MICHIGAN F:ARM NE~S September -- ItI'CII'CAN FARItI BUREAU 30, 1996 ~INTEDWITHI Vol. 73, No. 16 ~SOYINK Guyer praises Farm Bureau support I the f state of Michigan fielded a baseball team, Gordon Guyer would be the ultimate utility player. Probably no other public offidal in our state's history has had such a varied career and served in such a wide range of capadties at the highest levels of leadership. This long and distin- guished career in science, higher education and public service comes to an end Oct. 2 when Gordon Guyer steps down as director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA). Guyer, born on a farm in Kalamazoo, has deep roots in agriculture and has long enjoyed what he describes as a "tight-knit and productive" relationship with Michigan Farm Bureau. The significance of that relationship was recognized in 1983 when he was presented with MFB's Distin- guished Service to Agriculture Award. "I've never had a disappointment in Farm Bureau leadership being part of our priorities (at the MDA), and I've been thrilled with the support we've had from the Farm Bureau membership," Chopping corn silage normally marks the beginning of Michigan's corn harvest, but in many parts of Michigan said Guyer in an exclusive interview with the it also marks the end of corn harvest since silage may be the only thing nutritionally to come out of the 1996 crop. Michigan Farm NezllS. Operations like Pater Brothers Farm near Jamestown were forced to chop 2% times more corn than they would Guyer began his public service career in in a normal year, according to Ottawa County Farm Bureau member Bob Pater. 1953 as an instructor of entomology at Michigan State University. A decade later, he was named Professor and Chairman of the Department of Entomology and Director of MSU's Pestidde Re'" search Center. He continued serving MSU as Di- State hay availability CillER S1aRY e've had exactly ~o.of an inch of rain rector of the Cooperative Extension Sernce, Asso- date Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natu- ral Resources, Director of the W.K. Kellogg Biolog- reaching critical stage since the day I planted the corn to the day I chopped it. We're lucky to get a wagon of silage to the acre," says Ottawa ical Station, and Special Assistant to the Senior A 1996 growing season of weather ex- ofjt was going for $3.50 a bale right off the wagon." County dairy producer Andy VanDyk. Consultant to the President of MSU. tremes, an attractive corn market and a Guthrie, who markets most of his hay within a It could be a long and expensive year for Alle- He tried to step down from public life when heavy infestation of potato leaf hoppers 25-mile radius of his operation, says that shortages gan and Ottawa County livestock producers. One he retired from MSU in 1986. But twice he was have created a serious shortage of quality hay in the in other states are equally desperate. Prices for hay weather related problem after another has left pro- recruited to return to the university: once in 1988 state, escalating fall prices for hay to as much as $5 in northern Indiana have held steady in the $4 to SS ducers in those counties facing corn crops that are as Professor Emeritus and Vice-President for Gov- per bale. Osceola County MSU Extension Director range for a SO-pound bale. producing as little as two tons of silage to the acre, ernment Affairs, and, in September of 1992, as Jerry lindquist, who also coordinates the Michigan What first cutting Guthrie has remaining is and stalks that are completely barren of an ear. President of MSU (a position he held until Octo- Hay Sellers list, predicts that next winter and spring listed at $3.50 a bale, and he expects that second Heavy spring rains kept Andy VanDyk, a dairy ber of 1993). will rewrite the book on high hay prices. cutting won't come out of the barn for anything less producer approximately 25 miles east of Holland, In between his additional tours of duty at "We've always said that SS a bale seemed to be. than $4 per bale. He says that 7ao-pound round out of the fields until the end of June. To add insult MSU, Guyer was Director of the Michigan Depart- the ceiling for hay, but we're in a different ball game bales will fetch S3S for first cutting and $45 per bale to injury, the weather then turned to drought con- ment of Natural Resources for two years. than we have ever been in before, as far as these pric- for second cutting. Hay sold at local livestock yards ditions, with little or no rainfall in many sections of He stepped forward once again to serve the es go -it's a hard one to predict," lindquist said. "We're in his area, regardless of cutting, is generally going the two-county area. "We've got about 85 acres of agricultural community when he accepted Direc- still in the hay harvest season and we're seeing prices for nothing less than $3 per bale. corn that's all about 2~ to 3 feet tall and there tor of the MDAin 1994. "This job has had the usually reserved for January and February." Raymond Oates, of Raymond Oates and Son, a aren't any ears on it whatsoever," VanDyksaid. most rewards," he said. "One reward was to see A large number of hay acres were sacrificed l,4ao-acre cash crop hay operation near Waldron, Five miles north of VanDyk, Ottawa County the new enthusiasm for the public/private part- last spring to take advantage of higher corn and reported prices of $140 to $160 per ton off the farm Farm Bureau President Laverne Haveman is estimat- nership in Michigan agriculture. It's unique across soybean prices. A delayed first cutting has resulted for good-quality second cutting, and $100 to S120 ing that his corn will average about 10 tons per acre, the country." Guyer said he is proud of the proac- in a fair amount of generally poorer quality first per ton for "mediocre feed," but expects those pric- with the sandier ground suffering the poorest tive use of MDAmanagement teams to address cutting hay going for UOO toU20 per ton, says es to easily hit $180 to $200 per ton in the state. stands. "There's a few fields that I've seen that Continued on ~ge 3 Undquist. Drought conditions, combined with a Both Oates and Guthrie say producers can aren't over a foot tall- it's all tasseled out and it's severe infestation of potato leaf hopper, put a seri- typically purchase round bales for $15 to $25 per brown," Haveman said. ous crimp in second and third cutting yields, with ton less, provided their facilities are set up to han- Calling the feed supply a serious situation, prices for those cuttings going over $160 per ton. dle the round bales and transportation can be kept Mike Elliot, Pioneer Hybrid District sales manager Tom Guthrie, who serves as MFB's vice presi- to a minimum. "Round bales are still not moving - for the area, says that many of the livestock produc- dent, operates a 450-acre cash crop hay operation near you can only afford to move them a short distance," ers in the two-county area will have to look to grain Delton in Barry County. Unlike most years, he's go- Oates said. "Then if the bales were stored outside, producers east of U.S. 131 and nonh for sources of ing into the winter months with his hay mows rela- nobody really knows how much spoilage there is." feed. "I think horrible would describe it pretty accu- tively empty. "Most of the hay we made this year was Oates, who says the shortage is nationwide, rately," Elliot said, referring to the corn crop's rapid sold directly out of the field," he said. "We haven't has turned away inquiries from as far away as Texas, deterioration. "In a matter of two days we lost an put a bale of third cutting in the barn as yet, and most Continued on page 3 Continued on page 6 II" '" , ~ ~ INSIDE THIS ISSUE OF THE MICHICAN FARM NEWS Capitol Corner 3 Weather Outlook 8 Michigan soybean producers - Harvesting and handling high- Muskegon plant to produce growing for the market 12 moisture, frost-damaged grain 4 new "libe~ herbicide 9 Precision Agriculture: Ag retail outlets Guidelines on buying high- Fresh silage can contain evolve into information centers ...... 13 moisture shelled corn 5 a deadly threat to health 10 Westendorps named MMPA's Market Outlook 6 Considering alternative uses for Outstanding Young Dairy immature soybeans and dry beans? Cooperators 16 Sizing up dairy farms 7 Look before you leapl 11 Sell products and services in the Michigan Farm NeVilSclassifieds-Page 14 You would get the impression that Proposal 0 is only about bear hunting. But look below the sur- Large corn crop may Continuous CRP face hype and you find that Proposal 0 is really aimed not help shortages sign-up details at wiping out hunting and fishing. I think it's fair to ontinuous Conservation Reserve Program say that the animal rights groups that are pushing Proposal 0 really don't care about the importance of F irst, the good news: The Agriculture Depart- ment has announced that this year's corn crop could be the fourth largest in the nation's history. C (CRP) sign-up started on Sept. 4 at local FSA offices and is intended to be available indefinitely. hunting as a tool farmers can use to help control Now, the bad news: The large corn haul may not be The Food Security Act of 1985, as amended, autho- wildlife crop damage. These groups just care about big enough to help replenish the depleted stock- rized the CRP to be implemented by Commodity advandng their anti-hunting, vegetarian agenda. piles or to settle volatile markets. Credit Corporation (CCC). Closely examine the implications of the Pro- The Agriculture Department now forecasts an The purpose of continuous sign-up is to pro- posal 0 language. If passed, Proposal 0 would pro- 8.8-billion-bushel corn crop, a 1Q9-million-bushel vide management flexibility to farmers and ranchers hibit the use of bait and dogs to hunt bears at any increase from its August projection. A 2.27-billion- to implement certain conservation practices on time. I'm not a bear hunter, but the Michigal) Unit- bushel soybean harvest is also projected. their cropland. Acreage will be automatically accept- ed Conservation Clubs (the state's leading hunting "We're still looking at a very tight grain supply ed into the program provided the acreage and pro- organization) says that bait and dogs are the only situation," said Mike Hoover of the WEFAGroup. ducer meet certain eligibility requirements at a per- From the practical and humane way to control the state's bear "Increasing the corn crop helps a little, but it's not a acre rental rate not to exceed CCC's maximum pay- President population. If you eliminate baiting, it will be ex- savior yet by any means." ment amount. The continuous sign-up process tremely difficult to lure bears out of Michigan's thick Economist john Schnittker, of the consumer does not have a competitive bidding process; how- Turn back the animal and swampy terrain. And, if bear baiting is banned, group Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, said ever, producers may elect to receive an amount less you can be sure that deer baiting will be next. Ad- the grain shortages probably won't be eased until than the maximum payment rate. rights assault - vote mittedly, there have been some trespass problems next year's crops are harvested .• Eligible land for enrollment in CRP includes no on Proposal D associated with retrieving dogs. But the MUCC says cropland that has been planted or considered plant- he agricultural industry has a major stake in better law enforcement and hunter education has ed to an agricultural commodity in any two of the T the outcome of two of the ballot proposals that will be considered by Michigan voters this fall. Your addressed much of the trespass problem. Another part of the Proposal 0 language pro- Greenpeace protesting u.s. soybean imports five crop years 1992 through 1996 that is physically and legally capable of being cropped. The acreage organization is strongly urging a "yes" vote on Pro- hibits bear hunting during open season for deer if reenpeace, which claims a poll conducted in must also be determined eligible and suitable by the posal G and a "no" vote on Proposal 0 on Nov. 5. It's easy to remember the difference: Proposal baiting or hunting with dogs is permitted during these seasons. That wordage is a direct -on shot at G early September reveals two-thirds of Germa- ny's citizens oppose genetically modified soybeans, Natural Resources Conservation Service for any of the-following practices: G would reinforce that the Commission of the De- deer hunting. It would basically slam the door on is organizing protests against U.S.-produced soy- _ filter strips _ riparian buffers partment of Natural Resources has the sole authority any possibility, for example, of opening the bow beans. Greenpeace says Germans should resist using _ shelter belts _ living snow fences to regulate the taking of game in the state. Remem- hunting season earlier in the fall as a way of ad- herbidde-resistant soybeans, called Roundup Ready _ field windbreaks _ grassed waterways ber that "G" stands for "good management." Propos- dressing deer crop damage. soybeans, developed by the Monsanto company. _ salt -tolerant vegetation, al 0, on the other hand, is a radical, animal rights- Whether you approve or disapprove of bear "If Monsanto has its way, we will soon have _ shallow water areas for wildlife. driven attempt to begin eliminating all sport hunting hunting, remember the real issues at stake with genetically altered soy in bread, margarine and Further, acreage within an Environmental and fishing. "0" stands for "dumb and dangerous." these two proposals. Approval of Proposal G would chocolate," saidjoerg Naumann, head of Green- Protection Agency designated wellhead protection The wording of Proposal G provides that the keep common sense and science the key elements peace's campaign. In spite of Monsanto's assuranc- area is also eligible .• Natural Resources Commission has the exclusive of wildlife management in Michigan. Passage of es that the herbicide-resistant soybeans require less authority to regulate the taking of game, incJuding Proposal 0 would be an animal rights victory of bear hunting. It also requires the commission to national proportions. And make no mistake about herbicides and are more cost-friendly, Greenpeace argues that U.S. and European Union safety checks Australians to market utilize "principles of sound scientific management" it: nunting is number one in the cross hairs of the are too lax. Sixty percent of Germany's soybean genetically altered pork in making decisions regarding the taking of game and to minimize human;bear encounters. Agricul- animal rights fanatics. But the farm use of animals is next on their kill list. supply comes from the United States .• A n Australian firm, controlled by the Adelaide University, has announced plans to market ture has not always agreed with Department of Natural Resources doctrine. But if we as farmers are to have any hope of making progress on the wildlife crop damage issue, it is crucial that game manage- g~,i~ jack Laurie, President Exports predicted to fall $2 billion in 1997 pork from genetically engineered hogs. The pigs have been modified by the introduction of a growth hormone to boost productivity. The new gene, a synthetic copy of a human ment remain under the control of wildlife experts. Michigan Farm Bureau B ecause supplies of corn, wheat and cotton are expected to be tight next year, the Agriculture Department has lowered its export prediction for gene, was integrated into the pigs' genetic makeup and the first generation of progeny are the objects of some controversy in Australia. An advertisement 1997 to $58 billion - below its earlier prediction of announcing the "new" hogs drew only a few letters $60 billion - despite even stronger exports of other of complaint, seen as a sign of endorsement by the commodities. Australian National Farmers Federation. 'i\lthough prices will remain strong, lower like debates about new genetically engi- expected shipments of wheat, coarse grains and neered farm products in the U.S., our Australian cotton will reduce export value for these commodi- counterparts are smack-dab in the middle of a dis- ties by nearly $4 billion in 1997," USDAsaid in a cussion over how, or if, to label the pork from the report. The decline in exports will be offset by an genetically engineered hogs. The director of the $800 million increase for soybeans, soybean meal Australian National Food Authority disagrees with and larger shipments of soybean oil. Exports of the farm lobby's contentions that the meat needs livestock, poultry, fruits, vegetables and nuts also no special label. The Food Authority cites cases in are expected to increase $1 billion, easing the hit the U.S. where labels stating the origin of genetical- from the grain and cotton losses. ly engineered products usually do not have too livestock, dairy and poultry exports are ex- much of an effect on purchases, but cases where pected to reach a record $12.7 billion, eclipsing the products carry no labels can prompt an intense $12.1 billion mark set this year. Fruit exports are level of media speculation and comment .• expected to reach a record $3.5 billion and vegeta- bles also are anticipated to break a record at $2.6 billion in exports. Nut exports are predicted to re- FFA convention to main relatively unchanged at $1.34 billion. leave Kansas City The report said some of the estimates are based he National FFAOrganization announced it will Berrien County Farm Bureau hosts on continuing sales levels to major trading partners, including Mexico, and Canada, and to steady growth T move its convention to another city after 1999, leaving Kansas City after a 68-year run. The group in key Asian Pacific Rim markets. The predictions are cited the need for more convention space in the Ag Accident Rescue seminar for sales in fiscal 1997, which begins Oct. 1. • announcement that will take away Kansas City's fires, pesticide recognition and respective antidotes. biggest and most profitable convention. O ver 95 rescue personnel serving Berrien County participated in an Ag Acddent Rescue Seminar held Sept. 14 at River Valley High The day-long seminar sponsored by Berrien County Farm Bureau and Berrien County MSU Ex- USDA purchases beef and ham for lunch Last year, the convention drew about 37,000 visitors to Kansas City and brought more than $14 School in Three Oaks. tension was accredited by the Michigan Fire Fight- million into the local economy. Also last year, some The seminar reviewed with Emergency Medi- ers Training Council and the Michigan Department program conventioneers were forced to stay in hotel rooms he Agriculture Department announced a pur- as far as 50 miles away from the convention site. cal Technician (EMT) and other rescue personnel the scope of agricultural emergencies, phases of of Public Health. EMT's received five continuing education credits for completing the program .• T chase of 1.44 million pounds of frozen smoked fully cooked hams and about 5 million pounds of The FFAhas not announced where the convention will move .• extrication from rollovers, handling of chemical frozen beef for distribution in the National School Lunch Program and other federal programs. The hams were purchased for prices ranging Ethanol undaunted The Michigan Farm News (lSSN:0743-9962) Is published twice per month except in the months of November. December. from U.6715 to $1.9299 per pound and was the first ham purchase since the program was an- C orn's high prices and low stocks have dried up ethanol production - but only temporarily. Looking longer term, in its ongoing program to June and July when only one issue is printed. OIS • service to regular members. by Michigan Farm Bureau. 7373 west nounced last month. The hams are scheduled for Saginaw Highway. lansing. Michigan 48917. Member subscription price of $1.50 Is Included in annual dues of support ethanol, the U.S. Department of Energy's Michigan Farm Bureau regular members. AddltiOMl subscription fees required for mailing Michigan Farm News to delivery between Oct. 5 and 18. nonmembers and outside the continental U.s.A. Periodical postage paid ~ lansing. Michigan. and addltlOMI mailing National Renewable Energy Lab has awarded a offices. • The beef purchase was part of a USDA move $115,000 grant to the American Ethanol Coalition Letters to the editor and statewide news artIdes should be sent to: Editor. Michigan Farm Nwn. Post Office Box to aid cattle producers. Since May, USDA has pur- to continue biomass-to-ethanol feasibility studies. 30960. Lansing. Michigan 48909-U60. POSTMASTER - Send address cMnges to: Michigan Farm BurNU. Post Office chased about 55 million pounds of beef at a cost of Box 30960. lansing. Michigan 41909-M60. This particular project is focused on using native about $51 million. The latest beef purchase is Editorial: Demis Rudat. Editor and Business Manager, Thomas Nugent. Associate Editor. prairie grasses, Conservation Reserve Program Design end Production: Jeffrey Rutzky. Staff Contributors: Milt. Rovers scheduled for delivery during the same window as cover crops and corn stalks as potential ethanol Officer$: President. Jadl Llurie. Cass Oty: VIe. President. Tom Guthrie. Delton; Administrative Director. Chudt Burttttt; the ham purchase .• Treasurer end Chief Finandal Offker. Torn ParIlfr, Secm8ry. o.vid VenderHaagen. D1rector1: DIstrict 1. Jim Miller. feedstocks. CoIol'rnI: District 2. Blain. YanSidde. Marshall; Oistrkt 3. Michael Fusilier. ~chester. District 4, Torn Guthrie. Delton; Moving in the same direction, the Nebraska District 5. Alen Gamer, Mason; District 6. Wayne Wood" Marlette: Dls1rkt 7. lUck Johnson. L.etoy. DIstrict .. Richard Leach. Saginaw: District 9. Joshua Wunsch. Trnwse Oty; D1strkt 10. MargaNt Kart8s. West Branch; DIstrict 11. Robert Legislature has voted to study non-traditional Wahmhoff. Bar-sa. At-Large: JadllAurie. Cass Oty: Faye Adam. Snover; Jan Vosburg. Cimax: Judy Emmons. Sheridan. biomass feedstocks and technology that can be Promotion and Education. BrIgette Lead\. Qirnax; Young F.-men. Ovis Donbrodl. CoIdwlter. used to expand ethanol production ... For more information on When are SMVsrequired? legislative topics in the Michigan Farm News, call 800-292-2680. C onflicts are arising as to when Slow Moving Vehicle signs (SMVs)are required. There are A. Yes. If the unit meets the definitions of one of the two regulations covering the use of SMVs:The categories above it must Michigan Vehicle Code (enforced by police agen- have an SMVin addition cies) and the Michigan Occupational Health and to the lights or other NATIONAL ISSUE Safety Act (enforced by the Departmem of Consum- warning equipment. er and Industry Services, formerly the Departmem Q. Since many farm trailers and wagons do Regulation of transportation of Labor). not directly harvest, or apply fertilizer, spray of hazardous materials The Michigan Vehicle Code requires, or seeds to farm fields, do they need SMVs? Farm Bureau strongly opposes the proposed when operated on the highway, an SMVemblem A. These units under normal use are consid- T he Research and Special Program Administra- tion (RSPA)in the Departmem of Trans porta- tion recently published a proposed regulation for regulation because of the adverse impact it would have on many farmers. Further, the quamity of fertilizers, pesticides and fuel transported from farm to field and be displayed for: • Every vehicle which has a maximum potential ered implements of husbandry because they are designed to be drawn by a farm tractor and therefore speed of 25 miles an hour; need an SMV.When drawn behind a pickup or truck, the intrastate transportation of hazardous material back by many farmers is not large enough to pose a • An implement of husbandry; the unit will need an SMV.Note: Operators need to within each state. If given final approval, the Federal significam risk to public health. The University of Illi- • Farm tractor; or check the unit's axles and tires for its maximum governmem would in effect be telling the State nois conducted a study to determine what the finan- • Special mobile equipment. speed rating. Most of the units designed to be drawn of Michigan specifically what it must do to regulate dal impact would be for an average farm to comply The Michigan Occupational Health and Safety by a tractor have a maximum of25 miles per hour. the transportation of hazardous material within its with the proposed rule change. The University esti- Act provides that the SMVmust be mounted on the If the unit is designed to be drawn by com- borders. mated that it would cost the average farm S2,070. rear of the vehicle, broad base down, not less than mercial units such as pickups or trucks it may no Curremly, each state establishes its own regu- Michigan Congressmen Jim Barcia (D-Bay 3 feet, nor more than 5 feet, above the ground and longer meet the definition of an implement of hus- lations concerning the transportation of hazardous City) and Vern Ehlers (R-Grand Rapids) are mem- as near the center of the vehicle as possible. In bandry and would not need an SMV.This unit materials. The proposed regulation by the RSPA bers of the House Transportation Committee and addition, red reflectors or reflectorized tape is re- would need to be equipped with brakes on all would force farmers who move fertilizer, pesticides have been contacted and asked to support an quired on rear at each side of equipment. wheels, lights and be licensed. and fuel from farm to field and from field to farm to amendmem that would cominue state regulation of Questions Related to SMV Use Q. Can the SMV be used to mark driveways? comply with the same requirements as commercial imrastate transportation of hazardous materials. Q. If an implement of husbandry (defined as A. No. The SMVmay not be used on station- over-the-road haulers moving from state to state. MFB position: Farm Bureau opposes federal a farm tractor, a vehicle designed to be drawn ary objects within the road right-of-way. The requirements include such things as placard- regulation of the imrastate transportation of hazard- by a farm tractor or an animal, a vehicle that Q. Who is responsible for SMVs on rental ing, obtaining shipping papers and maintaining a ous materials. directly harvests farm products, or a vehicle equipment such as a fertilizer spreader? 24-hour emergency response telephone line. MFB contact: AIAlmy, ext. 2040.• that directly applies fertilizer, spray or seeds A. The driver is the responsible person at the to a farm field) exceeds 25 miles per hour, does time of a traffic stop and would receive the ticket. the equipment require an SMV? Injury liability in the case of an acddent may extend Income averaging A.Yes.The provision includes "or" rather than to all parties having control and/or ownership of "and"; each category stands alone and is not qualified the unit. Under Michigan Occupational Health and M ichigan Congressman Nick Smith (R-Addi- son) has imroduced H.R. 3783 to provide income averaging of farm income earned by individ- assets used in the business of farming, excluding net gains from the sale of real property. The bill is by the other category. Therefore a sprayer mounted on a pickup would require an SMVbecause it is an Safety Act standards it is the employers' responsibil- ity to maintain compliance with the standard. pending in the Ways and Means Committee and is "implement of husbandry" regardless of the fact it Therefore, if a supplier would cause their employ- uals and corporations. The income that would be not t;Xpected to be enacted this year. can travel at speeds over 25 miles per hour. ees to operate the unit on the road the supplier eligible for income averaging would include the net MFB position: Farm Bureau supports H.R. Q. If there are flashing lights, a rotating would be responsible for compliance .• farm profits of farm sole proprietors, partnerships 3783. beacon or strobe light on the unit, do you Source: MACMA Regulatory Compliance Assistance Program. and S corporations, and net gains from sales of MFB contact: AIAlmy, ext. 2040 .• need an SMV? NATIONAL ISSUE' " ' Ergonomics rule eight-hour work shift would be sufficient to trigger State hay availability reaching critical stage I nitialefforts by the U.S. House of Representa- tives have failed to cominue a ban on the Occu- pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the draft standard's requirements to idemify an ergonomic hazard, require efforts at remediation, and impose an obligation to make constam efforts Continued from front page and has a pre-paid order for 10-12, 600-bale loads and quality at their respective MSU Extension offices. Undquist says the list is just now beginning a week to just one operation in Florida from No- to be compiled, now that the hay season is com- proposal to govern workplace practices that may at idemification and remidiation. vember through April. "There won't be enough pleted and producers know what they have to sell. lead to "ergonomic injuries." Ergonomics, as com- Medical experts who treat and study ergonom- hay to go around in this state, not even junk hay. While an early frost might add to potential monly used by OSHA, refers to any workplace factor ic injuries, such as"the National Institutes of Arthri- We'll be shipping hay in here from the west be- feed supplies and provide a little softening on hay relating to repetitive motion, working in hot or cold tis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, and the fore too long," Oates predicted. prices, neither Guthrie nor Undquist anticipate a conditions, exerting force, gripping objects, lifting American Society for Surgery of the Hand, admit Undquist hopes the Michigan Hay Sellers major price reduction, since producers will still objects, climbing, stooping or bending, working in that medical and sciemific knowledge have not will keep that from happening. "There's enough need hay for fiber and protein. awkward positions, use of vibrating tools or any advanced to a poim where a comprehensive work- demand in the state this year that producers can "Producers needing to buy hay certainly number of other conditions that might be encoun- place rule can be issued. The consequences of such save on shipping, and keep the hay right here in want to be locating a good portion of that hay as tered in farm workplaces. a rule on farmers are obvious. the state for our own producers," he suggested. quickly as possible if their intention is to feed The ergonomics standard partially drafted by MFB position: Farm Bureau supported a Producers who have hay for sale can list their animals through the winter. I would be looking to OSHA in 1995 and 19% is extremely vague in what cominuation of the ban on OSHA issuing an ergo- supplies, quality and asking price through their have at least 70 percent of my hay located proba- it regulates and enforces against employers. For nomics standard. local MSU Extension office on a computerized bly by the end of September - not much later example, lifting a 35-pound weight once during an MFB contact: AIAlmy, ext. 2040 .• network. Producers looking for hay can then do than the end of October," Undquist advised .• some comparison pricing on available supplies Michigan legislators honored by American Farm Bureau Michigan Hay Sellers List (as of 9/12/96) Tyler Wegmeyer • 517-379-4034 Bob Wallace • 616-796-7129 A merican Farm Bureau has designated nine Farm Bureau" designation include: • First and second cutting alfalfa, 125 small • 'Second cutting alfalfa/grass, 25 large ~ichigan legislators to receive the "Friend of • Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Auburn Hills) squares @ S60/ton, stored inside rounds @ S90/ton, stored outside covered Farm Bureau" award for the 104th Congress. The • Rep. James Barda {D-Bay City) Ed Oplinger • 517-644-3079 • 'First cutting alfalfa/grass, 34 large rounds award is given to individuals who have met the • Rep. David Camp (R-Midland) • Second cutting alfalfa, 2,000 small squares @ S50/ton, stored outside covered requiremem for their voting records, and who were • Rep. Dick Chrysler (R-Brighton) @ SI20/ton, stored inside Ruth Long • 616-328-4513 nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus, • Rep. Vern Ehlers (R-Grand Rapids) • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 6,000 small squares • Second cutting alfalfa/grass, 10 small squares in this case Michigan Farm Bureau. The nomina- • Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Holland) @ Sloo/ton, stored inside @ '75/ton, stored inside tions were then approved by the American Farm • Rep. Joseph Knollenberg (R-Bloomfield Hills) • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 200 small squares • Second cutting grass, 10 small squares Bureau board of directors. • Rep. Nick Smith (R-Addison) @ S85/ton, stored inside @ S55/ton, stored inside Those from Michigan receiving the "Friend of • Rep. Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) • • Second cutting alfalfa/grass, 400 large • Second cutting other, 10 small squares rounds @ Sloo/ton, stored inside @ S75/ton, stored inside Dairy group challenges New England contract • First cutting alfalfa, 3,000 small squares • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 1,250 large rounds The Milk Industry Foundation has filed suit in gave him the authority to set up the commission. @ Sloo/ton, stored inside @ S42/ton, stored outside uncovered • U.S. District Court in Washington seeking to dis- The suit seeks a preliminary and a final court ruling Dave Hickman • 517-345-5755 Neil Brigham • 616-734-5226 mantle the New England Dairy Compact, saying that to overturn Glickman's decision. • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 18 large rounds • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 38 large rounds Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman lacked constitu- Glickman set up the compact to stabilize dairy @ Sloo/ton, stored inside @ S5O/ton, stored outside uncovered tional authority to implemem the commission. farm income in the New England states. Some con- • Second cutting alfalfa, 30 small squares • First cutting grass, 40 large rounds Under the constitution, only Congress has the sumer groups, including two closely allied with the @ S92.30/ton, stored inside @ S40/ton, stored outside uncovered authority to establish an imerstate compact, says dairy processing industry, oppose the compact. Barry Catlin, Sr • 616-832-1586 Theodore Sheets • 810-664-2379 the foundation. Glickman says the 1996 farm bill They claim it will drive up milk prices at the super- • First cutting grass, 200 small squares • First cutting alfalfa/grass, 25 small squares market. • @ S60/ton, stored inside @ SlOO/ton, stored inside • First cutting grass, 30 small squares 'Guyer praises Farm Bureau support @ Sloo/ton, stored inside .'995 harvest year; all others 1996 harvest year. Continued from front page state." A5a longtime agricultural scientist, Guyer said agricultural challenges ranging from revitalizing the research is the backbone of the agricultural industry. pork industry to comrolling TB in deer. "We've go to stay out front, and that depends on the NOVEMBER WILDLIFE BALLOT PROPOSALS Looking toward the future, Guyer said land use support ofMSU. The partnership of Farm Bureau, is one of most important issues in agriculture. In MDAand MSU is unique, significant and productive." Farm Bureau is sup- addition, he said, "I'm convinced we've got to find Is this the last agriculture will see of Gordon ways to get our products more visibility. We need to Guyer? "Oh no, I'll always be visible, but I have no porting PROPOSAL G Visit us on the World Wide Web at: see the same kind of aggressiveness in agriculture we intention of getting involved on a tight schedule," http://www.fb.comlmlfb on Nov. 5. see in small business and the auto industry in the he said .• September 30, 1996 Harvesting and handling high-moisture, frost-damaged grain by Roger Brook and Tim Harrigan, 50 Ib;bu. Since kernel moisture will still be above threshing action by closing con- Ag Engineering, Michigan State University 60 percent, the crop must be left to field dry, if cave clearance slightly. Harvest a Establish a harvest strategy whole-plant moisture content is too low for corn small amount and re-check grain pot check each field to determine the ap- silage., During this period, field losses will increase qualiey in the tank. If many cobs S parent qualiey of the crop. Since the out- side rows are aeypical, walk through the field in a pattern. For example, walk in about 10 due to stalk breakage and ear molds. Begin combin- ing after kernel moisture drops below 3S percent. Preharvest inspection of the combine will help begin to split without the corn being shelled, open the concave a small amount and try increas- rows, then down 10 paces, over 10 rows, then down assure the best possible mechanical condition. Start ing cylinder or rotor speed by 20 10 paces until the field is thoroughly criss-crossed. at the corn head. Check for and replace worn or or 30 rpm. Check grain qualiey :....,.. An examination of the plants combined with, when loose gatherer chains, snapping plates, stalk plates, and repeat the process until the necessary, collection of ear samples will help to feeder conveyor chain, drive chains and bearings. best grain quality is obtained. At decide when and where CO harvest first. Also, check the threshing components and corr~t high grain moisture you may Lodging and qualiey loss may be significant obvious problems: worn or bent rasp bars or con- have to accept, and strike a bal- problems in frost ~amaged grain. Corn or soybeans cave, alignment of the cylinder concave (parallel ance between, higher than nor- that are at risk of serious lodging (due to the pres- with cylinder or rotor), and worn or loose drive mal grain loss from unshelled ence of ECB damage or rotted stalks) or qualiey loss belts or chains. Check the operacor manual for the cobs and damaged grain. (as may occur when pods split due to exposure) suggested range of settings for cylinder speed, con- The chaffer, sieve and fan need to be harvested promptly. The field drying cave clearance, chaffer and sieve openings. blast also affect grain qualiey in the rate diminishes significantly as the weather cools, Fine-tune combine adjustments for best shell- tank. The sieve should be opened and field drying essentially scops by mid- to late ing and least cracking. Grain above 30 percent mois- far enough to allow grain, but not November. A strategy that combines timeliness of ture can be difficult CO remove from the cob and is larger debris, to drop through. If harvest with proper operation of equipment will go easily cracked and damaged by over-threshing. Be- the sieve opening is too small, far to minimize field and harvest losses. gin harvest with combine adjustments that would grain will move to the tailings Iowa research data show that as the fall season likely under-thresh a eypical, lower moisture crop. return and kernel cracking from progresses, we cannot expect significant drying in the Set cylinder or rotor speed near the low end of the over-threshing will occur. With field. The exception here may be freeze~rying if we suggested range, and set concave clearance near the chaffer and sieve at the maxi- wait for freezing weather. However, available informa- the widest recommended setting. Open the chaffer mum recommended openings, tion puts this at a 4 co S percent moisture loss. and sieve to the maximum recommended openings. start with the lowest recommend- Combining high-moisture, Check with the combine manufacturer for machine- ed fan speed and gradually in- frost-damaged corn specific recommendations. crease fan blast until kernels be- The objective when combining corn is CO re- Poor shelling can be caused by too wide a gin to be blown out of the com- move all kernels from the cob without damaging spacing between the cylinder or rotor and concave, bine or into the tailings return. the grain. The best time co harvest is when the grain too slow a cylinder speed, or too fast a ground Then, reduce fan speed a small amount. This is the If you do not currently have silo storage ca- is about 24 to 28 percent moisture. As moisture speed. Cracked corn in the tank can be caused by maximum acceptable fan speed. Next, begin closing pacity, you might consider hiring a custom operator increases above this ideal range, it is increasingly too fast a cylinder speed, or too narrow a concave the chaffer and sieve slightly until little foreign mate- who has a bag-packer to fill some silage bags. The difficult CO thresh all kernels from the cob without spadng. Too much cob or foreign material in the rial is carried to the grain tank. cheapest silage storage option, but the one with cracking the kernels. Preharvest preparation, field grain tank can be caused by improper sieve adjust- Determine crop drying needs greatest spoilage losses, is to build temporary silage combine adjustments and patience will help put ment or too Iowa fan speed. Check the trash dis- Electronic moisture meters are generally not stacks on a level, well~rained site. Packing of the qualiey grain in the tank. The manufacturer's in- charged from the rear of the combine. Few kernels reliable at moisture contents above 25 percent, silage in the stack is important for excluding air, and struction book is a source of information on com- should remain on the cob and most cobs should be unless they have been specifically calibrated for promoting the ensilage process necessary for pre- bine settings and should be referred to at all times. unbroken. Check grain qualiey in the grain tank; this range. Moisture readings can easily vary up to serving the silage. Fields should be inspected the morning after there should be few cracked kernels and little cob 2 percentage points from the actual value. Check Store and feed high-moisture corn if you have the frost as soon as the plant has begun to thaw and foreign material in the grain. the sample with several meters to get an idea of the access to unused silo capadty. Older silos might out. Options for handling fall frost~maged corn Under-threShing may be caused by too slow a range of variabiliey. need to have additional bands installed to withstand depend on the plant stage when frost occurred. If cylinder speed and too wide a concave spadng. To Harvest more silage: Beef and dairy farmers the grain pressure (contact a silo company for rec- the corn was frozen in the milk stage, grain yield find the best settings for the field conditions, make can reduce the need for drying by harvesting more ommendations on silo bands). Shelled corn should will be low, and green-chopping or ensiling is the one change at a time and check the results of these whole-plant silage. The ideal whole-plant moisture be harvested at 25 to 30 percent moisture for stor- most viable option. If the corn was frozen in the changes frequently. Since increasing cylinder or concentration for ensiling corn in bunker (horizon- age as high-moisture corn. dough stage, yields may be reduced by at least rotor speed is more likeJy to damage the grain than taQ silos and stacks is 70 percent in order to facilitate Economics of drying relative to moisture con- 50 percent and the test weight may be less than redudng concave clearance, first try to improve tight packing and air exclusion. This roughly corre- tent: If you delay harvest, you are likely to lose more sponds to the early dent stage of development. Most grain in the field due to lodging and field mold. A upright silos should be filled with 60 to 66 percent 9-cent-per-bushel increase in drying costs is compa- moisture forage to avoid seepage. The lower end of rable to an increased field loss of3 percent, assuming (fMiiiNJ RADIO NETWORK Serving Michigan farm families is our only business this range corresponds roughly to the beginning of the black layer stage of grain development. There is no evidence of increased whole-plant drying rates following frost before maturity. The kernel milk line will not be a useful guide to whole- plant moisture for corn frost~ged at immature the corn is priced at S3 per bushel. Relative to the price of corn, energy for drying is cheap! High-temperature in-bin and column dryers are best for rapidly drying high-moisture corn from above 20-22 percent to safe storage levels below 15 percent moisture. Low and natural air drying sys- stages. Rather than guessing at plant moisture for tems are not recommended for moisture contents ince its beginning in 1971, Michigan Farm Radio Network's only this corn, use the microwave oven technique to above 20-22 percent, unless the bins are layer-filled, objective has been to serve Michigan's farm families. This monitor moisture content. Continued on page 5 dedication to serve agriculture is shared by 26 local radio stations in Michigan. Through these stations, Michigan Farm Radio Network provides the latest in market analysis, weather and news to Farm Bureau members daily on the following stations: Station City Frequency Morning Report Noon' Report WABJ Adrian 1490 5:45 am 11 :05-12:00 pm WATZ Alpena 1450 5:30 am 11:30 am WTKA Ann Arbor 1050 6:05 am 12:00-1 :00 pm WLEW Bad Axe 1340 6:30 am 12:50 pm WHFB Benton Harbor 1060 12:15 pm WKJF Cadillac 1370 5:45 am 11:10am I ' WKYO Caro 1360 6:15 am 12:10-1:00 pm WTVB Coldwater 1590 5:45 am 12:00-1 :00 pm ••. is a-;;';;'ber of the nation's farming communliy~~---;:::'} WDOW Dowagiac 1440 6:05 am 12:15 pm And like you. we've worked hard and are proud of our long history of progress and innovation. Today we lead the timber column construction industry with the best buildings available. WGHNAM Grand Haven 1370 5:45 am 12:15 pm And, that's why every Morton Building comes with more than a signature weathervane or "M" sign. It comes with the WGHN FM Grand Haven 92.1 5:45 am 12:15 pm strongest warranties in the building industry! WPLB Greenville 1380 6:15 am 11:50 am WBCH Hastings 1220 6:15 am 12:30 pm 50 YEAR PIITICIIIR AGAINST SNOW-LOAD DAMAGE TO THE STRUCfURE WITH NO WEIGHT LIMIT. WCSR Hillsdale 1340 6:45 am 12:45 pm 50 YfAR I'IIOltlilllR AGAINST DECAY OR INSECf AlTACK ON PRESERVATIVE TREATED COLUMNS AND WHTC Holland 1450 12:15 pm PRESERVATIVE TREATED LUMBER. WKZO Kalam~zoo 590 5:00-6:00 am 12:00-1 :00 pm fD YEAR PRDlECTI .. AGAINST RED RUST ON PAINTED STEEL PANELS INCLUDING DAMAGE CAUSED BY WPlB FM lakeview 106.3 6:15 am 12:15 pm ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTANTS. WOAP Owosso 1080 7:15 am 12:40 pm 10 YEAR PROTECTION AGAINST WIND LOAD DAMAGE TO OUR OPfIONAL ALUMASTEEL. SLIDING DOORS WHAK Rogers City 960 12:15 pm WITH NO WIND VELOCITY LIMIT. WSJ St. Johns 1580 6:15 am 12:05-1 :05 pm 800-447-7436 WMLM St. Louis 1520 6:05 am 12:20 pm 5 YEAR PROTECTION AGAINST WIND LOAD DAMAGE TO THE STRUCfURE WITH NO WIND VELOCITY LIMIT. • MORTON WSGW WMIC Saginaw Sandusky 790 660 5:55 am 6:15 am 11:30-12:30 pm 12:45 pm All WARRANTIEIINCLUDE MATERIAlS AND lABOR AMI ARE NOT PRORATfD. P. . BUILDINGS o. Box 399, MOrtOll, IL 61550 C J'J96 Monon Duiklings.Jnc. WKJC FM Tawas City 104.7 12:40 pm WLKM Three Rivers 1510 5:45 am 12:15 pm Adrian, MI (517) 263-0541 • Brown City, MI (810) 346-2702 • Kalkaska, MI (616) 258-2580 WTCM Traverse City 580 5:45 am 11:10am Rockford, MI (616) 874-6400' St. Johns, MI (517) 224-6892' Three Rivers, MI (616) 279-5271 Guidelines on buying high-moisture shelled corn by Jerry Lindquist, County Extension (see Table A), according to moisture • Determine actual corn moisture. ture up to 2 percent shrink per point of moisture. Director, Osceola County and Roger Brook, • Offer some guarantee of payment as you • Determine delivered wet weight of truckload This increases as corn moisture goes up. It also incor- Ag Engineering, Michigan State University should understand sellers get nervous when from the trucker's certified scale receipts. porates a percent dry matter handling loss .• M any dairy and livestock farmers will be they deliver S20,000 worth of corn to a person • Then use the following equation: short of shelled corn this year. Some they don't know - and may never meet. (multiplication factor from Table A) x cash crop farmers may have immature Routinely, some farms are getting a guaran- delivered wet weight x market price. Table A - ShrlnJc Table Corn moisture Shrink factor Multlpllca1lon factor. corn that is very wet and will not make good dry teed note from their lender up to a set dollar of dry corn per bushel/56 (which is the 26.0 0.154 0.846 corn. Cash crop farms will be looking to those amount; others are setting up an escrow ac- weight of dry corn per bushel) value = 27.0 0.168 0.832 farms in need of corn as a way to market some of count with a third party, such as a lender, to of truckload of corn. 28.0 0.182 0.818 their crop. The question then becomes how to set a draw out of as the corn is delivered Here is an example: 47,458 pounds of wet 29.0 0.199 0.801 fair price for high-moisture shelled corn (HMSC) . 30.0 0.219 0.781 • Ask the cash cropper if there is a mortgage on corn delivered, your agreed market price is 13.25 31.0 0.239 0.761 Here are some guidelines to follow. the crop, and if there is, how the payment per bushel for 15 percent moisture corn, the corn 32.0 0.259 0.741 When negotiating a price with a cash crop should be handled (this will avoid legal has- is 30 percent moisture and the trucking is to be 33.0 0.279 0.721 farm, determine the following: sles for yourself) 12 per loaded mile delivered from 90 miles away. 34.0 0.299 0.701 • The amount of corn you wish to purchase - • Determine trucking price - routinely S2 per 35.0 0.319 0.681 "Multiplication factor = 1 - Shrink factor normally quoted in wet bushels (call the loaded mile. «0.781 x 47,458) x $3.25) + 56 $2,151.08= Extension office if you need to know silo How to determine pay price for value of truckload of corn Table B - Test Weight Discounts capacities) delivered HMSC $2,151.08 + ($2 per mile x 90 miles) = Test weight Discount Slbu. • The maximum corn moisture percent you will • Before delivery, agree to a fair market price for $2,331.08 delivered price 53 0.01 52 0.02 accept (for example, nothing above 34 per- 15 percent moisture corn. You can use an area $2,331.081(47,45812,000)tons $98.36 = 51 0.03 cent moisture) elevator to give you a local price. If you have a delivered price per ton of 30 percent HMSC. 50 0.04 • How you will base the price - for example, method to determine corn test weight, you .An adjustment to the market price may be made if the test weight of the corn is low. 49 0.06 routinely based on the market price of dry may agree to discount the market price if the 48 0.08 corn at 15 percent moisture with the HMSC test weight is below 54 (see Table B). Other 47 0.10 Shrink factors in the following condensed table 46 0.12 price adjusted to an elevator's shrink table possible discounts are for foreign material and have a range of 1.4 percent shrink per point of mois- kernel damage, mold or sour smell. Harvesting and handling high-moisture, frost-damaged grain Wet, broken kernels and trash do not separate value of their crop. out as well as dry ones, and they can only be stored Safety Tips: Never enter a bin of flowing safely for a few hours. Rotary screen-type cleaners grain. An adult can be hopelessly trapped in 5 sec- have adequate farm capadty and are fairly inexpen- onds and completely covered after 22 seconds. Use sive. They clean out large trash as well as fines. Per- a lock-out to prevent bin unloading while you are in forated auger sections help, but they remove a rela- the bin doing an inspection. Always wear a good- . tively small percentage of the broken kernels. Be fitting dust mask when working in or around moldy careful when feeding screenings. Toxins from mold grain; moldy grain can cause allergic reactions and development are usually more heavily concentrated respiratory problems. in broken kernels and fine material than in whole, One final word of caution: Storing grain deaned grain. Never feed moldy fines to dairy, poul- that was of poor quality at harvest into the. next try, swine, or young or pregnant animals. summer is risky. Remember that grain quality can Although soybeans killed at the R6 stage are never be improved during storage. Keep poor-quali- worth saving for grain, the soybeans may not make ty grain in separate bins from good quality grain. U.S. No.2 grade quality, due to high percentages of This gives more flexibility in terms of special man- shrivelled green soybeans. Growers may want to agement, feed mixing and marketing options .• consider non-traditional markets to increase the Continued from page 4 peratures colder than 30" are not desirable be- Frolll the or have additional airflow capacity. As the drying time increases with high mois- ture corn, it becomes more susceptible to brown- cause of the likelihood of warm spells during the winter, which may lead to moisture migration and a moisture build-up in the surface layers of grain. ground up ing. This is not necessarily a problem for corn to be fed to livestock. However, it will be discounted at the elevator. Research indicates that exposure to Temperatures warmer than 50°F will promote insect and mold growth. Remember that at this airflow rate it normally the best lNay drying air temperature above 200 degrees for time periods in excess of 2 hours will likely result in takes 400-600 hours of fan operation to completely cool grain to 35-40'1' during the fall and winter to deliver farm pOlNer. some degree of browning. For corn above 30 per- months. The most common mistake is to stop the cent moisture, browning is likely to occur. If it does, aeration fans before the cooling front has moved then the drying temperature needs to be reduced through the entire grain bulk. This leads to conden- to 180 degrees or less. sation and layers of spoiled grain. Always move the Use in-storage cooling or dryeration instead of cooling front through the entire bin before shutting in-dryer cooling to reduce fuel use and boost capac- off the fan. ity of high-temperature dryers. In-storage cooling Grain temperature can be estimated by hold- requires only a good, positive pressure aeration ing a good thermometer in the exhaust airflow. The system in a storage bin. Corn is unloaded from the temperature change will be complete when the dryer hot and cooled slowly in the storage bin. exhaust temperature is nearly equal to the outside Dryer capacity is increased 20 to 40 percent and temperature. For upward airflow, check grain tem- about 1 percentage point of moisture is removed perature about 6 inches down from the top surface from the corn during cooling. of the grain. For downward airflow, check the air Dryeration involves unloading hot corn into a temperature as it leaves the fan. Be sure to check cooling bin that has a full-perforated floor and then around the outside edge of the fan, and not near keeping the corn hot for at least 8 hours before the center. ROW CROP CHALLENGERS cooling is started. After cooling, corn is moved to a Inspection on a regular and continuing basis is BIG TILLAGE CHALLENGERS normal, aerated storage bin. Dryeration requires 175 PTO HP Model 35 300 Engine HP Model 650 important to detect any moisture build-up prob- some extra grain handling and possibly an extra bin, lems, which will lead to a further decrease in grain 200 PTO HP Model 45 325 Engine HP Model 75C but dryer capacity is significantly increased and quality. These problems most often appear in the 225 PTO HP Model 55 355 Engine HP Model 85C about 2 percentage points of moisture are removed top 3 feet. The key words for action are LOOK, Choose from any row crop spacing Low ground pressure, as low as 4.3 psi, during cooling: Corn cooled in a dryeration bin is FEELand SMELL WOK at how well the grain is from 15. to 40". means less compaction, more yieldsl less susceptible to breakage than corn that is cooled supporting you and for moisture condensation on Cultivate with a Challenger to With less than 5% slip and 85% tractive rapidly in a dryer. the roof. FEELthe grain for increases in moisture eliminate pinch row yield reductions. efficiency, Challenger tractors deliver Fall frost-damaged corn should be dried to and temperature. SMELLfor any off-odors, but be Unmatched row crop turning ability. the power to the ground with great kernel moisture of 12-13 percent for long-term aware that the development of odors indicates that At least 53% more footprint than any fuel efficiency. ,storage. If the corn is to be used for feeding purpos- earlier inspections missed something. mechanical front-wheel drive tractor. Nine years of proven performance. es, or sold during the winter months, drying to 13- Fall frost-damaged corn should be managed 14 percent moisture should be suffident. Overdried and aerated in storage the same way as normal dry Timeliness is the name of the game in today's modem fanning operations. corn is safer for storage but it also has a much great- shelled corn. The important requirements are prop- Challenger tractors will give you the edge in timeliness! er breakage susceptibility than corn delivered at 15 er drying, correct aeration system design (providing I flIiChl._11EI NOVI (810) 349-4800 LANSING (517) 699-4800 percent moisture. a minimum of 0.1 dm of airflow per bushel of grain GRAND RAPIDS (616) 532-3635 NOVI ENGINE (810) 349-7050 Maintain a good storage in storage) and aeration at the right times. Expect KALKASKA (616) 258-8265 GRAND RAPIDS ENGINE (616) 538-8070 more fines and trash in poor quality grain. Pre. SAGINAW (517) 752-7300 DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS (810) 348-7810 management routine SHELBYTWP. (810) 997-5300 RNANCIAL SERVICES (810) 347-6237 Ag Products Grain in storage should be between 30'1' and cleaning before filling and coring the bin after filling KALAMAZOO (616) 349-8600 50'1' to maintain quality over a period of time. Tem- add a safety margin. Market Seasonal Commodity Price Trends Corn - t they are running ahead oflast year's very good levels - but rather that they will drop off dramati- cally as we go through the rest of the year. Sept. 1 Hogs and Pigs Report, to be released Sept. 27, says. Some of the questions that the report may answer are: Have hog prices been high enough to Outloak Soybeans Wheat Hogs Cattle - - - - f f ~ f On Sept. 27 the USDA will release the quarter. IyStocks Report. The report will give us a good idea of the 1996 wheat that was fed. If the report is/was bullish, then consider pricing remaining 1996 wheat offset the high feed prices? Have corn prices been high enough that corrv1log operations say let's quit hogs and just grow crops? The answers in the re- port will show if we are in an expanding or contract- Index; - = stable prices; f = higher prices; 1 = lower on the rally. This is not to say that the wheat market ing phase in the hog sector. My guess is we are not prices; TP = topping: BT = bottoming; 7 = unsure will not have another rally, but rather the odds are in a contracting phase. not real good that you will more than pay for stor- State of Michigan would be about 115bushels per acre age. If you are still bullish on wheat, use a call op- and we have had as high as 118 bushels per acre. tion or futures; the out futures contracts also indi- id the Sept. 1 Cattle-On-Feed Report, released by Dr. Jim Hilker, Department of My analysis is that new crop corn prices should not drop much further than they already have unless the USDA has grossly underestimated cate the market will not pay storage. D Sept. 20, show large placements in August? The strong cattle prices we are seeing are not due Agricultural Econom- l-i:'}'4:l-:f':'~L!_ the crop. The lower prices should have the one to a turn-around in the cattle cycle or a seasonal ics, Michigan State University benefit of slowing up the sharp cuts in demand that we have seen over the past few months. Consider having about a third of your expected production T he soybean market is the most solid, fundamen- tally. As shown in Table 3 below, we are expect- ed to have tight 1996-97 ending stocks even with surge, but rather are directly tied back to the high corn prices and low cattle prices we saw last spring. We had very low placements for several months and CORN priced at this time, especially if you are past the the 35.8-bushel-per-acre crop estimated by the it is that which is showing up in the market prices frost damage point. Hopefully this third was previ- USDA in the last Crop Production Report. We have we are seeing now. The cattle are still out there and ist hard to believe the average U.S. corn yield I will be 120.2 bushels per acre after the country- wide late plantings and somewhat dry summer, but ously priced at much higher levels when we had the opportunities. Be looking to price more on price rallies for fall delivery, especially if you have to use only done better than that t\vice. The Supply/De- mand Report also assumes a normal South Ameri- can crop this winter. \vill come to market - the question is, when? If placements were up sharply in August as expected, we may see a sharp drop-off in prices by unless we have had a significant frost in the last 10 commercial storage. For those who need to pur- For those of you who have priced 30-40 per- December. Remember, these are heavy feeders that days, that is what the USDA is estimating, given chase corn, consider locking in prices for a signifi- cent of your 1996 expected production already, are being placed and the turnover will be fairly Sept 1 conditions. As shown in column 3 of Table 1, cant portion of this next year's needs; it may go consider holding for a price rally back toward the quick. If placements were smaller than expected, it this would provide for an 8.8-billion.bushel crop, lower, but not much. previous November contract highs. At that point it just means that the fall in prices will come a little which would really take the extreme pressure off Look at the December 1997 corn futures - at may be time to price additional bushels. Those who later and may not be as sharp. prices. This does not mean we are out of a histori- the time of this writing they where $3.00 per bushel. I have not done any forward pricing should not read The advice is to keep very current to take cally tight stocks situation; corn prices over $2.80 would hate to think how low they could go if many of this as saying there is no downside price risk - we advantage of the good prices on as many of your are still historically high. the expiring CRPcontracts are not allowed exten- all know better - and it would be prudent to put cattle as possible. Also, look at the cattle futures The Sept. 11 USDA World SupplylDemand sions. It may be time for some risk management some downside price protection in place. charts out through April- if they remain near their Report also increased expected coarse grain produc- decisions. What would 3-4 million more acres of corn If there has been a freeze that affected the highs or make new highs, consider forward pricing tion for the rest of the world. This will put down- and 128-bushel yields next year do for prices? market, my guess is that we should take advantage some of your production .• ward pressure on prices as the world will need less of any price rally now; the odds are the market will U.S. corn. It is already showing up in the form of EAT " .. over-adjust in the short run. lower exports and export sales year-to-date. While Allegan and Ottawa heat prices have really been taking it on the County corn .crop the rest of the world coarse grain production is the biggest factor affecting U.S. corn exports in the W chin. The USDA raised expected 1996 U.S. atch the hog futures charts. If we are still disastrous short run, it is not the only factor. World income, and therefore meat demand, is also a significant factor that should still be going in our favor. production 47 million bushels due to the better than expected spring wheat production. They also lowered projected 1996-97 U.S. exports by 50 mil- W near the highs (notice I didn't say at or above them, although that would be okay) out Continued from front page Unfortunately the weather has adversely affect- lion bushels due to better than expected wheat through most of 1997, consider forward pridng a ed Michigan as much as or more than any state. The production in the rest of the world. And as you can portion of your expected production out over the latest USDACrop Production Report estimated Mich- see in Table 2 below, this really loosens up the next year. If we have dropped off significantly from igan corn yield at 94 bushels per acre, down from the stocks situation compared to last year. It is not that the highs, consider dropping the above advice. August estimate of 99 bushels. A typical yield for the wheat exports have been poor year-to-date - in fact What prices do may depend on what the COMMODITY PRICE TRENDS .......................... 6SO" ........... J'lOO ......................... &40" entire plot - it just burned right up, just died and went away," According to Bill Robb, MSU Dairy area of ex- pertise agent for Ottawa and Allegan counties, many fields in the area fired up and died due to the persis- tent drought conditions and extreme heat. He pre- ..•..............• Z1f1' ............................. tOO" dicts that corn yield potential is no more than 50 ........ . Corn. Dec. '96 zso- Soybeans • Nov.'96 : : : : : : : : .: r.soo .. Wheat • Dec. '96 l6O" percent of normal at this point for the area. "Farmers IbI lee h. Fa Ilu ftpc lilt .Iu. JI. ~ IIcw J.:_J .. Fa /l.u ttrr lilt Ju" JI, ~ Sep IbI _~ h. Feb /l.u Apr lilt .Ian JI. flit Sep have commented that their fields of corn had actual- ly shrunk - even the tops of the plants have turned 74.00 ........ " " SB.c.:l brown in the last month," he said. "It's either been chopped for silage or the stalks are totally barren - ~ so there's very poor yield potential out there." ~ Although total average rainfall isn't that far ~ behind, Haveman points out that the figure is very ~ misleading, since a majority of the growing season's ~~ total rainfall feU in May and June during two heavy ~ 4-inch rains. He contends that actual crop condi- ......... ~ tions are as bad or worse than the drought year of . Uve Cattle • Oct. '96 . 58.00 . Uve Hogs • Oct. '96 tz.oo :; 1988 in Ottawa County. "I think feed is going to be IbI lie h. Fell Ilu ... lilt .lun JI. flaa 51!, ~ rather scarce next year and it's going to be high priced - provided it's available," he said. VanDyk hopes that a recent meeting held by COMMODITY SUPPLY/DEMAND BALANCE SHEETS the MSU Extension Service in the area will help to Table 2 - Wheat Table 3 - Soybeans match cash crop farmers facing similar crop condi- Table 1- Corn Pro;ected Pro;ected Kiker's Proj. Projected Projected Hilker's Proj. tions up with livestock producers to help him meet Projected Pro;ected Hilker's Proj. (Million aaes) 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 (Million acres) 1994-1995 1995-1996 1!96-1997 (Million acres) 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 his feed needs. He's also increasing his cull rate and Acres set-aside/diverted 2.4 6.2 Acres set-aside & diverted 5.2 5.2 Acres planted 61.7 62.6 64.3 "getting rid of anything that's not making money." Acres planted 79.2 71.2 79.6 Acres planted 70.3 69.2 75.6 Acres harvested 60.9 61.6 63.4 That's a good strategy, says Robb, since the hay Acres harvested 72.9 65.0 733 Acres harvested 61.8 61.0 63.1 Bu.Alarvested acre 41.4 34.9 35.8 crop was equally disappointing. A late first cutting, BuJharvested acre. 138.6 113.5 120.2 BuJharvested acre 37.6 35.8 36.4 Stocks (million bushels) combined with the dry summer and a heavy infesta- Stocks (mUlion bushels) Stocks (million bushels) Beginning stocks 209 335 170 tion ofleaf hopper has left many silos and hay mows Beginning stocks 850 1,558 409 Beginning stocks 568 507 375 Production 2,517 2,152 2,270 10,103 7,374 8,804 Production 2,321 2,185 2,296 Imports 5 5 5 empty, and pushed prices as high as SI70 penon for Production Imports 10 17 10 Imports 92 68 70 Total supply 2,731 2,492 2,445 hay. "We never had any drop in the price of hay like Total supply 10,963 8,949 9,223 Total supply 2,981 2,760 2,741 Use: we normally do when you come into a new crop of Use: Use: Crushings 1,405 1,365 1,355 hay," Robb said. "Alot of the hay ground was also Feed and residual 5,535 4,750 4,8SO Food 852 884 900 Exports 838 840 815 plowed up last spring for S5 corn as well." Food/seed & Ind. uses 1,693 1,575 1,655 Seed 89 104 110 Seed, feed & residuals 153 117 115 Robb also expects the price of corn to be at a Total domestic 7,228 6,325 6,505 Feed 345 156 300 Total use 2,396 2,322 2,285 premium in Ottawa and Allegan counties, an area Exports 2,ln 2,215 2,OSO Ending stocks 335 170 160 notoriously short of corn due to its large scale corn ~~ Total domestic 1,286 1,144 1,310 Exports 1,188 1,241 925 Ending stocks, % of use 14.0 7.3 7.0 demand for swine and poultry operations. He says Total use 9,405 8,540 8,555 :f Regular loan rate $4.92 $4.92 $4.97 Ending stocks 1,558 409 668 Total use 2,474 2,385 2,235 ~E that corn has been at a Sl.25 premium over the Ending stocks, % of use 16.6 4.8 7.8 Ending stocks S07 375 506 u.s. season average ~c Chicago Board most of the summer, and he expects Regular loan rate $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 Ending stocks, % of use 20.5 15.7 22.6 Farm price, $Ibu. $5.48 $6.80 $7.SO III < that to continue. "Normally we have a negative basis u.s. season average Regular loan rate $2.58 $2.58 S2.58 ~::::l of 32 cents off of Chicago - but we're probably Farm price, $lbu. $2.26 $3.25 $3.20 u.s. season .,erage ~:; going to have a premium-plus basis here for a Farm price, Sttu. $3.45 $4.50 $4.40 ~ while," Robb predicted .• J BU--5i ••• Sizing up dairy farms 81e -118. 51' S "..I) .. f' - = _=-J ~ ~ ._.!l ' .. ~ .; !!!J . .."....,,~ Th e 9 f:arms Wit. h 300+ cows ma.d e a Iat more money in 1995, on the average, than did the smaller farms. They also sold the most milk per COW,had the Costs .. " The feed costs are spIlt up In Table 3. Other feeds" are nearly all cash purchases. They include Tabl. 4 - Machinery: Crops vs. Dairy, :~~o': Michl ga In':~ n TeHarrners. 1995 M:erv In~~ ~~. lowest cost of produdng a hundred pounds (cwt.) of heifer feed, minerals and protein supplements. It <65 91 65 170 136 milk and farmed the least acres per cow. But, the appears the 300+ cow farms tend to feed more 65-99.9 88 92 163 143 John D. Jones, 300+ cow group averaged to sell over $50,000 of corn silage and less hay crops, while buying more of ~:49.9 ~~~ 1;~ ~~~ ~~~ Telfarm Director and cash crops including corn, soybeans and wheat. The their high energy feeds. Remember, size is related 300+ 151 118 231 150 District Extension acres are both owned and rented. Those with fewer to production per cow, which in turn influences Farm Management than 65 cows had about $10,000 of cash crop sales. feed costs. Managers invest in machinery to reduce labor Agent Department The per cow columns in Table 2 pertain only of Agricultural costs. The average dairy labor cost (operator + to the milk-producing side of the business. Feed Table 3 - Break out of Dairy Costs, Michigan T.Harmers, 1995 unpaid family + cash hired) going from small to Economics, cost includes purchased feed plus "buying" the large groups was $456, S362, $382, $356, and $379 Michigan State farm-produced feed at a conservative market value. Number Corn. Oats Corn Hay & Other of Cows & Barley Silage Pasture Feeds per cow, respectively. It's tempting to say the 300+ University Extension Management income for the whole farm in Table 1 223 142 582 438 <65 group invested (231-170) $61 more in dairy equip- was split between cows and crops in Table 2. It ap- 65-99.9 184 152 570 448 ment per cow than did those with less than 65 M ichigan's dairy farms are getting big- pears dairy farmers lose money on their cropping 100-149.9 289 142 532 509 150+ 235 186 309 662 cows, and thereby saved (456-379) S80 per cow in ger. This shows what a few of the side; most recover it on the cow side. Our records 300+ 119 229 210 734 dairy labor costs. Do the same calculation compar- larger ones achieved in 1995, com- show this has been the case for over 2 decades. ing the 100-149.9 and the 300+ group, and size pared to smaller farms. The data source is Michigan Machinery advantage is not as clear! State University's Telfarm accounting system. Farms Table 2 - Dairy Income per Cow IInd per Acre, Michigan TeHarmers, 1995 We often think big farms have the ability to Before you decide to invest in a 300 + cow in the system were included if milk made up 70 "spread their overhead" across more units, thus dairy farm, look carefully at your own cost account- Number Dairy Feed Non-feed percent or more of income, and if the records were of Cows Income Cost Costs Mgmt. Income driving down investment per unit. This should ing records. The above Telfarm data indicates complete. This is not a random sample. Per Cow Per Cow Per Cow Per Cow Per A mean lower annual operating costs per cow and per there's a lot of variation from farm to farm hidden For the size groups in Table 1, going from <65 $2,343 $1,385 $1,211 ($253) ($26) acre. Study Table 4 and find that we think wrong behind the averages. More cows may not be the small to large, the number of farms were 32, 34, 31, 65-99.9 2,701 1,354 1,139 208 (12) 100-149.92,874 1,472 1,291 111 (21) when considering machinery and equipment! Build- only way to make more profit. But, the biggest 9 40 and 9, respectively. Some of the 9 farms in the ing investment and annual costs show a pattern farms in this sample averaged to do well in 1995. If 150+ 2,770 1,392 1,283 95 (61) 300+ cows group are also among the 40 farms in 300+ 3,028 1,292 1,352 384 (114) similar to Table 4. they can maintain their low cost per cwt. of milk, the 150+ group. The 150+ group had an average they'll likely survive in the future. • of 253 cows. The 300+ group averaged 528 cows. Income Table 1 shows the average management income for each group. This is a profit measure. Income includes inventory changes. Costs include a noncash charge of about 6.5 percent interest on equity, plus S6.70 per hour for unpaid operator and family labor. For this sample of farms, size groups AS FARMING GETS MORE COMPLEX, do not correlate well with net income. CHOOSING A FINANCIAL PARTNER Table 1 - Management Income BECOMES E A S I E R. IInd Production Factors, Michigan relfarmers, 1995 Number Mgmt. Milk Sold Production Acres of Cows Income Per Cow CostlCwt. Farmed S Per Farm Ibs. S Per Cwt. Per Cow <65 (20,294) 16,285 14.46 7.0 65-99.9 11,269 18,845 11.71 5.5 You're a farmer. You're also an agronomist. A chemist. A marketer. And an entrepreneur. • No 100-149.9 (1,326) 20,729 12.38 5.7 wonder more producers today choose a financial partner who understands all the dimensions of 150+ (27,885) 20,322 12.55 3.3 300+ 46,332 21,732 11.28 2.6 agriculture. • For 80 years, Farm Credit Services has been helping producers achieve their goals. We've developed a wide range of unique financial products and services, that you can use to make your operation more efficient and profitable. • If you're looking for a financial partner who Quackgrass understands your business, talk to the country's largest agricultural lender. Farm Credit Services. 1-800-444- FARM control in fall ~ Farm Credit Services with Roundup A t the h ear t 0 fag row i n g A mer i c a '" Ultra F im Kells, Crop and Soil Sciences all is an excellent time to control quackgrass with Roundup Ultra. Harvested silage corn and wheat fields are ideal sites for fall quackgrass con- trol. Ideal timing is from early September to mid- October. The question often asked: How late can I treat quackgrass with Roundup Ultra? Rather than worry about the calendar, it is best to determine if the field meets the following criteria: • Quackgrass at least 6" tall, green, actively grow- ing, and not covered with crop residue (corn stover) . • No visible signs of frost injury on quackgrass leaves (quackgrass can tolerate light frost with- out damage, so the occurrence of a frost does not preclude the use of Roundup Ultra later in the fall). • Minimum daytime high of 50~ (60~ preferred) . • No risk of rain for at least six hours . • Wind less than 10 mph. If all five criteria are met, fall Roundup Ultra application should be very effective on quackgrass. Remember that the likelihood of meeting all five criteria diminishes as we get later into the fall. For best results, Roundup Ultra should be applied at a rate of at least lqt/A. Add both ammoni- um sulfate (AMS) at 17Ibs/100 gal to the spray solu- tion (always add the AMSto the tank first). Tank- mixing may reduce Roundup Ultra activity on quackgrass (antagonism) and should be avoided if the target weed is quackgrass. If 2,4-0 ester is tank- mixed with Roundup Ultra, it is suggested that the Roundup Ultra rate be increased (by 1 pt/A) to com- pensate for possible antagonism. Be sure to add AMSif tankmixing with 2,4-0 ester .• ProbGbility of Above High>?!"Probnbility of Above !Prooobility of Belo'W Higher Probc.bility of Boi.>low Probcbility of Norm(tl Hi&h>?!" Probnbility of Norm~ Equ<1l Ch,Resolve@ and the soon-to-be-registered Ughtning ~, and will also resist the g1ufosinate-ammonium based herbicide Ube~, from AgrEvo. This year ICV Garst is testing several stacked hybrids at an advanced stage across a wide maturity range - from 106 to III days. The company expects to introduce one IMVUberty hybrid in 1997 with more planned for 1998. Advantages to growers The advantages to corn growers of choos- ing multiple-resistant hybrids are many, explains Alan Hawkins, product development manager for ICVGarst, based in Slater, Iowa. "The differ- ing modes of action of two herbicides reduce the chance of resistance developing in weeds." "These new hybrids will add maximum flexibility, management options and a safety factor," says Jeff Sernett, development agrono- mist for ICI/Garst. "There is always a risk of Uberty being put on an IMI-Corn ~ or IMI-based product put on a Uberty-resistant hybrid." In both scenarios, severe to total crop loss would occur, he adds. "If this resistance can be com- bined within a single plant, then growers don't have to worry about which hybrids are located in what field," Sernett says. The next generation is herbicide-resistance crops. "Fundamentally, crops and weeds are really very similar, making it difficult to find a chemical totally effective on weeds without damage to the crop," Hawkins explains. "As a result, many of the selective treat- Garst ments have been complex in terms of mixtures, sequence and timing, and the producer has had to make difficult choices of what products to use. Now, by putting a specific resistance mech- anism into the crop, a difference is created be- tween that crop and weeds. Ultimately, the pro- ducer should get much better, safer and simpler weed control systems to use." In 1991, ICVGarst became the first seed company in the industry to introduce herbicide- resistant seed by developing the first imidawli- none-tolerant (IT) corn, known as IMI-Corn. ICI/Garst's IMI-Corn sales have jumped dramati- cally each year for the company, and now ac- count for more than 30 percent of the compa- ny's overall corn sales. Industrywide, 1MI-Corn accounts for more than 2 million planted acres. Contour and Resolve are registered trademarks of American Cyanamid Company. IMI-Corn and Light- ning are trademarks of American Cyanamid Company. Liberty is a registered trademark of AgroEvo. Considering alternative uses for immature soybeans and dry beans? Look before you leap! G ot a field of soybeans that will never ma- of at least 220~ to reduce the levels of a digestive ture before the first frost? If so, you've enzyme inhibitor. Drying will also improve storabili- got a lot of company, and a few options, ty of the beans (South Dakota research also showed including harvesting the crop as a forage, or com- storage problems with immature beans, even those bining the immature beans for livestock feed, says field dried to 15 percent). MSU's Herb Bucholz. However, proceed with cau- "That will make the beans unacceptable for tion since there are virtually no recommended guide- commercial use, but as a livestock feed, that would lines or experience with using the crop as silage. assure that they're properly dried and will store As a Forage well," Bucholz advised. "And, that temperature, Although feeding soybean forage isn't com- depending on how long they're maintained at that monplace, a shortened growing season, combined level, may inactivate some of the digestive enzyme \vith a serious shortage of livestock feeds in many inhibitors. But unless that bean L'iheated totally areas of the state may have livestock producers clear through, the enzyme inhibitor will not be seriously considering the idea. According to Wis- totally inactivated." consin research, soybeans harvested as a forage will Immature dry beans can be handled in much yield tonnage similar to first cutting. the same manner, except that the enzyme inhibitor "First, producers need to ask whether the soy- is not a problem as it is with soybeans. However, the beans have been sprayed with any herbicide that the heating or roasting \vill help the palatability of the label says cannot be used as an animal feed," Bucholz dry beans .. advised. "Secondly, there is not a lot of experience in Bucholz recommends limiting feed intake of Michigan harvesting soybeans. There are a lot un- soybeans or dry beans to no more than five pounds knowns in trying to harvest soybeans as silage." per head per day. The beans should be rolled or One of the bigger unknowns is the time re- cracked prior to being fed to aid in digestion .• quired after cutting to reach the crucial 70 percent forage, the next option is to harvest the beans as "These beans should be sent to a laboratory for or lower moisture level recommended for proper you normally would, with a combine, with the ex- feed analysis, particularly for fat content, Bucholz Soybean Forage Analysis Maturity D.M. Yield D.M. Protein ADF NDF fermentation. Harvest over 70 percent and you'll press intent of feeding the beans. Research in South said. It's very important that producers instruct the (Tons/A) (%) (%) D.M. D.M. end up with fermentation problems that will result Dakota has shown that immature soybeans make an lab to conduct a fat analysis. Blooming 1.1 18.9 20.1 28.2 in livestock going off feed. Harvest too dry and acceptable feed source, says Bucholz. However, before jumping on this option, real- Pod Formation 1.7 18.3 18.1 31.9 43.1 you'll end up suffering unnecessary leaf loss and While the protein content will be similar to Seed Formation 2.5 20.3 18.2 33.7 45.7 ize the beans need to either be roasted, which Near Maturity 3.3 34.2 19.2 29.7 40.7 have difficulty in getting a good pack. fully matured soybeans, the fat content will vary could be difficult this year because of demand, or (source: University of Wisconsin) Controlling leafloss is crucial since it accounts considerably and can be as low as 10 percent. run through a regular crop dryer at a temperature for a large part of the plant's dry matter and protein content. Don't be tempted to open up the condition. ing rules either, since the stalk of the plant needs to be crimped for proper drying, says Bucholz. "If we get a week to 10 days of overcast weather, I'm sure the bean silage will start to rot in the field," he said. THE Should you use an inoculant? Bucholz recom- mends it only when temperatures are cooler - be- low 50~ for several days in a row. Ifthe beans have SIMPLEST WAY already frozen, odds are leaf loss is already high enough that you shouldn't consider harvesting the bean as a forage. "If the leaves are really starting to TO RENT A CAR: fall off and the haybine goes through there, you're going to end up with stems and pods for silage and there's not much value there. If the stems are start- NO ing to get dry and woody, the fiber content is going to be extremely high and poorly digestible," he said. Bucholz recommends that the total amount of QUESTIONS soy silage fed be limited to no more than 25 percent of the total ration. If feed inventory allows it, Bu- cholz recommends reserving soy silage for early dry ASKED. cows and heifers. If it must be used on lactating NATIONWIDE ALAMO'S RATE PER DAY COMPACT CAR ALL-IN-ONE RATE MINIMUM )-DAY RENTAL cows, use it on low-end producing cows first. "I'd have a tendency to stay away from using soybean $135.00 silage on dose-up dry cows, transition groups with 3-DAY RENTAL RATE (145 per day x 3 days) COMPACT FL,HI. LAS VEGAS NATIONWIDE fresh cows and your high-produdng cows," he said. In the final analysis Bucholz suggests that pro- UNLIMITED FREE MILEAGE INCLUDED S39 S45 ducers consider the risk of soybean silage, and con- TANK OF GAS INCLUDED ~ sider the economics of harvesting immature corn for MIDSIZE FL,HI. LAS VEGAS NATIONWIDE silage as opposed to soybean silage. "There may be ADDITIONAL DRIVER FEES INCLUDED S43 S49 better profitability in harvesting some less desirable BABY SEATS INCLUDED ",..~- corn, from a grain standpoint, as a corn silage, and l:!YJi ~ play the wait and see on the soybeans, and perhaps SKI RACKS FUU.SIZE (WHERE AVAIlABLE) INCLUDED FL,HI,LAS VEGAS NATIONWIDE harvest them as an immature bean, particularly with S49 S57 the price of soybeans this year," Bucholz suggested. ALAMO EXPRESS. SERVICE INCLUDED Feeding Immature Beans Only ..-/~ iid If you elect not to harvest your soybeans as a FREQUENT FLYER MILES INCLUDED PREMIUM OR CONVERl1BU FL,HI. LAS VEGAS NATIONWIDE COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER S55 S62 (ABOVE $5(0) INCLUDED Don't worry about AIRPORT TAXES OR FEES INCLUDED ~ that yogurt school LUXURY OR SP£CIALlY FL,HI. LAS VEGAS NATIONWIDE lunch just yet STATE AND LOCAL SURCHARGES INCLUDED S69 S79 S chool children who weren't exactly licking their chops anticipating yogurt for lunch can relax. According to the Public Voice for Food and SALES TAXES TOTAL INCLUDED $135.00 Health Policy, it could be years before school lunch- es comply with the Agriculture Department's man- With Alamos new All-In-One Rates, you get everything you need for the road for less than you've ever expected. Theres date requiring schools to serve "healthier" lunches. no question Alamo gives you great value for your travel dollar, with a full tank of gas, COW (above the first $500 of One of the plans called for schools to replace damage; your credit card COW coverage plan, if any, may not apply to this amount), and even taxes included in these low red meat with yogurt. Another is to have schools rates (taxes will be separately stated but are included in the total). Just add it up for yourself! Renting a car has never been replace fried chicken with a baked variety. easier. A 24-hour advance reservation is required. Rates apply to renters age 25 or older and do not apply to one-way rentals. Schools were supposed to have the new menus Coupons not valid with this offer. Other optional items are extra. Ski racks not available on vans. Availability is limited. ready before the start of school this fall. School sys- For reservations, call your Professional Travel Agent, access us tems, saying they need more time and funds to com- at http://www.goalamo.com or call Alamo Rent A Car. Be sure ply, can request an extension from USDA. to request I.D. Number 223212 and Rate Code Y3. The federal government, at an annual cost of .5 billion, provides lunch for about 25 million chil- dren at 94,000 schools each day through the federal FOR THE ONLY ALL-IN-ONE RATES\MIN THE BUSINESS School Food Program. The American Farm Bureau Federation, while recommending that the school lunch program be improved, urges that school JUST ASK AIAMQ'M meals be balanced to provide no less than one-third of the recommended daily dietary allowances, 1-800-354-2322 which indudes red meat. Farm Bureau opposes Alamo fratures fillr Gmrral Motors cars like tllr Cllrvy Cavalirr. reduction of the minimum requirements for red 0/\/91\. AlMoooR"".A.C; ... i.1(. 1135-2-596 meat in the School Food Program .• Michigan soybean producers - growing for the market I t's a small start, but it's a start that could hold conducting yield checks to determine how well the great potential for Michigan soybean produc- Product-specific soybean could take advantage soybean stacks up to conventional varieties. One ers.Just over 1,100 acres of a special soybean, yield trial in Indiana showed the 9243 variety with a grown under contract with Pioneer Hybrid Interna- of multi-billion pound cooking oil market one-bushel advantage. tional, offers producers a 2O-cent premium and it Although the acreage and number of produc- offers the new Zeeland Farm Soya (ZFS) soybean ers is limited currently, future growth will hinge on processing plant an opportunity to produce a supe- the success of marketing the finished product, oil, rior soy oil product. in the marketplace. The new soybean is 50 percent lower in satu- "We can do all the production we want, but if rated fat compared to conventional soy oil, and is we can't sell it we have a problem," Elliott cau- J equivalent to oil produced from canola, according tioned. "It would be our hope that we can develop to Lonnie Miesner, production manager of Identity this market all the way up to consumer base for Preserve Systems for Pioneer's Nutrition and Indus- low-fat oil, and that as that demand goes up, we can try Markets Division. He hopes the new soy oil will supply the product." attract the attention of food processors and the Elliot predicts that the trend of growing a crop industrial market to eventually compete head to for a specific market has tremendous potential, not head with canola oil. only in soybeans, but the corn market as well. Pio- Climate and the size of the ZFS facility both neer has hired nutritionists to study diet require- lent themselves well to the development and test- ments for poultry, swine, beef and dairy to see how ing of the new soybean and oil. Identity preserve, or the company might breed corn specifically for vari- IP requires that beans be stored and processed ous livestock rations. separately from conventional soybeans, says "Over 80 percent of the corn produced today Miesner. is fed to something, but it has different uses. Cattle "When you process an IP bean, it takes the need a different starch content than do pigs than do first hour or two to flush the system before you chickens. If we can grow it, then it's a value-added know you have pure IP low-saturate oil," Miesner product for us to provide to the first customer," explained. "The size of ZFS's fadlity doesn't take a Elliot explained. "I think this is just the tip of a big tremendous amount of beans to flush the system. "We can do all the production we want, but if we can't sell it we have a problem, " Elliott iceberg, but it's going to be a slowly emerging one." When you're in the market development stages and cautioned. "It would be our hope that we can develop this market all the way up to consum- According to Miesner, Pioneer is already test- you're working with smaller quantities, a place like er base for low-fat oil, and that as that demand goes up, we can supply the product. " ing two experimental varieties in Ohio that could be ZFS works very, very well." made available for commercial production next year According to Miesner, the low-saturate fat tial of the spedalized bean an exdting opportunity and above the regular price locked in by the pro- specifically for livestock producers and IP produc- soybean varieties prefer a cooler growing season - for all parties involved. "I have hope that in the ducer at ZFS. ZFS is also providing storage for the IP tion. Locally, the seed company hopes to continue that helps to dry the saturated fats down as low as future we'll be able to produce a specialty product project, by devoting one 50,OOO-bushelbin to hold the IP soybean project in Michigan another year. possible. The Pioneer variety, 9243, is a mid group that benefits the farmer in getting more money for the beans until processing. "We'll be talking to our marketing people two variety. "So for that area, the 2.4 to 2.6 soybean his beans, and benefit us in getting more money for A majority of the acreage is located in north- and determining whether we want to in fact go maturity works out real well there," he said. Pioneer our oil," he said. "With this size plant and with the ern Allegan and southern Ottawa counties, with with another 1,100 acres or possibly increase that is currently testing two other soybeans bred specifi. area that were located in, we could easily produce approximately 200 acres being produced in the slightly, Miesner said. "We"hope to be able to an- cally for the oil market. and process a value.added bean." Snuffled area. Mike Elliot, Pioneer Hybrid district nounce the program, if it's going to be done, by ZFS President Cliff Meeuwsen calls the poten- The 2O-cent premium, paid by Pioneer, is over sales manager for the area, says the company will be early November." • Bedding with -sand? Remove it from your manure and save animal initiative funds, we spent some of the coali- wear and tear on your equipment tion's allocated funds from animal initiative on F or many Michigan dairy producers, sand equipment, and the good news is 18 months later provides a convenient form of bedding that we think we have the solution to the problem." allows for excellent cow comfort and udder According to Bickert, the prindple behind build. health. But when it comes to handling the gritty ing the prototype sand separator, demonstrated in substance, the effectiveness of sand grinds to a early September at Webster Farms in Elsie, begins with halt. Until MSU's Ag Engineering Department, breaking the sand-laden manure down into small parts Mclanahan Corp. and MBI developed an innovative and metering it into the separation unit. "Once that sand separator to deal with the problem. happens, we then introduce water into the system to "It soon became evident to us that many farm. provide dilution but more importantly to provide ers valued sand so highly that they were going to washing of the manure solids and the sand," he ex- use it regardless of the problems with storage han- plains. "What we're trying to do is to disperse the slime dling and what it did to equipment," stated Bill that's in manure. That's the mucous materials that Bickert, MSU agricultural engineering professor. are there naturally. We want to disperse those mu- "Rather than figuring out how to deal with the sand. cous materials so we end up with the sand and the laden manure, if we could figure out a way to have organic particles acting independently." the sand removed from the manure before it went "We basically are trying to keep the manure into storage, then that opened up a whole variety of particles in flotation, letting the heavier sand parti- handling techniques that have been used for a long cles settle out," Bickert continues. "In this particular MSU and McLanahan Corp. demonstrated to over 150 producers a prototype of their new time for liquid manure, just the sand isn't present." separator, the lighter organic particles stay with the sand separator at Elsie's Webster Ridge Farm near Elsie. The machine uses water and air to That is just what Bickert and beginning gradu- liquid stream - there's an overflow at the back of separate sand particles from manure, making handling animal waste simpler and reducing ate student Andrew Waedle set out to do four years the device, so they go out the back. So now the wear on equipment. ago, beginning with laboratory experiments, sepa- manure stream has the mucous materials, the add- rating spoonsful of manure, graduating to shovels ed water, the manure solids, and then settling to the went into the freestall originally. If bacteria is a make sure that it's properly engineered into the until finally dealing with skidsteer buckets full. bottom will be the sand particles." problem, our final rinse could be a chlorine solution dairy farm so that you're feeding it correctly and The necessity of the project jumped to the How much water Is added? and we could just disinfect it if we had to." taking the products away from it correctly and in the forefront almost two years ago according to Dr. According to Bickert, the cosvbenefit ratio Commercial production most efficient manner. We don't want to just sell a Robert Von Bernuth, chair of MSU's agricultural and profitablity of adding water and hauling it to the After all the lab experiments were completed, machine; we want to engineer the system completely engineering department and director of manure field outweighs the limitations placed on sand.laden the sand separator still needed to be an economically so that it goes in and operates from day one." management efforts for the animal initiative. manure. "We can't pump sand-laden dairy manure a viable option for producers manufactured com mer- Sound too good to be true? "It became very obvious to us that we needed mile - while we can pump liquid manure a mile," dally. So Ag Engineering approached Pennsylvania- "Realize there are some limitations as to the to invest a lot of time and effort in solving this sand. he explains. "In fact, we can use some land applica. based Mclanahan Corp. for their assistance in pro- kind of sand we use," notes Bickert. "The very fine laden dairy manure problem," Von Bernuth states. tion techniques that we couldn't use otherwise. We dudng the prototype and eventually mass-producing sand, like beach sand, presents some real problems "The department hired a full-time technician on really can't irrigate sand.laden dairy manure. We can units for all sizes of dairy operations. Mclanahan for us. It doesn't separate as well- it tends to float ~i irrigate liquid manure without sand in it." Corp. happens to be the oldest family-owned, con- like the organic solids do. And so, at this stage of ,r "We're adding about 1 pound of water for tinuously operated iron foundry in the country. the game, we really would be looking at the con- every pound of sand-laden manure," he explains. "It (the prototype separator) was tested first crete sand or as it's graded in Michigan, 2NS. This is "That doesn't necessarily have to be potable water at AI Pung's farm and we changed some of the ini- basically white sand that you buy - a little coarser - we think that eventually we might have a twa- tial parameters of the machine," explained Mike material. And we can do a good job with that." stage pond system and be able to recycle liquid Mclanahan, president of Mclanahan Corp. "It The cost of a sand separator with a 20-inch au- from a second.stage pond through this device." worked even better than we had anticipated and as ger, twice the size of the prototype on display, will be What about baderia? a result, we decided to pursue this matter further. approximately S20,OQO-S25,OOO, according to Bickert. According to Bickert, the sand separated from MBI has taken out a patent on the system and we "The prototype 10-inch augered model, ifjt ran the manure contains little bacteria, at times even have signed an agreement with them for the exclu- continuously, would handle maybe 15 cows worth of less than what was originally placed in the stall. sive international sales of this patented system, and manure an hour," stated Bickert. "In an eight-hour A secondary spray as the sand is augered "Less than 1 percent is what our typical find- we're ready to go." day, you could have a 100-cow dairy for this size. out washes any remaining particles off the ings are at this point," Bickert explains. "In fact, in "Manufacturing the machine is not the prob- For more information on the sand separator sand. If bacteria is a concern, a chlorine one case, in one of our previous units, we ended up lem," Mclanahan states. "We could manufacture the system, contact McLanahan Corp. at (814) 695- wash can be used here to sterilize the sand. with sand coming out cleaner than the sand that machine in four to six weeks. What we want to do is 9807 .• 1111 Ag retail outlets evolve into information centers evolve into precision agriculture information/ser- vice centers. These "super stores" will provide ev- DatalRecord erything a farmer needs to take full advantage of Management the new technologies associated with precision agriculture. The retailer will make available all the GPS Crop ConIuItIng products, services and information resources a Equipment Rec:omrnendatlona farmer needs to better identify and control variables in his cropping system. Here is what a farmer may expect to find Grid Sampling MappIng someday at a precision agriculture information/ Perry M. Petersen, service center: CP. Ag.-CCA, • global positioning system (GPS) equipment Corporate Manager, • geographic information systems (GIS) to pull Precision Agriculture, together all the information collected using GPS Crop ScoutIng Precision Agriculture YIeld Mapping • GPS grid soil sampling services Terra Industries Inc. • complete map production, including printout, Info/Service Center P recision agriculture's impact isn't isolated to farm fields. Many agriculture retailers are adapting their products and services to accommodate what may be one of the most signifi- that allows the farmer to see all variables af- fecting yield in a particular field or in specific areas of the field • crop consultants who can create site-specific CustomVRT Application DTN Marlaltl cant crop production advances in the last 50 years. management plans with tailored cropping pre- Farmers are looking to their ag retailers for more scriptions designed to maximize production than just seed, fertilizer, crop protection chemicals and precisely manage crop inputs for a field and basic agronomic services. They want informa- • custom GPS-guided variable rate application PAG tion on how to integrate precision agriculture into of crop inputs Training their crop production systems. And they want help • GPS-guided crop scouting maintaining and analyzing the huge amounts of soil • database management and storage of all the and crop information collected with precision agri- information precision agriculture technologies Some ag retail outlets may evolve into information/service centers that will make available culture technologies. can provide all the products, services and information resources a farmer needs to take full advantage For both retailers and farmers, precision agri- • access to precision agriculture information via of precision agriculture technologies. culture boils down to one thing: information. Preci- the Internet sion agriculture's real value to the farmer is provid- • training and suppon for using precision agri- following services can help a farmer take advantage take full advantage of the new technologies associ- ing information that allows him to make better culture hardware and software now of precision agriculture technologies: ated with precision agriculture .• decisions about his crop production system. To • twa-way FM/mobile phone communication • GPS grid soil sampling differentiate themselves from competitors, ag retail- between the retailer and customers • database management and storage, including ers are providing customers with information and • acc~ to market information via DTN or an- analysis of collected information +TelTG training on implementing precision agriculture, and other similar service • GPS-guided variable rate applications PRECISION IN AGRICULlURE- offering products and services that help customers • data from retail outlet's own weather station. • GPS-guided crop scouting Perry M. Petersen, c.P. Ag.-CCA, collect, store, analyze and use information about A farmer interested in developing a site-specif- • map production and printouts. Corporate Manager, Precision Agriculture their crop production systems. ic management program based on geo-referenced Meanwhile, progressive ag retailers, such as Terra Industries Inc. Phone: (800) 831-1002 & (712) 277-1340 As more and more farmers adopt elements of information doesn't have to wait for his ag retailer Terra, are reshaping their operations to become the Fax: (712) 277-7383 precision agriculture, some ag retail outlets may to offer all these services. A retailer who offers the total information centers that customers need to Claims: what to do by Mark Schwandt, special agent for Rain with either a 578 or a 424 form, which verifies 1996 fall/winter beef and Hail, L.L.e. acres, crop and share. You must also supply cattle sales and events T he typical Michigan farmer is diversified enough on their farm that when one crop goes the adjuster with an aerial map showing the fields where the loss has occurred, whether Date Oct. 2 Time 2:30 p.m. Sale N. Michigan livestock Assoc. Feeder Cattle Location Gaylord bad another steps up to take its place. That's on a you have reported your acres or not. Ifyou Oct. 5 1 p.m. Harding Cattle Co. Production Sale Holly typical year, which 1996 seems to be as far away did not repon your acres in '96, you will need Oct. 5 5 p.m. Guse Farms Club Calf Sale Cassopolis from as can ~. With the adverse weather, disease to show some proof of share, which can be Oct. 5 6p.m. Stanger Farms Club Calf Sale Dundee done with sales receipts, lease agreements or Oct. 6 11 a.m. Plank Simmental Farm Open House & Sale Crystal " and abundance of wildlife wrecking havoc with the Oct. 6 1:30 p.m. Kendale/Prairie View Club Calf Sale Coldwater '96 crops many Michigan farmers are already calling tax receipts. Western U.P.Beef Breeders Feeder Cattle Sale Paulding Oct. 7 12 p.m . the crop insurance agent asking what to do. The • Be patient and don't file a claim todayexpect- Oct. 9 10:30 a.m. Bay De Noc Beef Breeders Feeder Cattle Sale Rapid River following is a step-by-step process that you can use ing to see an adjuster tomorrow. With the Oct. 11 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Sale St. Louis to assure a quicker and easier claims process. present crop losses already reponed and the Oct. 12 12:30 p.m. SWMPHA Fall Show & Sale Allegan Oct. 12 1 p.m. Schunk Farms Club Calf Sale Clare • Call your agent' and have him file a claim as possibilities of an early frost, heavy rains or Oct. 13 2 p.m. Michigan Chi Assoc. Club Calf Sale E. Lansing soon as you are sure that a loss is definite. continued drought, it looks like it could be a Oct. 13 2 p.m. Michigan limousin Assoc. Club Calf Sale Midland • If harvest is already in progress, be sure to record year for claims. We at Rain and Hail Oct. 14 1:30 p.m. Thunder Bay Beef Breeders Feeder Cattle Sale Alpena keep all records separate by unit. If units are inform our adjusters to make contact with the Oct. 15 12 p.m. West Branch Feeder Cattle Sale West Branch combined in the field, the adjuster has to use farmer and the agent as soon as they receive Oct. 16 2:30 p.m. N. Michigan livestock Assoc. Feeder Cattle Gaylord Oct. 17 3 p.m. Fall Feeder Cattle Sale Owosso that production against both unit guarantees. the loss papers. If you do file a claim and have Oct. 18 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Cass City This could lower or erase any payment you not received notification in a reasonable time Oct. 19 10a.m. Kitty Kurtis Farms Club Calf Sale Tecumseh would have coming. frame, contact.your agent and have the agent Oct. 19 1 p.m. Good Associates Club Calf Sale Charlotte • If you are harvesting a crop for a feed source contact the adjuster or field supervisor . Oct. 19 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Battle Creek Oct. 19 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Marion such as silage or destroying it for lack of pro- Remember the burden of showing a loss falls Oct. 19 1 p.m. Fall Feeder Cattle Sale Columbus Grove, OH duction, you must leave four rows for every 10 in your hands. Have everything ready when the Oct. 20 1 p.m. Triple K Ranch Club Calf Sale Durand acres in each field for an in-field appraisal. I adjuster arrives and the claims process will be faster, Oct. 20 2 p.m. Kaercher Farm Club Calf Sale Kalamazoo know this seems unreasonable, but it is the easier and far more effective. You should take com- Oct. 26 1 p.m. Harwood Farms Club Calf Sale Ionia only way that an accurate appraisal can be fon in knowing that your crops are insured and you Oct. 26 1 p.m. Tobacco River Farm Herd Dispersal Marion Oct. 26 2:30 p.m. N. Michigan livestock Assoc. Beef Cow Sale Gaylord f?lken and you can receive exactly what you are not in this alone. Ifyou have questions about Oct. 26 6:30 p.m. Michigan Simmental Assoc. Fall Sale Reed City have coming. crop insurance, stop in to your Fann Bureau Oct. 26 7 p.m. Gustafson Farms Genetic Harvest Sale Mason • Ifyou have completed harvest, have a copy of agent showing the blue Rain and Hail sign or call Oct. 30 2:30 p.m. N. Michigan livestock Assoc. Feeder Cattle Gaylord the load receipts and a settlement sheet for 800-776-4045 for an agent near you. Nov. 1 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Sale St. Louis Nov. 2 1 p.m. Top of the Crop Club Calf & Heifer Sale Hillsdale sold production when the adjuster arrives. September calendar of events Nov. 2 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Marion This information is vital, especially when quali- Sales and transfer closing date for wheat and Nov. 10 12 p.m. Michigan Angus Breeders Sale Battle Creek ty of the crop is in question. potted nursery is Sept. 30. That is also the last date Nov. 14 3 p.m. Fall Feeder Cattle Sale Owosso • If you have reponed your crops to the FSAin to change coverage level or price on those crops or Nov. 30 1 p.m. Club CalflFeeder Cattle Sale Owosso 1996, you will need to supply the adjuster to purchase CRC coverage on wheat. • Dec. 6 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Sale St. Louis Dec. 7 1 p.m. MLE Fall Feeder Cattle Sale Battle Creek Dec. 13-15 Michigan Winter Beef Show E. Lansing Dec. 19 3 p.m. Fall Feeder Cattle Sale Owosso EPA proposes new'protection action nvironmental Protection Agency Administrator which she said included fresh produce treated with be protected when decisions are made to use par- by children. She is pushing for family right-ta-know E Carol Browner is calling for tough, new action on what she called "the environmental threats faced pesticides. The Farm Bureau-backed Food Quality Protec- ticular products on particular crops," she said. She also praised the recently enacted law for allowing legislation, which could require food eaten by chil- dren to be labeled with the kinds of pestiddes used by children." Among the threats listed by Browner tion Act, signed by President Clinton, calls for high- easier approval for safer pestiddes. "The new law on the product. The Food Quality Protection Act were various chemicals, including agricultural pesti- er pestidde standards for foods children eat. gives greater opportunity to get newer and safer already calls for providing increased information to ddes. The EPAadministrator pointed out the Browner acknowledged the significance of the new pesticides in use faster." consumers about pestidde use, but Browner said "unique vulnerability of children" to environmental law in reducing children's exposure to pestiddes. Browner called for more studies and legisla- more needs to be done. "We will see tougher stan- toxies because of their increased exposure to risks, "It requires specific findings that children will tion regarding various environmental threats faced dards on balance," she said .• Top WHEAT VARIETIES I .It )Hi\.SOj\; SYSTEM INC. IIDesigning for Growth" WILL MAKE YOUR FALL IH 986: Cab, duals, heat, JOHN DEERE 4310-A, 30 inch, four row beet harvester with a short chain bed and 2700 hours, $10,900. NI bale and grain 41' elevator, $950. PLANTING A SUCCESS QUALITY RUST PRIMER: Elastomeric flexible caulk for metal roofs and roof separa- IH 720 plow, 4-18 automatic extended truck conveyer. Al- reset, $2500. Gleaner C-l1 tions, concrete. Lots of color so selling four row, three combine; Cab, heat, like new choices in latex base paints. drum Alloway defoliator. Call rice tires, 13' grain head and 1-517-422-3791. 517-872-2659. 4-30 orange corn head. NI Red Wheal While Wheal 325 two row picker, 12 roll Mendon Diana Complete Farm System CUSTOM BANNERS AND husking bed, $1500. All FLAGS for your farm. 100% equipment shedded and ex- Brandy A.C. Ron • • Grain Bins GSI Top Dry nylon applique. Your logo or cellent condition! Call;1-517-658-8779. Casey Ramrod • • Airstream Auto Dryers Feed Processing & Delivery Equipment let us design. Call 1-616-258- 9652 or fax us at 1-616-258- Genesis 9511 Geneva ReSelect • Bucket Elevators 4590 for quote. JD DUMMYHEADWITH INNES • Milwright Services K Kreations pickup. JD 25K-3 PTO gener- • Dryer Repair & Services 3970 Rapid City Road ator, 27', 6" transport auger, Johnson System, Inc. Rapid City, MI 49676 735 Innes bean wind rower, Calumet 3250V spreader Conlracl Production Available Marshall, MI (bad tank), two 8 ton feed bins, JD4310A beet harves- 616-781-9000 ter, Speedy beet topper. 1-517-673-7470 or 1-517-673- 7171. ca\\ tot mote HOMEOWNERSI Lease financing UaUIDMANURE SPREADERS: for equipment vehicles & New and used. Balzer, Better- Bilt parts. UPS daily. Also, grain dryers and handling equipment. Hamilton Distributing Co. \"'o",,a\\O" Phone/Fax: 517-887-1684 RD. Box 21085, Lansing MI 48909 EXPERIENCED Michigan ag- ribusiness attorneys with farm backgrounds. Knowledge and • ~J~~eC paycheck l-tiOO-248-8070 buildings experience in all farm areas; restructure, stray voltage, LOANS BY PHONE LOCKWOOD 6 ROW BEAN windrower for sale. End deliv- bankruptcy, estate planning. SAME DAY APPROVAL • 100%tax deductible ery, green, field ready, with EAST SIDE: Thomas J. Bud- - Statewide Service, Call Toll Free - • fixed payments hydraulic cylinder, $2500 . zynski, 43777 Groseb~c~ 1-800-968-2221 Herman Robere, Garden, MI, Highway, Mt. Clemens, MiChi- call 1-906-644-2460. gan. 48036. 1-800-463-5253, AAA MORTGAGE Be • min advance payment 4-H AND CLUB CALVES for PIEDMONTESE CATTLE FINANCIAL CORPORATION WEST SIDE: Robert A. Stani- MC675 Grain Dryer. Contin- sale. Belgian Blue and Black Lean, tender, double mus- ha, 40 West Sheridan, Fre- III loans by phone !II uous flow. 3 phase, LP. 2 Angus cross. Double muscle. cled, good calving ease. mont, Michigan, 49412. 1-616- ~ Brock 9'x6 ring hopper bins. Grand Champion Steer in Quality registered breeding 924-3760. TEIMARKlNc. http://www.telmark.com 517-828-5671 or 517-828-5729. 1995 and Reserve Champion in 1996 at Ogemaw County Fair. Call 1-517-873-4919. stock. Also available embryos and semen. Redbird Farms SAVE MONEY Recycle your diesel and in- NEW OAK HAY WAGON Lapeer, Michigan dustrial air intake filters using 800-451-3322 BEDS. Any size (8x16 with 6' ANGUS & GELBVlEH: 1-810-667-7389 the Sonic Dry Clean System. back, $299). Oak truck equip- Breeding stock. No liquids or detergents ment or semi decking. Instal- Free delivery! REGISTERED POLLED Hereford breeding age bulls, used. 50% savings over new lation available! Border Collie Stock Dogs. filters. Mobile Custom Saw Milling Call today. heifers. Also A-1 heifers and WANTED: Farms and land 12 ROW HEATH windrower. Recycle Now, Inc. throughout Michigan, agricul- New set of teeth, belt, con- 1-313-587-8431 Bordner Farms cows. Rocky Banner blood- lines. MSU performance test- Holland, MI tural and recreational. L~rge veyer, sprockets and bear- Sturgis, MI1-616-651-8353 1-616-396-7724 NEWSETOFSIXTRASHwheels ed. Call parcels preferred. We have ings. Vertical fold center. De- and quick lift mountings. Fits 616-396-8102, Fax buyers! Call livery available. 1-517 -754- ANGUS BEEF: Bulls, heifers Rye Hereford Farm Deere, Kinze and White and cows with calves. Per- 517-734-3005 Faust Real Estate 3250. Adrian, 1-517-263-8666 6100, original cost $1,700. forrmance tested, semen Best offer. 1-517-356-6038. tested. Free delivery! Call REGISTERED Polled Hereford 1983, 955 VERSATILE 850 Cummins. New radial tires! OLIVER 6150, WF, 3-point anytime. bulls, breeding age, large se- 'III . --- SHAGBARK FARMS lection, top bloodlines. Cen- 12-speed power shift, front hydropower, Above average tennial Cloverdale Farm and rear differential locks, 3- Alto, Michigan condition! Low hours, 75% 1-616-868-6040 Kirk Catey, 1-517-627-6587. point hitch. Exceptionally clean! Also, link 52 tile plow, rubber, sheet metal excellent, new paint. Very sharp. FOR CURRENT LIST of Sam Catey, 1-517-627-6248, HERITAGE Grand Ledge, MI. BUilDING SYSTEMS fully mounted. Made to fit 955 $4750.1-517-447-3815. available Angus Cattle, write: 800.643.5555 Versatile (above), with plow, Secretary, West Michigan An- REGISTERED SCOTTISH Summer Sale MILLER'S MIRRORS for 3, 4, 5, or 6 inch tile. Will sell USED FARM MACHINERY Breeders 585 36th HIGHLAND CATTLE, breed- JO 1 40 1 10 54.927 sale. First set to present. All together or separate. for sale. Call for complete list. Street SW, Grand Rapids, MI ing stock and semen for sale. 40 1 60 1 12 57.976 wildlife series, other sets too. Call 517-754-3250. See at 351 F-41, Uncoln , MI. 49509. Visitors welcome! Call 1-517- 50 175112 511.180 1-517-736-8342. 60 1 100 1 10 515.957 Call for list, 1-517-366-6659, 543-7979 evenings or week- leave message. 1988 CHAMBERUN 42" hop- LLAMAS ARE GREAT, and ends. Charlotte, Michigan. 80 1 150 1 14 529.655 per trailer with roll tarp. Good now they're affordable! f.ornmtlfial S1tl'1 buildings lr"dlUring rasy bob up condition! $13,000. Better Bilt WANTED:JOHNDEEREMCtrac- TIMOTHY CLOVER Trefoil assrmbly Irom Amrrlc3'li iargt'Sl distributor. Wr ha"r THRASHINGMACHINE: "Red tor in running or restorable These docile, intelligent ani- om 10.000 Slandard silrs 01 shop. lann. Indusrrlal. River", early 1900's, very liquid tank with pump, 2300 mals make wonderful pets for mixed hay. Square and round gallons, 2 injectors, $2000. condition. 1-616-775-5380. bales. Trucking available. cOlIII1lrrtial and mln~Wil",housr buildings. All art' nice, hidden inside for 50 hiking, packing, picnicking, compIrlr wbh rnglnm Sla~d prrmb dr.Iwlngs and years, plus miscellaneous, 16' hydraulic lift hog trailer, pulling carts, or to just plain Call after 6pm. Flat Acre a 20 )'rill roof and "'ill NSI "'i\llanly. Call us Inday $1200.313-971-1804. Farms, Rudyard, Michigan. best offer. Call or leave mes- enjoy. Their wool is valuable lor a Irrr information p;lCbgf and a quotr on our 101' sage, will call back. and they also make outstand- 1-906-478-6433. qualiTy buildings or building COl11pOlll'nlpilrls. 1991 HARDI Vineyard or- 1-517-895-5124. chard sprayer. 264 gallons, ing guard animals. Call for a TOP QUALITY HOLSTEIN visit today! 1-616-677-3309. ~Iini Warehouse Sail' fan-type, TE-l075. Used very breeding age bulls, from high SH.HHH little. Excellent condition! Ron and Nancy Laferriere. producing cow family. Top AI I" .. "II ""'''''''''1,1,,, "'11'1.1/111""'" Laferriere Llamas "0, 'I 1-616-429-3153. sires, $800-$900. http://metal bldg.ceLnet Marne, Michigan BUTLER KANSUN 8-17-15 (Just northwest of Grand Pasch Farms 120 ACRE FARM: Newago 1-517-644-3519 Grain Dryer. Single phase. County. 4-bedroom home Rapids) LP. Butler 21'x6 ring grain bin with pool. Excellent soil, 95% with floor, fan and unloading LLAMAS FOR SALE: Males HARDY OUTSIDE tillable. Buildings in A-l con- and females.Call for appoint- WOOD FURNACE auger. Butler 24'x7 ring grain dition! $169,900. Call Mark bin with floor, fan and unload- ment. Words #1 seller. Stainless Wentland, Kay & George Wertman steel construction. Heats ing auger. 517-828-5671 or BIG RAPIDS REALTY 517-828-5729. Torch Lake Country Llamas home, hot water tank, pools. 1-616-796-7856 Rapid City, Michigan METAL ROOF COATINGS: Eliminates fire danger. 10 CLYESDALES: FIVE YEAR Heavy fibered or white roof FARM FANS AB250 GRAIN 1-616-258-9652 old, breed mare, due in April. coatings. H.J. Bulcin. Call year warranty! Dealerships DRYER. Single' phase, one Nine year old breed mare, available. 1-800-743-5883. phase, LP. Excellent condi- BAYSIDE ALFALFA SEED: LLAMAS: North American anytime, early or late. due in March. Yearling geld- 1-517-777-9815. Jamboree Acres tion. Also Hitchinson 6"x51 , Dairybrand and Crystal. Sitting Bull and Essex blood- B&MSEED lines. Pet males and weaning ing and filly. 1-517-386-7660, transport auger. PTO drive. call evenings. 517-828-5671 or 1-517-463-2846 females. Reasonable priced! Call for more information and 517-828-5729. FORSALE:KECK.GONNERMAN MICHIGANCERTIFIEDWHEAT visit. 1-517-645-2719. Miller's Uamaland FREE HOME DEUVERYI Simply the best! ROOF, REROOF, PATCH SEED: Harus, Lowell, Potterville, MI Complete Horse Feed. It's easy to do it yourself with proven pick up beaner with LeRoy engine. Wide axle with air- Chelsea, Wakefied. ELITE +,10% or 12%. plane tires, good condition, B & M Seed LLAMAS: Your visit to our For informationor delivery, always stored in shed. 1-517-463-2846 Llama Farm is most Mathie Energy Supply Co., Inc. Call 1-517-435-7694 before welcome! Learn about these 1-800-467-7340 8:30am and after 9:00pm. fine; easy to care for animals. Dealer InquiriesWelcome! Woolly pets and halter FORD, NEW HOLLAND trac- trained. Weanlings available. tors and equipment from Sy- Jack & Barbara Danly ~(!)(!)II ~ ~!~Ir mon's in Gaines. For 43 Horton Bay Uamas years your best deal for the 06300 Boyne City Road long run! Charlevoix, 1-616-582-7473 BUFFALO BULL for sale. Symon's Breeding age. Also Buffalo MINI DONKEYS FOR SALE: FARM HELP WANTED: Full 1-517-271-8445, Gaines hide (tanned). Buffalo head Pets and breeding quality. time milking and farm chores, mounted. Call 517-852-0711. Excellent opportunity to start leave message on answering IHC #56 PLANTER with ex- your herd. Reasonably machine. Call 1-906-753- tras, $1500. AC cultivator, EASY CALVING: Texas priced. Cisco & Sons, 1-313- 4540, Stephenson, MJ. rolling shields, $300. Buy Longhorn cattle for sale. 878-6345. both, $1750. Rebuilt corn Cow, calf pairs, yearling. INSURED CONTRACTOR to head for Gleaner L. Available Also, bulls, steers and heifers PUREBRED BOER GOATS. tear down and clean up barn. after harvest, $2500. All set at weaning. MlchFlock. 612 North Madi- Four miles east of Akron, up for 6-row, 30 inch. Diamond 6 Ranch son, Lapeer, MI 48446. Call Michigan.. 517-834-2576. 1-616-642-9042 1-810-667-0169any time. 1-517-673-3384. • . ..... i~ll~lIDi£~l~ll!I!(;1 ............. . .................... - - - - . .. . .. ___ ir•••D:adii~;f;r.;e~7i;~:i;O~~b~;~~9; ••••••1 1992 DODGE1 TON PICKUP, 2wd, duals, Cummins engine, 75,000 miles, pulls fifth wheel CASH, NOT OPINION for ~~:~i~Ya~;~~':.''''d g~I~~i~:li. Il!£J VISA Call 1-800-968-3129 to Place Your ~~ ~ •II and receiver. Asking $14,500. 1-517-439-2440evenings.• 616-683-2974, trailer and tools. ask about STANDING TIMBER AND. Classified Ad Today! •• VENEER: Black River Hard- • HYDRAULIC CYLINDERand hy- draulic pump repair. Seal kits woods. Inc •• Call 1-810-657-9151 days. or use the coup/on below and mail or fax your • and chrome work, all makes. Strawchoppers balanced and Evenings,1--517--845-3345.• classified ad to Michigan Farm News • rebuilt. WANTED TO BUY: Standing •• ~I~~~. Venture Tool & Metallzlng timber of all kinds. Call •• Sebewaing, MI R. H. Rehkopf • Corrected number, 1.517-883-9121 Big Rapids, Michigan 1-800-725-7861 • •• Buy Line/Daily News FAX: ~~~~;~n~~:~~~I uniforms, flags, helmets, kni- P.O. Box 6, Stanton, MI 488P8 1-517-831-5063 = ves, metals, equipment, etc.• Bernal Tolan, 1-517-287- I All classified ads must be pre-paid by check or VISA/MasterCard •• 5183.• We Buy Damaged Grain = Classified Ad Codes I •• SUPER HEAVY STEEL • 1. Farm Machinery 10.Work Wanted 20. WantedTo Duy • 25.30 (2 left) 40.50 (1 left) 5OxlOO (I left) 30.40 (3 left) 42><64 (2 left) Buyer and seller of: • 2. Livestock Equipment 11. Agricultural Services 21. Special Events • UP TO 400/0 OFF!!! • Cash grains 20 YEAR WARRANTY • • AmericanSteelArchInc• • Feed ingredients • ~. Farm Commodities 12. Buslnoss Services 22. Recreation • • Milling quality grains • 4. Seeds 1~.Duslnoss Opportunities 23. Financing • Licensed and bonded with over 2D years of experience = 5. Livestock 14.RealEstate 24.InvestorsWanted. = Minerai Owners GaS/Oil: In- • 6. Poultry 15.Real EstateWanted 25. Building s • vestor interested in purchas- ing, producing royalty income 800-878-8900 •• 7. Dogs iJndPuppies 16. EstatoSales 26. Lawn And Garden • for immediate cash. Prefer Michigan Agricultural • Antrim gas. Other formations considered. Call Jay, 1-800- Commodities, Inc. I 8. Ponies/Horses 17.Auctions 27. Announcemonts • I 445 North Canal. Lansing, MI 48917 • 968-7645. NEW POTATO BAGS: O""7a.m.-5'30'.m .. ;~ 9. HelpWanted 18.Antiques/Collectibles 28.To GiveAway • 38,000, 5# paper, all wrapped and on skids. Other sizes (paper, poly, mesh). All one half price. Call evenings, /RIl!Il1. = 19.General 29. Vehicles = 1-517-857-3051. PROFESSIONAL CATTLE WANTED, STANDING TIM- • • Name Phone.1 ( ) • hoof trimming: Statewide! BER: Buyers of timber of all • Over 14 years experience. types. Cash in advance! • Address • Prices start at $8. Call 1-517-875-4565,ask for Tim.• Norman Beale Maple Rapids • 1~16-775-0488 SAVE 75% ON WORK CLOTHESI Good, clean, re- Lus'r.~~h~~~'~'f' • WANTED: 2"-8" used alumi- •• City State Zip I cycled in very best quality. Money back guarantee. Free brochure ~~~o:r+~~~~i!O~a~lubing. Buy, II Classified Ad Code Requested Number of Issues • Rain Control • Suntex Recycling 1-800-339-93S0 • Toll Free, 1-800-909-9025 24 hours-7 days. WANTED: Old motorcycles, • Desired Insertion Date(s): • snowmobile and off road ve- •• STOCK-UP: Sheepskin mit- hicles. 1965 and older. Call • tens, hats, gloves, slippers, I Method of Payment 1IIt_ •• JD at 1-517-676-0583. ! woolen garments, yarn. Cata- log available! Bellalr's Hillside Farms The Sheep Shed 8351 Big Lake Road, Clark- ston. 1-810-625-2665. and i Check $ (payable to MIchigan Farm News Classified) • Visa Card Number Exp. Date • •• Visa/MasterCard STRAW CHOPPERS: We re- Open Barn & Mini Donkey Sale. build and balance. Some ex- Saturday, 10/19/96. 12-5pm. • Master Card Number Exp. Date • changes. We stock chopper parts. ENGINE REBUILDING our specialty. Auto- Truck- Browsers and buyers wel- come. Pets and breeding stock available. Cisco & •• • Classified Rates - $8 for up to 24 words - 30 cents each additional word • Tractor -Antique-Continental- Kohler-Onan-Wisconsin en- gine dealer. 70 years of service! Sons, Howell, Michigan 1-313-878-6345. •• • 'Write your ad here, including phone num~er and area code • HART'S AUTO PARTS Cecil, OH 1-419-399-4777 = 1 2 3 4 = TRAILERS: Complete line of Avenger enclosed cargo units .... 15 = •• available at low prices. Pre- 6 7 8 season specials on Snowmo- PROBLEMSWITHYOUR LAND bile, ATV models. •• TAG-A-LONG TRAILERS CONTRACT?Late payments? • 9 10 11 12 • Back taxes? Property dam- 1-800-515-6846 age? 9 of 10 qualify for pur- 517-659-3478 chase. We can help. Munger, Michigan TV ANTENNAS dirt cheap! 1atNAnONAL 1-800-879-2324. •• I 13 14 15 16 • Save a bundle on Channel Master and Winegard anten- nas and accessories. For a free catalog, call 1-800-528- ~ = •• • 17 16 19 20 • = 9984. Denny's Antenna Sales • • 21 25 22 26 23 27 24 26 • • •• 1973 INTERNATIONAL tan- dem truck, 250 Cumins, con- ventional cab. wet kit, Okla- homa truck, $7000. Call 1- ••• 517-866-2586 after 7pm. • 29 30 31 32 • 1984-1989 2.6 MITSUBISHI 1994 FORD F-350, 4x4, 460 engine, conversion, dual • ~ ~ ~ $ • • ••.s. engine needed for Dodge wheels, crew cab, gooseneck Raider. Call Gary after 5pm, and reese hitches, 52,000 miles, 100,000 mile extended = ...................... --..------.-- .... 517-831-5548 on weekdays, anytime weekends, .Stanton, MI. warranty. Asking $28,995 or best offer. 1-616-763-3563. Circulation over 46,000 In State of Michigan. Westendorps named MMPA's FFA fundraiser assists emergency vehicles Outstanding Young Dairy Cooperators L ights flash. Sirens wail. An emergency vehicle screeches around the corner, flinging ston~ and dust. The night sky, black as ink, blots out all B arry County Farm Bureau members Doug .1 and Louisa Westendorp, from Nashville, light save that of the headlights. have recently been selected as the state VROOM!The ambulance zooms past its desti- winning 1996 Outstanding Young Dairy Coopera- nation. Why? The address didn't have a light-reflec- . tors (OYDe). They represented Michigan Milk Pro- tive sign. ducers Association's (MMPA)District 2 and the Several FFAchapters across the state are sell- Kalamazoo Local in the annual OYDC conference ing Number-It signs as a fundraiser. The signs, 14 held Aug. 14-16. The Westendorps were selected inches by 3 inches, can be placed anywhere and can earlier this year by fellow dairy farmers in their dis- be customized for any address. The signs assist trict to participate in the program. emergency vehicles in rural areas by illuminating As the state winning cooperators, the Westen- the address. Unfamiliar drivers are then able to dorps will represent MMPAat various industry and easily determine if they have the right location. association activities. Huron County Farm Bureau To get a Number-It sign, contact your local members Tim and Debra Kubacki, of Sebewaing, FFAchapter or call Richard Karelse at (517) 335. were selected as the runner-up cooperators. They 0378. • represented MMPA'sDistrict 9 in the contest. Selection of the OYDC is based on the appli- cant's farming operations, farm-related and commu- nity activities, and demonstrated leadership abilities. The state OYDC conference, held at MMPA headquarters in Novi, is designed to provide infor- mation about milk marketing activities, coopera- tives, milk testing procedures and other current events \vithin the dairy industry. The contest has been held annually over the past 46 years. ,.... - "The OYDC program identifies outstanding young leaders in our organization and provides the opportunity for them to gain a greater understand- ing of milk marketing activities and MMPA,"says Elwood Kirkpatrick, MMPApresident. All 11 of MMPA'sdistrict OYDes will be official- MMPA is a milk marketing cooperative, owned and controlled by approximately 3,400 dai~y ly recognized at the 1997 Annual State Delegate farmers in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin.The Westendorps' Westvale-VU dairy milks Meeting to be held next March. 80 registered holsteins and raises hay and corn on 175 acres they own and 125 rented acres. The Westendorps represent MMPA'sDistrict 2, They purchased the Barry County farm over four years ago. which covers Branch, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, Alle- Doug and Louisa are the proud parents of six children, including "-year old Carlyle, gan, Van Buren, Cass and Berrien counties. seven-year-old twins Eric and Troy and four-year-old triplets Levi, Brittany and Tina. Besides MMPAis a milk marketing cooperative, owned being Farm Bureau members, they are active in MMPA, the Dairy Herd Improvement Associa- and controlled by approximately 3,400 dairy farmers tion (DHIA), Michigan Holstein Association and their local church and school. in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin .• For being selected the OYDCs, the Westendorps will represent Michigan at the National Milk Producers Association meeting in California later this fall. They will also help to orga- nize the OYdC contest for 1997. en 0 (OS son" oye 0 s(ore ou. Member Dental Insurance from Michigan Farm Bureau ( Member dental insurance is the affordable way to assure that you and your family receive the dental care services you require - even when sudden and costly needs arise. Measure the rates against your annual dental care bills and consider the advantage! ~~~;:~~~~~;~~~~~:~~~~~~ I OR MAIL THIS COUPONTO: MFB MEMBER SERVICES,P.O. BOX 30960, LANSING, HI 48909 I I I I NAME I / ..~ ~ _--- r::::.-.----.. I I ADDRESS I I CITY STATE ZIP 51 -J I I I Where Belonaina Makes a Differen(e. 1:= =::':=EAU Q L I TELEPHONE COUNTY ~ ~I