~'FarmNews~~~~~ I THE ACTION PUB~~CA-lION OF THE MICHIGAN FARM BUREAU VOL. 59 NO. 9 ~EPTEMBER 1980 Comb\nes at work in the field on the Lyle ~erle and Sons farm near Mason, Mich., was • acreage, early harvest estimates were being reported at nearly .37 million bushels. Record a typical scene throughout the state in early August. As combines cut through the state's production is reported for all winter wheat produdng states. Photo By Marda D'tch'e Lower National Production Will-Benefit State's Farmers Michigan farmers will benefit and other crops. Corn, for ex- essarily mean that their net in- between six million and eight harvest a record high 2.32 bil- substantially from higher com- ample, is going to be down 14 come is going to be higher, be- million metric tons of corn and lion bushels oi all types of modity prices this year, if percent, according to the cause production costs are go- -~heat a year. wheat in 1980, 9 percent more USDA's recent crop production USDA, and soybeans J7 per- ing to continue to rise as fast, or The USDA has reported that than last year, with increased forecast holds true, says Farm cent smaller than the '79 crop," faster, than the national rate of the Soviets have bought an- acreage more than offset by Bureau commodity specialist Craig said. inflation," he predicted. .oHler 700, 000 metric tons of lower yield prospects. Robert Craig. "This is going to help Michi- grain, bringing to 900, 000 me- The USDA has forecast that gan farmers because our com Soviets to Purchase tric tons their purchases so far Production of winter wheat is feed grain production, na- and bean crops really look very U.S.-Offered Grain for delivery in the marketing forecast at a record high 1.87 tionally, will be down 16 per- good and our production is go- Soviet trade officialsgave U.S. year starting Oct. 1. billion bushels, 16 percent cent from last year's record ing to be high in those two spe- agriculture aides a clear indica- Soviet purchases in the year more than last year, resulting high. cific crops." tion they willbuy U.S. grain for ending Sept. 30, 1980, total from larger acreages harvested. Craig warned, however, that the year starting Oct. 1. De- 7,940,000 metric tons of grain, "I think there's no question in terms of net farm income, spite the continuing grain em- just under the eight million ton In Michigan, 840,000 acres that Michigan farmers are going farmers should ~ontinue to bargo, the administration has maximum. were planted In winter wheat" to benefit substantially from watch their production costs. said it will honor the last year of Wheat Production and estimates are for a yield, higher commodity prices, espe- "Simply because prices are go- a five-year U.S.-Soviet agree- Up Nationwide statewide, of 36,960,000 cially for the various feed grains ing to be higher does not nec- ment that calls for shipments of U..S. producers expect to' bushels. PAGE 2 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 From the Desk of the President Who Is Farm Bureau? The governor of Michigan knows who part in land use' planning at all levels of the Saginaw County Farm Bureau is. He government. If local land use control is-to got a letter from them, eloquently pre- be maintained, it is imperative that local senting some of the key concerns of the ag- people accept the responsibility to plan the ricultural community (see story on page 3). use of their land resources," and turned I Their letter reflected, not only ~heir own those words into action! concerns, but those of voting delegates at This was one small group of Farm Bu- ./ our last anl]ual meeting when they adop- reau members, but they proved they. could ted policies on the need for agricultural have a voice in local government ... and\ I representation on key boards and com- now the township officials and the commu~ missions, and for adequate funding for ag nity know who they are! ' .I research, extension and MDA programs. It's often a local need or community con- The Saginaw board took the words they cern that leads to the birth of a policy, but To me, and to many county Farm Bu- had helped to draft into policies and put Farm Bureau members also look beyond reau leaders, I'm sure, one of the. most them into action! They made their voice their own fence rows to the needs of the frustrating experiences is to hear a member heard and now the governor knows who agricultural industry, our state, the nation publicly complain about the organization's they are. and even the world. That's because Farm position on an issue ,and then be "too The Sanborn Township officials in Al- Bureau members are citizens as well as busy" to participate when policy dev~lop- pena County know who the Four Season~ farJ11ers.. ment time rolls around. Farm Bureau Community Group is. Con- I'm proud that in this "Me Generation" This is a large organization, growing cerned about proposed zoning changes we seem to be in, where so many people every' day, but it will never be too big to that would damage the township's natural are involved only in their own special. inter- hear the voice of anyone of its farmer resources, Community Group members ests farmers are different. Farmers believe members. There are so many places, at the formed a concerned citizens group and eve;y generation should be an "Us Gener- local level, where farmers can "plug in" to held meetings to inform taxpayers of the ation" and, therefore, they address con- the policy development process: commu- long-range effects of the proposals. They cerns and propose solutions that.will con- nity groups, county committees, commod- drew up some alternative zoning changes tribute to the well-being of not just them- ity committees, county and district policy and presented those to the board. And selves, but all citizens. development meetings and county annual they also campaigned for candidates in the Our annual policy development process meetings. So, even though it is a big or- primary election who they believed would is now underway and I urge YOUR active ganization, Farm Bureau has the structure be more responsive to the needs of the involvement. Remember, involvement i.!1_ for grassroots input to surface. concerns, people. Farm Bureau's policy development proc- discuss ideas for solving problems and The result: their township had the largest ess is not only an opportunity - it is a re- make recommendations for policies. percentage of voters at the primary in the sponsibility. It is an opportunity to make The first step in getting others to know county, and because of tlJeir active infor- your voice heard on issues of concern to who Farm Bureau is - at the local, county, mation efforts, the voters were well- you. It is a responsibility because if Farm state and national levels :- is the develop- informed and made decisions that were in Bureau's policies are to remain representa- ment of clearly-defined policies on which the best interest of the community. tive of the true concerns and ideas of the to act. Get involved. Your contributionS-in This Community Group took a section grassroots membership, a broad base of charting the course for action in the yea! of our Farm Bureau policy book: "We urge member involvement in developing those ahead are needed. Farm Bureau members to take an active policies is imperative. Elton R. Smith Leadership, Wrinkles and Such One was during the inter- total pattern didn't need any the great thing about it is that structive than Hurricane Don- view with "Friend of Agricul- master hand to guide them into Farm Bureau not only provides na) . ture" Dick Allen, which started the proper place. the leadership skills it also pro- But. despite the progress, out at his centennial farm and As we reviewed the contents vides so many opportunities to there are some basic' differ- ended up at the Gratiot County that would make up this use them. ences, dear sisters, that we're Fair to get some 'pictures of his month's issue, there was no The recent Farm - Bureau just going to have to live family. I had finished my inter- - doubt that the pattern which Women's Leader Conference with ... and a couple of these view at the farm, so left my pad DaNNA emerged, on its own, was 'was one example. It was our LEADERSHIP - farmers taking leadership in the political and pleasure to be on the scene for this activity and I'm betting that unchangeables roost on my shoulders in the past few weeks. came home to and pen in the car while Farm (continued on page 9) It makes the Farm News legislative arenas, in develop- from this group will emerge editors happy when a theme ing and executing the policies some high-powered individuals MICHIGAN FARM NEWS weaves in and out of the yarns of their organization, in solving who will change the complex- (lSSN 0026-2161) DIRE'CTORS: District I. Arthur Bailt?y. of the various Farm Bureau ac- problems in their own commu- tion of Farm Bureau's leader- The Mi,higan Farm News is published Schoolcraft; DIStrict 2. Lowell Eisenmann. monthly. on the first day. by the Michigan Farm Blissfield. District 3. James Sayre. Belleville; tivities we report on, to form a nities, and in supporting a new ship. Bureau Information and PublIC Relations Divl. District 4. Elton R. Smith. Clliedonlll; District 5. pattern that sort of knits the program to assure that the ag Have you noticed that wom- sion Publlcatlon and edltor1al ofhces al 7373 William SpIke. Owosso; District 6. Jack Laurio!. CMS City; District 7. Robert Rider. Hart; DIstrict West Saganaw Highway. Lansing. MIChigan whole thing together - like an leadership well doesn't run dry. en ARE making progress? 48909. Post Office Box 30960. telephone. 8. Larry DeVuy;t. Ithacll; Distnct 9. Donald Lansing 517-323.7000. Extension 508 Sub. Nugent. Frankfo-t; District 10. Richard Wie. afghan. Because Michigan agri- In my opinion, the opportu- While I'm not in favor of chang- SCription price. $1 00 cenb per year PublICa. land. Ellsworth. District II. Herman Roberl/. culture and Farm Bureau are nity for leadership develop- ing "Fisherman's Wharf" to hon No. 345040. Fayette ESlabhshed January 13 1923 Sewnd.class so diversified, that's not always ment is one of THE most im- "Fisherperson's Wharf" or postage paid at Lansing. Michigdn and at addi. DIRECTORS Frankenmuth. AT I.J\RGE: Walter Frahm. Mlchdel Pridgeon. Montgomery. easy, and the design that re- portant Farm Bureau member- "mail-man" to "person- honal lTI3ibng offices Robert Rottlt?r. Fremont EDITORIAL: Donna Wlber. Editor: Marcia FARM BUREAU WOMEN: V,vllln Lott. sults sometimes looks like the ship benefits. I don't think I'll person," I do think giving equal Dltchie. Connie Turbin. Associate Editors. Mason. OFFICERS: Michigan FlIrm Bureau. Presl. editors purled when they ever become immune to the opportunity status to hurricane dent. Ehon R Smith. Caledonia. Vice Presi. FARM BUREAU YOUNG FARMERS: L.C. Scramhn. Holly should have knitted. Other thrill of watching a member . names was a step in the' right dent. Jack laurie. Cass City. Administrahve POSTMASTER: In using form 3579. mail to Dlr~tor. Robert Braden. Lansing; Treasurer times, it just seems to happen, take the leadership develop- direction (especially since Hur- and Chief Financial OffICllr. Max D Dean: Michigan Farm News. 7373 West SlIginllw Htghway. Lansing. Mlchlglln 48909 like the threads that form the ment ball and run with it! And ricane Allen is much more de- S~relllrv. William S Wllkanson SEPTEMBER .193Q F^RMNJEWS PAGE 3 Saginaw Farm Bureau Board Tells Governor 9 Michigan Agriculture 'Grossly Shortchanged "You just have to let some- While the governor's ap- can't get interest unless you one know you are unhappy pointment of a non-farmer to have some there. If we don't with their actions," explained fill a vacancy on the MSU put something in the bank - Saginaw County Farm Bureau Board of Trustees provided im- some knowledge - we are not leader Dick Leach - and that's petus to the Saginaw County going to have any new certified exactly why he and others from Farm Bureau board's decision seeds and new methods of the county board of directors to take action, budget cuts handling crops down the road wrote a letter to Gov. Milliken were a major concern. - and then we're going to be in recently. "We are losing agricultural trouble." Gubernatorial actions that agents, we are losing MDA Will their letter to the gover- made them unhappy and which programs, and it just looks like nor have any impact? The Sag- they said "grossly short- agriculture is getting cut and cut inaw farm leaders have no illu- changed" Michigan's second and cut," Leach said. "If we are sions that the purse strings will largest industry were budget going to remain the viable in- suddenly be loosened for vital cuts in research, extension and dustry we are now, these things agricultural programs. But they Michigan Department of Agri- cannot be cut. We need the re- have taken that first important culture programs, and appoint- search moneys we need the step: Let someone know when ment of non-farm people to MDA programs and the talent you are unhappy with their ac- key boards and commissions. that it takes to do these things. tions. And that talent takes money." They've spread the message Pulling a quote from his by sharing their letter to the 1980 State of the State ad- Research: Like governor with their state repre- dress, "Agriculture is a vital in- Money in Bank sentatives and the news media dustry in this state, uniquely so the general public will be stable and enduring," the Sagi- Dick Leach, Saginaw County Farm Bureau board member, was Saginaw County Farm Bu- aware that ag research benefits naw farm leaders reminded the author of the letter to Gov. Milliken protesting the cuts in agricultural reau President Paul Vasold consumers as well as produc- governor that in order to keep programs and the lack of farm representation on key commissions and boards. "You just have to let someone know you are unhappy agrees, but wonders what it's ers. They hope, too, that other it that way, adequate funding going to take to bring about county Farm Bureaus will fol- with their actions," Leach said. "If we are going to remain the viable for research, extension and industry we are now. these things cannot be cut." recognition of those needs. low their lead. regulatory programs was vital. "One of the problems is that As Dick Leach summed it "It should be an embarrass- " 1 . The agricultural interest and regulatory programs to at- we have enough food right up: "Farmers, through Farm ment to the leadership of this must be representated on the tract and retain talented per- now. Politicians believe we Bureau, have traditionally state to continuously delete the Michigan State University sonnel to keep Michigan's agri- have plenty of food so why done anything that's needed needed programs of a viable in- Board of Trustees. This is not culture 'a uniquely stable and work to produce more," Vas- doing. We have the expertise, dustry in favor of increased so- true at this time. enduring industry.' old said. "But research is just we have the structure - all we cial service programs that are "2. The Michigan Agricultur- "The board of directors of like money in the bank - you have to do is DO IT!" greatly misused and are so al Commission should be made the Saginaw County Farm Bu- counterproductive,"'they said. up of people who are actively reau, representing 3,260 mem- Editor's Note: They listed three areas engaged in some form of agri- ber families, urge you, Gover- Tom Reed, endorsed by Michigan Farm Bureau's AgriPac "which must not be compro- culture and not be eroded by nor Milliken, to justly weigh the for the MSU Board of Trustees, won his party's nomination at mised" if agriculture in Michi- appointees from outside the benefits of a strong viable agri- the state Republican convention. At this writing, the Democra- gan is to move continuously agricultural community. culture when you consider the tic convention has not been held, but farmers are hopeful that forward to meet the challenges "3. Funding must be ade- state budget and any future ap- Bill Byrum, Ingham County farmer, will also be nominated by of each new decade: quate for research, extension pointments," they concluded. his party. Safety Group Pays Dividend Farm Bureau members par- ticipating in the Agricultural sV &LW A re Production Workers' Compensation Safety Group received more than $131,000 in dividends from vZ J'^^^W Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co., based on the group's ex- cellent safety record during the past year. The dividend, which was paid to participating members in early August, equalled 5 per- This emblem cent of the policyholder's an- nual premium. The dividend is important to was the result of the Safety hog producers Group's low workers' comp - M ll M~ And lo dairy farmers. losses during the period of Jan. l bers who employ agricultural credit through good times and bad. Whether your main crop is hogs or grain, milk. workers. cattle or poultry', or a specially crop of any kind. Paul Vasold, president of the Saginaw County Farm Bureau, said: Production Credit Association can \x- a valuable Started in 1971, the Safety "Research is just like money in the bank - you can't get interest source of credit and services for you Group program has paid out unless you have some there. If we don't put something in the bank - more than $931,000 in divi- some knowledge - we are not going to have any new certified seeds Production Credit Associations of Michigan dends to Farm Bureau mem- and new methods of handling crops down the road - and then we're going to be in trouble." bers. PAGE 4 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 Meet Newton Allen He Believes 'Profit' is'Not a Four-Letter Word . • • Farm Bureau Services, Inc. agribusiness firms.in the United community that we are going company except in our own and. Farmers Petroleum Coop- States and we're going to be in to be aggressive. minds and the way we charac- erative, Inc., two Michigan that top 10. Ana the kind of "We will want to build an im- terize it and think about it. We Farm Bureau affiliates, which growth I'm talking about is age in the community of an or-. have stockholders, too, and have a combined annual sales growth for profits and not just ganization that is going to be a they are the farmer-patrons volume of over $350 million, growth for the sake of sales. leader. We are going to be cre- and members of this omaniza- have a new executive vice "Many times, co-ops have ative in developing programs tion. What I want to do is to president and chief executive been efficient and have caused and products that the agribusi- make those people wealthy officer. farmers to pay exorbitant prices ness industry needs'that we can from the standpoint of equity The search for just the right in order for them to break supply at a profit to this 6rgan- they can gain in' this organiza- kind of top management lead- even. You have to be efficient. ization. _ . tion, from the results we pro- ership was a long one for the There's no reason why Farm "This organization is no duce on a day-by-day, week- board of directors. They felt Bureau -Services and Farmers different than a publicly-held by-week, year-by-year basis." that growth in service to mem- Petroleum Cooperative can't bers and in profitability was produce as efficiently as the top " Need extra necessary and that aggressive, 10 percent in the industry. capable management could "If we can do that, and tUJ.:n lead in that direction. Their ef- around and sell those products back to the farmer at the same <.sil.storage forts reaped rewards. They found a highly-moti- kind of prices that the publicly- vated, enthusiastic, positive- held companies are doing - Newton Allen, Executive Vice then the farmers are truly thinking individual who had by this fall? President and Chief Executive made his mark in the agribusi- Officer of FRS and FPC- building themselves real equity ness field and was ready to in Farm Bureau Services and first and the d1:her resources Farmers' Petroleum Coopera- spend the rest of his life in a second. Then we'll be setting tive. And that's what we will . warm climate enjoying the free- some quantified goals ... short- do. dom of running his own busi- range and long-range, that we ."1 know that's not new - but Act now and get a Railoc special ness. What kind of a man would will all be hitching our carts to maybe the new thing is that incentive from your parti<:ipating '~'.'~'~~'.'" forsake that for the challenge of go after. we're really going to take those silo manufacturer~; "We're going to develop a words and make them come taking the mal1agement helm of two co-ops that have a lot of real team approach within this true, instead of just remaining Get a $79.95 value.TimeTraC<~)FREE with youp'+'», growing to do? It was a man organization. By that I mean themes in a magazine or bro- firm order for a new silo system placed between we're going to develop a team chure." August 1 and September 30 and constructed iO "-< , who could look at problems of people who are professional, 1980.JimeTrac is a computerized digltarc10ckl and view them as opportunities each with their own contribu- ON MARKETING "timer/reminder/calendar. It.s memory. ban~' - a man named Newton Allen. tion of strength, who know "I find in agribusiness, peo- holds up to 30 reminders for events, speci~1 You don't have. to .talk with how to think and implement ple produce and then get rid of, appoit'!~ments, important business.' tnvaluab~~ ~_, AJlen long before it's clear that ~for;l~e whQI~ family .. ' ~ ~;"~' if plans that will make a lot of rather than .determining what he and Earl Butz share a lot of the same philosophy; specifi- money - and make this organi- market they should be produc- Fjnd.'outJ~OW 'about the value <;>fbuyi~g';, ai'cop. cally, the belief that profit is not zation grow at probably a faster ing for. In this organization, crete silo and silage system including RailQc < "a four-letter word." He's also rate than the norm~1 agribusi- we're going to determine what roof" Railoc accessories, and P&D unload~r.' ness firm is growing at today. markets we want to participate You know there are none better! And now is the a believer in goals and objec- "I like a decentralized style of in with what products and ser- time to build. To protect this' year's harvest. To . tives, with "strategic planning" r---------I- management because I like to vices - and then we're going to beat next year's inflation. Mail our coupon today. to reach those goals. have people who are' capable provide those products and Allen wiJl take over his re- of accepting responsibility, then services. And they're only go- sponsibilities as executive vice let them take that responsibility ing to be those products and president and chief executive and set some objectives that tie services that are required and officer of FBS and FPC on in with the overall corporate that will produce a profit. , Sept. 2. He is a former corpor- objectives. They are th'en "We've got to think about re- ate vice president and gen'eral responsible and accountable search and development of manager of a consumer and for those objectives. products and programs, and agriproducts division of a major "My method of operating, then present those products agribusiness company - one of other than the decentralized and programs so they will be Calendar the "Fortune 500" companies. He lists an impressive summary of experience in all functions of type of management, is that I acceptable to the buying com- will spend most of my time in munity. I ACT NOW I the feed industry, poultry and livestock production, grain three areas: first, people - I spend a lot of time with people and people programs and peo- "Marketing is a weakness in the total agribusiness industry. Consumer-oriented businesses II Mail this coupon today to become eligible for a FREE $79.95 value TimeTrac. II merchandising and retail distri- ple philosophy; second, plan- go out and determine what it is bution. ning; and third, implementa- that somebody needs that they 0 Please .have your representative contact me about Many Farm Bureau mem- bers will have the opportunity tion. "I .expect to spend a great know they need, and also what they don't know they need, I my expansion plans. o Send literature only. I to meet the new FBS-FPC ex- ecutive vice president and chief execu tive officer in the days deal of time, initiaJly, in the field, meeting some of our key that can be produced and sold at a profit. That's what the agri- I Name II accounts, and also talking to business industry needs to do I Address ahead because he has some those people who could be key and that's what we need to Town State Zip _ strong feelings about looking to accounts but are not today. I teach farmers to do. I think we the grassroots membership for input into setting some goals. started out in sales, many years ago, then transferred to pro- can not only be a marketing or- ganization from the standpoint I Tel. No. --------------- Mail to: I In the meantime, Farm News I Steven Gregory, Railoc/P&D J --------- duction management and final- . of marketing TO the farmer; I 709 Lockport Street, Plainfield, IL 60544 editors are pleased to introduce ly general management. Hav- think we can market FROM the Newton AIIen to their readers ing ~tarted out in sales, I am farmer." by sharing their visit with him. very much aware that we all Following are Allen's quotes on must be good salesmen." ON IMAGE a number of topics: ON GROWTH "We don't have the greatest image in the world going for us Railoc/P&D silage systems. Est.1937 ON MANAGEMENT "We will be striving for 'leap- right now because of our lack "When I get 'on board,' I'll frog-type' growth. We'll pick of aggressiveness. I want to get acquainted with the people out 10 of the most profitable communicate to the farming SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGES An Editorial View of the Candidates 'Good Laws Begin Where Good Lawmakers Are Elected' By Donna Wilber So reads the policy on Mich- tainly be conducive to devel- bents, Farm News editors 10th District (Antrim, Arenac, Photos By Marcia Ditchie igan Farm Bureau's political ac- oping "good laws." There are visited- the two "Friends" and Bay, Benzie, Clare, Clinton, tion program (AgriPac) adop- two key congressional races in new share some personal ob- Crawford, Gladwin, Grand "The candidates elected in ted by voting delegates to the the upcoming elections - in the servations about the candi- Traverse, Gratiot, Ingham, Isa- the 1980 November elections 60th annual meeting in No- 3rd and 10th districts - where dates: Jim Gilmore, 3rd District bella, Kalkaska, Mecosta, Mid- will be making daily decisions. _ vember 1979. AgriPac-designated "Friends of (Barry, Calhoun, Clinton, Ea- land, Missaukee, Montcalm, that will vitally effect agricul- In making those daily deci- Agriculture" do have that ton, Hillsdale, Ionia, Jackson,_ .Ogemaw, Osceola, Roscom- ture. Good laws begin where sions that will vitally effect working knowledge of die in- Kalamazoo, Kent an'd S1. Jo- mon, Saginaw, Shiawassee good lawmakers are elec- agric~lture, a working knowl- dustry. seph counties), and Dick Allen, and Wexford ~ounties). ted .... " edge of the industry will cer- Since neither are incum- Jim Gilmore: A Practicing Believer in Productivity I had never, in my relatively who used his other enterprises operation, "This is where I real- - sheltered life, met a real, live, ' big business tycoon before and judging from his impressive bio sheet, that's what Jim Gilmore to'subsidize his hobby. And I would challenge hil}1 to say (with world-famous people like four-time Indy 500 '!Jinner A. ly like to be .... " ... Until he explained, understand what farmers go through ... the lack of profits, "I -- is - owner and president of J. Foyt campaigning for him) the 7-day work week, the costs several radio and television sta-- that the "Friend of Agriculture" of production, the gambles in- tions, an auto dealership, an designation meant something volved, the dedication it re- advertising agency, a real special to him. quires, the good years and the estate corporation and a farm, My vow to "be tough" lasted lean ones, how the grain _em- to mention just a few. _ all the way from Farm Bureau bargo' has hurt us. I've worked But I was d~termined not to Center in Lansing to, the Gil- all my life. I know how to meet stand in muted awe of this more. for Congress head- a payroll, I know what it means A merican-drea m-come-true quarters in Kalamazoo ... to lose money. I know what it 'giant. I would be, after all, act- ... Until he shook my hand means to borrow money and ing as a representative for all (you can tell a lot about a man what it means to be in the red. ' the farmers who' would not by the way he shakes hands I'm a businessman - a busi- -have the opportunity to meet with a woman) and said, "I'm nessman farmer." this relative stranger to the glad you came," and I believed ... Until he listed some pret- political scene, a man AgriPac, that he really was. ty down-to-earth reasons for in its wisdom, had deemed ... Until he explained, with wanting to be a congressman: worthy of the coveted "Friend pride, how the farm had started "Because I think our country is Jim Gilmore (R-Kalamazoo) has been designated a "Friend of Ag- of Agriculture" title. 20 years ago with about 600 in such a mess. I've only been riculture" by AgriPac and will be supported in his race i;\gainst in- I would be strong, I vow~d, cumbent Congressman Howard Wolpe for the 3rd Congressional acres, bought "on time.," paid in politics once and that was a District seat. Gilmor~ Oeft) and his farm manager. Jim Kneller. like a farmer, 'asking tough off frem the farm profits and 2-year term as mayor of Kala- check over one of the young residents of the Gilmore Enterprises questions that. would unveil expanded as adjoining land be- mazoo. I never thought I'd be Farm at Richland. which specializes in hogs and com. any motives for personal came available. "Wait 'til you doing this, but I think that gratification involved in his run- see our corn," he glowed, "It's business people, people in because I've worked like heck him: "I think if I hadn't been ning for Congress. I wo'uld ask over 7 feet tall!" (it was) ... "A farming, people who really un- all my life. I'm not afraid of endorsed, it would mean they him, for example, whether he good many years ago, when derstand what it's all about, work and I know what it is to be didn't think we had a good had just added the 2, OOO-acre we started buying the land, the better get involved. We need to down at the bottom and what is farming operation or that I Jim Gilmore Enterprises Farm motivation was - we believed get back to some of the good is to be on top. I've got a great didn't understand agriculture. It to his string of holdings to gain 'in farming. We still do." basics, the sound practices (like feeling for this country and a meant a lot to me and I hope it the farm vote, an important " .. Until he said (without a balanced budget) that we great belief in productivitv." will to other farmers, that they'll faction in his district. benefit of this reporter's tape know will work. ... And until he related know I'm kind of part of what I would find out whetJler he recorder) to the MFN photog- "If I can bring anything to what the "Friend of Agri- they're doing, that I can relate was just a "gentleman farmer'" rapher as we toured the hog Washington, I think it will be culture" designation meant to . (continued on page 15) Dick Allen: Championjor Michigan A,griculture My first remembrance of the Allen." Who's he? What now, Bureau. He gained a reputa- name Dick Allen still makes me my great crusading editor? tion of being a champion for bll!sh with embarrassment, I don't know whether my Michigan agriculture and I was even though the intervening one unknowledgeable vote had always proud to say, "I knew years have erased some of the any impact, -but Dick Allen him when .... " red. I was editor and publisher became my representative. We The reason Allen has been of a low profit, high-visibility got to kno"w him well, even such an effective promoter of country newspaper and came committing the unpardonable Michigan agriculture is because on strong about citizens not on- sin (for country editors) of he. is, himself, an active farmer ly voting on election day - but editing down the "met, set and and veterinarian. The family voting knowledgeably. et" neighborhood news items farm, located in Gratiot Coun- We practiced what we to run a regular column au- ty, has been In the Allen family preached in our house. With thored by Rep. Allen. I liked his since 1854, and he and his wife our daughter, local Teenage philosophy and he gained even and children live in the farm Republican president, actively more points than he already house that was originally built campaigning for Bill Ballenger had earned by being our guest, in 1867. for 87th District representative, rather than the more powerful "Up until I decided to run for I knew when I cast my vote for neighboring daily newspaper, Congress, we had a pretty ac- him, I would be doing so know- at the Michigan Press Associa- tive farm operation, feeding ledgeably ... except that, being tion's annual legislative lun- about 500 head of cattle and new in the community, Iover- cheon .. farming the whole 500 acres "Friend of Agriculture" State Senator Richard Allen (R-Alma), en- looked the fact that although His support and editorial under my general supervision," dorsed by AgriPac for the 10th CongresSional District race. is shown our office was in the 87th Dis- contributions didn't keep us Allen explained. "We've at the Gratiot County Fair receiving congratulations from his family trict, our home was in the 89th. from going bankrupt, but our phased down somewhat now (wife JoAnn, daughter Cat:rl and son Lester) for winning the primary electio'n. He, in turn, congratulates Lester for winning four ribbons, Therefore I it happened that in paths continued to cross as he and some of our cropland is including Grand Champion. for his horse. my voting booth line-up was went on to become a Michigan rented this year." this stranger named "Dick senator and 1 returned to Farm (continued on page 15) PAGE6- ,. FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 Caution: Tisch Tax Prescription CAPITOL Hazardous to Economic Health REPO'RT This proposal has been cor- tax shelters, tax free securities, more that would be lost, the recdy described as a "meat. or even transfe~ring the home- state reimbursement would By axe" approach and a "prescrip- stead to a non-working spouse. amount to about $2 billion to tion for fiscal disaster." There is -While no new tax can be begin with. The other $700 Robert E. Smith no question that it is a tax cut imposed on the principal million plus would be lost for for most people. However, up- homestead, new taxes could be local government. In. addition, on thorough study, the MFB imposed on all other properties it is estimated that at least an- board strongly opposed the which could include farmland other $600 million .would go to Petition Challenges Possible proposal as going too far, even because new tax is defined as Washington as increased feder- to the point of total irrespon- "any tax not devised, specified, al income taxes, and some fed- . for Tisch and Smith-Bullard sibility. The proposal also does identified, or titled, and which eral matching monies would not do what the general public was not in effect when the also be lost. The August issue of the Mich- the technical requirements for a has been led to believe. Some amendment is adopted.'~ . The fact is that presently with igan Farm News Capitol Report petition. of the chief concerns are: -Some of the above provi- the restrictions in the proposal, Page outlined the four tax pro- - Rolls back property assess- sions also mean that the indi- Jhe state would not be ab.Je to The Smith-Bullard Plan may posals that will be on the No- ments (SEV) to 1978. This vidual would have to prove to refund the $2 billion to local also be challenged as to vember ballot and the position' may sound good but the effect the assessor his income and units of government. The total whether enough ballot signa- of the Michigan Farm Bureau on local government (county age. by income tax forms, birth state budget gross is about tures were obtained on the pe- Board of Directors. Tijese are and township) revenues could certificates, etc., and whether $10.3 billio'n. From this tition. Certification is based on complex proposals and new in- be serious. Contrary to .the im- they have lived in the home- amount must be subtracted a statistical sample of 500 terpretations and questions pression most people and local stead for at least 183 days. transfers, federal aid and other signatures. The result in this emerged after additional study. officials have, the state would Separate assessments. would, non-state financing along with case was an 83.6 percent likeli- The proposals have been NOT be required to replace the have to be made for principal. budget stabilization fund fi- hood that there would be suffi- certified by the state Board of revenue on the difference be- homesteads when .the land nancing. This cuts the total cient ballot signatures. Canvassers and each has been tween the 1978 and 1980 'valu- around the homestead exceeds state budget to a little over $7.8 given a letter for designation on However, normally a second ations. One county 'checked on acre, Therefore, farmland billion. ' . the November ballot. Proposal sample is drawn if that figure is showed that over 30 percent of would have to be assessed The Headlee Amendment to "A" has been assigned to the less than 90 perent. The Board its budget would not be reim- separately from the homestead the constitution already - re- Smith-Bullard Plan; "C" to the of Canvassers decided not to bursed. Another county would portion of the farm. quires 41.6 percent minimum Legislative-Executive Plan; "0" order the second sample be- lose over 20 percent. This kind -While the proposal does to go back to local govern- to the Tisch Proposal and "E" cause of the $45,000 cos( In of loss would also be true of put into the constitution certain ments for a variety of purposes to the Tax Proposal for Prison 1978 the State Police Bargain- townships. This means that agricultural exemptions for per- which costs over $3:3 billion. Construction. ing Proposal was certified with sooner or later people would sonal property such as those School employee retirement, It is possible that the Tisch only 60.6 percent chance of vote to raise the millage in used for production, it also state employee retirement, civil Proposal will be challenged in being accurate but it was not order to replace the portion of abolishes. other exemptions. service commission, transpor- court as not meeting some of challenged. property tax revenues that Such previously exempt prop- tation and general obligation would not be refunded by the erty .would become taxable debt services would all have to Lower Drinking Age state. Many rural areas could raise considerable more millage under Tisch and would inelude inventories, such. as crops. be paid under constitutional re- quirement. This cuts the real Proposal on Fall Ballot before reaching the 50 mill constitutional limit. stored for sale, which were just recently exempted 'for busines- state budget to about $3.5 bil- lion. Michigan voters will have an- same time, while teen-age ar- -The assessment rollback ses; motor vebicles, which in- The more than $2 billion other opportunity in November rests were dropping, drunken apparently does not apply to eludes farm pick-ups and necessary to pay for the Tisch to make a decision on teen-age driving arrests for other age farms enrolled in P.A. 116. trucks; agricultural trees; proposal would cut the state drinking. Known as Proposal groups rose 8 percent. T een- This can cause serious prob-' shrubs; vines; and crops. This budget for all state programs B, it would lower the legal age involvement in alcohol lems as time goes on. possibility is extremely impor- such as the Department of Ag- drinking age from 21 to 19 if related accidents also dropped -The tax cut does not apply tant to cash crop and fruit farm- riculture and higher education, passed. 11.5 percent for, fatal acci- to taxes for paying bonded ers because until' Farm Bureau to $1.5 billion. These are the This results from a petition dents, nearly 18 percent for in- debts, therefore, millage rates got that exemption, fruit trees lat~st and most accurate figures that was started by Rep. Fitz- juries and nearly 25 percent for for debt would have to be were being assessed for as available. patrick, D-Battle Creek, to get property damage accidents. doubled or perhaps tripled much as $9 each with similar , Section 3c of Tisch appears the 19-year-old drinking ques- Drinking drivers in other age depending on the local effect of assessments on bushes, vines, to mandate that all existing tion on the ballot. It was backed groups showed an increase in the SEV rollback and reducing etc. Grain in elevators would benefits, including those for by a group known as Citizens all these areas. It is not known the 1978 SEV to 25 percent of be taxable again. Private and social welfare, cannot be "re- for a Fair Drinking Age. The whether the greatest decrease true cash value. L commercial forest lands, beet duced or diminished" unless by petition drive was dropped has been among the 18 year -It appears that non-resi- sugar, properties of various four-fifths legislative vote. This when the Legislature passed a olds or among the 19 and 20 dents, big business, speculators kinds of non-profit organiza- means that these programs, resolution to put the issue be- year olds. and land developers would be tions such as 4-H, Girl Scouts rather than being cut, would fore the voters. The last time Michigan Farm the big winners. In many coun- and similar groups. The courts have top priority and a large Michigan' lowered the drink- Bureau voting delegates adop- ties mor~ than half of all prop- will probably have to make percentage of the $1.5 billion ing age to 18 in 1972 during ted a policy on this issue, it was erty is owned by non-residents, numerous decisions. available for all ...state govern- the Vietnam War. In 1978 the decided that perhaps the best many of them outside the state The proposal requires the ment would go to welfare. voters put the drinking age at age for legal drinking would be or country. It appears that state to reimburse local govern- It would not be possible to 21. Since that time the argu- 20 years, ratl)er than 19, 18 or renters would not receive relief ments for lost property taxes, ma~e up the necessary monies ments continue that if a person 21. The thinking seemed to be under this provision. except for those amounts re- because the Tisch proposal re- becomes a voter at 18 and as- that at 20, young people cease eThe additional tax reduc- quired to pay for debt and lost quires that the "Legislature sumes all the other responsi- to associate with those in high tion on principal homesteads revenue resulting from the dif- shall not impose any new tax bilities of an adult, he should school so that there is' not a by one-half for those with tax- ference between the 1980 and ... or increase the rate or also have the opportunity to "trickle down" effect into the able incomes between $5,000 1978 SEV rollback. It also re- broaden the base of any tax in drink. lower age groups. and $10,500; elimination of quires the state to match all effect in 1978 including fees, However, it has been shown Traffic Safety Association property tax for those with tax- property taxes, dollar for dol- licenses, permits, special as- by statistics from the Michigan leaders are urging that the cur- able income of less than lar, with no control when the sessments, etc., without a 60 State Police that while the 18 to rent age of 21 be kept in effect $5,000; and .exemption of people decide to raise the percent approval of the voters 20 year olds may still be drink- for at least two more years in homeowners over the age of property tax rate by vote. in a general election which is ing, they seem to hesitate to order to determine whether the 62 from paying property taxes This means that the people held every two years. In other drive because they know they dramatic drop of 21.5 percent for school operation. The might raise their property tax words, 41 percent of the voters . can be in serious trouble. in traffic accidents involving Legislature must provide "com- rates because of the opportu- could thwart the will of 59 per- Recent data indicates that drinking drivers age 18 to 20 parable relier' for renters for nity to get more state money. cent of the voters. It does not drunken driving arrests among will continue, despite a nearly these three provisions. How- In those areas where rates were appear, however, that local teens dropped more than 10 two percent increase in acci-. ever, the word "taxable" could not raised, the people would in government could increase pe~cent since the increase in dents in the same age group of result in evasion of taxes by effect, be paying for those who taxes by the imposition of fees, the legal drinki~g age. At the non-drinking drivers. those with large incomes from do. Of the total $2.7 9i11ion or (continued on page 11) SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 7 For New Generation of Ag Leaders - Kellogg 'Sequel' Starts This Fall The Kellogg Farmers Study "We feel this program is the of agricultural leadership de- make me understand why Program, which operated from' best way to make that happen velopment programs at Michi.- other people don't always 1965 through 1973, and pro- because we've seen what the gan State University. understand or agree with our vided Michigan agriculture with young Kellogg scholars did - position. That's an important a "bank" of effective leaders making contributions to their Michael Pridgeon, Mont- part of leadership develo~ and articulate spokesmen, now industry and communities, gomery - I strongly support ment. has a sequel scheduled to pre- their involvement in key organ-: the concept of the new MSU miere this fall. izations like Farm Bureau, their Michigan Agricultural Leader- Called the Michigan Agricul- involvement in key pieces of ship Program .... The Kellogg tural Leadership Program, the legislation and on key commit- Farmers Study Program was two-year study and travel ac- tees," he said. the greatest educational ex- tivity will be developed and "Either we're going to sur- perience oj my life. I am sure coordinated by ,Michigan State face this new generation of that it broadened my viewpoint University's Cooperative Ex- leaders and get them involved on many issues, and also gave tension Service and. Depart- so we can have talented young me a greater appreciation of ment of Agricultural Eco- people speaking out for Michi- our American socioeconomic nomics . .gah agriculture - or we're going and political systems. More A select group will partici- to see coalitions and groups of than ever, I am convinced that . pate in this leadership training people, who don't necessarily our system of government is program, which will include DR. GORDON GUYER share our priorities and values, the greatest in the world, but semi!lars on political science, written through private contri- speaking for us. It's just that people need to be involved, economics, sociology, com- butions from organizations, pure and simple!" he conclud- such as in organizations like munications, philosophy, his- businesses and individuals in- ed. Farm Bureau, in order for our tory and education, as weil as terested in agriculture and rural Surfacing and training this government to be effective in national and international new generation of leadership Co-op(!) Superollli and Michigan. serving people. Co-op oil filters are the travel experiences. Each participant in the pro- for agriculture, helping rural perfect one/two punch to From nominations received gram will pay $3,000 tuition people make decisions on pub- cut down on engine from Extension field personnel, ($1,000 the first year, $2,000 lic issues - decisions that will Richard Leach, Saginaw - wear. Now is the time to agribusiness firms,Jarm organi- the second) for an $8,000 fel- shape the future of Michigan's If we are going to have leader- get ready for fall with a agriculture and rural communi- ship from the agricultural and new Co-op oil filter and zations, Kellogg farmers and lowship. The remaining two- an oil change of Co-op civic groups, 30 persons will be thirds will come from private ties .: is the objective of the rural communitie,s, people who Superollli. Just another selected to receive fellowship contributions. Although Kelsey Michigan Agricultural Lead- are aware of what's going on in product from Farmers awards that will ~over the ma- reports that contributions aren't ership Program, just as it was our world and will have a posi- Petroleum to help you get jor portion of the' program with the Kellogg Farmers Study tive impact, we must have lea- More Acres per Gallon. coming in at the same pace as travel cost. Program. .dership training programs such nominations, both he and Dr. Gordon Guyer, director of the According to Kelsey and as this. When you talk about Cooperative Extension Ser- Guyer. much of the support leadership - that puts you in a See These vice, are confident they will. and encouragement for the class with every other industry Participating and it puts you in politics, in "Basically, a fellowship new leadership program has Dealers: would be $5,000," explained come not only from organiza- situations where you make Dr. Guyer. "There are certain tions that have benefited from things happen. We are no Branch County organizations in Michigan, the leadership of former Kel- longer "the guy down on the Farm Bureau Oil logg program participants. but farm with bib overalls who Chesaning we're sure., that have the from the Kellogg- farmers them- spouts off to his neighbor. "We Farmers Co-op capacity to provide at least one need the expertise to know Falmouth or more fellowships, and the selves. how to communicate effective- Co-op Co. (McBain funding can be spread out over Farm Bureau leaders who & Merritt Branches 1980-81-82, so it's not a one- were involved in the Kellogg ly. Lenawee shot deal. We believe 'they will program attest to that: Farm Bureau look at their contributions as Jack Laurie, Cas~ City - I Oil Co. the 'blood in Michigan's agricul- David (:. Farley, Albion - fully support the development Marshall Farm My involvement on communi- of MSU's .new leadership de- Bureau Oil Co. tural veins' that is going to have ty, state and national levels ... velopment program. You sim- Ruth Farmers a positive impact on the future can be attributed directly to my ply can't operate a successful Elevator of this state." being a participant in the industry without a continuing Saginaw Farm Who Will Speak Kellogg program. Having been supply of good leadership. And Bureau Oil Co. MIKE KELSEY for Farmers? selected for the program. I was agriculture can't assume a Sebewaing identified as a person with po- leadership role in our world to- Farmers Co-op According to Mike Kelsey of To insure the continuation of Thunder Bay the MSU Agricultural Econom- the agricultural leadership de- tential. Having participated in -day if farm people hide their the program, my abilities were talents under a bushel, isolated Farmers Co-op, Inc. ics Department, over 100 velopment program, smaller nominations have already been contributions from individuals developed to a greater extent. from the rest of society. The Farmers Petroleum and organizations are also be- Furthermore, I still feel an in- Kellogg program exposed peo- received. Branches: To be eligible. nominees debtedness that can be repaid ple, like myself, to other areas Breckenridge ing encouraged in addition to (male or female) must be suc- funding of full fellowships. only through service .... I am of our society, to different in- Caro cessful farm operators commit- Contributions in support of the enthused about the resumption terest groups, and helped CassopoliS ted to farming as a chief means program are eligible for imme- Comstock Park of livelihood, or be agribusiness persons committed to contin- diate state and federal income tax benefits. Those wishing to MSU Receives Research Emmett Hart Highland ued involvement in Michigan make a contribution should agriculture. Participants, should be in the range of approximate- contact the Department of Ag- ricultural Economics, MSU, Grant From USDA Jonesville Linwood Petoskey ly 25 to 35 years of age and Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, Michigan State University re- with other biological agents Sandusky have demonstrated some lead- Mich. 48824. ceived a $70,000 grant from such as weeds . .insects, nema- Scottville ership potential. "We're operating on the as- the u.s. Department of Agri- todes, fungi, bacteria, viruses S1. Johns Other than the addition of su mption right now that the culture for research on biologi- and mycoplasma-like organ- Traverse City women and agribusiness peo- program is going to go," said cal stresses on plants. isms. ple as participants, the major Dr. Guyer, "and that one way The ultimate goal of the re- Twenty-two competitive re- difference between the Kellogg Farmers Study Program and its or another, we're going to get. the funds to do it. If Michigan search supported by this pro- gram is to reduce losses in plant 5earch grants for over $~.2 mil- lion were awarded to support lFaRmr1 sequel is the funding. This time there is no substantial grant agriculture is going to .maintain its'leadership role in the next productivity from damages caused by biologically gener- basic plant research and five grants will fund research into .BUreaU FARMEr.. '3 ~ TROl u..... from the Kellogg -Foundation decade, we've got to find a ated stresses, which arise from genetic mechanisms for crop oaR and the program will be under- new generation of leaders. interaction with other plants or improvement. PAGE 8 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 There are also the more Between practical reminders of how quickly children grow. As I plan What's Happening school purchases, I realize that You they are all growing through Sept. 9 District 5 Policy SEPTEMBER Development Steffen Room, Farm the toes of their shoes and their and Me legs are two inches longer than Sept. 9 Meeting District 7 Policy Development Bureau Center, 8 p.m. 4-H Bldg., fairgrounds their favorite pair of Levis. Meeting Fremont, 8 p.m. By Judy Kissane Sept. 9 District 8 Policy Development Mirror Room. Midland 1980 Michigan Farm Bureau But somehow everyone will Meeting Community Or., 8 p.m. be brushed, scrubbed and Sept. 9 Monroe County Annual Meeting Monroe County Outstanding Young Fairgrounds ready for the first day of school Farm Woman in new shoes and stiff new Sept. 10 District 1 Policy Development Van Buren Co. Farm Meeting Bureau Office, 8 p.m. denim jeans. Sept. 10 District 10 Policy Develop'ment Holiday Inn, Graying The new school year signals Meeting 7:30 p.m. August is Kids' Month a return of schedules and bless- ed routine. After three months Sept. 11 Sept. 15 District 4 Policy Development Meeting District 11W Policy Development Kent Co. Farm Bureau Office, 8 p.m. North Crystal Falls Some of the unwritten laws do for an afternoon or two." of unorganized living, we will Meeting Township Hall It is, I think, another unwrit- have to develop a workable 7:30 p.m. Central Time governing the conduct of chil- 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time dren are the most generous. ten rule that moms and dads routine quickly or we'll never Sept. 16 District H E Policy Development Garfield Twp. Hall Take, for instance, the.time must take a full share of the survive September. Meeting Engadine. 7:30 p.m. honored rule that August is anxiety before a first 4-H fair September also signals the Sept. 18 Lenawee County Annual Meeting Adrian College. 7 p.m. kids' month. showing and, of course, some beginning of an important time Sept. 25 District 9 Policy Development Cadillac State Bank Meeting Buckley Branch, 8 p.m. Picnics, 4-H fairs, slumber of the excitement of bringing in our Farm Bureau activities. Sept. 25 Bay County Annual Meeting Charbonneau's Restaurant parties, swimming, sleep outs home a blue ribbon. In the weeks prior to county Pinconning, 6:30 p.m. and late morning sleep ins - all Although it took a lot of talk- and state annual meetings, the Sept. 25 Tuscola County Annual Meeting Caro High School are generously mandated in ing to convince our son, Kevin, policies for the coming year will Caro, 7 p.m. that everyone would be looking be developed by Farm Bureau Sept. 30 St. Clair County Annual Meeting Community Building the closing days of summer. Goodells, 7 p.m. Sometimes though, the at his pigs, not him, we were all members throughout the state. strain of meeting even those lax nervous about his first 4-H OCTOBER demands can make children show. Proud and excited, he Now is the time to be think- Oct. .1 Charlevoix County Annual Meeting Whiting Park, Boyne cross and restless. Instead of brought home three blue rib- ing of suggestions you would City, 8 p.m. chasing butterflies or pursuing bons for his market hogs and like to submit as policy recom- Oct. 1 Gratiot County Annual Meeting Contact county secretary for location and time other idyllic summer pastimes, photo exhibit. mendations and as the official Oct. 1 Sanilac County Annual Meeting Sandusky High School they resort to pestering one an- As Kevin begins his involve- policy of your county, state or Sandusky. 7 p.m. other or, at the peak of rest- ment with 4-H, I am looking national Farm Bureau organi- Oct. 2 Clare County Annual Meeting Church of the Brethren lessness, their parents. forward to the personal growth zation. Brown Comers, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2 Kalkaska County Annual Meeting Carol's Restaurant (2 "We're bored. . . .There's he will achieve through leader- Let your voice be heard in miles south of M-72 on nothing to do," they complain. ship training and developing your farm organization. Con- M-66), 7 p.m. Those are the times I fervently qualities that will help him as an tact your county Policy Devel- Oct. 2 Washtenaw County Annual Farm Council Grounds wish to change places. Noth- adult. I'm sure that many of to- opment Committee to share Meeting Saline day's farm leaders started as your ideas and recommenda- Oct. 3-4 Mall Display Woodland Mall ing, it seems, could be more at- Grand Rapids tractive than having "nothing to 4-H members. tions. SPECIAL SAVINGS BARNYARD SEPTEMBER 8 - 30 HEATED BARGAINS AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK WATERERS PRESSURE WATERERS Whsra Vour FWTT> C o m w First FaRma With Heating Elements NOW Bureau FARM BUREAU SERVCEa INC NOW 95 $115 00 $159 REG. $125°° REG. $178M NOW 00 450 Watt $85 80 Head Capacity REG. $95° CPE Available Through The Following: NOW CO-OP OIL FIRED HEATERS •Farm Bureau Services Branches Bay City CarTollton Coidwater 517-893 3577 517-753-3457 517-2798491 • Farmers Petroleum Branches Breckenridge Caro Cassopolis 517842 3575 517-673 7714 616445 2311 $117°° Hart 616 873 2158 Comstock Park 616784 1071 REG. $127°° Model 730-8 NOW Kalamazoo Marcellus 6 1 6 3 8 1 0596 616 646 5115 Emm«tt Hart 313384 1350 616873 3960 Mendon 6 1 6 4 9 6 2385 Highland 313887 4109 Mt Pleasant 517 773 3670 •lonesville 517849 9502 $29500 Pinconning Remus Schoolcraft Scottville Traverse City 517 879-3411 5179678358 616679-4063 6167572594 6 1 6 9 4 6 5836 Linwood Petoskey Sandusky Scottville St Johns 517697 5761 616347 313 3260 648 3032 616-757 3359 517 224 7900 • Also Sec Your Participating Dealer For REG. $325°° Yale 3 1 3 3 8 7 2202 Traverse City 616947 6700 Model C-lOOs UNICO SNOW * Participating local co-ops and other Farm Bureau Services dealers. 90,000 BTU PAINT FENCE ' Some items mav not be stocked at all participating dealers but are available Complete With Safety Shut-Off and may be ordered at special prices during the sale period SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 9 1980 State P.D. Leadership, Wrinkles and Such Committee Appointed (continued from page 2) lines" and old "character hadn't laughed so much in my sketches" when those things younger days. Now I have all News award-winning photog- have to be recognized for what these laugh-lines and they keep The 1980 Michigan Farm Bureau Policy Development rapher Marcia Ditchie did her they are - wrinkles. It's difficult slipping. Laughing knees - Committee has been appointed. The committee is charged thing. to say that word, let alone look who needs 'em? (Sigh) Hey, with compiling and analyzing policy recommendations in the mirror and find them This was a mistake - leaving now I know where to do a adopted by members at county annual meetings and will • multiplying! my pad and pen in the car, I patch-test with Time Control! present its recommendations to voting delegates at the mean. When it came time to But, the indispensable ding- Michigan Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Kalamazoo in note the names of Dick's family dong lady has come to the res- December. State Policy Development Committee members and the members, the only thing I cue with a new product called INCREASE could come up with out of my districts they represent are: purse to handle that job were Time Control, a temporary, 8-hour wrinkle-remover. Well, EFFICIENCY District 1 (Berrien, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph and an eyebrow pencil and the no- I bought a bottle, but the word Van Buren counties) - Roger Can, a hog and cash crop tice for my paps test. Now real- "temporary" has me scared, I farmer from Burr Oak in St. Joseph County, who is serving ly, that would never happen to haven't tried it yet. There aren't his second year on the committee. Dan Rather! Viva la difference, too many 8-hour days around District 2 (Branch, Calhoun, Hillsdale, Jackson and you say? Thanks for that. here and I have visions of my Lenawee counties) - Jay Landis, a dairy and cash crop There's a certain plateau that wrinkle-free face suddenly dis- farmer from Homer in Calhoun County. women reach where some of integrating in the middle of an District 3 (Livingston, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw the differences are magnified. interview. Can you imagine the and Wayne counties) - Ralph Setzler, a poultry farmer from It's that plateau when men get look on the interviewee's face if LaSalle in Monroe County, who is serving his second year distinguished-looking and that happened? Makes me on the committee. women get grey. And it's that laugh just to think about it! District 4 (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent and Ottawa coun- time between youthful "laugh Which reminds me - wish I ties) - Tom Guthrie, a dairy farmer from Delton in Barry County._ MOM- MXES PHR <;AIJ4>\ District 5 (Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Ingham and Shia- Your Membership In The wassee counties) - Donald Hill, a fruit grower from Mon- MICHIGAN FARM BUREAU Put new Co-op®oil, air and fuel filters on your trose in Genesee County who is serving his second year on Now Makes Available equipment. Dirty filters the committee. can cause excessive District 6 (Huron, Lapeer, Macomb, Sanilac, St. Clair and Tuscola counties) - Gene Rinke, a cash crop farmer Institutional engine wear and waste fuel. Check all your filters often and replace with from Capac in St. Clair County who is serving his second year on the committee. District 7 (Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Liquid Assets Co-op® filters. Just another product from Farmers Petroleum to Newaygo, Oceana and Osceola counties) - Daryl Peterson, Designed to provide daily help you get More Acres money market income with Two Portfolios: per Gallon. a fruit grower from Ludington in Mason County who will serve as committee vice chairman. The Prime Obligations Portfolio and the Government See These District 8 (Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot. Portfolio seek to attain the objective of maximizing Participating Isabella, Midland and Saginaw counties) - Lyle LeCronier, current income to the extent consistent with the preservation of capital and the maintenance of liquidity. Dealers: a cash crop farmer from Freeland in Bay County. Branch County District 9 (Benzie, Kalkaska, Manistee, Missaukee, The Prime Obligations Portfolio invests exclusively in: (a) marketable securities issued or guaranteed as to Farm Bureau Oil Northwest Michigan and Wexford counties) - Donald principal and interest by the United States Government or Chesaning Mitchell, a fruit grower from Lake Leelenau in Leelanau by agencies or instrumentalities; (b) certificates of deposit Farmers Co-op County. and bankers acceptances of the 50 largest banks in the Falmouth District 10 (Alcona, Alpena, Antrim, Charlevoix, Che- United States (after excluding The First National Bank of Co-op Co. (McBain boygan, Emmet, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Otsego Chicago); (c) high quality commercial paper, including & Merritt Branches variable amount master demand notes; (d) repurchase Lenawee and Presque Isle counties) - Margaret Kartes, who operates agreements pertaining to the above. Farm Bureau a dairy farm with her husband near West Branch in Oge- Oil Co. maw County. The Government Portfolio invests exclusively in: (a) Marshall Farm District 11 (Upper Peninsula) - Edward Johnson, a marketable securities issued or guaranteed as to principal Bureau Oil Co. dairy farmer from Daggett in Menominee County who is and interest by the United States Government or by Ruth Farmers agencies or instrumentalities and (b) repurchase Elevator serving his second year on the committee. agreements pertaining to the above. Representing the MFB Young Farmers are Glenn Preston Saginaw Farm • Investment Adviser: THE FIRST NATIONAL Bureau Oil Co. of Quincy, Boyd Beyersdorf of Hemlock and L. C. Scramlin BANK OF CHICAGO Sebewaing of Holly. Farmers Co-op MFB Women will be represented on the committee by • Administrator and SALOMON BROTHERS Thunder Bay Jan Stoner of Jones, Polly Diehl of Dansville and Edna Distributor: Farmers Co-op, Inc. Edbrooke of Fremont. A prospectus containing n^ore complete information iyiclmling management fees and expenses, will be sent upon Farmers Petroleum At-large committee members from the MFB Board of Branches: Directors are committee chairman John Laurie of Cass City, receipt of the attached coupon. Send the coupon to Michigan National Bank, Trust Department, at 77 Monroe Center. Breckenridge Donald Nugent of Frankfort and Bill Spike of Owosso. P.O. Box 280U, Grand Rapids. Michigan U9501. Read the Caro prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. For Cassopolis current yield information call toll free 800/621-2550. Comstock Park Johnson Named to Mail to: Money Market Fund Prop-am Emmett Hart for Michigan Farm Bureau Members National Live Stock Board Michigan National Bank, Trust Department P.O. Box 2804. 77 Monroe Center Highland Jonesville Grand Rapids. MI 49501 Q Please send me a prospectus. Linwood Earl Johnson, president of link in the marketing chain that Name (as it appears on membership records) Petoskey the Michigan Live Stock Ex- moves beef, veal, pork and Sandusky change, vice chairman of the lamb from farm and ranch to Scottville Michigan Beef Industry and the American consumer. Address St. Johns member of the Michigan Cat- Funds from the industry sup- City State Zip Traverse City tlemen's Association executive port Meat Board consumer Memberr hip no. Wh»re Hxr f a r m C think the Blueberry Association: member of the And they bring it all together for you in one neat competition is going to hdve a VNY rough time getting Second Christian Reformed Church of package - building. feeders. waterers. ventilation up early enough to give you more value than you can Grand Haven: past elder and deacon and heating systems. Even a built-in manure pit if you ~et ri~ht now from a Universal lodge! of the Fruitport Christian Reformed want it. Assembled. Ready to hook up and use. Church; member of the Ottawa County Besides the obvious economic advantage of buying everything from one source. there are other's to buying ,'11',1\,' lurni,h n1l' ('omll".t .. inlormation on Farm Bureau; and recipient of produc- a Universal Sow. Pig, Hog. or Calf lodge: tion awards from the Michigan Blue- rJPig o Sow [JHog UCalf berry Association in 1974 and 1975. lodge lodge lodge lodgl' Service - One warranty from one manufacturer on based on the quality and volume of his blueberry crop. He and his wife. Jen- RICHARD LAUWERS '-. both building and equipment. Convenience for you. Quality - Because our lodge structures are factory- Name Route or Address nifer, have two children. built. quality of t.'ngineering. materials, and construc- Town State Week of July 14 - Richard Lauwers, tion are easier to maintain. Zip Phone 45. a dairy farmer from Capac who Economy - Quantity materials purchases. year- farms over 400 acres and milks 90 !JStudl'nt around in.f3ctory construction keep costs low. cows. He is president of the Church nPll'ase havl' rl'pre.sentative call with information and prices Council of St. Nicholas Catholic Convenience - From loading at our factory to set-up on your farm generally takes a couple of days. You F.rm BUr~.u Services. Buildi"J D~rtment Church: serves as president of the St. ____ ~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ don't deal with contractors for weeks or months. Clair County Farm Bureau: serves as local market committeeman for the Michigan Milk Producers Association; served on the local MMPA board for several years; is a member of the Dairy Herd Improvement Association; served on the local school board for 12 years, including three years as board presi- dent; and was named Soil Conserva- tion Farmer of the Year in 1968. Lauwers and his wife. Carol, have five children. Week of July 28 - Fred Jousma, 39, a dairy farmer who milks 40 cows and farms 450 acres near Bruce Crossing. --- He serves as president of the local ~ Available through all Michigan Animal Breeders Coopera- 111111111111111 participating Farm tive and vice president of the Copper Bureau Services dealers DAVID DIRKSE Country Farm Bureau: is a member of SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 11 / More Gapitol Report Japanese Farmer Cooperative Joins North American Plant Breeding Co-op (continued from page 6) The Farmers Forage Re- varieties specially adapted to FFR seed varieties are grown licenses, various charges, etc. enrichment. search Cooperative, a plant- Michigan conditions are contin- and distributed only by the Income tax credits and ex- The proposal mandates a breeding organization owned uousl~ researched. John Sex- farmer-owned regional cooper- emptions could ,not be re- "program of general state taxa- by regional farm cooperatives son, sales manager of the FBS atives who operate in 37 states duced, nor could the school aid tion and a method of distribu- in the United States and Can- Supply Division, is a member and in Ontario, Canada. In formula be changed e~cept by ting funds to ensure equal per ada, has accepted a Japanese of the cooperative's board of Michigan, Farm Bureau Ser- f a four-fifths vote of the Legisla- pupil state financial sup- cooperative, Zen-Noh, as its directors. vices distributes forage and ture. In the case of the school port ... " for general opera- 17th member. The goal of FFR is to devel- soybean seeds. aid formula, the Legislature is tions less the seven mills of Zen-Noh serves five million op improved varieties of farm presently delaying the approval local tax. At the same time, the J~panese farmers through crops. Because of the diverse for 1980-81 because of this higher cost school districts are 5,000 local cooperatives and geographic locations of FFR provision and budget' prob- assured no less than they were markets 95 percent of the members, testing is accom- lems. spending! country's rice crop and pro- plished under a wide variety of State government is also At a meeting in Lansing on vides 65 percent of Japan's fer-- geographic and environmental slashing expenditures because Aug. 18, fiscal experts said that tilizer conditions. Research is also of the present recession. The in order to fT!eet the require- FFR, headquartered in West - conducted on factors such as cuts have been .nearly one-half ment of "equal per pupil" fund- Lafayette, Ind., has five re- fertilizer, weed chemicals, in- billion dolJars. Many of the 'cuts ing it would be necessary to search stations located secticides, planting methods , affect farmers, school districts have equal teacher salaries throughout the United States. and cropping sequences. and other important public ser- throughout the state which It maintains 14 professional In commenting on Zen-Noh's vices. The state willhave a defi- would lead to statewide biu- plant breeders whose goal is to decision to apply for FFR cit of $180 miUion for the gaining. _ develop improved varieties of membership, H. Takamatsu, 1979-80 budget year. AIJ the A spokesman for the MEA forage crops, corn and soy- the firm's New York represen- money put aside for a "rainy was at the meeting and said beans. tative, said his company is day" has been used. that statewide bargaining is Farm Bureau Services, Inc., looking for "technical ex- Many questions wiU arise if their goal. He also said that this is a member of FFR, and at the .' cellence on a continuing basis Proposal D passes. Would the .would result in "portability of cooperative's West Lafayette in the breeding of improved va- state qe able to return part of teachers." This means that facilities, testing of new seed rieties." the lost revenue to local units of Buy Farmers Petroleum teachers with seniority could Custom Diesel Fuel and government or would the 'bump other teachers with less buy a premium diesel courts determine a priority for state spending? What happens seniority from their jobs any- where in the ~tate. Robert Smith Elected fuel. It'll run better and longer in all your farm to local control? How would vehicles. It's a smart way programs for farmers and rural areas fare? MEA spent $59,000 or more to get the Smith-BulJard Pro- President of 'MAR to conserve. Just another product from Farmers posal on the ballot. They have Petroleum to help you Smith Bullard - Proposal A also arynounced that they in- Robert E. Smith, Michigan issues concerning regional mat- get More Acres per Farm Bureau senior legislative ters. Gallon. This proposal would cut the tend to spend at least $250,000 to get it passed. counsel, has been' elected pres- "In the past year, the Michi- present 50 milJtax limit to 24.5 See These . It is claimed that local control ident of the Michigan Associa- gan Association of Regions has mills, 13 miUs of which would be alJocated in the constitution, is protected in the proposal. All tion of Regions. made progress in. maintaining Participating it says is that the Legislature local home rule. Regional Dealers: thus eliminating the present Smith, who also serves as shaH provide for " ... the elec- vice chairman of the Southeast agencies like the Southeast local control on the allocation Michigan Council of Govern- Branch County of local property tax. The other tion of boards of education of Michigan Council of Govern- ments and the other MAR Farm Bureau Oil 11.5 mills could be voted on as local school districts. Each board ments and as president of the Chesaning shaH be responsible for the Livingston Intermediate School members keep control close to allocated in the proposal. Farmers Co-op employment of personnel and District, was elected to the ex- the people. It creates a statewide prop- Falmouth the educational programs and "We need this kind of local co- erty tax of up to an additional ecutive position at the annual Co-op Co. (McBain services for the pupils of its operation between neighboring & Merritt Branches 30.5 mills for all property ex- conference of the statewide district." Can there be local governmental units. It does not Lenawee cept homestead and '1amily- association in July. control with state control of matter if you are as big as the Farm Bureau owned and operated farms." The Michigan Association of funds and statewide teacher city of Detroit or as smalJ as Oil Co. According to MSU data, 30 Regions serves regional pla'n- Fowlerville - my years of ex- bargaining? Marshall Farm percent of alJ farmland is op- ning agencies throughout the perience have proven to me Bureau Oil Co. erated by renters, 90 percent of The Michigan Association of state. The association fosters that there are some things you Ruth Farmers which is ownec;fby retired farm- School Boards is opposing the Elevator regional planning and coopera- just cannot do alone," Smith ers and widows. This means Smith-BulJard Proposal as is Saginaw Farm tion and deals with legislative said. that the farmland could be sub- the Michigan Farm Bureau. Bureau Oil Co. jected to the statewide property tax~ Total taxes for the statewide ----- FaRl11~ A~lmCAl JlI¥.a C. D.m N. LABORATORY AGRICULTURAL Sebewaing Farmers Co-op Thunder Bay property tax could total 55 mills. The revenue from the state- ---- BUreaU P.O. 80X 1m BATTlE C.EEK, M'CH. ..-., 11I-J4I-424J • COMPLETE TESTING SERVICE ANAI.\'SE .."i .'OR: "or-Age, .'eed,lngredient, Farmers Co-op, Inc. Farmers Petroleum Branches: wide property tax would be rertilizer and Water Breckenridge used for schools. Care • SPECIAl. RATION E\'Al.UATION PACKA(;I-:S The state income tax would CassopoliS INCLUDING: also be raised at least 2 percent Comstock Park Acid Detergent .'iber - Bound Protein - .'at from the present 4.6 percent to Emmett 6.6 percent. A vailable Crude Protein - Crude .'iber - D. M. Hart The state could also increase TJ)~ - Net Energ)' - Crude Protein - Calcium Highland the Single Business Tax. Jonesville Phosphorus - Trace Elements (K, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn) Linwood K-12 school costs, except for • l.OCAl.l. Y BASED IN BA TTl.t: CREEK FOR RAPID Petoskey seven mills voted tax, would be REPORTING Sandusky paid entirely by the state. This Scottville would be phased in over a five- • SPECIAl. 24 HOUR SERVICES f'OR ENSILING St. Johns year period. The seven mills SEASON Traverse City would not be equalized as at present. Wealthy areas would MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFIT.r.,' AND IMIJROVE have a considerable advan- YOUR TOTAL PROGRAM WITH QUAI.IT}' ANA- tage .. Voters could approve a local L}'SES FROM FARM BUREAU. FaRmr1 income tax of up to 1 percent in lieu of any portion of the For more information. call toda~' and ask' BUreaU F""""'EFS ~ rROl \,...~ for Brian Gates at 616/746-4247 seven mills voted tax for school "Where Quality Is Assured" PAGE 12 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 David Woods Named First Member of The 65 Club™ Lenawee County Member Honored By American Cyanamid Co~ David Woods, a corn and per acre in 1979 and 196.1 soybean producer from Britton bushels in 1978. and a member of the Lenawee Robert Bergland, secretary County Farm Bureau, has of the U.S. Department of Ag- been selected as the first mem- riculture, congratulated Wood ber of a new club that honors on being the first to receive 'the American farmers as the most award. "Since the farmer 65 efficient in the world. Club has been established to The 65 Club,TMsponsored by recognize the fact that the American Cyanamid Co., de- American farmer is the most rives .its name from the fact that productive in the world, Mr. the average U.S. farmer now Woods is to be commended for produces food and fiber for 65 achieving this recognition. persons at home and abroad. "The American farmer has One farmer will be recog- reached a point where he now nized each month during the feeds 65 people through his or next year for his record of her efforts and'through his high achievement as an agricultural level of productivity has be- producer, his leadership in ag- come a major factor in the agri- ricultural and community af- cultural export trade picture. fairs and his successful practice This is a great tribute to the of sound farm management farmer and to the agricultural principles, including the safe, industry working together with proper and judicious use of government to set new records chemicals and other modern for achievement." produ'ction tools and tech- Woods received a certificate niques. of membership in The 65 Woods and his wife, Rita, Club™ at ceremonies in Gov. farm 1,200 acres in Lenawee Milliken's office in July. He wi\1 Michigan Gov. William G. Milliken, left, presented a certificate to David Woods of Britton, as the first member of The 65 Club ™ honoring outstanding American farmers for their individual contribqtions in pro- County, specializing in corn, also receive a year;s member- ducing food and fiber for 65 persons at home and abroad. Mrs. Woods is at right. The recognition program soybeans and wheat. For the ship in the Agriculture Council is sponsored by the American Cyanamid Co.. past two seasons he was the of America. top corn producer among All major farm producing Emphasis will be placed on the, American Cyanamid and the their spouses. at the 1981 Ag members of the Michigan Corn areas in the United States wi\1 major field crops, such as corn, Agriculture Council plan to fur- Day Celebration -in Washing- Growers Association, with av- be represented among the soybeans, 'cotton, wheat, sug- ther honor the first twelve ton, D.C. erage yields of 175.43 bushels members of The 65 Club.™ arbeets, potatoes and tobacco. members of The 65 Club™ and Enjoy Southern Hospitality at .1981 AFBF Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana January 11 - 15, ,1981 Four Tours Available • New Orleans in Three Centuries • Southern Plantation Tour .S.S. President Harbor Cruise • Night Club Tour AFBF COl)vention Highlights • Report By AFBF President • Nationally Known Speakers • Awa'rds Presentation Please send me information about the 1981 AFBF convention and tours available. • Mardi Gras Spectacular Name Address For more inforr =1tion, contact Kenneth Wiles, ..lichigan Farm Bureau. County P.O. Box 30960, Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone' SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 13 Member Leadership: Combination of Gumption and Dedication It takes more than dedication play, said Susan J. Ellis, direc- in communications, skepticism, bers who know the climate. We ers with the vision to see a big- if members are to establish tor of Energize, Inc., Philadel-' insufficient motivation and need cooperative employees ger picture," he said. themselves as thoroughly in- Rhia, Pa. stagnation. with the knowledge of the He stressed that coopera- volved leaders in their cooper- Ellis, conducting a workshop Gerald R. Pepper, a self- members' needs and the talent tives should be working to- atives. - on yolunteerism, urged that proclaimed "co-opaholic," to satisfy them," said Pepper, gether "because it is in the best There are other important members become involved to identified the member as the executive director of the Iowa interest of their members to do considerations - things like help remove easily identifiable most important keystone in the Institute of Cooperation in so." He said reasons for work- commitment and confidence obstacles to cooperative cooperative. Ames. ing together range from com- and just plain gumption and growth, such as lack of clarity "We. need cooperative mem- "We need cooperative lead- mon sense to survival. guts. That was one of the mes- sages coming through loud and - clear in a wide variety of ses- sions at the American Institute INVEST $1.00 NoW••-. of Cooperation's Nationallnsti- tute on Cooperative Education held in August at Pennsylvania State University. M.ember leadership emerged So wu profit,when we profit! as one of the most widely dis:- cussed topics at this year's insti- tute held under the theme "Co- operatives - Keystone of Agri- culture." Bill Turner set the tone for the institute in his keynote ad- Invest just $1 in Farm Bureau Services and/or During the past 30 years, Farmers Petroleum dress, drawing on the theme to Farmers Petroleum Cooperative. common Cooperative has grown to become Michigan's - declare that "cooperatives are stock •.. As a voting member, you become eligi- ~argest farm petroleum supply co-op. FPC pe'ople; cooperatives are the ble to share in the cooperative's earnings on a pioneered such items as Agrihol and custom keystone of agriculture; so, it patronage basis. diesel fuel. FPC's partial ownership of crude oil follows that people are the key- Your membership in Farm Bureau Services properties and refinery operations has ensured stone of agriculture." and/or Farmers Petroleum Cooperative entitles a more dependable flow of petroleum products "Dare to be a builder," chal-. you to take an active role in making decisions to the farm. lenged Turner, a professional and forming policies of that co-op. As a voting Isn't it time you shared in the benefits of the speaker and lecturer who, until member, you actually help shap'e the.future. cooperative movement? See your Farm Bureau recently, was director of public Farm Bureau Services, Michigan's largest farm Services or Farmers Petroleum Cooperative relations with Land Q'Lakes, supply and marketing cooperative, has branch manager...now.He can sign you up as a Minneapolis, Minn. members throughout Michigan. Farmers have member today. "Leadership and farmer in- recognized their cooperative's progressive Remember ... it ta'kes only one dollar. 4'olvement can mean the differ- growth and potential over the past 50 years. * limited to producers ence between a good coopera- tive and a bad cooperative," he Where )bur Farm Comes Am said. "Cooperatives built on dreams." have been Members themselves identi- fied what they consider to be FaRm~ major stumbling blocks to pro- gress of their' cooperatives . Near the top of the list was the BUreaU .FARM BUREAU SERVICES. tNe FARMERS PETROLEUM failure of members to get in- volved in cooperative affairs. That's where the gumption and guts qualities come into Thunder Bay Co-op Wins Tire Trophy Employees of Thunder Bay Co-op won the Top Tire Team Trophy award for their out- standing sales in a contest sponsored by Farmers Petro- leum Cooperative, Inc. The three-month contest was open to FPC dealers within the state. The Top Tire Team Trophy is awarded to the co-op with the largest' increase in tire sales over the previous year during the same three months. This was the second state- wide tire sales contest; another contest is scheduled for this fall. Thunder Bay Farmers Co-op was organized in 1952 as a petroleum cooperative to serve Alpena County farmers. The It If cooperative offers a full line of It I petroleum products and com- plete service station facilities in I 1 Lachine. - , PAGE 14 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 Ethanol Energy. Balance Studied by MSU Researcher By Bob 01011 ery, labor fertilizers, energy for 14.8 pounds of carbon diox- Table 1 (Editor's Note: Thi~ article is drying the corn crop and ener- ide. Total Energy Analysis (Dtu/gal) based on a master of science gy for repairs; off-farm trans- Results and Analysis Inputs Irrigated Com Dry Land Com thesis study researched by the portation - trl,1cks, equipment To determine the energy Farm sector 37,600 29,700 author.) and fuel; and for the alcohol Off-farmtransportation 4 100 4,100 plant - process energy, energy value of the distillers dried Because of the shortage of Alcohol plant 68:300 68,300 for drying distillers grains, grains and solubles (DDGS) by- petroleum fuels, ethanol has product, 'the following process TOTAL (A) 110,000 102,100 yeasts, enzymes, chemicals (for assumed a new importance as was used. pH control), electrical energy, Outputs a potential liquid fuel replace- DDGS contains 28 percent machinery and equipment. Ethanol 84,600 84,600 ment for gasoline in the United protein while soybean meal Outputs analyzed from the Distillersdried grains 34,100 34,100 States. (SBM) contains 45 percent. (10% moisture) alcohol plant are ethanol, car- Its suitability for automotive The resulting ratio of the two Carbon dioxide bon dioxide and distillers dried fuel has long been established, protein contents is 0.54 TOTAL (8) 118,700 118,700 grains. however, a popular indictment (28%/45%). However, ac- against it is that its production Characteristics of ENERGY BALANCE (~A) + 8,700 + 16,600 cording to ruminant feeding consumes more energy than the Model trials at the University of Ne- the product contains. This Corn is used as the feedstock braska, .the protein' in DDGS is Table 2 study examined that claim. and is grown specifically for 1.37 times better utilized by Premium Fuel Analysis for Ethanol Production (Btu/gal) I The study focused on three ethanol production. It is as- ruminants than that from SBM. Inputs Irrigated Com Dry Land Com '. areas: a survey of biomass as sumed that the distillers grains This is because DDGS provides Farm sector 37,600 29,700 an energy feedstock and the are the only valuable by-pro- a naturally protected protein Off-farmtransportation 4,100 4,100 conversion processs that can be duct of the process; i.e., no source for ruminants. Alcohol plant 68.300 68,300 employed; the production of commercial use is made of the When this use efficiency ratio TOTAL (A) 110,000 102,100 ethanol, which examines the carbon dioxide resulting from is multiplied by the protein ratio various processes of distillation, Outputs the fermentation process. of 0.54, a new ratio of .85 is fermentation and saccharifica- obtained. Ethanol 84,600 84,600 Solar energy which drives tion; and an energy balance Distillersdried grains the plant's photosynthetic proc- In other words, ,for ruminant Carbon dioxide analysis of ethanol production, esses is taken as a free source feed, one pound of DDGS will the central focus of the study TOTAL (8) 84,600 84,600 of energy. Also the energy con- replace 0.85 pounds of SBM in and this article. tent of the corn (known as its terms of protein value and utili- ENERGY BALANCE (8-A) - 25,400 - 17,500 The study was designed to heat combustion) is neglected zation. The energy of one expect. Table 2 provides the results establish an energy ~ccounting in this study because no one pound of DOGS is, therefore, Perhaps a more important of a premium fuel analysis for' method to portray th~ input currently burns corn to produce the energy it would take to cul- and output energy relation- question to address is whether ethanol production. As can be energy; for the same reason, tivate and process enough soy- ships of fuel ethanol and its by- producing ethanol depletes our seen the ethanol production the heat of combustion of the beans to provide 0.85 pounds process uses up more premium products, to derive the energy premium fuel resources. The distillers grains by-product is of SBM. term premium fuel, as used fuel than it yields: a loss of balance of ethanol production, neglected. The results of the study are here, describes any fuel that is 25,400 Btu/gal for irrigated to discuss methods of improv- The study is based on an in- summarized in Table 1. The ing the energy balance and to very versatile in the ways it can corn, and 17,500 Btu/gal for dustrial scale alcohol plant pro- net result. is that by using' ir-, dry land corn. provide a reference on ethanol be used, and its ease of trans- ducing anhydrous (200 proof) rigated corn, alcohol provides The situation need not cause production processes. portation in its original state. alcohol and dried distillers 8,700 Btu/ gal more energy Fuels that qualify under this too much alarm, however, The Production Process grains. It is assumed that the than was used to produce it; definition include petroleum, since it can be corrected by us- Figure 1 illustrates the pro- plant produces at least one mil- while 'using dry land corn pro- natural gas, propane, metha- ing such non-premium fuel duction process for corn. The lion gallons of alcohol per year. vides 16,600 Btu/gal more'en- nol and ethanol,.but do not in- sources as coal and biomass to grain is ground and mixed with A further assumption is that 2.5 ergy than was needed to pro- clude coal or biomass prior to produce ethanol. water to form a slurry. The gallons of ethanol is produced duce the alcohol. processing. (continued on page 17) slurry is cooked, and appropri- per bushel of corn and that the This latter result is more ate enzymes are added to con- process also yields 16.8 typical of what commercial vert the starch to sugar. The re- sulting mash is fermented, us- pounds of distillers grains and plants using Michigan corn can , UTILITY STOCKS ing suitable yeast strains, to produce a beer. The beer (usu- Yeast YIELDING OVER ally 8 to 12. percent alcohol 12% concentration) is then distilled -t;rain to the desired proof and dena- tured if necessary. Distillers grains, a by-product of alcohol production, may be If you own or are considering buying stock in an electric removed from the system after utility company. The Ohio Company can show you 10 such com- saccharification (the conversion panies which currently yield in excess of 12 0 0. of starch to sugar), after fer- Our review of 113 electric utility companies includes high and low prices. 12 months 'earnings. price earnings ratios. cur- mentation, or after distillation. rent dividend rates and curre.nt yields for all 113 companies. The point of withdrawal will de- Moreover. we will show each company's primary fuel source pend on the equipment used, used in the generation of power. This critical ,factor could sepa. Denaturant Benzene or and the completeness of the other agent rate stability from volatility in the years to come. Distillers grains NY be taken For your free copy of ~ur Electric Utility Review. call or fill preceding process. out at I. 2 or 3. out and mail the coupon below to: Carbon dioxide is released Figure 1 - A flow diagram for ethanol production. during fermentation. This is a THE OHIO COMPANY-700 American Bank & Trust Bldg. result of the chemical reaction Lansing, Michigan 48933 (517) 482-1571 of fermentation. Investments. Securities Member S.l.P.c. Boundary and Method Food of Analysis Please send me a copy of your review A net energy analysis pro- of 113 electric utility companies. The cedur~ was used to analyze all 700 American Bank & Trust Bldg. ~ processes in a boundary that Lansing, Michigan 48933 Company encloses the corn production (517) 482-1571 'nvestments • Securities farm, transportation from the farm to an alcohol plant and Name the alcohol plant (Figure 2). Address Inside the boundary, the Ethanol Various fuels Fuels and cl\ellicah City State Zip items analyzed include: for the '- J farm - field operations, on- Phone farm transportation, machin- Figure 2 - Boundary of an~ysis. SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 15 Dick Allen (continued from page 5) Why is he running for Con- gress? Directly put (which is his style), he thinks he can do a The BolelnYour Roof oesn't Have1bPut better job than the incumbent. "I just really feel that the district could be better represented and that I have the background and experience to do that." His accomplishments !vfichigan House and Senate give credence in the to that state- A.HoleIn Your Pocket. ment. He has, for example, led asphalt shIngles. Easy-Cover even comes with an lOner the fight on the Senate Appro- core of durable fiberboard, which makes It hardy priations Committee for - ade- enough to be walked on dunng lOstallatIon And Easy- quate funding of all agricultural Cover is warranted for 25 years agamst leaklOg Full research, Extension, disease details on thIs warranty are available from any Ondulme control and the MSU College dealer. In short, this is the SImplest, prettIest, easIest of Agr.iculture., He helped and most economical roofing ever designed. develop the state agricultural WHATEVER BUILDING export program and has been a MATERIAL YOU'VE USED IN THE \ prime mover of local land use / PAST, EASY-COVER CAN TOP IT. planning to preserve essential With all the expenses farmers have to worry about Another thing that makes Easy-Cover SpecIal ISthat farmland. these days, excessIve roofing costs need not be a prob- 10 a lot of cases, it can be lOstalled right over the old roof He recognized the threat of lem. Because now there's Easy-Cover,TMthe new roof ThInk what that means 10 terms of tIme and energy pseudorabies to Michigan's designed especially by Ondulme for farmers who want R saved, as well as 10 lOcreased pork jndustry and secured ap- to save money by doing the job themselves And even if lOsulatIon value for your farm you've never put up a roof before 10 your life, Easy-Cover bwldings.AndEasy-Cover won't propriate control legislation. Cdn quickly put you right on top of the JOb. crack, peel. chip, rot, or rust, all He worked for property tax of which makes it perfect for relief and farm exemption from EASY-COVER GOES UP AGAINST stock and crops, machmery, the Single Business Tax and JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. EASILY. and other farm applicatIons __ he's recognized as the .legisla- Easy-Cover was designed to meet a vanetyof build- ing needs on the farm It's the perfect roohng material for ALL OF A SUDDEN THE 1- ~ tive leader for gasohol. This support of agriculture barns and sheds, for stables and poultry houses, for tool DO-IT-YOURSELFPROJECT ,~ :~:r~ If'l~ ~ during - his four years in the sheds and fertilizer storage In fact, Easy-Cover can han- HAS STARTED TO LOOK UP. ~- I. ! dle any job from a beautIful roof for the hnest home to Because dolOg-lt-yourself IS . I • ,I' ~A House anq five yea~s in the siding for a backyard shed. And whatever use you make so much easIer WIth Easy - Cover, Senate made him well-quali- of it,Easy -Cover makes the job easy Just like the name says. you WIll always save yourself a .,'h.n.....,~ ......ru...~ E. Agriculture," but there was also Easy-Cover. First off, it's lightweIght, easy to handle, easy undertake. Even for little projects like planter beds and another factor that AgriPac to work with. And the free Easy-Cover estImator takes woodpile sheds and rruru-barns. And espeCIally on big members considered when the guesswork out of gettlOg started. Then the free jobs like houses and stables. In fact, you'll end up savmg they made their selection. Easy -Cover installation . in labor costs just about what you end up spendmg for . They believe that if Dick if guIde shows you how material. And that's been the standard in roofmg for years . to start. Your dealer All of whIch makes Easy -Cover thej)8rfect roofing Allen is elected, he will be ap- has copies of both. and SIding material for times like these. Times when pointed to the Agriculture I But don't let the ease money is tight, and busy farmers have neither the help Committee in the U.S. Con- . of the job fool you. What nor the extra hours that used to be reqwred for doing gress; that would be a real plus we're talking about here this kind of work yourself. Now, with Easy-Cover, it just for Michigan agriculture. is a beautiful, professional got a whole lot simpler. For the name of your nearest local Dick Allen thinks so, too, looking-roof. A roof that dealer or farm cooperative, call toll free PiXJ/447 -2882 and has been ~cjrking toward offers all the traditional (in Illinois 800/322-4400). He'll show you a great way to that goal. "I've been talking to protection of high quality use your head while putting a roof over it. Michigan Republican congress- EASY-COVER'" men and others from the Mid- by8nduJine' west and telling them - look, Roule9. Box 195 Fredencksburg,Va 22401 I'm a veterinarian and a farm~r; I've had 10 years experience on the House and Senate agri- culture committees and the Ap- propriations Committee on Ag- ,riculture in the Michigan Legis- lature. I think my farm back- grou,nd and experience are go- ing to land me in that vital posi- tion," he predicted. (Congressman Allen, mem- ber of the Agriculture Commit- tee .... It will be hard 1'\ot to turn into a name-dropper .... r "Sure I know Dick. He used to Available Through the Following Dealers & Other Farm Bureau Services Outlets: write for my paper.") Jim Gilmore Buchanan Caro Buchanan Co-op, Inc. Caro Farm & Town Store 616-724-6702 517 -673-8484 Rothbury Rothbury Hardware & Farm Supply, Inc. 616-894-8590 (continued from page 5) CarroDton Farm Bureau Services. Inc.f 517-753-3457 St. Johns St. Johns Co-op 517-224-2381 Saginaw Supply Center Tl'lIYl!rTieOty Farm Bureau Services. Inc. 616-946-5836 Chesaning Chesaning Farmers Co-op 517-845-3042 to them and I hope they can re- Williamston Producers Co-op Elevator Co. 517-655-2161 Conway Drayton Farm & Garden Supply 616-347-8360 late to me." EIleton EIleton Co-op Farm Produce Co. 517-375-2281 Well, that completely disinte- FowlerviDe Fowlerville Co-op 517-223-9115 Gladwin Gladwin Pro Farmers Supply 517-426-4540 grated any remaining traces of Harrlsvl1le AIcona Seed Producers Assn. 517-724-6702 my "tough." Although Jim Herron Wolf Creele Farm Bureau 517-727-2391 Gilmore isn't in my district, he Kalamazoo Farm Bureau Services. Inc. 616-38H)596 KentOty Kent Oty Farm Bureau 616-678-5021 (Some items may nol be slocked 01 still gets my vote as a first-class McBain Falmouth Co-op Company 616-825-2483 all particlpaling dealers. bul are gentleman and a great Ameri- Mt. Pleasant Farm Bureau Services, loe. 517-773-3670 available and mav be orde~d.J can. Too few are talking about, and practicing, productivity these days. -- - , .... f'r~.,. PAGE 16 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 Small But Mighty Toy Tractors Fun for All Ages The furious buzzing of model Mini tractor pulls, using using the basic toy farm tractor, chased. Although they are There is interest in having airplane engines drew specta- scaled down models of farm but once it leav~s the shelves of dubbed "factory tractors" by more official pulls during the tors to an exhibit tent at the tractors that have been modi- the local department store or the hobbyists, these modifieds year, said association member Kalamazoo Coutity Fair, Aug: fied and equipped with gear hardware, the hobbyist goes to are constructed in the same Steve Gazdag of Kalamazoo. 20, where memQers of the . train and model airplane en- work. The toy tractor will be way as the "do it yourself' But since most pullers are Michigan Mini Pullers Associa- gines, are a new enthusiasm cut, adjusted and tested until modifieds. A beginning invest- . farmers, busy schedules make tion made final adjustments on among a growing number of the model is ready for a "pull ment of $200 will get the nov- regular meetings di':ficult to at- 1/16 scale models of farm trac- Michigan hobbyists. through" performance in com- ice puller into competition with tend, particularly durit,g sum- tors. Toy or mini tractors are built petition. a purchased "factory tractoL ". mer months, he said. Throa ~. Rear construction and the the association, however, J ' axle of the o~iginal toy tractor are cut away in the first stage of members are notified of sched- uled pulls and they share infor- the modification leaving only mation about suppliers, engine the seat platform. Tires are re- performance tips and new mounted with a gear train modification ideas. which has been assembled us- ing rectangular. aluminum tub- Dues for membership in the ing, gear shafts and plastic Michigan Mini Pullers Associa- gears. tion are attractively priced: sim- ply show up at an official asso- Ahead of the gear box a ciation mini pull competition, .049 - .051 cubic inch dis- pay the entry fee for the pull placement model airplane en- .and you're in! There are no gine is mounted to the under- Modified toys pull many times other fees for membership. side of the tractor body. "Ori- their weight in competition. Names and addresses of com- ginal equipment" tires are petitors are kept on record to pared down and smoothed on Despite the small size of .the be notified of the next toy trac- a lathe to gain better traction on models, 'toy tractors pull sur- tor pull or meeting. the smooth surface of the com- prising weights in competition. petition track. Tractors are classed for compe- Since fascination with motor- Most rripdifications can 'be tition in four weights: 3 Ibs., 4 ized toys has no age limit, none done using equipment avail- lbs., Sibs. and 6 lbs. and over. has been imposed on member- able in a home or farm ma- Pull weights vary by class from ship or competition. It's not un- chine shop. Tools for building' 40 lb. to 72 lb. loads. common to see a three genera- and adjusting engines are not Official. pulls are organized tion pit crew at work consult- difficult to find or expensive. by the Michigan Mini Pullers ing, advising and tinkering with Ordinary small scale hand tools Association twice a year and the pins, gears and motors of can be used. are conducted under an estab- those fabulous mini pulling ma- There's no generation gap for mini pull hobbyists. This pit crew- grandfather and grandson - work together to build and fine tune Kits or ready made modified lished set of niles for equip- chines. mini tractors for competition. toy tractors can also be pur- ment and competition. DON'T LET WORN-OUT TIRES Safemark Multi-Angle FLATTEN YOUR HARVEST Rear Tractor Tire Wider Deeper -----..::.. INCOMEt Heftier Tougher! The tire that carries the most weight with farmers - literally - to get them in and out of the fields in a hurry! Member Price Weight With FET 15.5-38/6 189 $262.06 16.9-26/6 172 $228.81 16.9-38/6 224 $361.11 18.4-26/6 179 $264.37 18.4-34/6 221 $337.89 18.4-38/6 249 $398.29 20.8-38/8 316 $608.58 Rice & Cane Combine Tires 18.4-26/8 294 $370.24 23.1-26/10 471 $742.18 SEPTEMBER 1980 FARM NEWS PAGE 17 fect on beef prices. The current 1980s because of increasing Ethanol Energy AGRINOMIC year's supply of red meat and poultry is at an all-time record consumer 'disposable income and a slow rate of growth in Balance Studied UPDATE 180 high. The consumers preference population. Uvacek indicated that gov- (continued from page 14) for beef in 1980 did not ernment nutrition education change, .but the excessive sup- Solar energy can be used for Report of the Commodity programs, changes in beef plies of pork and poultry some of these processes, Activities & Research Department grading standards, increased caused the,consumers to switch whenever it is available, to re- government regulations and duce the premium fuel de- to the lower priced items, the continued expansion of gov- mand. However, its uncertain economists said. ernment transfer payments Economists Forecast The outlook for 1981 is for pork supplies to ,be down about (Social Security, food stamps, etc.) will also effect the demand availability makes it a dubious source of energy for alcohoJ production on a commercial 1980-'81 Beef Outlook, 10 to 15 percent and poultry supplies down about 2 to 3 per- ' for beef. Reierson said the retail price basis in the near future without a lot of expense on storage cent, they said. spread was relatively narrow "For the rest of 1980 and in- flow deteriorate by maintaining mechanisms. It is expected that higher during recent months. He ex- to the first quarter of 1981, too many heifers in his herd Conclusions consumer income ill 1981 will pects this spread to widen in things are looking profitable for that' will not produce income provide substantial support for the coming year, which will An analysis of total energy eQw-calf cattle producers, but for two years, Purcell said. beef prices. temper increases il1 beef prices inputs and outputs shows that for stockers, feeders and pack- Profits will be limited by the Reierson said that the ex- at the farm level. the production of ethanol ers, the short-term outlook is a time the retained heifers pro- pected' level of consumer in- Purcell said that the cattle cy- yields more energy than it re- bit shakey," said Robert Craig, duce calves for sale because come will be conducive to ex- cle is caused by the manage- quires. manager of Commodity Activi- the national herd will have ex- panded beef sales in 1981. ment decisions of cow-calf pro- A premium fuel analysis \ ties and Research at Michigan panded, Purcell said. The indications are that in ducers. For the producer to be shows that ethanol requires \ Farm Bureau. Grimes concurred and sug- 1984 or 1985, there could be profitable in his operation, he more premium fuel to produce • That was also the consensus gested that the best way to in- an excessive oversupply of red must be an innovator in his it than the' f4el contains. How- of four top livestock economists crease a herd at this time is to at a "cattle cycle forum," spon- buy cows and bred heifers. meat if the beef and pork cycles decision making rather than a ever this situation can. be cor- l peak at the same time, similar follower. rected by using sources of ener- \ sored by the American Farm The economists agreed that to the situation that occurred in The decision of a single pro- gy other than premium fuels for Bureau Federation in August. the current rate of growth in the late 1973 and early 1974. ducer will not have any great the alcohol plant processes. ,Participating in the forum national herd is large, based on For example, using coal for . were Glenn Grimes, professor the July 1 report, and the in- Beef and pork' producers impact on the industry, but when most producers make the producing ethanol allows the . of agricultural economics at the dustry will be in trouble if this must do a better job of manag- same decision at the same fuel to yield 3 'and 2.5 times University of Missouri; Dr. rate of growth continues for ing herd expansion to avoid time, the end result is overpro- more premium energy than it Wayne D. Purcell, professor of several years. glutting the market with price duction, the economists said .. requires for dry land corn and agricultural economics at Vir- They said that a less than 2 depressing supplies of red irrigated corn, respectively. ginia Polytechnic Institute; Dr. percent rate of growth in beef meat, the economists said. "The 'economist ,livestock Because of its uncertain Robert J. Reierson, agricultural cow numbers for a period of They reported that the cattle forum approach to monitoring availability, solar - energy has economic consultant and form- several years could be tolerated cycles peaked in 1945, 1955, the cattle cycle is a pilot project promise only in terms of com- er corporate economist for but that a rate of growth in ex- 1965, 1975, and based on cur- and could be expanded to in- plementing other process ener- \ Monfort of Colorado; and Dr:. cess of 2 percent for several rent conditions, the next cycle clude other commodities, such gies like biomass and coal Edward Uvacek Jr:: livestock years would mean trouble, giv- peak is lik{lly to come in 1985 as hogs, if it proves helpful to which can be used to replace all marketing economist and asso- en the outlook for beef de- or ,1986. producers. scarce fossil fuel inputs, except ciate professor at Texas A & M mand. While Grimes does not ex- "The forum will meet again possibly in some parts of the University. In reviewing beef prices for pect the demand for beef to in early 1981 to review the cat- farm sector. For the next three or four 1980, the economists agreed grow rapidly as it did in the tIe situation and track the de- years, the cow-calf operator that the excessively large sup- 1960s, he expects a slow, velopments of the cattle cycle." should be in a profitable posi- plies of pork had a marked ef- steady growth in demand in the Craig said. tion, but cattle' feeders will face slim profits due to excess finish- ARTHRITIS ing capacity, Craig said. Pain Relief Guaranteed Cattle feeders will probably bid profits from higher finished cattle prices into feeder prices, .Save your buells or you pay nothing Millions of people who are suf- according the the economists. Craig said that the July 1 cat- tle inventory report issued by and your baell ••• fering the agonizing pain caused by arthritis can now realize immediate long-Iastrng relief. Without risking ,the USQA on July 28 showed that the 1980 calf crop is up 6 percent over last year. Wl1ile with a Didier one cent! Unfortunately (Tlost people who suffer from Arthritis, Bursitis, Rheumatism or any form of muscular the national livestock econo- mists questioned the accuracy of the increase, they agreed that LOiJ Splitter. soreness have tried so many prod- ucts that haven't helped they no longer believe that relief is available. DON'T GIVE UP. We are absolutely the 1980 calf crop is larger. confident that our proven product Why break your back or your ReL-EEZEwill provide you with relief "The latest cattle inventory bank account to split wood from your misery. So confident are figures confirm that indeed pro- for your stove, furnace, or we that ReL-EEZEis offered with a ducers have begun a new cattle fireplace? This year', let us "no questions" asked money-back cycle," Uvacek said. "The in- ' show you how to reduce home guarantee. ReL-EEZEis a non-staining ventory s~owed 4 percent heating costs the easy, eco- soothing rub-on lotion that quickly more cattle, 6 percent more nomical Didier way. On-road or penetrates the painful area giving off-road Didier Log Splitters almost instant relief. There is no beef cows and 2 percent more split even the toughest logs waiting for hours or overnight for heifers being held for beef cow pain relief. We know this to be true replacement than a year ago." in seconds with up to 20- because ReLEEZE users write and tons of hydraulic WY'S While the expansion phase tell us so. We want everyone suffer- splitting force. Stop ing from arthritis, rheumatism, bur- of the cattle cycle is normally a in today for a demonstration. sitis or any muscular or joint sore- profitable time for cow-calf pro- ness to use it just once. Simply rub ducers, Purcell stressed that Hydra-Splitter is a registered trade name it on the problem areas and look for financial management is the for Didier Log Splitters. immediate temporary relief. If you key to profitability in the future. Savage is a registered trade name for Didior are not completely satisfied, return Producers must become Log Splitters. the unused product for a full refund Where )bur Farm Comes Arst FaRm (1 more knowledgeable of indus- by return mail. If you're suffering,. try trends to their particular cat- you can't afford not to give Rel- EEZEa chance to help you. The cost tle enterprise, Craig said. While a cow-calf operator may wish to expand his herd, BUreaU FARM BUREAU SERVICES. INC is a modest $4.95 for 2 oz., $9.00 for 4 oz. and $17.00 for 8 oz. Order now from: Bixby/Long Company, he must avoid letting his cash- P.O.Box 4796, Whittier, CA 90607. PAGElS- PARMNEWS SEPTEMBER -1-980 Do You Really Want George To? T()VIC by KEN WILES Manager!' Member Relation~ (Editor's Note: We have all heard the expression, free individuals working voluntarily together. This a plan. Added together, these policies become "Let George do it." It was with that expression in str!lcture enables every policy to be a decision of Farm Bureau's goal for the coming year. mind that this article was written. Any similarity be- the majority of the members, either by their own Policies may be philosophical statements, or tween the George mentioned in this article and an vote or by a vote of their elected representative. ideas or they may be concrete blueprints for action. actual George. living or dead, is accidental.) When a member lets George do the talking and They may be problems of farmers or problems of all voting for him, he has given up rights - the right to citizens; they may be community problems or inter- make his voice heard, the right to make his vote national problems; or they.may be goals and meth- Meet George count, the right to complain because the decision ods of reaching them. George doesn't really need an intr.oduction ... was not to his liking .. Policies express Farm Bureau members' funda- everybody knows him. But you have probably mental ideas on community, state or national is- never met him. The reason for this is that George is sues. Policies state the philosophies of' Farm always where you are not - at meetings of the Majority Vote Bureau - the principles of the Christian faith, -the school board, the county board of commissioners, A fundamental principle of Farm, Bu.reau's Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United the township board meeting, Farm Bureau meet- strength is an adherence to decision by majority States. These are the yardstick by which lesser pro- ings, at important hearings, political conventions, vote. Up to the time that a decision by vote is posed .policies are measured. But, George has no etc. He is there every time you decide to stay home made, every member has the right to oppose a mo- such yardstick . and "let George do it." . tion or a proposed policy, to work against it as vigorously and vocally as he wishes and to seek to convert others to his point of view. George Speaks Up Don't Let George Do It Once a proposal has been decided by a vote of One thing about George is he is very vocal. And the majority, however, it becomes a decision of Don't let George do it for you. If you do, he may when George speaks, people listen. Why? Because every member of the organization. Each organiza- do it to you. Remember, you can never really de- all too often he is the only person there to speak up. tion must speak with one united voice if it is to be pend on which way he may hop on an issue. His views, his interests, his philosophies might be heard and be effective in carrying out its policies. No one can speak more effectively for Farm-Bu- just the opposite of yours, but you can't really find Noone listens very long to a babble of conflicting reau members than the members themselves. This fault with that. After all, this is a free country and is because they know the course they want to chart voices. we do have freedom of speech. for their farm organization - Farm Bureau. Unlike George gets things done. He gets them done his George, they have analyzed the issues and they are way because he gets involved. He has learned that What Are Policies? knowledgeable in how the issues affect agriculture. action makes things happen. Farm Bureau operates through policies devel- Within the next few weeks, county Farm Bureaus' oped and carried out by its members. A policy is will be holding their annual meetings. It will be at Confused simply a statement of an idea, a belief, a method or these meetings that official county policies are adopted. It will be at these. meetings that recom- If George has one fault, it is that he doesn't al- mendations are adopted which concern state, na- ways do his homework. He has trouble with over- tional and international issues. It is at these view, long-range effects and the total impact of any meetings where every member can, instead of let- proposed action. ting George do it, have a voice 'and a vote in deter- Those things are all a bit beyond George's limita- mining Farm Bureau policies. tions. So whatever serves his own immediate self- The process of developing Farm Bureau policy interests is the best, regardless of how it will affect charts a clear course of well defined goals for the his community, his state or his nation. coming year. It assures members that Farm Bureau will march forward toward well considered, careful- He is Tired ly diosen objectives outlined by policies which George is tired and it's no wonder. He's on the they, the members, have initiated, studied and go constantly because so many people decide to decided on .• - "let George do it." But remember, the route of the march will be de- George is so tired he often forgets what you told termined only by those who speak and vote for him when you asked him to speak on your behalf. themselves. Don't let George be your spokesman He is so tired he fell asleep during the last meeting. or cast your vote.' If you depend upon letting George "do it" for farmers, you will be disappointed. He's more apt to do it to farmers. Do It Yourself Items For Discussion Every_.Earm . Bureau member has become a County Farm Bureaus have the resources member through choice. However, just being a and structure to be leaders in solving local member is not sufficient. Every Farm Bureau mem- issues of concern to me'mbers. Farm Bureau ber should express himself, make his wishes known members should be actively involved in advis- and take an active part in determining the direction ing county boards of local issues and recom- of the organization - county, state and national. mending solutions. For discussion purposes, The structure of Farm Bureau embodies the con- name local issues or problems of concern. cept and purpose of the organization - betterment Limit your list to only <::ounty or township of farm families, community, state and nation by issues, do not include ~tate or national issues. FARM NEWS PAGE 19 Farm Bureau Market Place SPECIAL RATE TO FARM BUREAU MEMBERS: One free non-commerdal 25-word ad cents per word one edition, two or more editions, 10 cents per word. Copy deadUne: 13th per month per membership, additional words, 10 cents each. Figures such as 12x16 or of month. Mail classified ads .to Michigan Fann News, P.O. Box 30960, lansing, MI48909. $12.50 Count as one word. NON-MEMBER and ALL COMMERCiAl advertisers: 15 PubUsher reserves right to reject any advertising copy submitted. FARM EQUIPMENT FARM. EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK MISCELLANEOUS NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE: USED STORAGE TANKS. 6000 POTATO DIGGER e One row. Intemalional, DUROC AND YORK BOARS & DUROC SPARE TIMEtI Make 2.3 TImes Your Cost On to 20.000 gallon capaclty. Vertical or horlzontal. GAIJIf A GROWING SEASON: Plant this faDand power take.off, rubber tires. excellent condition. GILTS FOR SALE: Durocs sired by Michigan Hundreds of Products. 5200 or more posslbIe In just Phone 616.798.1805. (4.6t.15p) save on spring dug plants. Red Raspberry plants: 5350. Phone 313-453-6439. (9-11-156 Premier Sire. HaH brothers to Res. Champion boar a few hou~ per week. Details. Write to: Wholesale Latham. Heritage. Meeker. Black Rllspberry plants: at Michigan 1980 Ouroc Show. Mark Palmreuter. Distributors. Box 399.F. Miamisburg. OH 45342. Black Hawk. Logan. Cumberland. Blackberry NEW ALL WIRE RABBIT CAGES and equip- Vassar. Michigan. Phone 517-823.3745. (9.lt.31pl ment now available. We can build cages to meet LIVESTOCK (9-1t.25f.6p) plants: Darrow. Ebony KIng, Eldorado. 10 - 57.SO. 25 - 514.00. SO - $25.00. 100 - $40.00. your needs. Dettmers Bunny Patch. carson City. MI APPLES: Wholesale and Retail. Gift packages Stralollberry plants: Guardian. Midway, Sparkle. 48811. 517-584.3765. (5.1f-25b) ARABIANS ALL AGES, for breeding. pleasure or CORRJEDALE SHEEP - Reglstratlon available. shipped U.P.S. Blossom Orchards. The Dunlap. Surecrop, Ozark Beauty (everoearing). 25 show. Special discounts for 4-H terms If desired. Craig R. Adams. 14368 Jackson Road. Tekonsha. Wardowskl's. two miles north of leslie, 3589 Hull WANTED: New Idea single row complcker. Phone - $4.85. 50 - $7.25, 100 - 510.90. 1.000 - Dale Kirklin. phone 616-381.2774. (4-1f-19f) Michigan 49092. Phone 517.767;4250. Road; phone 517-589-8251. (9.5t.22f) 517 -523.2803 evenings. Pittsford. Michigan. $48.50. Mary Washington Asparagus - 3 year old (l-1f-110 (9.6t.1S0 crowns: 25 - $6.00, 100 - 516.00. 1.000 - REGISTERED SHROPSHIRE SHEEP SINCE UGHT SYSTEM FOR HUNTING CAMP. 24 $80.00. Canada Red Rhubarb Roots: 3 - $4.SO. 10 1890. Breeding stock for sale at all limes, Hewens REGISTERED ANGUS BUu.. 14 months old. volt. bulbs. 1/3 hp motor. generator. Wisconsin FOR SALE: Stormor grain bins. Farm Fans dryers. - Sl2.00. 25 - $2O.SO. Add 15% for postage. Can Fann. 7400 Bemis Road. Ypsilanti. Michigan Black Revolution breeding. S800 or will exchange engine. eight batteries. 5900.00. W. Sherman. Cur- Ship Immediately. Offer good till December 15. G.T. Tox-o.wik drye~. Stormpr Ezee-dry systems. 48197. Phone 313-482.2658. (5.tf.220 for calves. Roland Cook. 1315 Stillman Road, tis. Mich. 49820. 906-586-9479. {9.1t.230 1980. Write for free Clltalog. DEAN FOSTER Hamilton Distributlng Company. Hamilton. MI Mason. Mich. Phone 517 -349.20()7: {9.1t.240 NURSERIES. Dept. MFN8. Hartford. Mich. 49057. 49419. phone 616.751-5161. (4.tf.25b) FOR SALE: YORKSHIRE & SPOTTED ser. FOR SALE: Horse Collar and Hame 5100.00; Phone 616-621.2419. (9-4t.107b) vic~age boars and open gilts top bloodlines tested at Kodak Box Camera 5SO.00: Outside Manual Hand MANURE PUMPS: pump direct from lagoon to MSU test station. All registered stock. Richard Cook. STAMP'S DUROCS - Big, sound. aggressive Pump 575.00; Dinette Set $50.00. Call anytime. field. utilize traveler or movable guns. Plummer Sup- 112 mile east Mulliken. M-43. Phone 517.649.8988. confinement raised boars and gilts. PRV free. 313.678.2743. (9.1t.220 ply. Bradley and U.S. 131 Exit. P.O. Box 177. Guaranteed. Group rates. Visit or call Tom Stamp, Bradley. M149311. 616.792.2215. (10.tf-26b) {11-tf.256 Decatur. 616-423.7508. Delivery available. HAY & SILAGE FOR SALE: Grapes and pressed juice for home DUROC & LANDRACE BOARS & GILTS. {9.1I.240 winemaklng. canning. Nine grape varlelles: barrels WANTED: DUMP HAY RAKES. OR TEETH. Also crossbred gilts. John Swearingen. 655 Prattville and supplies. Taylor Ridge Vineyards. Route 6. Also pipe 1 inch 0.0. 8 ft. long or better and 2 In. Road. Pittsford. M149271. Phone 517.567.8975. FOR SALE: Tenessee walker. gelding. gentle. ex. Michigan Farm Bureau Is making this Hay Allegan. Mich. 49010. 616-521-4047. (9.3t.250 dian.Runner Ducks for sale. Phone 313-727.1431. (3-tf.19f) perlenced rider. 4-year.old roan. Phone 517-626. and sUage listing available as a service to Farm (l2.tf.250 6365, Eagle. Ask for Nadene. {9.1f.180 Bureau members. Buyers and sellers can list WANTED: Feather ticks and pillows. aU wood QUARTER HORSES - Disposition for 4-H. abili. churn. oak commode. depot desk stool. Laura their needs and offerings In the classified sec- t:OR SALE: Greyhound thrashing machine; Mc. ty for cattle. conformation for show. Reasonable FOR SALE: 6 Fancy Registered Holsteins, due first tion of the Michigan Farm News. 1l1e service Is of Sept. AI breeding, records up to 18,742M. Bred Miller. 10411 Runyan Lake Road. Fenlon. Mich. Cormick deering grain drill; Thomas grain drill; anti- prices. Customer salisfaclion a priority. Visitors free to Farm Bureau members. If you have hay to son of AI sire. Also, 10 grades due Oct.. some 10 48430. Phone 313-629-4327. {9.1I.240 que Dodge truck; New Idea cornpicker; New Idea welcome. Walton Farms. Rosebush. Phone for &ale or want to purchase hay. simply maIl hay loader; Oliver m~n.u~ spreader; 3 bottom plow. 517.433.2925. (3.tf.240 grades with records to 19.579M. Also reg. yearling your request to Hay & Silage Ustlng. Michigan Phone 517-883.2088. (7.3t.25f.7p) SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND bulls: Rockman 21.419M 4.6% 982F. Virginian Farm Bureau, P.O. Box 30960. Lansing, Mich. TIRED? For I~formation on individualized "renew. FOR SALE: Landrace boa~ and gilts. also Duroc 4.1 %. Bootmaker 4.5%. George Robb. Fowlerville. 48909. Your ad. 25 words or less. should In- ed living" pmgrams building health the drugless. WHITE 1755 diesel 1975 cab. Low hou~. 57.000. boars and gilts. George Carpenter family. 6545 Michigan. Phone 517.223-9462. (9.1I.25f.27b) dude the amount and quality of hay or silage nalural WIly. Send $2.00 (postage/handling) with, IH 101 combine bean special cab. chopper. extra Cogswell Rd .• Romulus. MI48174. Phone evenln!js you want to buy or seU plus your name. address name and address to J. M. Vroman. Nutritional nice. IH 5x16 plow. Phone 313-629.6481. {8.:t.220 313.721.0240. {9.tf.230 and phone number. Consultant. P.O. Box 423. Mayville. Mich. 48744. FOR SALE: 4Ox245 ft. steel pole building with REGISTERED . HAMPSHIRE BOARS & REAL ESTATE (9.2t40p) FOR SALE:)979 grass hay. SOcents per bale. No automallc egg factory equipment. Today would cost GILTS for sale. Validated herd. Dale Terry, rain. Wayne Saunde~. East Jordan. Mich.. phone BORDER COLLIE. COLLIE. SHEL TIE $1SO.000 to replace. Will sell for 515.000. Must be Palmyra. Michigan. Phone 517-263-5854. 616-547-218? (7.3t.17f) (Miniature Collies) - Beautiful puppies. excellent sold and moved to settle estate. Phone {1O.tf.150 ALL FARMS - need farms for Midwest and Inter. quality studs. Vaccinated. wormed. Baird Farm. ALFALFA-BROME HAY. approximately 12,000 616.389-2274. (8.2t-250 nalional buyers. Top dollar. Details: John Peck, Route 1. Lowell. Mich. 49331: phone 616.897. square bales. Load from blIm storage, 4SO per hour. CORRIEDALE SHEEP Purebred breeding Four Seasons Realty of Lansing. 517-349.4260. 9462. (9-1t.2Op) REAR TRACTOR TIRES: Worn tires could cost stock for sale. Paper optional. Waldo F. Dleterlle. (4. 12t.2Op) Also mulch hay. Richardson: Charlevoix. phone you S.10 percent'more in fuel consumption when 7285 Textile Road. Saline, MI 48176. Phone FISH FOR POND STOCKING - Hybrid Sun 616.547.9061. (8.3t-2Of) plowing. Safemark has a complete line of tires In 313-429-7874. (l.tf.l9f) PEACH FARM - 35 acres in Watervliet fish. Catfish, also Rainbow Trout. Spring Valley stock to meet your fall needs. For prices and further Trout Farm. Dexter. Michigan. Phone THE DROUGHT IN MISSOURI IS CAUSING • I Township. First class slle. north slope. Write: Solid information. contact Kevin Kirk. S17.323-7000, ex- REGISTERED ANGUS - Yearling' bulls & 313-426-4772. A HAY SHORTAGE, AND FARMERS WILL M. Spread. Hartford 49057. or phone Solid.M. tenslo~ 527. (8.2t.4Op) helfe~. club calves. Write or call Neona Farm. Neal (4.tf.190 BE LOOKING TO BUY HAY FROM OTHER Chateau 616-424-3752. 5152.000.00 firm. Felkema. Evart. Michigan 49631. Phone (4.tf.250 STATES. The Missouri Department of Agriculture FOR SALE: MF.300 Diesel Combine. 13' grain 616-734.2579. (2.tf.19f) CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED: We need is coordinating effOrts to let Missouri farmers know head. 2x38 c~m head. loaded With extras. almost FOR SALE BY OWNER: 80 acres. 60 tlllab!~. Scotch Pine. Douglas Fur. Blue Spruce and White the names of outstate farmers with hay to sell new. Just over 300 hou~ - 518.000. Case 830 GRADE HORSES are real scarce. Buy a purebred house and barn. North Isabella County. Phone Spruce up to 10 feet. We also need Christmas tree Farme~ wanting to be included In the list of those Diesel Tractor, wide front 3 pt. hitch, live hydr .. Arabian from the Lannens at Flfe Lake. MI 49633. 517.588-2124. Ward FrlzzeU,....Farwell. Mich. plantations to manage and market. Frulthaven with hay available for sale should caU 314- P.T.O. and 18.5x38 tires - S4.000. Oliver 6x30" Phone 616.369-2271. (6.tf.19f) 48622. Nursery. Inc.. Route 1. Kaleva. Michigan 49645. 751.4762. or write to Hay Information. Box 630. dry fertilizer planter. excellent condition - 51.200. (9.1t.210 517.349-1918. (4.6t-37pl Jl.'Herson Clty..MO 65102 (9-tf.71f) 2,500 bu. grain bin. partially assembled - 51.100.' PERFORMANCE TESTED ANGUS. quality For more Information call Kalamazoo after 5:30 registered Angus breeding stock and club calves. FOR SALE: 25 acres. Lennox Township. north of 1000 GUNS IN STOCK. Buy. sell. trade. Long p.m .• 616-381-8450. (9.3t-25f 33p) Contact Bordner Angus Farms, 68730 County Farm Mt. Clemens. 31 Mile Road. 2 miles east of North guns. pistols. black powder. bows. 500 GUNS. Rd .. Sturgis. Michigan 49091. Phone Avenue. Must sacrifice. 558.000. Phone Duane Buckner. 11155 Sherman Blvd.. Ravenna. FOR SALE: No. 300 New Idea Corn Picker, pull type, two row wide. livingston County. phone • 517.223.9207. {9-lt-170 616.651.3456. MILKING SHORTHORNS - Young bulls. year. (l2-tf.240 313'.781.6980. FOR SALE: Isabella County. III acres - east of (9.lt.240 M149451. Phone 616.853.2527. DON'T DIE WITHOUT A WILLI Legal forms . (12.1Ot-25p) FACf: Corn. America's gift to the food lings and calves for sale. Write or visit Stanley M. Winn. Mich.. 3 bedroom house. pole bam. Terms. instructions: 52.00 (2 for $3. SO') 55.95 ""ith FARROWING STAlls - All steel, $124.20. In. Powell and Family. Ingleside Farm. R.R. 2, 3248 200 acres - Iiled - Illrge home - silo. large pole 1SO.page lawyer written manuaU MARCON; Box world, is a vegetable. a cereal, c1udes feeder-waterer. top rail, rump rail. Weighs Powell Hwy., Ionia. Michigan 48846. (l2.tf-280 barn. Terms. Ron Stolz. New Horizons Realty. "10101.Z: Dallas, Texas 75207. (S-6t.25p) a grass. In Michigan more 204 pounds. Free literature. Starr National. 219 Alma. Mich. 517.463.3929. (9.25.34p) Main. Colchester. IL 62326.309.776.3446 farmland, 11,500 acres. is REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEIN BULLS J'E-E-P-S - $19.301 - C-A-R'S - $13.501 - (9-1I-24p) for sale. Complete records, Clarkstead Holstein 650.000 ITEMSI - GOVERNMENT devoted to sweet corn than any Farm. 819 Tamarack Road. Pittsford. Michigan. SURPLUS - MOST COMPREHENSIVE other fresh market vegetable CORN PLANTER FOR SALE. Three.point tool Phone 517.567-8626. (2-tf.19f) DIRECTORY AVAILABLE TEllS HOW. crop. Butter up some now. bar with four AC planter units and nearly new insec- FOR HOMEMAKERS WHERE TO BUY - YOUR AREA - $2 - Iiclde attachments. $200.00. Call 517.849.2850. FINNISH LANDRACE SHEEP - purebreds MONEYBACK GUARANTEE - "GOVERN- 19-1t-210 and crosses wllh either Suffolk.Columblan- MENT INFORMATION SERVICES," Targhees'Ramboliett.Montadale. Lee Breasbols. DEPARTMENT EG-8. BOX 99249. SAN INNES BEAN WINDROWER - 4 row rubber PECANS: QUART EACH. HALVES. PIECES. FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94109. 9780 Garfield. Freeland. Mich. 48623. Phone MEAL. Three.qullrt sa'mpler. $9.75. postpaid! front teeth. steel back, good condition. $395.00 1.517.695.5692. (7.12t.180 (7-6t.31p) Phone Frankenmuth 517.652.6612 (9-1 t-160 Hermitage Farms. Box 143.MF. Hermitage. Tenn. 37076 (1.1 2t.17p) FOR SALE: New 29112 ft Shasta trailer. all deluxe DUROC BOARS & GILTS llnd bred gilts. Ag. PRE 1942 TRACTOR WANTED, any make or model. including 20' awning. t.v. antenna. Ree5e gressive and productive. Bred gilts are bred to condition. Burlington. Michigan. Phone NOW! FROZEN TOMATO SLICES! Enjoy hilch & brake control. Call alter 5 pm .. $2500. Magic brand. everyday sale day. Jim 517.765-2860. (9-4t-120 garden fresh navor. ~'ear around' Complete. easy In. 517.223.9205. (7.tf.25l) Preuich. 517-467.2874. Route 1. Onsted. Mich. structions. 51.00. Hamiltons. Box 652- 131. New 49265. (8-tf-250 Ulm. Minnesota 56073. (9-1t.2Op) FEED ONE ADULT for $7.06 weekly Includes OLIVER CLETRAC FOR SALE: Engine In good condition. hilSpower take off and pulley. Lawrence Yallup. St. Johns. Michigan. Phone 517.224-4039. FOUR REGISTERED MORGANS lOp blood lines 7211 South Stony Creek Road. Monroe, COLDWATER DrLLPICKLESI Can in minutes' one pound meat daily. choice of eight fresh vegetables and grains. Free details Write - D. Y.. II I (9-11-210 No hOlbrine. Delicious. crisp. factory secrets! Recipe P.O. Box 144.E. Jenison. Mich. 49428. (8-2t.27pl Mich. 48161. Phone 313.242.3983. (8.tf.16fJ •• I $1.00. Hamiltons. Box 652.131. New Ulm. Min. FOR SALE: Five L6O-15 all terrain tires. ideal for nesota 56073. (9-1t.2Op) . DOGS FOR SALE: Sheltie (miniature collIe) pups - street, sand or racing. lour Keystone Mag 15 inch FOR SALE: 6 Registered Suffolk Ewes. good AKC Good watch dogs. good with children. Shots 900d~ 'hlngs ~ 'i breeding stock. will sell open or bred. John and wheels. 5.Hole for G.M. products. 517.674.2311. $200. (9-11.250 B..cky Oesterle. phone 517.655.3388. (9.lr.200 SEWING SUPPLIES. PEARL FASTENERS. 145 colors and sryles. Free catalog. Bee Lee Company. Box 20558.MF. Dallas, Texas SNAP and wormed. Ardyth Schroeder. 7080 Billmyer !-i",'Y .. Tecumseh. Mich. 49286. 517.423.3069. (8.2t-250 yrowln . I. Mlf'blsaa FOR SALE: John Deere dump rake. International 75220. {3.lOt. 19p) WANTED: Farm Bureau members Interested In FOR SALE: Grade and Registered Drlllt Horses. A message' from the corn binder. Papac silo filler. All in good condition. and willing to work with consumer groups. Con- Phone 616-924.4518. (9.1t 110 INTERNATIONAL RECIPE BONANZA! Best Michigan Department of Phone 616- 775.S030. {9-lt.170 tact Larry R. Ewing. Michigan Farm Bureau, from II nations. $3.00. Ten frull and nut breads. P.O. Box 30960. lansing. Mich. 48909; phone Agriculture and thiS newspaper. $2.00 Free bonuses' Fountain Valley. Depl. 6211. 517-323-7000. extension 507. (9.1f-300 Box 5608. Security. CO 80931. {7.3t.25pl @1980MDA WHY DIE WITHOUT A WILL? TlA.oblank "Will DALE A. DEAN AFRICAN VIOLETS: Leal cuttings and starter plants DeSCriptiveprice list. 35 cents. Gail's Violets. 1299 W Taft Road. St Johns. Mich. 48879. Phone Forms." Only 5200. Guaranteed' Order Today' TYCO. Box 752. Dept W. Pryor. OK 74361 (9.1t-21p) 517.224.8141 or 224-7697 (R-2t26p) FOR SALE: Rye. 400 bushels. potato washer llnd AGRIGROUPS ABROAD AUCTIONEER- 12 EASY AND DELICIOUS RECIPES for busy grader. bagger. power sprayer. miscellaneous items We specialize in overseas daY'S. Send $1.00 and self.addressed stamped Eggle Farms. Tustin. Mich. Phone 616.775-6857 - REAL ESTATE envelope to Kay Plumho/f. Routt! 1. Arthur ROdd. (9.1t.2OO agricultural tours. New Erll. Mich. 49446 (q 1t.250 BROKER FOR SALE: Kaiser/Army Trucks. 1968 Jeep. \Ii. China Nov. 1980 CAN SAUERKRAUT by the Jar Easy method. 33 YEARS AND 4000 $1 00 Box 27. Dept B. Lowell. Mich 49331 Ion. low mileage. good condition. Also 2112 ton GMC6x6 Phone 313.659.6535. {9-lt.2OO Africa Jan. 1981 L!- ~ (9 It.16p) So. Pacific March 1981 FINANCES - An accurate accounting of your AUCTIONS IN EXPERIENCE IN MICHIGAN GREAT SAUSAGE RECIPES, illustrated book farm's f1nandlll status Is a must. Get monthly British Isles May 1981 with over 100 recipes explaining sausage making. financial reports. complete tax Information with Around World 1981 AND INDIANA. DAIRY CATTLE FARM curing. smoking. Free equipment and supply depreciation schedules. and more with Farm ~ catalog: SAUSAGEMAKER. 177.70 Military.-Buf. Bureau's Farm Record Service. Easy to use and Write: Gordon 5chlubatis MACHINERY AND REAL ESTATE! falo. N Y 14207 (9.9t-25pJ understand. For more information. write or call Michlglln Farm Bureau. CommodIty Activities and AgriGroups Abroad Phone 616-385-5958 or 517-279-9748 TWO FRENCH DRESSING RECIPES - Dell. Research Dept .. P.O. Box 30960. lansing. Mlch P.O. Box 461 cious. Money Save~. 51.00. Box 27. Dept. A. 222 N. MICHIGAN AVE., COLDWATER, MI 49036 Lowell. Mlch 493:l1. (9.lt.15p) 48909: phone 517-323.7000. extension 547 (9-4t.59b) Coldwater. Mich. 49036 PAGE 20 FARM NEWS SEPTEMBER 1980 ",,_."'*'" ........-:-~ ..........A. •• '" ........ "-. , Can Help You With: Equal coverage for both persons without sacrificing dollars targeted for other needs. A cash value policy. which guarantees money for retirement which can provide a life- time income to enioy. Specially designed for each individual with money available (after one year) when you need it most. Premiums that never increase. That means easy, long-term budget planning. Flexible options like Disability Premium Waiver for one or both persons. The insurance program is continued even if total disability occurs. The Survivor Option which allows coverage to be maintained by the survivor with no interruption. JOINT UFE INSURANCE FROM FARM FARM BUREAU BUREAU UFE for two people; business INSURANCE partners, parent-child, grandparents- grandchildren, husban~wife. GROUR FARM BUREAU MUTUAL • FARM BUREAU LIFE • COMMUNITY SERVICE INSURANCE