, .vol. xxv, No.2 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1947 25th Year Published Monthly ED IT O.R I A L Groups Serve Michigan Smorgasbord to Press Ass'n Contractors to Start Postwar Farm Price Support ~ ~he .calendar years 1947 and 1948 ar~ the two year penod In which Congress shall support basic farm prices On Fertilizer Plant 1 at 90 % of parity under the Steagall amendment. Presi- Contract Calls for Completion of the Job by 1 dent Truman established the time by declaring hostilities December 1; Hope to have All Concrete Work j at an end December 3 I, 1946. Done Before the Spring Break-up i Congress enacted the Steagall amendment at the re- The board of directors of Farm Bureau Services, Inc., ~ ~u~st of the Farm Bureau and farm co-operatives to pro- at a special meeting held at Lansing, January 14, let the 1 teet farmers from a postwar price crash before th~y have general contract for the building of a fertilizer manufac- I' had time to adjust 110m producing for war to producing turing plant near Saginaw. It will have a manufacturing i !or peace. ' .. capacity of 35,000 to 45,000 tons capacity per year. , At present, farm prices in general are above parity. Terms call for completion of the- plant on or before But it will be different. Congress wants to carry out the December 1, 1947. price support pledge. At the sam~ time it wants to carry The general contract for the building was awarded to out the intent of the Steagall amendment, which is to Granger Brothers of Lansing. Jarvis Engineering Works pring pr'oduction into balance with peace time needs. of Lansing will erect the steel. T oltz, King & Day of The Department of Agriculture has made some recom- St. Paul, Minn., are the architects and engineers. mendations to Congress. 11ie Farm Bureau agrees with ' The general contractor proposes to have the concrete Secretary Anderson th~t the price support program will foundations, basement, and other concrete work com- necessarily call for compliance with production quotas. pleted before the spring break-up. Some 500 tons of ;The Farm Bureau will oppose a' proposal from the De- structural steel will be required for the building. It will partment that the price support program be accomplish- be put up during the summer. The roofing and side- ed by support at half of pari~y, or allowing farm prices to walls will also be of steel, similar in appearance to steel seek their lowest level and make up the difference to the roofing, but covered with a brown asphalt and composi- farmer in subsidies. tion protective covering which is fused into the steel. }Jait , A feature vention of the 79th annual of the Michigan Press con- Ass'n which aplletizers prepareed that the Farm Bureau the legislature by the Michigan Farm Bureau board of know that they can produce the best of feeds at competi- farmer co.opel'alives aud individual :\IiIling Company is in the process of directors at Lansing, January 30. farmer patrons and stuckholders ~_ .acquirin~ ownership of the hig Chap. tive prices; :rhe savings made by the program belong total of $567.759_72 in stock and cash. in F('ed mill which it has leased for Such action, said the Farm Bureau, is called for by a to the patrons and they get them a~ 'patronage dividends. according to Lee S. 1\1onroe. manager the [last four year8. defiicit in state finances estimated at $83,000,000, and of the accounting didsion. Jhe salesmen will have to beat that before they can Patronage dividends Ilaid amounted Th0 :'Ililling COl\1p~ny is owned h.,' brought about by the adoption of the sales tax diversion the Farm Bureau Senil'es. Inc .. of shake many loose from the Farm Bureau. to $346.117.32; interest on stock out. :'Ilichig.lII. the Indiann Farm Burean and soldiers' bonus amendments last November. standing $38,862.40. Stock retired $182.780. 1\11'. Monroe said the pay. Co-o)lerath-e Compnny. tlie lIlinois The Farm Bureau opposed both amendments at that 8 MORE DEALERS Statistics Emphasize Hospital Plan Growth ments were made as follows: $241,390.17 in payment of patronage Farm Supply Company cousin Farm Bureau Supply Company. The :\[illiug COl\1pany mannfa('tures nnd the Wis- time. It said their adoption invaded the responsibilities of the legislature and could be expected to create an un- dividends upon Services wholesale START ON PATRONS As members selTice discussion program. of hospital the and medical Farm Bureau groups will be interested in business 1945. for year ending Payment made in Sen-ices August 31, De. line;; of the Farm DuJ'(':::u dain', try nnd ho!:;" feeds. The company poul. hns manageable situation for all units of government. If the legislature will place an amendment to repeal RELATIONS PLAN a progress Hospital outline Medical Service. of the ~Iichigan bentures to co-operath'e stockholders bearing 3% interest. ass'n in late December. and Mailed indiyidual 1946. impro\'pd the ties at the plant considerahly manufacturing the lease periOd and is ('on tinulng fa('ili- during to the sales tax diversion before the people in April, it may be possible to restore to the legislature its proper respon- 111icltiquIl Hospital Service $104,727.15 in Farm Bureau Senices do so. The plant has 2nnual manu- Eight more Farm Bureau Sen'ices The Biue' Cross Hospital Plall brunches patronage divitlends for year facturiug capaCity of 7ii.000 to 100,000 sibiiity for deciding at each session how the available dealers adopted the patrons relations Persolls _Enrolled ending August 31. 1944. Paid in Ser- tons of feed. operating 40 hours a program for their farmers in January, financial resources of the state shall be distributed to 1939 74,236 vices AAA stock and some common Clark L. Brody, executi\'e secretary week_ It is possible to iIl('rease that There are now 24 dealers on the pr(}- gram. Another 42 dealers should be 1941 823,053 stock. Mailed in December. of the "lichigan Fal'l~ Rureau. an- to 12;;.000 to HiO.OOO tons by opel'ating units of government. 1943 1.061.882 nounced January 31 that he will he a to Call:leity with t\\'o shifts. operating on the plan by Aug. 31. $42,940 mailed in checks to holders :\Iany peoille have sUPjlosed Ihat I Yl'al's. There is a provision that a 1945 1.27 2,024 candidate for renomination to tl)e The eight dealers are: Kingsley Co- 1946 of AAA stock issued Sel)tember 1, the sale;; tax lliversion amPllllmeutl person I-I. 1;;.01' 16 years of age might 1.167.365 state hoard of agriculture at the Re- operative Ass'n. Miller Hardware of 1937. fOI" purpose of retiring that [lro\-idp,l only for distrihutiou to local secure a restricted operators or chauf- Elsie, pany. Cheboygan Schimke Farm Co-operative Supply Com- at One- Jlichiyall Jledical Perso/ls Ellrolled the Blue Cl'OSS Surgical Service Plall stock. year. It l~as earned 4% interest each public:Ul Rapids. February govern ing body stnte convention at Grand S. The board is the fOI' l\Iich igan State MAFC'S COAOP ~o\'el'mpnts of th .. snles a nll sehools tax revenue. of oue-thinl But. said leu rs Ikense extpnuat in~ drculIlstances "upon 11I'011er showing 01' special of kama. Sellers Farm Exchange at One- 1!)40 the Farm Bureau direl'tol's. the reasons 01' necd," The decision would kaina, Bear Lake Hardware Boyne City Co-operative Company, Com pant. 1941 Ra- 1943 114.627 .407.052 571.015 $38.862.40 in checks mailed to holders of AA stock and AAA stock August 31. 1946. The llUyment repre- up to College. :'Ill'. Rrody has heen n mem- her of the board' since 192~ and will complete his fourth six yeal" term Dec. MONTH CARRIES languag-e of the amcudmeut for schools amouuts that set,; asis Lansing. nt its annual Ja.4ll1al'y :: decided its tax and aecounting meeting to eXIHlIul advisory nt ser- ments. the state sibilit iI'S. 'I'hat leaves 23% a vailahle for meetiug all its respon- to Ite,;lrieled "conditions to the license. liceuses and restrictions might the type of special contain applicaule- me- farmers, mer patrons ganization patrons. al!d (2) to give far- around each dealer an or- for' advising with the FARM AGENT FOR cash bentures, $26.350; $113.490 . for Series A 4% De- MUST COMBAT \'ice to co-operati \'es. and to com hat to the fullest Illlign being extent waged the anti-co-op by the r\ational cam- TIll' Farm Burenu heen aslied •Inll spuators to wl'ite membership I'l'preselllatives in favor of placing has challkal motor an any route. conlrol ,-ehicle devices ollel'ated area. time, 01' other required by him, and in a condl- 25 YEARS SERVICE Services is now working on the amendmeut on the AIIl'il ballot for tion whieh the commissioner deems dealer and Farm Bureau Services on Tax Equality Ass'n. I<'urm Bureau After patrons suppIies. and dealer agree to As a token of its appreciation for patronage )<'al'lll Bureau dividend Services for the }'ear ending Aug. 31, 1945. distribution branch patrons to CENTRALIZATION, The Ass'n endorsed program for Janual'Y a Co-op "Ionth whprehy tlle I'epeal ampullmeut. Compulsory of the sales tax Pasteurization-Legis- diversion necessary of a 'vehicle whIch the to assure by the licensee licensee the safe operation may and undel' operate a I the plan. the dealer keeps records the purchases of Farm Bureau on com- more than 25 years of service county's farmers. the Kent to the County POWELL SAYS puhlic was made with the farm co-operatives better acquainted through latlou calliug 1'01' compulsory zation of all milk aud milk produ('ts pasteul'i- motor vehicle," now in for('e fOI' persons AIl operator's lIcenses 14 to 17 years modities nishes $10 of patronage by each patron. the record forms. dividend Services fur- The first due a pa- Farm Keats Bnreau K. Yining. a warded county a plaque agriculturai to 1947 ROLL CALL A state coustitutional convention. meetings of business a and cit ies with farmers ,'o-opel'at h'es. IIIen froIll towns interested For the gene I"ll I )lUbli,' in ~oltl 01' ofl'ere,l for sale in :\1ichig-an has hl'en inlrodueed. The 191ii legis- I he proposed of ag-e would lIe revoked hill becomes if and when a law. The ag-ent. at a membership canl!laign state propel"ty tax and a consolidatiou lature estahlislll'd a prog-ram of local minimum age fOI' dl'ivel's of school tron Is paid to him in interest Farm Bureau The 11th dollar Services earned buys him a bearing debenture's. meelin;:- early in January. President the presentation, Seymour Hesche, madc LOOKS -GOOD ON of the ~tate's school distrh:ts unit are some of the illlO one aIternati\'e~ loeal co-operatives \-ertisements pUhlished regarding and tlll're wpre radio progl"llllls !'l'ganl- Ass'n au- farm co-ops. opt ion wherehy \'ote to require county 01' any the supel'\'isors llasteul'ization part of it. lIlny huses would in the years. Sponsors he raised from 18 to 21 share stock. of All Sen'lces further dends are paid in debentures common patronage voting divi- or pre- In accellting recalling the a ward. that the Kent County Farm Vining in FIRST REPORTS' being suggested of its financial by the passage to take the state Olll ing the place of farm co-ops in bus. embalTassment of the amendment~ cause(! iness. of the new legislation protect puhlic Iwalth say it would and ene()urage Our Rural Phone Plan ferred stock. At present there are Bureau hired him as farm 1920. told of his pleasant agent associations in The ~Iichigan Farm Bureau is out two and three last "",ovember. These Stan- elected to represent officers and directors 10 state exchanges were the toui'lst the hill is considered and resort business. fa\'orahly by the If HeIpS,40 000 F armers several thousand holders of Services to . increase its membership from ley ~1. Powell, director of pnblic at. and 171,)local co.openlliyes: Chairman, in working with the group and that legislatu I'e the :'IlIehi~an Farm Bu- Since Decem her 1~41 the :\lichlgan common stock. including 153 farmers his contacts with the members had 46.000 to -51.500 01' more families in fairs for the :\liehigan Farm Bureau. \\'. E. Phillips .• \lich. Elenltol' Ex- reau dil'ectors IU1\'e urged thnt exem(l- Bpll Telephone COllIllany has con- co-operatives. A number of the co- made him appreciate what the Farm 1947. More workers are in the field lold members of the Vau Buren COUllty change; \"ice-chnirman. Frcd HilISt. i ion be pl'ovided milk atld dail'Y prod- neeled 40.000 additional rural phones ops have installed the patrons rela- Bureau can do for the fanner. per county than in uny campaign in Furm Dui'eau at their annu::l con "Iich. Potato Growers Exch. ::>tate uets sold or furnishl'd hy (lroducers under a plan developed by the ~fich. tions system. Keith A. Tunnel'. organization our history. Eyery me'mbership must vention in Paw Paw during .Jannary. Exchange directors: R. D. Ward. to n>gular 01' seasonal employes. Igan FaI'ln Bureau. State Grange and For each patrons relations group director of the :\Iichigan Farm Bur- be renewed and thousands more added I.'arm Ilureau 8er\'iees: A .. 1. Rogel'S. tot he rolls. In j'eminding the group of the grow- Livestock Trucking-The 1I0use '\lichigan State College, co-opcratlng there is an advisory committee of eau. complimented the Kent Farm ing urhan int'luance within :'Ilichigan. Cherry erowers. Inc.; ),Irs. Ed ith judiciary cOlIlmittee is eonsldering a a,; the ;\Iiehigan Rural COllImunica- farmers. About every three months Bureau on its growth and told Vining Thirty-nine counties conducted their :'Ill'. Poweil llointed out that only 2~ \\'agar. Detroit Paeking Co.; C.1\'. :'Illchigan Humane Sudety lIIt'asur~ tions COllImittee. The IJlan first re- all the patrons are invited to a meet- that he was glad to see the county member8hill campaigns duI"ing Janu- II inlllan. Farm Bureau Fruit Products pel' cent of the popUlation now linf' regarding transpol'tat ion of li\'e~tock \ dUl'ed the cost of getting rural tele- ing with representatives . of Farm unit honol' him. It, was a "grand ary. Ten completed the job in De- Co.: Frank Oherst. :\lIchigan Lin' hy truek. It woultl I'equirp eaeh da~R phone Rervicc by providing for 3/10 Bureau Services. The adVisory com- gestuI'e to a grand man for a good ('em her. Kalamazoo. Branch. \\'ash- out,;ide munieipalities. An alel.t and :,toek Io:xehange: Howal'll ::;immons. of stoek to he partitione,1 separately. of a mile of free construction, later mittee Is in charge of the program. job done for the farmers". tenaw and Benien go to work in Feb- organized Farm Bnreau is neee"sary .\liehigan :\Iilk Prollucers; Carl K ex(:ept that \'eal ('ah'cs anti sheep incn'aspd to one-half mile per custOIlI- During January patrons meeti.ngs ruary. Benien is last. starting Feu. to protl'l't the intereMs o{ fanners. ht' lluskiI'l;. :'Ilil'higan Farm lIurpau; Lell might he (~drried in thp same (,OIn- cr. Additional construction I'Oflulred wcre held at :\lcCords ami Adnan. 17. A few rellOI'lS: snid. We lllnst combat n tendency i1: foi:ulki. :\ol'thlanll Co.op Federation. pal'tment. It would re(luire indivi,luill IIPr l'UstOll1er was lIald for at the rate Sccds and feeds were discussed. At Berrien County Women Ray county rellorted S6S after fonr 'hp legislature toward centnllization nirel'tol'S representing loeal cO'Ojls: trin!! or partitioning or hnlls. hOl'n('d. of 4~.(. lit'!" tputh'llIi1e. That amount Ellsworth and Bellaire feed and pe- llays agninst a goal of 967; llarry's re- that would ~lJ'ill school districts and trolcum products were discussed. Plan Rural-Urban Meet' port meeting showed 85S against a townships of their perogati\'es . foi:l'nlil'!h :\1illel'. C"loma .\ndl'ew Lohman. Hamilton ~'I'Uit Exch.: Fal'lIl Hur- or un I'lIly eat t 1<,. It fOI'hitls porting inert freight in a compal't- tnllls- was added )'eal'S, to the lIh;'ne Xew cnstomerli coming lJill for :; on the Plans for a rural.u rban conference 121:~ goal: Oceana's first check-up re- to bring farm and c'ity women togeth. Enrl :\1lH'ehou~e of Decatur was 1'1'- t'au: TOIIl HI'I'~house. Falmouth CII'OJl ment with lin'stoek. All ,'aeks "lIld lint' I'pdul't>d lInd perhaps elimln8tt'tl \'ealed 600 on a goal of 737; Saginaw Indiana Bureau for el' for an interchange of ideas were has 1400 for the first report. Sanilac's .>Iecll'll llresill~'nt of the Va n Bu r('n Ass'n: C. S. Coffman, Coldwater Dairy pal'Iition3 shall be frf'e of «hnl'll pro, that chal'ge. 8ince the half'lIIl1e or Couuty Fa1'l\1 Burpnu. Pnul Graham Co.; (;I'or~e Brooks. St. .1oh ns Co-op je(.tions. De('ks shall he' hi!-;h pnough free eonatl'uctlon lieI' CUlilOll1~r IJceauI6 Direct Primary laill llul'in~ the c.II'ly Illlrt of January goal is 1832: the membershill commit- Co.; Homan Booms, Uu th Farmers to ('leal' animals standing on tll'l ,'ffl'etive Fph. I, lrJl6 n ry few group Indiana Farm Bureau is backing a hy the Women's Act ivities group of tee smiles but Ims made no report. was clected vice.presillenl. Elevato's. tloor. Cl<'at"'( inclines or I'alnll:.! must t'xtpn51f1lIS have called for a monthly 'direct primary bill in the legi8iat~re the Henien County Farm Bnreau. Sanilac has surprised twice with The datc for t he conference, has ten- Clal k L. Drody cont inues as exeeu- he pl'O\'idpd for loadin,li; and unload-I eonlll ructlon charge. MOH. th811 24,- to abolish the party conventiOn whopping gains. Hillsdale. Lenawee. The 16 Yenr old "",ational Council live scel'elary llnd .1. .J. Yaeger as ass't lng. Iletailpd PI'O\'1,.:[ons al'P ~lled- f,U\! rural eu-loll1"I'S WP/'E "onlI-'rq method of nominating persons for tat ively been set fol' February 26 at Calhoun. ~Iason counties report they of Farmer Co.operatives now fedcrates t h'e secl'etar)' and J. F. Yaeger as ass't lied fOl' hedding. Frolll .Jlllle 1:; to ill 1946 'I\'III-n th. (;01l11ll J Y r€ lII1U"] atate offices and for U. S. Senate. The the II inchmen Methodist church. are near t he goals set. A report by for represeutatiye purposes ,9 regional This is the first such meeting ever rectoI'. The :\IAFC Ojlerates as a ";~lltell1l)f'r I~, the load !mhcr- mittel' of th .. whol" ill cOIlillderin~ a I prlonl' ('vlIIl/au • ~ opposed the convcntion law whcn It fnrm tractor Is approximately ten guarded through neighborhood and Properlr constructed self-feeder!! ship ami lllfluente all the Falin BUI'- hill to rai"p tht> 1IIInimum a~p for se-I pt Oil' 'J" (j y;_a~ enact cd somc years ago. ycara. community co-opcration alone. pre\'ent feed wastage. I eau. iJ curing a drlver's llcenlle from 14 to 17 I plan. SATU RDAY.1:£~B RU..!!BY...=t •.JHlI .:rwo M I C.H I G A N F.A P. M N EW8 . . ommended to the carries the vital factors necessary for council whIch r~ f Agriculture the ~A~eHIGA~#lS BAKING SCHOOL health and production and yet tnk!'s only a moderate cash outlay. U. S. Departmen 1947 acreage allotment 0 P;:;r:lI~t~~:~~~:d prog ram for i d r~M~HEyw~ SPONSORED BY Pres. Buskirk Addresses the potato support that speculators on . in' the far we!>tern states took a va~ d t SUCN'_or to the ~lIrhl~n Farm Du~u News, founded Janual"7 11, un Produce drowers' Banquet age of the old potato support P BntotftC all ..-ond class matter January n. U!3. at the poet- oI!'Ic." at Charlou..., Michigan, under tbe Act of Marob 3, 18.", VAN BUREN WOMEN Farmer co.operatlves; whIch leall the way toward better tJ"a1 1e 111.ac t"IC'os• gram. Cases of fruit were f awar ded to out. th concern by. Highlighting ,a baking school spon. through the introduction of compe.' standing groWOrll .?r e • PlIt:tf.ab~' rtr...t ~turday of each month by th. 3.llohlgan Jl'arm Bu..... u • CLARK titlon, will some day enable farmers Manllgel' Arthur) K Burg .• at Its publtt'aUon olftl'e at 114 E. Lovett St., Charlotte. Michigan. sored by the Van Duren Farm Bur. to "write their own insurance 11l'0- Rdltortal and Cf'neral OmCM, 2%1North Cedar St" Lansing, Michigan, eau Women's group In cll-operation gram against crop surpluses", ~a~1 K Use Farm Bureau Feedl. Postolfl"e DOl<:'60, Telephone, Lan ..lng 21-%71. Valentine with the home demonstration agent Buskirk, president of the l\!Iclllgan •••• at Paw Paw, was 'the step by step Farm Bureau, told Hampton township EINAR UXGREN_' E,ditor and Business. Manager Subscrlptlon Price %5cents per year. Limited to Farm Bureau Member8. Oh, Helpmeet on the road of life; CompanIon of my da)~; The sharer of my weal and woo. for you my heart displays 11~monsll'ation of the mlxinll:, knead. ing and shaping of home-baked bread. "Since ,hot breads are ogreat favorites growers of produce for the Bay Co- operative Canneries, Inc., of Bssex- ville, at a Victory Banquet the early • Vol. XXV SATVRDA~ FEBRUARYl, l~7 No.2 The best that in it Is, of 10\'6 and joy and fond appeal; And e\'ery noble sentiment a simple heart can feel. For you as in the tla)'s of old when first we spoke our love llnd can be served In such a variety of \\"ays to keep thrifty meals interest. part of Janua!'Y. President Buskirk, who was a mem- • ..c• Community of control. Geneva-Warren, Midland. Reimer and 1 attended the meeting of Fred J\!y heart still beats the Quick tatoo that you are worthy of. The best that's in me, )'OU Inspired; the honest things, and tine, And It is time I told )'ou so again, :.\1yVallmtine. Ing. wise homemakers often," 9llid .\IIss Helen V. Rodgers, mid-western represenative serve them of the ber of the live-man national advisory • .-" ~ Farm Bureau Activities this group and I don't know when 1 have enjoyed an evening more. f was impressed by the willingness on the As, )Iother of my Uttle ones, so many years ago, You shared with me the heavenly thrill that only parents know • Wheat Flonr InstHute of Chicago. While demonstrating a quick variety of the popular ~innamon roli' and ...- .fIt C ~ ... ... >. .... ~ ... .-.. part of members to accept responsi- Together we have lived ajong, the bad times with the good coffee cakps with many tasty toppin~s, bility so that their group would be And always we have tried to keep the charge of parenthood BW )fRS, MARJORIE KAR1r1':R :\1I91S Rodgers said, "Inasmuch as t Mnabtrdl'p Relat'otI. and Ed"catlon successful. It was nice to meet the Together we ha\'e shared what came. the hitter with the sweet sugar is !\UII scarce, semi-sweet rn members. 1 hope to see Ihem again. And no,,! that they are grown and gone; that phase would seem com- In these summar)' reports of com- colfee cakes and rolls help satisfy Bloomer Township, Montcalm-12. It plete. munity Farm Bureau meetings tbe was voted that the luxury tax be re- the sweet tooth and yet go easy on name of the ~up. the l'OUUlY and tained for the time heing at least. But stili the memory of it lives in your dear heart and mine, the sugar. number in attendance are gh'en In Tha.t a sharp cut be made in the num- And still my love Is all for you; for you, :My Valentine. tb3t order. Holton. Muskegon-20. to ghe their st:'cretary $5.00 for a Group voted roll. ber of people on the government pay Unadilla, L1vingston-21. It was The uphill days of life are past. The quiet years have come, And you are still my lIght-of-love, the goddess of my home. The flame no longer burns so hot. Ambition flickers low. MERMASH BACK Christmas gift In appreciation good work. Kent City, Kent. The Community of his suggested that there he more research -011 new outlets for farm sUl'pluses. They felt that colleges and univers- But still together we can share love's gloriOUS afterglow. As hand in hand and heart to heart we greet each riSing day i. t TO NORMALCY Farm Burt:'aus of this area held a Ities shoilld be gh-en more money to shower for ~Ir. and ~Irs. Lina \\-i1der, calTY on this research work. Knowing our love is deep and true and shall not pass away. Then kiss me, Sweeth£'art of my soul, and let our arms entwine l J\lermash poultry feeds, 16, 18. and 20'/0 protein are back to normal. ac- I drher of the Farm Bureau oil and gas Northwest. Livingston-23. 'Von Still be the Darling of my heart; still be :My Valentine. cording to Bob Addy of the Farm Bur- truck. whose home and entire contents $5.00 for selling the most tickets to eau Services feed dep't. The feed were de.iJtroyed by fire just berore the Lh'ingston County Farm Bureau R. S. Clark shortages during the war years made Chri~mas. pre.sented. ~fan)- useful girts were annual meeting and voted to send this prize money to ~Ir. and ~Irs. Ray I 315 North Grinnell St. Jackson, Michigan it impossible to xhake them as they were before the w'ar. • Shiawassee-Vernon, ~tr. Roger Foerch of Bancroft Shlawassee-24. Ele- Smalley for their work in Africa. I Now. said Bob, we have aV!lilable Tator outlined dUTing "Co-op ~Iolllh." plans for advertising Mapleview, Allegan-19. A letter Elmer. Sanilac-28. problems. Lester movies on "vacations". ~Ir. WhitelY" listed in the book, "Report of l\l1ch- County Road Engineer, discussed road Igan ~Iajor Agricultural Appels showed published by Agricultural These were Committee of the Michigan Planning Problems" Advisory ELECT YAEGER TO the Quality proteins which carry the essential ~lermashes amino-acids and vitamins. made from MVP (Mer- maker and Vlta-Pak) concentrates are was prepared to be sent to the County particularly Road Commission asktng that Alleg'dn members had been snowbound I enjoyed inasmuch as the Commission. along with the state dis- fori cusslon topic each month. NATIONAL BO~4RDS the good buy for poultrymen. l\Iermashes are being made with I County roads be naUied and marked se\'eral days. Mulberry. Lenawee-100. 'Vere hosts whole fish meal and fish solubles, liv- for safety reasolls. MichIgan Farm Bureau men figur- er meal and dried whey, They con- Sunnyside, Wexford-15. Secretary\ to the Blissfield, East Riga and South- Central. Missaukee-18_ Group is was instructed to send a letter to Gov-,Iand groups at a business _and social ed in the election of directors for tain so much of \'itamins A. B-com- interested in obtaining the services of ernor Kim Sigler commending him on I meeting. !\e\'eral national farm co-operati\'es at A panel discussion led by plex. D, and G, said l\1r~ Addy. that the Lake City FIre Department. when his stand on Farm Bureau and CD-ILloyd Reusink of Adrian was conduc- Chicago early in ,Januar)'. there is a pickup for flocks and an necessary. and appointed Bell Sheat- operatives. Clark L. Drody, ed on the subject of Farm Bureau of the )lichigan Fal'm Bureau. retired abundance executive secretaT)' to maintain health with I enhelm to Investigate thi" matter. Prog~ive, Emmet-13. South Oneida, Eaton-12_ Memberslacth'ities. Is not in are to be notified by telephone of I' Seville. Gratiot-14. Ca~or of price sUPJlOrt for potatoes Community but fAYOrSthe allotment acreage plan (Good idea). as director and president of the Farm Bureau meetings. the possibility of a Fann Bureau store ass't executive secn;tary of the :\II<'R, farmers may buy the l\1VP concentrate I in Gratiot County was held. Uni- heavy production. Discussion on ted Co-operati\'es. Inc. J. F. Yeager: stocked by Farm Bureau dealers, o,r Group was elected to the board. H. S. Ags. and have theIr own grain mixed with l\1ermash is being c:c Bellevue, Eaton--46. Report pictures of national AFBF convention l posal. and went on record as ,favoring the pro- per, manager i of the Pimnsylvania Farm Bu'reau Co-operath-e, was elect. it to get an all-grain' J\lermash tha\ t fen Y""~4aml'I'~/ultZ(tA in San Francisco and the trip to and from the convention I Tamarac, Barry-14. was given by after discussing "Advertising of Farm The conclusion cd president. At the annual meeting of the I ~"l'd If 'Valter ~Iapes. Archie, Grand Traverse-19. Produce" was that advertising should National Council of Fal'lner Co.opera- In be done by Farm Bureau as a means tives. Mr. Yaeger was elected a direct. discussing whether or not farm prod'l to bring to the publiC eye the fact 01' of the state co.operative councils AGENTS WANTED IODERETE ucts should he hetter advertised this that farmers group, being cherry growers, felt that that is working. the nutritional should be advertised value of cherries I Southwest have an organization I Maple Grove, Barry-7. more through It was decided to protest the poor in that Cal)acit)'. section of'the national board of direct. ors. :\11'.Yaeger rel)resents the :\lichi. gan Assn'n of Farmer Co-opel'ative!\ The Insurance Department of tbe Micbigan S'tate Farm Bureall has many 0venings tor agents to reprelent surance Companies In Michigan. the state Farm In- We would appreciate hearlnr SEPTIE TAO'R attractive posters in food stores. Aetna No.1. Mecosta-14 i service they have been getting from They Ithe company.ful'nishing :\Ir. Brody retired as chairmaI). of electric power. the Council's National Agr'l Trans. felt that the cost of adverti!!ing farm I They voted to do this by having each portationcommittee for farm co.op- from any of our Micblgan Farm ~ews readers if they' are Inter- ested in talking the proposition over wltb one of our" managenl. • A c:onCf~e septic tank makes it pas- lib!. to have the benefits of running commodities should be compulsory for I family of the group make a protest erati\'!!s. all growers so that all who benefit l' when paying their next electric bill. throughout the war. hy the advertising to finance It. Cedar No, 1, Osceola-10. would he helping Central After discussing Letters'thoroughly Hillsdale, Hillsdale--13. the matter the gathering rather and vice-president decided to Farm He served in that capacity :\fr. Brody continues as a dlrecto:- :\lachinery of the National Co-operative. :\11'. It would be very helpful to UI If any of our readers .would suggest the 'names ot likely agent prospects in their nearby cltlell and towns, time to ltart. The remuneration Addresl your lnQulr7 to 18 good.OChll ~il a partlcular~ 'Iooll ,III t- ....." ~ watel and modem plumbing in solef) ••• disposes of all household one. were sent to their Congres!\men pro-l ask the hustness men of Hillsdllie to Yaeger is a director of the National testing against the proposed elimlna-I hecome memhers of the Farm Bureau. Co-operatives, Inc., a purchasing and INSURANCE DEP'T. '.• MICHlGAN8TATE ~RM BUREAU human wastes ••• prevents the con- tion of the R.E.A. Garfield, Newaygo--22. Group fav- manufacturing organization interest. 221 North Cedar SL " P. O. Box 960 Lansln,g, Michigan tamination of drinking and cookin~ A. 8. B., Macomb-13. Voted to go ored the Inclusion of dairy products in ed In electrical equipment, milking •••• water by germs that may caul( \ on record as a group in favor of out- all school lunches. (Does this mean machines, distributed by Farm Bur- typhoid, dysentery and other ills. lawing "Communism" and to prevent hot school lunches?) eau Services in :\I.ichigan. Write for our free booklet, "Con- any memher of that party from hol(l- South Salem, Washtenaw-46. Mem- crete Strudures for FarmWater Supply ing any office in our national, state bers have wJ"itten their Congressmen and Sewage Disposal." It gives com- and local govemment. protesting the sugar allotment and Record Set by State '. pl•• constrvction detoils. Also ex- plains how to build cisterns and well County Line, Leelanau-22, The have asked for action by Congress in Seed Inspectors , question of putting income taxes for getting more sugar. This method of The volume of work handled by the curbings to protect your water supply. fanners on a thl'ee-year basis, instead I procedure was agreed upon after hold- State Department of Agriculture seed of annual. was debated. ling a discussion on this subject at laboratory in 1946 set a new all.time PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Results of the discussion ,were not their Decembel' meeting. rec'ord. "'!-4. Old,. Tow"r. I.an"in~ .. \tkh. tahulated. Townline, Livingston-13. Agreed A total of 12,747 samples of seed Bingham, Huron-16. Has decided that taxes should be taken olf food, were tested in the laboratory. ThIs to discuss one of the farm prohlems and income tax removed from lower represents 6,929 samples sent in for tncomes. L. D. Dickerson showed test from farmers and seedsmen color motion pictures taken on his throughout the state and 1,725 field trip to AFBF convention at San FranJ seed samples collected by inspectors, BABY CHICKS elsco. Membership Dues Are Farm Expenses and 4,093 samples of vegetable seeds. As a result of the samples collected by inspectors, 1,292 lots' of seed' were seized by the state. The seed testing service is Cree to any Michigan resi- • I 'Think of Tomorrow! Order Chicks Today' The internal revenue department dent. 'You want-the~rJght:anl!Wm~l! Remember, the chicks you huy now will be your next year's layers, has ruled that membership fees in 1------------------ I The kind you buy determines your next year's 'profits! expect them to lay more eggs than they have been bred to produce. You CHin fal'm organizations penses of the farm business. are legitimate ex- the farm books. This should enable the average farmer to save from $1 The dues may thus be entered on to $1.25 on hIs 1946 income tax. questionp; before _everi.J~todqr4.Wbat .going to happen to farm price.; and_toJarmJa& .- .. II. . We have the be!!t. Every chick we sell is from an egg produced on ~ I:a business in the nert fe~years?11.:he~~_tea~ our own farm! Phone or wlite for price list today. Don't wait! I - ,lyears? How can'! stea4y.myself for~nDlJ31a'. ' (RAWFORD POULTRY FARM Classified Ads may come? What can ldo~to.C011tfnue'qrfculturt Phone 37029 Kalamazoo R.9, Michi,gan Cla.. l"ed advertllemenhl are cash with order at the followlna rates I ,as a strong, p~osperous .b~sJneast ,Bow_CIA teSt take the rate of 3 cents Der word per adition • . 4 centl oer word for one edition •. "de to appear In two or more edition. ... 1 something that, will help!} '" . '\, " i i ENJOY PURE, SOFT WATER VETERINARY REMEDIES TEST FOR MASTITIS (GARGET). Use either the Quick hlot~er test (50 blotters for $1.00), or the Brom-Thtmol BABY'CHICKS BABY CHICKS. REASONABLY PRIC.. ed with IIvablltty guarante ..d. Rocks. 'VhlJe Leghorn", Legorcas, H..ds: Whit.. 1,000,000 F.A~R_'M~ERS test solution (complete with test tubes-- fARM BUREIU H~d Rock". All ..tl;cks blood tl'sl ..d $1.25). Treat Internally by mouth with \~ rite for folder and prices. Cale.lonla t and Save Money, Too! sulfanilamide tabtet .. (loo 60-graln tab- lets $4.00), or inject Infected Quarters with either sulfanilamide suspension In 011; penicillin solution or Tyrothricin I' armers :\lIchlgar.. Elevator Hatchl'r)', Cal..donia, Meadowbrook Farms Hatchery R 0 P (2-2t-2!lb) in the I ; - - ---" ~ ~ . - THE GREATEST COST or hard emulsIon. 'Vrlle H. F. Link, 1456 East hloodllne chicks. 'Vlng banded !t'o'p' water If! In the many extra hours ~llchlgan, Lansing, Mich. Has the larg- cockerel .. hl'adlng breeding pens U'S' est veterinary department In th state. approvell., U. S. PUllorum If'si~d.. si~ -.. _ .' ~_1_~ of drudgery, the vexation and il'l'i- (l-tt-67b) standard breeds. ServinI;' central and tation of lustreles8 hair, the de- easlern ~lIchlgan from Charlotte, Mich- VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS - HY- Igan. Get our new chick manual free " ~ FARM ntnmAtT.IB fighting your" . Farm _Bureau~got:-liefter;fimI7p!1ees pressing elfect of dull, dingy podennlc Syringes with needles and ud- :'ole!ldo\\,:hrook Farms battle for fair prices,- go~d laws), and a tabl"ics. But here are some of the der Infusion tubes; dose syringes, mouth :\1),;-5, Zeeland, ~Ilchlgan. Hatchery, Box (parity) ..It helped get postwar.farm prlce (2-~t-43p) economic costs [or a family of spreader .., balling guns, milking tubes, ,.qt1ar8-.deaJ~torJarmerr.: Men. of ability ,support_for _h!0 years. after_-pe~CI_1a _d~ dilators, teat plugs and splitters, dehorn- FRUIT PACKAGES four: eM!, trocars with capula, emasculators. , 'Vrlte for prices. H. 10'.Link, Phanna- USED FRUIT PACKAGES, BUSHEL :represeD(our~membersJiIp. to_Congress" clared. Our ~platform.lI:thit:farm ... a. year ch.t 1456 Ea.'\t Michigan Avenue, Lan- ~asket .., Berry Crates, 1o'ieldand Apple Cost In Soap $21.53 sl;,g, :\lIch. (l-tl-41b) oxes, Plant Flats, and a large (1arlely of other boxes and barrels. 'Vrlte your to the .tate legislature!; to business, in.' ,labor _and business. should' go' up and Cost in Fabric!! 34.17 PHENOTHIAZINE BEST DRENCH needs for samples and prIces. IIarr ,dustry and'labor.:Farm Bureau members! :down the price ladder together,' lThat Is ___ J __ Cost In Plumbing & FueL 14.50 grade. 90c per pound. 1 or 100 Ib... Write Marcus, Benton Harbor R-3, Michigan. y Add to that thl! increased cost in for 150 lb. drum price. H. F. Link, 1456 E~,-o"t •• MIchigan Avenue, Lansing,(l-tf-25b) :\lIch. MAPLE SYRUP SUPPLIES (l2-6t-36p) are informed, and' organize!! .to act on' !-sq'!...are deal for _ag!iculture,.) auto radiators, 20% replacement of ESSENTIAL MAPLE SYRUP MAK- ,legislation.and other-p~sa1I_tli_~wUJ. kitchen utensils, cost of maintain- WANTED TO RENT Ing and marketing equIpment and HUp- piles, Inclndlng felt filter hags of c1caus- .affect .their_business Ii tFirm-BUreau:serviCis~surell' ing cl!!terns, repairs to water tanks WANTE-D-FARM TO RENT. 200 OR ing, thermom~ters, hydrometers, tin and and pipe lines, et~--and the total 250 aen's with I;'oodequipment 'lOll ,.very- glass containers, fanc)' labels, sap spouts, 'members high quality seeds, feeds, fer. thIng furnish,'d. Orlando Hugbee. :\Ia..on etc. Order .. being hooked for new King exceeds $100 a year. 1:-1, Iinx 1:17,~lichlgan. (2-ltp) evaporators for delivery for 1948 SyrU11 :The- Farm-Bureau #has a(Jvanced' and~ . ,tUbers, machinery, ete.- Its job Is to help The BALL-O-MATIC water condi- tioner with the "Do All" mineral LIVE STOCK sea.~on. 'Ve urge producers to order all ..upplil's early to be aKsur..d of t1ellvf,r)' In time for, sprIng use. j.'or prlres and , .protected members', interest many times' ;farmers Increase fann -income; ""larg_ A w1ll deliver near zero softness HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES SIRE Information, write Sugar Bush HU\lplle.. In the past. You can_d~p_end_uponJt iI!) ':fertilizer ~manufacturing -plant .'Is to be son of "'I ..consln Admiral Burke Lad, Company, Box 1107,Lansing 4, Michigan. water and remove objectionable I quantities of Iron ,at the same time. Gold :\I..,)al, 25-2 yr .• mo. daughters average 17,160 tb... milk, 618 Ills. fat; (l-tf-70b) _~e,~ears.ahead f] ibuilt. All sav~gs beloEg~the patro~ I dams hy our Gold Metlal sire, Pahst Sir MAPLE SYRUP LABLES \ ' See your Farm Bureau dealer llelcad .. Dewdrop, 19-2 yr. daughters av- ~~~ I,.J."....,..,""" ....,.uII.\ ahout free tests of water for hard- erage -143Ihs. fat 2X. Farmer prlc ..,. If SPECIAL MAPLE SYRUP LABEL for gllUl.~and tin containers. Attractive ness and for full Information about sold young. Special price to .-H c1uh all-over t! (YOU CAN HEL~YOURSEU. no!~and.mth-e-yeaino.come:t>Y.befiigamem~erof I memhers. AI"o, Berkshire hogs. Rlnk- illustration In six color" of "Ul;'ar the Vo-AII Ball.O-Malic Water tand Farms. John A. IUnke & Sons, 'Var- ahu..h In operation. Also, new this y..ar, Water Softener, ren, :\lIchlgan. (l-3t-60p) In six color label IIII11.trotlnl;'a maple leaf autumn colors. Place for your farm ,the Farm' Bureau.). Take an active -part In it. .Continue~your .membershlp'.~:Nearly name. 'Ve print that for you. Our la- MILKING SHORTHORN BREEDERS: hels are deslgnd to draw attention to and For youl' next herd bull select a "on of sell your syrup. Label for can cover.. 1,000,000 families ar~ members'in 46 states-.:More th~~)OOOJanJlers~e ~ember8_ t Distributed FARM BUREAU SERYICES, Inc. By our nationally famous ..Ire, Ingle ..lde three sIde" of can. Carrie .. recipes too Royal Juniper. For the past four years For samples and prices of all lah ..l~ an.i "~.Mic:~ig!'ll- PamEy_membership is $5_p~ryear~ our herd has won the coveted Premier pure maple syrup making and market- Machinery 4 Electrical Dept. Breeder's Banner at the Mlchlgi\n State Ing eCluipment, wrlle Sugar Bush Supplies The good looking unit here i'l Fair. Slanley :'01. Powell, Inglesldb Farm, Company, Box 1107,Lansing 4, :\lIchlgan. 221 N. Cedar Street Ionia R-I, :\lIchlgan. (12-3t-45b) YOUR COUNTY FARM BUREAU tbe famous Do-All Ball-O- Lansing, Michigan (l-tf-92b) Matlc Softener. Registered Red Poll Cattle. Butter, WOOL GROWERS beef and b&"\uty. Our herd has won more Attention, Wool Growerl-send your Manufactured by flr..ls and champion .. than any other 1<'001to us and you are guaranteed the h..rd at the ..tate ..how the last tour ceiling price. \Ve are purchasing wool REYNOLDS-SHAFFER COl\lPANY y..ar ... 90010 of the calve!! ..irt'd hy a. for the government. • Detroit, Michigan Red Poll Bull from any cows will be red marketlng ..ervlce and prompt settlement and hornless. 'Ve usually have breed- made. Michigan Co-operative Wool Mar- Ing stock tor sale. Popular Stock Farm. keting Association, SOliN. Mechanic St., Year around wool Take Part In Roll Call for Membership Phil Hopkin., Homer, 1\I1chlpn. Jackson, MichIgan. Phone. 3-4246 (2-3t-59p (3-tf-«'b) SATURDAY,. FEBRUARY 1, 1941 MICHIGAN F'A-RM N EWS- EMMET PRODUCES In 1945, when Paul was in the army, J. D. Robinson won the title with 615- bushel average. Farmers Must Act to OTTAWA GROUP MILKMAKER HELPS CHAMPION SEED Selection of the champion was an- nounced by H. C. Moore, Michigan State College potato specialist. Protect Their Income FIRST IN WEST PRODUCE MORE The recipe tor :.erpetual ignoranl'6 POTATO GROWERS Lenawee Farm Bureau Briar By EDITII 31. WAG.ilR Hill Farm, Carleton, Monroe Co. carefully suggested that sbe grade all eggs very and aim to maintain the MICHIGAN. CONTEST AT LOW COST Is to be sati!lft't'd with your opinions and content with your knowledge.- J. n. Robinson and his son. Paul, The daily papers of late show that good market she has fOr the large of Pellston. both members of tho Bm- To Publish Newspaper farmers must he on the alert or we ones. Use small eggs for the family North Chester Community Bureau, Ottawa county, won the $150 Farm To make money you need produc- tion when there Is a ~ood market for met County Farm Bureau, bave won Lenawee County Farm Bureau be- and ofrer the remalndel' for a price shall lose much that we have gained. sweepstakes award in the 1946 'Vest tbe commodity manufactured, again the title of Michigan's champion gan Puhllcation during January of a We read headlines "50 cent butter by she would be willing to pay if buying. :\lIchigan Farm to Prosper contest at Farm Bureau Services. Ba)'S PURE CRUSHED certified potato seed 'growers. monthly newspaper with Lewis Rue- But under no circumstances allow the s~nk as the editor. Harland Sell will summer." To the dairy farmer that the annual dinner and program at l\IlIkmaker 34% protein helps do '-TIlIPlL! aCR.INIIO , The Roblnsons, who have ,placed means he cannot feed last year's small eggs. to kill the price for those Muskegon. January 30. Other county that job. It helps assure a healthy hig~ In state potato contests for years, be the chairman of the bdard of di- of higher gl'llde, )Iany times farm rectors' publication committee. crop to PI'oduce milk for 50 cent but- .winners placed in the sweepstakes herd producing at top capaCity. Now produced 721 hushels of Chif.lpewa I ter without taking a tremendous loss. women can create and cater to a judging ,1as follows: North Ottawa is the time to get results when iullk potatoes per acre ,to win the 1946 Other members of the committee are special market for eggS and poultry. I have heard several town people Community Farm Bureau. Fruitland and butterfat are selling at fair prices. state crown. Robert Tucke'r, Harold Goetz, Ivan It is best to do so if possible rather Hunt and Leo Wagner. rejoice over the prospect and say Grange, Blooming Valley Grange, Mi1kmaker 34'70 adds about $12 a they hoped a11food tban depend upon local stores for a Custer Community Farm Bureau, Ash- ton to the cost of feeding grain alone, prices would be market. I land Grange. said Bob Addy of the Farm Bureau I have tried to stress in this article The contest is prom.oted among Services feed dep't. For that $12 per lowered to the that farmers are in the midst of rural community organizations in the ton he said the dairyman feells qual- s:'1me extent. It is W~ere Quality Come(.First our job to convince such people the quickest to nose into an- that way troublesome times. It is fool hardy to expect any other group to bring st@ady prices to our uoor. If we are to have' steady prices we must keep together and work toward that goal. five counties for the ~urp~se of pro- moting .rural c.ommnmty hfe. money IS contrIbuted by the, busmess organizations of the counties as a ~rize ity 'proteins' from lin8eed, soybean, cot- tonseed and gluten meals and corn distillers gl'-ains. Milkmaker contains hone meal and sail - cobalt, iodine, means o~ promoting rural.urban com. manganese, copper and iron as the es- other depression Is We must support our co-operatives. munity lllterest, Prizes of $50, $30, sential minera.ls. There is molasses to lo'educe the farm- We must bring other farmers along $20, $15 and $10 with certificates of for palatability. A ration containing er's . buying power with us. We cannot do our best when award were presented to these win- Milkmaker 34'7n costs about 4 cents so that it is out of so many stand outside looking on. ners: less per pound of protein than protein balance with that We must take time to support our Ottall;a countY-No. Chester Comm. from grain fed alone. l\Iilkmaker also _______ . of other groups. organization when it calls upon Uil to Farm Bureau. No. Ottawa Junior F. contains 8000000' units of Vitamin D -MRs. WAGAR There is a sur- back it up in state and national legis- B., Huyser Comm. F. B., Coopersville the sunshine' vitamin, in every ton: plus of potatoes. I don't know what lation .• Let's think more about our Grange. This is worth from $1.40 to $1.60 If ....... 1(.v44. .... the solution of the problem will be. own business these days and let other Xelcaygo-Ashland Grange, Brook. purchased separately on the market . The government is trying to get rid folks work out their own troubles. ... BUREAU .llU_. CII. .... side Comm, F. B., Garfield .Comm.. ~. Th line f i\lilklJ1a~{er reeds was es- ClIM:M;O. lU.. of them without too great a loss to I am sure that our c'ountry will B., Reeman Comm F. B., BIg PralTle eo) producers. It's too bad to have a sur- carry on even, if Georgia has several Grange. -------------------------------- plus of a crop like potatoes wben a governors, and however Hank Green- Oceulla-B1ooming Valley Grange, new crop ,from another section of the berg comes out, or .even if Bilbo gets Oceana Center Grange, Blooming Val- PRICES ARE HiGHER ,THIS YEAR. The cost of a good seeding back into the U. S. Senate. I am not should never be figured in terms of price per busbel of seed. Higher country is about ready Cor market. has a tremendous effect on the price It so sure that the farmers will get their fair share of the country's in- ley PTA. Ferry Grange, Shelby Comm. F. B. All Steel-A".P",rpose first cost is oft?n genuine economy in terms of acres seeded. Any of both the old and the new crop. JJason - Custer Community F. B., CO-OP F.ARM ,WAGONS .1 believe 'fal-mers must tlm .to come unles& farmers themselves keep Summit,Pere Marquette Comm. F. B . of the following practices may prove to have a lower initial price tag f their eyes on their own jobs. Let's market only A No. 1 potatoes com- -but prove very 'expen~ive In the final analysis!' . worry more about our own business manding the best possible price, and find ways and means to 'work oU the and less- about some the sensational 1 Buying Argentine or other southern seed not of proven- adaptlon. lower grades .. ' events that had had so much' printer's ink of late .• There is much for us to This is National Onion Week. do for ourselves these uays. Let's 2 Using tectlon any seed not bearing a proper analysis tag for .your pro- . ... There's a, reason. There. is' a' great sUl'plus of onions needing promotion have the inclination to do it. ,for a market. Most of these sur- ••• 3 ~ Introducing any new weeds or tolerating unnecessary ,additions' t~ those already Introduced. plnses cannot be carried over for any length of time, so it means find ways Last fall tile :\ which gual"antees that a man can never have the wrong more corn and pitch a lot more hay, I can't ~et my calves to market as early. I'm just not growing sa Fuel ~ barrels ~ boxes ~ paper ~ salt 6 sugar ~~ and other kind of insurance. much meat per acre." Thi.~ man doesn't realize that feed bulk is no supplies took 4.8~ ~ out of the average'dollar. TlrERE'S NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT! Now, under one contract, you can get e\'ery basic kind of life insurance co\'crage, from death protection up to savings and retire- indication of feed value. Livestock will not gain more on larger rations unless the feed value of any crop is derived from the basic plant food ele- Transportation c:!JJ took 2~.. (g)(f) (Meat travels, on the average, over 1,000 ;"Uet ments found in the soil. The crop must first build ment. All three basic kinds of insurance-(1) Ordinary up the woody structure that makes up its bulk . from producer to consumer.) Life, (2) Payment Life, (3) Endowment-are under one contract in the Triplet Estate Plan. included Then, if soil conditions are right, the plant will store up a supply of the raw materials of protein, vitamins, and mineral compounds. Thus, whether • Taxes took another 14. @ All other expenses,' including depreciatiol\ • crop offers anything more than bulk and fatten- LET US SHOW YOU how to take the guesswork out of ln~ power depends on the condition of the soil on Interest and miscellaneous business costs, amounted to 3.3~. (f)(f)(f) (() insurance buying. Imr-estigate this amazing plan today. which it grew. Livestock may be fed great quantities SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT of feedstuffs produced on poor soils and still {ail to gain weight. It is soil that has been guarded against All these costs taken out of the sales dollar left 1.34. This was Swift & Company's net erosion, fertilized properly, and carefully managed, Write Mlchi,9zn Farm Bureau, State Agent, that grows nutritious crops. Such soil will produce profit in.-1946 - a profjt of only % of a (j) on each pound of the millions of p~un5l1_of crops that give better feeding results and make 221 North ~dar St., Lanalng 4, Michigan -.ore meat per acre. ~rOdUd$ ond b.Y:froducts handlec4 A r"- r Repreaentlng V 1f)8:.t~f\~ STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO. Swift & Company Home Office: Bloomington, III. UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICA~O 9, ILLINOIS Wm. B. Traynor, Viet' President & Trea~ lutritio. i, oaTbuiaus-and Joars