KEEP UP ICHICAN On Newt Interesting to Farmers Through the Farm Newt FARM A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers NEWS Vol. XII, No. 5 SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 Published Monthly; SOAPMAKERS TO Wool Futures Look Good to SHOWS HOW EXTRA Alfalfa Seeded in June or WON'T SACRIFICE SIDETRACK FARM Ass'n Meeting at Chicago Early July Has Advantages BEET GROWERS TO Y1RDS PER ACRE TARIFF VICTORY? Buyers* Quick Profits Drop Market, But Demand with U. S. wool about 15c per lb. un- der the cost of getting foreign wool RUN UP PROFITS Soil and Showers Help, Clean, Firm Seed Bed, Warm successful alfalfa culture, Alfalfa seeds are small and have a varnislH like surface. When scattered in a SAVE CUBA BANKS Is There over our tariff and into the country, Prof. Megee Says the domestic market looks good. loose, cloddy, seed bed, seeds dropped Would Suspend Duty Until into open spaces do not germinate Sugar Control Bill Sent to Lansing—The Michigan Co-operative General action by private buyers to Sims Says in Crop Reduction By PROF. C. R. MEGEE Philippine Islands Are Wool Marketing Ass'n reports four buy local wool for a quick turn over Program, Keep Up The Farm, Crops Department readily. For quick germination moist President Softened by Investigated times as many members having wool of a few cents per pound has resulted Michigan State College soil should be well firmed around the Beet Farmers Yield Per Acre in the pool as at this date last year. in unsettling the market somewhat. Ordinarily, alfalfa can be seeded seed and the cultipacker is a very use- Washington.—Organized agriculture, Grader Upham of Boston, who has Sales have been made at Boston at ful implement for the preparing of a The bitterly contested BUgftr stabili- Lansing—"Everyone should under- quite successfully from early spring led by the Farm Bureau and Grange, graded several pools, will start oper- prices that have depressed the market stand that if we have too much corn, to late August. However, the best suitable seed bed. zation bill is now before President asked this Congress for a 5c per lb. ations at Lansing about May 14. in face of a strong world condition. it is because we have grown too many time to seed depends upon local con- On most loamy soils it is not neces- Roosevelt for his signature, in a mora duty on all imported fats and oils, acres of corn and not because we have ditions. Summer seedings, if proper- sary to seed the alfalfa with a nurse acceptable condition to sugar beet and got three cents. grown too many bushels per acre. The ly handled, are frequently very satis- crop when the seeding is being made interests, particularily in Michigan, That was no small gain when we consider that for 15 years the Farm same reasoning is true for any crop," factory. In late June and early July during the summer. The nurse crop bill than the original draft. Kven yet, the said John W. Sims, well known in the ground has become well warmed competes with the alfalfa for moisture represent* a probable odcapft Bureau and others have sought enough up and usually showers are sufficient and plant food. On sandy soils that from something worse, as far as beet votes to place a duty on fats and Michigan as a former soils fertility sugar is concerned. oils that come in free to displace authority for the Michigan State Col- to moisten the soil thoroughly so that are inclined to blow, a peck or two Last year American sugar beet in- lege, and now with the Farm Bureau the seeds germinate readily. of oats or a light sowing of buckwheat animal and vegetable fats and oils may be necessary. terests produced 1,756,000 tuns of beet produced in this country. After the in the same capacity. Clean Seed H«k million pounds of lard annually from considerately came to life. It declined us. Germany is encouraging hog pro- I might go on and tell you but I ain't a-goin' to do it, and not because any one cow is pro- Secretary of Agriculture. The Ameri- the post office department May 1, 1873, to be embalmed without a strugi No man can understand it unless he's been right through it, ducing too much. Sell some cows if can Farm Bureau has supported this under act of congress approved June and duction at home to the end that she And if he's had experience there's nothin' I can Bay it has been struggling with some may be self-sufficieat. Her action To add a bit to what he knows—or take a bit away. necessary, but keep the better ones type of legislation for the past 15 8, 1872. degree of success ever since. As a I'll only say in general—Ben told my fortune right. and keep up their individual produc- years. , tends further to establish the neces- He made a sporting fisherman of Hiram overnight— result, the sugar-control bill In Its sity for adjusting hog production in For I have felt that tingle come along the tautened line, tion. Uncle Ab says that enthusiasm is final pending aad much-am*" te United States to lower levels for And worn a perky trout fly in this old felt hat of mine. "Note also that one cow with a Local control is the best govern- not the normal state of man; it must is decidely less deadly than wa 1934, at least, ^_ production of 500 lbs. of butterfat ment.—Sen. Herbert Orr. be cultivated and nurtured. (Continued on page Urtt; TWO F A R M TTFWR SATURDAY, MAYfi,1»3I manufacture the equipment to be After long experiment a paper nail bending. Three May Days That Mean shown. has been developed that by means of hydraulic pressure can be made so A revival of interest in raspberry More Than Trips and Movies A Paper Nail tough and resistant that it can be growing has 1 een reported in many A paper nail has been invented. In- driven into a hardwood plank without sections of kew Fork .- And what of the mothers of tomor- dustry has long desired a nail that is Some Thought on Child row! Will there be monuments erect- a non-conductor of electricity. That. Successor to the Michigan Farm Bureau News, founded January 12, 1923 Health, Mother's Day and ed for cigarette smoking, bear garden of course, eliminates metallic nails. Entered as second class matter January 12, 1923 at the post- Decoration Day and bridge mothers? And glass nails would be brittle. Farm Bureau office at Charlotte, Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879. There, are serious problems that By MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR confront every woman of today—her A Quarter Century of 9 Garden Published first Saturday of each month by the Michigan Farm News The month of May brings not onlj influence is sorely needed just now in Company, at its publication office at 114 Lovett St., Charlotte, Michigan. Editorial and general offices, 221 North Cedar St., Lansing, Michigan. Postoffice Box 708. Telephone, Lansing, 21-271. May flowers and a glimpse of new lif bringing about security for the Ameri- everywhere. It also brings Chile can home, a universal peace among Health Day and Mother's Day and nations, temperance in many things, PROGRESS 1 Is recorded by Michigan's largest Decoration Day. cultural advantages for all and an in- Seeds E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager Farm Mutual Fire Insurance The country has done much for the ternational good will Company. For twenty-five years, protection of its children in the pas And for Decoration Day,' lot us re- through good times and hard Subscript tor $1, in adv.i few years. We sometimes wonder member those who offered their lives times this company has been in- why. Have parents shifted the re that we might live and enjoy the suring farmers in Michigan. To- Vol. XII SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 No. 5 sponsibility of child protection to thi abundance that a nation such as purs day, payments of its losses aiv can give to its people. We can pause guaranteed by its assets and public? Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before When our grandparents' babies be in these busy lives of ours and pay came sick, if their home remedies did honor to our dead, not by ball games resources—of nearly ONE QUAR- TKR MILLION DOLLARS. Its policy has no technical loop- Best The first court action against the State Board of Tax Administration for an interpretation of certain phases of the sales tax has gone against not take effect, they died. The> and motion pictures and auto trips, mourned their loss just as we mourn but by thoughtful care given to their holes to avoid liability, consist- ent with safe underwriting, Its Varieties for today In these days we take pre last resting place. blanket policy on personal prop- the Board. Judge Guy A. Miller of the Wayne circuit court on April 11 declared cautions before the sickness comes i possible. By action of the public, we Ford to Help Farmers erty often gives as much protec- tion as double the amount in a Michigan inoperative the sales tax regulations on wholesale and inter-state com- classified policy. Careful under- immunize; we inocculate; we segre merce transactions in factory supplies and machinery, involving $2,000,- 000 in annual sales tax collections. tate and quarantine; we teach health Manufacture Soybean writing and a thorough system of inspection is maintained, elimi- • Reliable just as we do arithmetic; we preach nating overinsurance, • Vigorous The point of special interest to farmers is that the Judge's decision FIRE fire hazards and un- health as we do religion; we practice Dearborn.—Henry Ford is planning PREVENTION Productive said that two resolutions adopted by the Legislature, and ignored by the desirable risks. • health as we do business methods to demonstrate at the Chicago World's OMTHtfAIUM sales tax board, should receive consideration by the courts in interpreting We still have lots of unnecessary Fair this summer by use of a soy- means Send for literature «nd • Priced Low the law. sickness,—individuals ignore precau- bean patch, an average farm barn and financial statement. The Legislature's resolutions declared "it not to be the intent of the tions and training and good judgment machinery, how any farmer may be- XV. T. BUBRAS. Legislature" to collect sales tax on personal property bought by More and more we are giving added gin on a scale within his means, the H. K. FISK, Seo'y BUY AT THESE 702 Church St.. manufacturers or furmers for producing personal property to be sold thought to the rights of the child partial industrialization of his farm FLINT. MICH FARM BUREAU STORES eventually at retail. For farmers that means seeds, feeds, fertilizers, while he is immature and helpless and the manufacture of products di- packages, binder twine, sprays, etc. and under the care and dictation of rectly for industrial markets. Lapeer Pinconning Judge Miller said in his opinion: others in order that he may have the "The processing plant will be of the Q State mutual Rodded Fire It is regrettable that the Act is not so clear as the resolution; right kind of a start for a full span of simplest sort," Mr. Ford explained. P Insurance Co., of ITlich. Hart Imlay City "^ MOMEO'flCE-k'NT MICH nevertheless, the latter should receive respectful consideration life, unhampered by afflictions and "Many farmers could build one like handicaps. it out of odds and ends. It will be Bay City by the courts. Main and Henry Sts. "If that resolution is used as a guide, the meaning of the legis- What does Mother's day mean to steam operated and have a capacity of us? Custom has established the set- one-third of a ton of soybeans every Saginaw lation becomes simple and the ambiguity disappears which has ting apart of this one day of the year eight hours. One man could run it. 220 Bristol Street caused the respondents themselves (sales tax board) to adopt a "We've discovered nothing about to pay homage to motherhood. series of inconsistent resolutions and to promulgate a mass of Poets have sung the praises of mo- soybeans that hasn't been known but Lansing regulations whose contradictions and absurdities might be held therhood for centuries, depicting the we've learned how to get a complete Harmless : 728 E. Shiawassee St. up to ridicule if it would serve any good purpose to do so, and extraction of soybean oil. Old meth- to humans, finest of sentiment, the endless love live-stock, the operation of the law will not be accompanied by any unfair ods of working the beans, in use for K poultry; made the sacrifice, the courage and the burdens and the funny results shown by the testimony to be centuries, depend solely on pressing l red squill everlasting endurance. Artists have necessary incidents to the respondent's contentions." and leave about a third of the oil in portrayed the maternal spirit on can- the mash. Our method, which is dis- This is the first test case following establishment before the Supreme vas that stirs the hearts of all as no tillation, effects a one hundred per court recently of the right of the public to seek court interpretation of , KILLS-RATS-ONLY other subject can. cent extraction. The process is con- K-R-O (powder form) disputed sales tax rulings. Up to that Supreme court ruling there was And when we look back in the his- tinuous too. READY MIXED( no appeal beyond the State Board of Tax Administration. it to buy) $1.00. tory of the world we can trace the MSoybean oil has a greater variety Undoubtedly Judge Miller's decision will be appealed to the Supreme heart and the mind of great mothers of industrial uses than any vegetable court by the sales tax board. If the decision is upheld, it is our opinion down through the pages—not only oil except linseed oil. The oil-free that it will not be long until the Michigan State Farm Bureau's fight were our mothers the influencing residue is an excellent food for man. since July, 1933, for exemption of seeds, feeds, fertilizers and other power that made us what we are, but It is 50% protein and 95% digestible. farm supplies for production purposes will be won. The sales tax the mothers before them have made The farmer may feed it to his board will grant the exemption, in accordance with the resolutions of the world what it is today. ;tock with fine resutls. Or he the Legislature, or it will be brought about by other court decisions. We point with pride to the pioneer put it into another simple machine mother of this country of ours. Many and from it manufacture plastics, an There's Danger in This Detroit Proposal states have erected monuments dedi- ndustry that is just getting under- Farmers will quickly distinguish the chief differences between the cated to her memory. Those monu- way. The machine will be demon- local government amendment offered to the Legislature by the Grange, ments all depict courage, hope, loyal- strated at the Fair. Anyone may Farm Bureau and Detroit Citizens League, and the one now being spon- ty and religion. She sacrificed, she planned, she labored, she prayed that sored by the Detroit Citizens League alone as a proposed amendment way we might enjoy the fruits of a free to the Constitution, to be voted upon in November, 1934. nation and advantages that come with EVER BEEN HURT Our joint amendment did not touch the boards of supervisors. The it. We owe more to the pioneer mo- Yes, or No, you'll appreciate our Detroit League would open the way to abolish this channel through low cost, sound, accident insur- ther than many of us realize and it is ance. Provides for medical care which farmer voice is maintained in county affairs. In Wayne County but fitting that we devote one day a and monthly income. Ask any the board of supervisors is a useless figurehead of some hundred odd State Farm Mutual Agent. year to her memory, not only in remi- members. But that isn't so in 82 other counties. niscence but by paying tribute to the STATE FARM LIFE CO. Our amendment vested in the Legislature the sole right to initiate mothers of today. Mich. Farm Bureau, St. Agt. local government changes, thus using rural votes in that body to protect minority groups of farmers, even in Wayne county. The Detroit Citizens League proposal opens the way for city majorities to initiate and put over county government changes that may wholly ignore rural wishes. Our amendment would have closed forever the door for changing township government until the people of the townships themselves de- sire a change; their's leaves the township open to constant attack. Instead of a fair amendment we are confronted with one that would drive rural supervisors out of the court houses. It is to be regretted that this situation arises because a few badly advised rural legislators A HELPER THAT failed to follow the guidance of such men as Vernon J. Brown of Ingham, Carl F. Delano of Kalamazoo, Chester P. Emunson of Manistee, Edward F. Fisher of rural Wayne, William B. Hackett of Saginaw, Paul A. Hupert of Macomb, Harvey H. Jarvis of Berrien, Philip C. Pack of Washtenaw, EARNS ITS KEEP" Tracy W. Southworth of Monroe, M. Clyde Stout of Ionia, T. T. Thatcher of Muskegon, William A. Ward of Grand Traverse, George C. Watson of St. Clair and Speaker Martin R. Bradley, all of whom voted for the Among farm telephone subscribers are farmers' measure Our task is to defeat the Detroit plan of county home rule. many who have experienced fire, sudden Co-ops Lead All Firms cwt. to Swift for Arthur Ingold of sickness, accidents and other emergencies, Riga. On the Buffalo Market and who know that the quickest way to ICED More than 3,000,000,000 pounds of East Buffalo, N. Y.—The week end- soap are used annually in the United BARRELS ing April 14 the Producers Co-opera- States. summon aid is by telephone. Just one N1900 a common way of packing poultry tive Commission association sold 50.3% of the Buffalo yard's receipts, such call, in an emergency, may be worth for shipment was to "ice it" in barrels. the Producers largest percentage for any week in its existence. A load of Blindness Income choice Herefords, weighing 1,280, and $4 to $7 buys our contract to pay $5 per month income for life in the cost of the service for a lifetime. The refrigerator cars used by Swift 85 fed by Otto Wegner of Riga, Mich., case of blindness. We will con- was sold by the Producers to Swift & tract up to $100 monthly income. Ask any State Farm Mutual agent. Company today are as superior to the old c Th Co. for 7 ^ - e following week the Producers sold a load of heavy, 1,400 STATE FARM LIFE Besides being a protection, telephone "iced barrels" of the past as a late model Mich. Farm Bureau, St. Agt. lb., thick-fat Herefords at $7.65 per service helps save time and driving ex- automobile is to the ox-cart of pioneer days. All space in a car is utilized by placing pense . . . enables one to obtain highest Classified Ads Classified advertisements are cash with order at the following prices for stock and produce by calling Each car is a gigantic icebox on wheels. boxed meat, dairy and poultry products rates: 4 cents per word for one edition. Ads to appear in two or more editions take the rate of 3 cents per word per edition. In it are compartments big enough to hold beneath the suspended meats. The same various dealers before selling . . . helps about 6,000 pounds of ice and salt. These salesmen sell all of them to retailers in BABY CHICKS CLAIMS SERVICE one keep in touch easily with neighbors, hold the car's contents under the same some 35,000 consuming centers. Instead HEASLEY ELECTRIC'LY HATCHED FARMERS CLAIM SERVICE. LET Chlx. Original Dr. Heaslcy Strain Leg- us present your claim for stock killed or and with friends and relatives who live at temperature during an entire trip. of a dozen trucks being used to deliver a horns mated to males from official Con- injured on railroads or highways; for test Hens with records from 200 to over damages resulting from fires set by loco- 300. Write us. Chicks Sc—7Msc by tho motives. We advise and do collection a distance. Gustavus F. Swift, founder of Swift 8E dozen different products, the same truck thousand. Heasley's Hatchery, Dorr, service on claims arising from power Mich. (8-3-8t-S7b) telephone or pipeline crossing your prop delivers all of them to the same store.. erty. If gravel operations or damming Company, was one of the first to vision a stream may affect your property, write LIVE STOCK us. We collect loss, damage and over- charge claims on freight or express A farm telephone is a helper that "pays the need for such cars in transporting Refrigerator cars, as Swift & Company REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS, Nominal charges for the collection. Our "Repeater", "Woodford", and "Panama" service available to all farmers and co- blood lines. Prices $25 to $75. Good se- operative ass'ns. We conducted this work its way" many times over. meats. More than 7,000 of them are now uses them, have not only established lection. A. M. Todd Company, Menttia, for many years for the Michigan State Michigan (14 miles northwest from Kala- Farm Bureau. Write A. P. MILLS mazoo) World's largest mint farm. MICHIGAN LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE used by Swift 8B Company for poultry, vastly wider markets, but have reduced (l-6-6t-29b) Transportation Dep't, 6750 Dix Avenue, REGISTERED GUERNSEY COWS and Stockyards, DETROIT. (9-2-tf-105b) dairy products and meats. distribution costs. Heifers T B. accredited and blood test- ed. Forty to select from. Clark & Nimtz, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Claire, Ml< (4-7-3t-p) MICHIGAN SEPTIC TANK SIPHON and bell as recommended by State Col- FILM DEVELOPING 'cge Agr'l Engineering dep't. Build your own septic tank and sewage system. In- stall when tank is built. Installation and ROLLS DEVELOPED, 8 PRINTS, OIL operation simple. Discharges automati- painU cally. Have been sold 16 years. All in Swift & Company ed. Janesvllle Film laily use and giving satisfaction. In- (4-6-2t-p) structions with each siphon. $7.00 de- BEEKEEPER'S SUPPLIES livered. Farm Bureau Supply Store, 728 E. Shiawassee St., Lansing. (3-4-tf-GOb) MICHIGAN BELL For years Swift & Company's profits from all sources have been only a fraction of a cent per pound WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ai IB FOUN. Send UP TO $20 PAID FOR INDIAN HEAD TELEPHONE CO. Visitors to the 1934 Century of Progress are cordially invited to visit the "Swift Bridge of Service," also the Swift plant at the Union Stock Yards. Mits: half cents $t25: large copper cents ; c. Send dime for list. Homano- jinshop, D. Springfield, Mass. (5-5-24p) mk ••--•. r SATURDAY, MAY S, 15)31 FARM NEWS nun r High Sales—Good Weights—Proceeds Guaranteed1 ELEVATOR EXCH. problems of growing beans in relation I that it has escaped the intended to the marketing problems will find j sepulcher." practical expression in marketing , MICHIGAN'S RESPONSIBILITY LAW Farmers and Stockmen DESCRIBES BEAN methods that will be offinancialad- (The Platt. amendment, adopted in vantage to the farmer. the early 1900's, established the United The Michigan Elevator Exchange States as a guardian with pow A judgment far $300 or more for dooth, injuries or property damage caused by your ccr or truck MUST be poid within 30 days or YOU stop driving and YOUR are assured of these important and essential Services when live stock is sold on the Oprn, Competitive Terminal Live Stock Market; where both large and small Packers, knowing there will be ample MARKETING IDEA believes that if these agreements can act in maintaining order in Cuba. The be brought to a practical conclusion Cubans had a difficult time in estab- cars or trucks stay off the road until the judgment is paid. You'll need $11,000 financial responsibility to drive again- that the time and effort spent by the lishing a stable government after supplies of all grades of live stock available every day come and AAA'S 4 Lines of Effort Are Governor's Bean Committee this year gaining their independence as a result WHY RISK ALL THAT? Our pay the Price by bidding against each other for their killing needs; in attempting to secure a proposed of the Spanish-American war. The insurance guarantees your financial where Weights are good because all live stock is properly fed and Expected to Improve marketing agreement for the pea bean United States has intervened in Cuban safety. Satisfies ALL demands of watered and not sold empty; and where all Checks issued for pay- Prices Michigan's Motor Vehicle Finan- industry of Michigan will be of vast affairs several times.) cial Responsibility Law, and such ment of live stock sold are diiiurunteed by a Bond meeting Govern- benefit to the farmers of Michigan. laws in other States. ment requirements. Why take a chance on any other system? The proposed marketing agreements The Exchange has been glad to have Riches will make no man happy Secure all these services by Consigning: your live stock to for Michigan pea beans, New York played a part in attempting to co-ordi- who can't be happy without them.1 COST IS LOW. Save by insuring pea beans, Pinto beans, Great North- nate all the various forces involved in in this strong, legal reserve Com- MICHIGAN LIVESTOCK KXC1I. PRODUCERS CO-OP ASSW pany. 350 agents in Michigan, 7,000 ern beans, and California limas and growing and marketing beans in this in U. S. Mail us coupon below. Stock}aids, Detroit East Buffalo, K. Y. Small Baby Whites and other varieties state and other states, Mr. Osmer said. Available for purchasing Feeder Cattlfl and Lambs, No so-called being developed by the Agricultural August 1 is the date set by the Agr'l Solvay STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INS. CO. Money red-tape; No investment of five per cent of the amount of the Adjustment Administration at Wash- Adjustment Administration for bean ington, in a form whiqh calls for a marketing agreements for 1934 and National co-ordination of the efforts following years to go into effect. Mar- AGR'L LIMESTONE Bloomington, III. Michigan Farm Bureau, State Agt., Lansing, Mich. loan in capital stock in a Production Credit Association; No guar- of all of these varieties to improve the keting agreements will be submitted Michigan Producers of State Agt., STATE FARM MUTUAL 1 » F I I - S S 221 No. Cedar St., Lansing Mich. anteeing the payments of any other borrowers' loans. Five years marketing conditions of beans in a to dealers and growers for their sig- PULVERIZED LIMESTONE Without obligation to me, please tend of established and satisfactory feeder loan service. For complete national way, offer exceptional pos- natures by July 1, it is understood. more information about your auto in- information write us. LIMESTONE MEAL surance and the Financial Responsibility sibilities of again making beans a Request by the Michigan Bean Com- Law. Tune in CKLW at 12:35 P. M. Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs., stable, profitable crop to grow and Available At Your Nearest Dealer NAME market, according to Mr. L. E. Osmer, mittee that the AAA make the Michi- for live stock quotations at Detroit market i gan bean agreement manager of the Michigan Elevator balance of the 1933 crop year was not effective for the Solvay Sales Corporation I ADDRESS Michigan Live Stock Exchange Hudson, Mich, 7501 W. Jefferson Ave. Exchange. allowed by the AAA in view of prob- DETROIT, MICH. Changes contemplated in the agree- able difficulties with competing bean ment which should be of distinct bene- areas. fit to the industry as a whole and the The national bean marketing agree- growers in particular can be separat- ments rose out of the work of the Pullets Strong TRUE YOU CANT BEAT ed into four main parts: (1) improve- Michigan Bean Committee. Its sub- ment of the quality of beans delivered committee, Messers. Leo D. Cline, And Uniform... FARM BUREAU COPPER-BEARING BEET SUGAR to the consumer; (2) redefining and Clarence Ackerman, Elmer McDonald regulation of the trade channels and L. E. Osmer, represented Mich- Always Lay Early Now! STEEL FOR EVERY through which beans move to mrket; igan at various conferences with the (3) surplus control of beans produced AAA at Washington. Pres. A. L. over and above the consumer demand; Riedel of the Michigan Bean Shippers sults NOPCO Y ou can't blame anyone for feeding XX daily when he gets re- like these! Read the letter: FENCE •M r BEET HOUSEHOLD USE/ (4) and a national co-ordination of (formerly Bean Jobbers), attended all "I am 100% for NOPCO XX. A few SUGAR price and price difference between Washington conferences of the com- years ago I had trouble with my hatching has double protection varieties. Improvement of Quality mittee. eggs arid the hatchery could not use them. So I started to use NOPCO XX in the i i1 Support your fellow workers Improvement of qaulity of beans delivered to the consuming trade will Won't Sacrifice Beet require beans sold to be inspected and graded, packed in new bags and identi- fied by one hundred pound lots. This Growers to Save Cuba the"Itmoult (Continued from page one.) mash and within two weeks my eggs im- proved. Ever since my eggs were one, of the best in the hatchery. also brings hens quicker through and increases egg production. It gives less mortality and finer looking requirement can normally be expected original certificate of interment. In- birds. I am also using NOPCO XX from against the weather "PARM BUREAU FENCE is made JL with lasting qualities that en- i1 1* - B U Y THEIR PRODUCT! to go a long way toward preventing the deed, domestic sugar may discover the time the chicks are a day old. It practice that has become all too com- gives better and quicker broilers, and able it to stall of! the attacks of the R 1 It should not be unreasonable to ask one American farmer to support another American farmer. mon on shipping off grade beans ua- der the wrong grade. FORT SHELBY uy J strong and uniform pullets. "Years ago I always had trouble to get the pullets to lay in time for the high egg elements for years and years. The wire of which Farm Bureau HTHICK i ZINC COATING TIGHT 1 Do you know that Michigan farmers grow the sugar Distribution Regulations Redefining and regulating the chan- CARAOE prices. With NOPCO XX we always have the pullets in good production at five and Fence is made has a heavy, tight coating of extremely pure zinc beets from which is made clean, highly refined Beet nels of distribution requires the ele- a half and six months old. About 50% (impurities in zinc are believed to vator men to sell through recognized to 60% laying." Sugar? shorten its life) and will resist the containing from .20 to .30 per jobber and broker services. That We can state definitely that NOPCO XX ccot will give you similar results—because weather for a remarkably long copper, is remarkably resist- Do you know that Beet Sugar has no superior? should go a long way toward the pre- 3,500 plain dirt farmers proved it in the tiine. But even without the zinc a n t t o rust - vention of the constant bearish effect largest feeding test ever made. On 3,000- As long as you buy sugar make it a point to buy the price of Michigan beans 000 hens! They got more and better eggs coating Farm Bureau Fence would Farm Bureau Fence offers depend* Michigan Made Beet Sugar. You will be doing some through the all too common practice and birds—and made more money. have very long life, because the able, low-cost protection to your fellow farmer a good turn and at the same time get of the consumer buying trade of quot- Feed NOPCO XX daily and increase wire itself, of copper-bearing steel livestock and crops for many years. ing all dealers promisciously, regard- your income. And send for a FREE copy of a pure, highly refined sugar at no extra expense to less of whether or not they desire to "20 Years of Progress in Poultry Feeding," yourself. purchase beans. This has undoubtedly a brief history of Vitamin D and NOPCO FARM BUREAU SERVICES, Inc., Lansing, Mich. XX. Address your request to: NO. 22 been one of the major reasons for rela- Michigan Made Beet Sugar is 100% pure. It is the tively low prices of beans in the last NOPCO.5222 Essex St., Harrison, N.J. ideal sugar for every household use. few years. Surplus Control A Complete Buy, Use and Boost A bean surplus control plan now in the process of development will re- quire practically every farmer to bear MODERN GARAGE EET SUGAR his pro rata share of the excess of production over and above normal When you drive to Detroit, consumer demand through the medi- um of requiring such surplus to be stop at Hotel Fort Shelby. Michigan Made Beet Sugar is available in 5-10-25 and 100 lb. sacks. placed in the hands of a central sell- ing agency, the industry control board A 500 car garage — with For sale at all grocers. Farmers and Manufacturers Beet Sugar Association, Saginaw, Mich. of the agreement, for purposes of mov- complete service facilities ing at lower prices either through ex- port sales, by-product sales, or carry- — is maintained in connec- ing over against possibilities of short tion. The Shelby is conven- crops. The price received for the sur- plus will be returned to the grower iently located, too — near and should enable the establishment of the smart shops, theatres, minimum prices upon a basis which WOOL GROWERS! would enable growers to secure a reasonable return in the business of rowing beans. principal office buildings. All of its 900 rooms and Get Full Value for Your Wool Although this surplus plan is new suites have circulating ice to Michigan and new to the bean in- water, box-mattressed beds, The wool market is strong and the carryover is low. Production is dustry, several specific examples of the lightest in five years. It is many million pounds less than U. S. consumption requirements. Present U. S. prices are below world parity levels. Don't sell your 1934 fleeces at less than their true value. Merchandise your wool through our pool in an orderly man- the practicability of the plan can be demonstrated in the operation of mar- ieting agreements in other commodi- ties. private bath and tip-elim- inating servidors. Rooms $2 to $10. Suites $6 to $25. common sense ner. Benefit by selling on grade. Grading rewards you for quality wool and for care in handling. Liberal cash advance is made upon delivery of wool by rail or truck to our warehouse at 728 E. Shiawassee St., Lansing. Rate of advance Control of Competition The co-ordination of the various prices through the medium of a na- .ional co-ordinating board with the purpose in mind of regulating com- Three popular priced restaurants. viewpoint... varies according to market conditions and funds available from the petition between varieties by the Lobby Shops for In Michigan orchards and among Michigan farmers, labor rather lhau inter-mediate credit banks. istablishment of minimum prices for vowr convenience. material is the big item of cost of the season's program of spray and each variety co-ordinated by the dust application. To make that labor cost into a sound investment, For further information regarding shipment or delivery of wool to jstablishment of price differentials it is only ne|cessary that the quality of the spray and dust, mad i i;i I ; Lansing and cash advance, write the Michigan Co-op Wool Marketing between varieties, and supported by Ass'n at Lansing, or see your nearest local wool assembler, below: shall be such that consistent results bo obtaim <1. llijli quality and surplus control plans for each variety absolute uniformity in the insecticide and fuagicida materials will Allegan Allegan Co-op Co. Jcddo of similar nature, has possibilities in accomplish this result. Edw. O'Connor, Jeddo Elev. Ann Arbor....Walter Rorabacher Atlanta Harold D. Lakin Jackson Dennis Cobb resulting in increased demand for Atlanta James Milroy Lapeer beans and controlling the competition By special manufacturing arrangement with the General Qtttmlcai Batavia Bay City W. E. Dobson Farm Bur. Store, Farm Bureau Supply Store between varieties which is always Company, we are able to offer you standard, high quality spray ma- Main & Henry Lapeer Charles Hill detrimental to prices to farmers. terials under Farm Bureau label with assurance that not only will Farm Bureau Supply Store Brooklyn W. E. Randall Levering Frank Luesing Farmers Have Voting Power Farm Bureau prices be right, but that no materials on the market Buchanan St. Joe Shpg. Ass'n Caro, R. 4 Dorr Perry Linden Claus Tiedeman One of the outstanding things of •will excel our own in uniform high quality. The list at the left names Cass City John McLellan Lowell M. B. McPherson marketing agreements of all the areas Cathro George Cathro Manistique Lee Stewart is the fact that the farmers of the products which every orchardist, every farmer uses. Your local Farm Charlevoix.-Charlevoix Co-op Co. Marcellus Four County Co-op Charlotte Forest King Me Bain George Me Bain nation, through the method of organi- Bureau representative will welcome the opportunity to discuss your re- Charlotte C. H. Kiplinger Mesick Milan Alonzo Oatley Henry Hartmann zation of the control boards, and the quirements with you. dare H. A. Dawson Climax Niles Hagelshaw Millington....Farm Bureau Store regulation of the voting powers of the Climax Reese Van Vranken Mt. Pleasant..Mt. Pleasant Co-op Nashville Roy Brumm control board, together with the pro- For other crops, and for aggravated pest conditions, as with an un Corunna Floyd Walworth Curran Louis McFadden Niles Niles Farmers Elevator tection of the minority interests, will, MAYNARD D. SMITH codling moth infestation, we offer also the General Chemical Com- Omer Wm. Tulloch President Dafter Edwin Williams Oxford Oxford Co-op Elev. for the first time, have an active voice pany's "Astringent" Arsenate of Lead, Dritomic Sulphur, and other Davison Davison Enos Billings W. W. Billings Perrinton....R. C. & G. N. Blank in the national problems of marketing DETROIT special products which are highly commend- Pinconning Dowagiac...Farmers Co-op Ass'n Farm Bureau Supply Store beans and it is to be expected that a "AGIOW WITH FRIENDLINESS' 1 ed by growers in our own State and other Elba Earl S. Ivory Evart Evart Co-op Co. Port Huron Farm Bureau clear understanding of the actual producing centers. Evart R. N. McLachlan Feed Store, 3 Grand River Fairgrove Fred Kirk Reading Reading Co-op Co. Fairgrove Otto Montei Richland C. F. Bissell Farm Bureau and Orchard Brand insecti- 5t. Johns Arthur J. Gage Fenton W. H. Keddy cides and fungicides represent those sound We Will Guarantee St. Johns J. E. Crosby Gladwin Grand Blanc Fred Swinehardt Maurice Meyers Saginaw Farm Bureau ARSENATE OF LEAD values which are the backbone of your en- Grass Lake W. D. Alber Supply Store, 220 Bristol St. Hart..Farm Bureau Supply Store Stanton Stanton Co-op Co. "ASTRINGENT" deavor to Hold production costs at a point Stanwood....Stanwood Co-op Co. Hastings....Hastings Co-op Ass'n Highland Hope Ho well W. H. Charlick W. E. Borland Livingston Co-op Tustin Elev. & Lumber Co. Vassar Vernon West Branch G. K. Thurston W. H. Sherman John Gehl Your Family ARSENATE OF 1 F A D CALCIUM ARSENATE which will bring your crops to harvest at a profit. .There is always a market for quality fruits and produce. An Intell Imlay City Farm Bureau Supply Store White Cloud White Cloud Co-op Ass'n $1,00(1 $2,5OO $3,500 BORDEAUX MIXTURE spray and dust program, conscieni Imlay City J. R. Sisson White Pigeon Glen Wade followed out, produces a quality crop. Ionia Herbert E. Powell Ithaca C. V. Tracy Woodland in event of your death, if each six months you will pay us D R I T O M I C SULPHUR Kent City Kent City Co-op Farm Bureau Supply Store $5 or $12.50 or $17.50 in premiums for our PAYMASTER Life Insurance policies in the above amounts. APPLE DRITOMIC SULPHUR Call on the nearest Farm This sound, legal reserve insurance plan to meet the needs NICOTINE SULPHATE Bureau distributor for MAIL THIS COUPON NOW Michigan Co-op Wool Marketing Ass'n, 221 N. Cedar St., Lansing. of small or moderate incomes will fit any insurance pro- gram. It is not available elsewhere. These small premiums PARADICHLOROBENZENE complete information. assure considerable sums to pay off a mortgage, to educate DRY LIME SULPHUR 1. I—I Please send me further information about the 1934 wool pool. children, or to care for the family for a long time. LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION 2. I—I I have decided to pool my wool. Please send wool marketing After age 45 thesefixedpremiums will STATE F A R M LIFE INS. C O . MF4-U-34 DUST M I X T U R E S agreement for 1934, shipping tags and wool sacks for fleeces. buy less Paymaster insurance «ach year. Policy fee with application is $5, $12.50 or $17.50. Premium guar- anteed not to increase. Please use Michigan SUte F«m Bureau, State Agtnt, S21 No. Cedar St., Lansing, Mich. •Without obligation to me, please send more information about your Paymaster life i n - Farm Bureau Services NAME coupon for more information. STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO. surance policies. NAME Lansing, Michigan Bloomington, Illinois ADDRESS ADDRESS * RFD FOTTB M I C H I G A N FARM NE1TS SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 FARMERS SHOULD DEMAND $2 FOR $1 PUT IN FERTILIZER Proper Analysis Will Return Alfalfa Is the Cheapest Feed! More Than That, John MICHIGAN VARIEGATED Sims Says A Great, Low Cost, Long Lived Hay Producer lt» JOHN W. 81MB Michigan Variegated Alfalfa seed comes from fields sown to genuine Hardigan, Grimm, "I don't know whether I can affor Ontario Variegated, Lebeau, or Cossack varieties, which are our hardiest, longest lived to buy fertilizers this year!" Thi and heaviest yielding varieties. These fields were not registered for certified seed produc- statement is being made by many tion, but they have produced seed, which is known as Michigan Variegated. farmers who also ask themselves, "Can I afford not to use fertilizer thi Variegated is an excellent hay yielder. The seed is selected, high test and thoroughly spring?" cleaned. The price is a money saver. Why pay fancy prices for "affidavit" Grimm or If th« farmer cannot obtain siiffic ient increases in yields to pay for the Hardigan when you can get them in Michigan Variegated at lower prices? fertilizer and for the trouble in using CERTIFIED HARDIGAN AND GRIMM it, of course it should not be used. In fact, he should demand a return Certified Hardigan and Grimm, blue tag, stocks are very limited. No superior for yield of $2 or more for every dollar investet and quality of hay. Eligible for production of certified seed. You must buy them now! in fertilizer. A much larger returi These are the best varieties for summer seeding without a nurse crop. At the rate it's than this is not only possible but al- A Cutting of Farm Bureau Alfalfa going, there won't be any Farm Bureau Hardigan and Grimm left before long. most sure if the proper analysis ferti- lizer is used in the right amounts and June Alsike Mammoth Sweet Clovers properly placed. The buying of ferti- lizer then becomes an investment C Farm Bureau's Michigan Variegated, our Michigan grown certi- JUNE, the old reliable for hay and a cash seed crop. ALSIKE for low cost hay and seed which will return more than 200% crop. MAMMOTH cheap and abundant humus to plow under—improves heavy soils. within six months to a year. This is fied Hardigan and certified Grimm, and our Western Grimm and SWEET CLOVER for low cost pasture, roughage, hay crops, green manure, seed. an investment that should not be common alfalfa seeds can't be beaten for hardiness and crop yields. neglected. HUSKING AND ENSILAGE CORN $2.86 to $5.08 Certified M. A. C, Pickets, Golden Glow, Polar Dent. Ferden's Yellow Dent. We have A questionnaire was sent to a large number of farmers a few years ago. C. Next in importance to the fact that alfalfa has the greatest feed a good supply of Ferden's. Ask to see it at your co-op. Butted and tipped. Small cob, One of the questions asked was the heavy sheller. Ripens with good results south of line from Bay City west to Lake Michigan. value of the increase in crop secured value of any pasture or hay crop, and is always the cheapest All of these varieties will grow and mature In those sections of Michigan for which they are intended. Guaran- by one dollar's worth of fertilizer used source of protein for all classes of stock,'IS THE NEED for abso- teed to have high, vigorous germination. Field selected, dried, shelled, and graded by corn specialists. on various crops. In Ohio, 1,518 farm- ers reported that they secured an av- lutely dependable seed of high y ielding varieties at prices you can OUR ENSILAGE CORN: Farm Bureau Yellow Ensilage, White Cap, erage of $3.71 for every dollar's worth Red Cob, Learning, Eureka, Sweepstakes, Reid's Yellow Dent. of fertilizer used on corn; and 385 well afford to pay. farmers reported a return of $5.08 for each dollar's worth of fertilizer used Special Special on potatoes. We took in at a low price a quantity If interested in sweet clover for pasture In Indiana, 1,919 farmers reported C Right now, you can buy Farm Bureau Brand No. 1 alfalfa of the finest Montana Grimm alfalfa or hay, Farm Bureau YELLOW an average return of $2.86 for each seed of the above varieties from your Farm Bureau dealer under containing 1.32% of sweet clover. BLOSSOM sweet clover is a good buy dollar's worth of fertilizer used on They can't be separated, but the first corn and 100 farmers reported a re- prices of other years. We have not "hiked" prices. this spring. It produces an excellent turn of $4.53 for each dollar invested cutting should eliminate the sweet stand and is not so coarse as the white in fertilizers for potatoes. clover for good and leave you with a blossom. White blossom sweet is scarce Of course, corn prices are somewhat C When you have fitted and limed land, why take a chance -on field of excellent Grimm. Ask your and the price is crowding the yellow lower now, but the price of fertilizer Farm Bureau dealer. The lot number blossom level. This seed is Michigan is also lower which compensates for the lower corn prices. any but Farm Bureau's clean, tested, high germinating -and high is 4163. grown and very good. Potato prices are approximately the yielding alfalfas? You can sow fewer pounds of them per acre Timothy Sudan Grass Millets same as when the questionnaire was Robust Beans answered, and since fertilizer price and get more hay per acre. That's real economy and satisfaction! Field Peas Soy Beans Vetch Lawn Grass are lower, the return on each dollar would be higher. FARM BUREAU SEED GUARANTEE DELIVERED IN SEALED SACKS The Farm Bureau Services, Inc., of Lansing, guaran- For Farm Bureau ALFALFA SEED Farm Bureau Brand Seeds are delivered to you by FARMERS WON'T tees to the fanner to the full purchase price of its seed the vitality, description, origin and purity to be as de- —see your local distributor of Farm Bureau Seeds your distributor in sealed, trade-marked Farm Bureau Brand bushel sacks, direct from our warehouse. See CARE FOR THIS scribed on the analysis tag on sealed Farm Bureau bag. our seed guarantee. Good seed is a good start. Amendment Started to Revise Local Gov'ts Along FARM No Other Twine Like This City Lines Michigan, Ohio and Indiana Farm Bureaus have arranged for A committee headed by Mr. Claude the manufacture of Farm Bureau Binder Twine by one of the H. Stevens, former State Senator from Highland Park, is circulating peti- BUREAU FARM B n URF^T e q T^?vi m a n U f 5 C t U r e r S l n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s ' FARM BUREAU TWINE is made of the highest quality ma- tions to initiate a constitutional terials by skilled workmen. It must pass many factory in- amendment opening the way for re- spections and our inspector. WE COMBINED our purchas- vision of county government, includ- ing power for your advantage. We offer: purcnas ing the elimination of the county boards of supervisors. The campaign FERTILIZERS FARM BUREAU TWINE 500 ft. per lb. in 5 or 8 lb will be under the active direction of balls. Av. tensile strength not less than 80 lbs! Mr. William P. Lovett, Sec'y of the Detroit Citizens League. FARM BUREAU TWINE 600 ft. per lb. in 5 or 8 lb. balls The new amendment is the direct outgrowth of the defeat in the House FOR Longer Manila fibre. Av. tensile strength not less than 100 lbs.' NOTE-the 600 ft. twine gives you 20% more footage and of Representatives of the plan of lo- costs only about 13% more per pound. We recommend it. cal government reform sponsored jointly by the Detroit Citizens League, the Michigan State Grange and the Michigan State Farm Bureau. YIELD 500 or 600 ft. per lb. Criss-cross winding. This group had agreed on an No snarls or breaks. amendment drawn by rural represen Insect treated. tatives, which did not affect the CORN POTATOES BEANS BEETS Strong, uniform. boards of supervisors and guaranteed Patented Cover townships against change except by CORN needs Farm Bureau Fertilizer's 95% water soluble NITROGEN for a quick Non-Collapsible Thoroughly tested. start, to insure heavy yield and early maturity before frost. Runs to last foot. consent of those living within them The city interests accepted these pro POTATOES usually pay in extra yield twice the cost of 200 to 300 lbs. or more visions in a spirit of co-operation. But fertilizer per acre. 28 more bushels per acre extra yield in 1932. The entire crop the proposal was defeated in the House. The Detroit Citizens League ha pays with a higher per cent of marketable stock. BEANS respond to Farm Bureau fertilizer with extra dollars from the extra FARM BUREAU MACHINERY since abandoned any concession to yield. They mature earlier. We recommend Robust beans. rural opinion and proposes an amend SUGAR BEETS respond to the 95% water soluble nitrogen in all Farm Bureau POWER AND LONG WEAR ment drawn strictly along city lines Under the new plan, the Legislature fertilizers. We use the highest grade sources of phosphorus and potash. Farm Built for hard work in heavy alfalfa Bureau Fertilizers regulate easy in drill. or clover. Strong "Big Frame" and the county board of supervisors, or mechanical improvements for minimum citizens, by petition, may initiate al GOOD ALFALFA PASTURES respond to phosphate and potash fertilizers by draft and smootn operation. ternative forms of county government carrying more stock and saving in feed costs. and may abolish or alter the board of Regular lift in 4'/i, 5, 6, 7 foot sizes. supervisors by a majority vote of al Vertical lift in 4 ST4TE FARM BUREAU FARM BUREAU SERVICES, Inc., Lansing, Mich. 16, 24 and 32% Protein r, Michigan