MICHIGAN FARM BUREAU NEWS "Make Farming A 57,576 Business—As Well Farm Bureau Members As An Occupation" Read the NEWS Published by t h e Michigan S t a t e F a r m B u r e a u for its Membership VOL. 1, No. 15 August 10, 1923 Issued Semi-Monthly FARMERS UNITE TO Tennant Explains Purposes BERRIEN BUREAU Feed F. B. Milkmaker Next MICHIGAN FRUIT LAUNCH FIGHT ON of Mich, Fruit Growers, Inc. HAS INTERESTING Winter At Summer Prices GROWERS SIGN PITTSBURGH PLUS Alsike Yield Is Less, Says Michigan Fruit Men Are PROGRAMJJF WORK Potato Exch. Annual Ask Your Co-op. H o w T o UP^OOO CARS But Quality Better Taking Beaten Path Meeting Aug.- 15-16 Get In O n This Money I Determine To Put A n End To It Centers Around Co-opera- Local Fruit Ass'ns Organize With clover hulling nicely under T o Success Walton Peteet, director of co-oper- Saving Plan The Practice Of Charging tive Marketing of Fruit ative marketing for the American To Improve Their way, prospects are that Michigan's Phantom Freight alsike seed production will be about "How will the Michigan Fruit Crop Farm Bureau Federation, is to be the It takes cows, feed and care to Net Returns 75 to 80% of last year's total, ac- Growers, Inc. and the Federated principal speaker at the annual meet- make milk. To produce milk with cording to J. W. Nicolson, manager Fruit and Vegetable Growers work ing of the Michigan Potato Growers most profit, each of these elements MICHIGAN JOINS FRAY of the State Farm Bureau seed de- together?" asked a farmer at the FRUIT ASS'NS STRONG Exchange at Cadillac, August 15. Mr. should be the best. Scrub cows HAVE NATIONAL OUTLET partment. He recently made a per- Grand Rapids Growers Ass'n. meet- Peteet is one of the best posted men would not be profitable dairy pro- 'Brody Advises Other States ing August 1, when the association Lincoln Co-op's Pre-coolet of on the co-operative marketing move- ducers no matter what feed was fed. sonal investigation of the alsike clo- Will Use Sales Services Of voted to connect up with the above ment today. The Potato Exchange It is equally true that the best bred To Count On Michigan's ver seed situation in. the state. Great Value to delegates meet Aug. 15 and 16 to re- Mr. Nicolson found that the quali- sales services. cow can not do her best unless she Federated Fruit A n d Growers view a successful year's work and lay has the proper feed. Support ty of the seed produced* this year "There is no experiment about it," plans for another such year. Vegetable Growers was better than last, due somewhat replied Mr. Hale Tennant of the col- Milk contains a lot of protein and The battle which was launched by to economic conditions which made lege Markets Dep't.' "We are follow- St. Joseph, Aug. 9.—"Organized a cow must have a high protein grain the American Farm Bureau Federa- t i o n some time ago to secure the abolition of the artificial/'Pittsburgh it unprofitable to harvest the lower grades of seed. The operation of the Farm Bureau seed department has ing in a beaten path which Cali- fornia and others have followed to success. We have three main things for business" might well be the slogan of the Ben-ion County Farm Bureau, for they have POOL YOUR WOOL for best results. Dairymen realize this and for years have been balanc- ing their home grown roughages and Bangor, August 1. — More than 2,000 cars of tree fruits, grapes and small fruits are under sales service Jjjlus" method of fixing the price on all forms of iron and steel shows impressed the farmers with the fact that quality seed now brings the in view; " 1 . To prevent competition be- been extremely active in doing not only those things commonly expected of a County Farm Bureau, but in BEFORE SEPT. 1 grains with protein feeds such as cot- tonseeds, bran and linseed meal. contracts with the Michigan Fruit Growers, Inc., as the result of a meet- pigns of producing the desired re- best price. The old system of a uni- tween local associations. Many have purchased ready mixed ing of local associations held at sults. form price, which penalized the "2. To hold the fruit market as pioneering the way in many new feeds, but the trouble was that the Bangor today, when co-operative as- lines of endeavor. Pool Closes Then; Signs Point analysis of such feeds didn't show sociations at South Haven, Paw Paw, A permanent organization of the grower of good seed and pensioned high as is consistent with the de- Ifour state's which have appropriated the producer of poor seed, is being mand. Since Berrien county ranks first to Another Good what really was in the feed and how Stevensville, Sodus, St. Joseph, and |money for this fight—Illinois, Iowa, displaced in Michigan by a more just "3. To get associations together on among Michigan counties in the pro- much of each ingredient. The farm- Lawrence signed up with the Mich- linnesota and Wisconsin—has been standardizing their products for duction of fruit, it is but natural Year er often paid well for low-grade feed. igan Fruit Growers and the National system wherein each farmer's lot of effected and in a few weeks a meet- seed sells upon its individual merit. quality, paick, volume and proper that much attention has been given Bureau Meets Situation Federated Fruit and Vegetable Grow- ing of the States' Attorneys General advertising. to horticultural production and mar- The time is getting shprt to pool To meet this situation by produc- ers, Inc., on behalf of their member- all be called to decide upon legal "In the matter of grower competi- keting problems. However, general wool with the Farm Bureau's 1923 ing the best possible dairy feed and ships. Many other western Michigan leasures to stop this unjust trade practice. BRODY ATTENDS tion between local associations, today speculators play them against each agriculture has not been neglected. Helps Finance County Agent wool pool. It closes September 1. Between now and that time Farm Bureau members may pool their arranging to distribute it to the dairymen at the lowest cost, the Mich- fruit locals are ready to sign up with the state-wide co-operative fruit mar- keting service. Michigan Already on Recora other," explained Mr. Tennant. "The When one year ago the Berrien igan State Farm Bureau last year Through the influence of the Mich- igan State Farm Bureau, a resolution U. PJMEETINGS weakest association is used as a club to hammer down prices sought by County Board of Supervisors cut down the appropriation for the Coun- clips by shipping direct to the Bu- reau's warehouse at Lansing. The produced Milkmaker, the first 24% protein open formula dairy ration. The Michigan Fruit Growers, Inc., represents the co-operation of west- fwaa passed by both branches eft the the others. A speculator finds a fel- ty Agent work so that only enough Bureau pays the freight to Lansing, The tag on the bag tells the exact ern Michigan fruit associations for a iLegislature at its 1923 session, urg- Enthusiastic Gatherings Held low from whom he can get apples at funds were available to take care of will weigh and grade the wool number of pounds of each ingredient central sales office whereby they can ling Congress and the Interstate Com- $1, we'll say. The others are holding the salaries, the Farm Bureau pro- promptly and return the warehouse in the feed. improve their net returns for mem- Imerce Commission to take immediate In Menominee, Dickinson, for a considerably better price. The vided sufficient finance s for all of- receipt to the grower. It is good for The success of this new dairy feed bers by eliminating competition be- (steps to secure the abatement of this Delta and Alger speculators flood the territory with fice expense and incidentals. It is the regular cash advance of 25 cents was instantaneous. Dairymen in all tween themselves, standardizing their |indefensible practice. quotations offering Michigan apples interesting to note in this connection a pound. Final settlement will be parts of the state have endorsed it. goods and packs, build a valuable Legislatures of South Dakota, at the low price and work that way that in Berrien Coutfty the County made when the pool is closed out. Over 8,000 tons have been fed. It is reputation for their fruit, advertise .Interest of Upper Peninsular farm- |Missouri, Nebraska and Colorado ers in the Farm Bureau and better to drive down the market. Farm Bureau secretary is a full time Last year the pool returned grow- distributed through the local co-ops., it and benefit by the enormous vol- lave passed similar resolutions con- agriculture generally was apparent Grape Growers Stood Together man authorized to spend his entire ers six to nine cents per pound above and many shipments are made to ume they could control by working when Clark L. Brody, secretary-man- "Last year speculators figured time as he sees fit for the best in- the average local price for wool and groups of farmers for car door de- together. lemning "Pittsburgh Plus." terest of the farmers of the county. ager of the State Farm Bureau made cheap grapes when they bought a in some instances did even better livery. Growers Own I t What Is It, Anyway? Last winter the Berrien County than that. The Bureau grades the "Pittsburgh Plus" is the trade a tour through several U. P. counties couple cars at $40 a ton. They sold How The Bureau Saves Money The Michigan Fruit Growers is en- recently. 500 cars in futures. Because 60 per Farm Bureau co-operated in a series wool and sells every pound of every The most economical way to buy tirely grower owned and controlled. lame for a clever scheme by which cent of the grape men are organized, of 21 extension schools held in the grade for all that it will bring. The The Michigan State Farm Bureau has Everywhere deep interest was dairy feed is to buy the whole win- ^he steel mills sell their product at shown in the work of the Michigan they held for $75 a ton. Because various Berrien county communities grower gets the benefit of the grad- ter's supply at a time in late sum- given a great deal of help in delivered price, which is the price State Farm Bureau and Mr. Brody they stuck they held up the market. and lasting for periods ranging from ing; he also gets the benefit of di- mer when feedstuff prices are usual- its organization, which has been on it Pittsburgh plus the freight from was kept busy explaining its present It meant about $750,000 to the grow- one to three days in length with two rect sale to the big mills in large ly at their lowest point. However, the plan offered by the markets de- 'ittsburgh to the point of destina- type of organization and the scope ers and the speculators lost $10 to and three sessions daily. Speakers volume. Nobody is in between. He the problem of paying for all the partment of the Agricultural College. [ion, regardless of where the steel is and character of its activities. $20 a ton in covering the 'shorts' were secured from the extension de- gets all that the wool brings, less the feed at one time and storing it ties Mr. Tennant has been counselling the Mr. Brody attended the annual what they had sold. partment of the Michigan Agricul- actual handling cost, which is fur- up too much money for any one man. Fruit Growers in their organization lade. The difference between the meeting of the Menominee County "Standardization and volume of a tural College while, the Farm Bu- nished him in an itemized statement, Here the Farm Bureau serves by buy- work. reight charged and the actual reau hired others, securing the best ;Farm Bureau at Stephenson on Sat- high grade standard product is the which is subject to an audit. Four- ing the feedstuffs in Milkmaker and The Michigan Fruit Growers will height paid is the "plus", an extra agricultural authorities available. In teen out of 17 years the market im- urday, August 4th. Monday, August key to the Michigan fruit marketing in huge volume. be a commodity exchange affiliated profit for the steel mills. , This 6th he attended a meeting of the exe- situation. Quality, to be effective, a few instances this work was pro- proves as the season advances and The State Farm Bureau is able to with the State Farm Bureau, like 3brewn. Legislatures in Minnesota, splendid success using Farm Bureau built. Walter Mainhood was chos- at the request of President O. E. isconsin, Illinois and Iowa have en president of the Board of Direc- ivided funds totaling $60,000, to Bradfute of the American Farm Bu- Milkmaker as his main dairy feed. He declares that it is the ideal grain Says Dairymen Can't tors and Frank Lundy, secretary- reau, and the Master of the National rry on a campaign to abolish the Mttsburgh Plus" practice. Grange to give farmers a better un- ration for dairy cows, to be fed Afford To Mix Feeds treasurer. derstanding of the workings of the along with silage and alfalfa hay, if The indomitable spirit displayed Michigan should be equally inter- railroads. To date nearly half a mil- possible. East Lansing, Aug. 7.—One of the by these and other members of the ted, if not more so, because if lion people have visited the train. According to Mr.' Hough, one of most interesting dairy herds visited Board made it possible to overcome Mttsburgh Plus" were abolished, the good qualities of Milkmaker on the recent Ingham County Hol- the adverse financial conditions in e price of rolled steel in Michigan dairy feed is that it is possible with stein tour was that of A. R. Black 1921 and put the business on its iuld be greatly reduced on account our nearness to Gary, the point And No Gas Tax! it to force cows for high production & Sons. These enterprising dairy- feet. It was organized on a purely without danger of udder trouble. He men have built up a herd of high co-operative basis with no capital cheapest production. Probably •The State has ordered 700,000 says, "I feed my entire herd of 40 quality pure-bred Holsteins that are stock. The assets of the organization eel mills would soon be established auto license tag plates for this year cows on straight Milkmaker the ;y?ear high producers. They market their according to the officially audited Helps Fruit Growers Michigan. as against 581,000 for 1922. Five around and buy no other grain. Be- milk in East Lansing, the college town. statement May 30, 1923, are $16,- 082.41, with a surplus of approxi- hundred licenses are issued daily fore the Farm Bureau placed Milk- Grand Rapids, August 9 — The and it is believed that at least 25,- maker on the market I used to buy They don't worry about their mately $4,000 on hand. The gain ruit Growers Express Company, 000 more will be needed above the cottonseed, bran and oil meal but feed problems any more. They have for the ten months preceding the 700,000. With a two cents a gallon when I tried to force my cows for Above is "Michelex," hereafter The trade-mark bags will be Inspect- settled them. They say, "We haven't statement was $2,617.34. rving the Pere Marquette, Penn- tax, 700,000 active automobiles high production I usually had a lot the official trade-mark of the Mich- ed and certified by state inspectors fe~d any other grain than Milkmaker This, notwithstanding the fact lvania, Manistee and North East- to our entire herd this year. We are would do a great deal toward paying of udder trouble. I spoiled some of igan Elevator Exchange* for its before leaving this state. that the manager died early In the n Railroads, and their dependent my best producers by forcing with more than pleased with the results winter, and for several months the for our road up-keep and easing our choice beans. This design will soon Upon instructions from delegates •nnections, have tripled their re- cottonseed. at the last Elevator Exchange annual secured. association did not have an experi- road taxes. Wouldn't be surprised begin to appear on every bag of Igerator car supply in the past if the 700,000 could shoulder the "With Milkmaker I have no such meeting, this trade-mark was adopt- "Never before have we been able enced man as manager. In May, W. F e e years. They are operating choice beans marketed by the Ex- to secure a dairy feed which has C. Mumford, who has had wide and whole burden and never feel it. udder trouble. Cows like it and eat ed to protect our shippers against l e r 13,000 cars this season. Early it clean winter and suminer. They change. The "Michelex" trade-mark produced such good results and we successful experience in co-operative the action of certain shippers who |xt year they will have 15,000 cars. don't get tired of it like they do with is the Exchange's guarantee to the are mixing foreign beans with Mich- figure that a dairyman can not afford Elevator work, was employed as INGHAM TO GET NEWS buyer that such choice beans are A-l to mix his own feed when he can buy manager and business is again on phigan fruit growers located on Ingham County Farm Bureau a single feed or mixture of a few igan beans, which hurts the whole p e railroads should have no diffi- grains. I have decided that it pays stock. Michigan bean market. The Eleva- Milkmaker so reasonably. It is the boom. members are receiving the Michigan properly proportioned, accurately «y in getting plenty of refrigera- to feed a" properly balanced dairy Quality is what buyers are paying tor Exchange is protecting both its Farm Bureau News, beginning with feed that is sold on the honest open Aixed and gets the results. We shall " cars. for, and the Elevator Exchange's shippers and its buyers. "Michelex" Act I: "Let us have cheap foreign this issue. The subscription was formula basis so that a person knows apt consider using anything else this labor." Act I I : "Let us deport the P o n ' t keep cows. Make cows keep made by the Ingham County Farm "Michelex" brand choice beans is a contraction of the words Michi- what he is getting." gan Elevator Exchange. . printer." Beds."—Albany Times-Union. Bureau Executive Committee. should soon command a premium. v ^••^^^^••^•1 wvo MicHjtM* i-.An.i h, rtRAO N I. .» * AUGUST 10, not contrive to retain ;.ll ut' the returns which come from the MICHIGAN FARM 3 U « £ A U N £ W S increased efficiency of distribution which results from the up BUREAU JS READY p l i c a t i o n of the co-operative p/'inciple to t h e economic problem; iu.i Published t w i c e a month by the Michigan S t a t e F a r m Bureau a t Char- lotte, Michigan. Editorial and general offices a t S t a t e Farm Bureau h e a d - of a g r i c u l t u r e . A few examples will m a k e this p o i n t more c l e a r . F o r in- WITHJFALL SEEDS quarters, Lansing, Michigan. stance, the s e c r e t a r y of a co-operative live stock s h i p p i n g as- VOL. I. AUGUST 10, 1923 No. 15 sociation can h a n d l e in one day all of the business which Under Better Grain Seed Is Urged t h e old system would have been done by iivc or six c o m p e t i n g As Aid to Lower Per Entered at the post office at Charlotte, Mich., as second class local shippers, who of necessity would h a v e spent p r a c t i c a l l y the matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postago provided Bushel Cost for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 12, 1923. entire week soliciting t r a d e and each m a k i n g if more expensive Subscription Price 60c Per Year, Included In dues of F a r m for t h e others to d o business. The expenses of t h i s inefficient With prices of certified grain seed Bureau Members. m a r k e t i n g system, of which the multiplicity of local stock lower than ever before, due to the buyers is but a single factor, has been borne by the farmer, in low prices of commercial grains, E. E. U N G R E N Editor t h e form of l o w e r prices, and by t h e consumer, in t h e form of there is every indication that, an in- B. M. POWELL. Ass't. Editor higher r e t a i l c o s t s . creasing number of Michigan farm- ers will plant certified Red Rock or Take a n o t h e r example. In the old d a y s 20 or 30 fruit b u y e r s American Banner Wheat and Rosen would i n v a d e each fruit section d u r i n g t h e m a r k e t i n g season. Rye this fall, says the State Farm MICHIGAN STgagARM QUREAU W h e t h e r or n o t these buyers were in a c t u a l competition w i t h Bureau Seed Dep't. When seed each, o t h e r , or w h e t h e r they operated u n d e r a m u t u a l agree- prices are low it is a logical time" to OFFICERS ment, t h e fact remains t h a t the cost of m a i n t a i n i n g this h o r d e of use pure-bred seed. W. E. P H I L L I P S , Decatur M. L . NOON, Jackson F R E D V A N N O R S D A L L , Three Rivers President Vice-President Treasurer m i d d l e m e n h a s been shared jointly by t h e farmers a n d t h e ulti- m a t e consumers. Hence both classes should be equally interest- "With low commercial markets, maximum- efficiency is required," said J. W. Nicolson, manager of the Bureau Offers Bargain ed in t h e adoption of a more efficient d i s t r i b u t i n g system. Such JAMES NICOL L. W H I T N E Y W A T K I N S Dlrectors-At-Large South H a v e n Manchester c o n s t r u c t i v e desires are finding expression in the establishment of co-operative fruit growers' associations. The m a n a g e r of Farm Bureau's seed department. "One of the greatest aids is the use of -good seed of high yielding varie- On Campers' Blanket such a local organization can easily h a n d l e all the business for- The Farm Bureau Is offering a real bargain in a solid dark M E L V I N B. M c P H E R S O N Lowell ties." green, 100 pet. virgin wool outing blanket this summer. It's MRS. E D I T H M. W A G A R Carleton m e r l y done by the 20 or 30 buyers. Still greater efficiency is Urges No Waste Motions just the thing for campers, fishermen and motorists. While E A R L C. McCARTY Bad A x e b e i n g secured t h r o u g h the development a n d successful o p e r a t i o n " I do not advocate increased pro- they last—they may be had for $5.00 C. O. D., postage pre- GEORGE F R I D A Y Coloma paid. V E R O L D F. GORMELY Newberry of t h e b i g central exchanges affiliated wittt the Michigan S t a t e duction," explains Mr. Nicolson, F a r m B u r e a u u n d e r Michigan commodity control t y p e of organ- "but in face of high production costs This blanket comes in two sizes 66x84 and 60x72 inches. Commodity Directors ization, such as the .Michigan P o t a t o Growers E x c h a n g e , t h e and high labor costs a farmer can't State your choice. The blanket is built for wear and warmth. F R E D SMITH, Elk Rapids Michigan P o t a t o Growers E x c h a n g e afford not to-, make eyery move It will come out of a real camping trip looking just a3 good E l e v a t o r Exchange, the Live Stock Exchange, the Milk P r o - &s it went in. After that it will make an ideal automobile M. L. NOON, Jackson Michigan Milk Producers Association d u c e r s Ass'n., and the Michigan F r u i t Growers Exchange. count. There's no use of going blanket. You will find it very satisfactory for use on your ELMER A. B E A M E R , Blissfield Michigan Live Stock E x c h a n g e through all the motions and failing WALDO E. P H I L L I P S , D e c a t u r Michigan Elevator E x c h a n g e W h i l e the saving which results f r o m t h i s more efficient m a r - own bed or for the youngsters. It's one cracker-jack of an to get a satisfactory crop because of all-around blanket for summer or winte* use. Order yours k e t i n g system would at first go d i r e c t l y into the f a r m e r ' s inferior seed. If I were farming today. Prompt delivery. CLARK L. BRODY, L a n s i n g Headquarters Secretary, Manager pockets, it is evident that unless t h e r e is some means of limit- just now I believe I would crop few- At the same time ask for samples and prices on Farm i n g a g r i c u l t u r a l production, t h e f a r m e r m u s t eventually d i v i d e er acres and get along with as little Bureau tailor-made suits and overcoats. State F a r m Bureau Business Department at Lansing some of this e x t r a price with t h e consumer. It is t h e same old labor and operating expense as pos- Seed Purchasing Traffic Wool General Officers Advertising l a w of supply and demand which c a n n o t be outwitted by a n y of sible, but make every effort to in- sure a high per acre production. The MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU o u r modern schemes or devices. H i g h e r prices to t h e p r o d u c e r At Detroit will tend to increase production, a n d increased p r o d u c t i o n will use of good seed is a logical step in Fabrics Division Michigan F a r m Bureau Produce E x c h a n g e 2729 Russel St. this direction." j u s t as surely spell lower prices to t h e consuming public. The The F a r m Bureau seed depart- • Lansing, Michigan saving effected by the adoption of co-operative m a r k e t i n g a n d M i c h l c . n Commodity Marketing Associations ment is not only well supplied with t h e elimination of unnecessary m i d d l e m e n is thus b o u n d to be Rosen Rye and Red Rock wheat but Affiliated With Michigan State Farm Bureau shared about half and half b y t h e p r o d u c e r and consumer. it also offering certified American Michigan P o t a t o Growers E x c h a n g e Cadillac I n view of these fundamental facts, farmer a n d c i t y m a n Banner Wheat this fall. Never be- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••» Michigan Milk Product.a Association 707 Owen Bldg., Detroit fore has pure seed of this im- Michigan L i v e Stock E x c h a n g e 425 N . Butler St., L a n s i n g should join hands in support of the F a r m Bureau a n d o t h e r proved white wheat been available Michigan Elevator E x c h a n g e Directors and Officers of the F a r m B u r e a u Bldg., L a n s i n g Commodity E x c h a n g e s f a r m e r s ' co-operative m a r k e t i n g organizations, r e a l i z i n g t h a t greater efficiency in m a r k e t i n g and distribution will p r o v e of mutual advantage. in quantities. It is highly recom- mended by the M. A. C. farm crops department. InsureYourAutomobile M-ICii E L E V A T O R E X C H . V .. Ph illpo, Pres Decatur MICH. MILK P R O D U C E R S A S S ' N N. P. Hull, P r e s Lansing Total Assets over $365,000.00 L. C . K a m l o w s k e , V i c e - P r e s A . M. E c k l e s , V i c e - P r e s Carl Martin, Sec'y-Treas. Coldwater J a m e s Nlcol Washington South H a v e n John C Near, S e c B. F. B e a c h . Ass't. Sec Plymouth Flat Rock Detroit Cash Proof That T. B. Eradication Pays With congested traffic upon all highways and heavy trucks and automobiles, no wise farmer will H . D. H o r t o n Kinde H . W . Norton, Treas Howell George McCalla Ypsllanti M. L . N o o n Jackson drive his car a.day without automobile insurance. John Nicolson Marlette L. W . H a r w o o d Adrian M. R. Shisler Caledonia W . J . Barnard Paw Paw Why not insure in the pioneer Mutual? F. M. Oehmke Bach Ray Potts Washington VOUCHER-CHECK Fred W . Meyer Fair H a v e n Now starting ninth year of success. Dr. W . C. M c K l n n e y . . . D a v i s b u r g MICH. POTATO G R O W E R S James J. Brackenberry....Bad Axe *m?, About 45,000 of the leading farmers and busi- EXCH. H e n r y Curtis, P r e s Cadillac MICH. L I V E STOCK E X C H . ness men are insured in said Company, Fred Smith, Vice-Pres. Elk Rapids E. A . Beamer, Pres Blissfleld S. E. Rogers, Sec E a s t Jordan W . J . Perry, V i c e - P r e s The Company has paid in claims since organi- C. C. Wells, Gen. Mgr 0 . S. Wood, Treas Cadillac Barryton J . H . 0"MeaIey, S e c y Grand B l a n c Plttsford & H l f t a i | i , ? S . l l Atffc VST 1 0 * 3 Nil.E... 82817 zation over $1,400,000.00. Herbert B a k e r Weadock P. M. Granger, Treas Charlotte Alex L i n d s e y Decker im>eraf XHAS SOMB i TZH * SON 9 7.60 r T h e C o m p a n y h a s experienced officers, agent* A . B . Large Cadillac Ernest S n y d e r Lakevlew Kdward Dlppey Perry a n d c l a i m a d j u s t e r s k to g i v e y o u p r o m p t sexr%; C. H . Runciman Lowell L. E . W i l l e t t Laingsburg SEVEN t, .fa/\{fo»~-~t+--~-r+++-~>** The Company has carried insurance for siicY / American Farm Bureau Federation O. E . B R A D F U T E President men as Ex-Governor Rich, the late Governor J. W . COVEKOALE G E N E R A L OFFICERS A . F . B . F 58 E a s t Washington St., Chicago Secretary XBWNKltiEllUUrt.'lUK, Warner, and many leading lawyers, banker^ and business men of the State. GRAY S I L V E R LEGISLATIVE HEADQUARTERS W a s h i n g t o n Representative M u n s e y Bldg., Washington, D . C . m m i1 ATTACKED WUO It will cost to insure a Dodge car for fire, theft and Hillsdale, August 6— Below is a start the campaign to clean up the The men in the picture, left to liability in the country districts only $10.50. AGRICULTURE M O U R N S P R E S I D E N T HARDING photo of the first consignment of county and kept it going. right are Col. Kerr and George B. I n t h e d e a t h of P r e s i d e n t H a r d i n g , A m e r i c a n f a r m e r s m o u r n hogs in the United States which These hogs are pure bred Hamp- Smith of Addison, Br. A. Z. Nichols, See our local agent, or write t h e loss of a t r u e friend, a g r e a t l e a d e r w h o u n d e r s t o o d t h e f a r m - brought their owner a premium of shires and brought their owners $7- Pres. of the Hillsdale Co. Farm Bu- 10 cents a hundred pounds because reau, J. B. Strong, Jerome; Fred ers' difficulties a n d s y m p a t h i z e d w i t h t h e m , w h o w a s giving gen- they came from a tuberculosis free .60 extra. Hfllsdale County ships 500 cars of hogs annually, weighing Bowditch, junior member of the CITIZENS MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE erously of his t h o u g h t a n d s t r e n g t h to help f a r m e r s w i t h t h e i r co- operative marketing program. county. Above is a photograph of the premium check paid to Chas. about 17,000 lbs. per car. At 10 firm; H. R. Smith, State Livestock INSURANCE COMPANY ^ ^ cents a hundred the *extra return to Commission, Chas. Kimball, chair- On his l a s t s p e a k i n g t o u r t h r o u g h t h e west, P r e s i d e n t H a r - d i n g ' s speeches were r e m a r k a b l e for his o u t s p o k e n e n d o r s e m e n t Bowditch & Son of Osseo, the ship- pers. Hillsdale is the county, and the shipper is $17 a car or $8,500 man of the Board of Supervisors and Howell, Michigan • on all the cars. This premium will F. E. Haynes, Pres. of the Hillsdale of f a r m e r s ' organizations a n d co-operative m a r k e t i n g . A t one it is tuberculosis free, largely be- pay the expense of the complete County Pure Bred Stock Ass'n. All point the President declared: cause of the efforts of the Hillsdale county clean-up in a short time and took part in the Hillsdale T. B. cam- County Farm Bureau, which helped will continue its benefits thereafter. paign. „ " I k n o w no single m o v e m e n t t h a t p r o m i s e s m o r e h e l p to- w a r d t h e p r e s e n t relief a n d t h e p e r m a n e n t b e t t e r m e n t of a g r i c u l t u r a l conditions t h a n does t h e co-operative m o v e m e n t . 11 a m a n x i o u s t h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t do e v e r y t h i n g w i t h i n rea- son a n d sound p r e c e d u r e , a n d I a m still more a n A o u s t h a t t h e f a r m e r s themselves shall co-operate to m a k e t h e govern- Have You Consigned m e n t efforts d o u b l y e f f i c a c i o u s . " I n his I d a h o F a l l s speech, P r e s i d e n t H a r d i n g forcefully re-com- m i t t e d himself to t h e co-operative idea as a p p l i e d to the m a r k e t - Your Wool to the Pool? i n g of a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o d u c t s . S p e a k i n g of economic conditions in A m e r i c a a n d t h e h i g h cost of living, t h e P r e s i d e n t s t a t e d : " W e realize t h a t t h e r e a l p r o d u c e r , u n d e r o u r e l a b o r a t e Your lot will increase the volume of wool in the a n d costly system of d i s t r i b u t i o n , is n o t p e r m i t t e d a fair share of his p r o d u c t for his own use a n d enjoyment. W e have become convinced t h a t somehow o u r system of distribu- Volume spells efficiency in marketing. tion h a s g r o w n too cumbersome, too costly. W e m u s t find rw v m e t h o d s to t a k e u p a s m u c h as possible of the slack in t h e ^ ^ Efficie ^ ^ ^iency^ *^ ^**•*»*»*»« means ^ ^ ^ greater«t«£»oi-f organization, with the control coming from the bottom up in a truly ers of the state in the way they had Farm Bureau Purchasing Department hoped he would when they joined for information on how to proceed. August 31 to September 9 lemocratic manner, Mr. Bradfute de- in creating the ground swell- which This is how you contract for your winter requirements of Milkmaker— clared, "I think I am taking no un- resulted in his appointment. The Board of Agriculture demon- through your co-operative association Scores of CHIGAN STATE FAIR lue credit when I say that the or- ganization that has put the farmer m the map and placed him so promi- strated that they are farmer repre- you contract for a certain number of sentatives first, last and all the time tons of Milkmaker to be delivered Other nently in the minds of the city people lof the United States is the Farm Bu- when in the face of the strongest op- and paid for in equal monthly ship- position that could be brought to ments during the winter at the pool Features |reau." bear by every other interest both price. This is tho same as was done Farmer Must "Merchandize" 'The farmer's interest in his pro- political and financial they stood pat in 1922 and the resulting guaranteed for the best interest of the farmer pool price will be the price to you Nation's Greatest Show |duct should not end with its produc- and our Agricultural College and in- for the life of your contract. De- t i o n , " declared* President Bradfute. sisted on the resignation of Presi- livery dates will be set by you and "He should study market demands dent Friday. your neighbors through your co-op. and merchandize his crop. For best It is a good day when we have a to suit your convenience. Feed is results organization is absolutely Board which is agriculturally mind- delivered on time. Every shipment necessary. Through organization a ed, both for us farmers and the Col- went through as scheduled last year, sufficient volume of products is in- lege. They may make an honest mis- despite the difficulty in getting cars. sured so that careful standardization take as they did when they hired See your co-op. manager now to con- and grading is possible. Find out Friday, but they have the nerve to tract your winter supply of Milk- what the consumer wants and then correct it and we farmers are back maker at summer feed prices. 8upply.it. Therein lies the key to of them and approve of their action. Local co-operative associations can the price situation." They are constitutionally endowed give you additional information on with the duty of administrating the Milkmaker dairy ration, how to order Mr. Bradfute closed hjs powerful affairs of the Agricultural College it, terms of delivery and payment. and scholarly address with a plea and we are glad that they indicate a The co-operative associations handle for the co-operative solution of the strong tendency to exercise the pre- Milkmaker the year around. problems confronting agriculture, rogatives. No one else can do it as not only for the benefit of the farm- well.—A. B. Cook, Aug. edition, THE ers but for the salvation of the na- MICHIGAN PATRON, official paper, Buy Coal Now tion as well. The Michigan State Grange. Greater M. A. C. Predicted Washington, August 9—The De- Dean Robert S. Shaw, who pre- partment of Commerce advises that sided at the meeting, welcomed the Hits Pittsburgh Plus industries have generally failed to delegates and deplored the fact that The Oceana County Farm Bureau lay in their winter coal requirements jne rain had prevented their inspect- has taken out a $10 membership in and that they will, therefore, be de- ing the 1,220 acre college farm, the the Western Association of Rolled manding coal at a time when the h,„>,£ Cre3 o f e x Perimental plots, and Steel Consumers, the organization of railroads are already overloaded. C J l n g s a m l * A c * a»» ud burgh Plus) when they buy steel fall and winter coal during the next tools. llllllllllllilliHIHUIlllll.lllllllllllill FOUR MICHIGAN FARM BUREAU NEWS AUGUST 10, 1923 1,000 IONIA CO. Gas Tax is Spreading SPEAK FOR VETCH FARMERS PICNIC Now Helps Keep Up Roads In 36 States EARLY TO GET IT CO The Truth in Feeds Have Live Program of Music, The demand for vetch seed bids fair to exceed the supply of the genu- Sports and Speeches; ine article this season, according to Mumford There the Farm Bureau seed department, which has established a reputation Ionia, August 4—The Ionia coun- for Michigan-grown vetch and has ty farmers' community picnic held thereby built up a big vetch seed here today was a success in every trade not 'only among the general , way. Between 1,000 and 1,500 en- farmers and fruit growers of Mich- thusiastic and progressive farmers igan, but among those of Illinois, and their families turned out for the Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, and occasion. The weather was ideal, the several other states as well. picnic dinner was bountiful, the mu- Because of this large trade, Mich- sic and speeches wer^ the best ever igan has now become the center of and an exciting ball game featuring vetch seed production in the United local rural talent rounded out a well States, producing 85 to 9 5 % of the balanced program of constructive national output. recreation. The seed department warns buy- After some peppy music by the ers of vetch seed that imported, ill- Above is a map which shows how taxes today, it can't be that the law adapted stock will likely appear on Portland Boys' Band had attracted generally the gasoline tax is coming is unconstitutional nor is the tax un- the picnickers from their sports and to be accepted as the fair method of collectible. It must be a success for the market during September. It is family groups, Stanley M. Powell, financing the up-keep of state high- financing state road programs be- expected that this factor will result young Ronald township farmer and ways and providing for the construc- cause 17 of these states adopted the in keeping the price down. Farm Bureau booster, was introduc- tion of modern roads. In the 36 gasoline tax this year. Michigan Vetch producers who wish to dis- ed as chairman of the day. states which collect a gas tax, motor- tourists pay for using the roads in pose of their seed should send in Community Spirit is Lauded ists pay for the roads in the pro- other states. Our visitors use the samples to the State Farm Bureau Mr. Powell declared that the pic- portion that they tfse them and it is roads and we pay for them. These seed department at once or get in nic was a splendid example of com- a safe bet that tremendous road bond same visiting tourists state that a munity co-operation as it was sup- issues are becoming unnecessary in gasoline tax would not have kept ported by the bankers, merchants those states and that the tax payers them from coming to Michigan. They Berrien Bureau's touch with their local co-ops. Fed on Milkmake] and business men as well as by all are due for some relief. the farmers' organizations. Dr. Eben Mumford, extension are surprised not to find one and If 36 states are collecting gasoline] they expect better roads. Program Interesting (Continued from page one) County Test Record speaker of the Michigan Agricultural College, traced in an interesting way the development and achievements of organized agriculture in America, MARKET CONDITIONS Agricultural schools, but in most cases it was done through the town- ship Farm Bureau organizations. Township Units Strong T H I S cow belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. W a r r e n of D i m o n d a l e , Mich. Last win- t e r they were f e e d i n g t h e i r own grains a n d a t t e m p t i n g to b a l a n c e t h e m w i t h cotton- How to Peed Milkmaker Next Winter at Summer Prices You can contract now your winter feed require- ments of Milkmaker through the Farm Bureau for told how the Grange and the Farm As Reported By State Farm Bureau The township organizations are seed meal. H a v i n g a few cows on test a n d delivery in equal monthly shipments from Septem- Bureau were solving the pressing and Marketing Departments strong in Berrien County. New Buf- looking for the best feed, t h e y s t a r t e d feeding ber through March at summer feed prices. The perplexing agricultural problems of falo, Lincoln, Benton and Bain- price to you is guaranteed. Last February many WHEAT and cutting down their fall planting, bridge townships are outstanding ex- M i l k m a k e r , with a result t h a t t h e cow shown wise buyers were feeding Milkmaker at September today and pointed the way to greater accomplishments and success in the With the crop considerably cut we believe rye should take a turn amples. Under a unique type of ar- above b r o k e the E a t o n C o u n t y Cow Testing low prices and saving from $10 to $l2l>er ton. down to less than last year's total, for the better. rangement the Berrien County Farm Association record by p r o d u c i n g 93.53 lbs. of Last year Michigan farmers fed more than 8,000 rutin tons of Milkmaker. and with the general prosperity of CORN Bureau remits to the township Farm b u t t e r f a t in 30 days. The whole h e r d increas- Toils of Farm Bureau Progress the country, we see no reason why 8ne< iul emphasis was placed by wheat will not do considerably better There will be little carry-over of Bureaus 50 cents for each paid-up ed its p r o d u c t i o n . Mr. W a r r e n s a y s : Pay for Milkmaker as You Oet*ft Dr. Mumford. on the achievements of after the first crop rush is over. old corn and trade is largely bullish membership to provide them a work- Under this plan the Farm Bureau buys Milk- ing fund so that they are assured in- "Soon after feeding Milkmaker we discover- the Michigan State Farm Bureau A large percentage of the foreign on old as well as new corn. With ed we were getting better results and saving maker ingredients in huge volume at summer low business departments and the sev- countries are now harvesting good three billion estimated bushels for dependence in promoting their own prices, mixes them at the best mill in the country money. If we had fed it throughout the en- eral commodity exchanges affiliated wheat crops and will not be in the this year's crop, we are on the friend- projects. tire test period last winter, I am convinced and delivers Milkmaker fresh to you every month as you want it. You pay for the feed as it is de- with it. market for our supplies as long as ly side of corn. Mr. F. W. "Emerson, secretary of our records would have been better. We plan lieved. This plan enables you to buy your winter M. B. McPherson of Lowell, mem- they have grain of their own. Later BEANS the Berrien County Farm Bureau, is to depend entirely on Milkmaker next winter." feed at the lowest prices; it relieves you of a big ber of the State Board of Agricul- on in the season they should be eager The market for old beans seems a firm believer in motion pictures as cash outlay, storage expense, and insures fresh ture and of the Board of Directors to buy A m e r i c a wheat at much bet- to have reached bottom this week a means of securing the attention W h a t M i l k m a k e r Is feed. of the Michigan State Farm Bureau, ter prices than today's market. It and there has been a good inquiry of farm audiences and teaching many Michigan M i l k m a k e r is a 2 4 % protein, pub- concluded the speaking program. Mr. should do better. for choice beans for immediate ship- valuable lessons regarding the best lic formula d a i r y feed m a d e by the Michigan Your local co-operative association will contract your Milknyiker requirements, same as last year. McPherson gave his hearers some in- OATS ment. We hope to see all of the agricultural jmethods and community See your local manager at once aha arrange for S t a t e F a r m B u r e a u . I t is t h e best d a i r y ration teresting information on the actions Oats are cheap compared with all old beans cleaned up before the new betterment projects. His activities your supply. If you have no co-operative associa- of the State Board of Agriculture in other grains. With a smaller yield crop is harvested. All indications along this line are not confined to for Michigan. E v e r y one of t h e 10 milkmak- tion, write our Purchasing Department for infor- connection with Dr. Friday's resig- per acre, farmers should have more now are that the new crop is in good Farm Bureau meetings. He and his ing i n g r e d i e n t s is listed on every bag, p o u n d mation on how to co-operate with your neighbors nation and other recent develop- money for oats. condition and we expect to see new machine are always available to any for p o u n d . You k n o w exactly w h a t y o u are in buying car lots of Milkmaker for car-door de- ments which have aroused popular RYE beans shipped as early as last year, community organization whether it buying. N o t an ounce of filler in Michigan livery. Write for our booklet on Milkmaker and Interest. His statement that the is a Grange, a Sunday School or any feeding suggestions. There seems to be no good to rye. which was during the last few days other group mfeeting. The Berrien M i l k m a k e r . State Board of Agriculture was se- Prices are so low that farmers are in August. The time for this County Farm Bureau owns a large Cows fed M i l k m a k e r give more m i l k a n d a r e offer is limited. Later lected by the people for the specific feeding it generally throughout the /There has been a good call for new purpose of managing M. A. C , and country. With less rye than last beans for September or October ship- supply of films and leases others for h e a l t h i e r a n d s t r o n g e r animals,—and your Milkmaker must be that they expected to continue to year, when it becomes known how ment at prices that would net the special occasions. feed costs a r e lower. bought at prevailing Locals Affiliated With Bureau market prices. Order discharge their full duties in accord- much the farmers are really feeding farmer four cents a pound. now. ance with their judgment as to the Berrien County farmers believe in co-operation land are strongly organ- best interests of the institution and the agriculture of the state, met with Declares Milkmaker BUREAU TRAFFIC DEPT. ized. All the local co-operative as- MICHIGAN STAttffABM RUREAU no uncertain evidences of hearty ap- sociations have lined up with the proval from the assembled farmers. Is Best Dairy Feed COLLECTS 14 CLAIMS Farm Bureau. Some of these locals Lansing, vj^p*' Michigan Misses Lucinda Monroe and Mar- are outstanding because of their garet England of Portland Bang two Midland, Mich., The State Farm Bureau Traffic achievements. FEED MILKMAKER NEXT WINTER A T SUMMER PRICES or three very enjoyable solos in the August 6, 1923. Department collects claims at cost The Lincoln Fruit Association at course of the program. Michigan State Farm Bureau, for Farm Bureau members, depart- Stevensville built the first pre-cool- Lansing Michigan. ments, affiliated commodity ex- ing plant in Michigan. This is a To Hold Membership Campaign Announcement of the Iopia Coun- Dear Sirs: changes and local co-ops. stock company and is farmer-owned. work this season. Such sales not Claire, the St. Joe Valley Shipping H E R E F O R D ^ ty Farm Bureau membership cam- I used your Michigan Milkmaker During July fourteen claims There are now two other pre-cooling only relieve the surplus in the big Association, with stores at Buchanan Young" ,Cow* with calve* by Bid* consisting paign, which will be launched Au- Dairy Feed last winter on official amounting to $415.00 were collected. plants in Berrien County but these markets, such as Chicago, but edu- and Niles, and the Three Oaks Ship- prices that enable them under Earliripe Here, at blood from America's foremost herds at gust 27, was made by Lester M. test and had splendid results. Be- Among them were the following: newer plants are not owned by the cate the growers and the consuming ping Association. ford Beef Plan to pay for themselves within a year to 18 months. Bulls including prize Campbell, secretary of the Ionia Bu- lieve it is the best dairy feed I have $129.55 in favor of Byron Center farmers. public regarding quality, packing and winners at the larger shows at practical reau. ever used. Farm Bureau Ass'n. for loss on one The Lincoln Fruit Association last grading. About 20 cars were handled Think of the mule. The longer he prices. Herd headed by Straight Edge Yours very truly, car of coal; $29.99 in favor of Wind- season shipped seventy cars of small in this manner last season, and kicks the more unpopular he be- 1169786, one of two sons of Perfection Fairfax A baseball game between the sor Farm Bureau for loss on car coal; fruit without a single rejection or a since the buyers were so uniformily comes. out of a daughter of the Famous Disturber. Portland Farmers' team and the (Signed) Charles Lamphierd. T. F. B. Sotham & Sons (Hereford* line* $53.30 in favor of Purchasing De- single adjustment. As every fruit satisfied it is expected a much larger 1839), St. Clair, Mich. Berlin-Orange Farmers' team creat- partment for loss on one car of coal; shipper knows, this is indeed a re- volume of business will be handled ed a lot of interest. The Portland A Cheerful Giver $67.85 in favor of -Purchasing De- markable achievement. In this way in 1923. IT PAYS TO BUY PURE BRED SHEEP OF farm lads won a slug fest 23-14. A colored revival was in full blast, partment for overcharge on one car Pre-cooling Plant Saves $100,000 Co-operate to Sell Direct PARSONS '"^MS EEt.a" MeadowBrookHerefordseFrftiSingDRe^ A>*, I Mil and ship everywhere and pay express breeding stock for sale, both sexes, any age. Ideas and Dollars and one old fellow was exhorting the coal; $27.18 in favor of Seed De- The benefits of pre-cooling have Another valuable out-let for fruit charges. Write for club offer and price list. Oxfords. Shropehirea and Polled-Delaines. Call, phone or writ* Earl C. MeCarty, partment, overcharge on car corn; been found to be both direct and in- which helps greatly in preventing PAKSOyS.GrandLedge.Mich. R.9 Bad Axe, Huron Co. "If I swap dollars with you I am people to contribute generously. and one for $62.48 in favor of Bar- direct, resulting in the fruit getting market surpluses and reducing losses no better off than I was before. But "Look what de Lawd's done fo' aga County Farm Bureau, over- to the market in far better condition through the shortage of refrigerator if I swap ideas with you I am twice you-all, brethren!" he shouted. Give charge on car peaches. Him a tenth. A tenth belongs to de and also in preventing surpluses cars has been found through the as rich as I was, for I have my own Lawd!" which would glut the market and motor trucking business. The Royal- and yourg as well."—Exchange. "Amen!" yelled a perspiring demoralize prices. A splendid ex- ton Township Farm Bureau is plan- member of the congregation, over- ample of this occurred last Fourth ning to conduct an advertising cam- Ix^iTman has a hard time keeping his head above water, It is time for come by emotion. him to get out of deep water. Join Lawd! Give Him Mo.' Give Him a "Glory to de BUSINESS NEWS 3c a word per insertion for 3 or more Insertions; 3%c a word for each of 2 of July. The Fourth came on Tues- paign in Indiana newspapers and day, thus bringing Sunday and the erect road signs calling attention to When Grain Prices Are twentieth."—The Woodpecker. Fourth close together. All market- the high quality of fruit to be ob- the Fartn, Bureau. insertions; 4 c e n t s a word sertion. Count each word, abbrevia- tion and figure, including words in signature, a s words. Cash must ac- company order. Mich. Farm Bureau for one in- ing experience indicated that the tained at reasonable prices direct market would have been expected to from the growers in Berrien County. go flat because of the two holidays These advertising costs will be paid Low You Need the Very Vews. uxa coming so close together. The farm- by a small,percentage of the sales ers, therefore, placed 30 carloads of secured in this manner. Best Marketing Service FERTILIZER S T E P ON IT! A N D DIM YOUR LIGHTS and throw on spotlight. Step on it again their berries in the pre-cooling plants and lights are bright, spotlight is off. A s of the county. The result was that Royalton Township Farm convenient as a foot accelerator. F i t s any the market hardly sagged at all. This car. Simple to install. Send $3.00 for Last season George P. Pullen, a member, sold 1,000 bushels of peach- Bureau The Michigan Elevator Exchange is starting the new Goodrich Foot Dimmer, postage prepaid. saved Berrien County fruit growers es in one day to trucks and touring grain season in a stronger financial condition than ever Guaranteed Goods Right Prices Satisfaction guaranteed. RAY POPPE, at least $100,000. cars t h a t came direct to his farm for before and is in a position to give even better service Agent, Charlotte, Michigan. Buy through your Co-op. The fruit was removed from the them. E. W. Dunning disposed of than that which has built up and held together the more FOR SALE—Feed, seed and coal busi- ness. This is a live growing concern. A pre-cooling plants only as fast as the his entire crop of 13,000 bushels last than 100 elevators which today make up this powerful The Michigan State Farm Bureau, the Ohio Farm Bu- m o n e y m a k e r for someone. John Friden- market could absorb it. berger, Walled Lake, Mich. It season in this manner. Many other marketing agency. A reau and the Indiana Farm Bureau have combined their Co-ops. Join In Shipping instances are on record. P O U L T R Y FARM, completely equipped. fertilizer contracts this year and now have exclusive sale Must be seen to be appreciated. For At the suggestion of the County The Berrien County Farm Bureau At the third annual meeting of the Elevator Exchange in their respective states of the entire output of a new particulars write MACALWHITE P O U L - Farm Bureau Secretary, the fruit as- has been active in promoting bovine- held recently at M. A. C , it was shown that the Ex- TRY F A R M , Caro, Mich. sociations of Berrien County operat- tuberculosis eradication campaigns moderniy equipped fertilizer factory. This factory has change had just completed its most successful year, fi- F A L L S E E D GRAINS — Make plana ing packing houses formed a volun- in the county. just been completed and everything known to modern now to s o w Registered or Certified grain tary association among themselves For the past two years, big an- nancially and from every other point of view. During science in the way of machinery has been installed to pro- seed this fall. The Farm Bureau Seed D e p ' t , is prepared to supply you w i t h for the purpose of marketing all or nual farmers' picnics have been held the year just closed it handled 4,450 cars of grain, hay duce fertilizer of a high grade at a minimum cost. the best Rosen Rye, Red Rock W h e a t a part of their output. Secretary by the Berrien County Farm Bureau. and beans and did a business totaling $4,150,000. and W i n t e r Barley. S T A T E FARM B U R E A U S E E D DEP'T., Lansing, Mich- Emerson was placed in charge of the These meetings have been important The Acid Phosphate produced in this plant is made igan. effort. The plan was to ship as much factors in building up a spirit of After paying all of its operating expenses and setting from Florida rock which, as is well known, is superior to FARM B U R E A U VIRGIN WOOL out- fruit as possible in car lots to sec- community interest and a desire to aside an ample and liberal surplus, it was able to dis- Tennessee rock and produces a fertilizer which is ex- ing blankets, $5 e a c h . Just t h e thing for tions which are not habitual fruit get together and co-operate for the tribute a patronage dividend of $8,000 to its member ele- campers, canoeists, sportsmen. Color, tremely light in color. dark Michigan green. Soft and warm. buyers. As a result a number of car best interest of all. This season, at vators, on the basis of the business done by each. That Two sizes—Columbia, 86x84 Inches and loads were placed to very small cen- the invitation of the Berrien County the service had been satisfactory was indicated by the The following grades can be shipped in mixed cars the Collegiate, 60x72 Inches. Each $6 ters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Grange, the Farm Bureau and the of fifteen tons or more: postpaid. A bargain. Mich. F a r m B u r - attitude of those attending the big meeting. Kicks were eau Clothing D e p ' t . , 221 N . Cedar S t , Minnesota. Much of the selling was Grange held a joint picnic on Lansing, Mich. done through the medium of the August 2nd. Mr. B. D. Bishop of conspicuous by their absence. 2-8-16 2-8-4 2-8-15 0-10-10 No commission. Sell your farm local farm bureau organizations and Benton, Mrs. W. G. Armstrong, lec- Is your local co-operative elevator now a mem- through Washington F a r m Bureau E x - several cars were handled co-opera- turer for the Berrien County 2-10-12 " 0-14-4 change; represented In 45 states. Lists tively at the destination. Every Pomona Grange, and Mr. F. W. Em- ber of the Michigan Elevator Exchange? If not, of farms for sale by o w n e r s mailed free. 0-8-24 1-8-4 812 Lindelle, Spokane, W a s h i n g t o n . 9-6 bushel was accompanied by a guar- erson, secretary of the Berrien don't you think it should avail itself of this ser- 3-8-6 0-12-0 antee and the consumer was invited County Farm Bureau are the com- vice? 2-8-10 0-20-0 to write back his impressions. Many mittee in charge of arrangements for 2-10-4 2-12-2 Sulphate of Ammonia 0-18-0 0-16-0 Bone Meal Monuments replies were received, practically all this picnic. of which spoke in high praise of the If you contemplate erecting a quality. The total expense is being Affiliated Associations The following fruit associations By being a member of the Exchange your Elevator is m a better position to find the best possible markets for your hay, grain and beans. Through* our arrangement Muriate of Potash * Meat Scrap monument or stone to the memory of borne by the several packing houses are affiliated with the Farm Bureau with the Michigan Potato Growers Exchange, your pota- Nitrate of Soda Tankage some departed one, we solicit an op- interested. It will be readily seen in Berrien County: The Coloma Fruit toes can be marketed this fall to the best advantage. portunity to submit an estimate on that only fruit packed under super- Exchange, the Millhurg Fruit Go to your Co-op. manager at once and tell him what the work. The R. W. Carr shops in vision could be used and the results Association, the Benton Center Fruit Have your directors get in touch with the Exchange you want and urge him to get his order in to us at the Charlotte and Battle Creek have t* so far demonstrate the necessity of Association, the St. Joseph Fruit As- and find out about the service it renders. organization of the fruit interests sociation, the Lincoln Fruit Growers earliest possible moment so that fertilizer may arrive in large and complete a stock as yon of the county for purposes of care- Association, the Brldgeman Fruit time for fall sowing. will find in Michigan. Will you give us an opportunity to ful standardization and advertising. Growers Association, The Lake Shore For further information write direct to talk the matter over with you? There Mr. Emerson, the County Farm Fruit Association at Sawyer and the are many features about our work Bureau Secretary, was largely re- Sodus Fruit Growers Association. MICHIGAN STATE FARM BUREAU that we would like to explain to you sponsible for the success of this en- Other co-operative associations af- terprise as he made trips in behalf filiated with the Berrien County MICHIGAN ELEVATOR EXCHANGE in person. Drop us a card. Purchasing Dept. of these fruit sales through north- Farm Bureau are: The Berrien Coun- ern Michigan land Wisconsin. He is ty Milk Producers Association, the Lansing, Mich. R. W. CARR planning to follow up this lino of Lansing, Mich. Charlotte Battle Creek Farmers Co-operative Ass'n. at Eau