Vol. 33, No. 8 c ga AUGUST 1,· 1955 33rd Year You're Invited to Farm urea Jr. FB Cafeteria New Home for Farm Bureau in Lansing At Ionia Fair Nearly 40 County Junior Farm Bureaus are expected Building W·II b to participate in the Ionia cafeteria project during the More han 65,000 week of August 8-14. Memb r of h The State Junior Farm Bureau Committee, headed by Now that the Michigan Farm Bur u i Carol Smith of Hillsdale county, has completed plans new home on US-16 west of Lan ing, it i for the project this year. that Farm Bureau memb rs and h ir It is estimated that J unior Farm Bureau members will friends, and our business t serve about 5000 meals during the fair week. Only Bureau come and see it. Michigan produced foods are used if they are obtainable. We are to have an Open Hou from The Cafeteria is a service project in nature. There- 3:00 p. m. Wednesday, ugu t 10. fore, a large financial gain is usually not in evidence. President Ward G. Hodge, Executiv However, profits from the project are set aside in a spec .. Yaeger, and Executive Vice-President . L. Brod ill ial fund which "may be used only for educational pur- take part in the dedication of the building to th poses." ice of our Farm Bureau membership. Junior Farm Bureau issues an invitation for Farm Bu- The boards of directors and the manag m nt reau families to attend the Ionia Fair . You will want to Michigan Farm Bureau and associate F rm eat at the Junior Farm Bureau Cafeteria located across FARM BUREAU MEMBERS and friends who attend the open house for the new office building August 10 will enjoy seeing the companies are inviting you and your f mily to the midway from the grandstand. Regular servin~ hours modern facilities the organization has built to serve the membersh ip. Here are the main offices for Michigan Farm Bureau Farm the Open House. are 11: 00 a. m. to 2: 00 p. m. and 5: 00 to 7: 30 p. m. Bureau Services, Farmers Petroleum Cooperative. Michigan Ass'n of Farmer Cooperatives. Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company and Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company. This is one of the most modern office buildings in the Lansing area and one of the Included in this invitation are Farm Bur u m mb r Miss Margaret Linebaugh, an Ionia county Jr. FB attractive and practically arranged places to work. ' and their families, MFB employes, manag rs, dir member, will manage the cafeteria. Dean Fenster .. tors and patrons and employes of F rm Bur u S rv- macher, of Mecosta county, is assistant manager. An FB Mutual at Quotas ices, Inc., and the Farmers Petroleum Coop rativ , I additional ent counties, 10 Jr. FB members, as full time workers. have been hired V olunteer representing by the work manager eight delegations differ- to serve from Reduces Rates PROG AM Do ir To acco Also, reau the agency Mutual force Insurance and Company employes of the Farm and the Farm Bur u .. u Life Insurance Company. organized counties constitute the balance of 35-40 work- ers needed to operate the project each day. In ~ating Plan Farm Bureau Wednesday, Open ugust House 10 Far) Areas Plans Many are County being Farm made to Bureaus entertain are a large chartering on rowd. or Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance DAN E. REED Company has announced a new more busses to come to the event. There will b ample MSU Farm & Home l "Auto Rating Plan" which pro- vides for a substantial reduction in rates for full-time farmers. 9:00 a. m.-Registration, Guided Tours of Farm Bureau Office 10 to Building and other buildings. Recreation. 12:30-0RGAN MUSIC MRS. ROY BENNETT Two-thirds of the burley to- bacco produced in the U.S. now parking comes from farms with allot- ments of less than 1 acre. Less space on the grounds. A circus-size tent that will seat 1500 or more h This new plan is effective 'Show August 15-20 August 1. It bases premium rates on the intended use of the vehicle and the age of the vehicle's owner 12 Noon-BASKET PICNIC 1:('0 p. m.-DEDICATION P OGRAM than 1% of the burley farmers been engaged for the basket picnic at noon. have allotments of lQ acres or more. picnic dinner. With a yield of about 1,600 fee and ice cream. The Farm Bureau will supply milk, cof .. Bring your Michigan State University's giant six-day farm and or driver. pounds per acre, this means that WELCOME WARD G. HODGE home mechanization show this month is beginning to Full-lime farmers, as a group, President of Michigan Farm Bureau more t an th quarters of the Th tent will upply shade for th dic tion P 0-- take shape. have consistently demonstrated growers of this type of tobacco themselves to be a select auto Iniroduction of Guests KEITH A. TANNER . have gross incomes from this gram and entertainment to be given after dinner. Manager of Operations, Farm Bureau Services source of $450-$500annually. Morning Program: Beginning at 9 :00 a. m., vi i.. The Centennial of Farm Mechanization is set for insurance risk by recording a - lower loss ratio than other groups Entertainment Vaudeville Stars Congressman J. G. Polk of August 15-20, on 100 acres of college farm and in our population. May Hawkes and Delores & Verdi Ohio's tobacco area says that tors will register and take part in guid d tours of the "the little grower depends solely, Farm Bureau office building and others on the 18 acre campus. Hours for viewing the more than 600 exhibits Since recognition of the differ- "LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS·· C. L. BRODY in a larger percentage of the ences in risks between various Executive Vice-President cases, on tobacco as his only tract. and demonstrations will be from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily. classes of auto owners and drivers Michigan Farm Bureau cash crop." A USDA spokesman . . A mong vrsitors expecte d d h . ·11 is an outstanding feature of the said recently that such acreage Mrs. Roy Bennett will play organ music from 10 to to atten t e exposition WI new rating plan, full-time farm- "THIS BUILDING, A SYMBOL quotas are "rationing poverty." 12:30 noon. be 12 Russian farm leaders who are now touring five ers are to receive lower premium OF PROGRESS" J. F. YAEGER Congress voted last month to rates. Executive Secretary of Michigan Farm Bureau f arm states. Th. ey are expected the opening' day. Rates for some classes of auto and Farm Bureau Companies reduce the minimum allotment The new office building is a one story structure. It from seven-tenths to one-half provides about an acre of office space for the five An outstanding feature will be a pageant of progress owners with, higher loss ratio 3:00 p, m.-ADJOURNMENT. acre. records' will be slightly increased. depicting the changes in rural life during the past 100 However, in all classifications- In spite of the government- F arm Bureau companies. There are desks for 260 guaranteed price per pound, pro- ~ML It~ll~~~d~I:30~h&y~d~8e~h~m&re~~~ra~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ duction has been reduced by employes. to compare favorably with rates night, except Saturday in a specially-designed arena offered to farmers by competitive Okemos ·FFA Wins16S,732 Members quotas to the point where annual The Farm Bureau Services, lnc., main warehouse is income has hit the lowest point seating 6,000. companies. Trip to Purdue Of Farm Bureau in recent history. another one story building that provides nearly an acre Demonstrations of the latest in farm machinery, home An envelope stuffer which ex- Okemos FFA Chapter has been July 28 the Michigan Farm Wheat farmers are experienc- of floor space. It is stocked with farm supplies. It plains Farm Bureau's new auto awarded first place in Michigan Burea:z .membershlp was 65,732, ing similar effects with appar- building, mechanical stone removal, deep tillage and tile rating program is now being en- in the State contest on cooperative or within 113 of the goal of ently many growers not SUI e houses also the Farm Bureau Services F arm Equip .. activities. 68,845for 1955. The gain in July that marketing quotas are the ment Division and its parts and service department. drainage will be a daily attraction at 2 p. m. l cl°l~edhwlidthall premium notices to was 157 members. answer. po ICY 0 ers. The award is an all expense Land drainage demonstrations at lOa. m. daily will Through sound management paid trip sponsored by the Mich- • While 77% of those voting in The Lansing Branch retail farm supply store is in thi Farm Bureau Mutual has been igan Association of Farmer Co- Oat Yields the wheat quota on June 25 s h ow -h ow soil can b e made more pro d uctive. T i Ie wi II able to increase its assets over ten Oat yields were increased by favored the program, it is inter- building. operatives to the American Insti- be placed in the ground to show the placing, spacing and times from its beginning in 1949 tute of Cooperation at Purdue an average of eight bushels per esting that only about one-third Other places of interest are the Farm Bureau Serv .. while paying substantial dividends University-Aug. 7-11. acre in 3 years of crop rotation of the eligible electors voted. ices Lansing Branch elevator. It is new and consid .. b ac k f i IIing necessary in the process. to its policyholders. Almost two- experiments at MSC by top-dres- About 600 thousand or two- The boys making the trip will sing with 20 lbs. of nitrogen. thirds of those who could have ered to be one of the best. A "Threshers Roundup" will bring together several thirds of all Farm Bureau mem- be Robert Bell, Max Benny, bers in Michigan are now insured Donald Kleis, John Andrews, and • voted, failed to cast a ballot. It is also true that a man is Apparently they were not sure Farmers Petroleum Cooperative has a warehouse- 10 to 15-ton steam engines of 1880-1910 vintage at 10 by Farm Bureau Mutual. their advisor, Mr. Roland Cook. known by the money he keeps. the quota program is right! . d 4 h d The new auto rating plan is garage-service station which is well worth seeing. a. m. an p. m. eac ay. consi 'dered the fairest way to base All Farm Bureau companies will have exhibits on Band concert'S are scheduled for lOa. m. and 1 p. m. rates on all risks. It is another ' h b d h in t h e arena a nd at 11 a. m. an d 3 p. m. in t e an s e . Companies in the direction of II step by Farm Bureau Insurance How to Find the Farm Bureau the grounds. High school bands from all over Michigan, some comical providing farmers with insur- ~ "-- Community Farm Bureaus, will German bands and a Scotch-Canadian perform. bagpipe band will ance to meet their specialized needs at lowest possible cost. • C. & o. aAILao D Sch 01 Fo be instructors at th school. Char- les Mumford, regional represent- ative of the Southeastern R gion in the open fields and woods. They would learn about crops Group Elects Groh Jun·or Commerce Com nity will act as general chairman. The goals set for 1955-56include Genesee FB Eugene Groh has been elected 200 new groups. These can be achieved or exce ded if each Group g ·s• and farm animals. Here is a program in public re- president of the Lansing Junior •••• •• w E county works to get its share. Folk Taking lations that has the gold star Chamber of Commerce for 1955- stamp on it if any ever had. Boys 56. Mr. Groh are being placed on the Genesee the patronage records department is coordinator of :I CLARE MeGHAN There were 131 new group organized in 1954-1955. This brought the number of groups in City Boys county farms and a long waiting of Farm Bureau Services, Inc., at list of hopeful youngsters has Lansing. developed. This spring Mr. Groh was Community Farm Bureau man- the state to a total ot 1,471. agers from the County Farm Bu- There is now one group for v ry reaus get together at Kellogg 44 member families of th Mich- Great ideas that turn up in The plan has been presented to chairman of the Junior Chamber Center on August 11-12 for a igan Farm Bureau. America are born in the hearts the Community Farm Bureau of of Commerce of Michigan pro- training session on methods of Genesee County, and a list of gram to find and honor the most ••• 1••• It. group organization. and minds of its people. A Genesee County Farm Bur- the guest farms is being com- outstanding young farmers in This school was developed to Michigan. eau member had a truly great piled. idea, and it is worth passing Michigan Farm Bureau gives From a list of 21 nominated by Junior Farm Bureaus, the judges L SI G ••. c aid people responsible for organ- izing Community Farm Bureaus "The purpose of this Associ - along. its congratulations to Mr. John- with methods and ideas for such son and the Genesee County named four for top honors. Alvin ITATI Ay • work. The class areas are as fol- tion shall be the dvanc men of Hansen, 34, of Stanton was named lows: 1-Preparation for cam- our memb rs' interests edue lion- Mr. Earl E. Johnson, 2343Cold- Farm Bureau for this program. water Road, Flint, went to the Youth Bureau and the Genesee 14 States • Raised Michigan's m 0 st outstanding young farmer. At Minneapolis, he CAPITOL •.. •.. • paign. 2-Selection and training ally. legislatively, and of personnel. 3-Setting up a ally:' onemie- County Farm Bureau Board. He suggested that the boys of the Gas Tax This Year young farmers in the nation by was placed among the four best •••. " group. 4-Follow-up group organization. of new This senlence is taken from h statement of purpose wh D Youth Bureau be given a chance The state of Michigan is by no the national Junior Chamber of Michigan Farm Bur au Keith Tanner, manager of oper- ganized t Michigan t to have a week or two on the means alone in making a recent Commerce. ations of Farm Bureau Services, lege, February 4. 1919. farm. increase in its tax rate on gasoline • Inc., will keynote the school with Many of the boys of the Youth and other motor vehicle fuels. Travel ·z a talk on "Why Community Farm Bureau in Flint are needy. Some Thus far this year, 14 states have are fatherless. The chance for a increased their gas tax rates, to ers for travel, fold in the sleeves When you are packing sweat- "0 "". ftal Bureaus?" Dan Reed, ass't legis- e "u lative counsel; Mrs. Marjorie Kar- vacation in the great outdoors, add an estimated $187,000,000to and roll the sweaters to prevent • C ker, coordinator of women's activ- in touch with nature, would be the users' tax bill. Most of it ridges. They take less space this :I" ities; Jerry Cordrey, coordinator wonderful. As guests of the farm- will be expended for highway way, too, advise clothing special- THI~ MAP shows the location of the new Farm Bureau headquarters on US-16 west of Lansing. with of membership acquisition; and ers the boys will play and work improvement. ists at Michigan State College. relabon 10 the State Capitol, the old Farm Bureau buildings and other landmarks. Clare McGhan, coordinator of o Augu t 1, 1955 MICHICAN FARM NEWS r g. Tour in Surea '" t blt hed January 12, 1 23 Prestdent OFFICERS W. G. Hodge. Snover assee Co., Aug. 4 V -Pre . . Blaque Knirk, Quincy E ec. V-Pr ...•.C. L. Brody, Lan ing To Soolnow To Chesaning Exec. S c·y....•...J. F. Ya ger, Lan ing DISTRICT DIRECTORS 1-Russell E. HazeL.Richland, a-i It's been good and hot on Hicks Street, crowding 90 every day. 2-Blaque Knick Quincy, R-l 3-H rrnan How i 'en linton, R-l It's been torrid, it's be n sultry, in the good old-fashioned way. 4- . hellenbarger L. Ode sa, R-l 5- Iarten Garn Charlotte, -6 Just the perfect days for haying. Just the nights for growing com. 6- ard G. Hodge nover, -1 Jus! the time for rising early While the infant day is born. 7-Thoma~' H hn Rodn y. R-l -Kenn th John on Fre land, R- Just the dusty summer season for that annual event KALISEK 9-Hen . D Rulter McBain. ]i.-I 10-. . Brindley.... . Branch, R-3 When the older folks foregather to review accomplishment. fARM und llvrable DIRECTORS AT LARGE When I say "Old Settlers' Picnic" I refer to what began Gleason E. Hall1will Gladwin, R-4 Robert E. mith Fowl rvtlle, R-2 Long ago right here on Hicks Street in an earlier age of man, alter Tightman Fennville. R-l When this thing called Recrea ion wasn't yet first order stuff PURPOSE OF FARM R pre enting But a simpler generation thought a picnic good enough. Einar E. Ungren ..................•.......Editor BUREAU WOMEN OF FARM BUREAU The purpose of this Assocla· rs. Carlton BalI... Albion. R-l People came in lumber wagons to the lakeside picnic ground Limited to Farm Bureau M mbers. tion shall be the advancement With their families and their baskets from a good five mile around. CHARLES B. SHUMAN, pres- Representing M-21 ub ript1on: 40 o nt a year of our members' cationally, interests legislatively, edu- and JUNIOR FARM BUREAU ident of the American Farm 1--••• '-••••••---- •••-1- No.8 economically. Paul L Ipprandt Pigflon Sturdy sons of agricul:tu_e (then called farming, I recall) Bureau, will speak to Michigan Vol. 3-3 August 1, 1955 With their rosy bashful children and their babes-In-arms and all farmers at McCurdy park, Came to talk and pitch old horseshoes near the tables by the lake Corunna, at noon August 4. His Communzty rm While the women folk were busy spreading cloths and slicing cake, audience will be people attend- How the youngsters teased their mothers for permission to go in And sport among the lapping waves ere dinner should begin. ing the 7th annual Farm Man- agement Tour to be conducted in Shiawassee county that day by Strong young boatmen rowed their sweethearts boldly out upon the Michigan State University agr'l Bureau mere To return with water lilies trailing dankly in the rear. extension service. . CLARE L. McGHAN Coordinator of Community Farm Bureau for MFB One young lady brought a hammock, doubtless with the thought in mind That a bench is not quite proper but a hammock is refined. Trip Lea ing Dear Community Farm Bureau Member: We suppo~e that all of you are enjoying the hot weather? ~ e're not. So there passed a gladsome morning, till at one the dinner call Brought appreciative yodels from the throats of one and all. ill A alice Hasn't it b en hot? We see by the minutes from the Community groups that quite a number of you are having picnics. These so~nd li~e fun and should prove as a pleasant diversion especially during this hot As I rend the veil of history I am staggered by the thought Of the monumental viands that the picnickers had brought. I shall not rehearse the menu, but I do not hesitate lISe te weather. To support my worthy forbears, who pronounced the dinner great. DAN E. REED September is election month for Community Farm Bureaus. If you 1 have heard my uncles mention, in recounting these events, Over the objections of rail- haven't done so a nominating committee should be appointed at the Here are the locations of the stops at the 7th Michigan State Farm That the lemonade was splendid and the chicken was immense. roads, some motor trucking con- August meeting: This committee can prepare a slate of officers for Management Tour In Shiawassee county, Thursday, August 4, So the Pioneers held festival at that far early date cerns, and rail and teamsters starting at 9:00 a. m, Farm men and women a,re invited. Here the September meeting. . Farm Bureau. With a simple wholesome heartiness we well might emulate. unions, the trip leasing bill has This will not only speed up the been advanced in the Senate are the stops: election procedure at the Sept- The goal for new community R. S. Clark American Farm Bureau Feder- Committee on Interstate and I-Russel Jenkinson farm. Mr. ation. He will speak on "The mb I' meeting but will help in groups next year is 200. At the 315 North Grinnell Street Foreign Commerce. getting qualified people. In the present time we have 1470 Jenkinson of Corunna R-l is a Keys to Farm Prosperity." Jackson, Michigan member of the Farm Bureau. He past, our records indicate during groups. That means we have one 4-Clarence Ruess farm at few groups group for every 44 Farm Bureau operates a 240 acre dairy farm Owosso R-4. Mr. Ruess is also a September discussed the very monthly topic. members. offer the complete hospital- • • with a herd of Holsteins. This is member of Shiawassee County Perhaps this can be remedied if Berrien and Monroe county medical-surgical coverage, and every year more and more mem- ISCUSSlon a good earning farm with many Farm Bureau. This is the story led the parade this year WIth the labor saving devices. Mr. Jenk- all the groups use.a nominating organization of 10 new groups bers choose it. In fact, 96.7 per inson is a veteran at keeping of building up a farm, hard committee. each. Following closely is Tus- During July we have been cola with 7, Washtenaw, Eaton, bership in Michigan Farm Bureau mem- Blue Cross-Blue cent of Farm Bureau Blue Cross- Blue Shield families now have the complete package. Topic Group farm accounts. work, quick adoption of new ideas and wise marketing. The 2-At the Joe Kalisek farm the farm was bought in 1948.The holding a series of district meet- Huron and Macomb with 6 and Shield set new records during ings. At the meetings we met then with the Community Ottawa, Manistee and the past year, according to Aust- Group Missaukee with 5. Congratu- in L. Pino, Blue Shield rural Cross-Blue enrollment man- As in 1954, Sanilac county led all other counties in adding new Blue Cross-Blue Shield sub- E ected tour will observe a 320 acre Ruess' have 110 tillable acres, 25 family farm devoted to cash Holstein cows and young -stock, crops of wheat and beans. They 650 hens, and produce their own Committees. One of the very lations to all of these counties New members of the State Dis- scribers during the past year, will observe the cultural prac- feed. important areas that we dis- and Community group com- ager. cussion Topic Committee were with 160 new families enrolled. tises and other problems in cussed with the committees was mittees for their fine efforts. A total of 40,413 Farm Bureau Tuscola county was second with elected at a series of meetings in operating a cash grain farm of attendance in Community Farm The counties with the largest the Farm Bureau districts during families were enrolled in Blue 116 new subscribers, followed that size. Bureau. number of total groups are July. This committee serves for Cross-Blue Shield up to August by Berrien with 110 and Bay In checking th average Huron 62, Washtenaw 53, Clint- 1.1955,he reported, a net gain of with 103. a year, and sets up the discussion 3-McCurdy Park at Corunna monthly attendance of Farm on 48 and Livingston. and Tus- topic programs for the Commun- where the tour members will cola with 41 each. Congratu- 2,605 over August 1, 1954. Since Sanilac county was also tops in ity Farm Bureaus of Michigan. have lunch and will hear Charles Bureau members, we found that an average of three persons are only two counties in the state lations to each of these counties. covered by each contract, this total number of Blue Cross- Each six months the Community Schuman, president of the have over 45 per cent of their Gold Star brings over-all Farm Bureau Blue Shield subscribers, includ- Groups are balloted for their pre- members attending Community membership in Blue Cross-Blue ing those enrolled through non- ference in topics. The committee Farm Bur aus. These counties Mason County, Sauble River Shield to about 121,000. Farm Bureau groups. It had orks from the results of the bal- are Kalkaska and Ogemaw. Community Group, Mrs. Eunice Mr. Pino pointed out that 77.5 1,723 Blue Cross-Blue Shield Ioting. Programs for the months Reynolds, Secretary. per cent of Farm Bureau mem- families (including 80 enrolled from September to February were It was also pointed out that the Washtenaw, Superior, Mrs. bers who are eligible to join in other than, Farm Bures u d termined at a meeting in Lan- counties that had the highest Emory Mulholland. Blue Cross-Blue Shield have groups). Saginaw' county had sing on July 29. percentage of roups to mem- done so, according to Farm 1,715 subscribers (221 in other The newly elected members of bers, that is, one group for Silver Star Bureau and Blue Cross records. than Farm Bureau groups), the Committee and their alter- every 35 members or less, all This includes 2.226 subscribers Tuscola 1,575 (64 in other nates. these counties had better than Missaukee, Stoney Corners, groups), Van Buren 1,416 (with Mrs. Henry Kortman. who were verified as having 30 per cent of their Farm Bureau none reported as enrolled in District I-Delegate, Clinton Tuscola, Beverly Hills, Mrs. Blue Cross-Blue Shield through other than Farm BUreau Undem, Coloma. Alternate, Perry members ttending Community some other group than Farm roups. Floy Hampshire. groups), Bay 1,412 (three in J. Krull, Three Rivers. • Bureau. He estimated that act- This emphasize! very vividly ually more Farm Bureau folks other groups), Branch 1,398 (55 2-Delegate, David Mellott, that small, numerous community Meeting have Blue Cross through other in other groups) and Huron 1,390 Morenci. Alternate, Dean Prid- groups is the only solution to the The annual summer session of groups, and that their numbers (26 in other groups). ( geon, Montgomery. attendance problem. the American Institute of Co- would probably bring the total Among the larger counties, If Farm Bureau is to continue operation will be held at Purdue to at least 80 per cent. Tuscola county had the highest 3-Delegate, Mr. and Mrs: AI- to be the "grass roots" type of University Lafayette Indiana, percentage of its members en- vin Yarger, Erie. Alternate, Mrs. organization more Farm Bureau August 7-11. Of the 1,470Farm Bureau Com- rolled in Blue Cross-Blue Shield Gladys Miller, Linden. members need to take part in the J. F. Yaeger and L A Cheney munity Groups, 1,422 offer Blue through Farm Bureau or other 4-D e 1ega t e, Fred Schipp, policy formation procedures of the Michigan Farm Bureau will Cross to their members. Prac- groups. It had 89 per cent, fol- Nashville. Alternate, Lloyd Bron- which start in the Community be speakers. tically all of these 1,328 groups lowed by Eaton county with 87 son, Otsego. per cent and Clinton county 5--Delegate, Albert with almost 87 per cent. Grand Ledge. Alternate, Forrest Conley, Fowler. Poultry CO-Op Busy The Farmers Poultry Market- 6-Delegate, W. E. oeschger'l ing Co-op at Hemlock is operat- Bay Port. Alternate, Mrs. Wilbur ing these days full speed ahead Quick, Emmett. E TRIES CLOSE AUG on poultry. Laying flocks on 7-Delegate, Joe Chaptn, Blan- ' farms have been late in coming to market this year, due perhaps to low prices for hens and fair chard. Alternate, Clement Ben- nett, Big Rapids. 8-D e leg ate, Mrs. Kenneth $131,000.00 I prices for eggs. Johnson, Freeland. Alternate, Al- The Cooperative is developing bert Adamski, Standish. a reputation for a high class Make your arrangements NOW to be frozen product. More volume is 9-Delegate, Fay Cross, Kal- necessary, however, before a kaska. Alternate, Mrs. Lowell among those from your" community state marketing program can be Clement, McBain. set up. Flock owners and broiler 100Delegate, Ear 1 Tucker, to exhibit in the greatest and most To Ice p hogs cool Rose City. Alternate, Fred Bey, producers are urged to use the glamorous fair of them all. Thous- The greatest danger in hog marketing this Co-op Market at Hemlock. Lachine. summer is overheating. Michigan State Uni- ands of agricultural attractions and versity swine specialists give this advice: achievements will prove that Mich- Place a shade over the truck and keep wet sand . on the floor. Don't drench the hogs with cold water-the shock might kill them. Let them CLASSIFIED ADS igan is a GREAT State. have a chance to settle down before starting from to market. That way, you'll unload live hogs, Classified advertisements are cash with order at the following not dead ones. The early morning hours are rates: 10 cents per word for one edition. Ads to appear in two MICHI6A BELL be t for hauling hogs-it's cooler. or more editions take the rate of 8 cents per word edition. Fun for everyone! Contests galore . . . Hog These rates based on guarantee of 60,000or more subscribers. Calling, Auctioneering, Skilled Tractor Driving, I ------------------------------------------------- They are members of the Michigan Farm Bureau. Sheep Shearing, Cooking Schools, Old Time POULTRY EQUIPMENT Dancing, Dance Revues, Parades, Livestock J udg.. MILKL:TG SHORTHOI<. S - Buy A T :\IATI P LTRY FEEDERS, mg. Flock Feed rs, Wat rers, ests. Poul- your next tre from Michigan's Prem- try hou se cl aners. Detatls tx e. ier Herd. Bull calves and y arltngs. Writ Ottawa-Hitch, Box 321, Holland, Also females. We are headquarter~, for registered Shrop~h~re She p, ta~- ley M. Powell, Inglestd R-1, Michigan. (l-tf-29b) Farm. Ionia ~Iichigan. R AGENTS WANTED (8-2t-19p) • PARE-TIME Gre ting Card * * Jonl James - Frank eLaine - Fontaine Sisters * * BARN EQUIPMENT G TTER-PLOW Plow barn cleaner. If-rev r~ing. L0W cost. axily Gi 4- and Gift hop at home. Show friends samples of our n w 1955 Christmas and All-Occa sion Greeting rts. Tak their ord rand 100% profit. ards and earn to 0 experience necessary. CISCO KID - A IE OAKLEY • RODEO installed. chion typ " ow statts, -omfor t & ~ an- Cost.s nothing to try. Write today for Lit rature fre. "W.rite sampl s on approval. Regal Greet- Action Packed randstand Shows • • • Canadian Ottawa-Hitch, Box 321, Holla.nd, ~hch- ings, Dept. 57. Ferndale, MIchigan. igan. "Warehouse 228 Ea::;t 24th sr. Phone 7050. ( -2t-31p) (7-4t-&2b) aredev Is, A to ace. Immense Coliseum Pro- MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS gram • • • Ham ton, Honey rothers, K rby Farm "and de lux.e FOR ORDERS plac d in u ust for King Maple yrup Evaporator!'!, a one Quar e , EI a F tzg aid, op fl ght enter- That's your telephone! It's always there for very llb ral cash dis 0 mt Is granted. you to call the veterinarian, doctor, fire depart- Plan now for your 1956 syrup R • son. me t I the ban she I an on lie mall. ment or county agent, and to keep you in touch Take advantage of thi .. saving. Wrtte now to Sugar Bush uppli S om- with friends and neighbors. The things your parry, PO Box 1107. Lan:ing 4, Mich- telephone doe for you makes it the biggest igan, for all price and descriptive bargain in your family budget! And you can material. (6tf-45b) make tel phone ervice an even better buy by u ing it more often to saveyourself time,trouble and mone . I n't there something a telephone FREE-"Ideas WOMEN for S wing with r r call could do for you right now? Cotton Bags" - a n w 24-page lllu - trated book of uggestlons for making attractive clothing, hou hold acce - orie. gift, and toy from thrifty. E E CO p colorful Cotton Bag:'!. lmpltclty rash- DO ALD L. SWA SON, Oeneral Manager tons for your Cotton Bag ewing. Send po tcard today to 'atlonal Cotton Council, Box 76, Memphis, Tenn asee. (3-9t-48b) ______ IS IS • _____ e ouse ___ a name before the public. And the 11 directors and +their I by-laws to give the Juniors unior FB Trains a representative Boards only that of Directors, on the County requiring such a person hold a IIIMIT-J proceeds from these have gone to finance the Junior educational tours and camps. projects full membership in the parent National Activities.. 0 ur 0 the future organization in his own right. In the same year (1942), the state Farm Bureau by-laws were Juniors have taken part in many national activities. State officers have attended the National DONALD D. KINSEY altered to give the Junior state Rural Youth Training Schools. Coordinator of Research and Education for MFB president full status on the state Members have participated in board of directors. national contests-the Rural Before the Farm Bureau House was many years old, The first adult counselors for Youth "Talk Meets" and Talent Finds" sponsored by the AFBF. the elders decided that the young folks of the House had Junior Farm Bureau groups There has been a statewide appeared in the counties in 1941. need to know how to keep it strong and attractive. The policy statement of 1942 "Sports Festival" sponsored by the Juniors for a number of They should know how to remodel or to build additions. made their status official, how- years. Sports teams of many ever, by requesting that "the The older generation of leadership could not carry the Juniors join with the Seniors in sorts and from many counties a county in selecting a counsellor have met at this Junior sports responsibility for' many more years. Witho,ut an inter- jamboree to compete for honors. to advise the Juniors." They ested and well-trained youth to succeed them, the House cautioned against any attempt to These have been held at various dictate the Junior program, places over the state. could become desolate, neglected and weather-beaten. Such dictation would spoil the Safety Projects. Safety on the The need for the training of Farm Bureau leaders initiative of the Juniors them- highway and on the farm has selves. The counsellor was to aid been a major concern within the among the young farm people was earnestly discussed and advise. past two years. In 1952 the in the early 1930's by our state leaders. A state depart- The State Board cautioned Juniors conducted a safe driving that the task of the state "dir- contest among their own mem- ment was established under the direction of Benjamin ector" of the Junior program- bers. Contest winners were pick- Hennink in 1935. and that of the counsellor- ed in a program involving driver should aim to correlate the work training and examinations with I The program was "to promote leadership trammg, of the Juniors with the program the help of the State Police. community service and recreational activities among of the parent body and "in no rural youth." To accomplish this, numerous training the program of the Farm Bureau way deliberately antagonistic to In 1953, the Juniors made a farm-to-farm survey to check up it pay to buy carelully! on farm hazards. They initiated On the farm, as in industry, careful buying pays off ••• camps and educational tours were conducted in the early in the county and state," They Important Advances in the Farm Bureau, the Junior pro- a program and invited the coop- and careful insurance buying pays off by providing th right called for an attitude and spirit Program. In spite of the years of gram took on a state assistant . eration of the Junior Grange, the insurance for your particular needs. This "protection mode- .years. of full cooperation on the part of war that depleted the ranks of Betty .ane Pidd-Thalman served 4-H clubs, and the F.F,A. in to-order" is the kind of protection your State Mutual agent The program aroused an early enthusiasm both in all to knit a beneficial program of this sort into the organ- the Juniors on two occasions, in 193 and was succeeded on which inspection teams looked is trained to write. • her narriage by Richard Root over hundreds of Michigan the rural young people and in the elder leadership. un- ization's structure. J the educational camps continued and had a worth-while were who cntinues in this capacity. farms, They labelled the hazards Better than 1 out of every 5 Michigan farms is protected by State Mutual. Over $11,000,000.00 has been paid out ior groups were organized rapidly in the years prior to "It is fundamental," they said, attendance. The camp programs In 148 County Farm Bureaus that they found, The teams re- in claims. World War I. The large attendance at the leadership "that the Junior Farm Bureau have included studies of coop- first appointed Senior Com- turned later to see whether the That's why it's good business to protect your home ••• erative marketing and purchas- mittee to work on Junior pro- hazards had been removed, and shall at all times be recognized your buildings ... your equipment ... and your stock with camps was encouraging. Money was rather "hard to motior and program develop- if so to remove the danger signs. as an integral part of and spon- ing, the cooperative philosophy, the NON-ASSESSABLE State Mutual "AII-in-One" Protection farm insurance, recreational ment. I'hey were formed to aid The Farm Bureau Mutual In- come by" for young people at that time. The camp fees sored by the County and State Plan. See your agent for complete details or write us dir ct. methods, character development the gnwth of the program oc- surance Company aided by Farm Bureau; also that the name and teaching staff were supplied through as many as Junior Farm Bureau shall be the and leadership, and principles of ally nd not to set the course supplying materials for the ~ thirty Farm Bureau affiliated cooperatives pooling do- name of all such Junior within the Farm groups farm organization Bureau work. The State Junior Farm Bureau for th Juniors in planning their projees. These committees been f help in some places, but have survey. The Board and Committees. POLICY State~ nations of cash and men. Without such aid, few of the program." Council was formed in 1936. It their work is in need of ex- COMPANY· I SU ANCE COMP NY Policies of the Junior Organ- young farm leaders could have attended the camp pro- Thus organized, the Michigan was to consist of the Junior AGENT pansi . ization are made at their state 702 Church Street, Flint 3, MIchigan Junior Farm Bureau was the presidents from the counties. It annual meeting by the delegate PREMIUM grams. But with this help, there were as many as 400 first organization of its kind in met quarterly to serve as a plan- PrOlCts. Junior Farm Bureau body. These policies are execut- campers in some of these years., the nation. In other states, the ning body for future programs. educ ional tours began early, In ed by action of the State Junior farm organization, the operatlOn Farm Bureau-connected youth It was discontinued in 1953 when 1936 a bus load of Michigan Farm Bureau Board consisting of "S'a'. Mu'ual Insur.s Every F",h Farm In Michigan••• Ask your Neighbor;" The Policy Statement. In }942, of cooperative enterprises, and programs were usually under these functions were left as an Junics attended the Royal Live- the Michigan Farm Bureau a unified approach to farm the wing of the Extension Ser- operation of the State Junior stockfshow at Kansas City, Mo. u Board of Directors drafted a problems, vice, and were a somewhat Board. This was the forerunner of separate "Rural Youth Organ- In the fall and winter of 1938, M statement of policy ,to es abl~sh The state board of directors nUIrIOUS tours in the years to ization." the Juniors conducted a regular the. relationship of the Jumor urged a greater interest in the follw. Junior bus trips have weekly radio broadcast over program to that of the ~arent Junior program on the part of Development of Leadership. station WKAR at Michigan State spaned the nation. They have body and to give authority for County and Community Farm traslled to Washington to visit This program in Michigan led to College. the proper status of this Bureaus, They were deeply Cogress; they have seen coop- the rise of many Junior leaders rogram. concerned that this program be- Guidance of the program at erave <1 factories a n d opera tiIons P to prominent positions in county, The directors said that the come an integral part of the the state level was placed in the f r ..n ••~ nor th t 0 sou. th 'I'heieir tr ips , P rogram allenge was rural founde d to h e 1kP Farm youth to wor Bureau not a separated body itself-and and independent state, and national Farm Bureau circles. Some advanced to county hands of Norwood Eastman in 0f m 1e d t 0 th e natrona the year of 1950. When his duties v tions of the, American, Farm . I con- Are Invited To Visi r isplay officerships, A number became ard positions riculture. They ofpointed leadership to the in movement. were expanded to include mern- Br eau F e d eration, the MIdwest I. valued employees of the affili- , .eed.. for_ tr.ainin. g .in the '~no_w_ • _'._ T the d th lS..,en ey reques e _ _..0_.~'~_:::L-_~~ t d th e at~