara teem with living things. counts. from these. the best practices are the ones that are proving to be most successful. The leading dairy herds for the year not only show high yield per heid but also head the list In re- turns over dollar of feed cost ex- pended for the herd for the seasofa. The successful practices followed by these dairymen include feeding an abundance of alfalfa hay and other home grown feeds such as corn silage, corn, barley, and oats FARM BUREAU FERTILIZERS supplemented with proper amounts of protein concentrates. l