KEEP UP MICHIGAN THE NEWS On News Interesting to Farmers Through the Farm Newt A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers NEWS A Progressive Newspaper For Michigan Farm Homii Vol. XI, No. 4 FIFTY CENTS PER YEAR SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1933 FIVE CENTS PER COPY Published Monthly HOUSE BILL 364 Warms Against Use of BACK TO THE FARM Sprays With Fluorine Alfalfa Makes Money Even in Depression CONFLICT RAGES Once We Paid Postage According to Distance FARM CONFERENCE TO PUT TRUCKS East Lansing—State College warns PRICES OF 190914 East Lansing—Alfalfa is keeping a ON 15 MILLS AND Until 1863 first class postage I RAPS BILL TO PUT OFF THE ROADS fruit growers to avoid any spray that contains fluorine, usually found in arsenical sprays. Fruit showing traces ROOSEVELT'S PLAN lot of farmers on the ri^ht side of the books despite the low prices and the increase in the number of dairy cows. SCHOOLHTUATION were based on distance. In 1846 a letter traveling not more than 300 miles cailed for :; cents postage; ex- TRUCKS OFF ROAD It is replacing high cost concen- ceeding that, 10 cents. In 1851 the dis- Farm Conference Opposes It; of fluorine is condemned under the That Means Large Increases trates in dairy rations. It. produces Schools Ask $25,000,000 of tance was extended to 3,00t) mi!< pure food laws because fluorine ruins Over Present Price Far too Drastic for Farmer;' Railroad Bill Would do the teeth. Some spray salesmen have high protein pasture and hay of large State Aid in New 3 cents and i<> cents beyond tluig no tax are paying teachers Real Estate Men for Moore the thoroughness In which it raisea */;> salaries. Adjoining district irith barriers to operation of trucks. ing to more than 3 consignees a "common carrier",—in the same class Alfalfa; Answers Feed Cost Problem prices received by farmers would be necessary for its success, according lo OF FORECLOSURES heavy school tax paying $35 salary . . . equalize school burden . . . up to state . . . tax the chains . . . leave the Bill; Farmers Are Opposed The Conference favored the prin- ciples of the Bischoff Bill, House Bill as a railroad, for example. The bill place*, all common carrier Michigan could double its present commercial trucks, all contract car- alfalfa acreage and not have more 20: Rpport No. 6 from the House Commit- tee on Agriculture to Congress, March SOUGHT IN BILL independents alone . . . Such was the conflict of ideas on The Moore Bill (Senate No. 27) and 267, which provides that any real estate owner may appeal to the cir- than enough for its live stock needs, the division of tax money to be col- the Holbeck Bill (House No. 98) for cuit court for continuance of any real riers or those hauling for certain cus- according to the Dairy and Farm Feb.1933 1909-14 House Passes Bischoff Plan; lected under the 15 mill tax law and relief of delinquent tax payers to en- estate mortgage foreclosure until tomers only, and all private truck Crops dep'ts of Michigan State Col- Av. Price Av. Pric* Procedure of Court May 1, 1935. The Bill, passed by the the proposal to raise additional tax able them to hold on and eventually lines traveling about the state, and all lege. Cotton (lb.) Corn (bu.) 5.5c . ^ . 19.4c 12.9r 64.2c House and now in the Senate, pro- Feed cost represents one-half or Described revenues for school purposes as de- pay BOTH suspend payments on de- bus lines under the Public Utilities Wheat (bu.) 32.3c Bl.flc Commission, whose every ruling shall more of the total cost of milk produc- Hogs Beef (lb.) 3.3c 6.4c veloped in two public hearings before linquent taxes for TWO years and pro- vides that the court in granting a con- (lb.) „„ 2.9c tinuance shall leave the owner of the have the effect of law. tion, said the Dairy Dep't, adding that Butter (lb.) 18.4c 20..\- House Bill No. 267, by Rep. Bis-the Legislature in the last 10 days. vide installment payment privileges property in possession when possible, alfalfa is the first and most important Lambs (lb.) 4.2c 6.1c choff, Detroit, as re-written by the The hearings were on Southworth for such taxes over a 10 year period A Tear for Weeding Out? crop to be considered in developing a Milk (100- lbs.) 11.16 $1.30 shall fix fair rentals and order distri- The bill will compel every truck or home grown feed supply. Powers Given Wallace House Judiciary Committee, would Bill 183 for allocation of the 15 mill beginning in 1935. We compare their bution of the aame to apply on pay- tax revenues between the schools, main points herewith: bus service, now in existence or con- Entitled "A Bill to relieve the exist- provide a two years practical mora- county, cities, villages and townships, 1. Moore Bill wipes out all delin- ment of taxes, interest, etc. The Bis- templated, to prove that it is not "un- Alfalfa will yield the largest num- ing national economic emergency by torium on real estate mortgage fore- and on Southworth Bill No. 184 for a quent taxes prior to 1928. (Oakland choff Bill is intended to halt hair trig- necessary competition" to any exist- ber of pounds of digestible nutrients increasing agricultural purchasing closures. It passed the House with 12 gross income-sales tax for State tax county alone has $1,250,000 such taxes ger foreclosures of farms and city ing common carrier (railroad) to get per acre of any crop except corn. dissenting votes. It is in Senate Com- a permit to operate. Every bus and Alfalfa is the greatest protein pro- power," the bill contains few details mittee, where its troubles if any will purposes and school relief. Nothing largely sub-division, according to a real estate and to give all owners of as to its operation, but confers tre- could be said to have been decided. House analysis). The Holbeck Bill mortgaged property a chance. It pro- truck service would appear before the ducing crop that can be grown, by mendous powers upon Secretary of begin. vides that the court may set aside a Commission within one year. It im- Michigan farmers. An acre produces The air was full of protest and ap- does not favor such cancellation. Agriculture Wallace to get the re- Description of Bill, An emergency poses annual feels, gross ton mile 590 lbs. of digestible protein as against affecting the general credit situation proval, charge and counter-charge. 2. Moore bill suspends 1928-29-30- continuance for good cause. J>0 lbs. per acre for timothy. sults desired: Schools United i Tied that Michigan State College taxes, regulations and restrictions and 31 taxes until March 1, 1935, and does A 1,000 lb. cow giving 8,000 lbs. of (1) Through processing taxes laid * * * special and temporary legisla- School men and city boards of edu- NOT require payments of 1933 and has retrenched the past 4 years, that requirements as to reports, tariffs and tion under the police powers." 4% milk requires about 775 lbs. of upon the above products at the mill, cation presented a united front on the 1934 taxes in order to qualify for in- the present administration has not equipment. digestible protein per year which can the packing plant, etc., to make agri- Provides: In all actions for fore- point that they have made deep cuts stallment privileges. Opponents say only wiped out a large inherited de- It provides that large trucks may be almost completely supplied by cultural tariffs effective as regards closure of real estate mortgages or ficit, and has established and is con- and that $25,000,000 in new revenues not haul beyond the first railroad heavy alfalfa feeding with home domestic prices; (2) to cut crop deeds of trust in which decree has should come from somewhere "to keep no real estate speculator would pay tinuing, to improve a policy of econ- station. It's enactment would bar grown grains and by abundant sweet acreages by federal renting of farm not been entered, anil hereafter com- 1933 or 1934 taxes but would gamble omy in its teaching, research and ag- from the roads trucks that carry loads clover or alfalfa pasture. Good alfalfa lands at up to $3 per acre to lie fal- menced * * in any court, the court all the schools open the school year the whole hog until tax sale caught ricultural extension fields, the Confer- of 10,000 lbs. and upwards, including always shows up to be a milk making low; (3) to invoke the domestic al- may on application of the owners of to serve 1,000,000 children." They him about 1936. milk tank trucks, etc. Most commer- and money making feed, the dairy lotment plan whereby farmers who such real estate, or persons liable on don't care where the tax comes from, 3. Holbeck bill suspends the 1932 ence: cial trailer trucks would be elimi- dep't said. but they do argue that real estate delinquencies too, but provides that at Protested Senate Bill No. 85 to abol- reduce crop acreages would be paid mortgages who are defendants * * ish the College agricultural extension nated. AIT trucks for hire would be an extra return on their reduced pro- order such cause continued until not should be relieved. They have what least 25% of 1933 taxes must be paid Your County's Alfalfa Acreage work. The Bill is directly oppftsed to compelled to have a governor that The Farm News presents the alfalfa duction. later than May 1, 1935. (unless good they consider is a real estate relief before Sept. 1, 1934, at least 25% of the best interests of the State of would limit their speed to 12 to 20 standing of 55 Michigan counties, ac- The processing tax would be passed cause is shown to the contrary). plan, ready to hook onto any or sev- 1934 taxes must be paid before Sept. 1, eral appropriation measures to get Michigan." miles per hour, depending on the size cording to the U. S. Census, April 1, on to consumers, and it is assumed Provides if continuance is granted $25,000,000 for schools and school 1935, in order to qualify for install- i of the truck or bus. 1930, which gave Michigan a total of that the greater return to farmers that court shall give preference to ment privileges beginning Dec. 1, 1935. The Conference urged support of For the Farmer 524,657 acres of alfalfa. U. S. figures would result in buying and payments owner for possession, shall determine equalization cost purposes. 1. Moore bill provides ALXJ del in House Bill No. 2 and Senate Bill 12 which repeal a number of sections of It is provided that vehicles "owned" for 1932 place our acreage at 732,000, which would go far to restore the bal- fair rental terms, etc., and distribu- Farmers For Economy First quent taxes would be RE-ASSESSED. the school code whereby the State and used for transportation of farm a nice gain. ance of business. The Conference of Michigan Farm Opponents claim that a needless ex- Dep't of Public Instruction is able to No. tion of revenues for taxes, upkeep, products to market "by the owner", or Acres Senate critics of the bill seek to cut etc. * * if court order is violated * • Organizations representing the^ State pense since thousands of parcels nev- exact building, transportation, tuition in transporting supplies for "his own Acres of Acresin in 100in the numhef of commodities involved or for good cause * * court may set Farm Bureau, State Grange, Farmers er will pay. They cite Wayne County and other requirements from local use", or hauling farm produce "by COUNTY Crop Land Alfalfa Alfalfa to wheat and cotton. To those who aside or modify such continuance. Clubs, farmers' co-operative marketing Tax Commission statement holding it school districts. The Conference op- the owner" to a railroad point for ship- Antrim Allegan 242,297 11,032 4.5 IX.4 claim it would take an army of em- groups throughout the State and not would cost $300,000 to reassess in that posed House Bill 258 to aibolish the 57,037 10,517 Where equity of redemption has not office of county commissioner of ment shall be exempt from the pro- Arenac 57,687 691 1.2 ployes to administer it, friends of the expired, any party at interest may ap- a few city groups are of the opinion county. schools, creato a county superintend- visions of the Act. Barry 159,907 12,211 7.6 that economy and revenues available 5. Holbeck Bill says NO to reas- ent of schools and a county board to Bay * 137,763 2,672 2.0 measure say no. It is thought that ply to court to set it aside and grant under the 15 mills tax limit will see It is also provided that vehicles Behzie 28,590 1,878 8.5 the U. S. Dep't of Agriculture, State a continuance as above; sessment. Says if delinquent taxpay- operate all schools. Berrien 204,562 8,915 4.4 agricultural departments can handle us through. They insist that there is Farm groups represented were: used for "occasional accommodative Branch 168,439 10,408 6.3 If a mortgage being foreclosed by plenty of time to enact new taxes er pays on 1933 and 1934 and quali- Michigan State (".range transportation" for others by "a per- Calhoun 198,509 10,081 6.1 the situation. advertisement any party at interest after economy programs have been fies, let County-Treasurer recall his Michigan State Farm Bureau son not engaged in the transportation Cass Charl«*voix 161,233 41,654 13,488 8,938 8.4 21.4 Hart, Metzger and Farmers may file bill in chancery in circuit adopted, and they want economy first delinquent tax from auditor general Michigan Milk Producers Ass'n business" shall be exempt from the Clinton 202,513 8.94S 4.4 Congressman M. J. Hart of Mich- court of county where property is lo- and provide necessary office records Michigan Livestock Exchange Act even though a service cost may be Eaton 192,769 8,821 4.6 igan, foe of the U. S. Dep't of Agricul- cated to bring the foreclosure pro- and new tax talk afterward. and avoid expense of complete reas- Michigan Potato Growers' Exchange paid by the person accommodated. Genesee 176,564 10.4S9 6.0 ture and all State agricultural activi- ceedings under terms of this act. The school men's combination real sessment. Michigan Co-op Wool Marketing 1 Asa'fl Gd. Traverse 70,900 !i,14t' > 12.8 Michigan Sugar Heet Growers Ass'n Vehicles operated wholly within a city Gratiot 204,838 8,715 4.3 ties in behalf of farmers' co-operative Where equity of redemption has not estate relief—new tax revenues for 6. Moore Bill says deferred delin- Great Lakes Fruit Industries or village or within 15 miles of the Ilillsdale 194,562 22,588 11.6 marketing, assailed the measure in schools—State equalization of cost to quent taxes shall "be deemed not due expired under foreclosure by adver- State Ass'n of Farmers Clubs principal business office of a firm in Huron 305,474 9,619 3.2 the House. He quoted a telegram from tisement, the bill provides for filing districts to provide equal cost \nini- or payable" until 1935 and thereafter. Farmers Legislative Clubs of bill of complaint in chancery In mum educational systems for the com- Opponents say that would keep them a city or village are also exempt. Ingham 174,917 10,744 6.2 Sam Metzger, Michigan commissioner Ionia 194,314 6,197 3.2 March 28 the Conference of Mich- Isabella 156,493 6,734 4.3 of agriculture, stating that 95% of circuit court, the proceedings to end mon schools up through high school off tax histories until then; that real igan Farm Organizations considered Jackson Bill 364 and declared themselves op- Kalamazoo 191,333 163,052 21,798 15,789 11.3 Michigan farmers oppose the bill. 9.7 in a continuance of the mortgage as is about as follows: Quoth James Nicol of South Haven, above, with the property in possession The School's Plan estate finance companies and others could sell property without showing 1933 WOOL COMING posed to such a program although Kent they favor reasonable regulation of Lapeer trucks. Leelanau Lenawee 222,500 190,648 57,938 272,610 10,59« 8,163 6,615 32,314 4.8 president .of the Federated Fruit 4.8 Growers and former 11.8 State Farm Bureau and Michigan Ele- officer of the of the owner. Comment: Enables the property (1) A general 2 to 3Ms mill limit delinquent tax; could foreclose prop- school tax on real estate; (2) new erty and get a deed without paying the State taxes to raise $25,000,000 for delinquent tax. Unwary purchasers of INTOJSS'N POOL Livingston 146,431 11,994 8.2 owner being foreclosed to appeal for Problems for Truck Owner Maconib 137,692 4,996 3.6 vator Excha'nge, at the Conference of what amounts to a receivership and schools (3) said $25,000,000 to sup- such property could be trimmed by Cash Advance 8c Per Pound; If Bill 364 should become law, here Manistee a chance to save himself. The court plement the expected $16,000,000 pri- those unloading, they argue. 57,767 2,586 4.5 Michigan Farm Organizations March are a few of the walls all bus and Mecqsta Mason 76,429 111,453 4,7X4 6,645 6.8 5.9 28, "I don't know much about the imposes the terms of the receivership. mary school fund but not be a part 7. Holbeck Bill provides that de- Last of 1932 Wool truck firms and all individuals haul- Menominee 72,137 «,215 X.i; Bill, but if Congressman Hart opposes Owner must meet the requirements of of it; (4) 10% of the $41,000,000 total linquent tax shall always stand as a Sold ing for hire would have to climb over Midland Missaukee 80,550 64,204 2,331 3,218 2.9 it, it must be all right." 5.0 to be set aside for equalization pur- lien on the property and will be shown his extension of time or. the continu- to stay in business: Monroe 192,996 17,192 8.9 Said E. M. Moore of Mason, mas- ance may be set aside. poses (5) a minimum of say $46 per in tax histories. Lansing.—Considerable wool has 1. Apply to Public Utilities Commis- Montcalm 203,719 6,045 3. 2.f. ter farmer, and representing the State grade school child and $65 per child The Conference of Michigan Farm ome to the Michigan Co-operative sion for permit (private and contract Muskegon 66,011 1,657 Legislators' Comment: "Intended to carriers) or certificate of public conven- Newayg-o 114,073 6,161 4..r. Ass'n of Farmers Clubs, "Sam Metz- to be provided each school district Organizations has held, with some Wool Marketing Ass'n warehouse at ience (common carriers) in order to oper- Oakland 147,092 13,2:::: 9.0 ger got that 95% out of his own stop hair-trigger forecloseures" * * from a 2 to 3% mill real estate tax city and industrial groups, that the 728 East Shiawassee street, Lansing, ate. Cost of application is $25 whether Oc'eana 106,635 4,776 4.f> "In keeping with the bank morator- and primary money plus a dip into certificate or permit is granted or not. Ogemaw 45,104 .2,956 (i.6 head." Moore bill encourages tax delinquency for grading and sale by the Ass'n. Renewals will be $10 per year. Osceola 89,684 3,792 4.2 ium and other conditions." the $25,000,000 supplementary fund to and gives delinquent tax relief at the The Ass'n is advancing 8 cents per 2. Prove public necessity "after con- Ottawa Otsego 21,594 8,048 9.6 171,184 3,1 is 1.8 HE UNDERSTOOD provide that minimum if necessary pound on clean, native Michigan wools sidering all existing transportation fa- Saginaw 245,733 6,759 2.8 Judge: "Do you understand what The old method of placing screen (6) districts getting $46 to $65 or expense of those who pay taxes. on delivery. It will have checks cilities." St. Clair 203,428 3,736 1.8 wire around the trunks of fruit trees more per child as above from 2 mills Comment in the Legislature is that 3. Prove operation would not damage St. Joseph 174,849 20,484 11.7 an alibi is?" the Senate will not pass the Holbeck cashed in Lansing when desired, it highways, interfere with public. Sanilac 322,824 7,743 2A Sam: "Yessuh, I does. An alibi is and stamping down the snow is be- and the primary fund would get none bill and the House will not pass the said. Wood sacks, shipping tags and 4. Satisfy Commission on permanence, Slikiwassee 197,229 6,731 :f.4 provin' dat you was where you wuz- ing used effectively by many Wiscon- quality of, service, financial responsibility Tuscola 259,951 12,869 5.0 from the supplementary fund. (7) the Moore bill. Neither offers to com- marketing agreements may be had on of applicant. zent so's to show you wuzzent wheah sin farmers as a protection against supplementary fund would raise that promise. Last week Rep. Morely (D) application to the Ass'n at its office Van Buren 197,344 16,117 8.2 mice and rabbit damage. 5. Defend 2-3-4 if necessary a t horn- Waihtenaw 209,t>r>7 si.oia lo.o you wuz." minimum for nearly all districts and of Berrien county offered Bill 359 221 No. Cedar street, Lansing. ing to be ordered by Commission. Wayne 85,014 4,859 6. Commission shall regulate fares, Wexford the $4,000,000 reserve fund would aid which is much along the line of the The Ass'n announces that the fine 53,828 5,369 lo.ii charges, time, schedules "to insure ade- the hardest pressed districts. Holbeck bill. It is not a compromise wools of the 1932 pool havo been sold quate service and prevent unnecessary 55 COUNTIES....9,094,033 524,657 5.8 This proposal was placed before the but it's outside the Moore-Holbeck and final returns for the entire pool duplication between motor carriers and steam roads. 7. All Commission rules shall have End of Double Taxation Hiram's Birthday Conference of Michigan Farm Organ- conflict and may be the answer to the will be made shortly. Checks for izations at its meeting at Lansing situation. final returns on the 1931 pool were force of law. By R. S. Clark 8. Each motor carrier shall pay 2 mill Sought by the States March 28. The Conference took it House Joint Resolution No. 5 to per- caught in the bank holiday in many fee per gross ton mile. -Means that IV.. ton truck J would he taxed 9/10 of 1 cent Well, Tliram, I suppose you tliink you done a clever trii k Inviting all your relatives to be your birthday guehts, under advisement. mit the State to borrow $75,000,000 to instances. Since then the bank in for evejry mile driven, loaded or empty, So 's 1 can cook, and bake, and scrub enough to make me sick, Education Groan's Figures help local governments finance their which the wool funds were deposited payable monthly. This is in addition to Washington—State Farm Bureaus And all my folks-in-law can nearly split their vests! Following are school figures given delinquent tax collections over the two has been placed in the hands of a gas tax,' weight tax and all other f«-«>s <>r and the American Farm Bureau will the Conference by the school teachers years suspension of collections pro- conservator. The Ass'n advices taxes. I know >fi>. Hiram, like a book, and every thought you havo 9. Applicant shall deposit $30 for tess take satisfaction in the movement Is gener'ly :is plain to me as headlines on a page, organization March 28 for the school vided by the above bills was allowed growers whose checks have been re- than 5 ton truck to guarantee No. 8. started in February by representatives Hut tbeBe here dinner-festivals that make your wife a slave— 10. Applicant shall equip each vehicle of the Federal and State legislative It just beats me why you should want to celebrate your atje. year ending 1932: to die in the Senate, leaving that angle turned to them to Bend them to the with speedometer, keep daily mileage HiglTt now, in this off season here, before my cleaning's done; Property tax for schools $74,000,000 of the delinquent tax relief situation Ass'n at Lansing and as soon as records and report same. bodies to prevent duplication of taxes When everything about tlie place—both out of doors and in— Primary school fund , 22,000,000 up in the air. funds can be released new checks or 11. Applicant shall comply with r e - and competition for taxes between the Is filthy with a winter's dirt, seems like most anyone $96,000,000 some other form of remittance will strictions as to weight, size, length of Federal and State governments. Wouki hesitate to broadcast bids to all his living kin. vehicle and eauipment under this Act. Children in schools 1,050,000 be made. Load limit 10,0«0 lbs. Length of /ehicle 80 feet, with trailer 3f> feet. Governor Official delegates were sent by 32 To come and gobble chicken pies and all that makes a spread. There won't lie less than thirty here, and you don't real School teachers Av. children per teacher 30,000 35 Corn Borer Resistant Wool prices are strengthening and on motor to limit speeds from 12 to 20 State governments to Washington Feb. miles per hour. 3-4 to the first meeting of the Ameri- The work that I and Mable do a-making walnut bread, And cakes, mid tarts, and egg meringue for them to criticize! Av. cost per child per school year $96 Variety is Developing should continue to do so if growers UNDER 15 MILL TAX LAW will hold firm or will market through 12. Agricultural haulers must prepare can Legislators ass'n. C. R. White of and file detailed weekly report*, under What's that? The finest cook alive? I know you think T am. 5 mills for schools East Lansing—Several years' work their Wool Ass'ns throughout the oath, <>f all a g r i c u l t u r a l proiucta hauled. the New York Farm Bureau, former But all your female relatives don't think the same as you. Property tax for schools $30,000,000 by State College plant breeders to country. State tax commissioner, represented I'll bet you Kate and Alice May will snicker (while they cram) Primary school fund 16.0d0.000 About the curious heathen tricks old-fashioned women do. develop a good corn that the corn bor- President-Elect Roosevelt as well as $46,000,000 er dislikes is nearing success. A cross $1.17 Wheat in France his State. The Legislators Ass'n will Of yes, you say you'll help me, but how much Maybe turn the freezer crank, and then, I might observe. help are you? To raise $46 to $65 for schools requires in new per child of a South American relative to corn April 8 Radio Program consist of one State senator and one Too Low, Farmers Say State representative from each of the I'nless I keep a-nagging till you're mad right thru and thru. You turn the crank so tarnal slow the cream ain't fit to serve. revenues about Reduction from 1932 25,000,000 25,000,000 with a Michigan strain has been de- Dur o Bureau veloped to the point where the new program o network is States. You say you aint afraid a bit. Well, land, why should you be? Farmers in France aro protesting None of your folks is going to say your barnyard is a mess. GULF STREAM WORLD'S LARGEST corn has yielded 7 bushels more per A. O'Neal The House Ways and Means Com- because their controlled price for mittee in Congress has published a 328 Of well, don't look so mournful. You're only fifty-three, All the great rivers of the earth acre than Duncan, a standard Mich- iieak on I Organization's And we'll make out to fill 'em up, with Mable's help, I guess. wheat has gone down to $1.17 per page report on double taxation by the turned into one channel would not igan variety. The new corn contained program spress. bushel whereas American farmers Federal and States. It is entitled i I s'pose you really ran't be blamed for when your birthday came, equal the tremendous flow of the Gulf 18 borers per 100 plants as against ; will co-operate Since you was rather youthful then and weren't consulted none; And furthermore, your relatives are nice folks just the same, Stream. Its breadth at its narrowest 162 per 100 plants of Duncan when Bureaus and other would be celebrating and lighting "Double Taxation" and may be had So let "em come, and they shall see how entertaining 's done. part is about 50 miles and its depth grown at the Monroe corn borer sta- groups in m broadcast bonfires in every county seat if wheat free by application to your Congress-' man. about 2,000 feet. tion in 1932. availa would go up to thnt point. SA H Kl>AY, APRIL 1. MM TWO K \ IMI > KWS Farmers Cheap Feed Paying Farmer Jarvis Would Repeal More Than Feed Did in '29 All Truck Regulations Legislative f Lansing—Hundreds of dairy- House Bill 368 by Rep. Jarvis of Live Stock Men! Clubs men keeping records in cow testing Berrien county is the opposite of Buy your feeders . . . Finance your purchases . . . Sell Lansing—Farmers Legislative Clubs associations found that their returns House Bill 364, "the railroad bill." them finished . . . Co-operatively all the way . . . I t Pays! Successor to the Michigan Farm organised by many farmers' co-opera- over feed costs under the past win- Re]). Jarvis proposes to repeal all You can send your stock to Detroit or East Buffalo yards and lary J2, l»23 tive ass'ns with the aid of the Michi- ter's conditions were more favorable ,;laws permitting the Michigan public sell it direct, to the packers through the Michigan Live Stock Ex- Kru itter January 12, 1923, at the post- gan State Farm Burma are meeting! than they were in the winter of Utilities Commission to regulate, li- change, which is as near to you as your nearest shipping ass'n or ofn S« the A ' o when hay was quoted at about $25 cense and tax motor busses or trucks. member who is affiliated with us. (Jet the Fl'U, RETURN& on current legislation to their Sena- per ton and grain sold for ov* [Bill 364 would regulate as many as J'uMlshed first Saturday of each month by the Michigan Farm N e w s tors and Representatives. The Clubs per ton. said A. C. Haltzer of the State possible off the highways. Both bills Some 20,000 farmers, belonging to 150 Michigan shipping ass'ns, • >liansintf, 21-271. er. The Clubs report large and in-day paid a good return on the invest- Oakland Bureau on Unjust from range or markets. Our credit corporation and 8$ D. B. money. creasing attendance at their discus- ment, Mr. Baltzer said. E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager sions. • Eighty-eight out of every 100 herds Mortgage Foreclosures Returns to patrons guaranteed by $50,000 bond inoetine U. S. Government requirement* In general, the Clubs support econ- in cow testing ass'ns were fed on al- Pontiac—The Oakland County Farm PRODUCERS fO-OI» ASSW Subscription 50 cents per year; 3 years for $1, in Advance. SIICHIGAX TIVK STOCK EXCH. Vol. XII SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1933 No. 4 omy bills in the Legislature Which falfa hay; 90 out of every 1 <*o herds Bureau has declared for an arbitra- Detroit East Riiffalo, N. Y. would repeal statutory salaries and on test are showing a favorable re- tion committee or other means to appropriations and return those pow- turn over the investment in feed cost, handle unjust mortgage foreclosures ers to the Legislature, boards of sup- said Mr. Haltzer. in Oakland county. The Bureau fav- Farmers See Through the Shannon Committee ervisors and other municipal bodies. ors the Moore bill for deliiiiiuo-.i! tax The American Farm Bureau and the National Grange and leading They favor economy and the 15 mill relief and opposes diversion of high- farmers' co-operative marketing groups have written an open letter to tax limit in a thorough test before en-j Farm Bureau Oil Co. way funds for other purposes than all members of Congress terming that portion of the Shannon Committee Report on "Government Competition with Private Enterprise" which der the Marketing Act and the Farm Board unworkable and to paralyze acting new taxes. They hold that re- lief for delinquent tax payers can be deals with Federal Farm Board operations to be a studied effort to ren- made to finance itself and they object to Senator Moore's Bill (Senate 27) as theIndianapolis—Bec'y Elects Brody, George retiring road bonds. C. L. Brody of Michigan State Farm Bureau has visors has County's Lenawee PROTEST SCHOOL BILL Board of Super- PRICES farmers co-operatives. relieving delinquent tax payers solely protested enactment or' at the expense of those who pay taxes. been re-elected as a director and nam- House Bill 258 to create a county "The Committee's recommendations reveal a distressing bias in favor of a class of private farm products dealers who for generations have assumed that tin. possess some sort of inalienable right to buy as Reports of several meetings: PAW PAW CLUB ed vice-presid'ent of the Farm Bureau board to manage local schools. Oil Company owned by the Michigan, Endorsed all bills repealing statutory Ohio and Indiana Farm Bureaus. Al- Are Rock cheaply as possible from producers, and to sell as dearly as possible to salaries for cpunty and township officers, fred George of B u c h a n a n , d i r e c t o r of consumers, even though producers desire to reserve to themselves the right to form their own handling agencies," the farm groups said. Favors reorganization of pni>ii«- utilities x , . . . commiBBion for economy and new deal Michigan's , ,,, Farm ,_, Bureau for public; favora abolishing securities j Q C W a s e l e c t e d a director of t h e Oil commission and substitution of a fraud _ Services. Solvay Bottom! "The Committee does not recommend abolition of the Farm Board or code to protect public. Opposes Senate Company. 1. H. Hull of the Indiana AGR'L LIMESTONE the Marketing Act. but confines itself to suggestions for rendering them Bill 20 to make auto owner always liable Farm Bureau is president and 1). M. for injury to ;i Ruest passenger, Michigan Producers of unworkable and the co-operatives Impotent. "Four members of the committee are from industrial constituencies DOWAGIAC CLUB Debated Gov. Comstoek's gross income- treasurer. sales tax, Fred Barrett (for) and Charlea Cash of the Ohio Farm Bureau is se< y- The Farm Bureau Oil Company PULVERIZED LIMESTONE Farm Bureau and lacking agricultural information have be-en deceived by traders and Kimmerle tagatatft). Club approved n«>l- LIMESTONE MEAL becfc Bill IHJ principle of relief for delin- serves probably 25,000 Farm Bureau speculators •' * The only committee member appreciating farmers quent problems filed a vigorous minority report. "The committee reviews testimony from a long string of dealer and tax payers. Favors bill repealing members and patrons of co-operative statutory salaries ami appropriations. Knriorsed IMLAY CITY CLUB position ass'ns in the three States with Farm of Conference of Bureau gasoline and lubricating oils Available At Your Nearest Dealer SOLVAY SALES CORP. 7501 W. Jefferson Ave. Garden Seeds 1 si *'"!"'"' ts, but made no effort to secure adequate testimony Michigan Farm Organization in opposing Moore Mill for delinquent tax relief, and and greases. Jan. 31, 1033. the Oil Com- Detroit, Mich. from co-operatives * * * or •else evades summarizing such testimony be- objection to any new tax until 15 mill pany had assets of $!)4,000. yond brief and vague references * * * neglects farm organization testi- tax law and economy liave been tried. first. mony * * * gives much space and emphasis to the opponents. Farm organ- izations were not encouraged to testify * * * when they did, the commit- BURNSIDE CLUB—Lapeer County Opposed Senate Bill 85 to eliminate County Sdhool Board Best varieties for Michigan. State College agricultural extension work. tee majority in its report endeavored to discredit their testimony by Approved House Hill -i'l to authorize Roils Washtenaw Bu. Reliable . . . vigorous and impugning their motives," the l'arm group's letter said. prison commission to manufacture and sell twine. productive. The farm groups believe that Congress will be very slow to accept Mien Shannon Committee recommendations as (1) compelling co-opera- MARCELLUS CLUB Ann Arbor — Washtenatv County Supported Holbeck Bill 98 for rtelin- F a r m B u r e a u - h a s advised its repre- quent tax relief. Opposed sales tax. En- $1,000 tives to deal with members or stockholders only (2) forbidding co-opera- dorsed economy bills approved by Farm sentatives in t h e Legislature that it BUY AT THESE tives to buy supplies (seeds, fe- ds, fertilizers and other goods) for sale to their patrons (3) that Farm Board loans be shut off from co-operatives Organizations Conference. Opposed S e n - ) o n D OSPo :ill 20 regardinp liability of oar owner I ° P I 0 S e to siiest passenger. Hotmt» M o u s e Rill >:>T8 which nro- * " " "™ * n > ™ pro Favored Callaghan vides for county administration of vil- INSURANCE FARM BUREAU STORES Kesolution to limit any county to 25% of I ll aap-ep d. ll uml ] rr un rr aa il qHiools- nnnriqpq Spn* uiil.-s granted to private dealers as well. (Government loans to co-ops wouldn't have come into being had not many local banks been closed to the House in a ^apportionment of the Legislature) * Favors pledges not to sell) ate bill 20, which would make auto BCnooiS, oppose? ben for $5 Lapeer Pmconnmg farmers co-operatives at the instance of hostile private competitors.) hogs dire,-, to MTkera or their agents. . o w n e r s l i a b l e for an injury to a guest LAPEER CLUB On March 24 asked senators Couzens passenger. Tlve Bureau protested Every Six Months Hart Iralay City A Bill to Blind Our Vision and VandenbeiK to support President Senate bill 85 to abolish agr'l exten- Our Paymaster Policy Bay City i.'oosevelt s bill to increase farm p prices, , Main and Henry Sts. V h i h iis Senate S Kill 2'>77 andd H B l sion work and endorsed the work of House Bill Premium guaranteed not to in- Undulant fever is a disease thai has been known for centuries. Cows Washtenaw County Agr'l Agent Os- crease. Accidental death double Saginaw may have it and it may be transmitted in milk or other products to 220 children or adults. In the human family the disease is a prolonged, very ier and County Boys and Girls Club indemnity is available for $1 extra Bristol Street painful and sometimes fatal fever. License Would Cost Agent Hagen. For delinquent rax re- semi-annually. Policy fee is $5. Lansing In 1932 the bacteriology department of the Michigan State College Produce Trucker $250 lief the Bureau supported the princi- ples of the Holberk bill (House 98). This sound, legal reserve insur- ance meets the needs of small in. 227 E:. Shiawassee St. gave the world an effective treatment for the disease. Prior to that there Lansing—Every wholesale dealer in comes; fits In with any insurance was no remedy for it. The Michigan State College has also perfected perishable produce would be required YOUR NAME ON 30 FIRST CLASS program; is available to a select CALLING CARDS FOR 25c tests wheroby the presence of the disease can be detected In animals. to pay an annual license fee of $250 Postpaid. Send for sample. J. MacLean, class. Let our local agent tell you about it. Seflate Bill No. «Sf» in the Michigan Legislature, offered' by Senator and post a bond of $1,000 that he 20 Eagle St., Rochester, N. Y. Palmer of Flint, would abolish the Slate College agricultural extension would comply with the regulations of PAYMASTER PAYS A T DEATH work at the College and out in the Shite, out of which have come many the State Dep't of agriculture as pro- A g e Amt. A g e Amt. Age Amt. discoveries regarding live stock, crops and fruit-which are important to vided if House Bill 289 by Rep. Hart- it; $1,000 20 $1,000 36 51,000 17 1,000 27 1,000 all citizens. Senator 1'almer proposes his bill in the name of economy. man becomes law. 37 1,000 The type of economy represented by Senate Bill 8!> would leave us House Bill 289 includes the truck to the mercy of importers of winter-killing clover and alfalfa seeds for buyer of fruits, berries, vegetables, NATIONAL 18 IS 20 1,000 1,000 1,000 28 20 SO 3,000 1,000 1,000 88 39 40 1 000 1,000 1,000 I lack of information regarding them; would ignore the presence and melons and other products probable spread of diseases in live stock, crops and fruits, etc. If farmers sale from a fixed place of business or -for HOUSE-LIGHTING •V for later CARBIDE m 21 22 23 24 1,000 1,000 ],ooo 1,000 31 32 33 ::-t 1,000 1,000 1,0011 1,0111) 41 42 4:; 44 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,0110 want to be stripped of the agricultural extension service, there are those from carts, wagons, trucks, or rail- 1,000 n 1,000 45 1,000 who would gladly vote to do away with it. They represent those who way cars to retail dealers as a whole- ' COOKING AND Ai prefer their farmers without too much information. If you want to sale dealer in such products. IRONING keep the agricultural ex,elision service it's a" good idea to write your Each wholesale dealer in perishable A g e Amt. Age Amt. A g e Amt. Senator and Representative a letter. products will be obliged to state to the Dep't his financial responsibility, BUY with Confidence! 4ij $ 962 f>6 $ 515 (it; % 224 47 904 57 4XU 193 48 856 r,s 447 B8 162 tiis place of business or where he pro- USE with Confidence! Co-op Creamery Makes State College Gives poses to sell perishables. His bond 49 r6>ot 808 7r>y r.9 60 414 B9 70 tsi 100 7 Tons of Butter Daily World Best Fly Spray be shall run to the State of Michigan and RECOMMEND with Ti2 712 666 (il •12 ::27 After for the benefit of persons from IN .V! C27 63 302 A j re 70 r.4 64 Constantine — The farmer-owned East Lansing—Oil extracts of pyre- whom sales or purchases of perish- Confidence! 65 639 652 66 278 256 $100 creamery here, near the Indiana state thrum, a certainflyand mosquito kill- ables are made. Perishable produce line, is the largest of its kind east of er developed by the State College En- shall be subject to inspection by the FARM BUREAU SERVICES STATE FARM LIFE the Rooky Mountains. tomology Dep't during the War, hasDep't pt Agriculture at any time. Lansing, Michigan Bloomington, III The Coustantine Co-operative Cream- come into world wide use as a cheap Failure to observe regulations pro- ery made -t,4;t5,970 pounds of butter and easily applied insecticide. Any vided to insure clean and healthful last year. It was an increase of 1,-person in Michigan or the United produce 009,729 pounds over the previous year. States is free to use the original alties are provided for violation of The average daily make of butter was formula and prepare from pyrethrum the Act. If enacted, the Act is effec- shall forfeit the license. Pen- or see your local Farm Bureau Distributor MICH. State Agent STATE FARM BUREAU Lansing, Mich. EMERGENCIES 14,127 pounds. powder and kerosene or other recom- tive July 1. 1933. It serves approximately 4,000 pat-mended oils aflyspray as effective as rons in northern Indiana and southern any sold anywhere. Michigan. An average net price of BUY FUTURE HERD SIRES NOW 21.19 cents per pound was received by Holstein-Friesian its patrons during 1932. No special Protect your family against the old- refunds are made annually by this time spring rheumatism by including farmer-owned creamery as is thesome raw fruit or vegetable in the They are attractively priced. Sired Bull Calves WOOL GROWERS! such as fire, accident or sudden Wool buyer* consider your wool a good investment at prices slight- custom of many other creameries. diet every day, and canned tomatoes by Korndyke Lad Mooie Ormsby ly above or below OUR ADVANCE. They buy for or sell to the eastern The highest possible price is paid two or three times each week. No. 475021, a wonderful Ormsby bull who combines closely blood of woolen mills. Why not market your wool through the grower's asso- monthly for cream, .ess actual cost of Ormsby Korndyke Lad and Sir ciation and OWN THE INVESTMENT FOR YOURSELF? operating the plant. The total volume of business transacted in 1!K>2 was PLAINVIEW CHICKS Pietertje Ormsby Mercedes 37th. Also offering Bred and Open Heif- ers, Heifer Calves and choice cows. We are now receiving wool for our 15th season. We enable mem- sickness, just one telephone call $880,000. Write for attractive bers to sell graded wool direct to the mills. With 26 other State High production White Leghorns. prices and photos. Wool Growers As.s'ns, we are affiliated wkh the National Wool .Mar- Since it was established 19 years Sired by R. O. P. Cockerels. R. keting Corporation of Boston, recognised by and assisted by the ago, c. A. ftrody, manager and secre- O. P. Breeder. Michigan Accredited. The RAYCLARE Herd Federal Farm Board. tary, has witnessed a growth from 148 Grand Rapids patrons the first year to more than P L A I N V I E W POULTRY R-9 FARM Michigan Manchester, R-l Mich. We will make a cash advance on your wool, provide safe storage for assistance may be worth 4.1100 at this time. Approximately and insurance. We grade it and sell by grade, which affords the best lOO.tfOO pounds of butter were made return the market can give. the first year. DIRECTIONS The creamery is a unit member of the Midwest Producers Creameries, Prospective members should write fpr our Wool Marketing Con- more to you than the cost of Inc., recently organized under the tract which is a farmer contract, clearly and plainly stated and reason- sponsorship of the Indiana Farm Bur- eau with nine creamery units serving $1,233,384.59 able. On return of signed contract, we will ship wool ^acks (capacity about 200 lbs.) and shipping tags. patrons in all Sections of the state. Association members may draw their wool to our Lansing ware- •r costs in the production of a Surplus Protects Our Policyholders house, 728 E. Shiawassee St.. any week day; open from 7:00ft.m. to your telephone for a lifetime. higher grade of uniform butter, creat- 5:00 p. m. They may ship by rail or truck collect, Wool is weighed ing better returns for the prodw State Farm Mutual policyholders own one of the strongest on delivery; wool sacks weigh 4 lbs. and are deducted. Cash advance resulting from the movement. on net weight of wool, made at once. Inbound freight, if any, is paid Automobile Insurance Companies in the world, bar none. from cash advance. Also, nominal Wool Marketing Ass'n member- Dec. 21,1932, the Company reported to State Insurance Dep 'ts ship of $1.00 per year. Some Marry for Dole that after ALL liabilities against its $7,026,042.24 in assets The wool pool cannot guarantee any certain profit, nor a cer- ' tain final settlement date. Market conditions control that. Melbourne. Australia—Mania had been allowed, the Company still had for the further pro- Generally, the pool has made money fqr its members. Pool advance is subject to change, according to market conditions. reported on the increase in Australia tection of its policyholders a surplus of $1,233,384.59. because of the dole, but the birth rale has declined sharply. Many unem- ployed couples many because the dole allowances for married person Included in the above liabilities was a reserve of $1,150,000.00 to provide for any unforseen contingency, including change in value of securities held by the company. No bond held Mail This Coupon Now Mich. Co-op Wool Marketing Ass'n, 221 No. Cedar St., Lansing. by the Company is in default as to principal payments or hlRher than the rate allowed a single interest. man or a single woman. Please send me a V.r.Y.\ Wool Marketing Contract. You to furnish In Michigan and elsewhere in thv sacks for shipping wool at your direction. city welfare organiza- We have more than 500,000 policyholders and 7,000 agent* in 30 states in this national Legal Reserve Company. aid to single niea and single women. Numerous in- stances have where Let our local agent explain our policy to you. I expect to have about lbs. of wool. MICHIGAN BELL NAME BtfCh individuals have com • back mar- and are thus eligible for food, STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE CO. TELEPHONE CO. • mi shelter relief. Bloomington, 111. ADDRESS R. F. D MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU, State Agent—Lansing S ork's uaknowa in China. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, MICHIGAN FARM \ E W S THRtl! Prevent colds by building up a re- SiiIt moistened with vinegar will sistjux'p against ilieni by eating remove burnt marks from enaflM foods rich, in vitamin A, such as saucepans and dishes, but the> HOW IS IT THAT ful of all the changes and* inwardly Craftsmen Would Exchange she rebels against unjust practices that have inflicted these conditions Work for Farm Produce •milk, cream, butter, cheese, leafy should vegetables, 6g«S and eodliver oil*. be soaked in cold sod j water for a few hours first. WOMEN STAND THE ion her family, but her lot i* to tide Lansing'—The Unemployed Citizens •that family over until better days do League of 411 East Shiawassee St.. FRANCE AGR'L PRODUCTS DAY OLD and STARTED CHICKS DEPRESSION BEST? come. Lansing, advises fanners that it lias The secret of the whole thing is skilled men in many lines who would timi n woman keepa busy. Follow h e r AGSTONE MEAL HI-CALCIUM HYDRATED LIME PULLORUM TESTED AND BRED FOR Mrs. Wagar Has a Common through a day and see if night will be glad to exchange their services with farmers for produce or on other PRODUCTION Sense Answer to not demand a. restful sleep. She goes satisfactory arrangements. The list PULVERIZED LIMESTONE SPRAYING LIME Rocks — Leghorns — R. I. Reds — Wyandottes from room to room picking, up here, includes painters, decorators, paper Strong-, Vigorous, Selected—100', Live Delivery The Question making a bed there, sewina, a seam hangers, plumbers, electricians, auto- AGRICULTURAL HYDRATED LIME Write now, pressing a garment then, beating mobile repairmen, sign painters, CAPITAL KEYSTONE HATCHERY LANSING, MICHIGAN By EDITH M. WACAR a batter, or churning the butter. Even farmers, and many others. The See your Dealer, Co-op, or Farm Bureau A man remarked to me the other when old age comes she does not give day that he had noticed women going up work. Retired life never meant League invites questions that may re- Dealer for FRANCE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS sult in a trade. Write H. P. Aitken, 100% Blood Tested CHICKS E\'i'vy chlok rrom GREAT NORTHERN is from 100% P.lnod Tasted Stock. Our jnen and he wondered why. through the depression with hetter "nothing to do" for a woman. spirit than is usually found among the How unfortunate it is that men do secretary. not adapt themselves to surroundings THE FRANCE STONE CO. It would be almost impossible to as they find them when, circumstances Farm Board Will Continue f l o c k s w e r e 1>]<"-'H1 t e s t e d f o r l>um;i Guaranteed large healthy chirks. F*or Bhipitvents up to .May 22: 4610 East Nevada Avenue, \ S. C. English White Leghorns Anconas, Heavy Mixed make him see, for very few men truly such as we are passing through com- Marketing Loans to Co-ops Detroit, Michigan S. C. English White Leghorns, Anconas, Heavy Mixed (A-1 Broilers 6c each understand a woman's life. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Rhode Island Reds 7c each pel radical changes. There's always or — THE FRANCE STONE CO., Toledo, Ohio Light Mixed 6c each In the first place, her share of the "tinkering" to be done; there's many Chairman Morgenthau of the Fede- We guarantee 100% live, safe arrival. Postpaid. Can make work and responsibility such that her a hanging board or a Wigging shipments C. O. D. any date you desire. No money down. ral Farm Board reports a merchan- P U L L E T S : 4 wks. 30c—5 wks. 34c—6 wks. 38c—8 wks. 45c. life is not shaped around material waiting* for a hammer in a willing dising loan of $10o,ti0i) to the Mary- GREAT NORTHERN; HATCHERY Jasper Bos, Prop. ZKKLAM), MICH. things. She has undertaken the part hand; there's odd jobs around every land Tobacco Growers' Association of homemaking with its endless tasks, home that if once granted a man's at- and one of $200,000 to the Co-operative and the social activities of her family. tention would help him over the un-Grange League Federation Exchange Her everyday life is one continuous settled times. They may not be mon- of New York. The tobacco co-opera- For Better Fruit routine of tasks never finished. She ey making jobs, but th,ey reflect a tive will use the money in making ad- spends hours each day in preparing pride in home and when brighter days vances to its members on the crop. meals that are eaten in 30 minutes. appear all will be better fitted to Money loaned to the New York co-op- PROTECT Protection . . . She has little material to show for it except a lot of dirty dishes. She washes the dishes only to have to re- and depleted fortunes. "buckle in" and make up for lost time erative will make possible cash ad- vances to 30,000 farmers who deliver beans, hay, eggs, buckwheat, etc., to THEIR LIVES AND YOUR INVESTMENT WITH peat the job in a few hours. She the co-op for marketing. GRASSELLI cleans the house, but knows full well that she can do the same tomorrow. Editor: Reminds Mr. Hart NOPCO X She cannot point to any completed According to the Grand Rapids Michigan Leads Many SPRAY task at the end of the week that Press Congressman M. J. Hart of Mich- stands visible for inspection or that igan says that the new Farm Bill is For Electrified Farms CHICK-REARING is a six months' in- can be registered in a bank account. 'socialistic" and "vicious". vestment. And your returns depend upon a n d DUST Her reward has always been the More than 3<;,r>00 or Vk.6% of Mich- The new farm bill may not be quite igan farms have electrical power the number and quality of pullets you will have next fall. That's where Nopco X will help you by affording vitamin protection worth many times its contentment that surrounds a home; ideal, but Congressman Hart should from power companies. In 1926 the cost. For Nopco X costs pennies where chicks and feed cost dollars. And PRODUCTS her life's work has been'to mold char- not forget that banking bills recently power companies had r»,800 farm cus- acter rather than build fortunes and passed in Washington and by many tomers or 4% of the total. Michigan yet Nopco X in the mash is the "spark plug" that makes things "click" . . . makes the entire ration more effective for chick growth . . . gives the chicks health, vigor, and the power to utilize feeds efficiently for growth. Preferred by successful fruit growers the morale of the family usually re- States are drastic and even radical, has a greater percentage of its farms flects how well she has performed but tb^ey were absolutely necessary to electrified than any State between the AN ESSENTIAL INGREDIENT FOR POULTRY MASHES because they are manufactured under her job. protect the public from the greed and AlUghenies and the Rocky mountains. Nopco X is the "mighty fraction" in of the American Medical Associa- graft of some financial interests. any mash. Only 5 lbs. in a ton of tion. Nopco X is also rich in Vita- definite chemical control, thus insuring When misfortune comes, her job is all mash starter is required to pro- min A. It's safer to use than straight, all the more important. She has no Mr. Hart should also know that it Opposes Moore Bill vide Vitamin D protection which unfortified cod liver or fish oils. . . uniformity. reason to sit around waiting for op- is just as imperative that we have a may easily be worth 25% of the more dependable . . . provides more portunity to come in sight, but rather farm bill to protect the public and Temperance—Banner Oak School P. value of the feed. than the minimum Vitamin D re- GRASSELLI GRADE her job is enlarged. Three meals farmers from the speculator in farm T. A. has advised Monroe county's Nopco X is natural cod liver oil quirement . . . costs less per ton of Arsenate of Lead Powder Monohydrated Copper Senator and Representative tbut it Vitamin D concentrated and stand- feed. NOPCO X Calcium Arsenate Powder Sulphate must be prepared as before and thecommodities. supply has been limited; standards of The old line of grain dealers and opposes Moore Bill for delinquent tax ardized by the patented Columbia If you mix your own mash, use Bordeaux Mixture Powder Casein Spreader University process (1,678,454). The Nopco X. Write us if your dealer Lime Sulphur Solution Sulphate of Nicotine cleanliness must be preserved even if speculators did their darndest to make and favors the Holbeck Dill principles, Vitamin D concentrate in Nopco X cannot supply you. Dry Lime Sulphur Sulforon the number of garments have been our Farm Board a failure. They and urges the repeal of lawa fixing is the same as is used in the produc- NOPCO XX KleenupPil Flake Zinc Sulphate lessened; there's the saving of all the blamed it for being the cause of low State and lo^al salaries and appro- tion of foods for human consumption If you use a ready-mixed mash be DUTOX—Our Non-Arsenical Insecticide odd bits; there's the making over and wheat prices in the United States priations. which have been accepted and ap- sure it contains Nopco XX which the extra planning; there's the great- while they knew better. proved by the Committee on Foods carries twice the potency of Nopco X THE GRASSELLI CHEMICAL COMPANY er need of keeping the family morale An unknown Colorado youth was NOPCO COD LIVER OIL IS USED IN FARM BUREAU MASHES. Incorporated The new deal has started and things 629 Euclid Ave Cleveland, Ohio on the usual high balance. She has are moving fast. More than one old carried 1.0Q0 feet by a landslide and NATIONAL OIL PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. 1530 E. Hancock Ave Detroit, Mich. no time for moping, no time for idle time worn system will crumble. didn't land in Congress. Boston Chicago San Francisco Kansas City Executive Office: 5 2 Essex St., Harrison, N. J. 2101 Canalport Ave Chicago, Illinois 9 regrets. Theodore Hengel. The disappointments and the lack Fowler, Mich. of funds may have doubled her work, March 24, 1933. but she has no thought of lying down farm Bureau Pence on the job, it's hers to do and she The Empire-State building is th£ usually does it. She is not unmind- tallest man-made object in the world. These Four Make a Market made of Classified Ads !• Producer and Livestock Market Copper Bearing Classified advertisements are cash with order at the following rates: 4 cents per word for one edition. Ads to appear in two or more editions take the rate of 3 cents per word per edition. I Steel POULTRY FARM MACHINERY I CAN GET CASH FOR THEM A L L A N Y T I M E lasts longer BABY CHICKS 210 PULLETS AVERAGE 243.7 EGGS. and Milkers. A few rebuilt machines at That is the record made at Town Line bargain prices. Write SHARPLBS SALK3 SEPARATORS AND MILKERS—DRAS- tic reduction and 24 hours service «>n all repairs and parts for Sharpies Separators // The use of copper-bearing steel in Poultry Farm under Michigan Record of & SERVICE CO., Wesi Pa. Performance. We offer chicks with these ^ the manufacture of Farm Bureau (4lltr0p) bloodlines at ordinary prices. Ev.©ry Fence adds many years to its life. chick Michigan Accredited. Single Comb With a copper content of not less than White Leghorns and Barred Kocks. Bred FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS to lay large numbers of large eggs. Write .20%, this steel is remarkably resist- for free Catalog today. Town Line Poul- ant to atmospheric corrosion. It has try Farm, A Record of Performance LATE MODEL T-6 REO SEDAN. On Western ranges and in Mid-West feed lots, lambs, hogs and beef cattle Breeding Farm, K-l, Box N. Zealand, Low mileage, excellent shape. Forced t>> from two to three times the corrosion Michigan, (2-14-tf-68bA) sell, c a s h only. See Rouse Insurance. mature daily. Once finished and ready, any delay in their sale would mean resistance of ordinary steel. In addi- Lansing. (4-l-lt-18b) tion, the wire is protected against LAKEVIEW CHICKS FROM 100% loss to the producers. Through Swift & Company's daily nation-wide market- bloodtested stor-k. Winners at Michigan, rust by a heavy zinc coating that does Kansas, and Iowa shows since f928. WATERPROOF TRUCK COVERS— not crack, flake or peel. Many sweepstake prjjtes. Michigan Ac- Cet our prices. Buy direct. Save half. ing service, the products from these animals are always salable. The grower credited Leghorns, Barred and White Hoosier Tarpaulin Co., Dept. 26, Indian- The use of Farm Bureau Fence pays Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes. Also assorted apolis, Indiana. (S-4-2t-17b) sells them and is paid spot cash. chicks. Pedigreed males out of K. O. P. —not only because this fence, made of hens with records of 200 to 310 head star THIRTY IMPORTED STEEL SAFETY strong, full-gauge, copper-bearing steel matlngs. Free catalog. Low prices. blades $1.00. Ideal Importing, 1C2 West Lakeview Poultry Farm, Bon. d6, Holland, Newton, Boston, Mass. &-4-2t-13p) wire, lasts far longer, but because it Mich. (3-4tf-68b) affords better, more dependable pro- tection for livestock and crops. BLOODTESTED MICHIGAN ACCRED- MICHIGAN SEPTIC TANK SIPHON ited chicks. 1". day Livibility Guarantee. and bell as recommended by State Col- White Leghorns, Barred or White Rocks, lage Agr'l Engineering dep't. Build your 2. Swift & Company II. 1. Reds. Ask for pullet prices. Get own septic tank and sewage system. In- five catalog. Write American Chick stall when tanfc is built. Installation and FARM BUREAU SERVICES, Inc. Farm, Box 2~>, ZeeJand, Michigan, operation simple. Discharges automati- (12-10-TtMy-:Mh) cally. Have been sold 16 years. All in Lansing, Michigan daily use and giving" satisfaction. In- LIVE STOCK structions with each siphon. $7.00 de- livered. Farm Bureau Supply Store, 728 S. Shiawassee St., Lansing. (3-4-tf-6Oh) REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS. "Repeater", "Woodford." and ' P a n a m a " — blood lines. Prided $25 to $7">. Formerly WANTED— TO RENT $l(io. A . M. Todd Company, Mentha, Michigan (14 miles northwest from Kahi- WANT TO RENT FURNISHED FARM masooj World's largest mint farm. on shares. Experienced with stock, poul- (2-4-6t-29b) try and fruit. Good dairyman. Fair car- Swift & Company has to sell quickly, mostly as meat, the animals it buys penter and ran beep farm tools in good SEEDS AND PLANTS condition. G. A. Hewitt, Lake City, K-:. daily. First, meat is perishable and would lose its value if not passed into Mich. (4-1) BETTER PLANTS, DELIVERY PRE- .retailers' hands promptly. Second, coolers must be cleared for new supplies paid. Premium strawberries %'.\.1^ thous- WANTED—TO RENT COMPLETELY and. Dnnlop $2.75. Dollar packages 200 furnished farm, about 120-lfiO acres with 'oming in. Otherwise, producers would have to hold their livestock and strawberries or 20 grapes or 50 asparagus. 10 or 12 cows. Three men to work the farm. Work on thirds. Can furnish good All three $2.60. Half each $l.r>0. Root references. Don Cannon, BOO Filley St., watch them lucome less valuable. & Son, Paw Paw, Mich. (:-4-2t-31p) Lansing, Mich. t4-l-lt> GARDEN SEEDS—WRITE FARM ~7tre always greener ' Bureau Supply Store, 72S Eaii Shiawas- WANTED—FARM WORK see street, Lansing, for price list on its high quality adapted, true-to-name, THEY'RE CHEAPER guaranteed garden seeds. SPARTAN BARLEY — CERTIFIED farm (3-4-tf-26b) WORK BY YEAR OR MONTH. MAR- ried man, :!5, one child. Dairy and stock experience. 9 years same farm. 3. Retailer « Consumer Purity 99.1%. Germination 90%. C3233- Need tenant hi s Hopkins, sin 508 at 50c per bu. Bangh&rt St., Lansing, Michigan. (4-1-It) E C O N O M I C conditions call for GOtiDEN GLOW COR^T—CERTIFIED HIGH-TEST the replacement of grain crop lands with pastures and meadows. Bred througb the ear to row .system. MARRIED MAN, 47, WITH BOYS 16 Will improve your yield 10 to 15 bus'hels a n d 17. w a n t s farm work by month or HI- acre. Remember, we select the finest year. S t a r t immediately a t t e r April 1. CERTAINLY MADAM I BUY ALL f l Y MEAT FROM KENTUCKY K e n t u c k y Blue Grass of the finest quality is now available direct ars from standing corn for seed pur- Have a l w a y s farmed. toses. Our price $1.50 per bushel. Shell- runna, Mich. d and graded. MAPLE LEAP SEED FA KM. Ralph G. Prompt shipments. FARM WORK BY MONTH OR YEAR. Ralph Root, Co- (4-1) BLUE GRASS from p r o d u c e r to consumer, with important savings reflected to you in ollin. Piop., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Phone General or dairy farm. .Married man, 42; StO-F-4. REGALE LILY BULBS—12 LARGE (4-l-2t-67p) boys I:', and IS. Good with horses, slock. Can blacksmith. Lumbering experience. Thirty years farm experience. 11. A. at Lowest Prices in 30 Years the purchase price. jloomtng size bulbs of the beautiful hardy Stafford, 522 So. Magnolia St., Lansing Fleg&le Lily. Postpaid for $1.10. Blooms Mich. (4-n Buy Blue Grass By Weight and avoid substitution of lighter, inferior seed ast of June. li. o. Mallett, BreedsviUe, which frequently occurs when you order by brand or description. Michigan. (4-i-it-s) SINGLE MAN. 27, EXPERIENCED O n c e " d r e s s e d " , m e a t c a n n o t b e w i t h h e l d from t h e c o n s u m e r . ll<- c a n n o t Im farm help wants work by month. Clar- A l l our offerings of Kentucky Blue Grass are made by weight per bushel. ence Hazel ton, 1337 Emerson street, Lan- compelled to buy it; he insist be persuaded. The price of meat is, uiul al BEEKEEPER'S SUPPLIES sing, Mich. * (4-1) For ordinary use we recormnend seed weighing 19 to 21 pounds to the bushel. Select your weight and order direct from this advertisement BEE HIVES, SECTIONS COMB FOUN- STOCK AND DAIRYMAN, EXPERI- \as been, the highest which the consumer will. }m\, through his retailer, and lation, etc. outfits for beginners. Send enced, married, ?.l. General Farm hand. "or catalog. GRAFTING WAX for Or- Extra good milker. Can handle tractor absorb the entire supply of each kin, pood baker, cook, l''«rm«T« National (irain Carponrttoa, (Seod Division) Send for price list. BERRY BASKETS housekeeper. Can sew by hand or sew- Fisher Bldg., Chieam, III. \NU CRATES, send for prices. M. H. ing machine. No children. Work wanted Swift & Company's receipts from meat and byproducts must pay for the live- Gentlemen: I nrloscd find [Mishit money order for $ Skip IBB at oaoe HUNT & S o x , 511 No. Cedar St., Lan- with room and board. Wages $26 for via Freight ( ) Kxpr.-ss ( ) Paret'l l'ost ( ). sing, Michigan. (S-4-tf43bA) both par month. Best farm references. IVr Lb. F.O.H. LOM lhan bag lot* l>. Crotty, 1201 Alsdorf St., Lansing, stock and the costs of handling them. Handling efficii ncy is high and coats low. Michigan. (3-4-lt) C,rm]f No. Bag! N o . Chic-ago or l - a r e i n g ' , JTr^il2™pltunda on. Address ion. These services are of an important or year by single young man. Experienced. (Print) (Print) lature, financially and otherwise, some Reference*. Write Howard llazeltou, 1387 and Bacon, Swift's Brookfield Butter and Eggsaty] many other qualify prodi H. H. Shipping Station >f which are LOSS \ OVERCHARGES, Emerson St., Lansing, Michigan, or call Slate Ivestock injured and killed on railroads 21533. . (4-1) t Print) (Print) 3BF and highways and, damages resulting rom tires set by locomotives. Legal ad- MATURE. MARRIED MAN WITH .'ice on power, pipe and telephone lines family, experienced farmer wants work FARMERS NATIONAL GRAIN CORPORATION SEED DIVISION ind rail and motor truck transportation. on general or dairy farm. Clarence Plow- \V«- conducted this work for many years man, St. Johns, R.-2, Mich. 'Bit the Michigan State Farm Bureau. A. (4-1) Swift & Company \ MILLS, MICHIGAN LIVESTOCK EX- SINGLE MAN, 19. WORK ON GEN- Purveyors of Jiiw foods National Sales Agents for Kentucky Bluegrass .N>«i Prtuiiuers eral farm. Experienced help. Kenneth i , HUDSON, MICHIGAN. DeVoe, 1202 Allen St.. Lansing, Mich. FISHER BUILDING CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (4-l-tf-96b) FOTTR M I C H I G A N FARM 515W9 SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 19S.1 2 ACRES ALFALFA NEEDED PER COW; AV. LESS THAN 1 Farm Alfalfa and Clover Seed! Alfalfa Has Proved Itself to Bureau Be Cheapest Source Of Protein Save by Sowing Less of these High Quality Seeds per Acre A study of 3,500 cows in Michigan Dairy Herd Improvement Ass'ns shows that those fed alfalfa hay pro- duced more milk at a grain cost of $14 less per cow per year than cows fed mixed hay or timothy, said E. L. One Pound of Farm Bureau Alfalfa or Red Clover contains enough seeds (225,000 to 274,000) to place at least 5 seeds per square foot on 1 acre. ALFALFA THE CHEAPEST PROTEIN Anthony, State College professor of dairying, in the Michigan Farm News We hope prices have hit bottom and are turning up. Alfalfa planted this spring will in May, 1932. pay. Dairy cows depending on alfalfa this winter for the bulk of their protein paid the For years alfalfa has proved itself best return over feed cost. Alfalfa will pay handsomely on any rise in prices. Farm in lie the cheapest source of protein for live stock and in milk production. Bureau Alfalfa Seed is sure and goes furthest. Prepare seed bed thoroughly. If soil According to Prof. Anthony, it has is acid, lime as far ahead of seeding as possible. We recommend: long been recognized that good dairy farm practice calls for at least one of alfalfa for hay and another Certified HARDIGAN and GRIMM of alfalfa or sweet clover for Michigan's highest yielding and highest quality hay. Sow 7 to 8 lbs. pasture for each dairy cow in milk. per acre. It's eligible for c ertified seed production. .Michigan has been gaining steadily in alfalfa mi today only one- MONTANA GRIMM third of our dairy farmers grow) enough alfalfa for their needs. UTAH-MONTANA Common In Vr.Vl the average total yield of alfalfa in Michigan was 1.85 tons per These hardy, highly productive western grown varieties are among the best for Michigan. acre. The 10 year average is 1.65 tons Sow 9 to 10 lbs. per acre of the Grimm. 10 to 12 lbs. per acre of the common. per acre. The Farm News presents U. S. Cen- Farm Bureau Seed for Enduring, Heavy Yielding Stands CLOVERS sus figures gathered April 1, 1930, June Clover, Alsike,- Mammoth, and Sweet Clovers which show the number of dairy cows Mammoth, very cheap for plowing under. Sweet Clover, very low cost Legume forage. and acres of alfalfa in 55 .Michigan ((unities and how much alfalfa acreage CLOVER SEED! Hubam — luxuriant annual sweet clover they have p«T dairy COW. High test, thoroughly cleaned, heavy yielding. The best "•Acres clover seed Michigan grows. , COUNTY Cows for Acres Alf. per ALL VERY HIGH GERMINATING STOCK Dairy Alf. Cow HUSKING and ENSILAGE CORN Allesnn 11,032 .5 Antrim 10,51? 2.0 JUNE CLOVER Certified M. A. C, Picketts, Golden Glow, Polar Dent and Clements Arenac 891 .1 White Cap. Uncertified Farm Bureau Yellow Dent Husking Corn. 12,211 1.1 The old reliable hay and cash crop for seed. Barry 11,653 2,672 .3 Ensilage Corn: Farm Bureau Yellow Ensilage, White Behzie K..1-S 2.273 1,878 .9 MAMMOTH Cap, Red Cob, Learning, Eureka, Sweepstakes n 13,003 s n i r, Cheap and abundant humus to plow under—Improve* heavy 10,4.08 soils—The best humus crop for soils somewhat acid. These varieties will grow and mature in those sections of Michigan Branch 12,«17 10,081 .7 for which they are intended. Guaranteed high, vigorous germina- Calhoun 12,979 13,488 1.8 tion. Field selected, dried, shelled and graded by corn specialists. 8,938 2.(1 Charlevolx Clinton 8,948 .6 SWEET CLOVER CERTIFIED RORUST REANS ."> ' For Low Cost Pasture—For Roughage Hay Crop— Baton 16,047 10,489 .t; For Green Manure—For Seed. Also light and dark red kidney beans 18,484 9,146 1.6 Or Traverse 8,716 ,8 OATS and RARLEY Gratiol llillschile 14,996 16.891 9,619 I.I .-1 Plant Farm Bureau seed and KNOW you'll have a thick, hardy Certified Wolverine oats and certified Markton oats (new and rust resistant) for light soils 10,744 .s Huron Ingham 13,480 •;,i!iT .1 stand to produce bumper crops of quality hay. These plants resist and Worthy oats (heavy soils), are Michigan's best and heaviest yielding oats. Certified 6,734 Spartan barley generally outyields other varieties 3 to 10 bushels per acre. Jonia Isabella 1 1.909 11,917 21,798 1.4 1.7 diseases and winter-killing. Jackson » 10,596 KENTUCKY RLUE GRASS Kalamaaoo 8,904 .4 Farm Bureau clover seeds are northern grown, winter hardy, Our cheapest permanent pasture! Now's the time to make the cheapest possible good per- Kent 23,107 •T ::^,::i 1 11,994 I.S high germinating, weed free. Seed ranks first in making a crop. manent pasture out of fields that may be idle if President Roosevelt's farm prices legislation Leelanau is enacted. It's good pasture anyway. We offer 19, 21 and 23 lb. stock, priced, right. Livingston Maeomb 12,166 Lis.712 lT •1,9% 2,586 The best goes furthest—requires less seed per acre—and produces Manlstae Mason 4,467 7,831 4,784 t;,:,4r> more. Farm Bureau seed is priced right- See your co-op or Farm TIMOTHY SUDAN GRASS MILLETS ta 6,218 FIELD PEAS SOY REANS VETCH M, iK.minee .\l idliind 11,948 2,331 8,218 Bureau dealer. ukee 17,192 Monroe 18.091 6,045 BEWARE OF CLOVER SEED LIKE THIS FARM BUREAU SEED GUARANTEE Montcalm 14,781 1,657 • •^on 7,071 6,161 We saw some highly advertised "bargain clover seed" The Farm Bureau Services, Inc., of Lansing guaran- Newasvo 11,642 l::,2.1" For Farm Bureau ALFALFA SEED Oakland I * ,803 4,77i; tested. The germination was 42 %! TWO bushels of tees to the farmer to the full purchase price of its seed Ogeman na 7,560 2,966 it wouldn't equal one of Farm Bureau and they cost —see your local distributor the vitality, description, origin and purity to be as de- 3,792 ola 1,688 L'.OIS 3,148 1.2 .16 more. It was peppered with weed seeds. Know your of Farm Bureau Seeds scribed on the analysis tag on sealed Farm Bureau bag. Ottawa 8,769 .-5 .2 seed and save your money. Saginair 24,269 2u,4S4 si. Clalr 19,213 2.0 st. Joseph .:: .4 FERTILIZER RETURNS Hnnilac 6,731 Khi;i\\ Van Buren • la 14,166 20,004 11,788 12,S6!) it;,117 21,01a 1.4 1,8 ,8 "IT W A S EASY TO SEE,— Waahtenaw Wayne Wexford 55 COUNTIES 17,288 13,647 5,918 806,201 4,869 524,657 .:: 1.6 .65 The Mertnash Chicks Were Better!1» $2 or More for Each $1 Invested John W. Sims, Michigan fertilizer authority formerly with To test a material for fastness to " I put 5,600 chicks under brooders this year. 2,500 were State College, tells us that farmers should get a return of $2 rain or water spots, sprinkle a or more in increased yields for every $1 invested in fertilizer. sample of cloth with water and let Barred Rocks. The balance were Leghorns. Our success with He quotes 344 Michigan farmers reporting an average it dry without brushing off. If the Mermash 16% was simply wonderful. We had few losses. extra return of $5.05 for each dollar of fertilizer invested in cloth spots it will have to be spong- corn in 1929. Corn was high; so was fertilizer. They aver- ed before making up. The chicks grew rapidly and feathered over the back early. aged $4.63 extra return for each $1 invested in fertilizing "We tried part of them on another well advertised mash. potatoes. Crop prices are much lower than in 1929, and ferti- They did fairly well, but it was easy to see that the Mermash lizer prices are also lower. FARM NEWS PATTERNS chicks were larger and better and we put them all on Mer- . FOR BEETS and SPRING GRAINS 15c each, Postage Prepaid mash. I hope you may continue to supply us with quality Farm Bureau fertilizers contain the highest quality nitro- gen, phosphorus and potash—all quickly available. The nitro- feeds at such fair prices." gen is 9 5 ^ immediately available to start plants quickly. So wrote L. Van Wezel of Holland, R-6, of his 1932 experi- You'll find our fertilizers in perfect mechanical con- ence with Mermash 16',;—our superior dry mash chick starter, dition. Extra dry and easy to regulate in the drill. Use growing ration and egg ration. It contains ocean kelp and fish Farm Bureau fertilizers for: Corn Beets Muck Crops meal to supply chicks iodine and other minerals lacking in our Beans Potatoes Spring Grains soils and crops. Other ingredients:—Ground yellow corn, pure LIME wheat bran, flour middlings, meat and bone scraps, alfalfa Save by buying Lime through your Co-op. leaf meal. 1. Solvay Limestone from the Farm Bureau. 2. France Agstone Meal. Bulk only. 3. France Pulverized Lime. Bulk and 80 lb. bag*. ALL COSTS are lower with Mermash be- cause it aims to be the lowest priced good FREE! JO//A/ 4. France Hydrated Lime. 50 lb. bags. See their advertisements on other pages of this paper. chick starter and growing mash on the mar- WITH ket. It's especially good for the rapid growth and development of young ducks and turkeys. Feeder No. 2 MERMASH 1,200 to 1,500 Miles PEN AGAINST PEN is Economy Oil Allpn Ct. Cummins of Calhoun county HERE'S HOW! roinpared the average weight in ounces You can depend on Farm Bureau oils for 1,200 to 1,500 miles MI .•lucks raised on Merrnasn 1C% a n d on Ask your Farm Bu- •. " ration, us follows: reau dealer about our MIOCO of service. You can be sure that at 45 to 60 miles an hour Farm F R E E offer of chi«k MIDCONTINENT OIL Bureau oil is giving perfect service. Age Mermash 16% " " Ration and hen feeders with 5 gal. Cans In weeks Chicks Chicks purchases of Mermash or in Drums Farm Bureau paraffin base, dewaxed oils are built to rigid 2 3.40 oz. 3.15 oz. at your 3 6.05 oz. 5.17 oz. Farm Bureau Dealer specifications to maintain their lubricating qualities under all oper- , A 10.15 oz. 7.02 oz. ating conditions. 7654. Lady's Dress. Designed in sizes: We offer a complete line of automobile, truck and tractor oils, 34, .<«, 88, 40 and 42 indies bust measure. greases and other lubricants. 25,000 farmers in Michigan, Ohio Hize :fs if made ;is In the large view, re- quires 4 ' s yards <>f 39 inch material. With For MERMASH—See your and Indiana use Farm Bureau oils. lonR sleeves ;ind without bolero it re- quires 4 yards. Without the bolero ami with short sleeves .". %/i yards. Prl< local distributor of Farm Bureau oils and their 30 to 35c per qt. brothers, 7835. Girl's Dress. Designed in sizes: owned by the great oil firms, come from the same fields. S, 10, 12, 14 and Itf. Size 12 requires :". Farm Bureau Feeds Farm Bureau oils cost you less because Michigan, Ohio and Indiana Farm Bureaus own a co-operative blending yards or Si* inch material, if made With collars. Without collars and of 35 indi Feeder No. 3 BUREAU PENN and distributing plant. material it requ n d s . Price 15c. PENNSYLVANIA OIL ORDER BLANK IF you HAVE NOT FED MERMASH— MICHIGAN FARM NEWS, Pattern Service, 11 Sterling Place. Brooklyn, N. Y . Enclosed Pattern "So find CENTS for: Size This Coupon will bring you THE STORY OF MERMASH For Farm Bureau Supplies Ask For FARM BUREAU Fence , Size N«Mt SEE YOUR CO-OP OR FARM BUREAU DEALER Lime i^n Book Write Us If You Have No Dealer Greases FN-3-4 FARM BUREAU SERVICES, Inc., Lansing, Mich. M A I L T O Farm Bureau Services, Inc., Ltnting, Michigan '*• ° RFD Mich. to address your Envelope as given al