MICHIGAN FARtS NEWS KEEP UP On News Interesting to Farmers Through the Farm News > A Newspaper For Michigan Farmers Vol. XII, No. 7 SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 Published Monthly ELEV. EXCHANGE ELECTRIC FIRMS Sales Tax Paid FARM BUREAU STARTS SUIT TO TEST FOURTEENTH ANN! WOOL POOL TO CLOSE JULY 21 GET FARMERS IN On Farm Supplies SALES TAX BOARD DECISION WHICH MEETING JULY 10 POWERTROUBLE For Food Production Price to 3% IMPOSES TAX ON FARM SUPPUES Farmer Sales Co-op Grain Marketing Group Farmets Should Deal With Tax HaHs Made Remarkable Power Company Direct Alfalfa, bu Clover, bu .. I 12.00 I .36 8.50 .25 Bureau, Backed by 173 Farmers' Co-ops, Argues Egg Mash, C w t 2.20 .07 Success And Get Service Bran, V4 T 15.00 .45- Farmers Buy Production Materials for Mldds, std. % T 16.00 .4ft Lansing—Fourteen years in busi- Midds, Fl. % T Oil Meal, Vi T 18.00 .54 Resale, and That Such Purchases On several occasions in recent 24.00 .72 ness together will be celebrated by months the Michigan Farm News has Cottonseed M'l, % T. 18.00 Fertilizer, 16%, T. .. 21.00 .54 .63 Should Be Exempt some 80 farmers co-operative eleva- received complaints about electrical Fertilizer, 2-16-6, T. 30.00 .90 tors comprising the Michigan Elevator Fertilizer, 4-16-8, T. 41.00 1.21 contractors who sell farmers in a Binder Twine, 150 lbs 9.75 .30 Farm Bureau Services, Inc., a branch of the Michigan Exchange at their 14th annual meet- community a job of electrical wiring Bean puller 40.00 1.20 State Farm Bureau, filed suit June 29 in the Ingham county ing at Michigan State College, East for cash, and collect another $100 in Disc Harrow, 8 ft... 95.60 3.00 Grain Drill 121.50 3.64 Lansing, Tuesday, July 10. cash or notes to turn over to the Cultl-packer 65.50 1.85 circuit court against the State Board of Tax Administration to The business meeting of the Ex- power company to bring the service Hay rake, S. D 85.00 2.55 test the Board's interpretation of the Michigan sales tax law Hay loader ~ 91.25 2.73 change delegates starts at 10 a. m. line in. The $100 is to be returned Grain binder 235.00 7.05 which holds farmers as consumers of seeds, feeds, fertilizers at the Union Building at the College. after the first month's billing for cur- Corn binder 210.00 6.30 At 12:30 the Exchange will be host to rent by the power company. The Tractor ~ 850.00 25.50 and other materials purchased to produce farm products. The delegates and farmer members of lo- $100 is usually taken as a note. Board holds farmers liable for sales tax thereon. cal elevators and their wives and other Principal trouble with that deal The Farm Bureau in its suit declared that farmers buy; guests at the annual luncheon, which will be at the Union. About 700 are seems to be that in to many instances the farmer finds himself with electric FARM MORATORIUM, such materials for resale eventually as finished farm products expected. Dr. John L. Davis of New York City will deliver the address of wiring installed and paid power. The power company is not a for party to the contract, and says the and no RAIL PENSION ACTS and that such purchases of materials should be exempt. The law exempts personal property purchased for resale. the day. Music and other entertain- ment complete the program. The Michigan Co-operative Wool found the operations of the wool mar- use of its The Elevator Exchange was founded Marketing Ass'n has announced that keting ass'n very interesting. The contract does not promise to bring the name is not authorized. The N E W J U . LAWS The Farm Bureau charged that the Board's regulation discriminates against farmers as against resale exemptions by 24 co-operative elevators in 1920its 1934 pool will accept wool up tograded wool is being sacked from huge power in, but will refund the $100Pension at 65 for Rail Men; allowed other classes of business; it pointed out that the sales as the grain marketing department of Saturday night, July 21. The Ass'n grade piles for sale and shipment. after power had been billed for. Quite the newly founded Michigan State has more than twice the number of Each of the grade baskets above is different. The contractor has the $100 Moratorium May be for tax on farm supplies for production purposes results in double Farm Bureau. A plank of the Farm lots of wool as at the close of thefor a separate grade of wool as deter- in cash or note and holds it. The Five Years taxation and is unconstitutional. Bureau program was the establish- mined by the graders inspection of farmer holds the bag. The Farm Bureau also declared that the Sales Tax Board's ment of a State wide co-operative 1933 season. each lot or part thereof. Each grade In this matter, the proper thing for Washington—Pensions for all rail- grain marketing service. In 1923 the Above is a group of Branch county is weighed and the poundage entered farmers to do is NOT to turn over road workers after age 65, and the regulations taxing farm supplies are contrary to the intent of Exchange was incorporated as a sep- wool growers who visited the Wool on the grower's grading report. Set- $100 or any sum to a contractor for Frazier-Lemke farm moratorium bill, the Legislature which enacted the sales tax, as expressed by arate organization, but is affiliated Ass'n warehouse at Lansing recently. tlement with the grower is on theany statement in the contract about two far-reaching pieces of legislation the Legislature in resolutions adopted in July 1933 and Febi with the Farm Bureau. They saw Grader E. L. Upham of Bos- basis of the net returns from his var- power without FIRST seeing the were enacted in the closing hours of The history of the Elevator Ex- ton grade several lots of wool, and ious grades of wool. power company named andfindoutthe 73rd Congress and have ERS What Children Will Enjoy at forgive the Fair for omitting would be the minature railway. The tiny The Smithsonian Institution says Farm, But Name Helps that the Mound Builders remain a the Fair's Enchanted Island train with its real locomotive pulling a string of passenger cars loaded with mysterious peopl*. They were un- Ithaca, N. Y.—Any farm that is questionably Indians, but it has been Grown-ups Run True to Form ness the immemorial drama of Mr. ecstatic children, one of them in the worth working on, and living on, is impossible to establish any relation- Punch. seventh heaven of joy pulling the bell worthy cf an individual name. And ship between them and any tribe en- Successor to the Michigan Farm Bureau News, founded By Coming And The Heilere Maze rope, will make its journeys again If it has a name, that name should countered in North America by the January 11', VJ2\', Staying this year. be used, says Bristow Adams, of the earliest white explorers. It has also How they found their way through State college of agriculture. been impossible to establish what be- Entered as second class matter January 12, 1923, at the post- office at Charlotte, Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879. the Hedge Maze will be a longtime More than two million children, not The name should be meaningful; came of them. Chicago—"Enchanted Island"—the topic of conversation with children counting adults who came with them Published first Saturday of each month by the Michigan Farm News children's fairyland of dreams come who are brought to the Fair of l'.'i'.l. or to see them frolicked on Enchanted and it should be sensible. It may even Company, at its publication office at 114 Lovett St., Charlotte, Mlchtgan. true—of , giants, fairies. Magic Moun- This play adventure is a world-old Island last year. It is the greatest en- have an element of humor; but it FARM ANIMALS L> C1TT ZOOS tain, puppet shows, children's theatre, charmer for little children and a chal- tertainment project ever created for should be remembered that a piece of Farm animals are being placed In Editorial and general offices, J21 North Cedar St., Lansing, Michigan. locomotives, automobiles and airplanes lenge to the alertness of older boys children. Only the World's Fair could humor may cease to be funny. One zoos in the large cities and city chil- Posfoffice Box 960. Telephone, Lansing, 21-271. dren find them to be as much of a to drive, ponies to ride, on the "trail", and girls. It is a labyrinth of double do it. Parents and educators all over farmer named a farm "Lumbago be- curiosity as the animals of far away E. E. UNGREN Editor and Business Manager or tilting at the rings, playground hedges that they may wander into and the world were interested in its meth- cause it had a creek in the back." It lands. games and sports—will have a new and try to find their way to the end, where ods and its success. Perhaps the mem- feature. is a safe plan to take some natural Subscription 25 cei ' r; 4 years for $1, in advance. greater array of fascinating but a free merry-go-round ride awaits ories of A Century of Progress Expo- EQUAL DAYS AND NIGHTS wholesome enjoyments at the new and thbse who solve the puzzle. None are sition that will last longest—beyond There were 25 derailments of trains Along the equator, days and nights Vol. XII SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 No. 7 greater World's Fair of 1934 which re- going to be disappointed of getting the time of the present generation of last year in the United States as a re- are of equal length all through the opens at Chicago June 1. More than fun and reward out of it. There is an grown-ups—will be those of Enchant- sult of collision between trains and year; on March 21 and September 22, 2,000,000 children were there in 1933. upper path for adults to watch over ed Island. automobiles. they are equal all over the world. The Attack Has Started When they pass through the new the children to see that none of them grotesque, funny, fantastic gates of get lost or worried. The Michigan State Farm Bureau and some 170 associated farmers' co-operative ass'ns are seeking a court interpretation of the sales tax law as it applies to seeds, feeds, fertilizers, machinery and other farm Enchanted Island this year the chil- Deep fascination of the cowboy west dren will find a score of carefully se- will bring intense satisfactions to NAliSMPLANTS Over a million gallons of mineral The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher had water are shipped from Arkansas each six brothers, all of whom became year. clergymen. supplies purchased to produce farm products. We have no quarrel with the general sales tax law as a whole. We lected new features. The tried and boys and girls this year in a greatly proved favorites are retained, the play- enlarged pony ride made interesting THAT STAND SHADE object only to the interpretation which discriminates against farmers by grounds are enlarged and the system by a log bridge, a "canon" and an ex- holding that their seeds, feeds, fertilizers, etc., are root bought for purpose of resale. That interpretation is costing Michigan farmers from $500,000 for taking care of children, whose tended trip out and back over a "trail" Cornell Tells How to Clothe parents wish to leave them during the w i t h real western atmosphere, Those Ugly Bare FRANCE AGR'L PRODUCTS and upwards annually in taxes being collected contrary to the Intent of day in care of trained attendants, is "Ranch" surroundings, cowboy at- Spots the Legislature which enacted the sales tax. enlarged and amplified. To give chil- tendants and the feeling of being a AGSTONE MEAL HI-CALCIUM HYDRATED LIME The State Board of Tax Administration by its actions invited this dren joyful experiences which will real rider of the purple saga will give Ithaca, N. Y.—"Shade is good at suit for nearly a year. It denied farmers' protests in the matter and re- remain in their memories all their the children lasting memories. certain places on the home grounds, PULVERIZED LIMESTONE SPRAYING LIME fused to grant them a hearing. Stopping one's ears and closing one's lives Is the purpose that made it the Cowboy log cabins and Indian tee- but the home owner is often at a. loss eyes to a protesting group of thousands of farmers is not an answer greatest play spot on earth for little pees will be playhouses that carry on as to what plants to use in shaded sit- AGRICULTURAL HYDRATED LIME that will stand. ones last year, and it will be greater in a healthful way the adventure and uations. A few plants thrive in shade, This will be a friendly suit, but one that will be fought to a finish this year. The mental and physical play spirit that are characteristic of but a larger number merely tolerate See your Dealer, Co-op, or Farm Bureau as far as the Farm Bureau and the co-operative associations are con- well-being of the little guests is the the new Enchanted Island of 1934. it. Dealer for FRANCE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS cerned. foremost;, responsibility. Live ponies, well trained and safe, "Woody Plants that Tolerate Shade," Gronn-nps Like It are features of other new entertain- by Professor Ralph W. Curtis and Two That Should Be Defeated How fascinating it is to see the chil- ments. Riding at the ring is a delight Donald Wyman of the New York state T H E F R A N C E S T O N E CO. Two proposed constitutional amendments, loaded with potential dren in their enjoyments is shown by too deep for words for boys and birls college of agriculture describes what dynamite for rural residents, are certain to be on the ballot at the Novem- the fact that last year twenty-five per imbued with the spirit of the old chiv- plants do grow under various shady 4610 East Nevada Avenue, conditions, those which prefer acid Detroit, Michigan ber election. Sufficient signatures have been obtained and certified to