TWO October 1, 1967 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Editorial President's ColuJDn Questions ••• FIRST HALF-CENTURY Please join me in thinking over last year's Several of our county Farm Bureaus have annual meeting of your county Fann Bureau. reached, or are nearing, 50 years of service as a Remember? - Did it start and end on time? farmers' organization here in Michigan. At Did the meeting progress smoothly without least one county is planning a "Colden An- wasting the time of those attending? No long- niversary" celebration at this year's annual winded speakers talking on irrelevant topics? meeting. Did the officers appear to know what they And it's only a couple of years until the were doing? Were committee reports well ~lichiaan Farm Bureau and the American Farm b written and well presented? Could everyone Bureau Federation hit that half-century mark. hear? Were facilities comfortable and favor- This is something that we are very proud of able toward conducting an important meeting? - and we have a right to be proud - but this Were sound business methods used? Was achievement also brings with it the responsi- parliamentary procedure followed? Was there bility to consider another matter very carefully. any appearance that the business or elections Too often we have been so bllsy using Farm were hurried through-"railroaded" in any way? Bureau to try to solve the problems of Jfichigan, Had a nomination committee been at work those of the United States, or even those of the to make sure there were good candidates for lcarld, that we have forgotten to consider FaNn each office and had these candidates been Bureau as our best way f01' solving some of briefed concerning the importance of the job? the real down-to-earth problems we have right Were there a number of well thought-out at home. proposed policy resolutions - and did they stir the people to think and talk, even argue, about And of course, this was really the purpose them? for which Farm Bureau was formed in the Were newsmen invited and were reports of first place - to help take care of problems the meeting, the election and the policy state- right at home. History shows us that local ments heard in broadcasts. and found in news- "farmers clubs" joined together back in the paper reports? early 1900's into county "Farm Bureaus" and \\I'M DROWNING OUT GOPHERS If the answers to these questions were mainly then, in 1919, the Michigan Farm Bureau was - WHY?" "yes" then it would appear almost certain that born when 43 of these county groups decided Farm Bureau in your county is a vital, effective to band together "to provide ways and means force dealing in issues of importance to you for concerted action on agricultural problems." and your neighbors. Is it? OFFICIAL NOTICE Then a few days later, the youthful state Farm Bureau joined with eleven others to form Would it surprise you that many counties The 48th Annual Meeting of the Michigan Farm Bureau the American Farm Bureau Federation. which could pass such tests with little difficulty, will be held on the dates of November 7-8-9 - at Mich- But alOng with building a new kind of farm .l'emain remarkably ineffective because they igan State University, East Lansing. machine to help us solve aliI' problems beyond have failed to become involved in important Bylaws of the Michigan Farm Bureau provide that each the local level, at state and at national levels - local affairs? County Farm Bureau shall be entitled to seat two voting it seems that too many of tiS have forgotten Farsighted Farm Bureau leaders have been delegates, plus an additional delegate for each one hun- that it really does work (and probably at its urging county Farm Bureau officials to become dred members, or major portion thereof in excess of the best) right back at the community level where involved, deeply involved, in local issues, even first two hundred members of record as of August 31, tee first figured out that it would work at all. (or especially) of a controversial nature. They 1967 - not including associate members. This was part of the thinking behind a recent suggest that if facts are missing, Farm Bureau The meeting of Voting Delegates will convene at 10:00 action of your American Farm Bureau Feder- become involved in research, that the organiza- a.m. Tuesday, November 7, and continue through Novem- ation board of directors when we asked that tion become known as factual, forceful and ber 9 at the University Auditorium. state and county Farm Bureaus place more effective. The Annual Banquet will be held in the Civic Center, emphasis on local issues - on such things as A simple method to check the "involvement Lansing, at 6:00 p.m. November 7. financing, maintaining and supervising county index" of your County Fann Bureau is to count Purposes of the meeting include: roads; on financing, administering and using the number of policy issues in recent years (1) Election of members of the Board of Directors. our local schools; on assessments and taxes; on which dealt with county affairs and compare Odd-numbered Districts will elect Directors for two-year fire, road, 110me, farm, and public safety; on them with those calling for state and nation- terms. Also to be elected for two-year terms will be one the prOblems many of us are having with wide action. Director-At-Large, and one Director representing Mich. township dumps; water pollution, or anyone How many truly COUNTY Farm Bureau igan Farm Bureau Women. To be' elected for a one-year of a hundred or more other problems that resolutions requiring local action, were left term will be a Director representing Farm Bureau Young should he taken care of right at home. behind to form an effective COUNTY program People. This was also on the minds of your state of work when the slate of proposed state and (2) Reports of Officers. board of directors when we made plans for national policy issues were sent on to the Mich- (3) Consideration and adoption of a slate of resolutions putting more emphasis on our community igan Farm Bureau annual meeting for consid- detennining action-policies of Michigan Fann Bureau for eration there? groups here in Michigan. You can read more the coming year. about this and other board action programs in What was done about them? (4) Consideration of proposed amendments to the a special article nearby in this issue. Have they taken the concrete form of im- Bylaws. Jl ichigan really has much to be proud of in proved zoning, economy in local government, The Policy Development Committee will be in special our Community Farm Bureau Groups because lives saved, fairer taxation, and improved rural- session the first day of the convention - November 7- tee have such a powerful way to attack our urban understanding? following the Commodity Conferences. Any Michigan problems locally. But if we spend all of our Or is there very little evidence that your Farm Bureau member is welcome to appear before the time talking about such things as settling the county Fann Bureau exists? If home is where Committee on any issue. Viet Nam situation, and spending little or no the heart is - why does it often appear easier It is important that all delegates plan to attend the time at all on how well the county supervisors to ignore home problems in favor of those far entire three days, and that the SAME delegates represent harulle the county welfare program or the away, in Washington, or across the seas? their county continuously during this period. condition of the bridge over Jones' creek, then Why do Fann Bureau members appear to Dan E. Reed, Secretary-Manager maybe we have missed the target completely. spend so much time condemning the idea of a strong central government in Washington and And if our Community Croup is just a social then do so very little in many cases to prevent affair where we spend all of our time talking ~ to ourselves and are not getting the word to our it, by becoming a prime factor in strengthening MICHIGAN IFAR~ NEWS county Farm Bureau and on down to the county local government? THE AcnON .. ueUCATION 0" THE MICHIGAN "ARM BUREAU The MICffiGAN FARM NEWS is courthouse, we have neglected our duty not only Not that national and international problems DIRECTORS: District 1, Francis published monthly, on the first day, Finch, Mattawan, R-l;' District 2, to ourselves and our neighbors, but also to our should be ignored - far from it, for they need by the Mlchilran Farm Bureau, at its Nicholas Smith, Addison, R-l; Dis- publication office at 109 N. Lafayette trict 3. Frank Smith. Jr., Carleton, elected officials who need our guidance. the very best thinking and action we can give Street. Greenville. Michigan. 1015 Indian Trails Rd.; District 4, them. But so do local problems, the kind we Editorial and Jteneml offices at 4000 Elton R. Smith, Caledonia. R-l; Dis- Since almost all of our county Farm Bureaus North Grand River Avenue, Lansin~, trict 5. David Morris, Grand Ledlle. encounter face-to-face in our daily lives and Michigan 48904. Post Office Box 960. R-3; District 6. Jack Laurie. Cass City, will be holding annual meetings this month, I Telephone, Lansing 485-8121, Exten- R-3; District 7. Kenneth Bull, Baile)', which are ours alone to solve. sion 317. Subscription price, 50t per R-l; District, 8. Harvey Leuenherjter. hope er;ery one of you will give serious thought year. Saltinaw. R-6; District 9, Eultene Rob- to some of the real problems (let's call them -It has been said that throughout America Established JanusI'}' 12, 1923. Sec- erts. Lake City, R-I; District 10, ond Class Postage paid at Greenville. Richard Wieland. Ellsworth, R-l; Dis- action-opportunities!) in your community and there is a dramatic rise in personal "non- Michi~an. trict 11, Clayton Ford, Cornell. EDITORIAL: Editor, Melvin L. how you and your county Farm Bureau can involvement" causing a breakdown in law and DIRECTORS AT LARGE: Walter Woell; Staff Photographer, Charles Frahm, Frankenmuth; Dean Pridl1:eon. be effective in solving them. order. A wry "joke" concerns the drowning Bailey; Associate Editor, Mrs. Donna Wilhfor. Montgomef)', R-I; Robert Zeeb, Bath, swimmer who refused to cry for help because R-I. Fifty years is a long time, but a good fann OFFICERS: Michigan Farm Bur- he didn't want to become involved. eau; President, Elton R. Smith, Cale- WOME~ OF FARM BUREAU: Mrs. organization, much like vinegar, gets stronger donia. R-l; Vice President. Dean William Scramlin. HoJJy; FARM BUR- Pridgeon, MontllomeTy.R-l. Secretary- EAU YOU~G PEOPLE: Ray Laun- with age. \Ve have built a powerful farm tool, Has non-involvement hit your County Farm Manaller. Dan E. Reed. Lansing. stein. Williamston. and it is ready for our use. Bureau? POSTMASTER: In uslng form 3579, moil to: Michigan Farm News, 4000 N. Now, lets not forget to turn it on and aim What are YOU doing about it? Grand River, lansing, Michigan 48904. it in the right direction. M.W. SecoacI don pottage paid of GrHnviD., Michisan Elton Smith MICHIGAN FARM NEWS October 1, 1967 THREE Mich. Farm Bureau USICURtTY"-IN A HOUSE OF CARDS ••• I "Strength - thru GroupAction" NaYS ITEM: FREEMAN, REFERRING TO $ 3.5 BilLION GDV'T FARM PAYMENT5,., "l6J WOULD JUST HAVE m WHI~PfR is 48TH Annual Meeting Theme. •• AND CONGRE$~WOULD VOTE THEM OUT" Tuesday, vVednesday and Thursday - November 7-8-9, are dates of the 48th annual meeting of the Michigan Farm Bureau, to be held on the campus of Michigan State University, East Lansing. A maior change in this year's program involves scheduling the annual banquet for the first night, November 7, at 6:00 p.m. According to Mrs. Wm. Scramlin, Chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee of the board, this has been done to take ad- vantage of facilities at the Lansing Civic Center. Others serving with Mrs. Scramlin on the committee include Raymond Launstein, Clayton Ford and Richard 'Vieland, all members of the Michigan Farm Bureau board of directors. Staff Chairman is Melvin 'Voell, Manager of the Information Division. Announced as banquet speaker is Dr. Kenneth 1\lcFarland, nationally-known church leader, fanner and author, who will talk on a favorite topic, "Selling America to Americans". Earlier in the first day, deleg~tes and guests will share in the DR. KENNETH McFARLAND formal opening of the Convention at 10:00 a.m. and hear the President's Address by Elton Smith. Farm Bureau 'Vomen will gather at noon in Kellogg Center for their meeting and election of officers, while other special-interest groups will meet in the Union building. Broadcasters hit on Second-day highlights (November 8) include an appearance by Roger Fleming, dynamic Secretary-Treasurer of the Ameri- can Farm Bureau Federation and director of the 'Vashington Daylight time issue. I office. Also expected is an appearance by Governor George Romney in response to a long-standing policy of the Michigan Farm Bureau to invite the state's Chief Executive to appear at THEATER OWNERS CHARGE 12 STATIONS each annual meeting. vVith few exceptions these invitations FOUGHT UNFAIRLY FOR DAYLIGHT TIME have been honored, giving the Farm Bureau "House of Dele- From: Broadcasting Magazine gates" a first-hand report of state affairs just prior to their dis- September 4, 1967 cussion and debate of proposed policy resolutions. Again, County Farm Bureau presidents are asked to attend A controversy within the state of Michigan over daylight the exclusive "President's Banquet" upon the personal invitation saving time boiled over into Washington last week, in a of 1\lichigan Farm Bureau president, Elton Smith. Guest for ROGER flEMING protest filed with the FCC against the license-renewal the evening dinner will be 1\1errill Anderson, Iowa farmer and applications of 12 radio and television stations in Detroit president of the Iowa Farm Bureau. Anderson is expected to and Grand Rapids. compare Farm Bureau "across state lines" and to help spell out The National Association of Theater Owners of Mich. some of the important functions of a county Farm Bureau. i~an, which claims to represent some 400 theaters, said the stations used their facilities unfairly to fight for daylight The President's Banquet will be held in Kellogg Center's Red savin;s time in the state, and refused to grant "equal Cedar Rooms, 'Vednesday night, beginning at 6:00 p.m. At the broadcastin6 rights" to opponents in the controversy. same hour, a Yaung Farmer's dinner will be held in the nearby The theater owners asked the commission to hold hear- "Big Ten" room of Kellogg Center, where a program arranged ings on the renewal of applications of WWJ-AM-FM-TV, by the state Young Farmer's Committee will include a nation- WXYZ-AM-FM-TV, WJBK-AM-FM-TV, all Detroit, and ally-known guest, Arthur Holst, National Football League of- WOOD-AM-FM-TV Grand Rapids. The theater owners, ficial, and well-known inspirational speaker. who claimed that the stations had acted in concert, also Business purposes of the three-day convention include man- sent a copy of their petition to the Department of Justice. agement and financial reports, election of officers, considera- The controversy erupted following enactment last year tion of policy statements and adoption of a program of work of the federal law providing for nationwide observance for the coming year. Subject to election are members of the of daylight time. The Michigan legislature, taking ad- Michigan Farm Bureau board of directors from "odd-numbered" vantage of an escape clause in the law, adopted a statute districts plus one "Director-at-Iarge". Also to be nominated to exempting the state from the requirement of observing positions on the board at special-interest sessions will be a state daylight time. Later, however, the exemption law was Women's Chairman, and a Young Farmer representative. MERRILL ANDERSON petitioned to a referendum and nullified. Theater Owners Position - The theater owners had opposed daylight time on the theory that the public would be more inclined to spend daylight hours after dinner in the garden or on the golf course than in a movie, drive-in or hardtop. The feeling is particularly strong in Michigan, on the western fringes of the eastern time zone, where daylight lasts until 10 p.m. - daylight time - in midsummer .. The nation's broadcasters, as well as transportation in- terests, had worked for years for passage of a bill that would eliminate the hodgepodge of time standards that had existed throughout !Jte country in summer. Networks were eager for passage 6f...a bill that would eliminate the problems they faced in feeding programs to stations oper- ating on different hours within the same time zones. But the stations that are subject of their complaint, the theater owners said, waged a one-sided fight against the exemption bill and, later, in support of the referendum campaign. The theater owners said the stations not only broadcast editorials and features in support of their cause but slanted newscasts as well. In claiming that the stations violated the fairness doc- trine, the theater owners said that although they were faced with "irreparable damage", the stations either ignored their request for time to submit their side' of the THE CALVARYMEN - famed singing and recording group, will be heard on the evening banquet controversy or else afforded so little time as "to make program (Tuesday, Nov. 7) at the Michigan Farm Bureau anf'\ual meeting. They have released replies meaningless." seven long-play recordings of their rollicking spiritual gospel music; have been singing together for 11 years. The group is headquartered at Flint, Michigan. FOUR October 1, 1967 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Board Stresses COMMUNITY GROUP Importance Backs Action Programs -New Treasurer Named "Action packed" - that would be the best way to describe the most recent two-day meeting of the Michigan Farm Bureau board of directors, September 7-8 at Farm Bureau Center, Lansing. Reflecting the busy harvest- time of year, the meeting agenda included a number of priority ac- tions which will result in long- time benefits to Michigan Farm . Bureau members. Discussed at length were such important action areas as Cherry Marketing (for details see "Cherry Marketing" - page 12) and Farm Bureau's Wheat Program. The di- rectors noted with concern the low prices for this year's harvest- time wheat and wrote a public statement advising farmers to ease WM. R. BEATTIE up on fall wheat planting plans. They re-emphasized the im- money for an expanded Commun- ANNUAL MEETING THEME- serves to spotlight the importance of Farm Bureau Community portance of Farm Bu,eau Com- ity Group program, the board Groups, stressed by the Michigan Farm Bureau board of directors as the "foundation of Farm munity Groups to the total Farm approved continuation of Farm Bureau". The board has endorsed a continuing effort to build and improve the Groups, point- Bureau movement, and stated that Bureau's efforts in public service ing out that membership, involved in group action, provides the strength for Farm Bureau. such groups are the foundation of television production, and endors- Farm Bureau and that every ef- ed plans for a series of 12 half- fort should be made toward build- hour color programs to be offered personal opportunities for farm- ing and improving "this important all stations of the state in the ers to help in policy development; part of our organization:' coming year. To underscore this. belief, the The forthcoming 48th annual and opportunities for fellowship and recreation. Board Wheat Statement directors adopted a series of rec- meeting of the Michigan Farm It was recommended that every ommendations presented by the Bureau was reviewed by the an- Farm Bureau member should be Community Group advisory com- nual meeting committee of the invited to join or to start a Com- Glutted wheat markets and jammed storage facilities mittee - recommendations which board, under the chairmanship of munity Farm Bureau Group this have caused the board of directors of the Michigan Farm included budget approval for em- Mrs. \Vm. Scramlin. year, with this to be the respon- Bureau to caution Michigan wheat farmers to go slow in ployment of a new staff person to Included in their work was the sibility of the county Community planting their fall crop. Less wheat, they believe, will spend full time on Community selection of a meeting theme, Group Committees, and the coun- result in higher prices and more net income. Group "promotion, conservation "Strength Through Group Action", ty board of directors. In a public statement to all news-media, the Farm and development." which the committee interpreted Discussion topics should em- Bureau leaders noted the direct relationship between a The board members pondered as placing further emphasis on phasize farm economics as well probable record crop of one billion, 236 million bushels of at some length the problems of the importance of the Community as philosophic issues, it was sug- wheat, and prices paid - currently the lowest in years. operating effective county Farm Group program within the Mich- gested, with any group able to Bureau offices, and directed a igan Farm Bureau. call for additional discussion top- The board members suggested a "voluntary reduction in board committee to investigate In urging use of the theme at ics at any time. wheat plantings of a minimum 20 per cent" under last the feasibility of some form of the annual meeting, and else- Need for closer working rela- year's acreage. county-offices auditing services. where, the committee said it was tionships between groups and the Last year, farmers responded to a strong harvest-time Along similar lines, they heard appropriately symbolic of many county Farm Bureau was under- price, plus the encouragement of government officials and a report from the Market-Devel- areas of Farm Bureau, with the lined in another recommendation, others to increase plantings to meet rising world food opment Division concerning Mich- group action of members through while another suggested that in needs. Response was such, the Farm Bureau officials ob- igan Farm Bureau's expanding marketing programs bringing more order to simplify Community served, that a bumper crop and glutted markets have farm-record service, including an income into agriculture; leg- Group structure, the officer lists caused wheat prices to tumble to their lowest point in 25 analysis of such systems made by 'sJative group action of Farm Bu- should include a Chairman who years, and to become a prime contributing factor in the a university specialist who has reau members, alJowing farmers is also the Program Chairman, a been involved in a study of farm to be heard effectively in Lansing Vice-Chairman, who is- also the drop of the farm parity ratio to 74 per cent, lowest since depression days. record and management services and Washington; and the member- Discussion Leader, and a Minute- now offered mid-west farmers. ship roll call group action of man who is also Assistant to the It is thought that a 20 per cent acreage cut in the mid- The specialist stated that the volunteer workers signing their Discussion Leader, plus an Infor- west soft wheat crop would mean a price improvement farm record servke now offered neighbors into Farm Bureau, the mation Chairman, who also serves of up to 2~ per bushel. Michigan farmers by the Michi- most basic of all group actions, as Package Reporter. gan Farm Bureau in cooperation and the one ultimately providing with the Iowa Farm Bureau, is the strength for all of the others. The annual meeting committee LETTERS TO THE EDITOR one of the best in the country for the price, and has the most poten- reviewed plans for the Young tial for further service of any of Farmer dinner (see program de- the systems available. tails, page 9), the Women's pro- Just as Fall is an "accounting" gram (pages 10 and 11), and Dear Editor: time of year for most farmers, the urged county Farm Bureaus to September meeting of the Michi- participate in nominating candi- Mutt and Jeff I was very pleased to receive the copies of your September Fire Loss dates for the "Distinguished Serv- (In a Farm News editorial en- gan Farm Bureau is one at which Michigan Farm News which con- Dear Sirs: ice to Agriculture" awards to be titled "Factual Funnies," reference programs and progress are re- tains an article about me. Mv Several weeks ago I lost my made at the annual banquet pro- was made to cartoonist AI Smith's viewed, along with budgets for family and I were pleased with barn and contents in a fire. I the new fiscal year. gram, November 7. They pointed nationally-syndicated comic strip the arrangement of the article want you to Imow that I am very out that unsuccessful nominations ""Mutt and Jeff' as one of the few Accordingly, a number of the and photographs. I was surprised thankful that I am part of a fam- from previous years may be re- consistently comical comics left. board actions were of a fiscal na- to see my picture on the front ily, a Farm Bureau family, that submitted by the county of origin. Mutt's fall into a well occasioned page. ture and budget-oriented, includ- helps you in time of need. Need for continuous Commun- editorial comparison to the eco- ing the appointment of William The article on page 2 sums The Farm Bureau Insurance ity Group promotion was stressed nomic plight of modern farmers. R. Beatti~, of Naperville, 111.,ias up my feelings well. I sincerely agent, Dale Johnson, was very by the board's adoption of a 10- This prompted artist Smith to Treasurer for the Michigan Farm think that the freedom to think helpful in outlining the necessary point list of program recommen- write as follows) Bureau abd affiliated Farm Bu- and act in accordance with one's steps for a proper claim settle- dations which stated that current Dear Mr. Woell: I was sur- reau_ Services, Inc., and Farmers intellect and motivations is neces- ment. The Claims Department objectives of Groups should in- prised and delighted when I read Petroleum Cooperative. sary if man is to make the most representative was also very ef- clude acting as " a closer linkage what you wrote about me and Beattie I (36) has an impressive between members and county, of the resources God has given to ficient and settlement of claim Mutt and Jeff. background of top financial man- state and American Farm Bu- him. The traditional Farm Bureau was promptly made. Your parallel in agriculture was agement within such corporations reaus;" serving as a medium for policy of agricultural freedom My sincere thanks to all mem- most interesting and true, and I as Mead Johnson (pharmaceuti- discovering and training leaders, from outside pressure and manip- bers of the Insurance Group who cals) and earlier, U.S. Steel. am pleased that you could use ulation has my support. and making possible a better in- the "deep well" idea to get your makes this possible. He will be directly responsible formed Farm Bureau membership. point across. Thanks and best Sincerely, Sincerely, for all areas of financial manage- Other objectives were: im- wishes. .ment and control. Earl E. Klager Gerald Waldeck provement of problem solving AI Smith Saline Caledonia Besides earmarking budget methods for members; creation of Demarest, New Jersey Washtenaw County Kent County MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Octo~er 1, 1967 FIVE THE TRUTH ABOUT CO-OP TAXES The net result of this, according not meet those requirements, the to Steffen, is that most Michigan corporation pays the regular in- cooperatives that engage in both come tax on refunds failing to marketing and supply business do thus qualify. not try to qualify for the income In answer to our question of - October is Co-op Month ~ tax exemption. Instead of keep- ing patronage records for distri- bution of patronage to every how this affects the affiliates of the Michigan Farm Bureau, Stef- fen said that the companies have With all the commotion na- to this rule are church affiliated regulations are based on the In- patron, they pay the income taxes decided that they could not com- tionally about "tax exempt cooper- organizatiC'us or organizations ternal Revenue Code of the amounts used to pay dividends ply with the exemption regula- atives," the question occurs, "What owning no property and doing United States and are adminis- on outstanding stock, and distri- tions and still do the job. tax advantages do cooperatives no business. tered very stringently by the U.S. bute the balance of their net As an example, he pointed out en;oy?" "So," we asked, "how about Treasury Department. earnings on member business to that Farmers Petroleum Cooper- For some answers to this and this talk of tax exempt coopera- Section 521 of the Internal members only. ative paid roughly $50,000 in other related questions we visited tives? H ow did it start?" Revenue Code lays out the fol- "What's the advantage of be- Federal income taxes in 1966 on the attorneys for Michigan Farm "The answer" said Ed Steffen, lowing requirements for any com- ing an