Vol. 39, No.6 39th Year a UNE 1, 1961 Publish d • 50 Deductible Share-the-Cost lue Cross Offer Farm r _ Bureau Me~ers A Choice All Farm Bureau members who have Blue Cross-Blue Shield are getting a chance to choose be- cents per month less for one- person and $1.79 less for two- person and family. In 96 tween their present high-benefit -------------~ comprehensive coverage and a lower-cost program with a share- the-cost $50 deductible on hospi- Farm Bureau members on the May 20th billing cycle have al- ready received the option fold- Milk r tal admissions. Option folders have been or ers. Those on the June 20th and July 20th cycles will receive them with that billing. Candidat s Bill til a will be sent each subscriber de- scribi~g the option and listing the difference in monthly cost between the two programs. There will be a selection box on the back of this billing stu b marked "Deductible." If you For Delegate 21 Bills Supporte When you get these folders de- pends on your particular billing cycle. wish to change from your pre- sent coverage to this somewhat lower-cost, share-the-cost pro- To Co -Con Become Law; 5 Opposed W r gram, check that "Deductible" A number of Michigan Farm This "deductible" differs from box, sign your name and return Bureau members have announc- your present coverage in this STAN~EY M. POWELL it with y'our regular payment, ed themselves as candidates for respect: Legislative Counsel of Michigan Farm Bur u which is the 'amount on the bill. delegate to the Constitutional You pay the first $50 of Blue If you wish to retai your pre- Convention at the party primary The 1961 legislati e se sion will oon b hi tor . Cross .benents for each hospital sent comprehensive coverage, election. July 25. They are: admission for yourself as the just ignore the selection box The lawmakers recess d from May 12 until jun when you send in your payment. Mrs. Hal Conkey of Caseville, subscriber and for your spouse. Berrien County Farm Burea Final adjournment is set for noon, jun 9. However, this $50 deductible on For those who do switch to I ssom Parade Republican, Huron county Repre- sentative District. each admission does NOT apply the Deductible plan, the change 1;).----------;;------------------- Charles J. Davis of Onondaga, On the whole, it was a succe ful f m th to c ildren on your contract who in coverage and rate will be ef- are age 19 or less. The difference in cost per m 0 nth for the deductible fective on the billing cycle fol- lowing the one in which you send in the change. BERRIEN FARM BUREAU'S patriotic float won second prize in- the Association group at the Farm Bu u Position Republican, 2nd Representative District, Ingham county. Minard Farley, Jr., of Albion, Farm Bureau standpoint. Some 21 bill upport d by th Farm Bureau were enact d into I w. Prob- annual Blossom Parade at Ben- Republican, 1st Representative ably even more important is the fact th t 8 bill amounts to 71 cents per month for one-person ward coverage and $1.72 for ward coverage for May 20th" cycles will be ef- fective August 20th; June 20th cycles will be effective Septem- ton Harbor early in May. This parade is the second larg- On Con-C elegates District, Calhoun county. Charles Figy of Morenci, Repub- opposed by Farm Bur au wer defeat d. B st 0 two-person and family. For ber 20th; and July 20th cycles est in the United States, sur- Questions have n asked as to whether the lican, 19th Senatorial District, all, not one measure opposed by Farm Bur au w semi-private coverage, it is 75 will be effective October 20th. passed only by the Pasadena Lenawee and Monroe counties. Tournament of Roses and the Michigan Farm Burea would have a different passed by the Lagislature. Francis Finch of Mattawan, Re- New Orleans Mardi Gras. Agr'l Marketing Ass'n Joins On this float the Statue of Lib- erty was Miss Lucy Peachey. policy in connection or other political elect' ns. th Con-Con delegates than publican, Van Buren county Rep- resentative District. Marten Garn of Charlotte, Re- . We had plenty of disappointments. bills which we favored failed of nactm n . Some 40 She was robed in gold cloth and AFBF Foreign Trade Plan held aloft a gold torch. A large U.S. shield and a The Michigan Farm ureau Board discussed this matter a its meeting May 16-1 7 and of Directors publican, 15th Senatorial District of Clinton, Eaton and Shiawassee counties. least three of them had passed th S nat awaiting final ote in the House wh n a midnight nd w r Michigan farmers are prepar- instrumental in arranging trans- group of American flags made Merritt . Harper of Vicksburg, dealine arrived which cut off for this s ssion fu - ing themselves to move into a actions totaling more than the background for the float. decided that the same licy would be in effect for Seated were two beauty queens Republican, 2nd Representative ther action on those bins which w re r maini g favorable overseas trade posi- $1,000,000. Con-Con delegates as f r any other political elec.. District of Kalamazoo county. tion. Miss Jerilyn Winney and Mis~ Herbert Alp, director of the tion. Leona Hutchings of Ortonville, on the House calendar. The Board of Directors of the Trade Corporation, said "Ameri- Donna Dettman. Republican, 1st Representative Michigan Agricultural Coopera- can farmers have stimulated The Berrien Farm Bureau float The historic policy been that no position will District of Oakland county. A principal heartache from our standpoint w tive Marketing Association (an nearly one dollar in trade for will appear for the American affiliate of Michigan Farm Bur- every two cents they have in- Legion at a patriotic parade at be taken by Michigan Farm Bureau as far as endors- Mark Jenema of Falmouth Re- totally unexpected development on th ft rnoon eau) on May 17 signed an agree- vested in the Rotterdam Trade Three Rivers June 11. publican, Representative Di~trict of May 12, the final day of the main p rt of th cur.. ment with the American Farm Center." ing individual candi s or parties is concerned. of Arenac, Gladwin, Missaukee, Bureau Trade Development Cor- Roscommon counties. rent session. I am referring to the compet ly unex- Michigan tart chenies, straw- Undoubtedly, most Co ty Farm Bureaus will fol.. poration. Carew S. LeBlanc of Ithaca Re- This agreement berries, tomatoes, asparagus and makes the other high quality farm products Resolutions Iowa similar policy. publican, Gratiot county R~pre- sentative Di trict. . pected fate of H. 309, the milk mark ting bill which provided for price posting and whi h d fin d Agricultural Cooperative Mar- will be listed with the Trade Clare c E rentic, y- f ich.. an . o of I ni , keting Association the official Center at Rotterdam. A contin- representative in Michigan of the uous flow of information con- international Farm Bureau cerning prices, quality, and de- Committee igan Farm Bureau, ,saysevery effort should be made publican, Ionia county Represen- tative District. d decl r d ill g I i h n ai tr These are various schemes that can be mploy d to encourage qualified persons to run for the posi- J. Burton Richards of Eau Trade Development Corporation mand will be channeled between with U.S. offices in Chicago and Rotterdam and the Agr'l Mar- a European office at Rotterdam, keting Cooperative office at the For 1961 tion of Delegate to the Constitutional Convention. County Farm Bureaus are requested and urged to Claire, Republican, 2nd Repr sent- ative District of Berrien county. by big operators to eliminate their smaller comp ti .. tors and to gain control of a given market. Th The Netherlands. Farm Bureau Center at 'Lansing. President Walter Wightman Allen F. Rush of Lake Orion suIt of such monopolies is always d trimental to Thus Michigan farmers in the has announced the appointment be active in providing a public forum for candidates. Republican, 3rd Representativ~ "This latest action by the of the Resolutions Committee for both producers and consumers. Agricultural Cooperative Mar- Michigan Agricultural Market- the 42nd annual meeting of the District of Macomb county. keting Ass'n will be in a position ing Cooperative Ass'n Board of This can be done by everal methods, such as Edward K. Shanahan of Charle- Michigan Farm Bureau at Mich- voix. Here is the strange story of the fate of this im.. tc cash in on the inquiries and Directors is a leadership that igan State University Novem- "Meet ... the Candid~tes" meetings and by question- trade now handled by the Trade will bring Michigan farmers new ber 8-9-10. Thomas G. Sharpe of Fowler- portant legislation. It had been dev loped by Development Corporation. In its income in the years ahead," said naires and other suggestions County Farm Bureau ville, Republican, Livingston and first year of operation, the Trade Ward Cooper, manager of the Members of the State Resolu- memberships have received. Shiawassee counties Represent- committee representing the Farm Bur au, Grange, Development Corporation re- Michigan Farm Bureau's Market tions Committee are: ative District. Farmers' Union and Michigan Dairy Farmer F d.. ceived trade inquiries amounting Development Division. From Membership Districts: We should encourage every person to vote in James Thomson of Jackson Re- to $10 million dollars, and was publican. ' eration, brought together by the efforts of th Mich- 1-Paul Grofvert, Kalamazoo both the Constitutional Convention primaries July ed the Van Buren County Farm 2-La Vern Kramer, Reading Herb~rt Turner of Saginaw R-6, igan Association of Farmer Cooperatives. Van Buren Bureau in 1919. County Farm Bureau Presi- 3-J oa Penzien, Mt. Clemens 4-Theo Yager, Lake Odessa 5-Melvin S. Anderson, 25 and in the general election September 12. Republican, 2nd Representative District of Saginaw county. The bill had originally pa sed the House by a vote of 81 to 18 That carried by a vote of 56 to 34. dent T. J. Rosevelt told the Steam Roller in Action Gordon Willford of Gladwin and had been approved by the Group Honors group that Mr. Buskirk was one of the- organizers of Van Buren Charlotte 6-Howard Smith, Capac Republican, Representative Dis~ trict of Arenac, Gladwin, Mis- Senate by a vote of 24 to 10. The There was lillIe doubt, either on the floor of the Legislatur County Farm Bureau in 1919 7-Lewis Crame, Morley 8-Harvey Leuenberger, Reed Reports on saukee, Roscommon counties. House had accepted the Senate amendments and had ordered or in the galleries, as to the r a- Carl Buskirk and served as its secretary 20 years. Saginaw 9-Darrel Fuller, Fife Lake . Francis Campau of Ada, Repub- Iican, 2nd Representative District, the bill printed in final form for presentation to the Governor. on for this sudden reversal of po ition amo g the Representa- He was elected a director of the . Michigan Farm Bureau in 10-Fred Hinkley, Petoskey ll-Gilbert Juntunen, Chassell Washingt n Situation Kent county. Mrs. James Phelan of Metamora Republican. ' Then, on the final afternoon of the session, the unexpected hap- pened. tives. A car ul analysis of the party line vote in the House on the key roll call votes on the 1940, and president in 1945. He From Farm Bureau Women: John West of Lennon, Democrat, milk bill mad the situation very served nine terms until his re- DAN E. REED ident and director of the Agri- Mrs. Norman Harvey, Jones Associate Legislative Counsel culture Implement Department 2nd Representative District, Gene- Representativa James P. Mic- obvious. tirement in 1954. see county. Originally, this bill to d -fille Mrs. Kerr Stewart, Lapeer of that union. lock of Whittemore made a The years that Mr. Buskirk Mrs. Dwight Duddles, Lake The Washington "front burn- motion "to vacate the enrollment and outlaw unfair trad prac- was president were years of City er" is crowded these days! A Another subcommittee was printing" of the bill. This was tices in th dairy industry and great growth in membership and responsibilities Farm Bureau. for Michigan People: week ago last Wednesday while considering another section of From Farm Bureau Young I was ill: the Capital City, 32 the omnibus farm bill having Congressional committees and to do with farm credit. Farm Vaccinate equivalent to bringing it back and placing it once more befoi e prevent price war and b alow- co t selling carried on by giant the House. That motion carried dairy firm and retail chain Mr. Buskirk served on state committees on rural matters at at the request of Governors of Wayne Erny, South Haven Members-at-Iarge are: subcommittees were holding Bureau had testified on the agri- hearings on a wide range of suo- cultural bills during the open- Jects now occupying 'Congres- ing days of the hearing. To Stop by a vote of 56 to 29. Then, after a little further to freeze out smaller competitors had strong backing from th Governor. L. D. Dunckel, Williamston Michigan. He served on national committees of the Farm Bureau. American Allen F. Rush, Lake Orion Robert E. Smith, Fowlerville sional attention. D ng the questioning of Mr. In many cases, Legislators are Greathouse, it was brought out B .ueellosis jockeying, Repre entative HalTY Phillips of Port Huron moved that the bill be return d to the He had endor d th bill dur- ing his campaign and in hi m - sage to the joint ession of th The Committee will meet in members of more than one com- that a tractor manufacturer has Calfhood vaccination can House Committee on Agriculture. (Continued on Page 6) In 1948 Mr. Buskirk was a August for its organization ses- mittee and find it impossible to stated that it cost his company prevent a large dollar loss to ------- -~------"-'---_.--,------ member of an American Farm sion, Committees in recent years attend all of the hearings of com- 25% less to manufacture the the owner of a dairy or beef Bureau committee that went to have found that the completion mittees of which they are mem- same machine in Coventry, Eng- herd, says George Parsons, dairy Europe to study the effect of the of their report has required bers. land than in the U.S.A. and that extension specialist at Michigan Marshall plan on the agriculture about six days. This means that action by sub- it would be possible to produce State University. of western Europe. Last year's Resolutions Com- committee and committee often the tractor, ship it to this coun- In 1952 he was a delegate to an mittee had before it reports from is taken by vote of members who try and sell it here for less than . Bru~llosis can lead to heavy financial loss as all reactors in International Conference at 71 County Farm Bureaus total- have not been in attendance at the identical tractor manufac- CARL E.BUSKIRK of Paw Paw Washington on the Point Four ling 805 resolutions which had many or all of the hearings. tured here. an infected herd must be brand- R-2, former president of the Program. been approved by County Farm ed and sold immediately for Michigan Farm Bureau, was Bureau members at the County We should recognize that ac- Mr. Greathouse did not feel slaughter. In 1956 the Michigan Farm Farm Bureau annual meetings. tion by the committee, and often that American wages were too Infected dairy herds produce honored by tne van Buren Bureau gave Mr. Buskirk its by the subcommittee, frequently high. It was his recommenda- 22 per cent less milk and calf County Farm Bureau member- Award for Distinguished Service has great bearing on the final tion that workers in other coun- losses average 40 per cent, Par- ship at a testimonial dinner the to A:gricuIture in recognition of 11 Per C nl Agai 51 wording of legislation as it reach- tries be paid more instead of sons says. evening of May 15 at the Farm his leadership in Farm Bureau. es the President's desk of his holding American wage scales Veterinary bills for the herd Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk live on signature. Bureau building west of Paw Paw. the farm where he was born. It Mor U. • R g lalion This situation points to the ing level. and fringe benefits to a compet- are usually higher because one of five infected cows becomes has been in the family over 100 In a que tionaire su vey of his need for Legislators to he a r sterile. Brucellosis infection can The vent was in recogni- years. con tituents, Congressman Char- from concerned constituents on Testimony on the farm bill also produce mastitis. tion of Mr. Buskirk's 42 years les Chamberlain, representing matters of importance to them. brought opposition from the Na- of membership and leader- tional Milk Producers' Federa- Parsons says that calfhood vac- Michigan's 6th Congressional ship in Farm Bureau. Lo Cabin Farm Bill Hearings. Three tion and poultry, fruit, dairy and cination is necessary for the District, reported that 77 % of President and Mrs. Walter W. The log cabin, so long thought of those responding to his question- hearings on the Cochrane-Free- other commodity groups. It ap~ protection of agricultural work- as a product of English colonists naire said NO to "More Federa 1 man omnibus farm bill were in peared to me that the bill is e-rs. Pasteurization protects the Wightman of Michigan Farm in eastern America, was reall in- Regulation of Agriculture with proces. The Senate Committee likely to pass in the Senate. consumer. Bureau, Clark L. Brody of Lans- Ninety per cent of the cases of troduced by Swedish settlers in Higher Price Supports and Pro- on Agriculture, under Senator Michigan's Senator Hart is a ing, retired executive ecretary undulant fever, which is caused ARTHUR J. ROY- TELLA Delaware Bay area about 1638and duction Controls?" Ten per cent Ellender, was hearing testimony member of the Senate Commit- of the state Farm Bureau, Einar by the ational Canners' Asso- tee on Agriculture. He is in a by brucellosis, can be traced (left) director of marketing or E. Ungren, editor of the Mich- quickly copi d by English immi- said YES and 13% reported they ciation, the American Poultry position to influence the course to an infected cow. Red Cherry Export, Inc., and igan Farm News, and Mrs. Un- grants. were not certain. This over- Industry and the Virginia State which the bill will take. In 1960, Michigan had only George J. Dietz, director of the gren were among the guests. whelming re ponse would in- five new cases of undulant Dairymen's As ociation. Farm Bureau Trade Develop- dicate that the Cochrane-Free- Opposition to the omnibus bill fever. George Fritz, Sr•• of Blooming- ment Office at Rotterdam, man omnibus farm bill does not dale was there. Mr. Fritz and Mr. Th 70, T e subcommittee of the in i present form may be It is estimated that there are Netherlands, make plan for meet the thinking of those answ- House Committee on Agriculture strong enough to prevent House about 261,000 calves eligible for promoting U.S. c nned a d Buskirk were member of the copies of the Michigan Farm ring Congr s man Chamber- was hearing testimony by Pat passage. Two possibilities may vaccination each year in Mich- frozen cherry xport to t committee of farmers who start- News were mailed to subscribers. lai 's questionnaire. Greathouse, UAW-CIO vice pres- (Co • ued on Pag 3) igan. Europe. mation that develops relative to mn1unity th Package Report . the topics covered in the r ports ic i a ar ureau t New products, major new chang s in products or policies and promotional services, pro- MICHIGAN FARM NEWS tabH hed January 12. 1923. Pre ldent w. W. Wightman 2 June 1, 1961 Fennville grams make up the majority of V.-Pre R. E. mith, Fowlerville Se we have to have everything the items which are covered by c'y- gr E. Pr nUc • Okemos the Package Reporter. DIRECTORS BY DISTRICTS planned out for us by som body 1-.Ia. K. Hood Paw Paw. R-l sitting at a desk down in Wash- 2-\\Yilhur H. 'mith, Burlington. R-I ington. One of them has public- The group reporter should PuhU d monthly. flnt day, b7 3-Allen F. Hush .... Lake Orton, it-I familiarize him If with the 'chi n rm r u at itM pub- 4-Elton R, mith .... 'aledonia. R-I ly said, more than once, that, icatlon office at 114 E. Lovett St., 6-Dale Durick l-\Villiam'ton. 1-1 "The greatest economic waste we item he will cov r for the group. Charlotte. Ilchlga n. 6-Ward G. Hod" .~ 'nov r, H-l He also hould anticipate ques- 7-Thoma.· Hahn Rod n y, H.-I have in the Unit d State is let- 8-Lloyd hankel... \Yh el r. H.-I ing people pend their money J. DELBERT WELLS tions related to the report and 9-Eug ne 1 obert.· Laka 'ity. H.-I as th y choose. We must tax it Family Program Division be fortified with the answers. IO-Eugen D Mat.io, \ '. Branch. R-l ll-Edmund ~ r 8ttlphenson away from them and then give This may necessitate him con- th m back what they need." The "Farm Bureau Package" tacting his local Farm Bureau DIRECTORS AT LARGE Send notices 01 change of address is a term that has rightly been insurance agent or Service Com- on orm lHi78or Form 3579 to Mlch- Herbert Fi rk Sagfnaw, R-6 Well, think it over. The most Robert E. mith Fo vlervtlle, R-2 applied to the Michigan Farm pany agents in advance. I an Farm • [ews ditorial . O. Box 9GO. Lanstng 4•• Jichigan. office at alt I' ;\'i htm n Fennville, It-I valuable time you could pend Bureau and all of the related See Your farmers .-URPOSE OF FARM right now would be to take time He should also follow through Repr . enting services. at future meetings giving infer- Petrolevm Dealer BUREAU WOMEN OF FARM BUREAU to writ to your Congre sman. It inar E. Ungren Editor Mr . Alex K .nn dy Po. en. R-l will have an effect. Within the framework of the The purpose of this Associa- Subscription: 50 cents a year tion shall be the advancement Repre senttng Charles B. Shuman says. "The total Farm Bureau Package, you of our members' Interests edu- FARM BUREAU YOUNG PEOPLE purpose of the administration catlonally, legislatively and find the Michign Farm Bureau, Vol. 39 June 1. 1961 No.6 "':1l'ancy on th· Board. omnibu farm bill is to have the Farm Bureau Services Inc., " economically. nation's food produced by docile, licensed and properly managed Farmers Petroleum, Farm Bur- II eau Mutual Insurance Company, farmers who would look to the • WALTER W. WIGHTMA political machine consumer markets rather for determin- than Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., and Michigan Agricultural operative Marketing Assoc. Co- ation of family income." President Michigan Farm Bureau Each of these organizations are We live in the strongest and mo t prosperou country in the chartered and incorporated and That's what fruit growers all over ROGER N. FOERCH Farm Bureau . Th re are so many things of each is designed to perform a world. It was built upon the prin- M nager of Organization Division. Michigan Farm Bureau . During May, a n w Committee importance to agriculture and ciple of economic and religious a specialized service to the the country are saying about Allied (Member hip Advisory Commit- farmer in general that it is hard members in Michigan Farm Bur- fre dom. Economic and industrial Here it i the first of June, and still we wear a top- tee) was set up to advise your to ev n write about them in th eau. In some cases, for bus- advancement have always been truly with regard to the coming short space available here. accompanied by religious ad- Iness reasons the services are Chemical's amazing new ••• coat. Will it ever warm up? In spite of the weather, membership campaign. W se- also available to non-members. The Omnibus farm bill. pro- vancem nt. Any time Christianitv Farm Bureau still rolls on. lected one per on from each Re- pos d by Mr. Freeman, is one of ha been allowed freedom to de- gion. Here they are: The purpose of the Package these and has such far-reaching v lop in men's lives, there has Membership otal as of this issue is 69, 157 or been great progress in human Reporter is to report new or in- Upper peninsula-Carlton Van effects that it would give the teresting items to the group 95.9j? of goal.. 'As you can see, goal has not been Dre e-Route 1, Cornell. cretary of Agriculture and hi society. members at a time when the item paid employees complete control Probably what we need most reached. And a~ we talk with you folks around the Bridge Region-Richard Wiel- has timely value or is pertinent of the production and marketing is a return to the basic principle information. The Package R<;- state, we find various reasons why we are short. and-Route Norfh West 1, Ellsworth. Region - Louis of agricultural A swarm of federal commodities. agents of Christianity and a firm belief in God. The first verse of Psalm porter is published the Michigan Farm Bureau and monthly by Polyethylene Spreader-Sticker The two most common answers are: Hayv ard-Route 1, South Board- would be required to measure 127 says, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that sent to a designated reporter in 1. The need for more County programs. man. very acre, count every cow, pig, each Community Group. The "Plyac is the best all-around spreader-sticker that chicken and sheep, and tell you build it." We should keep this in 1eporter in turn reviews the Ihave ever used. Iuse it for all fruit sprays and it is 2. Do a better job of contacting prospects. North East Region-Leon Traf- how many acres you could h 1'- mind as we build our economic structure for future generations. Package Reporter prior to the let-Millersburg. vest and how many bushels or especially good on plums and prunes." Community Group meeting and In view of the program that is taking shape for West Central Region - Mrs. pounds you could sell of each The forces opposing our eco- reports to the group in regard to Maury Clayton Marne. Michigan crop and and at what price, 1961-62, there is no doubt in my mind concerning Walter Harger-Route 2, Stan- nomic survival right now are so any item listed that is of con- Try Plyac this season and you'll agree ... this wood. S. 1129 is another bill important sinister and devastating in their cern to the farmers in that our ability to reach goal. power and influence that a firm amazing spreader-sticker makes all sprays stick to agriculture. It is the so-called group. East Centre'.l Region-~rs. Gor- better and last longer. With Plyac, you'll need to Let' take a look at our calen- out to about 40 stations through- Farm Stabilization of 1961. If reliance upon divine guidance don Willford-Route 3, Gladwin. The Package Reporter deals do less re-spraying . . . stretch the time between dar to find out what is happen- out the state, and the new ver-- pa ed, it would give the Secre- and power is all the hope we ing in Farm Bureau: tur , a Farm Bureau column (Ag- tary of Labor complete contro have left. with new products, changes, pro- sprays ... increase the effectiveness of insecticides Thumb Region-Howard Erbe Month of May-Even though riculture in Action) is available Route 2, Carsonville. over the supply and recruitment, Mr. Kennedy's press confer- grams or promotional programs and fungicides. . farming is under way. Farm Bu- to the newspapers in Michigan. both foreign and domestic, of all ence, recently, indicated that we of the various Farm Bureau ser- r au activity still goes on. Our Thirty-six weekly and two daily Central Region-Wyman Luch- farm labor. are now in a life and death strug- vice. Programs dealing strictly Plyac is easy to use and economical, too! A non-oil film library is being used exten- newspapers are using it. The use enbill-3543 Durand Road, Route gle with those who would destroy with the Farm Bureau program product. Comes in convenient liquid form. Y Q).I can He would determine, through sively, radio tapes ("Farm Bu- of these tools indicate that there 1, Durand. us, which probably would last a are generally not considered in add it to wettable powders, sprays or emulsifiable his agents, how many workers g neration. reau at Work") are still going is much activity in our County each farmer would need. He concentrates. Only ,2 to 4 ounces are needed for .--------------~--~~~~----. South West Region - Donald Piper-Route 2, Bangor. would fix wage rates that would It's more comfortabh to be each 100 gallons of spray mixture . have to be paid and his deter- complacent about these· things 'FARM FORUM South Central Region-Dwain mination would be final. He than to become concerned. I fear For extra performance from all your sprays, use Dancer-Route 1, Jackson. would decide whether the labor educational Community Farm Bureau Plyac polyethylene spreader-sticker this season! and religious leaders w South East Region - Donald force was adequate and also estab- are finding it more comfortable Discussion Topic t Grows Goes By Truck! Ruhlig-11300 Route 1, Dexter. Island Lake Road, lish housing requirements. There seems to have been gath- not to be concerned. Our rural people have a big Radio- Station WKAR ·Trademark of Allied Chemical Corporation This Committee met in May ered together in Washington a s ke in this and probably will 1 :00 P. M. and reviewed the things that whole group of economic advisors have .more influence in the pres- GENERAL CHEMICAL ~IVISION. Like Michigan's factories, offices, shops and homes, went. wrong in this year's Roll that definitely think that the av- e ation of our way of life than 1st M~nday _each Month 511 I. Paterson Street. P. O. Box 869~ Call and discussed some sugges- erage citizen of this great coun- any other group. This should be September through June Kalama&90 13. Michigan her important farming industry depends on motor tions and recommendations for try of ours doesn't know what is a hallenge to us in the largest transport. Trucks playa vital part in getting crops 1961-62. They were extremely good for him. 870 on Your Dial farm organization in the world. planted, cared for, and harvested-and they are the helpful, and the results of the means by which the harvest gets to market. For meeting will be presented to each the interpretation of an Associate the audience. Members of the Count Farm Burau Board with- member within our By-Laws. panel are: example, nearly 90% of fruits and vegetables moving in the next month. The Family Program Division Joseph Parisi, executive secre- into Detroit come directly by truck. And this is rela- tary of the Michigan Townships Area Secretaries' Conferences has been busy. The Young Adult tively true of other cities throughout Michigan . . . Ass'n. have been held around the state phase of it continues to gather In addition, virtually all farm products travel by to better equip the gals that work interest through the organizing Stanley M. Powell, legislative truck at least part of the way to market. So you see how very much the dynamic farming industry relies on for you in your County Farm Bu- of new Community reau. program that plans are being made for a Groups. This has so much potential counsel for Michigan Farm Bu- reau. Larry Lindemer, for chairman MALL EXTRA SPRAY COST the trucking industry in this great State of ours. The State CommiUee (One per- Conference son from each District) also met some of the leaders from these during May and put the finishing touches to the County Relation- this fall, involving groups. You will be hearing more of this very soon. of the Republican State Commit- tee. Harry R. Hall, executive vice- NETS BIG EXTRA Mic ig n Trucking A sociation Fort Shelby Hotel • Detroit ship Agreement. presented to all County Farm Bu- This will be reau Boards shortly for their ap held a state-wide Farm Bureau Young leadership People day president of the Michigan State Chamber of Commerce. POTATO YIELD proval. It will deal mainly with on May 27th. They discussed the role of Young People in Farm Bureau and reviewed planning county projects. The day helps in 1.5% Extra ended with a banquet and the Spray cost of annual Spring Formal. Dithane" M-22 Farm Bureau Women are ac- tive. This month, they ventured into the area of information ~ meetings to discuss pre-paid Whether you grow 50 or 500 acres hospitalization. A subject much in the news these days, they felt of potatoes, fungicide spray costs that there was a great need for a better understanding of the are only a fraction of your pro- philosophy of pre-paid hospitali- duction costs ... if you use nabam, zation. Another project they are working on, through their Safety approximately 2.5%. If you use Chairman, is to get as many Farm DITHANE M-22 (80% maneb) instead, Bureau members to fill out a traffic questionnaire sponsored your spray costs will rise to about by the Citizens Safety Action 4 %, but your yield may increase as Committee. May also concluded the Women's Spring District much as 37%/ In areas under heavy meetings. The attendance and in- blight attacks, these crop and profit terest is rated one of the best. increases have often been obtained Month of June and what it eader Passes On holds in store for Farm Bureau: in field trials and commercial use. CHARLES F. GOTTHARD of 1. Two Farm Bureau Young Buckley, Wexford county. long a The little bit extra that DITHANE M-22 People Camps: June 14-17 at leader in Farm Bureau and com- costs can help you harvest that extra Clear Lake; and June 21-24 at munity activities, passed away Camp Kett. April 27. yield you need to finish the season 2. State Women's Camp: June Mr. Gotthard was a member of ahead. That's why it is top choice for 6-7-8 at Twin Lakes west of the Board of Directors of Farmers blight control in all potato areas. Be Traverse City. Petroleum Cooperative, Inc. In o 3. Graduation of us. services for many 4. Start laying ground work for Community the 1961-62 Roll Call. Wexford County Farm Bureau he had been chairman, man, and discussion leader for his Farm Bureau's vice-chair- Group. He served on county, regional sure to spray DITHANE M-22 regu- larly to cash in on its dependable blight protection and profit-boost- ing ability. 'Ask your supplier for • t td-~ iJf ~OJ~P8iUf 5. County "Meet the Candidate" and state dairy committees, and meetings for Con-Con delegates. was a member of the MFB state DITHANE M-22 and for dosage and resolutions committee in 1959. timing information. 6. Plus other County activities. I'll see you again in July. He was active in soil conserva- tion work for many years. His of- fices included president of the -and with the telephone, planning is easy Con.-Go Pan I t State Ass'n of Soil Conservation, vice-president of the State Soil tim or 'acation planning. 1aybe it' a' boating we k end in rater 'ond rland, or a family e cur ion to the tate Fair. Perhap Oharlott Jun 20 Conservation Committee, chairman of the Grange-Wexford and District. ait till Iat r, th n make a trip to Florida. What prominent leaders may Mr. Gotthard served his com- see coming out of the Constitu- PH.I.ADEI..PHIA 5.PA. munity and his church in many h r v r 'ou're head d, ou'll enjoy the trip more if you ettlc the tional Convention is one of the wa . He is survived by his wife, adHu~c ,th quick convenient telephone' ay. By phoning 'e- aims of a panel discussion of the Mary, and two sons, Charles and Con-Con at the Congregational or tra /el, accommodation, ight eeing tour , theat rs a: rl ou 11 ha all our acation free for rela ation and plea ure. Church evening, at Charlotte, June 2 Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Stuart. SPRAY A D SAVE WITH The public is invited. Tc lephone tip: the rate for out-oj-toum call are lower after 6 P.llI. Calfhood vaccinations ar on Each member of the panel will L P c p y make a short statement. cussion by the panel will follow, • and then a qu stion period for Dis- the upswing igan ria tate this year, say Mich- Univer ity veterina- o Congr onl a It h nd MICHIGAN June 1, 1961 ARM NEWS I Topic Pr .posal. for On shing (Continued from Pa 0 I) power. E en thi power ould be so 3 • change this picture: stymied that a ingle committee lnt e ay Fall Di cussion Serie I-The bill may be modified chairman in the House of Repre- to remove some of the strongest sentati es or the Senate could objections, thereby securing bottle up such a veto beyond the To of it The following list of proposed discussion topic i being offered to the Community Farm \ Burea enough votes to pass the bill. 60-day period given to th Con- Such action would probably place the measure in the hands gre . for such action. LARRY JOHNSON This is the big fishhook in th Extension Dairy Specialist of a conference committee which omnibus bill and no amount of from which to choose titles for the months fro might then re-insert some of the camouflag , such as the "do-it- Why milk 42 cows when 30 ~an September through February. present provisions. your If" title, should cloud the give you the same returns? Dairy 2-Tremendous pressures are issue in the eyes of either farm- Herd Improvement records show Community groups are asked to return the topic being brought to bear to force ers or Congr men. Says ALVIN .LEH that 30 Holstein cows averaging ballot sent to each discussion leader not later than passage of Administra ion bills. 12,000 pounds of milk return es- Farm Labor Bills: Congress- People on the Washington man James O'Hara, repre enting See Your farmer sentially the same amount over July 21st. Groups are invited to write in other pro .. scene, both Congressmen and Michigan's feed cost as do 42 cows producing 7th Congressional Petroleum Dealer at a 9,009 pound level. prosed subjects on the ballot. The State Discus ion other observers, report that the District, which includes the Capital has not seen such use of Thumb counties, is a member of Successful dairymen use pro- Topic Committee will meet during the last .week of pressure in the last 25 or 30 the subcommittee considering duction records as the basis for July to consider the ballot choices and to set up th years. farm labor legislation. making the right decisions about With many new Federal judge- their businesses. fall-winter discussion topic schedule. These topic ship appointments authorized by This committee is considering The simple, low-cost Weigh-A- proposals are listed on the ballot: Congress and with the possibili- four bills at the present time con- Day-A-Month milk record plan ties of the maintenance versus cerned with employment of mi- is available to any dairyman in I. What are they proposing at than leaving the matter to feder- the closing of various defense in- nors in agriculture, registration Michigan. About the only things the Constituiional Convention? al legislation? stallations, the awarding of con- of farm labor contractors, the needed to enroll are a milk scale, tracts for government purchases establishment of a National Citi- a pencil and a desire to improve Many proposals to be included 11. To what extent is the t ie and the allocating of govern- zens' Council on Migratory Labor the production and profit of the in a new Constitution will ap- responsible for the education of ment construction projects, Ad- and the development by the La- herd. pear at the convention. This youth beyond the high school ministration leadership has many bor Department of a work r re- topic would be placed at a time level? pressure tools with which to cruitment program for agricul- The milk from each cow is when the convention had been work. ture. weighed one day each month and under way long enough to show State-supported colleges and nniversities keep increasing in Many Congressmen question These are all new programs recorded on a special barn sheet. some of the developments. We The barn sheet is mailed to the know even now some of the Michigan. In another ten years the placing in the hands of the and each one carries important • DHIA Computing Center at ideas to be considered at the the number of applicants for Secretary of Agriculture, or any implications to Michigan agricul- Michigan DHIA, Inc., 125 Anth- Convention-such college education· may double. other person in the executive ture. Legi lation in this area as increasing ony Hall, Michigan State Univer- the length of the terms of state Should college students be re- branch of government, such pow- has been supported by the Na- Al Lehman's Durocs have won 15 Illinoi State Fair cham- sity, East Lansing, Mich. Month- officials, appointing rather t an quired to provide more of the' er as is built into the Cochrane- tional Council of Churches, pionships. He is holder of the Premier Sire Award from the ly and yearly records are return- electing judges, changing Mich- money or should the public pro- Freeman omnibus farm bill. many "do-gooder" organizations and labor unions. 1953 National Barrow Show and owns the first " ertifi 1 ed to the member. vide the major share of the Passage of the measure would, TOWERS OF STRENGTH igan's tax structure, etc. Meat Sire" of the Duroc breed. money needed to provide college. many feel, be an abdication of Communications to Rep. O'- An inve$tment of less than ten education for this growing body the responsibil'ity of Congress to Hara. particularly from farmers FOR EVERY FENCE ten cents per cow per month will 2. Developments in the na- of students? write legislation and would give (Continued on Page 7) provide valuable information for tional farm program. Their mean- UNI·LITE® REFLECTORIZED culling, efficient feeding, and ing for the future of the Ameri- wise selection of future herd re- can farm. placements. 12. Why do farm organizations differ in policy, and should th re be more compromise betw "HOGS that take it asy on con r te-in of struggling in mud-gain fast r and do it 11 less feed. And ther 's no feed lost, eith r. t d By the time this topic would general farm organizations? FENCE POSTS be scheduled, it would be clear This is a question frequently "I grow 600 Durocs a year on con r t - ith a what sort of a national farm savings in feed that ea ily runs $4.00 per hog. asked both by farmers and urban Rail steel beats all other materials program the United States people. Policy ifferences .be- My hogs reach market weight 15 days soon r, so would have for the coming years tween general farm orgarnza- all ways. Cheaper; longer life; of the present administration. It I beat the big run and get top pric s. nd on- tions are common. Why do they withstands fire, rot, termites. would be worth while to occur? And what would be in- crete is so ea y to work on and k ep cl an, I a Drive them, that's all! Forget hole examine what it means to the a good hour a day on chores." volved if the farm organizations digging, filling, tamping. Easier individual farmer and to Ameri- were to come to a "common Put all these advantages together and it's a y can agriculture. ground" of agreement on fun- to pull and move. Red jackets damental issues? CATTLE SWINE to see why more and more progressiv hog farm- brighten landscape by day; re- 3. How Farm Bureau is tack- Specialized for Cattle, Specialized for Swine ling marketing operations. A re- Sheep, Goats ers use concrete every year. flectorized top adds safety at night. HARDY SUPER port to the people. H ROY TRACE TRACE SWINE SALT. Keep fences tight with UN.ILlTE. Young People r.==:='~.,..... Quality guaranteed. Farm Bureau has a new af- MINERAL SALT #1 It's a scientifically Developed for swine with a special need for CLIP-MAIL TODAY ---------------------- PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Available throughout Michigan from filiated cooperative cultural marketing association, the Michigan Agri- Cooperative Marketing Bondage or balanced mineral containing solt- trace combination zinc. In addition minerals, to the five basic troce this formula 2108 Michigan National Tower, Lan Ing 8, Mich. A national organization to Improve and extend the use of concrete FARM BUREAU ~ Association. What is it doing, and recommended contains 100 times the SERVICES, INC. ~ LANSING, MICHIGAN what are its plans for working en marketing programs? Freedom, T proportions of cobalt, iron, iodine, copper and manganese. amount of zinc found in ordinary mineral trace salts. Results in faster gains Please send free booklet, "Concrete Improvements Also send material on subjects I've listed: for Hog Raising." 4. A strong, voluntary farmer orgatpi.zation-or a compulsory Meet Subject Keep your feed costs down. Ask your even when parakeratosis dealer for Hardy Specialized is not evident. salts. NAME.F~~-~- ----~--~-:__:iO.;;;,.-_"i_T._+-- •••••••. government organization for The Farm Bureau Young Pe - Or iqio c tor s of P 0 Drawer 449, ST. OR R. NO. CITY STATE __ farmers? Must such a decision be pIes' Talk Meet topic for 1961 . Ir oc e Minerai HARDY SALT CO.. St. l.o ui s 66, made? "Farming in the 60's: Bondage or •. ,. Soil. ' Mi$$ouri Freedom." This contest is open t Proposals have been made that all Farm Bureau members- all farmers be required to join a tween the ages of 14 to SO. The government oganized general will be two contests this year. farm organization, with com- The first will be for 14 to 16 year pulsory dues. Such a farm or- olds and the second for 17 to 30 ganization would necessarily year olds. displace and render useless any type of voluntary general farm organization and strengthen The awards for state winners will be partial payment of ex- penses to the American Farm "GOOD FEED, GOOD MANAGEMENT, GOOD SRE DIN government control over agricul- Bureau Federation annual meet- ture. ing in Chicago in December. The 5. Should Michigan establish winner of the older age contest state agricultural mar k e tin g will represent Michigan in the orders and agreements? national contest. IS THE KEY TO HOG PROFITS" The talk to be given is 5 min- State marketing orders gener- utes in length. The contestant ally establish supporting a compulsory will draw a sub-topic from a list check -off for the purpose of of thirty, 30 minutes before he research and pro- speaks. He may use notes during - says KEITH McKENZI of Ca opoli motion programs. Some have the presentation. Make a "LOAN LIST" also set marketing quotas and "And We Use FARM BUREAU'S Each county may enter one prices to consumer and farmer. contestant in the District Talk Befo're You Rent Money 6. What can we do to strength- Meet contest. If more than one en and broaden our County Farm enters the county Talk Meet, an Bureau programs? elimination contest will be held A Local LAND BANK Manager Explains How to Judge a Good Farm Loan in the county. The district contest Members and groups can do will be held during October with much to help build a stronger the state finals held during the Precision-Formulated HO F•.•.., " County Farm Bureau program Michigan Farm Bureau annual By: Henry Beecher, Manager and serve the needs of the county meeting. One contestant will b membership more effectively. selected to represent Michigan in Federal Land Bank Association, Bay City, Michigan Chicago on Dcember 11, 1961. Feeding 247 gilts on self feeders with mixed protein and This year they used Farm Bureau Concentrates and 7. What is Farm Bureau-and yOU CAN BE SUTIE of th ia ... what are its related services? The SUb-topics from which the grains Howard and Keith McKenzie list good feed as have found thern satisfactory in every way. Another farm loans are not all the same. contestant will draw for his talk Rates, tprms, payment plans are as It has been some time since will include such subjects as: the number one requi ite in making hog profits. Feed- factor of doing business the Farm Bureau way that is d if'Ie rerrt from loan to loan as night and day! we have taken time in the Com- ing Farm Bureau' Porkmaker 35 % pellets and free appreciated by the McKenzies is the service they receive 1. Farm Credit munity Farm Bureaus to take choice corn from weaning to hundred pound weight in from the Farm Bureau Services branch at Marcellus. In Some loan!'> h~ve to be repaid so stock of what we have in Farm 2. Farm Equipment quick really you h •... put the money rrdly have a chance to work. Some to Bureau and to review what has 3. Domestic Markets the start of the McKenzie program. For finishing, the 1960, they marketed 1400 hogs and believe that good loans must be renewed often, and been done and is being done in 4. Foreign Markets McKenzies use Farm Bureau G.F.-IOO pellets and free .• feed, good management and good breeding is the key to tt'rm!-l can he changed to completely throw you off your payment schedule. our service programs. This topic 5. Bargaining Some loam; do not amortize them- would help, in part, to answer choice ear corn. hog profits. selves ... you come up to the pay- 6. Market Contracts ment d tes having paid interest only the question, "What is Farm and must have the principal payment Bureau doing?" 7. Co-op Markets in a lump sum. [eed new bu ildlngs, new 8. Surpluses ehinery'? Wa.n t to refinance, buy more livestock? Your LA. D 8. Building Youth Into Farm 9. Production Costs nut Land Rank Ioans are built to llA. K can lend money for all Bureau. help you make the most from the these thtngs. Details of the Talk Meet will be money loans you 1100'rOW. t'nf{im' ~re<1 the way They are. f'arm a tar-mer Farm Bureau, like any other available at the Young P ople's would write them. Tn f'act; the Land organization, needs to consider camps at Clear Lake and Camp Bank is the Iar-men ll"nding to anoth r. closest thing to one how it can revitalize its mem- Kett in June, and later at Countv bership and leadership by bring- Farm Bureau offices. . ing young people more actively So make a LOAN T..•TST hefore you borrow Corn pare costs, terms, into the program. Programs are payment im:ome money. schpoules patterns t) (00 they PRl<.-PA V"'' ', fit your TT being pushed to do this. What Berri n P, L I are they? PlHVILRHgS, Insuranc posslble closing . • . compare before feeR, eredit :rou 1>01'1'0 • v rythlng , life 9. What is the "Right-To-Work" f Buildin D I ISlu ? Berrien County Farm Bureau T'h n floe why we filay: "A Land members had their sixth and Rank Lo n t. bullt to work for you." One of the most active issues last $10 per plate dinner April 4 One of two feeding areas on the McKenzie farm. The McKenzie farm has 2 two-thousand bushel corn cribs as shown in this Want to add more land to your Find ou for yourxelf why a Land PI' sent operation? Many of your on the national labor front has The self·unloading wagon fills the feeders with Farm view. They operate on the "self·feedinc" principle. Openin, of Jhe door Bank Lonn is better, costs you leas, neighbora u the Land Bank to at the Youth Memorial Building and mal you more profit each y ar, been the question of "right-to- at Berrien Sping . Proceeds from Bureau's "Precision Formulated" Feeds, mixed with releases the ~m onto a cement slab giving the pigs access to it. acquire added acre .. work" laws-involving the right home-grown grains. A UAND BANK LOAN-YOUR FIRST LINE OF CREDIT the dinner paid off the last to deny a per on a job unless $4,000 of the building debt that he holds union membership, the evening with appropriate cere- right of th union to collect a monies. I~~~~i~:ton Sf. fee from workers who are not our 2- eek Old 'Pigs Sounds like a strong statement, doe n't it, but period feeding. The old formula ha GAYLORD The Youth Memorial Building it ha been field-tested and proved to be true. roved to include more u ar, 011 P.O. Box (U.S. 127 "-"'" '1 members of the union, etc. was started 20 years ago by the Will Eat Farm Bureau's Because of increased palatability, our W milk products. Ask your local arm Where should Farm Bureau QRAND 468 Klnn.~ Rd HART APIDI NW . stand on such an issue? Young People of Berrien County Farm Bureau as a memorial to W Faro- ttes Faro-Eue are the only answer to starting feed dealer to prove it to yo I Box 191 10. Is stat I • I ion desirable Berrien county young people in to improv the problem of the World War II. It was to be a migrant farm worker? community cent r and provide space for the County Farm Bur- This is not a topic of unioniza- eau office. It was constructed at tion of farm workers. The ques- a cost of $82,000. 4000 • r n ASSOClAnONS tion is-what positive legislation The Women's Committee of Shopwhere JOu see tbi •• ble. ~. ,It' could be pa ed in Michigan to Berrien County Farm Bureau help solve our migrant labor has serv d the 10 pl e din- ob th te level rather ners. ___ e-- o C_..-. an ar..-.. . urea nlle.t~"iC members have tended the Golden Anniversary Iosco County Women's Com- M •L Cook, Chairman been saddened by the recent White House Confer nee for mittee met at the hom of Mr . K Iamaaco H-I death of Mrs. Thomas Kelsey, a Youth and Childr n, was guest Clarence Provoast. Ray Akins charter member of the Allegan speaker. spoke on the Fundamentals of C 55 County Women's Commit- County Farm Bureau Women. F arm Bureau. t m t WIth MI' . Nell Hamlin Benzie County Women's Com- She had held several offices in nd Mrs. Murl Sp ncer May 2. mittee met with Mrs. Eldridge Each Farm Bureau family was the group: ecretary, chairman Th Jadi s wer urged to attend May for a potluck lunch May 9. a ked to give one penny to the and vice-chairman and always th Northw st Farm Bureau We shall have a white elephant following organizations, Pennies, had an abundance of good ideas Women' camp at Twin Lakes sale at the June meeting to ob- for Friendship; Pennies for Cit- 10 contribute. She served as n ar Traver e City June 6-8. tain the balance of their Camp izenship, a newly formed fund County Farm Bureau Secretary Kett fund. Mr . Nugent gave an to promote bett r citizenship; Kalamazoo County Women's for a number of years. Her interesting talk on Michigan and penni s for the International ommitt met May 8 at County friendly nature and host of Week. n r Building with potluck friends contributed much to the Friend hip Fund. Ten dollars lunch on at noon. success of the Farm Bureau dur- Kalkaska County. Foster Mc- given to the Associated Country ing her active years. Cool, county treasurer, explained Women of the world to be used M rritt N. Harp r, member of -alamazoo County Farm Bu- the 15 mill tax limitation, how in sending a delegate to the Barry County Women's Com- 1 au, pok briefly on th com- land is valued and taxes are meeting in 1962. mittee used a rather unique way spread. Al 0 what some of our Mrs. John Cobb will be hostess ing on titutional Convention of selecting voting delegates to and announc d his candidacy as tax money is spent for. for the June 6 meeting and Dr. the spring District meeting. They E. A. Hasty will be the guest ad] gat from Repr entative were selected according to the . Each m mber was presented a peaker. Di t ict 2, Kalamazoo county, number of meetings they had at- booklet "Communi t Target is 1«pr nting the int rest of agri- Youth" by Dorothy Hendrick. Montmorency County Women's tended. .ultur . This book is a report by J. Edgar Committee had their meeting at They also are to be congra- Mr . Marilyn Durham intro- Hoover. the home of Mrs. Herman Cor- tulated on the fine Rural-Urban due d Mrs. Donald Swartz banquet they held this winter. des. The Cancer film "Breast Northwest Michigan Women's Schoolcraft who reviewed Thi was sponsored jointly with S If Examination" was shown by Committee met at Garfield Hall, book "Advice and Consent." the Hastings Chamber of Com- the district cancer chairman and April 25 with a Rural-Urban St. Joseph County. At our May attendance with 15 Farm Bureau luncheon. One hundred and fifty a good discussion period follow- merce. There were 152 people in members and guests registered. ed. Two delegates, Mrs. Claude 1 me ting Mrs. Thos. Miholer of N if's Flower Shop at Three Group repre ented. I Mrs. Clara Eitzen, reporting Sherwood of Atlanta on Elmer Halberg of Lewiston will and Mrs. Rive rs, CIeated charming floral Ionia Couniy Women's Com- the urses Revolving Fund, said at end Twin Lakes Camp. arrangements. A May basket of mitte came through with a that the name of Miss Betty Felis chrysanth mums was the door nominee for all the District of- has been ubmitted and if there Ogemaw C 0 u n ty Women's priz and was won by Mrs. Glen fices thi spring. Mrs. Anion are any others that are interested Committee met with the Lake I lin , White Pigeon. Hoort will be the new Di tr ict in nursing to contact Mrs. Clara George Group, Mrs. McIntyre hairman Mrs. Richard Hag 1- chairman this fall. She will serve Eitzen, Cedar R-1, Michigan. came to this meeting to tell us ans reported that Mr. and Mrs. , i th Mrs. Fred Billett from Mrs. Marjorie Karker, State more about the Mobile X-Ray ha . Bolton are planning to at- Allegan County as vice-chair- Coordinator of Farm Bureau Wo- Unit that is to visit our county t nd Northwest Camp at Twin man, and Mrs. Leon Dunning of men, gave a very humorous and in June. She explained that the Lak s. Barry county as secretary and interesting talk on "Where Might program was planned expecially 'I'reasur r, Mrs. D. Hahn re- treasurer. Peace Come From." to find unknown diabetics. A Mrs. Edith M. Wagar port id $223.10 raised for Camp T.E. chest X-Ray will be given MRS. EDITH M. WAGAR. long where the attendance was at Ionia Farm Bureau Women re- Manistee County. Earl Me- in our Kctt. Plans are und r way for a continuing fight to a devoted worker in Farm Bu- least half women. They were just MISS MARJORIE MUELLER •• cently toured the Medium Cleod presented a tape recording bak goods sale and apror luck supper. Merle Blount spoke stamp out T.E. The unit is to be reau, died April 30 at her home as interested as the men ... bazaar to raise the funds st.ill 17, of Saginaw R-3, was named Security Pri on. at I~:mia. There made by Mr. Myron Dowd of the in West Branch June 20, 21, and on the chool bills before the at Briar Hill Farm at Carleton, need d for the Camp Kett pledge Michigan Dairy Princess for 1961- they saw wh.at IS being done to Michigan State Horticultural So- 22 and in Rose City "The Farm Bureau is a busi- 1 gislature and a ked us to let June 23. made by the St. J 0 eph County our Congressmen know how we I 62 by the American Dairy Ass'n help boys in t.helr return to ciety on labor problems. Much Mrs. McIntyre asked for help in Monroe county. 89th year. She was in her ness organization. 1n no other of Michigan, May 24 at ceremonies ~ociety. ~he ra.tlO of far~ b ys discussion followed. vocation is the husband and wife F arm Bureau Women. felt about these bills. He also registering and about 13 women Mrs. Wagar was elected to the Th annual morgasbord fea- at Michigan State University. at the prison IS only 1 In 500. Mrs. Brandt, safety chairman, more closely connected than in urged we suggest adoption of the '. The group also toured the State volunteered. Board of Directors of Michigan t uring dairy products will be Cropland Adjustment Plan reviewed an article warning us farming. The wife is far more MISS Mueller IS the daughter of Hospital for the Criminally In- Mrs. Bedtelyon told the group Farm Bureau in 1921 to repre- 11 rld in the Community Building rather than the Cochrane-Free- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert MU~ller, .••rho sane. They learned of the great about the dangers in burning interested" than she is sometimes about an electric percolator that sent women's interest. She was at Centerville June 5. man Bill for Agriculture. rubbish and what care should be given credit for. She must be an operate a 154 acre dairy f.arm. need for books and magazines. taken. makes up to 90 cups. It will be re-elected eight times to serve active partner in the business if They are members of Saginaw Each one as they left both purchased and is to be used for through 1938. Her Farm Bureau Jackson County Women's Com- she is to do her best. County Farm Bureau. Miss Muel- institutions tha ed God for District 2 mittee had 63 at the District l~r is a senior at Frankenmuth freedom and healthy minds,- Missaukee Committee County met at the Women's Lucas Motion Farm Bureau activities made to contribute only. $25 work continued at the commun- ity, co~mty, and state levels "My heart goes out to the farm meeting. Marge said that wa a woman who dreams of the time Mrs. Geo. Crisenbery, Chairman high school. something we take for granted. Town hall with the Pleasant to the F.B. Young People to help through 1953. In 1956 she re- record for anyone county. She This year three alternate Dairy when she can have water in the Point group as hostess. in their expenses for Summer ceived the Michigan Farm Bu- Jackson R-B helped to make it a very success- Princesses were chosen in a very Ken! County Women's Com- Mrs. Leo Sundell showed slides Camp. reau Award for Distinguished house, a lighting plant, a fur- ful meeting. Service to Agriculture. nace, and a modern bathroom. I Our SPI ing District meeting close competition between 41 mittee held ~ vert success.ful of families and their acres for was h ld at Tompkins Grange At our May meeting we made County Prince s s who came to the style show this spring. Clothing Presque Isle Women's Com- feel that when farmers organize "Crop." Mr. Peterson from Kraft In 1923. at the request of the hall, May 9 with 147 in attend- plans for our Annual Rural- final competition at MSU. The Shop with Mrs. Jack Molhock mittee met at Millersburg. The for simply the same chance as Foods Company presented two Board of Directors, she estab- anc . The following officers were Urban Day to be held in June at alternates are: wa from the M. Morgan Dress films on the making of cheese. district meeting at Hale was other business. . . then rural peo- discussed with the following to lished a Home and Community ple will enjoy these comforts as lccted: Mrs. Glen Hornbaker, Northwest School with a chicken Miss Ruth Ann Hamlin 17 acting as commentator. Models be representatives, Mrs. Herbert Department for Farm Bureau a matter of course." Clinton Falor, barbeque at noon. Chairman; ice - chairman; Mrs. Mrs. B 11e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :Elme~ were Hamlin of Webberville Ingham Joe Bemer, M:s. Wesley H~y.zer, MfS. Mrs. Willis Hatch, District 10-E Paull, Mrs. Leonard Lamb, Mrs. women. This was the begin- Lenawee County Worn en's Leon Tratelet, Mrs. Arthur Tal- nings of the present-day Women's From this beginning women's Newell, secretary-treasurer. ro~y t 'Mrs . Frances Campau, Mrs. Mar- Mrs. Lee S. LaForge Committee met May 2 at the gatske, Mrs. Garnet Plume, Committees of the County Farm work in the Michigan Farm Bu- . . vin Huver, Mrs. Robert Peck and Branch County. Mr. Eppel- Farm Bureau Building. We vot- MISS Sharon Langbecker, 19, Mrs. Chase. Beautiful dresses Curran Mrs. James Maynard and Mrs. Bureaus, as they have functioned reau was started. Mrs. Wagar helmer spoke to us about Camp ed to accept all the state pro- daughter of Mr. Kenneth Lang- and hats were hown. since the early 1~40's. was a familiar figure for years The. District Meeting was well Hugo Sorgenfrei. at Farm Bureau meetings as a lett. W plan a silent auction jects. The picture "Communism becker of Perry, Livingston Kent County is to be congra- Mrs. Roadhouse showed in- There was very little money attended in April at Hale. Mrs. speaker. She spoke to thous- in Jun to raise money for this on the Map" will be shown May count . lated on the good attendance at erman Ristau of Presque Isle, teresting slides taken at Death available to start the new Home project. We vot d to participa~e 29 at the church in Seneca. The Miss Mary Helen Gretzler, 19, Spring Camp at Wesley Woods. and Community Department. ands of women through her arti- vas re-elected vice-chairman, Valley and in Utah and at cles. in all the State Projects for this fair project was held over for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest The Michigan Farm News offer- and Mrs. Lee S. LaForge, Alcona, Oscoda Air base open house, also y ar. next meeting. F. Gretzler of South Rockwood. Ottawa County Women's COl1l- ed Mrs. Wagar space to promote In recent years she attended Monroe county. . mittee is working diligently. to was re-elected chairman of the some taken locally. The follow- the work. Mr. Call gave the legislative Di trict. Bill Eastman gave a ing volunteered to take care of annual meetings of Michigan Hillsdale County Worn n's raise money for a new office For our September, 1923 edi- Farm Bureau Women where she Committee met at the 4-H Build- report on the farm program bills very good talk on the Farm Michigan Week displays: Mrs. do have lots of water our in- building. $33.15 was collected at tion Mrs. Wagar wrote an arti- was one of 1,300 women repre- il1g M 1 for Rural-Urban pot- at Washington and the school Cropland Adjustment Bill and Leon Trafelet, Millersburg, Mrs. creasing population makes great a recent meeting to purchase cle to announce the Department senting more than 70,000 other bills at Lansing. A nominating much interest was shown by Paul Happard, Mrs. Carrol Hopp, committee was appointed to demands on it and pollutions are draperies. those who attended. Rogers City, Mrs. John Purol, and her responsibility. It was women in the organization. a problem to many. At their May Meeting they the beginning of a writing career select officers to be lected in J ames Erskine showed the used I have received few sugges- Posen, and Mrs. Wilfred Karsten, that was to last for more than 30 Mrs. Wagar had lovely mem- "Michigan Marching For- ories of Farm Bureau and the June. film "Michigan Means Business" tions from the counties as to Onaway. years. ward" place mats at their lun- friends she made in that work. how we should pick a delegate in honor of Michigan month. cheon in celebration of Mich- , District 10-W From that time on, there was She came to Briar Hill Farm as D strict 3 Macomb Co u n t y Women's igan Week. to the 1962 A.C.W.W. meeting. If you have some suggestions as an article in each edition by Mrs. a bnide about 70 years ago. Mr. Mrs. Wm. Scramlin, Chairman Committee met May 3 at home Mrs. Elizabeth Gorman from to qualifications or methods of Mrs. Vernon Vance. Chairman, Wagar on women's work, farm and Mrs. Gordon Wagar cele- of Mr. Edwin Blackmon. 18 the Michigan Bell Telephone choo ing this one person, put East Jordan R-3 business, government, schools, brated their 50th wedding anni- Holly R-l groups were represented and 9 Company presented popular them in your minutes this people, and other timely subjects. versary there March 25, 1941. Mr. Our District meeting, April 27, Wagar passed away in December Livingston County Farm Bu- isitors present. Plans were color schemes in drapery, up- month. Mrs. Wagar was interesting at Ellsworth, Antrim county, was of that year. reau Women met May 5 at the made for the tour June 14 of holstery, wall and accessory Alcona County Women's Com- attended by 64 ladies from five and stimulating as a speaker and Court House with 16 members General Motors Technical Cen- combinations, including colored as a writer. This is what Mrs. Wagar made she with her son Lawrence her' home counties. ee Your Farmers present. Charles Kaufman spoke ter. Date of regular meeting will telephones for each color mittee met at the home of Mrs. and his on "Michigan Water Problems be changed from June 7 to 14, to scheme. William Dagget. We are purchas- Ward Cooper presented Crop- said in the Michigan Farm News wife Adah. Petroleum Dealer and Water Pollution." While we be held before the tour. ing a 75 cup percolator with the land Adjustment Program in a September 7, 1923 to announce the women's program: Monroe County Women's Com- District 5 Women's to be custodian. Committee Chairman Mrs. Marjorie very interesting and tive way. He also gave us much informa- "I attended a County Farm MICHIGAN FARM NEWS 4 w 80 k Y u' mittee met May 1 at our office Mrs. Jerold Topliff. Chairman Gardner will speak on Farm (Continued on Page 5) Bureau annual meeting recently June 1, 1961 building. This meeting made Eaton Rapids R-I Bureau and Blue Cross at our plans for our food concession meeting June 14 at Harrisville stand at the fair. April 27 Farm Genesee County Farm Bureau Township Hall at 1:30 p.m. This is not, and under no circumstances is it to be co trued as, an. offering of these Bureau Women toured the A&P women met at Whitmore Meth- . Delegates to the Women's Debentures for sale, or as a solicitation of offers to buy any such Debentures. The w warehouse at Toledo. odist Church May 2 for lunch- Camp at Twin Lakes in June are offering is made only by the Prospectus, eon. In the afternoon they Mrs. Harvey Elmer, Mrs. Erwin o ead! Twenty women from Monroe County went to Lansing, May 4 toured the boys' v 0 cat ion a I Somers, Mrs. Wm Beck, Mrs. and met with Dan Reed in the school at Whitmore Lake. They Guy Rickel, Mrs. Goldie San- forenoon for legislative ate at noon, had lunch with 5 council, have facilities for 100 boys. There born are provisi ns for recreati?n, Mrs Jessee Prentice, ed- Herman Knight and Mrs. Bessie Mrs. Farmers Pelroleum Cooperalive, Inc. ucation, religion and workmg ex- Johnson. of their state representatives. In periences to help encourage the Cla.rk L. Brody's the afternoon we visited both • houses at the capital. A find day. Oakland C 0 u n t y Women's boys toward constructive ty. trip. Forty-nine activi- Alpena .County Women's Com- ladies made the mittee met at the N. Hill Parish Hall with Mrs. LaBonte as host- DEBENTURES ervtce Committee met May 2 at the tess. June Camp at Twin Lakes home of Mrs. Edna Winterhalter". Ingham County had 20 ~adies with-Mrs. Howard Connons, Mrs. Larry Ewing spoke to us. Movies at their meeting on May 16 m the E. O. Diamond, Mrs. Harry were shown of beautiful igan scenery and historical spots. Mich- social room of the county office. Schultz and After a cooperative lunch, Mrs. Mrs. Albert Kaiser d I 5% Simple Inleresl • 10 Years , Malurily Marian Appleton gave a very and Mrs. Victor Black as e e- a _______ e Dis rict 4 Mrs. Clare Barton. Chairman fine book report "The Naked regional representative, on the book gates. Communist." Call, spent the afternoon with us. Rapid Our Royal will I The 4-H Recognition be May . . 31 at the Hall. The June. mee~mg . Dmner Long The purpose of this issue is to provide increased working capital for Plainwell R-2 June is election of officers. wi ll be a tour of the Pled PIper Farmers Petroleum Cooperative Inc. The issue and Farmers Petroleum , School, a school for retarded Cooperative, Inc. are fully described in the Prospectus dated December • Allegan County Women's Com- J In Ih ichig n mittee has been busy with tours, Shiawassee Committee C?unty met m. the extension Wome.n s children. 10ved that money be made available for a gift for Pied 4, 1960. The Prospectus is the basis for all sales. arnin money for Camp Kett, hall on May 1, WIth 23 present. Piper and Mrs. Bey to check to rm Du ea and beginning for the Fall Dis- trict Meeting. They voted to chang~, the nan:e see what they need. of their May Tea to May Holi- For a copy of the Prospectus, a nd a call by a licensed salesman, Mrs. Walter Wightman of the day.' Their gift to Sister Kenny please fill in and mail the form below: 1 1 1 58 Lakeshore planned a tour Community Group in April to the Foundation was books and puzzles for the chil- used to buy agi a 0 en Give VICE OF THE FARMER i the hi.,tory of dren. A letter was read thank- c igan arm Bureau. It is th autobiograp~y 1 rk L. Brody, and an organization, the MIchIgan ~f a State Farm Bureau office build- ing at Lans ing. The ladies : oy d lunch at the airport. en- ing us for the gifts. 850 10 Camp Kell r---------------------------------, FARMERS PETROLEUM COOPERATIVE, INC. ur au. The story of one is inseparable from the other. The May me ting was held at District 9 Saginaw County Farm Bureau has paid its pledge of $950 to- 4000 N. Orand River, P.O. Box 960 DOIr Township Hall. Mr. Doug~ Lansing, Michigan I ----------------------------j HI 0 I las spoke on retarded and howed pictures of children children Mrs. Dwight Duddles. Chairman Lake City R-I ward the building of a Farm Bu- reau dormitory at Camp Kett, I am interested in learning more about your investment the 4-H leaders' training center I I at "Preciou Acres" and some Wexford County Women's being completed at Center Lake program. Please provide me with information. (No obli- I University Pres. I pictures from the Coldwater Committee met for a dessert in Osceola county. I I Home. He stressed keeping the gation assumed) luncheon May 3 at the home of They raised $180.25 through I I children in their own homes if Mrs. Floyd Whaley. Ten groups the sale of Camp Kett buttons. I I po ibl . II copy, by Cl r postpaid, of IN THE 1.. Brody. I rthur Morley told of for m mb r hip drives. w re pres nt. Mrs. Proctor, health chairman, announc d that th X-ray mobile Farm Bur au women Community Groups smorga bord dinn r which rais- and served the a Name .................................................................................................. I I Cha. B ldon was appoint d unit would soon b in th coun- id 459.63. The Women's Com- Address ............................................................................................... hail-man of th nominating com- ty, Sh ask d that v ryone tal-e mitt e . lso scrv d dinner to the I FD 0. •••••••••••••• 1 mittee. e are paying in If tl e advanta re of this service. arm Bureau Oil Company meet- I JI rp ans .................................................................................... to nd 1wo romcn to Mi s Judy Wil s, a Cadillac in. 310.1 from the proc d County , . ---------------------- t ie Trav rse City C mp. High School senior who had at- I complet d the pledge. ~-------------------------------- I fempting to reach the shoulder. I i Trouble Use the turn signal as well so that you give other traffic as Farm Progra much warning as possible that you are in distress. Job opportunities are going beg- Ho II WI"''''' On Freeways, 3. Once you are on the shoul- er, directional signals should be Yardstick ging in the poultry industry. Theo Coleman, associate pro- fessor of poultry science at Mich- 'F Bu u t o or' loni Surd y 1 :1 turned off so following drivers igan State University, says hatch- Here S a program to measure the appropriate role t eries, feed manufacturers, poultry Adrian WABJ Saturday 6:30 .m E pressways are not distracted. Parking lights may be left on if the breakdown occurs at night on expressways of the federal government in agriculture . . . as pr '" and egg processing plants and poultry breeding farms all are Saturday 12:15 p.m, Iron River . outside of cities. sented by American Farm Bureau to the Hou feeling the pinch for competent Albion WALM . Monday 11: a.m. Anyon experiencing a flat tire or mechanical breakdown Committee on Agriculture in C-ongress: help. Many of the positions can Tuesday 6:30 a.m, 4. Lift hood (weather permit- for college training. Jackson . while driving the freeways can ting) and tie a handkerchief or recall the sinking feeling that ac- Government programs for agriculture hould: Starting salaries for college Alma WFYC Saturday 6:30 a.m, similar highly-visible cloth to graduates in poultry science are companied the situation. When it the radio antenna or door hand- Saturday Farm Program happens-be it on expressway, I-Aid farmers in solving their own problems. as good as any of the industries, Kalamazoo . le or drape it out the window Coleman points out. 6 :30 to 7:00 a.m. freeway or turnpike-most driv- This is recognized as the stand- Friday 6:00 .m, ers are faced with the added in- 2-Promote efficiency in farming. For more information on poul- ard expressway distress signal. Alpena WATZ convenience that their emer- 3-Be consistent with the law of supply a d try job opportunities write to the Lapeer WMPC gency has occurred miles from a 5. Remain with the car until Poultry Science Department at Monday 6:30 a.m, service station t lephone or even help arrives. demand. Monday 6:00 p.m, Michigan State University, East an exit. Police and road commissions 4-Provide economic opportunity for fa m Lansing. Ann Arbor WOIA Ludington W "Don't panic when this occurs," patrol these limited access high- Announced Locally ways with a fair degree of re- S-Preserve the competitive principle. Saturday 7:00 a.m, cautions Robert C. Nisbet, Auto- mobile Club of Michigan road service department manager. gularity. A recent three-month survey by the Michigan State people. 6-Insure ample research. Tri-County Ann Arbor Thursday 7:00 a.m, WPAO Manistee WMTE June 1, 1 1 "By the same token, however, Police revealed that nearly two- Monday 1:00 p.m, the stranded driver must act dif- ferently than he would on an thirds of the motorists in dis- tress on freeways waited less than 15 minutes before a patrol 7-Stimulate 8-Insure market expansion. our ability to feed an increasing popu- Elec ric Co-op Bay City.... Sunday 7:30 a.m, WBCM Marinette, Wis•........ WMAM ordinary city street or highway," Friday 11 :55 a.m, advises Nisbet. "You cannot walk for help be- car' arrived. Only one out of 10 experienced delays of more than 30 minutes. lation. Serves 7,811 Benton Harbor Saturday 6:45 a.m, WHFB Midland WMDN cause state law prohibits pedest- Government programs should not: Since 1935 nearly 1,000 locally Saturday 6:30 a. m. rians on limited-access type "Police or highway mainten- highways." ance crews who stop to render owned and managed rural elec- Big Rapids WBRN I-Stimulate excessive production. tric cooperatives have repaid Tuesday 12:30 p.m, Munising WMAB aid can usually get you on your 1. Get the car completely off way again with little delay. If 2-Permit development of monopolies. almost 1% billion dollars in Friday 1:05 p.m. the road as quickly as possible. principal and interest on over not, they can and will summon 3% billion dollars of Rural Elec- Charlotte WCER Muskegon Emergency repairs never should 3-F reeze historical production patterns. WMUS help by radio or telephone." trification Administration loans. Saturday Farm Show be attempted while the car is 4-0pen the way to price fixing. Saturday 12:15 Noon st.ill in any part of the driving The AAA road service expert Tri.County Electric Coopera- 12:30 to 1 :00 p.m. lanes. said the average motorist can S-Erode individual freedom. Owosso WOAP five of Portland, Michigan has practically eliminate chances of 6-Impede orderly marketing. played an important part in this Cheboygan WCBY 2. Turn on your car lights, breakdown on limited access Monday 12:35 p.m, even in the daytime, when at- highways if he knows where he enviable record of free enter- Friday 1 :05 p.m, 7-Shift adjustment burdens from one group of prise and sound business. Petoskey WMBN is going, has a full gas tank, sound tires and a car in top me- chanical condition. producers to another. Tri-County was organized in Clare 1937with eight members and six I Friaay 1:05 p.m, WCRM Tuesday 11 :45 a.m. u Courses at M.S.U. and Georg miles of line. By the end of 1959 REFLECTORIZED Elevator Career' Greenleaf, Executive Secretary the number of meters had in- I Coldwater WTVB Rogers C,ity WHAK RAI Young People's of The Ohio Grain and Feed creased to 7,663 and the total, Friday 12:00 noon Director Resigns Day June .22nd Dealers Association. A Counsel- mileage of line to 1,819. Saturday 6:15 a.m, STEEL The Board of Directors of the ing session and a guided tur of Saginaw WKNX Elevator Career Day which is M.S.U. facilities will conclude ty,Asunder of January 1961, Tri-Coun- D' WDOW Michigan Farm Bureau at its sponsored by the Michigan As- the meeting in the afternoon. the management of owaglac . Saturday 12:40 p.m. FENe PO meeting in May accepted the res- sociation of Farmer Coopera- Vernor Smith, and his board of Saturday 12:15 p.m. St. Johns WJUD * Sturdy as it looks! "'.IE~&IE r ignation of Miss Esther Robinson of East Lansing as Director repre- tives, Michigan Bean Shippers The purpose of the Elevator directors consisting of seven Mr. Willard East Lansing WKAR Saturday 6:15 a.m, * Glows in the dark! senting Farm Bureau Young Peo- Association, Michigan Feed and Career Day is to interest young members, with * Lasts long ; costs least! • Haenke as president, now has 1,- See Your farmers Ple. Miss Robinson informed the Grain Dealers Association and men to investigate the opportun- 831 miles of line with 7,811 me- Saturday 10:30 a.m, Tawas City................ WIOS Board of Directors that she has the M.S.U. Short Course Depart- ities offered in the elevator in- tel'S and employes 27 people. Tuesday 12:15 p.m, Unilite advantages are so ap- Petroleum Dealer taken employment in Lansing. ment will be held on June 22nd dustry. Escanaba WDBC parent, no wonder they s ll! Be- in the Union Memorial Building To keep pace with the member- sides marking fence line for high- This is not, and under no circumstances is it to be construed on the M.S.U. Campus. consumer's eve r-growing de- Saturday 11 :35 a.rn. as an offering of these debentures for sale, or as a solicitation of Registratio begins at 11:00 a.m. Chairman mand for electric power it was Oaylord WATC FARMERS: way driver and night farmer alike, their red coats enliven the cene by offers to buy any such debentures. The offering is made only by with the program beginning Our word "chairman" harks necessary to build and expand Check the value you get In the prospectus. back to the olden days, when only Tri-County's generating, trans- Thursday 6:30 a.m, Gelatin Bone Perfect Balancer, day. To end all digging, backfill, with a noon luncheon. kings, bishops or nobles were per- mission and distribution facili- tamping, heaving, merely drive , the mineral feed of champions: Speakers for the event are Dr. mitted to sit in a chair-common ties. The loans from REA have Orand Rapids WORD Percent Percent Unilites. tecl Unilites won't burn, Harold Henneman, Director of people stood, sat on the noor, or made this possible. Min. Max. rot, nor intere t termite . But they Short Courses at M.S.U., Dr. used benches. Hence, the leader Saturday 6:40 a.m, Phosphorous 8.0 9.0 From the time of organization Calcium 29.0 34.0 do support wire for years, and Harold Ecker, Coordinator of was an important man and got to to the year 1959 Tri-County bor- Mag. Sulfate .24 Elevator and Farm Supply Short use a chair. rowed $4,494,007 from the REA. Oreenville WPLB Iodine (pure) .015 .018 cost least. Quality guaranteed. Cobalt Sulfate .01 .03 In the year 1959 they repaid the Saturday 1:30 p.m, Salt 0.00 0.00 Buy UNILITES. The hostess served a delicious REA $84,577on the principal, and Farm Bureau Services, Inc. Activities of Women lunch. $43,638 in interest. Hancock WMPL Get Perfect Balancer at your elevator. Distributed In M ich- Available throughout Michigan igan by: from Since the first loan was made, Series A Debentures-Issue of 1960 Of Farm' Bureau District ll-E Tri-County has repaid $1,096,953 Wednesday 6:30 a.m, FARM BUREAU SERVICES, INC. FARM BUREAU ftnTr:r.... (Continued from Page 4) Mrs. Clifford Postma, Cbai on the principal and an addition- Hastings WBCH and SE VICES, INC. l!W1!1!J al $919,435 has been paid in in- LANSING, MICHIGAN 51120/0 Simple Interest - 15 Vear. Maturity Rudyard terest for the use of the money. Tuesday 12:30 p.m, The Gelatin Bone Co. Romeo, Mich. interesting information about the AFBF Rotterdam Trade Each of the Women's Comm t- The purpose of this issue is to provide additional Center. tees in this District helped to working capital and to modernize facilities of Farm Sheriff Weiler of Grand Tra- plan and participate verse County spoke to us on law Parties, indicating in Victory that each Metal Posts, Roofs, Eaves Bureau Services. Inc. enforcement experiences. County Farm Bureau had made The issue and the Farm Bureau Services. Inc. are Mrs. Karker had but a short time but we did enjoy her quiz membership goal. At these meetings most of us Need Unico Treatment fully described in the prospectus dated Nov. 30, on our knowledge of our govern- met Dawson Way, the new re- ment and its functions. gional representative for the 1960. The prospectus is the basis for all sales. Mrs. Thos. Wieland of Charle- Bridge Region. voix was elected chairman for Dis t r i c t Advisory Council For copy of the prospectus, and a call by a the next two years and Mrs. Wm. meeting was held at Engadine licensed salesman, please fill in and mail the form Nulph of Boyne City was chosen May 10. It was a very worth- vice-chairman. while planning and training ses- below: sion. Antrim County Women's Com- ----------------------~--------_ .. mittee met with he Elk Rapids ladies at "Island House" with 16 Chippewa County Women's Committee heard Willy Feria, an FARM BUREAU SERVICES, INC. ladies present. Plans for a rural- exchange student from Uruguay, Finance Promotion Division give some most interesting com- urban conference in September P. O. Box 960, 4000 N. Orand River parisons between his country and were discussed and will be com- ours. He attends school at Sault Lansing, Michigan pleted at the June meeting. Ste. Marie. Plans were made to raise the Citizenship quiz given by Mrs. Please send copy of prospectus for Farm Bureau balance due on our Camp Kett Karker proved to be challenging fund. Two delegates are to at- and interesting at this meeting Services, lnc., 1960 Issue Series A Debentures and tend Northwestern Camp. May· 9. have a licensed salesman call. A panel presented "Our Gov- ernment." Mrs. Andrew Williams Name .............................................................••...••.....••.• _- talked on the "Bill of Rights," District l1-W Mrs. Vernon Vance, "Our Poli- Mrs. Kea Corey. Chairman Road .................•.............................••........•. RFD........•.•- tical System," and Mrs. Robert Hubbell told of "Our Economic System." The hostesses served a P. O. Addres. ..•...............................•...•...••.......•..•...••.•••••••delicious meeting. lunch following the Stephenson a-i District 11 West Spring Coun- cil meeting was held May 4 at {j)eolJuy:~ <; WILL DO THE .10 FOR YEAR Roof or shelter - steel or Crystal Fans with Iron county galvanized? It's all the same County :.........•................Phone No•......•........•.•• - Charlevoix County ladies met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gaunt officers serving as hosts. Attend- ing meeting were: 21 C METAL PAINT to UNICO Weather-amic ZINC METAL PAINT. Brush near East Jordan. After a deli- Houghton C 0 u n t y - Mrs. off the rust. Brush on the Robert Baccus, county chairman .. -.-_.-. cious dessert luncheon the meet- paint. The surface will stay ing was called to order by chair- and District vice-chairman. Got a steel or galvanized roof or shipshape and well pro- • I man, Mrs. Wieland. Iron County-Mrs. Eino Kaski, shelter that you want to paint and I tected for years to com • Two delegates are to attend Chairman; Mrs. Roland Kavin, then forget for years? Brush off the ~READI Available in Gray, Red or ..._----1 . Northwestern Michigan Farm vice-chairman; Mrs. William rust. Apply a coat or two of UNICO ~~THIS : Green. A real surface sav r I I Bureau Camp June 6-8. Waligursky, secretary. Weather-amie ZINC METAL PAINT at an economy price. Much interest was shown Menominee County-Mrs. Ken Q~d you're set for a long time. Ex· about the lecture by Dr. Sch- Corey, District chairman; Mrs. ceptional adhesion and hiding qual- wartz of Australia at St. Francis George Palmer, County vice- ities assure an attractive, durable Auditorium, Traverse City, chairman. finish. Tuesday evening, June 6. Hugo Kivi, Regional Repre- The film strip "Communism on sentative, and Marge Karker the Map" purchased by Charle- from the Lansing office. voix and Antrim Counties has Looks like a real nice District been shown several times and meeting coming in September. Protect your income. against hail damage several future dates have been Better plan to attend. See you at losses to farm and truck crops with Mich- set. Kewanaw Point, top of the state. igan 'M utual Hail Insurance. Time and place to be announced Mrs. Vernon Vance told of later. This fifty-year old company is a non·proflt her trip to the AFBF annual mutual company ••• operated by farmers meeting at Denver and showed slides of Colorado. Houghton County W 0 men's Committee met March 19th at the ......•..,•.'" (\II, , •• " for farmers cash settlements Crop" protection • • . to provide for hail against hall. prompt, damaged crops. Ask your local agent about this "Multiple fair Emmet County Women's Com- home of Agnes Ahola with five mittee discussed Con-Con and groups present. The Con-Con issue and ways and means of getting out the vote September getting information to public $2 75 QUART It,,, •.•,•. 12. A window display was plan- ned for Michigan Week. were discussed and acted upon. INSURE YOUR INCOME ••• for Health cards were distributed only pennies per acrel Otsego County Women's Com- to all members. The films "Com- SEND FOR n Robert Moorehead with a nice munism on the Map" and FREE BOOKLET mittee met at the home of Mrs. "American Way of Life" will be group present. Mrs. Darrell shown at Houghton county the Fleming gave a report of the week of June 12. Watch for ·MICHIGAN MUTUAL HAl /f} District meeting at Ellsworth. time and place. 7NJ~ (/mjHUt# Picture slides of Colorado and Results of our money making report of the AFBF annual meet- operations are v ry encouraging 4000 r nd 107 N. Butler Blvd. Ph. IV 2-6265 ing at Denver were given by PIa s for hosting District annual Shop where you see this emble •••• it' Lansing, Michigan Fred M. Hector, See'y ance and enjoyed by all. in September ere discussed. While " . 1 " are daly dh cct contact with the machine rm B··•••~••a allCGlra duets of Ul irorm and depend- account for more hirds of all lawn-mower inju - i s. than two- o C 10 '61 L gi al able quali y. Any sudden miracles are not tc be expected from thi pro- (Continued from P 9 gram. It will take some time for About 75,000 Americans suffer J. DELBERT WELLS consent, government by laws? Senate and' House at the begin- it to get into operation. Fir t mower injuries each year. Family Program Division The power of greed and force, Rotary mowers account for ning of the ses ion. Only two there would have to be a request and the division of humans into about 90 per cent of the mis- During my recent sojourn in classes were all prevailing Democratic votes were cast to th Commis ion of Agricul- idea ture from a group of producers haps-far more than their share. the hospital while recovering against it when the bill pa sed f tho e times. The e were the of some agricultural product 'A "mi ile" launched by a from a car mash-up. I had much governing the House on April 13. Pfister is quick to point out forces when nation ~ a king that tandards of quality otary lawn mower can be dead- that rotary mowers can be safe. time to read, study and think. w ere established during th t Then, the mischief b an to be established y. to which the Seal He mentions several important Several good thoughts on period. happen. Day after day, news- might apply. , 44The mower blade can pick up safety measures: paper articles and editorials citizen hip came to me and I The New Experiment in gover- N ext there would be a public ail, tone and other objects "Keep children away while would like to pass them on to nment in America was based on and radio commentators blasted hearing on the matter and then and eject them at speeds up to mowing. You might have th~m the bill a being a price-fixing you. The Ladies Home Journal several ideas: the Commission would deter- ] 80 miles an hour," said Richard play in the backyard wh.l1e said this: measure which would raise mine whether Pfister, agricultural afety n- or not to estab- working in the front and VIce I-That the people were capable the co t of milk to consum- gineer at Michigan State Uni- li h standards of quali ty for thi vel' a. "One man with convictions of elf-government. 1'8. What they wrote and said product. If it decided to do so, it versity. is worth a thousand who "Put one foot on top of the 2-All p ople have certain God about the bill was definitely not would promulgate an order set- Rec ntly, a four-year-old mower to hold i in place when have only interests." true, but, in any event, it stirr- ting standards given rights. of quality, size Chicago boy watching J • you pull the starter cord. Other- ed up tremendous confusion and and condition. This struck me as the thought 3-All men are equal in dignity mow th lawn, suddenly scream- wise, the mower may move and con umer opposition. for the week because we live in and should be permitt d to deve- The Commi sion would set up d and fell uncon ciou: with a ndanger your feet. The GovernQr began to be the rules and procedure a time when many people have lop unhampered by legal bound . and up- piece of copper wire in hi skull, "Wear shoes that provide good very apprehen ive as to ~~e ef- "intere ttl in what is going on 4-Some men ar fallible and ervise the inspection of the pro- he died. footing. Mowing isn't a job for around them, but few have "con- will create crime, hence the duty fect on his future popularity of ducts to which the Seal of "Se sure to check th lawn for bare feet. victions" that will make them of government his action on this measure. He Quality would be applied. is to protect mall objects b fore mowing," "Use the normal motor operat- stand up and be counted. and his advisers feared that he oth I' . would 10 e a lot of votes if he Pfist l' warn. "Also ch ck the ing peed that the ma~lUfactur. r I have wondered how many of Dairy Bills. While the dairy in- MISS JANICE B E C H A Z. drew 13 entries and was con- 5-Men are different and in signed the bill. blad oft n for cracks and d - d igned into the unit. AVOId us have convictions about what th se differences dustry lost out, at least for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald ducted by Mrs. John Emmons, will be h Of course, it would have been time being, on its big bill to im- of Big Rapids R-3, was chosen as chairman f ct , e p cially aft r fiv or six tampering with the governor. America ought to b . How many dynamic of the public relations of a growing nation if very awkward for him to have prove y aI'S of use. "Mow across a slope. Going up of us have only Clint rests" in men are permitted milk marketing condi- Dairy Princess for Mecosta committee for the County Farm to grow and vetoed it after having assured its and down the slope makes it seeing what we can get from develop th ir abilities and ideas. tions, it did secure enactment of county at the second annual Bureau. The banquet Vias spon- "An Ingham County r sident's difficul t to handle the machine." America and in protecting our sponsors of his support and after at least three minor bills. These Mecosta county dairy banquet. sored by Mecosta County Farm blade rec ntly shear doff, slic- 6-Citizens have responsibilities It may be wise to consider having endorsed it so publicly. were H.129 ammending Michi- She was crowned by the 1960 Bureau, dairy industries, and d through a half-inch thick own "rights" even at the expense that they must and will assume branch 50 fe t away, and carr! d buying a reel-type mower if a of our freedom? By having the bill recalled and gan's ice cream law to conform Princess, Miss Sharon Hahn. area farmers. to in ure a self-governing peopl . laid to rest, it relieved him of the to federal standards, H.356 The Dairy Princess contest 100 fe t furth r befor hitting young child will do any mowing, the safety specialist says. In studying the Easter lesson, the necessity of taking action modernizing and clarifying the th ground." The contrast between the New I thought about the 2 % billion Experiment of 1776 and the New either way on the measure. Michigan statute relative to night. S.1040 removed the re- the bills supported by the Farm p ople in the world. About 800,- Frontier standards and c-intainers for quirement for reflectorized Bureau which were enacted, but Yellowstone of 1961 is enormous. However, the manipulations ai.d H.505 regul- motor vehicle license plates and provide an interesting list. As The first man to see Yellow- 000,000 of them profes some How compatible are these idea : w re carried on in such a way dairy products, ended the special 35 cents per mentioned at the outset of this form of religious belief ba ed on ating and discouraging the man- stone area, as far as history re- the Ea tel' Ie son,-the establish- I-Limited government vs an that the responsibility for the ufacture and distribution of im- vehicle extra annual charge for article, of possibly more import- cords, was John Colter, once a ever incr a ing all powerful untimely death of this important such plates. S.1012 prohibits the ance than the bills which were ment of the dignity of man and legislative measure was no itation cream, sometimes referr- member of the Lewis and Clark the place of man in the Al- federal gov rnment? secret. ed to as synthetic coffee color- use of parking lights only when enacted is our record in success- Expedition. HQ turned trapper mighty's scheme of things made 2-Individual initiative vs more ing. driving conditions call for lights. fully opposing 58 objectionable after the Expedition was cornplet- possible through the Resurrec- v' lfare and protection for the Whether this will be the end of S.1089 authorizes preparation bills and being able to report that d. tion. people? the matter remains to be seen. Potato producers, handlers and of a new edition of Michigan's not a single measure opposed by 3-Citizenship re ponsibilties vs There is talk that when the Re- processors VIere successf~l in Township Officers' Guide. Farm Bureau became law this VVhat happened over 1776 year. federal aid for more problpms? presentatives return to Lansinz securing enactment of H.3'1 years that caused mankind to Michigan State Oniversity. Pos- In English amusement parks, have wars, the dark ages, the 4-Citizens or elective deter- on June 8 they may move to re- which establishes a potato pro- consider the vote by which H.30n motional program. This will be sibly, from the standpoint of Advice on Septic See Your Farmers small cans of peach s, 2920, com- Rennaissance period? Why was mination vs bureaucratic deter- was returned to Committee. self-financing by assessments at Michigan agriculture, one of the Petroleum Dealer plete with opener and spoon, are it 1776 years before a nation was mination? Fifty-six affirmative votes on the rate of $1.50 an acre on most important actions taken was Tank Cleaning Jobs sold in large numb rs. established which definitely re- These are some of the citizen- such a motion would bring the growers raising three or more the incorporation in S.1095, the Beware of door-to-door sales- cognized the dignity of man, in- ship problems 'that we bee in appropriation bill for higher edu- men for septic tank cleaning firms,. bill again in possession of the acres in any year. dividual rights, government by the 1960's. cation, of a line item in the grant some of whom are the cause of House. Then, if the Representatives Cattle Diseases. Two bills rela- to Michigan State University numerous complaints filed with vapors are very explosive. Use Protect You and store these liquids only in once more accepted well - ventilated places. Use amendments, the Senate tive to testing which also would tle to control Bang's disease and T.B., sponsored and handling by the cat- newly specifying that $5,047,448 is to be the Michigan Department .of Agri- devoted to financing the Agricul- tural Experiment Station culture each spring by suburban and and rural home owners. This is flammable liquids only as fuels; take 56 affirmative votes, the bill the Extension Service. Dean the advice of Agricultural F rm Against when used to start or quicken fires, or for cleaning equipment or clothing, th y can cause could be on its way back to the organized Governor's desk in short order. These Michigan Health Council, were enacted: are HAlO which Animal re- Tom Cowden, of the College of tor G. S. McIntyre. Agriculture at MSU, has ex- The most common complaint is Direc- Seal of Quality. At long last, quires pressed his appreciation to the overcharging for the service ren- Fire violent explosions and fires. Comply with local building Michigan's of Quality proposal has become entering calfhood much discussed Seal female dairy and breeding cattle Michigan vaccination of after July 1, grant. Michigan Farm Bureau part in securing for its dered. Some salesmen misrepre- this line item sent the quantity to be removed Farm Bureau Mutual Insur- r gulations when installing eq- law. After having been intro- or the price for the job. 1963, and H.560 which clarifies ance Company passes along some uipment or appliances that use duced during thirteen consecu- and makes uniform the provi- Schools. H.7 made an appropri- The homeowner can protect suggestions for safeguarding flammable-liquid fuels. Follow tive sessions, this year's version himself by comparing prices with sions for testing cattle for both ation from the state's general manufacturer's instructions for of t e bill, S.1264, was finally your farm against fire. diseases to permit them to be fund to make the school aid reputable local tank cleaners, and the use of this equipment. approved by overwhelming votes shown at fairs. also getting a written contract that, . Each year fire destroys farm formula payout in full for the r Do not refuel flammable- in both the Senate and House. current year. H.455 made the is thoroughly understood before l buildings and farm personal I liquid burning equipment while It is purely voluntary, self- Highway Bills. The speed limits second Monday in June the uni- authorizing the service. . . property valued at thousands of it is in operation. financing program intended to en freeways were raised five form date for annual school elec- dollars. Much of this tremendous Flammable-liquid burning in- improve marketing opportunities miles per hour, that is, to 70 mph tions throughout the state. MICHIOAN FARM NEWS- -c farm fire loss could be preven t- which for certain superior farm pro- in the daytime and 60 mph at These are by no means all of 6 '. June <1, 1961 . ed with strict attention to fire cubators and brooders, safety. are usually left unattended for long periods, hould be housed Sal Ends Fire - resistant construction in small detached buildings. Do JUly 5, l881 Use "fire stopping" in the con- not operate these incubators and struction of farmhouses of more brooders in barns. t than one story. This building Feed and seed driers that burn technique closes all open spaces flammable liquids become over- in the hollow walls at the floor heated if they are worked be- line, so that fire cannot pass yond their rated capacity. Do easily up through the walls. not risk this fire hazard-get a It is also wise to provide a drier that is big enough for the second stairway, a porch deck, or work. These machines should roof by which the family can also have automatic controls to MORROW'S Escape if the main stairway stop fuel flow if the burner catches fire. flames go out. Barns. If hay is to be stored Chimney testing. Test farm- above the livestock area in [louse chimneys for leakage barns, build a solid floor to hold E-very fall. Repair or replace it safely. If the hay catches fire, chimneys that leak. E TILIZER the solid floor will not burn Keep chimney flues clean. This through before stock can be is important to' their efficient moved. and safe operation. If soot ac- Install automatically closing cumulates rapidly, check the ad- doors on hay chutes and stair- justment and operation of the ways in barns. In event of fire, fireplace or furance. these doors help prevent it from Select furnaces and stoves that . preading upward from the are large enough to heat proper- livestock area, and they lessen ly without overworking. If a the risk of burning hay dropping forced-air furnace is used, install from the mow into the livestock a thermostatic control on the area. ashpit damper to stop the fur- Flammable liquids - such as ance if the blower breaks gasoline, kerosene, naphtha-s- down or the belt is broken. Keep are major fire hazards and their a replac ment belt on hand. Mail Coup n FA M BUREAU'S SPECIAL CORN Over 200 head she p in the midwest will be as- of the best or Free STARTER FERTILIZER PRODUCES MORE sembled at the Livestock Pavil- PROFITS WITH LESS LABOR. ion at Michigan State University in East Lansing on Saturday, Soil Test Bags June 17. This is the date of the 3rd JOHN SEXSON Here i your chance to get a set of top quality Unico Annual Stud Ram and Ewe Sale sponsored by the Michigan Services Plant Food DiviSIon WHAT IT IS • • • WHAT IT WILL DO • • • Pow rcruiser Nylon tires at a real bargain price! It pays to determine the fer- Sheep Breeders' Association. tilizer analysis you should use • Chemicalfy uniform ••• each granule contains a uni- • High analysis 3-4 bogs per acre will do the job Thes are not "seeends" or "blemished" tires, but Con ignments will arrive from and the amount per acre through form chemical combination of the nutrients needed by FIRST QUALITYtires offered at rock boHom prices! eight states and Canada and a soil test. young growing corn plants •.. will be judged beginning at 9:00 • Dry lubricated - Keeps planter cleaner, less corrosion See 'em today and you'll BUY! A complete line of Mail the coupon below for free a.m. by Carroll Shaffner, Penn • Mono ammonium phosphate Unico truck, and passenger tires will be available at State Univer ity, and Warren Farm Bureau Soil Sample Bags. Early root formation reduced prices during this sale. Squires, Chesterville, Ohio. The You'll need 1 bag for each flat • Over 60% water soluble phosphate sale begins at 12:30 p.m. field 5 bags each rolling field. Hav~ your. fields soil-tested at • Adds disease and insect resistan~e to corn Th sale is aimed at supplying Dry lubricated far more uniform rates of application one of 52 County Soil Test La- Michigan's more than 300 pure- • Mature crop earlier boratories. • Made especially for Michigan soils bred sheep raisers with a high Advise the lab management quality ram to head their flock, the crop and the yield per acre but commercial sheep raisers High p,hosphate, high analysis corn starter Produc higher yields when instructions are followed you're driving' at. Apply fertili- who like to buy their rams early will find a very good selection. A zer on basis of need for the crop. h eAn I, Are AI 0 Available: f w outstanding ewes suitable FARM BUREAU SERVICES, Inc. for 4-H club projects will also Fertilizer Plant Food Division 4-16·16 5·10·30 -25-25 15-0·15 be sold. P. O. Box 960. Lansing, Mich. 5·20·20 6-24- 2 0-40-20 33Y2-0·0 Please send --- Soil Sample Indian Trails Bags. 6·24-24 10-40-0 2-12· 2 45-0-0 Indians used several well de- fined routes normally followed by various tribes for trade or inva- Name ion. One of the best known of these ran from near what is now Chattanooga, through berland Gap, across Ohio, and on the Cum- Street No. & RFD , C to the edg of Lake Erie. Many LANSING, MICHIGA o our earliest roads were widened Post Office v rsion of these trails. 00 (Co Ii e fr~m pag 3) ho use seasonal farm labor, can be very helpful pected that legislation since it is ex- reported D "nger u Ian a by the subcommittee is a member will likely be given very serious consideration of which he on the Yu June in t Forage and early - matul'in field crops will be featured Hie annual Crop -Soils F eld Day at floor of the House. Farm boys should tractors on the highway not drive until r Detroit and seven other metro- June 29 on the politan areas will soon be operat- University farms at East Lans- ichigan tate In Ihe for ge br eding plot nom tic Program Rolling. In many potenti I forage lant they have licenses to drive cars, of the Board of Di- ing as pilot communities in a food ing. general, it appeared to me that Visitors at the day-long pro- from all over the world ar believes an agricultural safety rectors of the Michigan Farm stamp plan project outlined by the domestic program of the Ad- gram, which begins at 9:30 a.m., under test to determine th ir engineer at Michigan State Uni- Bureau are substantial farmers. Secretary of Agriculture Freeman. ministration is rolling with the po ible use as hay and crop in versity. Most of them have been members Expected to go into operation in will be able to see the latest re- power of a steam roller. As with Michigan. any other weighty object, mo. of Farm Bureau for many years. June, the plan will exclude im- search of the Department of The nitrogen plot is aimed at Richard Pfister says tractors on They are also members, and ported foods, such as tea and cof- Farm Crops and Soil Science. mentum can carry a legislative the highway are really more sometimes measuring the interpla of program a long way. are officers, of farm fee, as well as other food items Chairmen of the event are dangerous and harder to drive cooperatives related to their busi- time of application and form of selling at more than 90% of parity. Ley ton V. N el on, farm crops nitrogen as it affects yields While the so-called "honey- than cars. Youngsters can steer, ness. These include farm supplies Thomas E. Hahn of Rodney, specialist, and James A. Porter, moon" period betwee the Ad- but many lack needed muture and marketing cooperatives, Mecosta county. Director from Eligible for slamps will be peo- soils speciali t. of corn. ministration and Cong ess is ap- judgment. b r e e d associations, artificial District 7. Farms 400 acres. ple in the low income group, in- The turfgrass research in- MICHIGAN parently over, events on the in- "Twenty-eight of the state's eluding those receiving public as- Trador - drawn Irailers will volves pecie and varietie of breeders cooperatives, soil con- 90 head of dairy cattle. Hay. co • June 1, 1961 ternational front have drawn the seventy-two tractor highway servation and other programs. oats, wheat. Member of Farm sistance and those whose income take visitor to tour stops where grasses with different fertility, attention of newsmen and' citi- fatalities since 1955 have involv- Bureau 16 years. is near that of people on relief researchers will explain the herbicide, watering and mowing zens so that tremendous changes ed children under 14," Pfister Direclors of M i chi g a n rolls. The stamps will be handled work. Nelson and Porter say tour management. Extensiv p ri- in our domestic structure are be- points out. "That's a big toll Farm Bureau are all farmers.. Lloyd Shankel of Wheeler, by stores and hrough banks like stops will be picked from exper- ments on crab grass control are ing pushed without the attention considering that these kids spend They have no olher business Gratiot county. Director from cash. iments on the following: a feature. which they should properly re- two-thirds of the year in school." inleresls. District 8. Farms 365 acres. The present federal-state food Wheat breeding, fertilizer Beans, wheat,' corn, oats, s ceive. By comparison, only eight men tion a statement We are presenting in this edi- of the farming beets. Member of Farm Bureau distribution system was approved placement and row spacing of Robert Coyner Wa "We are being 'whiched' on the between 30 and 44 suffered sim- operations of the Board of Di- 22 years. at the American Farm Bureau wheat and oats, effect of borax Leader in Gene ee Federal Aid to Education issue" Federation convention last Decem- on beans, oat and barley breed- ilar mishaps. These men do a rectors of the Michigan Farm Bu- Robert G. Coyn r of Flushing, said one of the members of the Eugene Roberts ber. The policy statement adopted ing, early planting of oats and good share of the tractor work. reau: a leader in Genesee County Farm Farm Bureau staff in Washing- "I'd much prefer a car to a Missaukee county. by the voting delegates favored its barley, chemical weed control in Bureau for many years, di d May ton. Instead of facing the ques- tion as to whether or not we tractor when driving on a road," Pfister comments. Waller W. Wighlman of Fenn- "It takes ma- ville, Allegan county, President District 9. Farms Dairy, beef cattle, wheat. Member of Farm Bur au sheep, d objective of helping state and local field welfare programs foods. with surplus and breeding, crops, management forage corn production, and production forage ef- 2 at the age of 75. Mr. Coyner was Roll Call manager for sev- v should have a bill providing ture judgment and quick action and Director at Large. Farms 300 eral years. He was an ardent ou go first class hen Federal Aid to Education, our at- acres. Fruit and livestock feed- 15 years. The government food stamp plan ficiency of nitrogen on corn, chase a Vestaburg Silo. to handle the constant problems worker for Farm Bureau and or- tention has been drawn to the that a slow-moving tractor ing. Specializes in crab apples "would not increase food consump- turfgrass management and soil ganized many Community Farm few Gf th featur s: E u g e n e DeMatio of parochial school issue. and has a variety of fruits. Mem- tion significantly" and "would on- testing. Bureau Groups. He is survived • High test concr t d create." Branch, Ogemaw county. D' c- Experience with an automobile ber of Farm Bureau 41 years. ly transfer the total cost of food by Mrs. Coyner, four sons and through the n w "S viss Turbin The question as it is actually tor from District 10. Owns 1 0 A wide variely of factors are being debated is - "Do you want can help tractor drivers avoid Rob~rl E. Smilh of Fowlerville acres, rents 40. Dairy and live- relief distribution to the federal three daughters. type mix r." producing b autiful being examined in these experi- Federal Aid with, or Federal Aid being trapped. One should treat Livingston county. Vice-Presi~ stock. Member of Farm Bure government." The delegates said ments. For example, in wheat Wet Cast oncr 1~ sta t 1 without, parochial school assist- all cars as though they , ha e dent and Director at Large. Owns 12 years. this was not the responsibility of r in fore d staves. breeding, the plots are yield ance?" faulty brakes. 256 acres and farms some rented the federal government. They also • Extra heavy plasti concrete Edm~nd Sager of Stephenson, trials of new short-strawed ex- This is an old sales technique. Pfister recommends that auto- land. Cash grain and poul trv. pointed out that the chief bene- perimental strains and variety fl nih on insid wall of fl~O. mobile drivers approach a Sizable egg production. Member Menommee county. Director from ficiaries of food distribution pro- It is like the car salesman who evaluation tests of Monon (a Choice of all d luxe acces: orie . tractor like it was standing still. of Farm Bureau 24 years. District 11. Farms 290 acres. Raises grams are not farmers but are new soft red from Indiana) asks the buyer - "Which do you and Full line of Hag hat dlirig quip- It is, for all practical purposes certified seed potatoes, dairy, and the school children and the needy. Avon (a new soft white variety want, the red car or the blue merit. Highway tractor accidents Herbert Fierke of Saginaw, forest products. Member of Farm car?" when the customer has not Bureau five years. from New York). • BARNYARD E P NSION have been getting more serious. Saginaw county. Director at yet made up his mind that he is even going to buy a car. In 1955, Michign had two tractor Large. Farms 400 acres. Dairy, Mrs. Alex Kennedy of Posen, Cos ere For the fifth consecutive year AND FEEDING I LANNING SER- wheat, and corn. on another plot, date-of-planting VICE. WRITE FOR DETAILS. fatalities in the field for every Presque Isle county. Directot The U. S. Government paid two Opportunities to r e g i s t e r experiments have been conduct- Write today for omplct de- one on the highway. Now the cents per acre for Alaska, 31/2 against Federal Aid to Educa- Max Hood of Paw Paw, Van representing Michigan Farm Bu- ed with oats and barley. This tails. Financing plans availabl . two are about equally common. Buren county. Director from Dis- reau Women. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- cents per acre for the Lauisiana tion, on a broader scale than thought likely only a few months trict 1. Has 295 acres in fruit and nedy farm 350 acres. Registered Purchase, 27 cents per acre for the year, the first planting was made See Your farmers VESTABURG SILO COMPANY Philippines, and $294.70 per acre on February 14. P. O. Box 248, Dept. I. N. ago, are drawing to a close. Let In Ingham Co. grain farming. Major interest is Herefords, and grain. The borax experiment is de- Petroleum Dealer Vestaburg, M ichlg n us never forget that Federal Aid grapes. Member of Farm Bureau for the Virgin Islands. 16 years. Irrigation Item CANNOT be had without Federal control. There are different de- All Dogs Must grees of Federal control but, in practice, laxed. controls The probability always snow- ball and are seldom, if ever, re- of a na- Be Vaccinated Wilbur H. Smith of Burling- ton, Calhoun county. from District 2. Farms 220 acres. Dairy, grain, and hogs. Member of Farm Bureau 40 years. Director Sues for Ta F rm re u Mark tional school system is not just a nightmare. before we know it. It can be a reality Against Rabies Allen F. Rush of Lake Orion Macomb county. Director fro~ Allowance 0 Try A 25 Word Classified Ad for I Largely as a result of a re- District 3. Owns 210 acres rents 390. Registered Hereford' cattle Ground Wat SPECIAL RATE to Farm Bureau members: 25 words for 1 for each edition. Addi- tional words 5 cents each per edition. Figures like 12 or $12.50 count as one word. R,cal Estate solution submitted ham County by the Farm Bureau Ing- in and fruit orchard. Farm Bureau 42 years. Member of A Floyd county, Texas, farm er has filed a lawsuit against th NON-MEMBER advertisers: 10 cents per word one edition. Two or more edition March, the board of supervisors take rate of 8 cents per word per edition. All classified ad are ca h with order. June Farm Forum federal government which if he Tax Up Most 'adopted a resolution April 28 re- quiring. that after dogs licensed must be vaccinated June 1 all Deals with Education "Studying w~n~, could pave the Teaching Pro- mgs for the farmers in the area the w~y fo ~r111lIons of dollars in tax sav-l 3 BABY CHICKS 15 FARM FOR SALE 23 LIVESTOCY PULLETS against rabies. Since 1948 The committees livestock of and the board health of gram in Our Schools" will be the ~ccording Community cussion Topic program Farm Bureau Dis- Texas Water." to the for the . Th e SUIit see k s a cos t - depletion publicatio' . d co "Champ" us SlSTE •. TLY TOPS. 1elrl f(W why. Egg Baby ldaal Producer pullets a-~-' Franchised today, "s, $40 per 100. the Ask FOR • LE room holt .t'. AU by .lor'ris, 19:1 Hiley, or trade land, 47 acr R for ,·ubdivlding. for norther n h rl ••Y. Dundee, Michigan EI~h t Glen 1'l" analysts ph ate min Perfe ral t Balancer fe d. Feed fre 8% c high OR- ole ~~T KI.:.AGER'S DeKALB proven conditions - i "teen w yb f. by Raj experienced PROFIT ks and older. d under PUL- Th ide poultry supervisors accepted the pro- (.,~\1onro ounty) (G-lt-25p) 15 Put plain aalt in one container and men.' Growing birds inspected weeld Are you feeling the burden of WKAR Farm Forum program income tax allowance on under- 1,000 or more $38 per 100. Also, Darby Perf ct Balanc r :\Ilneral in another by trained Htaff. Birds on full fe, heavy property taxes on your posal in the resolution that a Monday, June 5, at 1:00 p.m. The ground, water used fo l' irrrga . . ti IOn DX. Leghorn Prepaid Farm, or Box delivered. 1/39F, Zeeland, Dirkse • TEAR CA.. TTY, ~lichi~an container. The animal knows which vaccinated, d beaked, true to age and "free' clinic" be held at the Poultry and E~g· Farm frll' ~alt' .• 'P\i v one he needs. Get Perfect Balancer delivered in clean coops. See them! W farm real estate? If your answer program will present the views farming. It would establish his Michigan. (10-tf-25&9b) 3 Ln.ying Hou.·t'. :Hi f t lIy 192 1\ et min ral at your elevator. The G. latin have a grower near you. Bird. raise is' YES, you are feeling the ef- county fair grounds at Mason of a number of persons inter- right to an income tax deduction - :'SHAVER STARCROS 288." Can !i,OOO lavers, all automatic equtpt. ex - Bon Co., Romeo, :\lich. (4-tf-47b) 23 on Far m Bureau fe d. ,KLAGER May 17 for vaccinating dogs ce-pt col lect irrg Pg~.'. L, ,.~ home, tw 0 feet of the largest increase in ested in education. Donald Kins based on the fact that irrigation also prove in your laying house that bar-ns, sf lo, retail routes showing nic e YF.AJ'LL 'G POLLED HF:ru~FOH}) HATCHEIUES, Bridgewater, Mich- igan. Telephones: Saline HAzel 9-7087. real esta te tax in any single brought erinarians there. Practicing gave their services for vet- sey will be moderator. results ground in using up the water. This is referred under- to they really you a very literature. live, lay and produce top rank MacPherson earning. Free Hatchery, ior profit. ston ten day,'. Owner lea ing st.a te. Poss s :17,000 cash, or .~20 -- B LLS Gt.'org for Hale. B rz, 2 :123 Dixboro H~rviceable age. Ito HI, Manchester tenaw County) GArden 8·3034. (10-tf-25-47b) (Wash- a. year since 1948. The Farm Forum program dis- 000 down and suitabl term». • 'ew Sou th Lyons, .Ii ·hiKan. Phone Gene- the clinic. ~y tax people as a cost-depletion Haynor Road, Ionia R-3, Michigan. frt' list all prope rt tes just off th e va -3:~5ti. (Li viugntou ount.y) continues after the June pro- mcome tax allowance. (6-lt-17p) 23 DAY OLD OR STARTED PULLET Properly taxes last year, na- Another clinic was suggested (4-2t-29b) . 3 pres .. Wr lte, • rcCormi 'k Reulty, as ~ -The DeKalb profit pullet. Accepte gram' for the summer months It . t t City, • Ilch ign n. (Tu.cola County) l"'ATnFJI~LJ) HHOHTHOrLTl';: .T by the smart poultrymen for high n tionwide, increased by 8%. In for Lansing at a later date in IS a es case sponsored by BLUE DIAMO D WHITE ROCKS. (6-2t-61 p) 1G ()fft'dn~ OW and will return the second MOll- (Breeders direct). Limited supply fine cows with calves, four heif- production, sup -rtor egg quality, 1959, farm real estate taxes aver- May. day in September. the Itigh Plains Underground New Hampshires. Can also supply ers to cal t' in Auuust and S pt,'m!)pr greater feed efficiency. If you keep aged 8.5% of net farm income. Water Conservation District these heavies as started chicks if 18 FOR SALE and two top open ht'ifer.·. Come .'PI' records you'll keep DeKalbs. Writ Farm Bureau members are ordered in advance. IacPherson th m. Hay C. P tel's, :l mlles SOllth for prices and catalog. KLAO In Michigan, this burden is which, since 1954, has been seek- Hatchery, Raynor Road, Ionia R-3, Bast of T •.• lsj(·, :\1 ichtgan, 8712 \\'e.·t HATCHERIES, Bridgewater, Mich- urged to have their dogs, cats HAY FEEDERS - Thrifty, rang e Problem of wholly for local services. None ing a cost-depletion for the Michigan. (4-2t-27b) 3 I tHey Hoad. (HhiawaHse County) Igan. Telephones: Salin HAzI I 9-7081, and other farm animals vaccinat- type 15 feet long, 24 openings, on e (6-1t-3:lp) 23 Manchester GArden 8-3034. (W h- of our property tax goes for area's landowners. pi ce welded constructton.. 1 inch pip e tenaw County) (l0-tf-25- Ub) .t ed against rabies. In Ingham DOOS and heavy sheet metal. 90.00 F.O.B 200 nM~ISTF;ItED n.A.~lS A~D State or National purposes. county this spring the rabies The suit was filed in U. S. Dis- 1 our shop. East Bob's Portable L roy n-i, Box 205, Michtgan Welding E\\' J.;S for sale n t ..\Ii('hi~an's :lrd AlI- "SHAVER STARCHOSS 288." Top If your answer was YES to the first question, don't fail to read "Your Soaring Farm Taxes" in count was cow. 12 skunks and one Creating 19th trict Court at Lubbock, on February 1 1961. Attorneys explain that "the suit will prove Texas, I -E-.-G-L-T.....-H-S-HEPHERD our own good working Born • {a~ch 14. Already tock. I" here. A. F'err-ts PPP .stock Interested from dogs. Bradley, In (Calhoun BLACY tlonally ounty) :\IATIE flnt, prospect (5-2t-36p) 0 rrxo 5. Excep - for 'I-H. H. 18 nual Htud Ham anti gwe stock day, Pavilion, June top rams and ..\Iichigan, 17. Ea,·t Offering we,' Lansfng, from Peruu .ylva n la, Iowa, Sale, Live- Satur- will Include flo olC' • lis- in contender, Earned tered. pullet Group out of 10 Handom rank I'd In the Top Money (t st Quartile). Sample All ra.lsed on our own rno ratstng' farm. Debeaked, Tests Eight en- vac- rn the June issue of the Nation's that ground water under the prtngport, )1ichigan. (.Jackson H. Pony Farm, 4563 Kilgore Road Agriculture, Jast week. which reached you Author Forest Urges Check District High Plains of Texas is a natural deposit and is being exhausted just as oil, gas, gold or any other County) g DAIRY EQUIPMENT (6-lt-~2p) )0 roswell ounty) BPI~K 11-2, FJ<;ED THUCr-, .lichigan. (H-lt·20p) late (Bantla c sour i, Indiana, mode 18 girrla and represented 'anada. .. Judging Ohio, Wi: iconstn, "'1'- 1. a.m.: sale at 12::W. Your chan 'e to ~et' AU major begin« at breeds !)::lO cinated, spected literature. Hayner and durtng Hoad, dplivprl'd. growing Ma<'Phprson Ionia H-3, Can be in- period. Hatchery, Fre Mlchic;an. Goetsch, of the Doane Agricul- buy sorne of th Phon 1'774. (4-2t-48b) 26 Facing the Legislature when t --------------- 12 ft. Sec '0 feE'd tank on 19~9 hevro - and best shl "p in tural Service, three' things you can lieve your property says' there do to re- tax burden: are Health Dep't it returns to Lansing June 8 and {) for final adjournment, problem of creating a 19th Con- na ural deposit; underground is the under the Federal and therefore water should come law allowing style; Rtyle. Write ILK!.. G PAR Walk-f.hru Free information. Ottawa-Hitch, LOR style; S, State Tandem Herringbone F. 321, Holland, style. let 2 t~ ton tr-uck. Rernux, costa County) BUKene wae r till' • [j .h ig an, PhOlH' 25H3. (. I •• «i-u-so,» - Michigan 10;j Anthony 18 • fichlg·an. Midwext. \\"ri te fur I cata log' to She ep TJreeders' Hall, East Axsoclatton, «i-lt- La nxing , 2b) 2:3 POULTH.YMF:, ancer, your UHe (Pprfe('t 8% phospha t e mtnorat ground shetk d f'ggH. MI f pd. )'~limlnate 3 lh .. per 100 Ihs. 'lal- feed in oft an income tax deduction for de- For Diabetes BOlle ('0., Romeo, ichlgan (4-tf-19b) 9 FTTIST ATD for ALL your dralnag e STO. rv ACHES YOltKSrrIHl'~S f(Oed. The G latin I-Try to hold down the cost gressional District for Michigan. Under the 1960 census, Michigan pletion of other resource's." COW STALL -Improved top ra~i.l prohl ms. 100 vear guarantt,pd VI'r - hret'dlnu stoc-k avatlabb- at all times. Mich. (4-tf-2fjh) 26 of schools and local government. THUmD, SALT (iLAZED CL Y Fevd con vvr .ton "peOl'dH extn hlixh ed gains one additional Congress- stanchion comfort stall,', sta lls, arch master stall, lever stalls, ventilating PIlOf)l CTS. Drain till', sewer plne at Swine rc a lua tton Sta tir n at .11('11- 31 SILOS 2-Make sure assessments are is a bigger k~ller 0 f I flue lining. "'rite or call for prtc e Igan State l n iver-xity IH1Vl' Iwen th rve equitable. 3-Push for legislation broaden the tax base through the to Diabetes Michigan people than accidents says Dr. John Cowan of the State Health Department highway man. Unless the . LegIslature. now, the. probable result WIll be acts Says Bill fans. Hitch, FOR Literature F. '321, Holland, LE-4 free, \Vrite, stall Ottawa- • fichigan. (4-tf-24b) 9 list. Ledge I..edgt', Ed. n e pre s e n tat i v e Anders, 'lay Products • fichil!an. Hetail Company, Phones: for Sale H pound.' Gr'an d above Ofiil'f' of ((·pd or It·.'s p I' pound Gran d gain xiru-e l!j!jli. Per cent £If lean cuts G4% fill' sam« period. Ga.rn and Sons, 4:1»7. l ulllkcn • la.rt.en ltou-I, of Xar ionat 7-2104. Resld nee, • Tatiom \i Ch arkrtt.e It-G, Michlg·an. Ph oue use of sales tax, income tax or other taxes to lighten the bur- den on property. . ~fl urgmg pecially . peop Ieo, vel' 40 and es - those have an annual health examina- overweight to the I election of a Congressman- at- arge. From the standpomt good. government, the new Con- . of Would Cost ing parlor. hoy milker gallon Phone hot \\'0 lso, 2 unit pipeline with we ig h t jar. 'at I' heater. 4-fi4!12, Battl Pr ice Chore- lso, 30 al)O. Cr,'''k, 7·2 70. (1-tf-4fj\.) 1 8 G4:J-0:H9. (Baton r 20 HOLSTEL r County) (8-G9-tf-2!i and 2Gh) 2~ HJ<;JFI'~HH for ~'al~. ichlgan. Thurston Powers. ere sco, e To f'reshen August and '{'J)t mber. All taxpayers of one danger in putting should be aware "squezze" on local expenditures. the tion and be tested for diabetes. . The disease strikes an average gr~sslOnal seat sh0':lld be used to relieve the population burdens of some of the districts in the rap- More o e s I i 'hi an. ( 'nlhoun County) «i-n-ac,» -, Testl·d, vaccIna ted. 1,000 Ills. 22;j each. l and fro/ll H"CI"'() of ."1I'ri t eral Aid. Such assistance is not When discovered m time and bility. with belts, and drive belt, canva M dams. Stanley M. Powell, JnKlesicll' Cochrane-Freeman omnibus farm Farms, It-I, Box 2:18 Ionia, Mi<'hlgoHI, cheap. adequately treated, diabetes can . cover. Pr-Ice $150. For i'UW mill: On e (Ionia County) (6-tf-2!ib) 23 be controlled through proper If the Leg~slature cannot reach bill now before Congress would IIPW Llve Log DE'('k, cornple te wit h G. Eo maxnettc start er 60 - 3 pha«'P have a potential cost "far great- diet and/or medication. Persons ent f I? d19~1, th~ 1p9r602- bagrb~le.mt' with heaters, Onto push hutton statton FOR SALIar-tagKed. Wormt'd, PUrehaRf' eas- by launched early in 1961 is in Gen- which would open wide the back one pound of Perfect Balancer t 0 wei ht, pproval on delivery. Va '- and an itching sensation. Any served in Death Valley, California, door of the Treasury." every 100 lbl'l. of ground feed. You ca n clnat d If deRirt'd. Ask abollt 10 Clay esee county. f'limlnate bone meal by uRing P rfec t lCuarantee. TjRconsin Feeder Pig one of these should be cause to one of the most desolate areas in In a statement prepared for alancer. Get Perfect Balancer II. t .• ark tlng Coc)perativf'. CRII or wrltp The young people met at the II cKarnR, t'st Unity, Ohio. 'See your doctor. United States. presentation at a nate Agri- your elevator. The Gelatin Bon Co HU88 home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd culture Committee hearing, Mr. Homeo, ich. (f-tf-40b) 2 ii Phon 2616. (6-Gl-12t-48h) 2:J Diehl of Davison and named sev- eral of their officers: Chairman, Amaz n iv r Shuman said requests for funds FEEDI TG HOGS? URe salt fr~ , The :Amazon River was so Bi r to cover the costs of programs high analYl'lls Perfect Balancer 8,* Robert Goodrich; vice-chairman, named in 1541 by a Spanish ex- Guam has the highest birth rate phosphate mineral feed in your hQ&' " Ralph Diehl; secretary, Mrs. developed under the Administra- feed. Mix one pound of Perfec t Maxine Thompson; discussion plorer, Orrelano, for Greek wo- of ny area of the world, with 58 tion proposal "would not be pre- Balancer with each 100 lb . of groun d feed. You can eliminate bone mea I leader, Everett Thompson; reation leader, Mrs: Jean Good- rec- men warriors of mythology. party was attacked by a band of His births per population. year for each 1,000 The U. S. average is sented to the Approp iations Committees of Congress until af- by uR1ng Perfect fect Balancer at your Balancer. elevator. Get Per Th e - Gelatin Bone Co., Romeo, Mich. rich. .- women fighters. 24.8. ter the money had been spent. 1~ (4-tf-50b) 23 c 0---- .ave a 10 _ .tJ---.J-..--------------::------- __------------ --,-- _ y eau Short-Comings of "Social Adjus ment" Discu n Topics "get by" with the least effort po ible. self-control The child must learn in the face of diffi- ripe for the picking. The way to control a nation is through children. They are the future its Why couldn't these junior high school pupils read? Well, as the child progresses in school, new _"""0 one I have mentioned training the need for in social responsibility. These topics were chosen by your State Discussion Topic cult situations. Citizens of a free, creative nation cannot spend leaders. America should be smart enough to avoid such a trap. and more difficult words appear. He has never seen them before - The child must become a ef- their lives wandering aimlessly "as a whole". And he has no Committee from the r u of the ballots returned. by the It has taken a series of reported training in analyzing the sounds ckground Material for Program in June by Our fective member of the society in among the poppies. Russian victories in space ex- through which he lives. We cannot ne- Community Farm Bu the letters, so he can- ,526 Community Fa Bureau Diseussion Groups, glect the importance of social ploration to bring America to a not build the word from its ele- training. Russian Experiment shocked realization that we are ments. DONALD D. KINSEY Jun. Studying the T aching Program of Our out-distanced in education. Offi- Russia has turned its back on cials in Washington became ex- This demonstrates a point. In Coordinator of Education and Research The very process of good cit- Schools. the "soft-touch approach" to edu- cited. They thought to solve the judging the effectiveness of our zenship and moral consciousness cation for the past 25 years. There is plenty of "whoop-la" over the need for calls for social training. The Jul. Why Farmers problem with money and regula- school program, we must study child must learn to be sensitive d a Public Relations Pro- Soon after the Bolshevik revo- tions. They passed the National the whole picture. We must see providing new schools. Birth rate records show lution over 40 years ago, the gov- Defense Education Act. This is more than classrooms, textbooks, to and respect the rights of oth- gram and What Being Done Now. that we will need them, without question. The ers. He must learn the meaning ernment instituted a program of a panacea with no real cure for materials and equipment. We "democracy" in the classroom. the basic problem itself. must look, too; at the methods be- clamor rises to squeeze them out of the federal gov- of Christian sympathy for his Aug. Farm Markets and the Importance of For- neighbor. Children were allowed to express The b sic problem involves the ing used. Are they sound? Do ernment. And amid all this tumult and shouting, Yet, some have grasped this so- eign Trade. themsel ves as they desired- establishment of a sound policy they bring out the best in the cial limb of the educational tree without teacher discipline. Au- of teaching throughout the whole child's capacities, or do they our attention can be distracted from the most Im- thority was vested in majority school system. It is not a simple leave him with a weakness and a and have taken it to be the whole Be sure to read your discussion article in the Michigan decisions of the pupils. Marks, matter of offering certain courses defect? portant problem in education. tree. To such people, education Farm News. Attend your Community Farm Bureau meet- examinations and formal courses to selected students. is dominated by a process of cul- . We should never seek merely ings. THEY ARE THE KEY TO UNITED MEMBER ACTION. of study went down the drain. School buildings and teachers are not, after all, tivating the "social adjustment of The requirements of school stan- The question is--in your school to turn back the clock in edu- the child." Such a view would dards were abandoned. cation. The modern child needs the main objective of education. These are just do little more than fit the child of problem solving - a process find that the practice of grading - does the permissive, soft-touch an educational program with a means of providing certain kinds of educational for collective living. This can be that should have been learned the child in competition with his The outcome was anarchy and approach to teaching still exist? quality that exceeds both past socialism. in high school. Admiral Rick- fellows as been abandoned. The bedlam in Russian schools. Im- Are the courses and methods de- and present. The reports. of the opportunities. The real objective of any educa- over studied the school offerings. idea of competition is frowned morality and delinquency ran signed to challenge and guide conquest of space should remind tional program is the child. And the real problem This view does not meet the He found that the content of ba- upon. (Marx has persuaded many rampant. Youth took a sloppy, every child to the fullest realiza- us that our children live in a needs of a free society because sic courses had fallen apart. people that competition is evil.) careless, purposeless and lazy tion of his abilities? Or are the space age. "Model T" ideas and is to determine the kind of school program that shall that society needs a constantly He discovered haphazard, Some modern teachers oppose approach to all problems. offerings dominated by educa- abilities are as antique as t e emerging leadership at every piecemeal "units" in man y competitive tional "frills" which push horse and buggy. Our ch Id be placed before him in a nation such as America. level of government - a leader- grading because "it Josef Stalin put an end to this. thought - requiring courses off face a new and schools, without broad founda- pits the child against his fellows He completely revised the edu- the map? more complex ship with original ability to tion or system. A child learned world. Only when we have determined what this pro- think things out. and destroys his favorable rela- cational program. Back came the a fundamental thought process tionship to the group." Here is basic subjects, the authority of ,In the past forty years, teach- gram should be can we look thoughtfully at our Teachers limiting their work only if it happened to fit into the group as the important Our educational program in unit the teacher, the marks, the prob- ing fads have sprung up like to the social adjustment theory the project that he had chosen -and not the child-the mushrooms. Someone gets a America must meet the challenge classrooms, our equipment and our teachers-yes, "collec- lems and the discipline. Scholar- may frown upon and block the for the moment. tivist" idea. ships were given only to the theory - then does a bit of sup- of that world. Yet it must pre- serve the vital truths upon which and our school boards, parents and the community. initiative of the original child. ablest pupils. Driving, hard work porting research. Then the meth- The child who tries to think for In the place of solid, thought- This classroom climate has, in and the rest the strength of human char- became required. The system be- od hits the classroom himself may get out of line with demanding courses in physics, many instances, caused more gan to turn out competent scien- children become the subjects of acter necessary to a free people. The school does much to frame the ideas and atti- group standards and decisions. chemistry mathematics, original capable students to spurn the and sound principles of living, tists, engineers and technicians. a new "experiment". The results tudes, the standards, the character and the loyalties writing, etc. he found many sub- chance to be outstanding. A ju- 'For, if we abandon these truths Dr. Lawrence Dithrick toured are sometimes disturbing. If the child does only what is stitutions of "life adjustment" venile standard puts pressure on there can be no freedom. And if of the child. We may ask, "Is the school prepar- prescribed for the group, he nev- courses and simple units in such him to shun outstanding per- Russian schools a few years ago. we lose freedom, all that educa- ing our children to be strong, capable, self-govern- er seeks new horizons. Yet, things as driver-training, how to formance. He observed signs which read: Why Can't tion will need to teach the child when millions of minds are cap- repair an electrical switch, how "Reach' and Out-Reach America, is to obey the authority of the ing citizens of a free American republic? Or is it able and trained to bring forth to plan a party, etc. A student who shows up his - Through Education!" Johnny Read? government. new ideas, progress is assured. fellows is "a show off." Or he more generally fitting them to be the passive and Since the mol' e difficult, We should comment here that . On April 23, 1961, an account The American citizen of a The new creations raise tl e may be ostracized by other stu- thought - demanding courses science alone is not the answer. was broadcast over the Mutual free America must be capable of dependent subjects of a centralized totalitarian gov- standard of living for everyone. dents and given the blacklist la- were no longer on the "required We have made vast advances in Network stating that the New self-discipline. Is your school Some of the men who have list", even bel - He is a "square"! ernment ?. No doubt a direct answer to that ques- the more capable the physical sciences in our day. York superintendent of schools helping the child to achieve it? made the greatest contributions students often chose the easier But the horrible state of political was angry that the city fathers tion would raise a terrific argument. to human living have had vision "electives,"-the "snap courses." The Stewardship affairs in the world, the mass hesitated to provide money for Questions any spiritual or mental inspira- and courage to stand against the persecution and destruction of a corps of "remedial reading See special check list report tion to spur him on to construc- frozen social standards of their Many teaching units in our Of the Teacher people, should remind us that we teachers". sheet sent to your discussion Educational Need tive elfort. time. In this, Christ set an ex- schools today deal with skills have made little progress in the We are short-sighted, indeed, It was reported that 400/0 of leader. For a Free People ample for mankind. that can just as well be taught if we set our educational stand- field of human relationships. all the junior high school pupils His very possession of knowl- outside the school, says Admiral MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Citizens of a free, self-govern- edge can make of him a selfish, Rickover. And they should never rds for all children at the level were more than two years behind ing nation must be trained to a complacent goon who takes ad- Education Stops have pushed vital basic courses f the average child. In a nation Need Courses that in reading. The account stated 8 June 1, 1961 deep sense of personal respon- vantage of others. Or he can With the Trivial out of the picture. like America, it should be the that 10,000 pupils could not read ibility for solving their own close himself off from the re- aim of every teacher to bring Promote 'Thinking third grade books. . problems and those of their com- sponsibilities of the present A few years ago when Admiral forth to fullest flower the seeds munities. world, sealed securely within Rickover sought men to plan and Group Pressures of the richest talents residing Of course, this Soviet return to All of these pupils had been build the atomic submarine Nau- within the child. discipline was not aimed at given reading instruction back They must learn to face tough the shell of his "know-it-all" tilus, he found that the best-edu- Curb Capable Child? training independent - minded in "the grades". The method of viewpoint. The Greeks had a The teacher holds within his problems and think them cated applicants were merely Let us not assume that the citizens, familiar with a variety teaching was the modern "sight name for him - "The Wise harge the mind and soul of a through to sound conclusions - "know-how" men. They knew criticisms expressed here apply of political, social and economic method" - look at the whole Fool." ild with all its rich possibili- solutions which will not jeopard- how to handle certain special to every school in America. Our ties. His job is to refine these viewpoints. It sought merely to word and say it. But if the child ize their rights as free men. No Knowledge cannot be an end jobs. But they lacked the ability nation crea e specialists as servants of forgot the word sound connec- has some good schools. gifts to their highest degree. of uch need is present with chil- in itself. To teach the child to to think - to apply general ideas But there are those to which the excellence. the state - and there it stopped. tion, he was sunk. These chil- dren who are to be the subjects know the facts does not neces- sarily teach him how to use to situations and solve the prob- criticisms do apply. And for The Communists had learned dren were given no training in FI"E~&Er tf a totalitarian state. lems involved. those to whom the shoe fits ... The teacher should know, if a lesson. If enemy nations could "phonetics" - where they sound them with sound judgment. Nor teacher he be, that this can never be encouraged to adopt the "per- out the values of the separate In the face of the challenges does it teach him to think - to The Admiral had to recruit no apologies. be done by a pampering ap- See Your farmers to the freedoms of all mankind missive, soft-touch" program of letters. Phonetics had become today, the American citizen solve his problems effectively. and train young men in the skills In some classrooms you may proach that teaches the child to education, they could become"old-fashioned". Petroleum Dealer needs to look upon his school TH ARE TURNING TO rogram with this difference in mind. He should evaluate that program against a backdrop of ontlict world trends. In the chool, as in the modern world of politics, the issue is freedom. And in gauging the school "curr i- ulum" we must ask, "Education FARMOWNERS or What?" Lester Allen of im of ducation? Gratiot County ••• farms 520 acres, We cannot begin to evaluate beef and corn. Keith Shugart of he teaching program of our Leelanau County, 300 chools unless we have a phil- acres, fruit and beef. POLICY! o ophy of the purposes of the t aching program. Whatever judgments we make, or fail to make, will have to be based on a Viewpoint regarding the basic purposes of education. Farm Bureau has boldly and learly stated its position on this matter. Delegates at the annual The Farmowners • • • Farm Bureau's new meeting hould said provide that a climate education in package policy has gained quick acceptance hich the child has every oppor- by successful farmers all over Michigan. More tunity to become a capable, re- ponsible citizen of a free, com- than 700farmers are obtaining the protection p titive world. and savings of this new idea every month, That climate should cultivate in him a high moral and sin- Six typical Farmowner policyholders are rely religious consciousness of shown at left. These farmers and hundreds his own obligations to his fel- l wmen, to his nation, and to his mo re throughout Michigan endorse the od. Farmowners. Here's why:' olicie tha • One policy .•. one premium protects the Max Brink of the ar Newaygo County ••• entire farming operation 160 acre dairy farm. deas as to the course which ucation should take have had • Less bookwork .•• more convenient; a a of being warped and lim- T • Broader coverage ••• lower cost 't d. Our standard for judging th chool should never be hem- d in b short-sighted views as The Farmowners covers the 'house and con- th purpo e of education. Roy Latchaw, tents, farm personal property, and barns and Van Buren County.' 230 acre fruit farm. •• __ -- .....•• outbuildings for fire, wind, theft and liability. See a Farm Bureau agent for complete details. Frederick Walker, Do it today! Livingston County dairy farmer; farms 200 acres. ONLY fARM BUREAU HAS THE ORIGINAL fARMOWNERS POLICY