MICHIGAN FaRm' FARM NEWS Bureau •• n VOL. 54 NO.3 1, 1975 1975 Policy Explained Governo.r Given MFB Booklet Michigan Governor William Milliken met with MFB leaders in February to discuss Farm Bureau's 1975 policies. Presenting a copy of MFB's 1915 policy booklet to the Governor are [from left] Al Almy, MFB legislative counsel; Vice President Dean Pridgeon; Bob Smith, legislative counsel; Robert Branen, ad- ministrative director; and President Elton Smith. Illegal Aliens Farmers Week Planned Create Problems By M. J. BUSCHLEN. MASA The nation's oldest, continuous farm oriented observance comes to Michigan March 17 through 21. It's 100th year of the nation's Agricultural Experiment Stations and the 60th anniversary of MSU's "The nation's agriculture gaining increasing importance with the non-fanner. People want is 10 to 12 million. The majority of Michigan State University's Fanners' Week. to know more about food Dlegal aliens working in this these people are getting jobs in the Fanners' Week. production and its trends. Far- country are creating a problem of cities in the service industry, The week-long event has con- The more than 100 educational mers' Week is an excellent op- great significance to the whole factories, and on construction current sessions every hour of sessions, over 125speakers, scores portunity to learn the future of our nation. sights, that are needed by every day, and features the ap- of MSU departmental displays, agricultural producers and what it At first glance, it might appear unemployed citizens. Only 1f.J of pearance of Michigan Governor and the virtual fair of commercial means in terms of family living," that the interest of the Im- these jobs are in agriculture. The William G. Milliken at Thursdays exhibits, are not intended for says Byron Good, Fanners' Week migration Service and the Border rest are in industry and in service Governor's Breakfast. fanners only. Chairman. Patrol are at odds with growers corpora tions and may pay wages This year, and whenever a interest, and in some respects, of of $4 - 5 an hour and higher. Republican holds the Gover- course they are. However, if we The major part of the billions of norship, the breakfast is sponsored can look at the long and broad dollars earned annually by illegal by the Republican Farmers for range significance of the problem aliens is sent out of the country. Good Government. The then growers can probably share a The impact on the balance of Democratic Agriculture Com- common interest and work payments is substantial. In ad- mittee puts on the breakfast when together for a satisfactory solution. dition, illegal aliens pay little or no a Democrat is in the statehouse. Millions of people are pooring taxes. Many aliens admit they The purpose of both across the borders each year. receive welfare. Food stamps are organizations is to encourage the Hundreds of thousands more enter used by illegal aliens. Unemployed state government to focus on as visitors or students and remain Americans who are displaced in important farming issues. here to become illegal. In 1974,the the market by illegal aliens end up MFB Vice President Dean immigration service apprehended expecting welfare and collecting Pridgeon is chairman of Farmers some 80,000 illegal aliens in the u.nemployment checks. for Good Government with MFB United States. It is estimated that Fraudulent and counterfeit Board member Larry DeVuyst the illegal alien population in the documents including birth cer- acting as Vice Chairman. Michigan State University's Farmers' Week, March 17-21will feature U.S. is at least 4 to 6 million with tificau:s, alien identification cards The 1975theme, Spartan Science displays, exhibits and programs of interest to farmers and non-farmers some estima ted ranging as high as (Continued on page 7) -- Spanning a Century, marks the alike. Farmer-Clergy Forum Michigan Marketing Proiect '75 Held ... Page 3 Outlook ... Page 6 Succeeding ... Page 7 PAGE 2 MICHIGAN.FARM NEWS MARCH 1, 1975 Vigilance Still Needed "Once more the Michigan State Farm Bureau has being asked to produce more to helD feed a hungry world, demonstrated its ability to bring important benefits out of they are thwarted in their efforts by inflation, shortages, the organized strength of its individual Farm Bureau .and burdensome, unrealistic government regulations. members and affiliated farmer cooperative associations. Elimination of the sales tax exemption could well be the Any Farm Bureau member reflecting upon what the sales straw that breaks the camel's back. A small tractor today tax victory means to him should find satsifaction in his costs $10,000; add to that $400 in sales tax and it's a pretty membership. " heavy straw! That statement, from a Farm News editorial dated J_une The consumer has a stake in the outcome of this issue, 1, 1935, referred to the successful conclusion of Farm too. The "relief" he experienced with the elimination of Bureau's two-year fight to exempt farm supplies from the 3 sales tax on food will be short-lived. As the farmer's cost of percent sales tax, an accomplishment which was then production increases, it will eventually be reflected in estimated to save Michigan farmers over $500,000a year. higher food prices. Such legislation would also put Michigan Forty years later, in the 1975 membership application agriculture at a disadvantage with other states which have form brochure, the 4 percent sales tax exemption on the exemption. agricultural inputs, machinery, equipment and farm Farm Bureau will once again meet this challenge which supplies, is listed as one of the Farm Bureau's "dollars and threatens the economic well-being of Michigan farmers, cents" benefits. The figure now, of course, would be many just as it does on numerous issues year-around in the times the $500,000savings to farmers in 1935. legislative halls in Lansing and Washington. It's one of those membership benefits which bring back to farmers I'm sure many of you who worked on the membership many times the amount they pay for memberhiD dues. drive have been asked, "Why brag about something Farm We have an admirable record of success in the legislative Bureau did 40 years ago? What is it doing for me today?" arena. The secret of that success is our membership And I hope you responded with the fact that today Michigan strength. Our legislative staff is recognized as one of the farmers are realizing the sales tax savings because Farm most effective aM highly-respected in the state, but without Bureau has constantly fought to maintain it over the years. numbers to back them up, their efforts would be in vain. Winning a legislative battle, such as Farm Bureau won in This vital legislative clout is one of the reasons membership 1935, is only the beginning. Fighting to maintain what we workers throughout the state have been calling on their have won is an ongoing process. neighbors to ask them to join Farm Bureau. It's happening right now, on the very same issue. Last If your county hasn't reached its goal yet, this vital issue year, the Sta te of Michigan lost several sources of revenue, we are now facing, that affects the welfare of every farmer, mainly the sales tax on food, and is now engaged in an should be a good selling point. As the 1935 editorial in- almost frantic search for funds. The new chairman of the dicates: any Farm Bureau member reflecting upon what Senate Taxation Committee has come up with at least one the sales tax victory means to him should find satisfaction source -- elimination of the sales tax exemption on in his membership .. agricultural inputs in the production of food. During the intervening 40 years, we've been able to make If such legislation were passed, it would have an adverse that statement about many victories. In 1975, we'll once effect on Michigan agriculture. At a time when farmers are again say it with confidence. MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Plan Now Citizenship Seminar ID6NNA I Blood, Sweat and Tears. The Michigan FARM published monthly. on the first day. by the Michigan Fann Bureau Infonnation NEWS is Scheduled for June My Mom taught me early in life together into one cohesive body Division. Editorial and general offices at Plans are being made for The Seminar, to be held on the that hard work was next to with a common goal. • 7373 West Saginaw Highway. Lansing. Michigan Farm Bureau's ,twelfth campus of Albion College, Albion, Godliness, so "Blood, Sweat and That cohesiveness, which was so Michigan 48904. Post Office Box 960. Telephone, Laming ~-8121. Extension annual Young People's Citizenship Mich., will feature outstanding Tears" has long been a familiar important to thei~"ultim~te goal, 228. Publication office. 109 N. Lafayette Seminar scheduled for June 23-27, resource speakers who will act as term in my vocabulary. I know did not happen instantly during St .• Greenville. Michigan. Subscription 1975. instructors during the week-long price. 65 cents per year. that one doesn't have to actually th~~r first meeting last April. It Established January 13. 1923. Second The Seminar will bring together event. bleed, perspire and cry, or be in- happened gradually in their search Class Postage paid at Greenville. three or four top high school volved in physical labor to ex- for the right answers-a search that Michigan. juniors or seniors from each Students attending will be EDITORIAl.: Editor: Jim Phillips: perience it. I've gotten a sweaty took them through interviews with Associate Editor: Donna Wilber: Staff GO\lntyin t~e"s~t~ for one week of cnosen by their County Farm brain lots of times. '... coun ty boards, Michigan and Photographer. Marcia Qitchie'. :. ~dY and activities dealing with: Bureaus"with enrollment deadline It was my privilege to witness a American Farm Bureau resource OFFI('ERS: Michigan Farm Bureau: set at April 15. President. Elton R. Smith. Caledonia. R- the "American Way of Life," very special group in a collective people, and other state Farm 1: Vice President. Dean Pridgeon. people and governments around "Blood, Sweat and Tears" Bureau leaders and staff. It Montgomery. R-I: Administrative the world, the private enterprise Questions related to the Seminar situation and share the results of strengthened during long hours of Director. Rol.ert Braden. Lansing: system and the American political should be directed to the local their efforts. It was a classic discussion and study as they Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer. Max D. Dean: Secretary. William S. system. County Farm Bureau. example of Farm Bureau's ef- struggled to mold their decisions Wilkinson. IHRECTORS: District 1. Arthur fective policy development-policy about what was right for Farm Bailey. Schoolcraft: Pridgeon. Montgomery. District 2. Dean R-1: District 3, Andrew Jackson. Howell. R-1. District 4. Elton R. Smith. Caledonia. R-1: District Information Division execution process, of volunteer leaders answering a charge with dedication aM determination. The Bureau mendations ... into Their package, solid recom- which was 5. William ~ike. Owosso. R-3: District experience of watching words in a presented to the Michigan Farm 6. Jack Laurie. Cass City ~R'3: District i. Kenneth Bull. Bailey. R-1: District 8. Larry DeVuyst. Ithaca. R-4: District 9. Gets New Staffer policy book transformed into a power-packed action group was Burea u board of directors recently, was relatively simple in Donaki Nugent. Frankfort. R-1: District Cindy Sage has joined the one I'll never forget and one which appearance. It didn't really look 10. Richard Wieland. Ellsworth. R-1: Michigan Farm Bureau In- was too great not to be shared. like its formulation took 3,000 man District 11. Franklin Schwiderson. Dafter. formation and Public Relations A few short paragraphs in the hours, thousands of miles of travel, ()IRE('TORS ,\T I.ARGE: Waiter Division as an Information Michigan Farm Bureau 1974policy reams.of material that collectively Frahm. Frankenmuth: James L. Sayre. Specialist. book that started it all asked for a stacked could form a small Belleville: Gerald Elenbaum. O\\o'en- dale. Miss Sage has served for the past study committee to look at the mountain, a bottle of aspirin, and \H>:\IEl'\ OF F,\R:\1 Rt:REAU: Mrs. 2 years as Administrative organization to make sure that it countless prayers. Richard Wieland, Ellsworth. R-t. I saw it happen .... and I'm FARM Rl!RE,\l' YOl't\;G FARM- Assistant to Senator Zaagman. was keeping pace with the ERS: Gary Nye. Hillsdale. Prior to tha t, she headed the changing needs of farmers and to glad. That potent little package publicity campaign for Mrs. Mary insure that it would remain strong will surely chart the future course POSTMASTER: In using ronn 3579. of this great organization of ours. mail to: Michigan Fann News. 7373 Coleman in her successful bid for aM viable in the future. West Saginaw Highway. Lansing. the office of Michigan Supreme That knowledge, and the personal Michigan 48904. Court Justice. The first step toward executing leadership development of those St-cond class postage In addition, Miss Sage has that policy was the appointment of involved, will be the rewards for paid at headed the Hastings Chamber of a committee. How do you select a the "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (;reen\'iIIe. Michigan Commerce, been employed on the winning combination that will poured into this endeavor by 15 news staff of a radio station and a guarantee results? You go to the great farm people. reporter for two newspapers. people who DON'T have the time To complete the execution of the for such an uMertaking-those who FaRm~ In her duties with the Michigan Farm Bureau, Miss Sage will participate in Farm Bureau radio are busy, full time, making their farming operations successful. policy organization's adopted back in December, by the voting delegates 1973, the BUreaU shows, serve as a writer for news stories and will develop display You go to the people who care- really care--a bout their project will now return to its point of origination--back to the mem- Cindy Sage organization and agriculture and bers--for acceptance and im- aM fair booth material. their communities and the future plementation. They'll turn the of each of these. And, somehow, words into action. MOVING? you come up with 15 very strong individuals, representing a cross- Watching the words born was a great experience; being involved Planning to move? Let us know 8 print new address in space section of geographic areas and in the resulting action will be even weeks in advance so you won't provided. Mail to: Michigan Farm commodity interests, who blend greater. miss a single issue of the Michigan News, P.O. Box 960, Lansing, Farm News. Attach old label and Name Address Michigan 48904. Don't Forget to Use Your City State County of Membership Zip Code FBS/FPC Gift Certificate MARCH 1, 1975 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS PAGE 3 Young Farmers in Sf. Louis Open Line Meetings Mich. Group Attends Meet Draw Over 800 - State Young Fanner Committee Young Farmers to avail them- Also on hand was Jesse Taggart: Chairman Gary Nye, Hillsdale selves of opportunities for making MFB Young Farmer Programs County, led a Michigan delegation maximum contributions as Manager. of ten to the American Farm members of the farm family to the Bureau Federation's Young life of Farm Bureau. Panel presentations during the / Fanners' leaders conference in St. An impox;tant conference _goal four-day affair dealt with, "In-, Louis, Missouri, last month. was to strengthen and encourage fluences on the Fanner and His Nye was a speaker at the con- .leadersndh~pdethvelopmnfent. I Markets" and "Finance, Credit ference and told the more than 450 Atte mg e co erence a ong and Management Needs of Young with Nye were Young Farmer Fanners and Ranchers." conferees of Michigan's success in Committee members Tom and discussion meet organization, Lynn Atherton, Genesee County; Featured speakers included district meeting planning and Don Gilmer, Kalamazoo County; AFBF President William Kuhfuss, consumer education programs. Ken Gasper, Ionia County; Nels AFBF Secretary-Treasurer Roger The purpose of the conference Nyblad, Kent County; Jim and Fleming and Dr. Roy Kottman, was to provide education and Linda Cronin, St. Clair County and Dean, College of Agriculture, Ohio motivation for Farm Bureau Doug Brook, Clinton County. State University. MFB Legislative Counsel, Bob Smith, was one of the featured 'Farmer-Clergy Forum' Insurance Starts speakers at this year's Open-Line Meetings. Over 800attended the three meetings held.in Battle Creek, Cadillac and Frankenmuth last month: The meetings, sponsor~ by Farm Bureau Services and Farmers New Campaigns Held in lansing Petroleum, brought together supply and membership co-op leaders and members. Health . Proteetion all the WIG to market WITH AUREO S-P 250* FOLLOWED BY .AUREOMYCIN. * Order your next herd "health insurance" by the ton with our starter and grower feeds con- taining AUREO S-P 250 and our finisher feeds with AUREOMYCIN (50 gm.perton). Available at your New Reward Farm Bureau Dealer Progra,m Offered A $200reward program will be started in March for all Farm Bureau members who wish to participate. Under the program Michigan Fann Bureau will offer a reward of $200 for the arrest and conviction of persons committing theft, arson or va ndalism to premises plus theft to automobiles and trucks off the premises of a participating member who has a reward sign prominently displayed on the premises at the time of loss .. To be eligible for the program a member must complete the followmg requirements: 1. Maintain a current Fann Bureau Membership. Where Your Farm Comes First Ex Boa rd FaRm~ 2. Purchase- a "Kit" consisting of two 8 inch by 12 inch plastic reward signs, two two-sided vehicle decals and two one-sided vehicle decals. 3: Display signs and stickers in prominent places .. Mem ber Reti res Kits will be available through the County Farm Bureau offIce for $3. Purchase of the kit will enroll the member in the program until Fell rom ege BUreaU January 1, 1978,as long as a paid-up membership is maintain~. Ad- 0 ditional signs, decals and stickers will be available at County offl~es for Former Michigan Farm Bureau a nominal fee. Board member Clayton Ford has Those not eligible for the rewards include anyone connected with any recently retired as President of the law enforcement agency or where duties or occupation include Board of Trustees of Bay de Noc responsibility for law enforcement, persons having an interest in t~e Community College in Escanaba. subject property, or persons employed by Michigan Fann Bureau or Its Ford was one of the original FARM BUREAU SERVICES, INC affiliates. members of the Upper Peninsula Rewards deemed payable will be divided equally among all who are college's first Board of Trustees. eligible as recipients. Farm Bureau members know Only one reward will apply to each occurrance, regardless of the Ford as a U.P. dairyman who number of perpetrators involved in the occurrance. Only one reward served as County President and as will apply when a perpetrator is connected to more than one oc- a member of the MFB Board *Trademark of American Cyanamid Co. I currance. representing District II. PAGE 4 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MARCH 1r'1975. CAPITOL REPORT Robert E. Smith Tax Issues Concern Farmers Activity of tl)e Michigan food prices. It may be looked upon Still another tax issue that can be Legislation has been introduced Such legislation is important, not Legislature is beginning to ac- as a convenient way of reimposing, extremely important to in both- Houses to assist in the only to meet the present problems celerate. Literally hundreds of to. a great extent, the sales tax on agriculture is whether- the new problems created by the PBB but recognizing in the future there bills are being introduced. At the food by first making farmers pay proposed tax called "business contamination. One proposal by may be instances of contamination present rate of introduction, it can the cost, then sooner or later the income tax" applies to agriculture. Senator Welborn would require the where no one respmsible can be be expected that there will be consumer. On the other hand, At the present, it is interpreted that Department of Agriculture to found, but yet the farmer could another record number of bills that during times of adequate it would. This propmal is similar to condemn aoo dispose of con- have his lifestock quarantined will affect agriculture and rural production it is impossible for a "value added tax" (VAT). Under taminated animals and then pay without indemnification. areas. In addition, many issues are farmers to P.Clsson such increased such a tax, depending on how it is the owner for the value of the Other legislation being in- beginning to arise that are of an cost. During times of shortages, finally written, it is in affect a tax animal. The state would then troduced is several bills on lit- interpretation nature that will however, prices do rise to offset on gross with only a few deduc- recover any such cost from those tering ... regulating or banning affect farmers. such costs. In any event, such a tions. who may be responsible and liable sale of beverages in metal con- proposaf is a serious backward for the contamination. Another tainers; requ~ng bottle deposits step in the effort to have equity of Inheritance Tax provision will also require in- and providing for "certification" TAXATION taxation. Legislation has been introduced surance companies to make of containers. One tax issue of major concern to Another major" issue in which to completely revise the Michigan prompt settlements. Other bills require a covering on fanners has appeared in the fonn Farm Bureau is deeply involved is Inheritance Tax (HB 4329).The bill Other legislation (HB 4184) in- trucks to prevent litte~g have of an announcement by Senator a recent interpretation by the State consists of 35 pages, but is not yet troduced to Representative Ostling been re-introduced. Such bills are Bowman (D-Roseville), the new Tax Commission tha t will make printed in order to know exactly would provide low-interest loans to controversial and if passed, in chairman of the Senate Tax some 'farm personal property what is proposed. Other bills on farmers that have contaminated many cases, would add con- Committee. Senator Bowman assessable. For example, the Tax this issue are expected to be in- livestock. This bill is now iri the siderable expense to farmers to announced that it is his intention to Commission maintains that troduced which will be in line with House Appropriations Committee. equip trucks, etc., with covers. attempt to eliminate the sales tax potatoes in storage are taxable and Farm Bureau policies on this exemption on agricultural imputs, such machinery as graders, serious issue. such as machinery, equipment, washers, etc. are also taxable. etc. The legislation has not yet Another example that has oc- been introduced to know exactly whether the total sales tax exemption on feeds, seeds, fer- tilizer, machinery, equipment, and curred is grain farmers who sell some of their production for seed is maintained that the cleaning equipment is taxable. Still other LABOR There are numerous bills being introduced nearly every day on labor issues, most of which will House leaders other agricultural products will be examples are reported from those affect agriculture. There are eliminated, or if the exemptions raising vegetables which the Tax several on u~mployment com- would remain on those items such as feed, seed and fertilizer that become an actual part of the Commission maintains that cer- tain equipment, graders, baggers, etc, are taxable. Farm Bureau pensation ... many extending coverage, others eliminating some of the exemptions, and one that will Receive MFB agriculture commodity. In either maintains that the personal expand the coverage for case, this is a major issue for property exemption passed into agriculture employees. All of farmers am would result in major law a few years ago is broad these, if passed, would add up to increases in the cost of products. It is also, in the long run, a major issue to consumers as sooner or enough to exempt this kind of equipment when it is used as part of the regular farm operations. It higher premium cost, thus higher production costs. Other labor bills being introduced include extending Pol icy Books .. later such increased cast must be appears that this will be a major the coverage of the minimum wage passed on in the form of higher issue. law to employees of one or more; here again eliminating some-of the exemptions that have been in the law for smaller employers. There. is proposed legislation to bring agriculture under the unem- ployment law, which if passed would add additional cost to the farmer who hires any labor. This has already been established to some degree by the federal government making unem- Last chance for orders this winter in Farm ployment benefits available to Bureau's unique IIMember to Member" pro- farm employees. Under that gram. emergency program, the entire cost is being paid by federal funds. However, once this has been started, it can be expected that either congress or the states will PINK SEEDLESS TEMPLE follow up to pass such an unem- ployment benefit statute where the GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES employer, or fanner in this case, would be required to pay the cost. Speaker of the House Bobby Crim [center] was the recipient of Other laboc legislation includes Michigan Farm Bureau's 1975policy booklet recently. The presentation several bills dealing with teacher's unions am whether they will be was made by [left to right] MFB Legislative Counsels AI Almy and given the right to strike. Robert E. Smith, vice president Dean Pridgeon and president Elton R. Smith. AGRICULTURE PEANUTS PECANS Some of the legislation that will be introduced dealing strictly with agriculture, will include an up- dating of the state fertilizer laws, also modernizing the state feed laws. New pesticide legislation will HiDENSITY ORANGE CONCENTRATE be introduced to conform with federal regulations am yet keep control as nearly as possible within the state. Dairy legislation in- Stop by your county Farm Bureau office cludes HB 4129 which would require the dating of dairy today and place your order for the finest products f. NYLE L. KATZ, Executive Director because the bacteria it needs to income for the State of Michigan. Commodities sold a broad in- form nitrogen root nodules are not We have held our position as 22nd cluded fruits and preparations, $7.9 Michigan Rural Rehabilitation Corporation present in the soil here in adequate in the nation," he said, "a good million; dairy products, $3.3 amounts. The Soviet Scientists showing when competing with such million; meat (excluding poultry), P. O. Box 188 have agreed to send some of the year-around producing states as $3.6 million; hides and skins, $8.9 Florida and California." million; poultry products, $1.4 Marshall, Michigan 49068 necessary bacterial inoculum and several Kura clover varieties to Michigan's largest seller million; lard and tallow, $5.4 Phone: 616-781-4646 the U.S. overseas. according to Forrest million; other items, $37.2 million. PAGE 6 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MARCH 1, 1975 Michigan Marketing Outlook DAIRY resulted in a 112,000case purchase livestock prices. Choice butcher positive effect on markets, an unfavorable factor in the In spite of the high unem- of apple juice. Retailers and state cattle yield grade 2-4 have been however, administration policy market. ployment level in the economy am agencies have agreed to put em- selling near the $35.00 mark in would not appear to be leaning in A flood of grower selling would constant clatter about the high cost phasis on promoting consumption recent days. that direction. undoubtedly lower the price. of food, Class I milk sales appeared of apple products. As the grass gets greener and the CORN Early planting intentions were to be heading in the right direction. A marginally weaker-to-steady "non-feds" get turned out, I expect We ha ve been experiencing a estimated to be down 8%. Some Milk receipts from producers in market would appear to be the choice cattle to move back to the stable corn market and expect to bean growers plan to switch to Federal Order 40 are up aJr outlook for processed fruit and high 30's to low 40's. continue this trend well into spring some of the colored varieties. proximately I1h percent over vegetable markets for the balance Grazing season will increase the planting. Once the 1974 corn crop is Good advice for bean growers January 1974. At the same time, of the 1974 crop pack year. demaoo for feeders and cause a cleaned up, there will be very little would be to market their beans in Class I sales are below a year ago, Movement of many of the major modest price increase in feeder carryover of corn stocks. However, an orderly manner and shoot for a but the most important factor is commodities has been depressed cattle. the big question in the corn crop is good average price. they are up from the preceding during November and December. Choice feeder cattle 500-700- how much corn will be planted this BiD Byrum month. Class I utilization in Shipments should approach pounds will probably cost around spring and how good a crop will it Market Development December 1974 was 63.78 com- historical trends for the remainder $27.()()with heavier weight feeders be. pared to January 1975 at 66.23. The of the season, depending on con- as much as $2.00 higher by mid- Also cost and availability of national picture also has at least one bright spot. December was the sumption as related to consumers' disposable income. April. Nitrogen supplies and seed Butcher hogs continue to remain availability am germination are Soy_bea n Day only month in 1974 that producer Prices am other terms of sale near the $40.00 mark. Based on factors. receipts used in Class I products were not below those of the year earlier. for processing vegetables grown current inventory reports, we The current price for corn is under preplanting contracts are should see some price increase around $2.70per bushel at the fann currently being determined during the next sixty days. level. is March 12 Market for cull cows continues through association bargaining or The a pparent herd reductions, WHEAT The 3rd annual 'Michigan Farm weak with prices down at least unilateral offers to growers by especially among feeder pig Current fann prices. for wheat Bureau Soybean Day will be held $5.00 from last year at the same processors. 'Growers are again producers has created a reduced are near $3.50 per bushel. There Wednesday, March 12. 1975 from 9 time. Feed costs continue high, faced with increases in costs of supply of feeder pigs and con- appears to be a very large a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, specifically hay, which is in aJr production, and contract terms sequently, a significant price in- carryover am. prospects for a Adrian, Michigan. parent short supply with high must be improved to provide them crease. Feeder pigs could run in large 1975 crop are good. These Dr. Robert Wisner, Extension prices. an opportunity for profit. the mid 30's during the 'liext 30 factors point to lower wheat prices Economist in Field Crops, at Iowa Ron Nelson, Growers of fresh market onions, days. in 1975. State University, along with Donn Market Development Division potatoes, and apples are un- Livestock producers should SOYBEANS Kunz, Manager, Michigan fortunately doing more than their continue to observe carryover corn Uncertainty is the word in the Elevator Exchange, will analyze FRUIT AND VEGETABLES share of combating the high cost of stocks, plus the planting intentions. soybean market. Competition from the short and long-range demand Movement of apples out of food, inflation, and the high cost of These two factors, plus weather foreigh producers, such as Brazil, situation. storage in Michigan for processing living. Wholesale prices for these conditions for corn growing and is having a down effect on the bean All soybean producers are has been less than normal due to commodities are substantially grazing are especially critical to market. Current farm price for welcome to attend. The fee for the lack of processor demand resulting below year-ago levels. cattlemens' decisions during the soybeans is around $5.40 a bushel. Soybean Day will be $5.50, which from large inventories of aJr Noel Stuckman balance of the year. includes lunch. To members of the plesauce, juice, and frozen slices. MACMA Bill Byrum NAVY BEANS Michigan Soybean Commodity There is a possibility that a large Market Development Current navy bean price in the Division, the cost will be only $1.50. volume of apples may have to be LIVESTOCK country is $12.00 c.w.t. Lack of Now is the time to get your dumped because of a lack of Livestock prices continue to feel FIELD CROPS growers selling is currently con- Soybean Commodity Division market. Extensive efforts by the effect of the increased supply of The price pa tooms for field crops tributing to some strength in the membership. For further- in- MACMA, Farm Bureau, growers, non-fed beef. both current am distant are very navy bean market. formation, contact your county am industry groups to get the The apparent reduction in vulnerable to weather and markets However, there a ppears to be a Farm Bureau office and/or David USDA to purchase apple products consumer spending and the overall well into the fall corn harvest. limited amount of volume buyers Wolfe, Michigan Fann Bureau, for the School Lunch and SUJr economic climate is apparently Possible opportunity for expanding for beans. The lowering of the P.O. Box 960, Lansing, Michigan plemental Food Programs has contributing to unprofitable export sales would also have a Canadian price for export is also 48904. Added Protection Blue Cross and Blue Shield Add Benefits to Michigan Farm Bureau Group Coverage. New Master now. The deadline for Medical plan now enrolling is March 15. includes coverage that See your Farm Bureau increases your benefits Secretary for further beyond your basic details. Give your program. family the security of These added Blue Cross and Blue benefits are effective Shield protection. now for those Farm Bureau members already enrolled. Those who are not enrolled and are eligible may join us. Blue Cross 8 Blue Shield~ of Michigan MARCH 1, 1975 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS PAGE 7 Membership Troops Near Victory Leading Regiments and Generals Ranked as 1975 "Dedicated Dozen" Frank Schwiderson Chippewa Dave Pohl. Clinton County membership chairman, congratulates his ..team" at victory party typical of many held throughout the State. Forge Ahead of Last Year's Gains 1974-1975l\1EMBERSHIP COMPARISON SHEET As of Feb. 15 QUOTA: 61097 QUOTA: 60709 GOAL: 61098 GOAL: 60710 1975 1974 Date 2-13 2-14 New 2922 2552 Renewals 56,263 55,923 Life Mbrs:- 89 94 TOTAL MEMBERS 59,274 58,569 %Maint. 92.09 92.12 Dave Pohl Eleanor Busman %Goal 97.01 96.48 Ottawa NEEDED FOR GOAL: 1824 2141 Clinton Counties Building CREATIVE TOURS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Spirit for '76 Presents To Copeer Country 104.38 Gladwin 97.63 KalKaska - Mac-Luce 103'<17Washtenaw 102.79 Sanilac 97.39 97.18 MICHIGAN FARM TWO vacations for the price of one! -- Benzie 102.78 Cass 97.17 Chippewa 102.32 Lenawee 97.14 BUREAU MEMBERS 1008YS Presque Isle 101.53 La peer 97 .10 Osceola 101.ffi Macomb 97.ffi IIU1I1"" & Allegan Antrim Wexford North West Mich. Charlevoix 100.m St. Clair 100.92 Montcalm 100.80 St. Joseph 100.63 Barry 100.59 Huron 96.99 96.93 96.75 96.67 96.66 and frlend~ . and ~elr Immediate fam:I~: " leas Saginaw 100.53 Midlaoo 96.51 Arenac 100.39 Iosco , 96.49 '.CLUDES: . ~';:' Clinton 100.39 Livingston 96.38 • Tourist class jet via United Air Linea ~ ~ Oceana 100.36 Kent 96.33 • Complimentary meals and beverages enroute • FREE tote bag to all passen- Branch 100.33 Wayne 95.76 gers. Round trip airport/hotel transfef$ Tuscola 100.28 Jackson 95.63 • Flower Lei greeting on arrival .Sday. $399°0 Mason 100.25 Ionia 95.48 and 7 nights at SHERA TON PRINCESS KAIULANI, or similar. Welcome brief- Ottawa 100.22 Emmet m.23 Ing 1st morning. Sightseeing tour of Cheboygan 100.00 Hiawathaland 95.14 old and new Honolulu. Completely Clare 100.00 Hillsdale 95.12 e.corted Per Person Iron Range 100.00 Muskegon 95.10 double oc:c. Manistee 100.00 Ogemaw 95.00 INCLUDES: Menominee 100.00 Calhoun 94.52 • Overnight jet flight tourist class via Add 10'1lt tor taxes & services to all rate •• Missaukee 100.00 Ingham 93.52 United Air Llna. between Honolulu and Also add S3.20 tor airport security taxes. Las Vegas. Morning arrival in Las Vegas Van Buren 100.00 Otsego 93.50 .Round trip airport/hotel transfers. 3 For more Shiawassee Bay 99.24 Eaton 98.76 Mecosta 93.41 92.74 information days and 2 swinging night. at the Fab- ulous FLAIlINGO HILTON RESORT April 28 - Hotel. Full American Breakfast daily Newaygo 98.76 Kalamazoo 90.90 Joe or Shirley Monroe 98.75 Alpena 90.24 754-6160 • Plenty of free time to swing in the fastest city in the world. escorted COGlPletely May 8,1975 Alcona 98.47 Oakland 88.55 Gratiot 98.35 Montmorency 87.15 or JUDY GRANGER Chihhn 2 -II, $100 credit wtIIIl sharln, 100llI witfl 2 lull Payinl adllllS. Berrian 98.08 Genesee 85.02 (517 371-2200 ell 577 Final .. , .... t due 45 day. prior to departure. $SO credit WIIhen SMrinlloo. will one -....--.- lull payialllllit. Isabella 97.68 - - - - CIi, IU Mall '1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREATIVE TOURS INTERNATIONAL, Inc: Hawaii I La. Vega. 1875 ~ Illegal Aliens '-"" t t5 ... " .. ....-. .. 2.00 V.. DJU, Wane., IIlchigan 41013 FBEAA-42875 ............ ........... ..a..- ~ ,.. ... (Continued from Page 1) Enclosed Is S Minimum deposit Is S1to.00 1* ... on. "S (0 Deposit) (OFull payment) foe reservations . ~" •• .. .... ..... ca. ~ c:..... An , ..' ,.. ,... ",1' .. . I' c.qa c - .... - .. " 111 increased usage of the larger tires. present. High quality twine is SO Star Lap*) Pmlil »S1 00 Flag Window Sticker available at Farm Bureau Ser- Pressure sensitive. Applies Tractor tire shortages are an in- S . t i n l i n m i l Uapal Ptn(s) ,>tl 00 to inside glass. Choice of dustry-wide problem affecting all vices' dealers for farmers who Illustrated Flat History Sook(t) » S 3 95 50-Star, Betsy Ross, or tire distributors. We are wish to buy ahead. Sicantanniai/Fiao, Bumper Stnp(s) » » 50 Bennington '76 Flag. forecasting this short supply SEEDS $ .35 each. situation will continue through the Seed Corn will be tight and the PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE AND DELIVERY CHARGES coming planting season. best grades of the higher ger- PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO U.S. B I C E N T E N N I A L SOCIETY FEEDS minating varieties will be hard to Market conditions for sales of obtain. But other field seeds are Name. feed ingredients were off through adequate and less expensive than a the middle of February and hit new year ago. Address price lows. These lower prices ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS City .State. Zip were being accepted for soybeans, Our manufacturers continue to corn, wheat and feed grains in do a good job of supplying patrons' Residents of Virginia Add 4% sales tax. general. The demand in February needs and the supply of a large \ for feed grains was dull as both variety of aid is adequate. MARCH 1, 1975 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS PAGE 9 s At Farm Bureau Services we offer a total feed service able to assist Michigan farmers in determining proper and profitable feeding programs, as well as solving individual problems. Th~ Farm Bureau feed team, backed ,by a staff veterinarian and nutritionis~ provides you with the most up-to-date feed information. In cooperation with other farm co-ops, Farm Bureau Services operates 10 research fa~ms where new feeds, feeding tec~niques and health practices are tested. Recently we installed a Scidata mini-computer, to asswtour feed nutritionist in determining the most - 'dective feed foiiriulations for desired production goals. In addition to these services, Farm Bureau offers a wide variety of excellent feeds, including Uquid Protein Supplement (LPS) which has been widely accepted as a versatile liquid supplement for all types of feeding operations. Talk to your Farm Bureau feedman now. He'll work up a feed program to fit your particular needs. It's service you can _ depend on ... from the Farm Bureau people. ASKTH£ FARM BlJREAIJ PEOPLE PAGE 10 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MARCH 1, 1975 Master e What's It All About? d• I C a I MASTER MEDICAL PROGRAM " f The high rate of increase in health care costs, plus the pressure and need for specialized health care services, is placing a heavy financial burden on many. Last December, the voting delegates at the Michigan Farm Bureau annual meeting recommended that effective February 20, 1975 "the basic Comprehensive Blue Cross- Blue Shield contract plus Master Medical benefits be provided all Farm Bureau member-subscribers who are TUVIC not eligible for Medicare." They also recommended that "the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Complementary to Medicare contract plus Master Medical benefits be provided to all by KEN WILES Farm Bureau member-subscribers who are eligible for Manager Member Relations Medicare. " As indicated above, the amount of coverage provided by Master Medical for those not eligible for Medicare is more extensive than the coverage provided for those eligible for Medicare. The reason for this is that by federal law Medicare provides many of the coverages those under 65 years of age must provide for themselves and their families. rest homes or similaIe institutions; domicilary care, SUBMITTING CLAIMS custodial care and rest therapy; pre-marital examinations ; pre-employment examinations; routine or periodical Shortly all Farm Bureau members will be' receiving, if physical examinations; services related to the they haven't already, an envelope containing material and BASIC INFORMATION instructions for submitting claims to Master Medical. In the examination, fitting or purchase of eyeglasses, other corrective visual devices, hearing aids or dentures. envelope will be claim application forms, a new iden- What is Master Medical? Master Medical broadens and tification card, a copy of the Master Medical contract, a extends basic Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage to Other exclusions are: services required as the result of brochure explaining how to file claims and envelopes to use orotect the subscriber against the high cost of unusual or occupationalinjuries; services rendered by a person who is in submitting claims. ong-term illness. It also eases the burden of cumulative not legally qualified and licensed to practice medicine or bills for less serious illnesses which the subscriber would perform surgery; cost of transportation and travel; ser- Read and study the instructions thoroughly, and have to payout of his pocket. vices which are a benefit under the basic Blue Cross or Blue remember the key to complete health care protection is Shield contracts; miniature x-rays, screening procedures your Blue Cross-Blue ~hield identification card. What is a benefit period? A benefit period begins the day a member incurs expense for an eligible benefit claimed and those procedures which are not directly related and Whenever you or a member of your family obtain ser- under Master Medical and ends one year later. For those necessary to the diagnosis and generally accepted therapy ; vices which are related to health care present your iden- with Master Medical 65benefits coverage the benefit period charges for room over and above the allowance of the basic tification card to the provider of the service. If the provided is the calendar year. contract; items required for the comfort or convenience of informs you the services are not a Blue Cross-Blue Shield the patient. benefit, mention that you also have Master Medical and in What is meant by C~pay? The Co-pay is a given per- order to file your claim, you must have a detailed bill or centage of the amount paid for eligible services. The Co-pay In addition to the above exclusions, the pre-existing receipt amount is deducted from all services paid by Master clause applies to the three types of service listed below: Medical after the deductible has been met. The Co-pay In order to take full advantage of your Master Medical amount is determined by the type of Master Medical a. Master Medical provides for dental services which are coverage, you will need to save all bills am receipts which coverage the subscriber has, and is the subscriber's required as the result of an accidental injury to the natural are for health care services. It is suggested that you store liability . teeth caused by an external force. However, no benefits will all of your medical expenses in a place which is easily What is meant by deductible? The deductibles represents be provided for dental services which are,-equired because accessible to all members of your family. Then periodically the amount the member or members must spend on eligible d an accident which occurred prior to February 20, 1975. review your accumulated expenses. Once you have covered expenses in anyone benefit year before Master acquired enough eligible expenses to accommodate your Medical begins reimbursement. Expenses incurred for b. Master Medical provides benefits for functional and deductible, review your bills and receipts for completeness eligible services provided for all members of the family non-functional prosthetic appliances required as the result of information. You will then be ready to file your claims may be applied to the deductible. However, no one member d a disease or an accidental injury. But, to receive services application with Master Medical may contribute more than the "per person" deductible under Master Medical the disease must have been amount. The remainder of the family deductible must be diagnosed or the injury sustained on or after February 20, In order to review your Master Medical claims for made up by the other members of the family. 1975 . payment, certain information will be required on each . receipt submitted. By checking each receipt for accuracy If one member meets the "per person" deductible, but am completeness of information before submitting it to the combined eligible expenses of the other members do not c. Master Medical also provides as an Extended Benefit Master Medical, you will eliminate the delays in processing equal the "per family" deductible, benefits are provided for benefits for hospital admissions for plastic surgery after your claim which occur when unacceptable receipts are the member who meets the "per person" deductible only. the basic Blue Cross days have been exhausted. However, submitted. All other services are rejected. in order to be eligible, the plastic surgery must be required as the result of a congential anomaly or accidental injury Attach original bills or receipts to the Master Medical If one member meets the "per person" deductible, claim application. Copies of these receipts should be ob- benefits are provided for the member who meets the "per occurring after the effective date of Master Medical coverage (February 20, 1975). tained for your records, since Master Medical will be person" deductible only. All other services are rejected. unable to return your receipts after they have been How can the benefits maximums be restored? The processed. ONLY OFFICIAL RECEIPTS FROM THE Are there exclusions in the Master Medical 65 contract? Master Medical contract specifically limits the dollar PROVIDER OF SERVICE WILL BE ACCEPTABLE. Yes, the following services are excluded as benefits under amount for extended benefits to $100,000 per person per CASH REGISTER TAPES, CANCELLED CHECKS, the Master Medical 65 contract: benefit period. Dollar amounts for additional benefits are MONEY ORDER STUBS, ETC. ARE NOT OFFICIAL -services of convalescent homes, nursing homes, rest limited to $15,000per person per benefit period and $30,000 homes or similar institutions. RECEIPTS AND THEREFORE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE per person per two or more benefit periods. The maximum BY MASTER MEDICAL. -domiciliary care, custodial care of rest therapy. for Additional Benefits is restored at the rate of $1,000.00 -pre-employment examinations. per calendar year not to exceed the total maximum -routine or periodIcal physical examinations. Claims must be filed within 180 days of the end of the allowed. The amount paid is deducted from the restored -examination, preparation, fitting or procurement of eye benefit year. If you live close to a Blue Cross-Blue Shield maximum. Deductible and Co-pay amounts do not apply glasses or other corrective visual appliances. office, you may wish to take your claim in to have it toward the maximum. Only the next amount paid by -examination, preparation, fitting or procurement of reviewed before submitting it. Remember, however, Master Medical is charged to the member's maximum. .hearing aids. responsibility for maintaining proper receipts, preparation Are there any exclusions to the coverage provided? Yes. -examination, preparation, fitting or procurement of am timely submission of the claims application rests with Generally speaking the following services are not .c~vered dentures. the individual subscriber. uhder Master Medical: services related. to condIti~ns. of -room rate differences. If you have any questions regarding your Blue Cross-Blue pregnaocy; services required for cosmetIc or ~eauhfymg -convenience items such as telephone, television and Shield coverage contact your county Farm Bureau purposes; services for convalescent homes, nursmg homes, guest trays provided to hospital inpatients. secretary. MARCH 1, 1975 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS FBS Hires Homefront When taking the roll call the Loyal Suburbanites Community Group, Department, to replace Dr. Marvin Eaton County, came up with an interesting observation - among their Wastell Nutrition ist Dr. Paul Telle has been aJr pointed Director of Nutrition for Farm Bureau Services' who was Feed recently members there is one that serves on the school board, two on the Farm promoted to Director o~ Technical Bureau Elevator Board, two on the township board and one on the Services. Holstein-Friesian JJoard. As Director of Nutrition, Dr. • • • • • Telle will represent Farm Bureau "We believe that it is equally important for the members of the Services, Inc. on the Research community groulJ) to support the Farm Bureau organization through Committee of Cooperative the activities it sponsors as it is for them to direct their organization Research Farms (CRFL CRF is through suggested resolutions. For if members do not participate in made up of 20 regional these activities they are not utilizing an important part of the in- cooperatives, conducting feed structional and promotive part of the organization. We feel that equal research at seven farms credit should be given for activity involvement as is awarded to groups throughout the nation. for resolutions contributed when evaluating the community groups." Dr. Telle is a native of Missouri, said the Friendly Farmers, Tuscola County, in a resolution recently earned his PhD in nutrition at the submitted to their county Farm Bureau board. University of Missouri in •••••• Columbia. He has most recently Five community groups were invited to join the C.B.S. group of been Technical Service Mason County to hear a State Trooper discuss how to safely lock your Nutritionist for American home. Cyanamid Company, and has • • • • • • served as a research nutritionist Ed Nash, county commissioner, was a guest at a recent meeting of fur Supe~weet Feeds, I.~~~~~D~.~~~~.~~T~~~.~-R~~~~-S~h~~~~~~ the Keen Komments, Ionia County. He was able to answer many ternational Multifoods, of Min- lSCUSSIOn OplC eport eet questions about county zoning and planning. neapolis; am assistant professor The Discussion Topic and Report sheet for .the discussion topic on the •••••• in the Department of Animal Did you ever wonder how big around a community group is? The Science at Colorado State opposite page is furnished for use of community group members who Cedar Crest group am the Homestead group in Muskegan County found University. may wish to review it prior to their group meetings. If used by a Com- the answer by measuring their waists. Then they contributed a penny an Dr. Telle, wife Barb and their munity Group, in lieu of report sheet furnished the Discussion Leader, inch to C.R.O.P. five children plan to move to please forward answers with minutes to Information and Public Lansing in the near future. Relation Division, Michigan Farm Bureau, P.O. Box 960, Lansing, Farm Bureau Services is a Michigan 48904on or before April 1, 1975. Topic Summary farmer-owned-and-directed supply cooperative Michigan Farm Bureau. affiliated with COMMUNITY FARM BUREAU Discussion Exercise & Report Sheet Comments from the Community Group; regarding the January March, 1975 discussion on Land Use indicate interest and concern on the subject. Many grol;lp; used the opportunity to invite knowledgeable local Community Farm Bureau~~-:-:- __ ~---:,:,-:---:-:-_County resource people to their meeting. One comment received from many Indicate the number of people taking part in this disucssion. group; was that agriculture should be better represented on their local zoning and planning commissions. A summary of the comments Topic: MASTER MEDICAL follows: 1. How many members in your group will benefit from master Medical coverage? _ 1. Does your township have a zoning ordinance? Yes 74% No 26% 2. Is a member of your group a member of a township or county 2. How many members in your group are enrolled in BC-BS? _ zoning board or planning commission? Yes 44% No 56% 3. Do you think your coverage should include: 3. Does your group feel that agriculture is sufficiently represented on a. Dental . zoning boards and planning commissions ? Yes 53% No 47% b. Lower Master Medical Deductible 4. Is there a land use plan in your county? Yes 75% No 25% c. Other 5. In those tOWQS~ipsor counties ha ving a zoning ordinance, has it been recently update9 to your knowledge? Yes 80% No 20% 4. Does your group feel there should be a county meeting to discuss 6. If your towriship does not have a zoning ordinance, would the Master Medical and Blue Cross-Blue Shield coverages? . Yes __ 'No __ majority of your group like your township to adopt one? Yes 68% No CONCLUSIONS.: _ 32% Conclusions: Zoning and land use planning is a benefit to a township; rural people need to be more informed about zoning; need more active farmers on zoning and planning commissions; local politics have a definite bearing on zoning in some communities; it is too easy to rezone; we should be concerned about zoning ordinances before they get established. Dr. Paul Telle FARM BUREAU MARKET PLACE SPECIAL RATE TO FARM BUREAU MEMBERS: One free 25 word ad .per month .per membership, additional words, 10 cents each. Figures such as 12 or $12.50 count as ~n,e word NON- MEMBER advertisors: 15 cents per word one edition, two or more editions, 10 cents per word. Copy deadline: 13th of Month. Mail classified ads to: Michigan Farm News, P. O. Box 960. Lansing, Mi. 48904 .Publisher reserves right to reject any advertising copy submitted. FARM EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - 250 gal. Haverly bulk tank. It\HHITS - Pedigreed New Zealand whites FOR SALE - Reg. Polled Hereford heifers. 10 SAlJSAGE MAKERS. GREAT RECIPES! \\ .\~TEU - Old automobiles. light trucks. nearly new motors on agitator and com- with top productioo. "Rabbits are our only mos. to 2 yrs. Also 2 reg. bulls. 10 mos. old. Bol~na. Frankfurters. Head O1eese. Sum- motorcycles. any 'llake or condition. presser. Double steel wash tank. trainer and business." Dettmers Bunny Patch. Box 109. Domino. Rollotrend. Lamplighter. Bloodlines.. mer. Blood and Pork Sausage. $1.00 PreCerably previous to 1930. Harry Farris. 5563 tote pail. E. W. Southworth. 7593 N-28. Garfield Road. Rt. 1. Carson City. Mich. 48811. D. Rushlo. Cass City. 517-872-2549. (3-lt-25p) Hamilton's. Box 233-131. New UJum. Minn. ~tichael. Bay City. Mich. -18706 Phooe: (517) Richlaoo 49003.616-629-9698. (2-2t-25p) Phone 517-584-3765. Cll-tf-25p) 56073. (3-lt-2Op) fi84-4904. I 4-tf-22p I FOR SALE - 550 Uiying cages like new. FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE serviceage boars 1I0:\IE:\IADE CHEESE! HARD. SOFT & BE(ilSTEHEI> POI.I.I':U IIEHEFOHI> Lester Roy. 4816 S. Gregery Rd .• Gregory. m'l.Ix Excellent young herd bull prospects. and open gilts top bloodlines tested at MSU test C01iAGE! Make it yoursel(! Easy. delicious! S:o.;OW-ICE PLANE - 4 passenger. 125 Mich. 48137. Phone 517-223-9205. (2-tf-lSp) statioo. All registered stock. Richard Cook. 12 Complete instructions! Recipes. $1.00 LyCOOling airplane engine. modem design. from dams weighing up to 1500 lbs. Call FOR SALE - Cherry Blind Riveting Kit. G-25 mile east Mulliken. M-43. Phone 517-649-8988. Hamilton's. Box 233-131. New UJm. Minn. trailer. all in excellent condition. reasonable. Bellvoix Ranch. Daniel Berg. 616-547-~26. (3-tf-25p) 56073. (3-lt-2Op) P.O. Box 2!1l. Unionville. Mich . .uJ767 or 517- Ham type gun. ';.' and 5/32" ~ling heads. Charlevoix. Mich. (3-tf -24p I rivet selector gauge and instructions. Over 400 674-2311. (3-lt-2Sp) assorted rivets. $15.00 postpaid for complete COLDWATER D1LLPICKLES! Can in QUARTER HORSES - Dispositioo for 4-H. kit. Don J. Gridley. Box 746. Mackinaw City. JlEHEFmm Rl'l.I~o.; - pure bred herd sires. minutes! No hot brine. Delicious. Crisp. ability fer cattle. conformation. for show. Mich.49701. (3-11-3?p) Heady fir service. Also. registered heifers and Factory secrets! Recipe $1.00. Hamiltoo's. EXCELLENCE IN LANDSCAPE. livestock. Reasonable prices. Customer satisfaction a Box 233-131. New VIm. Minn. 56073. (3-It-2Op) calves. Egypt Valley Hereford Farm. 6611 farm. nature photographY. Color murals priority. Visitors welcome. Waltoo Farms. FOR SALE - Chicken feeders. waterers. Knapp St.. Ada. Michigan. Phone OR 6-1090. through 40" by 60". Business and post card Rosebush. Phone 517-433-2925. (3-tC-24p) f Kent County I ( ll-tf -25p I dealer. Joo Hansen. Posen. Michigan 49776. aluminum frame roosts. WANTED TO BUY- One horse electric motor. 1.700 RPM. Please Phone 517-379-2389. (3-lt-25p) FOR SALE - Asparagus plants for the 1975 write Kass. 13510 Homing. Brooklyn. 49230. (3-2t-25p) ('(UfUIEn.\I.E SIIEEP -Purebred. Breeding MISCELLANEOUS planting season. Green TIp Farm. R3. Paw stock foc sale. Papers optional - also Suffock - Paw. Mich. 49079. Phone 61~7-5003. (2-4t-lSp) SAUSAGE MAKING - 50 recipes. Curing Purebred. Waldo E. Dieterle. 7285 Textile Rd .. ASPARAGUS - Beautiful year old crowns smoking. hams. bacon. poultry. fish. venison. FOR SALE - Complete iITigatioo system for Saline. Mich. 48176. Phone (313) 429-i874. direct from grower. $7.00 hundred postpaid. LOG CABIN - rustic furniture building in- Premixed spices. cures. casings. equipment. strawberries. Phone 517-727-2398. For more (8-tf -221» Order today. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write structions. 304 pages ... illustrated! information write to Martha Liske. R.I. Satisfaction guaranteed. $3.~ paotpaid. Glenn Smokehouse ideas. Free catalog. RAK Box about large orders. Fred ?aika. R.2. Bear 4155--46, Las Vegas. Nevada 89106. C3-lt-2lip) Hubbard Lake. MIch. 49747. (3-2t-21p) ('OLLIES _ Three-month old tri-color pup- Lake. Mich. 49614. (3-lt-25p) Smith Enterprises. Box 1513. Dept. F-81. Akron. Ohio 44309. (2-21-231) pies. AKC. ExceJJent eye checks. Health \\ E SEI.I.. EHE(,T. SERVICE: Smith Silos: guaranteed. Blue chip collies. Fowlerville 517- BARN PAINTING - Home construction and Silomatic unloaders and feeding equipment: 468-3392. (Ht-1Sp) remodeling. For informatioo call 517-m-l966 Schuler bunk feeding boxes: Kasten boxes. or write: A-I Constructioo. 5790 Fort Road. hlowers and gears. Norman Laursen. Laur- FOR SALE - Registered Holstein cows. Will Saginaw. Mich. (3-lt-191) FOR SALE - llSO Packman 10x16" cages in REAL ESTATE very good condition. W.M. Spencer. Route 2. sens. Inc .. West Branch. Michigan 48661 Tel. sell SOor 60 from 110-c0w herd. Standard DHIA Eau Claire. Mich. 49111. or call 616-782-8261. j30 ACRE FARM - new dwelling. pole barn. :117-345-1400. IlH2t -:Jlp 1 DHIA recerds. classified for 15 years. Records CERTIFIED LARKER BARLEY seed. Retail (2-21-2Op) Could be broken into smaller fanns. Max Bird. am wholesale. Donald Keinath. 123 Akron Rd .• Cedar~rings. Mich. 616-a6-9487. (3-1t-lip) II \lU.J-:Y IW('K PI(,KEns. Picks I to 16" to 900 F. 5 ex. 37 V.G .• 42 GT. Wm. Yurs. Caro. Michigan 48723. Phone 517-673-4211. diamt'ter. dirt free. Rock Wioorowers; 10 and Elkhorn. Wise. (3-lt-3Sp) (3-lt-I7p) :.'0 feet. Earl Reinelt. 4465 Reinelt Rd .. FUHESTH \. SEH\'l("I-:S - Appraisals. plans. Deckerville. ~t1ch. Phone: 313-376-4791- l"llSultations. investigations relating 10 timber. FOR SALE - One acre with nearly finished CIIAROLAIS - For sale polled or horned bulls 10 DIFFERE:o.;T COl:NTRY RECORDS $1.SO. (HOt-2Op1 am bred cows. performance ~hade and Christmas tree problems. Fire and 3Ox38 new two bedroom home. attached tested. R. J. 25 - $3.00. 10 Gospel Records $1.95. New. (heCt laoses. marketing. George Blair. Reg. garage. 00 blacktop. $25,000. Gordon Willford. Eldridge & Sons. 7911 Alden Nash Rd .• (M-SO) postpaid. Record Place. Box 1l032-MF. !-'l)rester ~o. :I. 720 S. Duraoo. Jackson. Mich. Gladwin. Phone 517-426-7304. (2-3t-21PI Alto. Mich. (616) 868-:.>81. (3-tf-25p) MempBs. Te.nnessee38111. (3-lt-2Op) LIVESTOCK Tel.t51iI782-9544. (~tf-25p) FOH s.\ .... : - "Flying L" horse & stock 60 1I0l..STEIN COWS - Also hay and corn WA~TED - Old Bicycles. tricyles and related FOR LEASE OR SALE - highly productive trailers. gooseneck & Clatbeds in stock. 1'2 mi. available. Prefer one buyer. Lyle LeCronier. items. pre-l900 or unusual bicycling items "UI)\('OI,(»1( FII..\I UE\'EI.OPEU. IZ expo muck lam. 100 to 800 acres with or without west of Palo. ThOO'las Read. Fenwick. Mich. Freelam. Michigan. Phone 517-835-2333. made after that date. Alan Otter. 38615 Hnll $1.50. Cavalier Coler. 1265 S. 11th. Niles solid set irrigatioo. Contact Robert Daymon. -l8834. Phone 517-Q7-4772. 1Io-tf-25p) 13-lt-I7p) Willow. New Boston. Mich. 48164. (3-lt-25p1 ~lich. (3-121-121>1 Fowlerville. 517-223-9966. (2-21-Zlp I PAGE 12 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MARCH 1, 1975 ahomeworlh $25,000 in 1973••••••$2~825 1970••••••$36,200 .1965•••••~48,950 1960•••••~54,125 1955 ••••••$ 61,025 1950 ••••• ~70,200 inflation has done that to your home ... think what it's done to your farming operation I We've a pretty good idea about how high inflation has pushed the replacement cost for Michigan farms. Why? Farm Bureau Insurance Group insures 40% of Mich- igan's farm market .. :more than our top 25 competitors. We developed America's first Farmowners package in- surance policy. Our agents know farm business. With all this experience, we're ~oncemed. Storage sheds, outbuildings, farm machinery and equipment have all skyrocketed in value during the past 18 months. Please, update protection levels on your increasingly valuable farm property. Check the yellow pages for your local farm inflation expert ... your Farm Bureau Insurance INSURANCE agent. TN FARM BUREAU MUTUAL • FARM BUREAU LIFE • COMMUNITY SERVICE INSURANCE