MICHIGAN Rmf"1. FARNI NEWS Ireau i .. 'VOL. 54 NO.5 MAY 1.1975 To vote on by-law changes • Special delegate session called On Saturday, June 28, a Special would assure a strong, viable Delega te Session will be held at the Farm Bureau. Hilton Hotel, next to Farm Bureau In accordance with this adopted Center in Lansing. At this session, policy, Michigan Farm Bureau voting delegates--the same President Elton R. Smith a~ delegates who served at the pointed 15 top operating farmers, December, 1974 annual meeting- representing a cross-section of will hear the State Study Com- commodity interests and mittee's report and vote on by-law geographic areas, to serve on the changes. committee. All were recognized as An important event will be held leaders in agriculture, Farm in conjunction with this special Bureau, and their home com- meeting-the kick-off of Michigan munities. Farm Bureau's involvement in the The high calibre of individuals on nation's bicentennial. This this committee was later promises to be a red, white and illustrated in a testimony by blue affair with an outdoor chicken Michael Pridgeon, Branch County barbeque and an inspiring stars Farm Bureau president who arxl stripes speaker to set the served as-chairman of the group: proper mood for the celebration of "Each one has made valuable 200 years of agriculture. contributions to this important study. Each has made many personal sacrifices to fulfill their Delegates Request Study- responsibili ties--wi th Iiterally Smith named to trade group At the December, 1973 annual meeting of the -Michigan Farm Bureau, voting delegates passed a humreds of hours spent away from their farms and their families. "And each has displayed such a resolution to insure the future genuine dedication to the task they MFB President, Elton R. Smith, "These trade negotiations in- am feed, livestock and livestock growth of their organization. They have been assigned that it provides has been appointed to the volve more countries and a products, oilseeds, poultry and requested the a ppointment of a me with inspiration, a renewed Technical Advisory Committee on broader range of issues than any eggs, and tobacco. faith in my fellow man, am a Two other Michigan agricultural special study committee to: review Fruits and Vegetables for Trade previous negotiations," Secretary strong confidence in the future of Negotiations by Secretary of Butz said. leaders also have been named to programs am recommend ad- justments, analyze membership agriculture and of Farm Bureau. Agriculture Earl L. Butz and "U .S. farmers have an im- technical advisory committees. With these kind of leaders in our They are Glenn H. Lake, president make-up of Farm Bureau and Ambassador Frederick B. Dent, portant stake in the outcome of industry and in our organization, of Michigan Milk Producers chart future membership goals, special representative for trade these negotiations." Secretary we just can't go wrong." - negotiations. Butz added. "We expect farm Association _ and Robert C. arxl develop a financial plan that The Ford administration has set- .exports this year to total around Frohling, executive secretary of up panels of agricultural advisors to assist U.S. Representatives during multi-lateral trade $22 billion, providing one dollar in the National Red Cherry ~nstitute. every four of farmers' income from marketing. For some com- New estate tax law negotiations in Geneva, the first since 1967.. modities such as wheat rice and soybea~, exports provide half of Farmers urged in Congress The advisory committee will farmers' returns. The negotiations provide detailed technical advice and information to U.S. negotiators must assure the U.S. farmer continued and improved access to wanted in Important legislation to reform having the property appraised at on tariffs and non-tariff trade overseas markets." outdated federal Estate Tax Law its value for farmlam rather than has been introduced by Michigan highest potential use. issues affecting both domestic and foreign commodities which may. Other Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees have been Peace Corps Congressmen Guy VarxlerJagt (R- Luther) and Robert Traxler (D- Current Estate Tax exemptions were set in 1942. Inflation, along arise during the negotiations. established for cotton, dairy, grain Currently Farm Bureau has _a Bay City). Congressman Van- with increases in size of farm and unique opportunity not only to derJagt is a member of the House nonfarm estates, has seriously perform a worthwhile service for Ways and Means Committee, outdated the current exemptions Member to member our nation but to carry out Farm which has jurisdiction over federal when compared to 1975standards. Bureau policy as well, says Seeley Estate Tax legislation. The current personal exemption is G. Lodwick, AFBF government The legislation would increase $60,000and the marital deduction is Asparagus offered relations director. the federal Estate Tax personal In approaching the "World Food exemption to $200,000 and the 50 percent of the adjusted gross value of the estate. Appraisal of the Crisis" problem, Farm Bureau has marital deduction to $100,000 plus estate is currently made at the Fresh asparagus will be offered According to Lincoln, Michigan sta ted tha t one thrust should be to 50 percent of the total value of the market value, which is generally to counties in the Farm Bureau snapped asparagus will be graded assist developing nations help estate. It would also provide the the highest potential use, rather "Member to Member" program so that nearly all will be tender and themselves. One of the most ef- heirs to an estate the option of than actual use. this May, says James Lincoln, usable. "This high quality fective means to power this thrust MACMA staff member and asparagus will be excellent for is to have competent U.S. citizens t/ -:;-: .. coordinator of the program. home freezing," says Lincoln. work in the developing countries. Complete details have been sent to Peace Corps, an agency of the U. Only sna pped asparagus will be S. government, has a growing need all county offices. The decision to offer asparagus used to insure quality. The best for competent persons, regardless was made when it became clear asparagus will be selected for of age, to undertake agricultural that new markets were needed this hydrocooling and packing, then assignments in developing year for Michigan asparagus. shipped to counties on refrigerated countries. Areas of needed ex- In the past, processors took most trucks. pertise vary from agronomy to of the asparagus, but this year, The asparagus will be packed in veterinary medicine with all some processors may not be cases of approximately 20 pounds. combinations in between. The 55 buying and the acreage for harvest The shipping period is expected to g~ographic areas vary from is larger. be from May 15 to May 30. Afghanistan to Venezuela. Guy VanderJagt [R-Luther] President's State Study Michigan Marketing Column ... page 2 Committee ... pages 6 & 7 Outlook ... page 9 PAGE 2 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MAY 1.1975 Support Study Committee The delegates at our 1973 annual meeting foresaw You can accept the report with an APATHETIC AT- challenges in the future whi<;hwould require a strong farm TITUDE .... "We're the top state in the nation now-why organization to answer thooe challenges. They asked for a tamper with a good thing?" "Let's rest on our laurels for study of our Farm Bureau to assure that it would remain awhile." "We've been growing for eight straight years-- strong and viable. The result was the comprehensive State why worry about the future?" ITthe report is accepted with Study Committee report featured in this month's Farm that kind of attitude, nothing will happen. No one will take News, a report painstakingly developed by a highly- the torch and run to win the race. Apathy and strength are competent committee. They were an aggressive committee incompatible. with a great deal of foresight and confidence in their organization and its farm leadership. Their report has been reviewed and accepted by our state board of directors with only a very few minor adjustments. ACCENT ON THE All of us were impressed with the dedicated, professional MEMBER manner in which the committee completed their in-depth The package they have presented to us puts the accent study. where it belongs--on the member! .... Programs which stimulate member-involvement, that will develop PROJECT '75 - BUILDING leadership potential, and economic services to attract new FOR '76 AND BEYOND members. But each State Study Committee member was well aware In any building project, we get out of it what we put into it. tha t the real test of their efforts would be your acceptance The State Study Committee has drawn us a blueprint for of their package of recommendations. They have aptly building. It calls for the best materials and the best work- called this package, "Project. '75--Building for '76 and menship. Beyond," because it charts what they believe is the right With these, the "house" we build will stand strong and course for a strong Farm Bureau in the future. Each proud, a fortress against all the forces that threaten our recommendation was drafted with the knowledge that our chosen way of life. organization's strength Ifes in strong county Farm Bureaus I hope your decision will be to accept the report, with a .and. their leadership. positive attitude. "Yes, we are proud of our organization The question the committee faced was not so much if and its award-winning status in the AFBF, and we are their report was accepted, but how it was accepted. The determined to remain worthy of the image we now enjoy." success of "Project 75--Building for '76 and Beyond" will be "Yes, we a re proud of our past achievements and we will determined by attitudes-your attitudes. work to give our Farm Bureau the strength needed to meet You can accept the report with a negative attitude .the challenges ahead." ..... "Looks good on paper, but it will never work." "Too It will be your enthusiastic, positive support of this much effort--not enough ~ime." IT the report is accepted package that will accomplish what the voting delegates with that kind of attitude, it is doomed to failure. As we asked for in 1973--3 strong, viable Farm Bureau in the think, so shall it be-is a truism if there ever was one! future. Letter MICHIGAN FARM NEWS loeNNA I Press knocked Bits and pieces Dear Farm News, ~ead Donna's article in the April WAS CREDITED TO HIM .. , nor had he spoken to the National The Michigim FARM NEWS is When you're keyed to deadlines, Committee, not to stand up am do Farm News, on Farm Bureau Enquirer at all. published monthly, on the first day. by it sometimes seems like creative a cheer when they developed their people condemning the public The National Dairy Council was the Michigan Farm Bureau Information press. I would like to list just one deludged with letters -- .The Division. Editorial and general offices at paralysis sets in without a target recommendation for, emphasis on 7373 West Saginaw Highway. Lansing. date or time. This is an oc- Community Groupi. As a long-time incident, as to why we feel this nation's leading research scien- Michigan 48904. Post Office Box 960. cupational characteristic, I'm booster of that program, I ,was way. tists and prominent research in- Telephone. Lansing 485-8121. Extension There are many cases, but I will stitutions have rejected the xan- 228. Publication Qerice. 109 N. Lafayette sure, since the Kreative Kooks "brought up" believing that's SI.. Greenville. Michigan. Subscription with whom I share office space are where Farm Bureau is really at! stick to just this one. ITEM: March thine oxidase story. There is no price, 65,(ents per year. a~o motivated by deadlines. One of the Study Committee 11 National Enquirer headlines data that xanthine oxidase is ab- Established January 13. 1923. Second Class Postage paid at Greenville. In our group, we have daily, members is also a very effective "MILK IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF sorbed. Michigan. weekly, monthly and yearly press agent for the Apple Knockers DEATH FROM HEART ATTACK The National Enquirer quoted EDlTOHIAl.: . Editor: Jim Phillips: deadlines -- all firm ones, not Group in Benzie County. When she .. " In reading the article the researchers at the Rush Medical Associate Editor: Donna Wilber: Contributing Editor: Cindy Sage: stoler flexible. To my knowledge, we've heard we were looking for a phrase was described as a doctor's School in Chicago as backing the Photographer: Marcia Ditchie. never missed one even though it Community Group to star in a WARNING rather than fact per se, hypothesis_ A request for an in- OFFI('EHS: . Michigan Farm Bureau: or that the second line said, "But terview with the National Enquirer President. Elton R. Smith. Caledonia. R- might take an occasional la-hour slide-tape show, she convinced us I: Vice President. Dean Pridgeon. day to meet it. It's sort of a that the Apple Knockers could fill there's a simple way you can make by the National Dairy Council was Montgomery. R-I: Administrative "neither rain nor snow nor sleet, the bill. it safe." refused on the basis that no data Director. Robert Branden, Lansing: The fact remained that most was available. Furthermore, work Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer. etc" situation--and an April bliz- She was right! Lively, Max D. Dcan: Secretary. William S. zard came along this year to test knowledgeable, concerned young persons passing through check-out done at Rush involves the nervous Wilkinson. and find us true ... couples make up this group am counters in supermarkets read the system and has nothing to do with l)J HECTOHS: District I. Arthur Bailey. Schoolcraft: District 2. Dean The storm was ferocious enough they were a delight to fit into a headlines and noted that "the milk. Pridgeon. !\1ontgllllery. R-I: District 3, to close Farm Bureau Center-but script explaining the what, why doctor's warning" was backed by a The National Enquirer sells Andrew Jackson, Howell. R-I: District 4, there were still those deadlines to and how of a Community Farm "Harvard Medical school chief." I newspapers, -but they do the Elton R. Smith. Ca1edooia. R-I: District S. William Spike. Owosso. R-3: District meet. So some of us walked, others Bureau Group .. personally wrote a letter to Glen consumer a great disservice. Milk 6. Jack Laurie. Cass City. R-3: District 7. shoveled and pushed their vehicles The name of the presentation is Lake, President of Michigan Milk is still a highly nutritional and Kenneth Bull. Ba iley, R-I: District 8. Producers Association. He took the health giving food. Not many of us LarrYbeVuyst, Ithaca. R~: District 9~ to the main drag. Before the day "Where the Action Is" and indeed, Donald Nugent, Frankf(J"t. R-I: District was over, the deadline-beaters that's where it is! time and trouble to follow this really take the time to pin these 10. Richard Wieland. Ellsworth. R-I: were on the job .. through am returned me a copy of false stories down, but every so District 11. Franklin Schwiderson. Not that we expect any medals How appropriate it is to have FOCUS which got. to the bottom of often we turn our disgust into ef- Dafter. 1>IItECTOHS ,\T ',,\ltGI-:: Walter for our valour, but if you happen to the kick-off of Farm Bureau's this mess. fort. I would say this case in point Fralun. Frankenmuth: James L. Sayre. meet one along the way, a pat on involvement in our country's The Harvard chief, Dr. Kurt is "MISINFORMATION". Thank Belleville: Gerald Elenbaum. Owen- the head arxl a "Well done, good bicentennial held in conjunction Isselbacher, head of Harvard you for your time. dale. \\'OMI-::'\ OF F/\RM BUREAU: Mrs. and faithful fellow" would be nice. with the Special Delegate Session Medical School's Department of Richard Wielaoo. Ellsworth. R-t. We're easy to recognize--dark on June 28. Medicine says he has NEVER Mrs Mary Satchell FARM BUREAU YOUNG FARM- MADE SUCH A STATEMENT AS Caro ERS: Gary Nye. Hillsdale. circles urxler bleary eyes, jerky Marking 200years of agriculture movements, the last person in line really gives us something to crow at the auto license counter on the about. Add to this the fact that our Drew to retire POSTMASTER: In using form 3579. mail to: Michigan Farm News. 7373 West Saginaw Highway. Lansing. last day ... organization starxls out as holding Michigan 48904. Why am I telling you all this? strong to the beliefs s.et forth in the. Well, the deadline for the Farm Constitution--aoo yoo have what is More than 20 years of service on Second class postage paid at News is today, April 16. I've been called "a naturaL" the staff of Michigan Farm Bureau GreenvlUe. Michigan up most of the night getting my It provides us with an op- will come to a close May 1 with the income tax done am I don't have portunity for not only active in- retirement of Marlie Drew, anything to say that would fit the volvemen~ in this important FaRm~' standards publication ... of a family' celebration, but leadership that others don't have the structure or Manager of Member Services. Marlie's association with Farm Bureau actually goes back before BUreaU •••••••• It was difficult, when recording basic philooophy to provide. After all, those original MilUltemen were 1954when he joined MFB's staff as a regional representative for the minutes for the State Study farmers ... a proud heritage! Thumb region. In the early '40's he was chairman, vice chairman and MOVING? discussion leader of his Com- munity Group. Later he served on the county board of directors and was named county president of St. ........ Martie Drew Planning to move? Let us know a pnnt new address in space It was in 1966 that Marlie came provided. Mail to: Michigan Farm Joseph County Farm Bureau. In weeks in advance so you won't into MFB's home office to become News, P.O. Box 960, Lansing, 1953 he was named to the MFB miss a single issue of the Michigan resolutions committee. coordinator of county Farm Farm News. Attach old label and Michigan 48904. Bureau offices, a pasition he held After becoming Thumb regional Name representative Marlie went on to until 1973 when he assumed his Address become one of ~ B's most widely present role. City traveled regionai representatives, Well known by MFB members State Zip Code serving every region of the state at throughout the state, Marlie's one time or other during the next service to Farm Bureau will be County of Membership d tht Ltnd EI;,ibiliry R«lUitem.a 1IWd. II. lPKitlty Itnn, indictt. -eve grog ......... income during 2 of the It&t 3 van imrneditttly informltion preceding application from the Itle of tlJI'icuhurtl products: _ T... _ ~ _-'-dMIon (Act N4 116 01 the Publit: Aca of ,gU, s.crion 5. ,...,. _ 2 or ,..."..joint or_ '"-In dw land rwd the LAnd EI;pbiIiry R«lU,--lIJIIlrr«ructionI w... .~-'.u$,ii,~;"'''''''''' •• ""inI our tfliI fomL "'- l!!!!!!. '" ~ Aradl ......, 0.. RcIftIed: _ If dw IIlPIicenI Il1I InlD • caagory !lad .... p... .. dw 1oIIowInI: PnIiIdont. VIco ~ ~ .._.J Sec.-y Ind T_ or ~ income berwfIclwIa: AppIbdon N4: V. ~ undenigned decIt .... thllt this application, including .. y ""","",,"ying htI been •• tmined by him Ind to the _ 01 hit knowledge end beliel i.,.... inlormtliontl 1nd cornet. rntttfitl, 1 P......... 1nlonNtion: 1.1 Name(1I 01 AP!>loun1: _ 10...- 01 Roconfl - Spout.". N.-ne; ,~ ------~. _--- 2.1 M.iling _. _ c... z.~ N... : Title _ .......... 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Type oI.icuI ...... enttrJlrite (..... 1iwI#oc •• ~ cropI. __ I:~ _ Thit application it (If re;.cr.d, _ ~. .tbICIwd Njected. by LOQ/ G_inIBody.1 10.1 AnKh. copy 01 the moot recent property I•• _t nota or bl. bill (""" 1». p/loto CClPY/. 11.1 I. lhef •• ,n \ien .""t If YII. pi.- ••pltln cin2lmsunces: lheland dncribed ...,..: __ V" or_No. _ Ibl. Tout...- 01 tcrft 01 the Iwm: _ D.lt 0/_ ..... CIertt.I~UIl.1nd 1or njectlon: 1IaI:_-=--=-====== _ lei. Tot ..... _ 01 taft in application (if .. /IItn (bl: _ lell. Au.go in a.1tMItion.: _ :~: =~~ 121 DotIlhe appl-.t own the miller" ""'1I:_Vn OI__ No; if owned by the applicanl, ... the If rt;«tod, ..... trIft of 1M .trM:htd to """ictrion mo .... nghts~ __ "'ng Yn or_No. lei. AcnegI in ..-,nd: . _ to the """Ictnt. SOterlWlt If IoctI ~ body ". "'""'" __ end t ,. IndicabO """' ....... or it the mi ...... rogtlts il_ iNn applant: _ dw~. (If men ~ OtWbuildltv. indo. tht numt.r of build.l: grr/H>f _vel.__".,"""If~tIoo 1»,trM:htd from ,.,;,..,;"" /Of1IfIW ..nth • .-rd rM"""otion t11 _ ..,;trIft comtI'WJD t1I wppon;n, 13I ~":..,~,::::' u. ~~~~~:~-10- lor _1M .. other lhtn lor .gncull ..... 1 _,_VII .....,..~---_--1 .r-ot,....".-.iNn,....--,-Ior-_-..--:- .. __ No. -:-...,.-:-tsl-:- ...... - •.-n',-ng-. ~:bu-': Grein Stor'::::--- B~~dry ... ftcili~~ 5h.:I=-- _ills 01 Narur .. R_ from ,.,,-.., .,."a. "" ID 1M Offa 01 Land u.. D~ 7th Floor, S_M T. M.- Building. L-*'a. Mictligen II ytI, indOCIle 10 whom, lor __ Ind lhe number 01 tcnI inwoIwed: _ Poultry ""'-: M.ll~ 4. ",_h.~dnwItw.J M.ling~ _ ..... Nt No. 116 'bf 1M 1\JbIit: Acts 01 1914 Ill'" 1M """otion into the",..".. ,.,.., '- the rMt 1M 1»1_. ("".,1 __ to tIIow rho Wrd ciw in 17.1 To quoIlfy .. ~ minimum income R-'.,;;;-: .,... lend 01 5 ..... _nn-a (_ dflf/nition :.":::::':=:..... lmrndtteIy 01 more but ... tNn 40 -. or> fInnIIIJII dw IInd ....... - /1 (2J tnd Iff (1-31 on the LAnd Income per teN of d.-.t Ind tilllble land during 2 '" fie It&t 3 precedine tppllcation from the .. 0I1grialIt .... producta: -- EI9fbMitr Act"'" exttnloon by the StIl•. D.bO........., .. of ""'. with applicant' ........ This apploctt"'" is ~. t: --....--- .,. Njected. ..... (If ,.,ctod, _1ffXhOd so,..,.." by 1M S,.,.J I, the under1iIned, undtt1und Ind ... to pennrt dw '-'d cited in _ ~ into fie -------"'------~ ---- FormlMtd Ind Open Spece "'-vttion Act of lSlR Dat •• 1 ~_~ ~~:-_ .-.-u-u-_-u-_ .-.-__-. : u. __• __•.• _••.• _ .. - + • I (,." taW/. -~~~- 0..: _ MAY 1,1975 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS PAGE 5 NATIONAL NOTES Albert A. Almy • Consumer bil.1 h ere aga'in Congressional action on H.R. With regard to the dairy support CONSUMER PROTECTION Committee on Government Programs of the Energy Research 4296-- Emergency Farm Program provision in H.R. 4296, Farm Operations and at this writing is and Development Administration. Legislation -- has progressed very Bureau does not dispute the need A perennial bill that has come awaiting consideration by the full Also exempted from ACA in- rapidly. The bill has been given for quarterly adjustments, but close to enactment during previous Senate. Similar legislation passed tervention are labor disputes and initial approval by both the House policy recommends a continuation sessions of Congress has now the House last year by a wide labor agreements. and Senate. It would raise target of the now-expired provision in the surfaced before the 94th Congress. margin, but a filibuster by op- prices and loan rates for wheat, Agricultural Act of 1973, which This legislation would create an ponents prevented Senate passage corn and feed grains, reestablish a required that manufacturing milk independent Agency for Consumer before the 93rd Congress ad- The potential impact of the ACA loan rate for soybeans, and in- be supported at not less than 80 Advocacy (ACA) for the purpaie of journed. would be serious to proceedings of crease the milk support price with percent nor more than 90 percent representing . consumer interests The power of the ACA to in- USDA. An estimated 75 formal quarterly adjustments. The bill of parity. The provision in H.R. before federal agencies and courts tervene as a consumer advocate proceedings adentheir understanding of the needs 'of fanners. That purpose does not change, but the Fann Bureau Family and opportunities to realize their needs of fanners do and so must the methods of achieving leadership potential. that purp26. every two weeks through mid.June. Sales start Willamette, Newburg. Boyne, Heritage, Indian escorted by Don & Myrtle Hoyt. A travel ex- sens, Inc., West Branch. Michigan 48661 Tel. CharlevM-52 station. All registered stock. Richard Cook, I.~ FOIt SALE - Rhubarb - Strawberries. 6 - DEAN FOSTER NURSERIES, Hartford, S.\l'SAGE i\IAKING. 50 recipe. curing North. Stockbridge. Mich. 49285. Phone 517- mile east Mulliken, M-43. Phone 517-649-8988. $7.50, Shipping $1.00. Cushion Mums Slips Mich. 49057. Phone: 616-621-4480 or 616-621- smoking. hams. bacon, poultry. fis I, venison. 851-8062. (5-lt-:!>p) (3-tf-25p) 4738. (4-3t-44b) mixed, 25 to $5.00 plus $1.00 shipping. Larger Premixed spices, cures. casings, equipment. orders. Call or write: Harry H. Zepik. RR 2. Smokehouse ideas. FREE catalog RAK. Box FOR SALE - Pair of Lantz Cutter Coulters. Box 766. Watervliet. Mich. 49098. Phone 616- ASPARAGUS PLANTS - Michigan Certified Also 4-cow staochions. Julius Stricker, 59041 QUARTER HORSES - Disposition for 4-H, 4155-46. Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. (5-lt-26p) 463-3393. (4-2t-36p) Stock in Mary Washington. California 500, Indian Trail, New Haven 48048. (5-lt-19p) ability fa- cattle. confonnation for show. Paradise. Waltham Washington and California Reasonable prices. Customer satisfaction a 711 varieties. One year old seedlings. two year SA \'E GASOLINE - 2 to 6 more lliles per NEW 16.9x28 Firestone 6-ply all-traction priority. Visitors welcome. Walton Fanns, 1I000IE {jARDEl'i COOK800K - Marvelous old roots. three year old jumbo crowns. FREE gallon. Easy installed. State year a make of tractor tire. Fairbanks platform scales. Rosebush. Phone 517-433-2925. (3-tf-24p) combination: garden planting in- catalog. Write or call: DEAN FOSTER car or pick-up. $5.00 paitpaid. DE ~. P.O. Hennan Gnodtke. R.2, Box 358, Buchanan, formation ... over 250 recipes! 284 NURSERIES, Hartford. Mich. 49057. Phone: Box 554, Albion, Michigan 49224. 5-5t-~) pages ... $3.00 paitpaid. Glenn Smith En- 61&-621-4480or 616-621-4738. (4-3t-45b) Mich. 491(17.Phone 616-422-1844. (5-lt-23p) RARY ClUCKS. White Rocks. Cornish Rocks, terprises, Box 1513, DepL 81, Akron, Ohio R.I. Reds. Red Rock Cross. White IA:ghorns. 44309. (4-2t-25p) STItAW - WHEAT. 1000 bales, 6C oer bale. FOR SALE - TD20B INTERNATIONAL 1969 Also ducks. geese and turkeys. Sterling Hatch. ItllURAR8 ROOTS - Michigan Certified Bulldozer - New track, heated cab, blade. ery. Sterling, Mich. 48659. Phone 517-654-3554. Plants in Canada Red. Victoria. Valentine, Eldlr Wegener. R.I. Freeland. r. t. 48623. $24,000. Phone 517-743-3847. (5-lt-14p) (4-4t-25p) AFRICAl'i VIOLETS - Suprise collection Crimson Red and Strawberry varieties. Write Phone 517-662-4268.• -2t-15p) freshly cut leaves 12 for $3.00 labeled arxl or call fa- FREE catalog. DEAN FOSTER IIARLEY ROCK PICKERS. Rock Wind- different. With roots, 12 for $5.00. Also plantlets NURSERIES, Hartford. Mich. 49057. Phone: rowers. Picks l-lo 16" dia. The World's Best. FOR SALE - 25 Holstein Heifers. large 1I0:\IEMADE CHEESE! HARD lFT & and plants. Blooming plants at the house. 61&-621-4480or 616-621-4738. (4-3t-31b) Phone 313-376-4791. Earl F. Reinelt, 4465 Wisconsin. due base month. 20 open Holstein COTTAGE! Make it yourself! Ea~ icious! Phone 517-871-3308. Stamp brings lists. Theo Reinelt, Deckerville. Mich. 484Z7. (5-tf -231) Heifers. Hudc;onville 616-009-9226. (5-Q-I6p) Complete instructions! Reci $1.00 Jensen. 4090 West Barnes. Millington 48746. EVERGREEN AND IIARDWooD TREE (4-2t-4Op) Hamilton's. Box 233-131. New l Minn. SEEDLIl'iGS - Black Walnut, Thlip Poplar. 56073. It-3)p) GET THOSE COWS BRED! Registered Colorado Blue Spruce. White Pine. Douglas FOR SALE - A.C. Model G Tractor complete Holstein Bulls. 15 mos. to 8 mos .• sired by Fir, Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce. Globe Ar- motor overhaul, with cult. & hyd.lift. $1200.00. (OUSTOl\1 CIIERRY HARVESTING - Now Elevation. R Maple, Astronaut. Chann, Matt. borvitae, Spreading Yew. many others. Write Phone 616-944-5546. Eau Claire, Mich. (5-lt-2np) scheduling fa- 1975 crop. Shockwave trunk One whose darn milked 1321bs. test day. Also. for FREE catalog arxllist to DEAN FOSTER shaker. Experienced. reliable crew. Earl FOR SALE - J.D. 4-row Front Mount Registered & grade Holsteins due in June. Peterson. 1190, S. 88th Aveooe, Shelby. Mich. NURSERIES. Hartfa-d, Mich. 49057. Phone: REAL ESTATE recocds up to 20.000 milk. George Robb. 616-621-4480 or 61&-621-4738. (4-3t-43b) Cultivators fa- 2 cyl. tractors w/3 p M-52 North, Reca-dc; up to :!>.OOOIbs. milk. Sires Boot- Stockbridge. Mich. 49285. Phone 517-851-8062. maker & Magnet. Wayne & Donna Wilcox, FOR SALE - 10 ton 6-24-24 in bags $185.00. 5 (5-12t-25p) Eaton Rapids 517-663-8431. (5-2t-25p) bushel 3773 single cross $47.00 cash. Lester STRAWBERHY PLANTS - Michigan Cer- 2fi{ .. /\CRE MODERN DAIRY FAR .;anilac Roy, 4816 Grega")' Rd .• Gregory 48137. Phone tified Varieties - Midway. Red Glow. County. Double 4 Surge parlor. calls. 2 517-223-9205. (5-tf-24p) Earlidawn. Dunlap, Robinson. Guardian, tool shedc;. 3 silos. modem ranc e home LIVESTOCK REGISTERED 1I0LSTEIl'i BULL. sire-Matt. Blakemore. Sunrise. Spotlight. Red Coat, $215.000. 313-346-2328. >-3t-25p) Dam - 3 years 18391 milk. 652 fat. Deviation WANTED - Chadalee Fanns 100 percent Jerseybelle. Also Ozark Beauty and Ogallala FOH SALE - "Flying L" horse & stock from herd mates.' 2868 milk. 104 fat. Bill Horseradish Eaters. Adds zip and flavoc to Everbearing. Write or call for prices. FREE FOIt SALE - 4-room House. 7.3 'S. com- trailers, gooseneck & flatbeds in stock, 1~ mi. Bamber. Howell. 517-546-2369. (5-lt-25p) beef, ham or pork. Look fa- the HOT stuff in catalog. DEAN FOSTER NURSERIES. mercia I zoning. 400 ft. North Shol - Blue west of Palo. ThOOlas Read. Fenwick. Mich. the grocer's dairy case. (5-lt-25p) 48834, Phone 517~-4772. (l(}-tf-25p) Hartflrd, Mich. 49057. Phone 61&-621-4480 or Star. 616-637.Q02. South Haven. -~~ 49000. 616-621-4738. (4-3t-41b) '-I9p) 1t,\8RITS - Pedilreed New Zealand whites FOR SALE - Two purebred Angus late senior SAUSAGE MAKERS. GREAT RECIPES! with top productim. "Rabbits are our onb-' bulls. Ready fa- limited service. Canadian Bologna. Frankfurters. Head Cheese. Sum- III DlFFEHE~T COl';\;TRY RECORDS $1.50, tl,- \("RE FARM. CASS COUNTY horse business." Dettmers Bunny Patch, Box 109. breeding. Priced at $390 arxl $330. Call David mer, Blood and Pork Sausage. $1.00. 25 - $3.00. 10 Gospel Records $1.95. New, baJTI. new 42x72 pde barn. HOO corn Garfield Road. Rl. 1. Carson City, Mich. 48811. Schilling. 616-461-6294. Willowdale Fann. Hamilton's, Box 233-131, New Ulm, Minn. postpaid. Record Place. Box 1l032-MF, \r b. 4-bedroom raoch house. P 16-782- Phone 517-584-3765. (l1-tf-25p) (5-lt-25p) 56073. (5-lt-2X)p) Mempms. Tennessee 38111. (4-2t-3)p) It-~) PAGE 12 MICHIGAN FARM NEWS MAY 1,1975 Your money works as hard as you do with the improved I I i I I' Personalized coverage for your particular. needs! Lower cover- And options, FarinOwaen offers more than any other ... age rating! You won't find them on most insurance policies specially developed for Michigan farmers. You and your but you sure will on the improvedFarmOwnen Farm Bureau Agent literally build the kind of coverage that's right for your place and your operation. Twenty-three new or extra benefits inFarmOwne~. Many of them -not even offered by other companies. Most of them Find out today how you can get improved and personalized with better and fuller coverage for your particular farming FarmOwnUl coverage. Call your neighborhood Farm Bureau operation. Agent ... in the Yellow Pages. FARM BUREAU INSURANCE TM GROUP TM Farm Bureau Mutual • Farm Bureau life • Community Service Insurance