MICHIGAN FARM NEWS -= ISDA to expand crop ItIICHIGAN FARItI BUREAU February 15, 1997 Vol. 74, No.3 revenue insurance program Changing your P;'A. 116 agreement? April 1 filing deadline dosing fast L ast summer, Gov. John Engler signed into law sweeping reforms to the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program, P.A.116, including provisions for early termination of the contracts and reducing the length of the contracts to a min- imum of seven remaining years. But if you want to take advantage of these revisions to the 23-year- old law, you'd better hurry and make your request in writing by April 1 or your window of opportuni- ty will be closed. According to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), if a landowner wishes to termi- nate an entire agreement, simply submit a written request to the Farmland Preservation office, !ist- ing the number(s) of the agreements sought for termination. "If they take land completely out," says Michigan Farm Bureau Legislative Counsel Ron Nelson, "they will be required to pay back any credits received in the last seven years." One of the following requirements is need- ed, according to the DNR, to reduce the length of the contract so that only seven years remain: • Agreements in existence for at least 10 years may be reduced so only seven years remain. Severe thunderstorms brought flooding that damaged many acres of Michigan crops early last spring. An expansion of the crop revenue • If 10 years have not been served, but the re- insurance program to cover corn and soybeans recently announced by the USDA adds Michigan to the list of 11 states that will be eligible for maining length of the agreement is more than the coverage. Only Iowa and Nebraska farmers could utilize Crop Revenue Coverage on the two crops last year. 17 years, the length of the agreement may be reduced so the total length of the agreement is 17 years from the initial year of enrollment. "The Legislature created this opportunity to Pressure results in IRS COVER STORY reduce the length of term to seven years," ex- plains Nelson. "If a producer has a long-term agreement; they can reduce that to seven years. change of tax rules Three Michigan congressmen ruling can result in additional tax liabilities for farm- Michigan gains Crop Revenue Coverage for corn and soybeans So, a 70-year agreement can become a 17-year agreement from the time it was first entered into. supporting legislation correcting ers," he adds. "Farm Bureau believes the IRS has The USDA is significantly expanding a ''To avoid paying back credits claimed on the def.rred payment ruling by IRS taken a position that is inconsistent with the intent . ,,,,i crop revenue insurance program for I propeny," says Nelson, "the landowner can claim ncreasingpressure from members of Congress of Congress and the historical treatment of deferred iW corn and soybeans to Michigan and 10 no credits for the final seven years, thus there's and demand for tax law changes by Farm payment contracts. The tax code specifically allows other states (hat was available only in Iowa and no payback." Bureau have prompted the Internal Revenue farmers to use the cash basis method of accounting, Nebraska last year. R..... of parcel for house construction Service (IRS) to revise its position on the tax treat- and farmers have used deferred payment contracts "Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC) is a new form Another substantial reform to P.A.116 allows ment of deferred payment contracts. for years without penalty." of insurance that covers both yield and price risk," for the release of up to two acres from the agree- In late January, the IRSannounced it willgrant While the announcement eliminates the short- explains MFB Commodity Specialist Bob Boehm. "It ment for the construction of a house for an a temporary exclusion for deferred payment con- term concerns for producers, legislative action and started in Nebraska and Iowa and was received very individual essential to the farming operation. The tracts. Farm Bureau contends that deferred payment clarification will be needed for long-term relief, well by producers who saw a benefit to being able person must have a financial interest equal to or contracts - which allow farmers to even out their according to A1my.He says the organization is ag- to protect themselves from impacts of both price greater than 50 percent of the cost of the farm's income taxes from year to year by deferring income gressively seeking additional support from Michigan and yield." . production or work 1,040 hours or more in activi- from one crop year to the next for tax reporting pur- congressional delegation for legislation recently The CRC is a private form of insurance that ties of the farming operation. poses - should not fall under alternative minimum introduced. guarantees a stated level of revenue in the event of Although this provision does not have an tax (AMT) requirements as the IRScontends. "The Farm Bureau-supported legislation that low yield due to poor growing conditions or low April 1 deadline, there are other requirements to The reprieve on deferred payment contracts Sen. Abraham has co-sponsored, Senate Bill S. 181, prices. It is an alternative to the federal govern- follow before a portion of the contracted area can announced by the Internal Revenue Service is good would allow a farmer to treat the income as income ment's Multiple Peril Crop Insurance program. be released, including a listing of the taxable value news for Michigan farmers in the process of filing for tax purposes in the year it was actually received USDASecretary Dan Glickman said the ex- from the local assessor, a legal description, a reso- their 1996 taxes. The temporary reprieve states that rather than when the contract was signed," Almy panded revenue insurance programs would help lution from the local governing body approving farmers who use deferred sales contracts should explained. "H.R. 426, an identical bill that's been USDAensure an adequate "safety net" for farmers. continued on page 3 make no changes to how they report sales of de- introduced in the House, has over 100 co-sponsors "By having that assurance," explains Boehm, ferred commodity and livestock contracts on their at this time. The only Michigan members who have "it allows producers to be more aggressive in for- 1996 income tax returns. agreed to co-sponsor H.R. 426 are Rep. Nick Smith \vard pricing their commodity. Because CRC pro- The IRS had ruled late last year that farmers (R-Addison) and Rep. Dave Camp (R-Midland). But vides a revenue guarantee based on the higher of must treat the income received under a deferred we know that several other representatives are the planting or harvest price, farmers do not need payment contract in the year when the contract was taking a close look at the bill." to be as concerned about the impact of a crop fail- signed rather than when the payment was actually A1mysaid Michigan Farm Bureau is going to ure in a rising market. CRC will provide the revenue received, creating a great deal of confusion and be urging additional congressmen, including Sen. to allow them to meet contract obligations." concern about the agency's sudden change in tax Carl Levin, to co-sponsor the measure, as well as CRC policies have proved popular because policy interpretation. requesting that respective legislative committees they guard against not only losses from floods, According to AlAlmy, director of MFB's Public hold prompt hearings and report the bill favorably drought and other acts of nature, but protect Affairs Division, farmers face wide swings in income for immediate floor action .• against price drops between planting and harvest. due to factors that are beyond their control. "This Continued on page .. INSIDE THIS ISSUE OF THE MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Capitol Corner 3 Weather Outlook 11 Animal Initiative dollars in action: Agriculture and Natural Resources Precision Agriculture 13 MSU's pavilion up and running ........ 17 Week is March 1-9 at MSU 4 Medical savings accounts now USDA seeks comment on use of Market Outlook 6 available to Farm Bureau members .. 14 National Cheese Exchange data in determination of milk prices 18 Merillats give quarter horse farm to Want more bite from MSU for teaching, research efforts 8 your insecticide buck? 15 New technique expands chestnut industry 19 Business Strategies 9 Wheat 2000 project remains optimistic about production 16 Discussion Topic 20 Value-added processing begins the push for new-wave cooperatives ..... 10 Sell products and services in the Michigan Farm Nevvs classifieds-Page 21 ~ l..rt:J..ilW IL' I::t'!!kj February 15, 1997 When the governor signed Public Act 591, he encouraged legislators, among other things, to Veliquette elected chair of Ag Commission review the planing process (0 simplify the bureau- cratic process. We agree the planing process must be reformed. However, we must first address the A ntrim County Farm Bureau member Norman R. Veliquene recently was elected chair of the five-member Michigan Ag Commission, which over- Committee for three years. He has also served as Antrim County Farm problems associated with the number of exempt sees operation of the Michigan Department of Bureau president. divisions before proceeding with reform of the Agriculture. Veliquette also platting process. Ironically, under provisions of the A native of Elk Rapids, he graduated from served on the Federal new legislation, which will basically allow the prolif- Michigan State University with a degree in Market Order 930 Cher- eration of mini-subdivisions, the planing process agricultural economics. In 1972, he co-founded ry Administrative Board \vill rarely be needed. Great Lakes Packing Company and now serves as its for 12 years as both chair The review process by the local unit of gov- president. His company has become the largest of the Finance Commit- ernment is still intact; however, there is a big differ- family-owned and operated processor of dessert tee and treasurer of the board. He is a past presi- ence between a review for low-density develop- cherries in the United States. In 1993, he and his dent of the Rotary Club in Elk Rapids. He has also ments and requirements by public agencies that are wife, Marjory, received the U.S. Small Business served on the Elk Rapids Schools Board of Educa- From the needed for high-density developments. Longer- Administration Entrepreneurial Award. tion for more than 20 years. President term - in the next 10 to 15 years - this law is going For 10 years he served as Antrim County Farm Veliquette was first appointed to the (0 be especially hard on local communities who will Bureau policy development chair and has conse- commission in 1995, and his term expires at the nm have the ability (0 require the expensive infra- quently served on the MFB State Policy Development end of this year.• 5.B. 112 threatens structure needed for this many divisions. It has literally taken 20 years to change the Michigan farmland current law. While the governor also encouraged Rural Development Council to hold policy forums preservation for the next generation fforts to preserve Michigan farmland were legisla(Ors to "thoroughly review" the provisions allowing redivision of parcels every 10 years, Farm Bureau would have preferred that legislators taken A nyone living in rural areas interested in issues facing their community are encouraged to attend one of three policy forums sponsored by the The rural policy forums will run from 9 a.m. to noon and are intended to allow individuals ample opportunity to provide input and comments in a E dealt a serious blow Jan. 22, when the gov- ernor approved Senate Bill 112, which was intended (0 reform Michigan's Subdivision Control the responsible reform steps necessary at the close of the last legislative session and approved legislation similar to the original version of Senate Bill 112. Rural Development Council of Michigan (RDCM) held the end of February. The meetings will provide a forum for com- workshop setting. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Dates and locations of Rural Policy Forums: February 21 Doherty Hotel, Clare (800) 525-4115 Act. While Michigan Farm Bureau is commined to P.A.591 will not preserve farmland for the munity leaders, business leaders and cirizens of February 24 Days Inn, Kalamazoo (616) 382-2303 reforming the Subdivision Control Act, the final next generation. It will increase urban pressure on rural Michigan to provide input on rural policy de- February 26 Days Inn, Escanaba (906) 789-1200 version of the package, officially known as Public existing farm operations due to unplanned, high- velopment and identify issues facing rural Michigan If you have any questions or need more infor- Act 591, did not accomplish what was needed. denSity developments. While Farm Bureau supports and the needs of rural communities. mation, please contact Lorna Stevens, RDCM com- We had a prime opportunity (0 reform the economic growth and development, it must be well According to David Skjaerlund, RDCM execu- munications representative at (517) 373-6928 or state's 30-year-old Subdivision Control Act to pro- planned when high-density building is necessary. tive director, the meetings will also explore new and David Skjaerlund, RDCM executive director at (517) vide true, long-term farmland preservation in The statistics of farmland lost in this state to innovative ways to address rhe needs of rural com- 373-4550 .• Michigan. Unfortunately, two years of hard work by development are staggering. The governor's own munities and any policy recommendations on Farm Bureau and the several recommendations Michigan Farmland and Agriculture Development addressing those needs. proposed by the Michigan Farmland and Agriculture Task Force determined that we lost 10 acres of Development Task Force seem (0 have fallen on farmland every hour of every day from 1982 to deaf ears in Lansing. 1992. It is imperative that we develop balanced and Purebred Council adds MACMA Annual For many years now, Michigan Farm Bureau reasonable reform of the Subdivision Control Act (0 Main e-Anjou Meeting to be held members have recognized the need (0 change the law guiding land divisions that are exempt from the provide genuine farmland preservation. Without those changes, it's almost certain Michigan farm- land will continue (0 be converted to other uses at T he Maine-Anjou Association of Michigan is the newesr affiliate to join the Michigan Call1e- men's Association (MCA) Purebred Council. T he Michigan Agricultural Cooperative Market- ing Association Inc. (MAC~fA) will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, March 19 at 1:30 platting process. That's why Farm Bureau support- ed the original provisions of Senate Bill 112. an alarming rate. Deb Videtich, of Kent Ciry, is rhe Maine-Anjou p.m. at the Double JJ Resort in Rothbury, Mich. Our objective was to develop an exempt divi- Michigan Farm Bureau believes the Association of Michigan's president, and their repre- Prior to that, the Red Tart Cherry Growers and sion policy that provided an incentive for wise land Subdivision Control Act is the basis for proper sentative for the Michigan Beef Expo is Lana Kaiser, Feeder Pig divisions will conduct their annual meet- use. Unfonunatel)', Public Act 591 will still allow the planning and should be rhe vehicle (0 encourage of Mason. ing ar 10 a.m. at the same location. creation of "bowling alley" shaped lots because of wise land use in Michigan. As a represenrative of As the name suggests, the Purebred Council Call the MACMAoffice at (517) 323-7000, ext. an exemption from the 4: 1 depth-to-width ratio on rhis srare's second largesr indusrry, Michigan Farm represents the purebred breeders who are mem- 2301, for more derails. Meeting and meal reserva- parcels larger than 10 acres. The number of divi- Bureau will work aggressivel)' on behalf of rhe bers of the Michigan Cattlemen's Association. The tions must be made by Monday, March 10.• sions exempt from planing is also excessive and is a agriculture indusrry to seek the reforms needed to Purebred Council founded rwo of MCA's annual major reason the bill will nm meet farmland preser- provide a reasonable and balanced exempt division activities: the Michigan Beef Expo and the MCA- vation needs. policy for Michigan. MSU Bull Test and Sale Michigan CATis on the Public Act 591 attempts to provide incentives The Purebred Council ruling body is made up World Wide Web to place developments on 40 percent of the parcel, preserving the remaining 60 percent for agricultural purposes. However, if these incentives are used, 66 percent of the parcel can be developed within 11 ~~,f::.~ Michigan Farm Bureau of one voting representarive of each affiliated breed association. The Maine-Anjou representative for the council isJanet Hillman, of Conklin. The current chairman of the council is Phil Hutchison, of Onon- M ichigan CATis proud to announce their new Interner Web site. Various information can be accessed at the site, including company his- rory, available products and services, coming years. Put simply, Michigan agriculture cannot com- daga, and the current vice chairman is Bill Kube, of events, used equipment listings, career opportuni- pete with a land division policy that is exempt from Gobles. Quentin Harwood, of Ionia, MCA president; ties at Michigan CATand more! You can visit the platting when creating high-density developments. Winter wheat plantings and Gary Voogt, of Marne, MCApresident-elect, are new Web site at http://www.michigancat.com. lowest in 19 years both past chairmen of this group .• You can also visit the Caterpillar site at http:// Bacteria may provide A ccording to the Agriculture Department, winter wheat plantings this year are at their lowest levels in 19 years. With only 48.2 million www.cat.com .• biofue/, cheap acres planted, USDA and private analysts are saying nitrogen fertilizer the shift in wheat acreage is directly related to the AGRO-CULTURE A quirk of nature may someday provide an inexpensive biofuel or improve the produc- 1996 farm bill that allows producers the freedom (0 plant crops they want (0 grow. tion of man-made fertilizers. Some soil microorgan- isms use enzymes that contain iron or iron and Most grain market analysts predicted farmers would sow around 51 million acres and the new Puts the Go in Grow! vanadium, elements naturally present in soil, to numbers shocked some. The drop, said one analyst, convert nitrogen in the atmosphere into a form was based on a combination of poor planting plants can use for growth. Hydrogen that is pro- weather and producers wanting to rake advanrage duced in the nitrogen-conversion process - but not used by the plants - could be collected and put to of higher corn and soybean prices in the face of lackluster wheat prices. Call for your FREE work as a biofuel, scientists say. The shift also has been viewed by some ana- CATALOG AND RESEARCH BOOKLET "96" Another plus: Bacteria that use iron in this lysts as a sign that the new farm law is working de- process could provide clues as (0 how iron might serve as a catalyst in making nitrogen fertilizers. spite the possibility of market volatility over the next few years, caused by acreage shifting from one 800-678.-9029 Current ammonium fertilizer production uses ex- crop (0 another. It is expected that most of the lost tremely high temperatures and pressure, a process wheat acreage - a good portion of the acreage Land Cost Machinery that requires lots of fossil fuel. An alternative pro- came from srates in the Corn Belt - will go to corn / cess could lower costs and preserve fuel .• and some inco soybeans .• \ / Best Seed \ Best Retum / AtiRQ.CULTURE " The Michigan Farm News (ISSN:0743-9962) Is published twice per month except In the months of November. December. June and July when only one Issue is printed. as a service to regular members. by Michigan Fann Bureau. 7373 West \ / "" Saginaw Highway. Lansing. Michigan 48917. Member subscription price of $1.50 is included in annual dues of Michigan Farm Bureau regular members. Additional subscription fees required for mailing Michigan Farm News to Best \ / nonmembers and outside the continental U.S.A. Periodical postage paid at Lansing. Michigan. and additional mailing offices. Weed Control / Letters to ttM editor and statewide news artldes should be sent to: Editor. Michigan Farm News. Post OffIce Box 30960. Lansing. Michigan 48909-8460. POSTMASTER - Send address changes to: Michigan Farm Bureau. Post Office Box 30960. Lansing. Michigan 48909-8460. Editorial: Dennis Rudat. Editor and Business Manager; Thomas Nugent. Associate Editor. " / / Design and Production: Sue Stuever Battel. Advertising Sales Representative: Joshua Merchant. Officers: President. Jack Laurie. Cass City; Vice President. Wayne Wood. Marlette; Third Member. Jan Vosburg. Oimax; Administrative Director. Chuck Burkett; Treasurer and Chief Financial OffIcer. Tom Parker; Secretary. David VanderHaagen. Agro-Culture Directors: District 1. Jim Miller. Coloma; District 2. Blaine VanSickle. Marshall; District 3. Michael Fusilier. Manchester; liquid Fertilizers District 4. Tom Guthrie. Delton; District 5. Alan Garner. Mason; District 6. Wayne Wood. Marlette; District 7. Rick Johnson. Leroy; District 8. Don Sutto. Saginaw; District 9. Joshua Wunsch. lI'averse CIty; District 10, Margaret Kartes, West Branch; P.O. Box 150 District 11. Robert Wahmhoff. Baraga. At-Large: Jack laurie. (ass Oty; Faye Adam. Snover; Jan Vosburg. Oimax; Judy St. Johns, MI48879 Emmons. Sheridan. Promotion and Education. Meriann Keinath. Deckerville; Young Farmers. Jeff Homing. Manchester. Capitol For more information on legislative topics in the Michigan Farm News, Gov. Engler disappointed on Canadian imports of with NAFTA decision u.s. dairy and other Calraer call 800-292-2680. agricultural products G ov. John Engler recently announced his dis- appointment with the final report of the 1993 with the addition of agreements with Mexico. All tariffs between the countries were to be elimi- IJJy/~>~lt, lt~.. ~ North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nated by 2008. dispute settlement panel, which examined and "This decision seems to be contrary to the Balanced Budget Amendment upheld Canada's tariff practices applied to imports intent of NAFTA,where the elimination of tariffs B oth the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate are scheduled to vote on a balanced budget amendment during the week of Feb. 10 - 14. The states, whichever is later. Sens. Hatch (R-Utah) and Bryan (D-Nev.) introduced the same balanced bud- get amendment in the Senate as S.]. Res. 1. of dairy and certain other agricultural products. In December, the NAFTApanel agreed that provisions in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and improved market access were hallmarks of the agreement," said Engler. "Furthermore, protection- ist trade policies were to be eliminated. I am very Senate is expected to vote first. A series of alternative amendments will be allowed Canada to maintain quantitative import concerned about Canada's dairy support program, OnJan. 9, Reps. Schaefer (R-Colo.) and Sten- offered to allow members to say they supported a restrictions against certain U.S. imports, including which now has been allowed to be maintained, holm (D-Texas) introduced HJ. Res. 1, the consen- balanced budget amendment without having to cast dairy, poultry, egg, barley and margarine products. given the NAFTApanel's decision." sus balanced budget amendment. The amendment a yes vote for the bills. Amendments likely to be "There is a $6.4 billion market in Canada with Engler said to Secretary Glickman, "I urge you requires the following: offered will waive the Balanced Budget Amendment these agricultural products for which the United to do everything possible to seek the elimination of • A balanced budget each year unless waived by a in times of recession or exempt Social Security from States and other trading partners should be able to these trade tariffs and to improve American dairy three-fifths vote. budget cuts. These alternatives do not improve the fairly compete," Engler said. "Canada converted its access to the Canadian market." • A three-fifths vote to raise the national debt SchaeferlStenholm and Hatch!Bryan bills. Congress quotas on dairy, poultry and egg products to tariff Michigan Department of Agriculture Director ceiling. can decide by a three-fifths vote to waive the bal- rates as much as 300 percent, which makes the Dan Wyant said, "I applaud the governor on his • The president to submit a balanced budget. anced budget requirement during recessions or competitive situation very difficult for Michigan and strong stand for free and fair trade. Gov. Engler has • A constitutional majority (one more than half the other national crisis. Congress wiII decide later other U.S. agricultural producers and marketers." been a long-time, staunch advocate of international total) to raise taxes. whether or not Social Security wiII be affected. The governor sent a letter Jan. 3 to U.S. Secre- free trade agreements to link great nations into a The requirement to balance the budget can be MFB Position: Farm Bureau supports the tary of Agriculture Dan Glickman in response to the partnership for economic cooperation and growth in waived in times of war. The amendment takes effect balanced budget amendment. December final report of the NAFTAdispute settle- an increasingly competitive world economy. He un- in 2002 or after ratification by three-fourths of the MFB Contact: AIAlmy, ext. 2040. ment panel. The Canadian-United States Free Trade derstands that dairy is the largest sector of Michigan's Agreement involving agricultural, manufacturing agricultural industry. Our close proximity to Canada - I and other products went into effect in 1989. This bilateral agreement was incorporated into NAFTAin should be an advantage for Michigan dairy farmers and marketers when this market opens up." • High-speed railway Purchase of T he Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is pursuing the establishment of a Development Rights Cattle Industry Act draws Farm Bureau support high-speed railway system from Detroit to Chicago. Improvements in the current system wiIIallow S enate Bills 573, 574 and 575, sponsored by Sen. Bill Schuette (R-Midland), were signed by the governor Jan. 16 as Public Acts 569, 570 and 571. I ntroduction of the Cattle Industry Improvement Act of 1997 opens a formal dialogue on improv- ucts and livestock. The measure also calls for a fed- eral study of lending practices to determine wheth- trains to travel up to 110 miles per hour - up from The law now provides the ability for town- ing livestock marketing conditions, according to the er they are contributing to a concentration in the the current safe speed of 79 miles per hour. When ships, counties or municipalities to develop and American Farm Bureau Federation. The measure, number of U.S. meat packers. the project is finished, the trip between Detroit and conduct a purchase of development rights (PDR) introduced by Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and 11 In addition, the bill requires a federal plan for Chicago wiII take 3.5 hours. program utilizing local funds. other co-sponsors, drew general support from the consolidating the U.S. food inspection system, and To implement this system, MDOT is utilizing The PDR program may be used only to protect nation's largest farm organization. a study by the U.S. trade representative to deter- the existing rail corridor. MDOT intends to imple- agricultural land and other eligible land. Other eligi- The bill's chief goal, according to Daschle, is mine whether the European Union can legally ment the project in various phases with track and ble land is defined as land that has a common to encourage a fair market for the nation's livestock challenge the safety of U.S. meat export facilities. signal upgrades over several years. In addition, sev- property line with agricultural land from which producers, who have suspected that low cattle pric- Kleckner expressed concerns about portions eral crossings may be closed. Affected counties will development rights have been purchased and is not es are a product of decreased competition among of the bill that could limit farmers' and ranchers' be Berrien, Calhoun, Cass, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Van divided from that agricultural land by a state or livestock processors and packers. uses of marketing methods such as grid pricing, Buren, Washtenaw and Wayne. federal limited access highway. In a letter to Daschle, AFBF President Dean formula pricing and contractual arrangements. Status: MDOT has performed a test run be- MFB Position: Farm Bureau policy supports Kleckner said the measure "encompasses many of Kleckner said thresholds that govern domestic tween Kalamazoo and Dowagiac. Recently, the af- enabling legislation for local purchase of develop- the ideas expressed" in Farm Bureau policy. He market reporting "should be sufficient to provide fected county Farm Bureau organizations met with ment rights programs. encouraged Daschle to "move the legislation for- information on a majority of transactions between MDOT to discuss their plans and express concerns MFB Contact: Scott Everett, ext. 2046. ward so that hearings may be held." the buyer and seller." AFBF policy states that live- over the possible closing of agricultural rail cross- "The cattle industry needs the opportunity to stock packers who process more than 5 percent of ings. MDOT wiIIbe working with the affected coun- ~ i~~ I::flli!l] I express support and suggest any improvements to national daily slaughter should be required to re- ty Farm Bureaus to provide more information in the enhance the bill," Kleckner said. "Uvestock produc- port all cash and contract prices and terms of sale. future. Land Division Act ers should have access to competitive markets for "The administration has moved toward better MFB Contact: Tim Goodrich, ext. 2048. T he Land Division Act bill, Senate Bill 112, has been signed by the governor and is now Public Act 591. The law will become effective Aprill. Sen. price discovery that accurately determine the value of their products." price reporting on many levels," Kleckner said. "Improving the economic situation of producers Among its provisions, the bill requires public within the livestock industry across the"country is Leon Stille sponsored the bill. For details, see the price reporting of all livestock sales conducted by critical." A~sessing integration within the livestock Changing your P.A. 116 Jan. 30 issue of the Michigan Farm News. any slaughtering company, and timely reporting of industry is a vital step toward strengthening U.S. agreement? MFB Contact: Scott Everett, ext. 2046. the quantity and price of all imports of meat prod- cattle producers, Kleckner said .• continued from front page the release and documentation of the individual's involvement on the farming operation, Le., W-2 Labor to look at poultry Some farmers sitting tight on their corn ome producers who last year watched corn "The longer the producer holds off, it's going forms, Schedule F or payroll records. plant conditions S prices soar through the roof while they looked to bunch up sales," said Don Roose, a commodity "If you want to take a couple of acres out for someone that's involved in the farming operation, that's now possible," states Nelson. '/\side from the L abor Secretary Robert Reich said his depart- ment would look into complaints about mis- treatment of workers at poultry processing plants longingly at their empty bins have decided this winter to hold their crops, holding out hope for analyst in Des Moines. "You could have the market under pressure right in the middle of July, where another price surge this spring and summer. The the producer just says 'uncle.''' other requirements you will pay back any credits and said, "Sweatshop conditions, whether in gar- 1996 corn crop was the third largest in U.S. history, Burrack says producers likely will have to \vait received proportionate to the value of that land. ment factories, fields or poultry processing plants, following a weather-impacted 1995 harvest. a long time to see corn prices back into the record But typically, if it's a couple of acres, it's going to be will not be tolerated." Reich was joined by consum- 't\t $2.34 a bushel there's no excitement in area, conceding, "We, as farmers, are going to have a pretty small payback." er groups, other farm groups - the National selIing right now," said Tim Burrack, president of to be good at producing corn between $2 and $3 a If you need to request the reduction or termi- Farmers Union and the National Family Farm Coali- the Iowa Corn Growers Association, who admits bushel." Slumping exports combined with high nation of your PA. 116 contract or have questions tion - and religious groups who are critical of the he's holding over half of his 1996 corn crop. ''I'm supply combine for a forecasted decline in 1997 concerning your situation, write to: Farmland and broiler industry. just waiting to see what happens. There's really no corn receipt, according to the Agriculture Depart- Open. Space Preservation, Real Estate Division, Although not pledging a widespread investiga- economic incentive to sell." ment. Michigan DNR, P.O. Box 30449, Lansing, MI 48909, tion of the industry, Reich said he shared the The catch, according to some market analysts, "We hurt ourselves last year with the high- or call 517-373-3328. groups' concerns about the "harsh and perhaps is that producers holding their corn right now priced corn," Burrack said. "We hurt our e.xport unlawful conditions faced by workers in the poultry could risk their crops rotting in the bins or they markets. There's a lot of other competitive feed processing industry" and said his department will could be forced into a sell position to free up stor- grain products out there in the world market. That's "initiate a special targeted enforcement project." QUESTIONS ABOUT U.S. chicken consumption has risen to an aver- age space when next year's harvest nears. A massive sell-off could flood the market and naturally plunge why our prices are down right now.". NATIONAL AG age 72 pounds per person, up from 60 pounds in 1990. The increase has pushed broiler production up prices at or below today's. LEGISI.4TION? I -:-~ about 5 percent per year over the last 40 years. Last Study shows NAFTA's impact on jobs slight --- year, slaughter plants produced more than 24 billion' Su scri e to tel hile the North American Free Trade Agree- "The impact on trade-related employment American Farm Bureau 1 pounds of chicken from more than 7 billion birds. An estimated 250,000 people work in the broiler industry, and worker complaints include W ment (NAFTA)was being hashed out, proponents said the trade accord would produce during the first three years after NAFTAis estimated to be, at the very least, a near-zero net impact, and Federation's Weekly 1 repetitive-motion injuries, long hours, lack of rest jobs for U.S. workers. Opponents sounded dire more likely, a moderately positive number," the Newsletter 1 and bathroom breaks, and irritation from high car- warnings that NAFTAwould siphon jobs out of the study said. bon dioxide levels in the plants. United States. NAFfA has produced a mixed bag for certain Farm Bureau News 1 Industry representatives said the secretary's According to a study conducted by research- companies around the country. Increased imports Delivered 46 times per year for only S 10 1 statement was "just one more attempt by labor unions ers at UCLA,NAFTA'simpact on American jobs has to the United States killed an estimated 28,168 jobs 1 Mall. d.dt payalt to UIF. Mall to: F_ ..... News 1 the last three years, compared to the creation of fJOO Mary\aIlI An .. SW • SuIt. aoo • WasllilgtOll" D.C. 20024 1 and their supporters to drum up support for their been slight. Using a model of how exports and im- I .... organizing campaigns." The packers also added, "We ports influence jobs in various product categories, 31,158 jobs produced by increased exports .• hope that this response by the secretary is not 'pay- the researchers estimated that the net job gain in 1 Addr.ss 1 back time' for the millions of dollars invested by the United States since NAFfA is estimated at just LOty, Stat., ZIP 1 =.J1 organized labor in the recent election campaigns.'. 2,990 since 1994, the year of NAFfA's inception. h'll [~ ~ h'l :t','l-1 February 15, 1997 USDA to expand crop revenue insurance program Agriculture and Natural Resources Continued from front page •• pan.lon of covera,e to IIMII cro,.? Week is March 1-9 at MSU The Federal Agriculrural Improvement and "Because it's tied to the Chicago Board of F rom preserving historic barns to growing community-based tourism and a day-long session Reform (FAIR) Act, passed last year, eliminated ties Trade, CRC in its present form is somewhat limited to herbs for profit - that's the range of topics on managing home-based businesses. between crop subsidies and price fluctuations in the those crops that are traded off the futures market," planned for Agriculrure and Narural Re- Other programs include a day-long program market. Many farmers see CRC as a way to fill the states Boehm. "We are looking at new insurance sources (ANR) Week, March 1-9 at Michigan State on human nutrition, a session on managing bed and protection gap. Traditional crop insurance protects products to cover crops not currently insured. One University. breakfast operations, and programs on brood mare farmers only against yield losses; revenue Insurance of the options is a product known as business inter- Approximately 80 educational programs, management and horse training. protects producers against unfavorable price mo\'e- ruption insurance. Rather than insurance based off meetings and other acrivities will take place during Rabbit shows will be held both Saturdays of ments as well. yield and price records, business interruption insur- the eight-day event, says Sandi Bauer, ANR Week ANRWeek. There will also be programs on organic Sen. Pat Roberts, prime author of the 1996 ance covers a portion of the average revenue stream program coordinator. gardening and farming and dairy goat management. FAIRAct, believes CRCs are a good safety net for from the crops. Most businesses, such as a local hard- Programs focusing on the environment will The MSU President's Luncheon, honoring the farmers. "We have to provide the farmer with as ware store, can purchase this type of coverage. If the include sessions on improving wildlife diversity, Distinguished Service to Agriculture awardees, will many lOols as possible lo manage their risk," said business has a fire, for example, the policy covers the converting landfills into parks, toxic chemicals in be Thursday. Recipients will be Gordon laFontaine, Roberts, who was chair of the House Agriculrure lost income until the business reopens. Farm Bureau the Great Lakes and land use in Michigan. of Houghton Lake; Herb and Florence Reiley, Bel- Committee last session. He was elected to the Sen- is working to develop insurance products that will Outdoors-oriented programs will include laire; and Deanna Stamp, Marlette. Luncheon tick- ate in November. 'This is extremely crucial in mak- address risk management for specialty crop produc- foraging for wild foods, pheasant habitat manage- ets can be ordered by calling 517-355-6580, ext. 217. ing the Freedom lo Farm policy work." ers, the lack of which continues to be a significant ment, home garden composting, quiet water sports, The College of Agriculture and Natural Re- "There's been a lot of demand for expansion need in Michigan." growing and selling herbs, and community play- sources Dean's Luncheon, on Tuesday, will feature of insurance options with the changes in the Free- States with expanded CRe coverage: ground designs that are kid compatible. an auction to support scholarships and will honor dom to Farm bill and the decoupling subsidies from Corn - Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Agricultural programs will focus on animal distinguished CANRalumni. Tickets can be obtained price declines," says Boehm. "There's been more of Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, manure management, community organic food by calling 517-355-0282. a need for a safety net and producers have been Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas. production, beekeeping, heritage livestock and A1~RWeek details are listed in a free guide- looking for an insurance product that would meet Soybeans - Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michi- narrow-row crop production. book available through the county MSU Extension those needs and help in the risk management plan." gan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklaho- The Michigan Association of FFAannual con- offices. Free copies can also be obtained by contact- "Farmers need this kind of insurance," ex- ma, Sou£h Dakota and Texas.• vention, expected to attract about 1,000 high school ing the MSU Bulletin Office, lOB Agriculture Hall, plains Michigan Congressman John Dingell (D- members, will run from Monday through Wednes- MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824-1039, or by calling 517- Dearborn). "With the federal government less able Crop Revenue Coverage guarantees price as well day afternoon. 355-0240 .• to provide ad hoc disaster assistance lo growers, it as yield, therefore the Final Guarantee is based ANRWeek will also fearure a day-long discus- is imperative that farmers look to the private sector on the greater of the Minimum Guarantee or sion of Michigan's tourism outlook, a session on for insurance alternatives." the Harvest Guarantee. A loss occurs when the Farmers in Nebraska and Iowa enrolled about Calculated Revenue is less than the Final Guar- 25 to 30 percent of corn acreage last year, when the program was offered there on a pilot basis. "That's antee. This chart shows the formula, with an example of a farmer's payment is in red. Increase Yield Potential with ACA@Plus not bad the first year out of the block," a spokes- person for USDA's risk management agency said. Final Guarantee ACA@PIUS can be impregnated on dry or blended into liquid starter Greater of "Crop Revenue Coverage was available in Mich- fertilizers, placed infurrow or on the side at planting, broadcast Minimum Harvest Calculated igan on wheat and had good interest, and there was a Guarantee Guarantee Revenue pre-plant, or top-dressed on a wide variety of crops to help boost yields. lot of interest in expanding it and making it available to corn and soybean producers," he adds. Base Price Harvest Price Harvest Price See the difference in yield with $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 According to American Agrisurance, CRC poli- x x x quality, user-friendly products cies tend lo cost 30 percent more than traditional Actual Actual Actual Yield Production Production 80bu Better Root Systems, More Vigorous Plants, Easier Harvesting, policies, but costs vary according to the state and History History Increased Profits from Increased Yield Potential -- Proven Performance! the crop, based on production history and farm 120 bu 120 bu location. x x Boehm says CRC is available through all the Coverage Coverage = $240 pri\(Ite insurance agents just like any other crop Level Level Harvest insurance policy. "Prices are going lo be subject to 70% 70% your individual area and the records that you pro- ride. It's going lo be important to have adequate = $210 = $252 $252 - $240 = Planting Harvest $12 per acre actual production history records so that you can loss payment get the best rate and the best coverage for the pre- Source: American Agrisurance, Inc. mium dollar." cct MFRN; Since RADIO NETWORK Serving Michigan farm families is our only business its beginning in 1971, Michigan Farm Radio Network's only ~ For more information please contact your local ACA@ dealer Grower Service Corporation A United Agri Products Company or call: Marc Hooper objective has been to serve Michigan's farm families. This Lansing, Michigan 517-333-8788 dedication to serve agriculture is shared by 27 local radio stations in Michigan. Through these stations, Michigan Farm Radio Network provides the latest in market analysis, weather and news to Farm Bureau members daily on the following stations: Station City Frequency Morning Report Noon Report Technology, Quality, and Value-That's Morton Buildings WABJ Adrian 1490 5:45 am 11 :05-12:00 pm WATZ WTKA WLEW WHFB Alpena Ann Arbor Bad Axe Benton Harbor 1450 1050 1340 1060 5:30 6:05 6:30 am am am 11 :30 am 12:00-1 :00 pm 12:50 pm 12:15pm 824,195 • 27' x 14'6" Double End Door • I-White Wall-In Door (no glass) WKJF Cadillac 1370 5:45 am 11:10 am • Heavy Gauge Commercial • 50-year Snow Load Warranty WKYO Caro 1360 6:15 am 12:10-1:00 pm Quality Steel (no weight limit) • G-90 Galvanizing • S-year Wind Warranty WTVB Coldwater 1590 5:45 am 12:00-1 :00 pm • White Polyester Paint Finish (no MPH limit) WDOW Dowagiac 1440 6:05 am 12:15 pm • KYNAR SOO'(HYLARS(KX)' • Free Morton Weathervane Color Trim • Fully Erected WGHN AM Grand Haven 1370 5:45 am 12:15 pm Tax Included • Gutters & Downspouts WGHNFM Grand Haven 92.1 5:45 am 12:15pm • SO-yearColumn Warranty WPLB Greenville 1380 6:15 am 11:50am WBCH Hastings 1220 6:15 am 12:30 pm WCSR WHTC WION WKZO Hillsdale Holland Ionia Kalamazoo 1340 1450 1430 590 6:45 6:45 am am 5:00-6:00 am 12:45 pm 12:15pm 12:30-1 :00 pm 12:00-1 :00 pm 831,995 _ " DeluxeMachmeStorage54' x 13' x 90' with 7'8" Truss & ColumnSpacing-~ m . • 1-24' X 14'6" AlumaSteel' Quality Steel • Revolutionary AuoroOex on AlumaSteel' Doors WPLB FM Lakeview 106.3 6:15 am 12:15 pm Double End Door • Continuously Vented Ridge 2000™ Paint System on Roof (no MPH limit) WOAP Owosso 1080 7:15 am 12:40 pm • 1-22'6" x 13' AlumaSteel' • 2' Gable Overhangs • 20-year Red Rusl/Fade • 5-year Wind Warranty on Double Side Door • I' Vented Eave Overhangs Warranty (including acid rain) entire structure (no MPH limit) WHAK Rogers City 960 12:15pm • 1-3' x 6'S" 9-lite Walk Door • Interior Protective Liner • 50-year Column & Snow • Free Morton Weathervane WSJ St. Johns 1580 6:15 am 12:05-1 :05 pm • 1-4' x 3' 9-lite Sliding • Exterior Steel Wainscot Load Warranty • Fully Erected Tax Included Window wI screen & shutters • Gutters & Downspouts (no weight limit) WMLM St. Louis 1520 6:05 am 12:20 pm • IO-year Wind Warranty 800-447-7436 • S-Slylights • KYNAR 500'(HYLAR 5(KX)' WSGW Saginaw 790 5:55 am 11 :30-12:30 pm • Heavy Gauge Commercial Paint System on Sidewalls ~tMORTON WMIC WKJC FM Sandusky Tawas City 660 104.7 6:15 am 12:45 pm 12:40 pm All wamntio include malrIWS and IaboI and aJt not pronltd. The special pricing on 00th buildmgs in lI1is allllcludts~. maltriah.laboI. and deJimy ...ill1in 40 miles of a Monon Buildmgs' comuuction ctl1/el'. Cuslomer mU>l prIl'ide a levtl building Slit ",,111no underground :.:.:.:.' ,':':':':':':', . engines weren't enough lr:~:'.t~:: incentive for Farm Bureau members, now there's an extra $300 to $500 in the deal. $500 cash back on '96 and '97 Ram Vans and As a member, you qualify for $300 back on Ram Wagons. That's on top of any other all new 1996 and 1997 5.9L V-8 Magnum Ram national Dodge cash back offer.t All you need 1500 pickups. to do is get a certificate from your state's Farm $500 back on '96 Bureau validating that you've been a member and '97 Ram for at least thirty days. Then stop by your 2500 and 3500 Dodge dealer. Where you'll discover it pays to pickups with a be in the Farm Bureau. 5.9L V-8, trhis cash back offer is valid for members of participating Farm Bureaus, is scheduled to expire 9/?IJ/97, and is subject to change. It may not be used in combination with any Cummins Diesel other Chrysler Corporation certificate program or certain other special programs. Ask for restrictions and details. Farm Bureau* is a registered service mark of the American or V-IO.Even Farm Bureau Federation. ..•.•...•..........•.................•.......... · , flllil Amencas Truck Stop • The New Dodge " I~'JI[~:I~ ~ll'I:t'ill February 15, 1997 Merillats give quarter horse farm to MSU for teaching, research efforts L ynette Merillat has been bringing her prized visiting him there when I was a young girl," Lynette cation the students going out into the industry will more. "The facilities also will provide an excellent quaner horses to Michigan State University said. 'i\nd our veterinarian graduated from MSU. receive," Richard agreed. 'i\nd with the E.xtension rotation for equine reproduction for the College of for specialized veterinary care for many She encouraged me to take our horses there when programs they'll be doing, the people in southeast Veterinary Medicine," he said. years; she knows and trusts the equine program they needed special treatment. Michigan - and the whole state - will benefit more Students also will be involved in the promo- staff. That relationship became the foundation for a "I believe the faculty and staff at Michigan directly from the work the faculty does." tion of the breeding stallions at the center. MSU will historic new gift to MSU - the Merillat horse farm in State are very well qualified. They're very caring, University officials are equally excited about honor all the Merillats' current breeding contracts Adrian, Mich. and they have great programs. We're very excited the possibilities the farm offers MSU's faculty and and continue to accept new contracts. "We expect The 80-acre farm, home to Merillat's nationally about giving the farm to them." students. "This is truly a remarkable gift, and the that the facilities will be at full capacity during the recognized quaner horse breeding and show opera- The Merillats have owned horses for many opponunities it presents are tremendous," stated breeding season, from mid-winter to early summer, tion, will become the MSU Merillat Equine Center, years. "We staned out with two and grew from Fred Poston, vice proVOStand dean of the College with extensive research programs conducted the providing unique opportunities for teaching, re- there," Lynene said. "We staned showing them, and of Agriculture and Natural Resources. "Without a rest of the year," Poston said. search and service to the horse industry in preny soon we got into breeding them as well." doubt, it will boost the equine program in our col- 'This center has the potential to greatly en- Michigan and throughout the country. The farm Their daughters shared their mother's love of hors- lege and the College of Veterinary Medicine to a hance equine research at Michigan State, particular- and its 40-plus horses represent the largest single es. "It was a lot of work and a lot of responsibility, new level of excellence." ly in the areas of nutrition, exercise physiology and gift ever by an individual to the College of Agricul- but the girls loved it, and they won a lot of ribbons "This kind of commitment to the educational reproduction," added MSU Provost Lou Anna Si- ture and Natural Resources and the largest and trophies at shows. It really helped them grow programs at Michigan State University is immensely mono "With the size of the facilities at the center, gift-in-kind ever to the university. up," Richard added. gratifying," said MSU President Peter McPherson. "It including the indoor arena and other covered build- "This farm has meant so much to our family. The couple built their farm in Adrian in 1990. will create new parrnerships between departments ings, a number of projects can be conducted simul- It's been so wonderful here," Lynette Merillat said. They are eager to see how it continues to grow and colleges within the university, as well as be- taneously." "Bur our daughters are grown up now and have under MSU's ownership. "1think the hands-on ex- tween the university and the horse industry, which TIle center also is an ideal location for livc- moved on; our family has kind of outgrown it at this perience it will provide studems in fields like cquine should be served very well by the research and stock Extension and outreach programs because point. We couldn't think of a bener way to ensure breeding and farm management will be tremen- outreach efforts at the MSU Merillat Equine Center." southeast Michigan has the highest per-county that it would keep going the way we want than dous," Lynene said. "You can teach students in a The new center will provide "real-life" educa- horse population in thc state. 'The kinds of out- having Michigan State take it over." classroom, but, like a doctor who serves an intern- tional experiences "in a controlled, professional, reach programs we can offer are numerous," Poston Neither Lynette nor her husband, Richard, ship in a hospital, they need to go out and experi- realistic environment," Poston said. Students will said. "On-farm demonstrations and classes, housing anended MSU, but giving their farm to the universi- ence it for themselves." have imernship opportunities in facilities manage- design and reproductive clinics, horse breeding and ty is a linle like keeping it in the family. "My brother "It also should benefit the horse industry in ment, reproduction, health care, housing, nutrition- judging classes, youth horse handling and riding graduated from the veterinary school; I remember the state of Michigan because of the enhanced edu- al managemem, evaluation of quarter horses and clinics, county Extension agent training programs - those are just some of the possibilities." ''I'm looking forward to still being around occasionally and seeing what develops," Lynette How DO YOU GET Merillat said. "We really want them to be successful; an}'thing we can do to help, we will. "There's a saying - I don't know by whom- that really sums up how we feel about the farm and why we decided to make the gift: 'Blessed are they CONTROL OF who not only count their blessings, but make their blessings count.' This farm has been a blessing to us, and we want it to be that way for others, too.". MORE WEEDS? EPA approves Monsanto registration for YieldGard insect-protected corn M onsanto Company has received a registration from the U.S. Environ- WITH THE MAXAvAIL™ ADVANTAGE mental Protection Agency for the company's YieldGard insect-protected corn, pro- OF HARNESS@ XTRA. HERBICIDE. tected against the European corn borer. The latest EPAapproval is the second one for a YieldGard gene and completes federal regulatory reviews to allow more seed companies to offer Yield- More Available. The MaxAvair Advantage means that Harness@Xtra M Gard corn for next spring's planting. YieldGard corn is a trademark used on the best hybrids of Monsan- is more available for weed uptake. When other herbicides are to's partner seed companies, offering their best yield binding to the soil and unavailable for weed control, Harness Xtra potential and the highest level ofinsect protection. The Monsanto registration covers technology is being taken up by germinating weeds to give you season-long licensed to such leading companies as Cargill Hybrid Seeds, DEKALBGenetics Corp., Golden Harvest control of more weeds. Seeds Inc., and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. Monsanto and DEKALBhave a long-term research and development collaboration in agricultural bio- More Powerful. The MaxAvail Advantage of Harness Xtra also means technology and cross licensing agreemcnts in certain corn products. Another seed compan}', Northrup a more powerful molecule for a broader spectrum of control. King Co., completed reviews and received the first registration for corn with a YieldGard gene Aug. 5. "This additional registration is further progress • Harness Xtra controls 15 percent lTIOreweeds than Bicep@II. in our efforts to provide farmers with the perfor- mance they wam in the seeds they prefer to plant," • Harness Xtra stops the triazine-resistant weeds Extrazine@and said Robb Fraley, president of Monsanto's Ceregen Bicep II leave behind. unit, which develops new agricultural products. "We think YieldGard corn will be the grower's best choice for protection against corn borers, one of the worst pests in corn," he said. "Borers reduce yield by causing damage inside the plant, where external treatments cannot reach. Control is difficult and can quickly become uneco- ~~~ ..aa\r' nomical, so many growers just don't treat at all," ,~~t,!:oa Fraley said. ~ "YieldGard provides protection throughout HARlESS. the plant, throughout the season - simply by plant- ing the seed. Once the target insect larvae begin to D~ ttJ8CUB'I Monsanto feed on a protected plant, they stop eating and die. Damage from these inSeCl'iis reduced and elite corn hybrids have a better chance to reach their full yield potential." More available lor more control. YieldGard uses a naturally occurring protein to protect corn plants against the European corn borer, a hard-to control insect pest that causes sig- nificant reductions in corn yields. The protective protein is identical to one found in nature in a com- Always read and tollow label directions. Hamess Xtra is a Restricted Use Pesticide. The MaxAvail- Advantage is a trademark ot Monsanto Company. Harness. is a mon soil microorganism called Bacillus thuringien- registered trademark of Monsanto Company. Bicepe is a trademark ot CIBA.GEIGY. Extrazine" is a trademark ot E.!. du Pont de Nemours & Company. sis (St). The protein is harmless to people, live- 01997 Monsanto Company. 161-96-82E stock, wildlife and even beneficial insects .• 11= Business Facts about limited liability companies must have at least two members. A major advantage or a future membership interest, including a future _ The several restrictions on number and type of"S" strategies of an LLCis personal limits on liabilities beyond the investment in the entity. Unless otherwise provided by law or in an operating agreement, a person who profits interests, as provided in an operating agree- ment. If a member fails to contribute promised property or services, the company has the option to corporation shareholders prevenLc;the business from quali~;ng ac;an "S"corporation. These include strucruring with several entities owned by the cor- Ralph E. Hepp, Agricultural Economist, Dept. of is a member or manager, or both, of a limited Iiabili- require an equivalent cash payment or outline other poration, consent needed by allshareholders to Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University ty company is not liable for the acts, debts or obliga- remedies in the operating agreement. qllali~' for "S"status and several classes of stock. T he limited liability company (LLC)is a new tions of the company. Distributions of cash or other assets of the com- _ Professionals who want to limit liability among form of business entity for Michigan that Federal tax treatment of LLC pany shall be allocated among members in the manner members for the negligence of others in the firm. was authorized by Act No. 23, Public Acts of The state of Wyoming passed legislation au- provided in the operating agreement. Ifan operating _ Family businesses that want the flexibility of a 1993, and took effect onJune 1, 1993. It is defined thorizing the LLCin 1977, but it was not until 1987 agreement does not provide for an allocation, distribu- partnership, but not the liability associated with as an unincorporated organization that limits the that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Reve- tions shall be allocated on the bac;isof the value of the being a general partner. liability of its owners to their investmerit in the en- nue Ruling 88-76, which ruled favorably on the contributions made by each member. Distributions Who should not choose to form an LLC terprises while providing thero with pass-through classification of the Wyoming LLCas a partnership may not be made ifthe distribution would cause the Situations where an LLCis not a viable option: tax treatment. for federal income tax purposes. Other states have company to be unable to pay iLC; debts as they become _ There is only one business owner. Prior to the limited liabilitycompany alternative, passed LLClaws; they also met the revenue ruling, due in the usual course of business or iftotal liabilities _ The business is organized as a corporation and two or more individuals could operate a common which qualifies the company's earnings as partner- plus preferential dissolution rights exceed asset val- conversion to an LLCwill result in high taxes entity as a partnership or a corporation. Now the op- ship tax treatment. ues. Members may be personally liable for any wrong- upon liquidation of the corporation. tion of the limited liabilitycompany allows a third Qualification for partnership taxation avoids ful dLc;tributionsreceived. _ Public trading of an ownership interest is desired alternative business organizational structure for indi- the double taxation, generally, applied to corpora- A membership interest is personal property. which requires free transferability of ownership viduals. The business entity must have two or more tions other than "S" corporations. Since the Michi- Except as provided in an operating agreement, a interest and decentralization of management in members and combines limited liabilityand taxation gan legislation is new, the IRS has not ruled on the membership interest is assignable in whole or in order to meet the pass-through tax treatment. by the owners in their personal tax returns rather than tax issues, but it is expected that Michigan will ob- part. Members own a share of the company but do _ Corporate taxation is a better alternative than the business entity. Currently, both of these character- tain partnership taxation for the LLCbusiness entity. not have an interest in any specific company prop- partnership taxation. istics are not available in a partnership, but are possible To be treated like a partnership for taxation, erty. Members may assign their interests, but the Planning pointers in a subchapter "S"corporation. the business must have more partnership character- assignee does not become a member of the compa- Since general partners in a partnership have A new vocabulary istics than corporate characteristics. The IRShas ny, unless the operating agreement allows it or the unlimited liability, the limited liability advantage for An liC is a limited liability company, not a identified six corporate characteristics: other members unanimously consent. An assign- members is a very desirable feature for a business corporation. Persons who contribute capital to a _ Associates ment entitles the assignee to receive the distribu- organization. The owners can avoid the unlimited limited liability company are called "members." The _ An objective to carry on business and divide gains tions to which the assignor would be entitled. liability responsibility by incorporating the business, appropriate term for the contributor to a partner- _ Limited liability A member may withdraw from a company as but a corporation has income tax, levels of regula- ship is a "partner" and to a corporation is a _ Centralization of management provided in an operating agreement or by giving tion, and other attributes that are not acceptable to "shareholder." The members organizing the entity _ Continuity of life written notice to the company and to the other small family business operators. file articles of organization rather than articles of _ Free transferability of interest members at least 90 days in advance of the date of The "S" corporation panly addresses the in- incorporation, and it is controlled by its operating Both corporations and partnerships have the withdrawal. Members who withdraw from the com- come tax questions, but imposes limitations on the agreement rather than its corporate bylaws or part- first two characteristics. Therefore, IRSlaws and pany before it is dissolved are entitled to receive the number and types of shareholders, the allowable nership agreement. regulations look at only the last four to determine if fair value of their interest as of the date of with- classes of stock, and the flow-through of losses. Although the characteristics of the limited liabil- an organization is a corporation or partnership for drawal. Members do not have a right to demand liCs are subject to rigorous disclosure, record. ity company parallel those of a limited partnership taxation. An organization must have more than half noncash distributions and do not have to accept keeping and reporting requirements that do not and a subchapter "S" corporation, there are differenc- of these characteristics to be classified as a corpora- distributions in kind that are disproportionate to apply to general partnerships. es in organization and regulation. This article will tion. As long as an organization has only two of their ownership interest. There are many unanswered questions about explain the characteristics of the business entity. these four characteristics, it will be classified as a Who should consider forming an LLC how lenders, major suppliers and other firms will Business characteristics of an LLC partnership for federal tax purposes. An liC should be considered when the bus i- transact business with a limited liability company, An liC is a separate legal entity like a partner- Since a limited liability company offers limited ness owners desire limited liability above their in- but initial advantages of the business organization . ship or corporation, distinct from its owners, that has liability to members, at least two of the last three vestment in the company and individual taxation of appear favorable to family owned and operated full powers to conduct business in its own name. The requirements must be avoided. Continuity of life is business earnings is preferred over company taxa- businesses. Explore the features of the limited liabil- business provides management, through its mem- avoided because the latest date for dissolution of tion. These characteristics may also be obtained in an ity company with your accountant and attorney, and bers or delegates, this responsibility in the operating the company is specified when the company is "S"corporation or a limited partnership for some of evaluate whether [he liC has advantages for your agreement to an annually elected manager. formed. Unlike corporations, limited liability com- the partners. The liC should be considered when: business situation .• The lie's operating rules come from the panies do not offer the possibility of perpetual exist- operating agreement prepared by the members. ence, nor is perpetual existence possible in small The operating agreement has the same purpose as the operating agreement prepared by partners in a partnership and corporate bylaws in a corporation. The operating agreement regulates the business family owned operations. In order to ensure that partnership tax treat- ment is preserved, it is important to either decentral- ize management or restrict transferability of owner- The Building you want. activity and the relationship among the members. Unlike "S"corporations, the LLCis not restrict- ed in the number of members - nor are corpora- tions, partnerships, pension plans and other entities ship interest. Under the statute, unless other provi- sions are made in the articles of organization or the operating agreement, assignment of ownership does not entitle the recipient to exercise any rights of a The Lease you need. Whether your new farm or commercial building is of pole, timber restricted from being members. There is no require- member unless existing members approve the trans- ment that members personally sign to allow the fer. The articles of organization or the operating column, stud, steel or block organization to be taxed as a partnership. Taxation by agreement can specify unanimous, majority or other construction; choose the limited liability company as a corporation is not member approval for membership transfer. Telmark possible if the organizational structure prevents it. Management lease financing. liCs are generally subject, however, to rigor- Family business owners usually want all own- ous disclosure, recordkeeping and reporting ers to be part of the management team. However, a Telmark has been leasing equipment for over 30 years. We've been requirements that do not apply to general partner- disadvantage of management by owners is that it leasing new buildings for that long too? Consider: ships. liCs allow contributions to capital by may lead to greater potential liability because of the members in the form of cash, property and services managers' authority to make binding commitments • Tax deductibility and accelerated write-offs: Lease rendered, and recognize binding obligations to on behalf of the company. Decentralization of man- payments are income tax deductible over the term of the make such contributions. agement may also have undesirable effects on busi- lease compared to 20-year depreciation of farm buildings Articles of organization ness decisions and management efficiency. If all of and 39-year depreciation of commercial buildings. Articles of organization are filed with the De- the owners of an LLCare managers, they need to partment of Commerce to get a limited liability address the roles and responsibilities of the man- • Low upfront costs: Beginning costs may be as little as one company recognized in Michigan. The articles of agement team members and how decisions are monthly lease payment. OlW'lization shall contain the name of the compa- going to be made in the enterprise. ny, the purposes for which the company is formed, Centralized management is an option for the • Flexible lease term: Building lease terms start aggressively the mailing address for the company and the initial lie. These managers need not be owners. The at five years but may be ten, twelve, or fifteen years. resident agent, a statement if the company will be number of managers, qualification requirements, managed by a manager rather than the members, and procedures for selection are specified in the • Customized payment schedules: Lease payment schedules and the maximum number of years of duration of anicles of organization or operating agreement. If match your cash flow. Payment options include monthly, the company. not specified in these documents, the statute pre- quarterly, annually, as well as, skip or seasonal payments. Advantages of the LLC scribes that managers be elected by majority vote of An LLCis a hybrid entity that is taxed as a the members and that managers may be removed, How do you start leasing a building from Telmark? Talk with a qualified builder to partnership while providing limited liability protec. with or without cause, at a meeting called by a ma- determine your needs and building cost. And call your Telmark representative: tion for all of its members. For federal tax purposes, jority vote of the members or by written consent of Brian Tews Rob Render Luann Kubacki Clem Power the income and expenses of an liC, like a partner- a majority of the members. Unless otherwise pro- West Central MI Southwestern MI UP & Northern MI UP & Northern MI ship, pass through the business entity and are taxed vided in the operating agreement, voting shall be 616-754-1792 616-659-8915 906-283-3878 517-345-4734 only at the member level. However, all members of done in proportion to their shares of distributions an liC, like the shareholders of an "S" corporation, of the limited liability company. Bill Glunt Colin Zehr Jim Mac Kay Ann Briggs Northern IN Grand Rapids Area East Central MI Southeastern MI have limited liability for the lie's debts and claims Obligations and rights of owners 219-563-1076 616-281-9745 517-743-4630 517-349-8698 against the lie. No member has the personalliabili- The contribution of a member to an liC may ty of a general partner, which is the characteristic of consist of any tangible or intangible property in- a limited partnership. cluding cash, property, services performed, ~ A person may become a member of a limited liability company by making a capital contribution, promissory notes, contracts for services to be per- formed, or binding obligation to contribute cash, TEIMARKlNc. www.telmark.com which is accepted by the company as prescribed by property, or services. A contribution to an LLCmay its operating agreement. A limited liability company be in exchange for a present membership interest 800-451-3322 ~~I~'I~~ February 15, 1997 ~- IT.I Value-added processing begins the push for new-wave cooperatives Conference introduces concept to more cents was rerurned to the farmer. The rest of that ta, what happens is you end up leaving the state." duce it accord. than 120 people interested in adding dollar was spent on wages and materials for pro- "We're different from North Dakota or Minne- ingly. That's verti- value to their commodities cessing, marketing, transporting and distributing sota," Boehm explains. "We have strengths such as cal integration in I you're f a producer in Michigan and you the finished producr to the consumer. our climate, crop diversity and our proximity to its purest sense." haven't heard of value-added processing (VAP), "Value-added processing is an exciting con- large population centers and markets. We also have "Producers you'd berrer pull up a chair and starr learning cept that allows farmers to realize a bigger rerum an extremely supportive feeling right now for the need to evaluate as much as you can if you want to learn new ways to on their farm investment and, consequently, an development of value-added processing - from the idea for improve your barrom line. improved profit margin," MFB President Jack Lauric state and federal programs like renaissance zones to themselves that if That was the consensus of more than 120 told the group at the conference. university support through value-added portions of they work participants who arrended a Jan. 20 workshop in According to Norrh Dakota State University Project GREEENand the recent farm bill giving together they can Frankenmuth designed to introduce the concept of professor and presenter at the conference, Frayne producers flexibility for alternative crops." do bener as a establishing new-wave cooperatives throughom Olson, there were twO major things to learn abom Olson explained to the participants that the group than Michigan in an effort to add further value back to forming a value-added cooperative."Number one, in new cooperatives formed in his home state have themselves as commodities grown in Michigan. order for these projecrs to work and be effective, ranged from the very traditional- such as a corn individuals," adds WI,at are new-wave co-ops? they have to be farmer-driven. Secondly, there are sweetener facility - to the unusual one created by Boehm. "We "If producers want to expand their income some real advantages with the cooperative struc- the North American Bison Co-op to market meat, need to continue potential beyond what they sell directly from the ture; hopefully, individuals can motivate people to hides and other pans of bison throughout the to facilitate Frayne Olson, North Dakota farm," explains MFB Commodity Specialist Bob try and do something different. Agriculture is world, especially in Europe where demand is high people working State University professor &>chm, "they need to investigate ways to join with changing rapidly - we have to reply to that change. ,. for their product. together." other producers to add value and vertically inte- "North Dakota is very sparsely populated, with Impact on Michigan Producers "I contend that new-wave co-ops set the stage grate their product to compete further up the Fargo being the largest city at 71,000," Olson added. 'Those of us in production agriculture hear a for the next generation of family farms to nO(only marketing ladder - that's what new-wave co-ops 'The general arrirude about starring new co-ops is if great deal from the marketing experts that we as survive but succeed. It affords the family farm opera- and value-added processing can do." we don't do it, no one else will. The number of producers need to start producing for the end-con- tion a chance to maintain its competitive edge According to recent American Farm Bureau farmers is decreasing, while farm size is increasing. sumer," adds Laurie. "As owners of value-added pro- through the cooperative process," Laurie said .• Federation figures, consumers spent $511 billion for In Michigan, when a farmer doesn't have enough cessing, farmers could - and should - have a clear food last year. Of each dollar spent on food, only 21 income, he looks to the nearest city. In North Dako- grasp of what their customers want and then pro- It pays to be 'a Farm Credit Services member arm Credit Services of Michigan's Heartland AS FARMING GETS MORE COMPLEX, F has announced that more than 3,000 of its PCA stockholders will receive their share of nearly CHOOSING A FINANCIAL PARTNER $640,000 in patronage refunds from the credit co- BECOMES EASIER. operative in early February. These refunds will be distributed as 100 percent cash payments. Chairman of the PCAboard, Robert Weaver, sees the patronage refund program as an important advantage to doing business with Farm Credit Ser- vices, both as a board member and as a borrower. "I You're a farmer. You're also an agronomist. A chemist. A marketer. And an entrepreneur. • No am pleased to announce that, based on a decision the board made in 1995 to do business as a credit wonder more producers today choose a financial partner who understands all the dimensions of cooperative, we are able to offer our members pa. agriculture. • For 80 years, Farm Credit Services has been helping producers achieve their goals. tronage refunds," Weaver said. "It is a way for us (0 We've developed a wide range of unique financial products and services, that you can use to reward our members for doing business with Farm Credit. As a borrower myself, the prospect of a pa- make your operation more efficient and profitable. • If you're looking for a financial partner who tronage refund on my loan is an anractive advan- understands your business, talk to the country's largest agricultural lender. Farm Credit Services. tage to being a Farm Credit member." Weaver explained that the distribution of pa- 1-800-444- FARM tronage refunds allows Farm Credit to offer compet- itive interest rates, ensure a constant supply of cred- ~~ Fann Credit Services it and provide for the retirement of its stockholders' All h e h ear 1 0 fag row i n g A mer i c a aM equity. "Because of the PCAboard's decision to do business as a cooperative, Michigan's Heartland members will receive patronage refund checks in February for the first time in our association's histo- ry," said James E. Bremer, president and CEO of Farm Credit Services of Michigan's Heartland. 'This deci- sion not only bodes well for individual members, but also for the association as a whole; our strong capital position allows us to offer our members even more competitive rates and service," he added .• Cold spell blamed for $10 million damage to vegetables hree night') of cold weather south of Miami will T cost vegetable producers at least $10 million and could mean higher consumer prices. Prices plunged to 24 degrees in the southern- most part of Florida, destroying up to 90 percent of the zucchini and yellow squash crops, and at least three-quarters of the green bean, pole bean and sweet corn crops. The price of green beans rose from $12 per bushel Friday to $22 Monday after word of the dam- age spread. Some growers plowed their frozen plants under and may have time to replant. Some citrus producers had fruit and leaf dam- age. They reponed no tree damage, but citrus pro- ducers did experience icing, meaning that the juice crystallizes inside the fruit. Those crops can still be taken to the processing plant, but the amount of juice they yield may be less. Most crop damage was on the west side of Florida. Growers unprepared for the low tempera- tures blamed a federal budget cut that eliminated National Weather Service farm forecasts .• um3~~I~'I~'0 February 15, 1997 Michigan ~ Weather Summary Temperature tion Weatlle,. .... .-.i;$- ...x -- .;.." Y»+ :JWi. across central and southenYsections. Mean temperatures for the month of January generally ranged from near- to slightly below range computer guidance suggests the formation of a pool of cold, polar-origin air in the northern reaches of North America, which ultimately should O ,t:.li., •.. k! ~ PrecipitaNonna/' .-«'.- . ~:,N' ............: '_ ••• ~ "...• Cbs. Dev. from Actual No 111/97-1/31/97 mean nomlIl fmch) fInCh) normal, although these means were actually the move southward toward the Great Lakes region. Houghton 14.3 -0.2 4.25 2.02 •.~<> average of a series of Arcric-origin air masses and I would thus expect at least one or two Marquette 12.9 1.9 6.55 2.02 ... ';i'rJ :. ;.) ... 'li Escanaba 15.8 -0.8 2;48 1.82 ._•.•~... -.'. _ ,.. ~ .• --:1' ........... :::;t ..... v-" '.. ",'.; .;...... n w .... ,;,h bitter cold weather with record-setting warmth outbreaks of colder than normal temperatures Sault Ste. Marie 11.6 -2.3 3.76 1.82 during the first week of the month. during the middle to latter part of the month. Lake City 19.7 1.0 6.45 1.91 Pellston 16.7 0.4 4.46 1.91. Precipitation for January ranged from slightly The 90-day outlook for February through April Traverse City 22.3 0.7 3.45 1.91 by Dr. Jeff Andresen, Agricultural below normal in southeastern sections to much calls for an increased likelihood of below-normal Alpena 18.2 -0.7 3.97 1.69 Meteorologist, Department of Houghton Lake 18.1 -0.6 2.46 1.69 above normal in the north, including very heavy temperatures, with odds of the below-normal Muskegon 23.8 0.3 2.03 2.38 Geography, Michigan State University lake-effect snowfall across much of Upper and scenario increased to 38 percent, and odds of the I Vestaburg 19.6 -2.6 2.83 1.68 laten January, the orientation of the jet stream Bad Axe 19.6 -2.4 1.96 1.56 northwestern Lower Michigan. above-normal scenario decreased to 28 percent (the saginaw 21.5 -0.9 2.16 1.56 changed from a northwesterly pattern to a The NOM long-lead outlook for the near-normal scenario still has a 33 percent chance Grand Rapids 22.0 03 2.62 2.44 flatter, more west-to-east pattern. South Bend 23.1 -0.1 2.57 2.44 > remainder of February still calls for near equal of occurrence). Coldwater 20.9 -3.4 2.40 1.70 This change allowed a series of mild air mass- probabilities ofbelow-, near-, and above-normal Precipitatipn odds for this period are Lansing 21.6 -03. 1.24 1.70 es of Pacific Ocean origin into the state, resulting in temperatures and precipitation. Detroit 23.6 0.9 1.91 1.74 considered to be equal for below-, near-, and above- Flint 21.4 -0.6 1.20 1.74 generally cloudier and warmer than normal weather While temperatures early in the month have normal scenarios .• Toledo 24.1 -0.5 2.54 1.74 conditions and the gradual reduction of snow cover moderated to above-normal levels, latest medium- .50\\\¥.\\ ROSEE~ Oats Cleaned & Bagged $3.50 per bu. Bucks on QualilY STRAW: 1000 bales. Clean ~ &: 'A CUTTER Compeflflve"iY P~ced. Raymond Oates wheat straw. Call 1- fRO-S[[D Quality Alfalfa 517-286-6871 Alfalfa Seedl 517-684-3575 4pm. after ~ fRO.5[[OI~. We didn't raise our prices when the price 01 THUST LIQUID FERTILIZER, $2.60 MID-SEASON milk went UP like manv 01 the other seed a gallon, 8-20-4, ask about Somerset companies.' Find out how we can sell superior folier alfalfa, feed potatoes. for varieties and premium seed at low prices. small grains, vege- tables and lawns. ~vestock Geerslon Seed Farms Call 1pm. Paul, 8am- ANGUS & GELBVlEH: LLAMAS ARE 1-800-843-0390 1-517-479-9356. Breeding stock. Free delivery! GREAT, and now they're affordable! You can pay more for an alfalfa seed, Border Collie Stock These docile, intelli- but you will not Del a bener alfalfal i Seeds I Dogs. Call today. Bordner Farms Sturgis, MI 1-616-651-8353 gent animals make wonderful pets for hiking, packing, pic- nicking, pulling carts, or to just plain enjoy. Their wool is Alfalfa, Grasses and For Sale: / ANGUS BEEF: Bulls, heifers and valuable also make and they out- standing guard ani- Clover Seeds. Ear Corn cows with calves . Perforrmance test- mals. Call for a visit VoyeagerII Alfalfa $3.00 lib. today! MF 1155 Tractor, TWO 1000 BUSHEL SUMMIT 34' steel ed, semen tested. 1-616-677 -3309. 4250 hours, 140hp hopper tanks with dump trailer, 4 axle, Idaho Gold $2.85 lib. Free delivery! Call Ron & Nancy Laferriere. Perkins diesel. Fully ladders, bindaca- one lift. Tubeless Vernal $1.80 lib. anytime. Laferriere LLamas equipped with cab, tors, roller door on tires, air tailgate. SHAGBARK Marne, Michigan direct axle duals, bottom, 200' of 8" Excellent condition! Cal/ for prices on our other seeds FARMS (Just northwest of quick tach coupler, spouting, 2-way Cail Pinconning, Raymond Oates Alto. Michigan Grand Rapids) front weights, dual valves. Assortment 1-517 -879-2903. 517-286-6871 1-616-868-6040 remotes and PTO. of adjust-a-joint, 45 LLAMAS: FOR CURRENT LIST Delivery available! and 22 1/2 degrees, North American Sit- of available Angus $4000 down, will 30'x12" U- Trough 300 GALLON Walsh Raymond Oates ting Bull and Essex Cattle, write: Secre- hold until Spring, with drive and mo- sprayer, 35' boom. bloodlines. Pet $8500. White 20' tor, 56' leg, com- Call 1-517-349- 517-286-6871 tary, West Michigan males and weanling Angus Breeders, females. Reasona- cultivator with hy- plete with 4379 after 6pm. 585 36th Street draulic fold-up distributor. All used bly priced! BUTLER STORAGE SW, Grand Rapids, wings and Midwest equipment. JD 146 LOADER, SWEET POTATO FOR SALE: AuSa- Call for more infor- bins. 15' diameter MI49509. leveler, new shov- Call Pinconning, complE'te, $1800. PLANTS: Several ble seed oats, test mation and visit. els. MF 21' disk 1-517-879-2903. with full floor, big 4020 fe'lder mount- varieties! Write or weight, purity and L1MOUSIN BULLS, 1-517-645-2719. with fold-up wings, entrance doors, un- ing brackets, $100. call for Free Bro- germination tested. bred cows, heifers, Miller's Uamaland Choice, $2000. load auger, disman- Power washer, 600 chure: Fred's Plant Call Duane Basel open heifers, both Potterville, MI Oliver 5 bottom hy- NH MANURE spread- tled. P.S.I., $125. Deer- Farm, 4589 Ralston at red and black, reg- er. 155 slurry sides Call Pinconning, Road, Martin, TN 1-517 -734-3694. LLAMAS: Your visit draulic reset plow. field. istered. Excellent and tailgate. Bought 1-517 -879-2903. to our Llama Farm Excellent condition! 1-517-447-3897. 38237. pedigree! Good dis- new, used two Michigan Certified Bow- is most welcome! $1500. Tri-axle FORD,NEWHOLLAND position and years. Very good ers Barley Seed, Learn about these equipment trailer tractors and equip- E.P.D's. condition! $2000, 12 ROW ORTHMAN 98% germ, de- fine; easy to care with 24' steel bed. ment from Symon's ALFALFA HAY: 60- 1-616-751-5373 OBO. Two oil drum flat fold cultivator, bearded, excellent for animals. Woolly Mostly used for in Gaines. For 43 70 pound square evenings and week- pumps, $100 both. tunnel shields, beat quality pets and halter hauling 22 round years your best bales. High mois- ends. Two E-Z scratcher disc, large guide Harrington Seeds Inc., trained. Wean/ings bales at a time with deal for the long ture corn barley. 1-616-393-1 029 oilers, one new, one coulter, down pres- Reese, M148757. available. above tractor. Ex- 1-517-733-2782. weekdays. used, $150 both. run! sure springs, high 1-517 -868-4 750. Jack & Barbara Danly cellent condition! Symon's Horton Bay Uamas $2500. Four gravity 1-616-896-6741 . clearance Danish FOR SALE: FIRST PUREBRED BOER 1-511-271-8445, tine, with long tree. GOATS. MichFlock. 06300 Boyne City wagons, 2 small, cutting alfalfa, no Gaines Like new! Stud Service availa- Road used primarily for START SOD FARM: 5' rain, $3.50 per bale. Call Pinconning, ble. Charlevoix seed. $500 and Brillion seeder, 5' INTERNATIONAL 1-517 -879-2903. 1-517 -686-0486. CaUFor 612 North Madison, 1-616-582-7473 $750 or $1200 for gang Blitzerd mow- 175 C crawler load- both. Two larger, ers, Brouwer sod er with 4 in one HAY AND STRAW Classifieds Lapeer, MI 48446. harvester on a 3600 WANTED: Conact 1-810-667 -0169 $1250 and $1500 or bucket, cab, ripper. NORTH COUNTRY Ford diesel. JD 1710 MULCH Keegan Hay Com- anytime. $2500 for both, or Excellent condition! CHEVIOT SHEEP. Retiring. tiller. 11 or 13 pany, Emmett, MI 1-800-968-3129 will keep running Call Pinconning, REGISTEREDPOLLED The breed that 1-810-949-3111. shank. Excellent 1-810-384-6620. gears and sell the 2 1-517-879-2903. Hereford Herd Dis- thrives where oth- larger boxes for shape! $3500 or ers survive. Large make offer. persal Sale: In- $500 and $750 or cludes some Rocky meaty white face $1200 for both. 1-517-662-6390 or sheep, rams, ewes, From a MF 1135 1-517- 798-1 581 . EARLY SOYBEANS Banner and Opti- mum breeding. To- lambs. tractor, quick tach UQUID MANURE tal 34 animals. 4-H projects, great coupler with top SPREADERS: ProSoy@ Rye Hereford crossbreeding. link, snowplow, rect axle duals and di- ~ANSWER:PrOSOY@ New and used. Balzer, Better-Bilt 0{0 PS161 Farm Rogers City 1-810-796-3533. suitcase weights. All for $1000. Can separate. eRO~m PS MYBQ~ parts. UPS daily. Also, grain dryers A ~~:~ that VIELD 1-517-734-3005 REGISTERED SCOT. Piedmontese Cattle: Lean, tender, dou- 1-517 -834-2576. ~ ' fRO.5[[OI~. and handling equip- ment. Hamilton Distributing ~ fRO.5[[/1~. TISH HIGHLAND CAT. TLE, breeding stock and semen for sale. ole muscled, good :alving ease. Quali- ty registered breed- Visitors welcome! ing stock. Also avail- 1-~~70 able, embryos and Call evenings or weekends. semen. 1-517-543-7979. Redbird Farms Charlotte, Michigan Lapeer, Michigan 1-810-667-7389 a=- Bin Busting SoyBeans for 1997 ••• TEXAS LONGHORNS: Registered with excellent cattle ge- LSI A TRADEMARK OF LAKESIDE STATES, INe. LAKESIDE STATES 1900 This high yielding Late Group I has quick emergence, excellent standability and great to plant wheat after. LAKESIDE STATES2900 This Late Group II was at the top of the 1996 MSU Central Michigan Soybean Trials. It is an excellent emerger and stands up. Moderately resistant to BSR netics. steers, heifers, heifers Weanling Diamond 6 Ranch 1-616-642-9042 TOP QUALITY HOL- bulls, yearling and bred cows available. BREED YOUR MARE to Ghalimaan. Pure- bred Arabian Stal- Your Regional Seed Phytophthora resistant. and Phytophthora. STEIN breeding age lion, Chestnut, 15.2 hands. Produces bulls, from high pro- Company Serving ducing cow family. show quality foals. No wild! Live foal the Eastern United LAKESIDE STATES2400 GENESIS 9630 Top AI sires, $800- $900. guarantee. $300 Pasch Fanns until April. States and Canada One of the top performing Mid Group II Look at this one! A top performing early 1-517-644-3519 1-517-852-9035. in the 1996 MSU Southern Michigan Group III that acceded other varieties Trials. Compliments your planting in its maturity range in the 1996 MSU schedule and fllls your bin. Good emc:rger Southern Michigan Soybean Trials. For more information contact and is moderately resistant to BSR. Resistant to BSR and Phytophthora. your local dealer or an lSI owner. ~ ANSWER: ProSoy@ Genesis Ag Ltd., Lansing, MI CF Braun Farm, Ann Arbor, MI (517) 887-1684 (~13) 663-2717 A&.K Seed Farm, Ann Arbor, MI Ivan Farms, Inc., Britton, MI (313) 662-8992 (517) 451-8358 A' PRO.S[[D PS~A1 EM ~ II Woods Seed Farm, Inc., Britton, MI (517) 447-3701 Gries Seed Farm, Fremont, OH (800) 472-4797 ~ fRO.5[[O~. LSI is a trademark of Lakeside States, Inc. P.O. Box #366, Britton, MI49229 Michigan Farm News Classified JOHNSON ~SYSTEMII IMMIGRATION laW OVERSEAS CANCElLATIONS INVENTORY STEEL BUILDINGS MUST BE SOLD! r-----------, I FARMERS Livestock & commodity prices too low? I INC. Throughout I · Cash flow too slow? I WE HAVE 5 MULTI.USE BUILDINGS, • Mortgagepaymentsand bills overwhelming? ~1fA'UUJIIJ~ nnJIIIIJ Michigan and Ohio 51 x 100, THAT WE SELL FOR $2.32150. FT. I · Want someonewho understandslenders? I Complete Grain System Lawrence QUONSET ROUND STEEL ARCH I ·Want someoneto talk to ~ur lender? I • Grain Bins • Hopper Bins • Do you understandyour options with PA 116? • Bucket Elevators • Dryer Service G. Reinhold, Attorney at Law American Steel Arch Inc. I· Do you need to restructureyour farming business? I • Millwright Service • Crane Service • Do you need to considerchangingyour vacation? • Airstream Auto Dryers • GSI Top Dry 810-350-2250 I Wecan, we have and we do all of the above. I • Leg Towers/Catwalk Specialists ~ I Let us help tum your life around. I L :~!...1.:.82.0.:.4!5.:.913Z _ .J i General Johnson System, Inc. SAVE 75% ON WANTED TO BUY: BUYING FARM LAND WORK CLOTHESI CASH, NOT OPINION WWII German and HERITAGE Marshall, MI 49068 and recreational Good, clean, recy- for quality tractors, . US War relics, uni- BUILDING SYSTEMS property throughout cled in very best combines, heads forms, flags, hel- 800-643-5555 1-800-962-1495 northwest Michigan. Call Ron McGregor quality. Money back guarantee. Free and round balers. 1-517-439-2440 mets, knives, med- als, equipment, etc. BUILD IT YOURSELF AND SAVE 30 x 40 x 1O S4.189 50 x 75 x 12 $9.979 at 1-616-943-7709 brochure evenings. Bemal Tolan, 40 x 60 x 12 $7,487 60 x 90 x 12... , $13.198 for details. Suntex Recycling 1-517-287-5183. 60 x 60 x 12 $9.380 120 x 200 x 14-m2 S47.913 Toll Free Commercial steel buildings featuring easy bolt up assembly from America's largest distributor. We have over 10.000 standard FARMS AND LAND 1-800-909-9025 sizes of shop. fann. industrial. commercial and mini-warehouse throughout Michi- 24 hours-7 days. buildings. All arc complete with engineer stamped permit WANTED: drawings. 20 year roof and wall rust warranty, Call us for a free gan, agricultural Old motorcycles, information package and a quote on our componenl parts. and recreational. STOCK-UP: snowmobile and off :\Ii ni WarchOUSl' Sail' Large parcels pre- FREE HOME DELlV- Sheepskin mittens, road vehicles. 1965 $1).999 EXPERIENCED ferred. We have ERYISimply the hats, gloves, slip- and older. Call JD !U' , I!U' \\ ilh !~ IIIIi" l'Ulllpll'II' \\ ilh p.lrliliun~ Michigan agribusi- buyers! at 1-517-676-0583. best! Complete Call Dan VanVal- pers, woolen gar- 1IIIp:IIIII ....llhlcll!.ll.i.nd Horse Feed. ELITE ness attorneys with ments, yarn. Cata- farm backgrounds. kenburg, Rural +, 10% or 12%. Property SRecialist. log available! Dealer inquiries Knowledge and ex- Bellair's Hillside Faust Real Estate welcome! For infor- perience in all farm Farms areas; restructure, Adrian Call: mation or delivery, and Mathie Energy SupPly stray voltage, bank- 1-517-263-8666 The Sheep Shed Raymond We Buy Co.,lne. ruptcy, estate plan- 8351 Big Lake 1-800-467-7340 ning. EAST SIDE: Road, Clarkston. Oates Damaged Thomas J. Budzyn- ski, 43777 Grose- 1-810-625-2665. Visa/Master Card 517-286-6871 Grain beck Highway, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Buverand 1995 DODGE SLT: PROBLEMS WITH 48036. 1-810-463-5253. ARTHRms: STRAW CHOPPERS: STANDINGTIMBER seller 01: YOUR LAND CON- 4x4. 8800 GVVV. V- 10 engine, 4-speed We rebuild and bal- AND VENEER: • Cash grains TRACT? WESTSIDE: Call 1-888-556- Black River Hard- overdrive, automat- ance. Some ex- Late payments? Robert A. Staniha, 2017 toll free. Ask woods, Inc • • Feed Ingredients ic transmission. changes. We stock Back taxes? Prop- 40 West Sheridan, for a free copy of Power everything, INDIVIDUALS for chopper parts. 1-810-657-9151,days. • Milling quality erty damage? 9 of Fremont, Michigan, the "Arthritis Formu- diff-Ioc, chrome custom harvesting ENGINE REBUILDING Call 1-517-845-3345 10 qualify for pur- 49412: la". Learn how to grains wheels. Nice! operation. Texas 1-616-924-3760. our specialty. evenings. chase. We can through Montana, treat the condition, help. $19,000. 1997 season. Must not just the pain. Auto- Truck- Tractor- WANTED Uceosed aDd booded 1st NATIONAL Call Pinconning, Antique-Continental- STANDINGTIMBER: be clean, honest, Kohler-Onan-Wis- IIItb aver 20 JelfS 1-800-879-2324. 1-517-879-2903. Buyers of timber of hard working with farm background. HYDRAULIC CYLIN- consin engine deal- all types. Cash in a. experience er. advance! 1-401-364-2468. ~alEstate DER and hydraulic pump repair. Seal 70 years of service! 1-517 -875-4565, MICHIGAN SOUTHERNMICHIGAN kits and chrome HARrSAUTO ask for Tim. 800-818-8900 FARM NEWS PARTS Maple Rapids HORSE breeding work, all makes. Michigan Cecil, OHIO Lumber Mill, Inc. farm seeking expe- Strawchoppers bal- 1-419-3~777 Agricultural HOMEOWNERS! rienced individuals anced and rebuilt. St. Johns, MI When contacting 120 ACRE FARM: Venture Tool & Commodities, to fill several posi- living tions . Newago County. 4- Metallzlng WANTED TO BUY: Inc. advertisers, bedroom home with Standing timber. _ • from Oldfield Farms, pool. Excellent soil, Sebewaing, MI 1-313-429-4322. 445 North Canal I r:YCheCk tell them you 1-517 -436-3179, 1-517-883-9121 TRAILERS: Adrian, Michigan. 95% tillable. Build- Lansing, MI 48917 saw their ad in ings in A-1 condi- Complete line of Open 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. paycheck tion! $169,900. Call Minerai Owners Avenger enclosed WANTED: Old gas Mon.-Fri. Michigan cargo units availa- station items. Gas LOANS BY PHONE Mark Wentland, Gas/Oil: Investor ble at low prices. pump, globes, old Farm News! BIG RAPIDSREALTY 1-616-796-7856 interested in pur- chasing, producing Preseason specials on snowmobile and signs, oil bottles and cans, old air HmfII1~ SAME DAY APPROVAL FEED AND GRAIN royalty income for immediate cash. ATV models. pumps. Call 1-616- For Display TAG-A-LONG 984-5183. - Statewide Service - Prefer Antrim gas. store for sale in northern Michigan. Other formations TRAILERS - Call Toll Free - Advertising FARMDRAINAGEAND considered. 1-800-515-6846 Includes inventory EARTHWORK: and equipment. Call Jay, 1-800-968- 517-659-3478 WANTED: 1-800-718-3738 Information Laser Construction. 7645. Munger, Michigan Used irrigation $135,000. equipment, alumi- Surface drainage, farm lagoons, water 1-517-356-6317 . CaUFor num tubing, PTO AAA MORTGAGE retention basins, GORGEOUS REMOD- Classifieds pumps, hard hose & FINANCIAL Call: building pads, ~c- ELED FARM HOUSE and soft hose trav- CORPORATION cess roads, drive- with acreage. Just Conveniently localed elers. Buy, Sell or Josh Merchant ways. AV 1-800-968-3129 Trade! Call Todd Haynes outside Big Rapids. to all attractions: Rain Control !!! loans by phone !!! 800-292-2680 Carson City 517-584-3265 Fireplace, outbuild- ings, much more. $189,900 . ~H ~'i( ) Pigeon Forge &: Gatlinburg • Kitchens' rrreplaces 1-800-339-9350 Ext: 6543 • Hoc Tubs 'l.aIge Pool Call Mark Went- land, LOG CABINS Open Year Round SAVE MONEY. Re- cycle your diesel BIG RAPIDSREALTY IN THE Call Toll Free 1-616-796-7856 1-888-200-0625 and industrial air in- take filters using the SMOKIES for 8 FREE color brochure Sonic Dry Clean System. No liquids or deter- gents used. 50% savings filters. over new MICHIGAN FARM NEWS Recycle Now, Inc. Holland, MI 1-616-396-n24 Michigan Farm News 616-396-8102, Fax has joined USAgnet, your one-stop Internet address showcasing ag classifiedsf Wick Columns Are Your classified line ads in Guaranteed For 50 Years. Wick pressure-treated columns Integrity. And these colored panels Michigan Farm News are backed for 50 years against decay and Insect damage. That are tough, full-hard base steel. That's why we sell Wick buildings. METAL ROOF COAT- can now appear on the gives you an Idea of how Wick buildings are made. To learn more about strong Wick buildings, contact us today. INGS: Heavy fibered or white roof coat- Internet! They're constructed with roof ings. H.J. Butzin. Call anytime, early or late. 1-517-777-9815. Ask our classified personnel for more information and wall steel screw-fastened for added strength and structural @!~~~ or visit our site at http://www.usagnet.com February 15, 1997 FARM AUCTION MICHIGAN eachlng over 7, armers Having dscontinued fanning and rented our farms, the following will be sold at public auction on the farm located 2 mi. east of St lools, MI On M-46, take Bagley Rd. 3 mi. N across Pine River. Tum FARM NEWS each and every issue. right (NE) on Pine River Rd. Follow river's N bank 5 mi. to farm. FoDow auction signsl (Midland Co.) SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1997,10:00 am Let Michigan1s For Display Advertising Information Tractors: 1990 JO 4455 II FWD Tractor, cab, air, 18.4x42R axle duals, 2050 hrs.; 1989 JO 3155 largest agricultura MFWO Tractor, cab, air; JD 4520 Dsl Tractor, axle duals; JD 2020 Dsl. Tractor w/JO 48 Hyd. publication Call Josh Merchant, 800-292-2680, ext. 6543 loader and Mal. Bucket (Tractor and Loader sell as a package); 1981 Case 4490 4x4 Tractor; Case 1030 Comfort King Osl. Tractor; Ford 4000 Osl. Tractor; IH 460 Osl. Utility Tractor Com- work for you. bine: 1981 White 8900 Os I. 4x4 Combine, new 28x26 oversized tires; White 706 6-row N. Com Head; White 16' Aoating Grain Reach 9 out of 10 Platform; JD 220 20' Rex Head Machinery: JD 7000 8-row P1ateless Planter; Donahue.3O' Trans- farmers with us. Place your ad for 6 port TraDer; JD 8300 21 Hoe Grain Drill, Dbl. Disc Openers, Press ~els, wlS~r Unit; JD 2800 Here are a few Auctions I'or Spring -1997 months, get phone . 6 Bottom Vari-widlh Plow, on Land Hitch, Spring Reset; JD 22020 Bi-fold Wheel DISC;JD 7-leg V- reasons ... Mar 1 Dave Tassin, Hemlock: Tractors, combine, till- age, beet equip.; Mar 6 Richard and Paul Jurek, Standish: Tractors, combines, tillage, beet equip.; number or name in red. ! i Ripper, 3 pt; Glenco 7.shank Soil Save., Trailer type; Glanco 18' Soil Rnisher, Hyd. Fold, 5-bar Spike leveler; Century 500 Gal. Go-Between Cart, Hyd. Pu~; CaseIlH 60 6-row Stalk Chopper, 30 acres on reconditioning!; Hardi 500 gal. Tandem Trailer Sprayer w/42' Boom, Ag Chern Foamer; JD .I Michigan's Largest Mar 8 Pine River Farms, St. Louis: Tractors, com- Place your ad for 1 year, : RM 4-row Cultivator; White 378 8-row Hyd. Fold CUltivator wlRoiling Shields; Ne~ Holland 200 20' Ag Publication bine, potato & beet equip.; Mar 12 Aeming Farms, get phone number or Rigid HD Disc; (2) 1000 gal. NH3 Wagons on Kilbros Gear; (2) KB. ~ClO-bu; GrayitY Boxes wlHyd. .I Circulation: Merrill: Tractors, combine, tillage, trucks; Mar 15 Felt. Augers; (2) KB 2()()-bu. Gravity Boxes on JD 953 Gears; Brillion 14 Cultipacker Hay and Doris Starr, Cedar Springs: Tractors, tillage & hay, dairy name in red and also Forage Equipment New Honand 890 Chopper wl3-row Com Head, 7 Hay Pick Up, Beet. Controls, Over 47,000 equip.; Mar 22 Kuehnemund Farms, Crump: Trac- save $1.00 per ad•. NH3 Cold Row Attach.; New Idea 484 Round Hay Baler (4 seasons old); JD 640 5-bar Hay Rake; .Ilwdited: Iwdit Bureau tors, tillage, pickle equip.; Mar 27 Robert Bobzien, Hesston 1091 9' Haybine; Kidd Round Hay Tub Grinder, 540 PTO; Hinniker Feed Cart w/Scales St. Louis: Tractors, tillage, combine; Mar 29 Claude Hagen, Winn: Tractors, combine, tillage & hay equip.; Call Potato Equipment FMC 2-row PTO Potato Harvestor, pull-type; lockwood 4-row Potato Planter wI dry fertAdmire Applicator; lockwood 40' Grader Span~ Bin Piler w/elec. D,!,,~; Belt Pyler 40' Tele- of Circulations .I Michigan Based Apr 4 Amold McKay, Farwell: Tractors, tillage, misc.; Apr 18 Jay Bellanger, Harrison: Tractors, tillage & 1-800-968-3129 scoping Bin orTruck loader; Harrison 4-row Potato CUltivator; lockwood 48 SIZer; lockwood Sort- ing Table; Dilts Wetzel Seed Cutter; 2-head Bagger; Rschbin Bag Sewer; (2) Balance Scales; 16' Editorial hay equip.; Apr 25 John Covich, Gladwin: Tractors, Rat Conveyor; False Roar for 42' Van Trailer Trucks and Trailers: 1983 IH 9670 Truck Tract.or; .I Michigan's tillage, misc. for details 1983 Chevy C-70 Dsi. Single Axle Truck w/14' lockwood Potato Box; 1972 iH 1800 loadstar live per 1000 Ad Rates Best Cost This year's lineup of farm auctions will have the selec- Tandem Truck w/14' lockwood Potato Box; REO 8x8 Army Truck w/16' McCanneU Potato Box, Rare Un~ Dual FrontAxle Steering; 6x6 GMCArmy Truck w/16' Potato Box; 197842' Tra!lmobile Tandem tion of machinery that will accommodate your needs. ReeferTrasler; 1970 City 29' Alum. Tandem Dump Trailer Dozer.Skid Steer.Fo~ Uft: IHTD 20 Osl. ......:.::'~ ......." Watch for the complete ads in the March and April is- sues of the Michigan Farm News. Dozer: 5th Wheel 15-ton DozerTrailer 10'126' wlRamps; Ford Cl.-3O lP Gas Skid Steer; AC 3000f ~~~~:~:.. -.;(.. -4.... ~ Fori< Uft Grain Setup: (2) Butler 20,000-00. Bins, Airation Roor and Fan; Butler 2000 Vertical Wet If planning for an auction, contact Scott J. Sykora for Farm Auction ;':'.':o';':'~~ dates & details. Sykora Auction Service, Inc. can ap- praise your machinery, livestock, dairy, or construction Due 10 my father's ill health, we have discontinued farm- Bin; Kansun Continuous Flow LP Gas Grain Dryer, 3 pH; 6'150' TransportAuger 3 pH; 8"150' Trans. portAuger, PTO; 6"160TransportAuger, 5HP. 1 pH W~l~~~~~. equipment! Serving farmers & businesses for over 45 ing and renled our farms and will sell at public auction located 4-1/2 miles east of Alma, MI. To 2699 E. Uncoln .. Grain Setup located at comer of Magruder and River Rds., Midland Co.. .. Will be sold at the condusion of Farm Tools Misc. Farm Items: 5 Motorola Maxar FM Radios, 1 f;f#llf years. Rd., or 2 miles south of Breckenridge on Wisner Rd., then base, 2 hand-helds, to be sold as packagel; 1QO-gal.Pickup Fuel Tank w/elec. Pump -There will be Place your ~ SYKORA AUCTION SERVICE, INC. 3-1/2 miles west on E. Uncoln Rd. (Gratiot Co.) a sman Jewelry Wagon, so plan on attending on timel ~Jim & Scott Sykora, Auctioneers, Clare, Michigan Sat., Feb. 22, 1997, 10:00 8.m. Terms: Cash or good check day of sale. advertising with 0-==='" 517f386.2252 or 9694 - Fax 517f386-2246 Combines: 1989 JD 44350 Combine wlbran screens, 4 Pine River Farms For info, call 517-681-5184 us and see the speed wlvariable, only 987 hrs.; 1989 JO 915 Rooting Cut- results! ter Bar Grain Header; JD 443 4-row Com Head; JD 12' ~ SYK9mRAc~~~rlgt~ne~~~Y~~~~ INC. 800-292.2680, AGRILAND Dummy Head w/Sund pickup attachment (Note: All above units will be sold separately.) Tractors: 1975 JO 4230 0, 517f386-2252 or 9694 - Fax 517f386-2246 ext. 6543 -- EXCHANGE (j]P-- Cab; 1973 JD 4230 0, Cab; 1968 J Deere 3020 0 (one A FuD Service Agricunural Real Estale & Auction Company owner) Machinery: Int 800 8-row Plate Planter, Fert. Au- ger; JD FB-13 15-hoe Grain Drill w/Grass Seeder; Int 720 5-16 in. Semi Mtd. Plows, Spring Reset; Landoll 7.Jeg 3- r---------------------------------, I Real Estate Auctions pt. Soil Saver; Int 18' Vibra Shank Cult. W/Leveler; Int 475 Deadline for next issue is February 21, 1997 I Montcalm County, Maple Valley & Winfield Twps. 20' Hyd. Fold Wheel Disc; (2) 20' Crust Buster Transport I 1000 acres tot. 775A of highly productive potato Drags wlLeveler; JD 12' Cultipacker wlPups; Wesco 8- row Beet Cult.; JD 8-row Front Mtd. Cult.; JD Trailer I ground w/irrigation. 200A possible building parcels Sprayer, 250 Gal. Tank; (2) JO 4-row Bean Pullers; Innes I w/woods & lake access/frontage, 3 homes w/acre- 4-row Bran Windrower w/Cross Conveyor; Hart Carter Call 1-800-968-3129 to Place Your I age & potato storage bldgs. Hunting/recreation Pickle Harvester w/accessories; 12' Porto Box w/new Au. parcels ger; Opel 3-drum, 4-row Beet Oefoliater, like new cond.; Classified Ad Today! Auction: Thurs 3/13/97, 1:01 pm Hesston 4-row Beet Harvestor w/Row Finder, PTO or use the coupon below and mail or fax your Trucks: 1973 Chevy C-65 Twin Screw Tandem Truck, 427 Coral Comm Ctr, Coral, MI engine, air brakes, Omaha 22' box wlhoist, 5x3 speed; classified ad to Michigan Farm News Bay County, Garfield, Fraser & PinconningTwps. 19711nt Twin Screw Tandem Truck, 18' metal box wltwin 500A, 359 tillable offered in parcels. Highly pro- post hoist; 1968 Int 1800 Loadstar Twin Screw Tandem Truck, 18' metal box wlsingle post hoist Consigned by Buy Line/Daily News FAX: ductive farm ground, tiled. Neighbor: 1978 White 1().speed Tandem Truck Tractor; Auction: lues 3/18/97, 6:31 pm Century 250 gal. 3-pt. Sprayer; Willmar 600 S Steel Tan- P.O. Box 6J Stanton, MI 48888 1-517-831-5063 Charbonneau Hall, Pinconning, MI dem Axle Fertilizer Spreader wlFlotation Tires Terms: Cash or good check day of sale Call today for a detailed sale packet! Oswald Farms 517-336-1570 Romaine & Victor Oswald, Owners For info, call 517-681-5861 Classified Ad Codes htt ://www.arilandexchane.com (c) SYKORA AUCTION SERVICE, INC. ~Jim & Scott Sykora, Auctioneers, Clare, Michigan 1. Fann M:lchln~ry 10. Work W:lnted 20. Wanted To Duy ~ 517/386-2252 or 9694 - Fax 517/386-2246 - · · 2. livestock Equipment 11. Agrlcultural Services 21. Special Events I Havin~ reti~ fr;' iarming due ~o ill h;alth, ;e foll~win; will be sold at public auction located 2-112 mi. northeast of Standish, FAR/Vr AUGT/O/V 3. Fann Commodilles 12. Duslness ServIces 22. Recreallon MI., on US-23, then N 14mi. to 2370 Wolfe Rd. (Arenac Co.). ... Seeds 13. Duslness Oppot1unlUes 2J. FInancing Thursday, March 6, 10 a.m. Due to other interests, we will sell the foltowing items at public 24. Investors Wanted. auction located 2 mi. N of Hemlock on Hemlock Rd., then Y.z mi. 5. Llvcstock 14. Real Estate Tractors and Combine: White 4-210 4x4 Osl. Tractor, 3208 Cat Osl., 3 pt., PTO, 18.4x38 duals w/power beyond; JO 4430 Wto 16535lunney Rd. (Saginaw Co.) 6. Poultry 15. Real Estate Wanted 25. DUlldlng Osl. Tractor, cab, quad range, 5300 hrs., 18.4x38 axle duals SATURDAY MARCH 1, 1997, 10:00 am 7. Dogs :lnd Puppies 16. Estate Sales 26. l:Jwn And Garden SN 030340; Belarus 520 MFWO Osl. Tractor, 3 pI. 12138 tires; Tractors and Combine: 1980 Case 4890 4x4 Dsl. Tractor, JO 4400 Osl. Combine; JD 443 4-row N Com Head; JD 13' 8. Ponl~slHorses 17. Auctions 27. Announcements duals, 3 pI., quick hitch, PTO, 4381 hrs. SN 8856656; White 2. Grain Platform wlfloating cutter bar; JD Dummy Head w/Sund 105 Osl. Tractor, cab, 18.4x38 tires and axle duals, SN 269 9. Help Wanted 18. Antiques/Collectibles 28. To GIve Away Pickup; 1978 Ford 800 Twin Screw Truck w/18' boxand single 890-406; 1968 Case 830 Osl. Tractor, 3 pI. 2 outlets 18.4134 post hoiSt, V-8 gas, 50025 mi., 5x4 spd.; 1971 Ford B.700 tires; Bush Hog Freeman Hyd.loaderwlMal. Bucket; 1981 AC School Bus cut hauling; Dual Wheel Truck Chassis Grain 19. Gener.11 29. Vehicles Gleaner U 0sI. Combine, hydro drive, oversized rubber, sepa- Wagon w/sides Machinery: JD 4310 4-row Beet Harvestor w/ rator hrs. 2328, engne hrs. 3337, SN LK 22738I1;AC 630 6-row star bed; Triple K 34' Hyd. Fold Reid Cultivator S-tineIRoiling N Com Head (black); AC 20' Grain Platform, floating cutter bar Name Phone ( ) _ Basket levelers; IH 490 27 Hyd. Fold Wheel Disc; JD 1000 27 Truck and Trailers: 19781H 4010 B Truck Tractor, 13 spd., Hyd. Fold Field CUltivator; MiUer 12' Offset D_isc;JD 7000 6-row 350 cum., Hendrickson 12-38000 suspension, wet kit; 1981 SU~ Address Plateless Planter, dry fert., w/monitor, bean and com equip.; mil 32' Alum. Dump Trailer, tandem axle w/f! air lift spread, lockwood 835 6-row Center Delivery Bean WlIldrower; Speedy sharp cond.; Yoder 31' Steel Dump Trailer, quad axle w/a1rlift, Front mtd. 6-row Bean Puners; UFT 4-row Beet Defoliator; JD good rubber; 45' Aat Bed Semi Trailer wl9x9 spread; 32' Flat City State Zip 1350-1450 4x16" semi mtd. Plows; JD 400 6-row Rotary Hoe; Bed Tandem Axle Semi Trailer; Shop-built Tri Axle Imp. Trailer Glenco 9-shank Soil Saver, Trailer type; Noble 6-row S-tine 18' bed wA>eaver taU, steel bed Beet Harvesting Equipment Classified Ad Code Requested Number of Issues Cultivator wlRolting Shields; 220 gal. TraDer Sprayer w/boom; 1989 Artsway2830 4-row Beet Harvestor, approx. 1000 acres (2) 6-row Cultivators; Brillion 3 pt. V-Ripper; UlUston 6620 6- usel; 1993 ADoway 2060 mln-till12..-0w Hyd. Fold Beet Culti- rowCUltlvator; WilmarTandemAxle Fert. Spreader; Kilbros 1()' Desired Insertion Date(s): vator w/assist wheel, sharpl; Artsway 784 R 4-row Beet Defo- ton Wag. Gar; 3 pt. Subsoiler; Gravity Box on Gear; 12-ton liator, all rubber flails 1 yr. old; Shop-built 12-row Hyd. Fold Band Kilbros GearwlF1at Rack;American 125-bu. Batch Dryer; 8"x5O' Sprayer, trailer type wl500 gal. Century Tank; 12 rope ~ Weed Method of Payment TransportAuger, w/5 hp elec. Motor; 6"x35' TransportAuger Applicator; 1993 Weatherall CUtivator Guidance 3 ~. Htch, elee} Richard and Joy Jurek, Proprietors hyd. Machinery: White 5100 12O-row Hyd. Fold Planter, liq- Check $ (payable 10 MIchigan Farm News Classified) 2370 Wolfe Rd., Standish, MI 48658 uid fert., 400 gal cap., mon~or, insecticides, elec. controls; 1993 Farm Auction '2 - Same Day - Same Location HardI NAY 1000 Trailer Sprayer, fJJ self-leveling boom foamer, Exp. Date _ Having discontinued farming and moved out of state, the follow- flush tank system, elee. controls, 13.6x38 ag tires; 1993 Sun- Visa Card Number ing will be sold at public auction on the Richard Jurek Farm in flower 421214'11-shank Chisel Plow, traUertype wl5 bar lev- conjlllCllon with main auction. Tractors and Comblne:AC 7050 eler, walking tandem; Wh~e 271 24' Hyd. Fold Wheel Disc, new Master Card Number Exp. Dale dsI. Tractor, cab 20.8Rx38 tires, dual outlets, 1000 PTO; AC 22" discs; Kingsklide 600 6x18" semi mtd. Plows, auto spring 6080 dsl. Tractor, 16.9X38 tires, 3 pl., 54011000 PTO, 2 outlets; reset; Wilrich 32' Hyd. Fold Reid CUltivator, rear leveler, hitch; Classified Rates - $8 for up to 24 words - 30 cents each additJonal word IH 1460 Axia) Aow 4x4 Combine, 67x43 Rice and Cane tires Underferth 33' Rolling Harrow II leveler; IH 45 25' Folding Reid 3OOOhrs.,SN025311; IH 82015' AexGrain Platform; IH 9636- Cultivator; 12-row Hyd. Fold CUltivator 5-tine; Un~ed Farm Tools Wrile your ad here. including phone numl)er and area code row Com Head 30" rows Machinery: JD 7000 6-row Plateless 500-bu. Grain Cart w/18.4x26 fIoIation tires; Leon 10' Underslung Planter, dry fert., com and bean, wl6 beet cans, drives and moni- Dozer Blade; 14' Aat Rack Farm Wagon; JD 603 3 pI. Rotary 2 3 4 tor; IH 720 5x18. Toggle Trip Plows, semi mtd.; 1991 CaseIIH Mower Misc. Items: 3 pI. 7 Forklift Attachment; Demco 30(). #105-legV.Ripper3pl; MF22' Spring Fold Wheel Disc; WiDmar gal. fronl-mtd. Po/yTank wnights; 2-wheelTooITrailer; Miller Gas 5 6 7 8 500 S. Steel Tandem Fertilizer Spreader; Noble 6-row S-Tine 225 amp Welder/Generator; Pickup 11().gal. Fuel Tank w/12 volt Cultivator wlRolling Shields; JD 400 4-row Rotary Hoe, 3 pI.; pump; 1500 and 1800 gal. Ploy Tanks; (2) 5hp Gas Transfer 9 10 11 12 JD 1065 Wagon Gear wlKilbros 350 Box; King Kutter 5' 3 pI. Pump; 3hp Gas Transfer Pump; Pre-mix Tank wlhoses; (3) 1550 Brush Hog; (2) Wagon Gears w/Gravity Boxes; NH3 Tank on Poly Tanks; Hyd. Upright Wood Splitter w/wheels; Air Lift Axle Cart; Oemeo 45' Self leveling Boom, 3 pI.; ProDemco 150 gal. for semi trailer; 3 pI. V.Dilcher Consigned by Chris Fleming, 13 14 15 16 Tanks on Belly Beam w/Genl. Pump and Elecl. Controls; PR Info 517-631-0487: 1983 Ford F-350 4x4 Osl. Pickup, 4 spd., Demeo 200 gal. Tanks on Belly Beam wlCenl Pump; Hutchinson 6.9 DsI.;Alloway 2130 8-row Flat Fold Beet Cultivator; Shopbuilt 17 18 19 20 8"151' PTO TransportAuger; New Idea 6"141' TransportAuger, 8-row Band Sprayer, wl200 gal tank, elec. valve; JD 400 8-row PTO Misc. Items: 2) Regency FM 2-way Radios; Misc. lum- Rotary Hoe; Vicon 500 gal. Tandem Axle Trailer Sprayer, 40' boom, elee. controls; IH 440 Square Baler; New Idea 846 6-row 21 22 23 24 ber; Kilbros Hyd. Fert Auger; Com Sheller; 300 gal. Fuel Tank on Skids w/EJec. Pump Consigned by Neighbor: 28' Spring N Com Head, fits new style JD comblnes; (10) 10:00x20 Steel Budd Wheels 25 26 27 28 Tooth Field Cultivator; Farm Hand 2-row Beet Harvestor; Farm Hand 3-row Beet Cart; Hay Wagon w/Gear; Clipper '2 Fanning Terms: Cash or good check day of sale. No property removed Mill; (2) 15.5x38 Sna~ Rims; lumber Include. 2x2x18', from premises until seltled. Not responsible for accidents. 29 30 31 32 2x8x18', 2x10x20', 2x10x22'; Cast Iron BathtubwlClawFeet lunch and restrooms.loader tractor on sitel Terms for both auctions: Cash or good check day of ISle. Dave and Steve Tessln Proprietors 33 34 35 36 Paul and Jayne Jurek, Proprietors 16535 Lunney Rd., Hemlock, MI ~ SYKORA AUCTION SERVICE, INC. fC=') SYKORA AUCTION SERVICE, INC. L Clrculatlon . over 47,700 In State OfMichigan. ~ ~Jim & Scott Sykora, Auctioneers, Oare, Michqan d.:::::SJim & Scott Sykora, Auctioneers, Oare, Michigan lor 517f386-22S2 or 9694 - Fax 517/386-2246 ~ 517/386-2252 or 9694 - Fu 517/386-2246 v I R Y L A N E Growers who planted Pionee~ brand hybrids are riding down Victory Lane again this year in the 1996 National Corn Grower's Association Yield Contest! MICHIGAN NCGA WINNERS Class A Non-Irrigated 2ND PLACE Cuthbert Hog Farms of Cassopolis 3RD PLACE 171.6 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3394 Joelle Kwiatkowski of Dorr 179.9 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3861 Irrigated Class A No-Till Non-Irrigated 1ST PLACE Drozd Farms of Allegan 1ST PLACE 209.2 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3394 Charles J. Eickholt of Chesaning 228.3 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3573 2ND PLACE Golden Grain Farms of Hamilton 2ND PLACE 202.7 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3394 Eickholt Seed Farms of Chesaning 193.7 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3723 3RD PLACE Lennis Troyer of Burr Oak No-Till Irrigated 199.3 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3394 1ST PLACE Jerry Bement of Dowagiac 180.2 bu/a with Pioneer hybrid 3489 PIONEER. BRAND •PRODUCTS Technology That Yields™ All sales are subject to the terms of labeling and sale documents. @, SM, TM Trademarks and service marks, registered and applied for, of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A. @ 1997 PHil. Special Section Results: 1996 Mich~gan Sustainable Agriculture Project MASA !!!t!?ft~~~A~cu~r3:t~~~~ Vol.6, No.1 February 1997 Reporting the Sixth Year Of On-Farm Research This publication is the sixth in a se- ries reporting results of farmer-driven on- farm research and demonstrations spon- sored by the Michigan Agricultural Stew- ardship Association. In 1991, MASA and its on-farm re- search committee began offering financial help, moral support and technical advice to faqners who wanted to try a new ideas to see if they would work on their farms. The project is on-going. Kalamazoo dairyman Roger French chairs the com- mittee that 1) solicits and selects new projects, 2) helps farmers set up scientifi- cally meaningful on-farm experiments, and 3) collects and publishes the results. Most projects attempt to optimize use of inputs, enhance environmental protec- tion and in general help to' identify sus- tainable practices. MASA pays farme~s up to $500 to help defray their costs in carrying out ex- periments and demonstrations. Each project is assigned a coordinator who helps the farmer set up the experiment and col- lect and compile the results. Ag'ain, the on-farm research committee is looking for farmers wanting to do a project (see box): A Call for Pasture w~lks have become popular, relaxed learning tools for livestock producers was i':llonia County last summer (see report on page 6). ' who graze their animals. This one Projects Have an idea you'd like to try on your farm and need just a little help? MASA Picks President, Board Members MASA members re-elected their President Paul Lutterbacher, Clio 810/ Leadership Development Coordina- The farmers who, ifl this publication, president and a board member and elected 686-1370; Secretary Marlin Goebel, tor is John Durling, Michigan State Uni- are reporting results of their on-farm two new board members at the annual Hillman, 517/742-4505; and Treasurer, versity, 517/353-32Q9 Fax 353-7186. tests were in that situation when they , meeting durin.g the Michigan Agriculture Tom Guthrie, Delton 616/623-2261 or - Roger French, Kalamazoo, 616/375- made'their application to MASA's Mega-Conference January 9. 2255: 0658, chairs the On-Farm Research Com- On-Farm Research Committee. They received up to $500 and Cindy Putcher, from Goetzville in Other directors are' Jerry Wirbel, mittee. some advice on how to structure their Chippewa County, was re-elected presi- Hope, 517/689-3857; Greg Mund, If you have sustainable agriculture experiment to get meaningful results. dent. She and husband John own a farm Rothbury, 616/773-0008; Richard news to share, send it to Newsletter Edi- MASA sponsors -demonstrations as devoted to forage production for beef, Lauwers, Imlay City, 313/724-2263; Tom tor Dick Lehnert, 2700 E. Cavanaugh Rd., well as scientifically rigorous experi- sheep and Angora goats. They also have Foltz, Petoskey 616/347-1619; and Chuck Lansing MI 48910. 517/882-2794 Fax ments. blueberry planting they are developing into Comillie, Byron 810/266-4708. 887-4964. The committee is accepting a U-pick operation. ideas for projects. Deadline is March The new board members are Tom 1. Those whose projects win support Foltz, a dairyman from Petoskey in Emmet will know in time to get field projects County, and Chuck Comillie, a cow-calf underway this spring. producer from Byron in Shiawassee Farmers try ideas to reduce fer- County. Board member Greg Mund, a fruit tilizer and pesticide impact, improve and vegetable grower from Rothbury who soil quality a~d control erosion, use works for the Natural Resources Conser- new methods to combat pests or vation Service in Muskegon County, was tame manure. How about odor con- re-elected. trol in hog barns or strip cropping as The Michigan Agricultural Steward- a way of gaining biodiversity while ship Association is a non-profit organiza- rotating crops? Try out some new ideas. Con- tion, the goal of which is to foster sustain- tract Roger French at Dawnera able agriculture practices among Michi- Farms, 10004 Stadium Drive, gan farmers. Executive Director is Russ Kalamazoo 49009, or call 616/375- LaRowe, located in the MASA office at 0658. Or contact MASA headquar- 605 N. Birch St., Kalkaska, MI 49646, ters (Russ LaRowe) at 605 N. Birch who may be contacted for membership in- St., Kalkaska 49646 (616/258-3305). formation or other matters. Pho,ne: 616/ You can receive and fill out an 258-3305 Fax: 616/258-3318. application or just describe your MASA officers are: President, Cindy New board members Tom Foltz (left) and Chuck Cornillie pose with re-elected project in a letter. Dutcher, Goetzville 909/297-2120; Vice- MASA president Cindy Dutcher. I!!j~ Printed as a supplement to the Michigan Farm News 2 Sustainable Agriculture Gene Vogel. Huron CountJl Will 'Corn in Twin Rows Give More Yield? After 30 years with 30 inches being age in the same time, need narrow com- The wet spring a national norm in com row width, in- 'bine heads to harvest and narrower trac- prevented Vogel from tense interest has developed for grow- tor tires for field operations. planting until June 6. ing it in narrower rows, 15 or 22 inches. This year, Gene Vogel of Minden Serious hail damage Steve Poindexter, Extension ag City decided to grow corn in twin rows occurred September agent in Saginaw County, says narrow to see if he could get the best of both 12. At harvest Novem- rows are the hottest topic in the north- worlds--higher yields without much cost ber 22, yield~ were 90 ern Corn Belt and that farmers are increase. He grew 150 acres of com and to 100 bushels per poised "to make a major change in pro- 250 acres of dry edible beans and soy- acre of high-moisture, duction practice. beans in dual rows - 7.5 inches apart on low-test weight com, "I know of no other practice a com 30-inch centers. regardless of plant grower could adopt that would give him Vogel hooked two conventional population (four trials 10 percent more yield right now," he .eight-row planters together, one behind from 30,000 to said. He became an advocate of narrow the other and offset 7.5 inches. 40,000) or row width. rows after working with Michigan State He band-applied herbicides and cul- .Vogel uses a zone- University crop scientist Don tivated between the rows. And he used tillage system. He uses Christenson on a five-county, three-year a conventional30-inch com head to har- a Trans-Till in a sepa- (1989-91) comparison of crops grown vest the corn. "It cultivated well," he rate tillage operation in 22-inch rows compared to 30. said. "I used the same sweeps as the guys ahead of the planter. The results: Cor~ yields averaged who plant 22-inch rows." Two wide-dpple 160 bushels per acre in 22-inch rows, How'd harvest go? "The com fed coulters do surface compared to 147 for 30-inch. For navy into the header better than I expected: tillage, much as a no-, beans, yields went from 24.1 to 26.8 Harvest losses weren't even a factor," till planter does, while hundredweight, and sugar beets went he said. a depth-adjustable Gene Vogel is experimenting with twin-row corn, soy- from 23.5 to 24.7 tons--all statistically One disappointment was the lack of shank between the beans and dry edible beans. significant yield increases. ' increased yield. "This year was not a coulters reaches deeper and breaks up advantage this year," he said. "It was Planting more rows per acre costs fair test," he said. "I intend to try again compaction where the row will be. Be- really too wet to no-tilL" more money. Farmers who plant nar- next year. Other farmers in the Thumb cause it's used before the planter comes, Vogel planted dry edible beans and rower usually plant more seeds per acre, who used 22-inch rows this year didn't the ground can dry and be planted with soybeans in twin rows in 1995 and got need planter units to plant the same acre- get a: yield increase either." a conventional planter. "That was a real favorable yield increases. Ross Voelker and Steve Koroleski. Huron County Thumb Weather Hurt On-Farm Research Terrible weather in Michigan's to soil contact and better furrow closure, Corn planting was delayed by wet, leafing out under the surface. "I rented Thumb last year turned several farm- increasing plant population. In addition, cold weather. Com was planted between a rotary hoe," Koroleski said. "Rotary ers' on-farm research projects to no good he planned to install Martin spiked dos- May 16 and June 5. "The cor~ was hoes were working everywhere around end. ing wheels to reduce crusting, improve mudded in," he said. ", I saw the ~pike here. That's not normal for corn. I went Ross Voelker tried fall -planting closing and give quicker emergence of closing wheels seemed to be closing one way, then turned around. and went mammoth clover in wheat. But it - and the com. much better, fluffing the soil and drop- back the other direction. I think it im- the wheat - were killed by the cold, open He wanted to plant 20 acres of com ping in on the seed. After three rounds, proved the corn stand. I think I'll buy a winter. Voelker's f~rm near Pigeon has in alternating eigh.t-row strips so he I stopped planting and installed the rotary hoe." been visited by many fa~ers (he rents could compare emergence date and Martin wheels on all the rows." There was no way to evaluate time 40 acres the Innovative Farmers of Hu- count plant population. At the end of the Repeated pounding rainfalls after of emergence or difference in plant popu- ron County use for their research). season, he'd compare yields. planting packed the soil, and corn was lation. The experiment was abandoned. "I planted mammoth clover with my fall fertilizer just before planting the wheat," he said. Farmers often frost-seed Bernard Wall. Isabella County' . medium red clover into wheat in the spring. "I wanted to give the clover 19 months to root, break up compaction and Leaves Too Much of a Good Thing build up organic matter before the fol- After three years o~effort, for something." He has lowing crop. I thought it would provide Bernard Wall is back to square "regular customers'~ who've 'additional nitrogen credits as welL" one. He takes tree leaves been bringing leaves for 10 Fall planting would give it a head bagged from the lawns of years. He stores them inside, start against weeds, avoiding the need friends and uses them to bed where they're dry, and beds for 2,4-0 herbicide in the wheat. And his beef cows in the barn. the barn with them. the cover crop would help stop wind He thinks that's a good The shortage of manure erosion. idea. That way, he needs to relative to the leaf supply last Mammoth was chosen because it is grow only pasture and 'needs year resulted in a poorly shorter than medium red clover, which to buy or raise no straw for composted material. And tak- might make it easier to combine the bedding. ing everything the city had to wheat. But last year he took on 'offer.resulted in "dirty" leaves Fall seeding mammoth remains a a mountain of leaves, the en- -leaves mixed with sticks and theory to be tried. The wheat winterkilled tire output of the city of plastic. He had hoped to sell and the clover apparently went with it. Coleman. His idea was to mix compost to gardeners. "They "Other farmers have made it work. I them with cattle manure and shy away from this," he said. think it'will work for me," Voelker said. compost the two together. But The closing of landfills to Steve Koroleski of Kinde is another he had too few cows and not leaves -and grass clippings of the Innovative Farmers of Huron enough manure. has created a need for a place County, trying to reduce tillage, save . "He worked his head off for these organic materials. residue, prevent erosion and still get on those leaves," said They do fit well into good yields off their heavy soils. Barney's wife Dolores. composting systems with Koroleski planned to install Case- "People want to recycle if livestock manure, and MASA IH rubber gauge wheels on his John they can," he said. "People members in western Michi- Deere 7000 eight-row no-till corn call here and want to bring ,gan have incorporated urban planter to reduce si~ewall compaction leaves out. They seem happy Too many leaves and not enough manure resulted In a leaves into their manure of the seed furrow and give better seed when I tell them they'll be used compostlng failure for Bernard Wall. composting. Sustainable Agriculture 3 Oriene Easlick. Shiawassee County . Interest in Hazel Nut Orchards Is Increasing Oriette Easlick hops spryly up onto early, in March, but frosts don't seem to created from mowing grass . her Massey-Ferguson tractor and cau- affect 'fruit set. And they are harvested ground cover between the tions her rider to watch his step. We ride in September, after most fruits except tree rows. She.will decide to the site of her new hazelnut orchard at . apples. Cherry shakers are used to har- later, after evaluating the back of her 55-acre sheep farm near vest the nuts. growth, whether to use her- Owosso .. Oriette gathered production informa- bicides or tillage to help She used her MASA demonstration tion from Cecil Farris, of Lansing, a trees grow faster with less grant to plant 52 trees for "future income breeder of hazel nuts, and from Sid competition. and the hope of increasing the value of Grinnell, who sells grafted trees from Oriette keeps careful the property." The new ~rees are staked Grinnell Nurs~ry in Perry. records. She itemized her and encased in tree guards to protect them The trees are not self-fertile, so costs from planting about from deer and temperature extremes. Oriette planted trees from five varieties. a third of an acre of trees. Now age 81, in fine health and used Cross pollination is by wind. Breeders Trees cost nearly $8 each, . to taking care of herself, she's looking have been working to develop pest-re- about two-thirds of the es- forward to harvesting hazel nuts four . sistant varieties, so spraying is seldom tablishment cost. years from now. "It should pay better .. needed. Oriette's main farm than corn or soybeans," she said. Nuts Grinnell has perfected grafting meth- enterprise is a flock of are worth nearly $1 a pound and should ods that make the trees easier to propa- ewes. She has selected yield 2,500 pounds per acre when trees gate and not develop suckers. Some ha- them to breed in February are mature, she said. Most tree nuts used' zel nut varieties sprout from roots and and lamb in July. This Oriette Easlick planted a small hazel nut orchard to by U.S. consumers are imported, and become bush-like rather than trees. gives many more twins see how they'll do In central Michigan. there appears to be a market for exported Recommended practices include than early breeding, she hazel nuts as well. clean tillage to reduce competition and says, and positions the lambs to come to grain. Summer lambing makes the best Hazel nuts have captured the inter- irrigation. Oriette Easlick does not have the highest-price May market without use of pasture, she says. Her careful est of some orchardists. They bloom irrigation available and is using mulch feeding them or their mothers much records show that clearly, too. Paul Guenther. Washtenaw County Crimson. Clover Interplanted Did Well in Corn Paul Guenther is determined to make efits from an interplanted legume. He He grows about 600 acres of corn than burseem. But, right now, the top goal it work. He's equipped his cultivator with wants something growing late in the sea- and soybeans in rotation, using ridge till is to find a good plant to grow in grow- seeders (converted from insecticide' son, as corn matures, to pick up surplus .and no-till on some land, more tillage ing corn. boxes) to interplant cover crops in the fertilizer and, hopefully, fix some nitro- dn others. He would prefer that his The key first step is finding a plant row middles of his gen for the next crop. The ground cover interseeded legumes would winterkill that will grow just enough to get started corn fields. prevents erosion, provides footing for rather than need to be killed by herbi- but not enough' to compete with growing Last year, harvest during wet falls and contributes cide or tillage the next spring. Crimson corn. Perhaps, he says, a mix of seed across. each six organic matter. clover overwinters more successfully would provide better consistency. rows he seeded The buckwheat is to .serve a differ- five middles - two ent purpose. He hopes its attractive blos- with crimson clo- soms will provide a nectar source that ver,_ two with attracts parasitic wasps that prey on corn burseem clover borers. and the center one But first, the plante~ seed has to ger- . with buckwheat. minate and get established. Ideally, Last year, crimson clover was the star and Guenther says, that means getting mois- burseem did poorly. But in past years, ture and two weeks of sunshine before the opposite has happened. He's dropped the corn canopy closes in. There would Australian medics from his on-farm tri- be little sun during July and August un- als because it doesn't seem shade toler- til the corn begins to ripen .. ant enough to establish between rows of Guenther band-applies herbicide, growing corn. both to reduce costs and to keep the row He seeded into the corn last July 20, middles amenable to growth of the at the same time he sidedressed nitrogen,' interseeded cover crop. He uses half rates dribbling the seed behind the applicator of atrazine (1 quart) and Dual II (1 pint) shank and covering it slightly with a in a band 12 inches wide, .an 80 percent scratcher. herbicide reduction. By cultivating, he What Guenther wants to achieve Is a healthy legume stand coming on strong as Guenther is looking for several ben- provides loose soil-for the interplanting. the corn matures. Loren Roslund. Gratiot County .Frost-Seeded Mammoth Clover a Superb Performer Michigan mammoth clover, frost a pound and is broadcast at about 8 believes he can decrease his need for seeded into wheat, outgrew other pounds per acre. purchased nitrogen with the clover interseeded legumes in a MASA-spon- Roslund believes the luxuriant plowdown. 'For next year Roslund is sored comparison on the Loren Roslund Michigan mammoth clover that he considering on-farm research to measure farm in 1996. The Roslunds raise 1,700 . plowed down last fall will very favor- the clover's nitrogen contribution to acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and cu- ably affect the 1997 corn crop. He also corn. cumbers in Gratiot County. The frost-seeded Michigan mam- Table 1 Treatment Observations moth clover produced more green manure than any !nterseeded legume Loren ob- Fall-Seeded Michigan Mam~oth Clover Poor, winter killed served on his farm. Observations by Fall-Seeded Crimson Clover Poor, winter killed Loren Roslund and Extension Ag Agent Frost-Seeded Michigan Mammoth Clover Excellent growth Dan Rossman are recorded in the table Frost-Seeded Crimson Clover Poor, didn't grow below. Michigan mammoth clover per- Frost-Seeded 20% Alsike, 80% Red Clover Very good stand, modera~e formed so well that Roslund plans to growth frost-seed it into all his wheat when he Frost-Seeded.Annual Alfalfa Thin stand, fair growth broadcasts nitrogen in February 1997. (Note: Last winter was cold and snow cover did not The local fertilizer dealer will blend the provide protection for any fall-seeded crops) seed with the fertilizer. Seed costs $1.10 Loren Roslund 4 Sustainable Agriculture Gary Manley. St. Joseph County Ground Cover Affects Soil Arthropod Numbers and Diversity Soil arthropods are part of a com-- in those plots with the highest biomass. a positive response to one or more cov- food chain should be considered equal plex ecosystem. These small creatures - Collembola (springtails) populations ers: Spiders and Oribatid mites were in importance to predators and para- insects, mites, spiders - scurry about at were more than three times higher in the more numerous in hairy vetch plots, sites," Manley said, in creating stability ground level finding food for themselves annual ryegrass plots than in the no-cover springtails more common in plots with and increasing potential for natural con- and being food for others. plots. Various arthropod groups showed the largest biomass, while Diptera lar- trols with the agricultural ecosystem. For the last two years, Gary Manley, vae populations were equal in all plots. , As well as being aMASA-supported who has a 120-acre farm near Three Riv- Since ground cover and cover crops ' project, his on-farm work was part of a ers in St. Joseph County, ran experiments do influence arthropod number,Sand di- larger study of cover crops being done to determine how ground cover affects versity, they have potential for inclusion by Dale Mutch, an IPM and cover crops the number and species diversity of soil into pest and crop management pro- Extension specialist at Kellogg Biologi- arthropods. grams. "Detritis feeding segments of the cal Station. Last year, Manley seeded cover crop~ into soybeans planted no-till on Treatments Annual rye grass - seeded Sept. 4 at 20 pounds per acre land in corn the year before. The soys Annual ryegrass and crimson clo~er - seeded Sept. 4 at 15 and 11.25 pounds were planted from May 5-14 after an ap- per acre, respectively plication of Roundup May 5. The cover Crimson clover - seeded Sept. 4 at 15 pounds per acre crops were planted on Sept. 4 (see treat- Hairy vetch - seeded Sept. 4 at 20 pounds per acre Control - not seeded - bare ground ments). Percent cover and biomass data - taken November 10 The study indicated that total biom- Arthropod samples - taken Oct. 5 and Nov. 10 Gary Manley ass of cover and kind of cover influenced arthropod populations positively: More Soil Arthropod Evaluation in a Soybean/Cover Crop System biomass, more arthropods, more diverse g/m2 '% bula Total Litho. Araneida Orib2 Entomobryiidac Sminturidae arthropod populations. Treatment Biomass Cover Yield Fauna (Centioedes) (Spiders) (Mites) (Sprinl!tails ) (Globular Springtails) Annual ryegrass plus crimson clo- Annual Ryegrass 46.72 100 40 319 5 2 69 131 142 ver plots produced the largest biomass Annual Ryegrass (see table) by mid-November. Annual + Crimson Clover 52 100 41 301 2 4 66 116 147 ryegrass alone was close behind, fol- Crimson Clover 5.76 37 39 215 4 3 61 86 86 lowed by hairy vetch. Crimson clover Hairy Vetch 37.6 73 40 334 2 6 197 135 142 No Cover 0 5 37 177 2 0 44 36 48 plants remained small. Arthropod populations were highest •Lithobiomorpha 20ribatei Gaining Experience with Whole Farm Planning Farmers are gradually getting used the family itself may overlook as it sets Team to visit Amish farmers in Ohio. In fect as well as calculating the bottom line, to the idea of whole farm pla~ning; a few g,oals and defines a ~ission for the fam- an article in the Grand Rapids Press, they he said. What seems to be missing in MASA members gave it a try last year. By and farm. were quoted as saying,the exp~rience was farming today is working together and Lew Coulter, a cherry grower on the Old Tom and Sue Foltz traveled with the "life changing." Farm management helping each other - the sense of com- Mission Peninsula north of Traverse, be- Great Lakes Basin Whole Farm Planning means thinking about the people you af- munity. came involved in it for personal reasons as well as though his job with the Grand Traverse Conservation District. Wagbo Peace Center. Charlevoix County Whole farm planning can come to a farmer from several sources. The Natu- Chicken Soup for the Soul ral Resources Conservation Service is de- If MASA had a "chicke~ soup for youngsters from upper Minnesota were East Jordan. One part of the farming veloping whole farm planning as a way the soul" project this year, the Wagbo there to stay a week at the center. Rick operation is producing pure maple syrup of helping farmers evaluate the Peace Center was it. Under the direction and Tracy are Mennonites, and Rick each spring. Kids like Steve do the work, sustainability of the resource base of their of Rich and Tracy Meis.terheim, the cen- wears a pair of suspenders with a single gathering the sap and firing the boilers. farm. At one level is it a basic farm con- ter uses a working farm ~ohelp troubled strap down the back. After a couple days People like MASA members buy, t~e servation plan, but it also concerns itself youths develop the ch~racter and disci- working around the farm with Rick, the syrup to help, out kids like Steve - be- with the satisfaction level of the farm pline necessary to lead fruitful lives. aspiring young farmers were fashioning cause Rick and Tracy show us Steve's family. And at another level, it tries to The youth program i~only one of the suspenders from bailer twine. The whole worth it. help farmers assure themselves they will educational outreach,tools the center has, crew wanted suspenders like Rick. Imi- For more information write or call: meet all federal, state or local environ- but one that is most intriguing. In 1996, tation is the sincerest form of flattery, Wagbo Peace Center mental regulations. more than 300 students from northern theY,say, but also a sure sign of a posi- 5745 N. M-66 Holistic Resource Management also Michigan and as far away as Minnesota tive connection made. East Jordan MI 49727 is a form of farm management that em- toured or stayed at the farm. Experien- The center is located just south of 616/536-0333 phasizes the long-term interaction of tiallearning is the key. Sustainable agri- farm resources and farm family goals. culture is the model. Within these larger systems are specific When the MASA board of directors tools, like Farm-A-Syst, which helps visited the center in early December, stu- farmers evaluate their farmsteads and dents were participating in the one-on- identify problems they will want to cor- one education that makes the center's ap- rect in the long run. proach so interesting. Every young per-:- A workshop last March drew 18 son is important, so important that a farmers last year, some of them trying to teacher-to-student ratio of one-to-one is cope with problems in new ways. "Many not too much to expect. of the dilemmas farmers face are not re- That day, we met a young man source management problem but a prob- named Steve. He came from a poor, lem of choices," Coulter said. His farm single-parent home. He'd been labeled has been identified as one eligible for irresponsible and unteachable, and hadn't purhase of development rights and he is been taught simple things like responsi- in the process of trying to understand bility, hard work, or maybe even love. what that can mean to the choices he He's learning these things at the center. makes for the future. He does chores on the farm, and said George Shetler and Tom Foltz, two he likes feeding calves best. When asked dairy farmers in northern Michigan, par- if he wouldn't rather sleep in on a cold ticipated in whole farm planning as well. December morning, he informed us seri- George and Sally Shetler are now con- ously,that he didn't sleep in because the sidering forming an advisory council for calves needed him. their farm - to gather insights and ideas A van load of emotionally disturbed Students and intern at Wagbo Peace Center Sustainable Agriculture 5 Jim and Tara Good. Barry County Getting Started with Limited Resources How can a young farmer get started have started newborn calves in the fall, ture in early May, with limited re,sources? That's the ques- fed them in the barn through the winter, supplemented with tion Jim and Tara Good have been at- and put them on pasture in the spring. a couple of pounds tempting to answer with their MASA on- However, with winter com prices around of grain per calf farm demonstrations since 1994. $5 a bushel, they decided to wait until ,per day. Once the Both in their late twenties, Jim has March 1996 to purchase calves. They calves were estab- been an Exten,sion Agricllltural Agent were encouraged by reports from New lished on pasture, and Tara is a laboratory technician in the Zealand and from Ann Clark at the Uni- it quit raining. Animal Science Department at Michigan versity of Guelph, Ontario, that show Only traces of pre- State University. Resource~ available on success in putting 200-pound calves on cipit~tion were re- their farm near Nashville include 34 acres grass at 8 to 10 weeks of age. corded from mid- of pasture and hay and whatever time Newborn calves purchased by Goods June through mid- . they have left after working their off-farm in March got off to a poor start. Scours September. By jobs. and pneumonia pushed death rates to- mid-July the pas- For the last few years, the Goods ward 25 percent. Calves were put on pas- ture had stopped growing and the Richard Hand. Charlevoix County , steers had to be put back on grain and Annual Forages baled hay. Neigh- bors growing corn Have Place on a Dairy Farm ,in the area aver": Jim and Tara Good found 1996 a tough year for pasturing aged yields of only young calves. Double cropping, annual forages Hand said the triticale/pea mixture 50 bushels per could provide some real advantages for has been improved by the addition of a acre. calves was disappointing, they are opti- a dairy farm. For one thing, the land new pea, Arvica, which has 3 percent- Steers gained only 1.25 pounds a day mistic about their future in production would be open spring, summer and fall age points higher protein than the Cana- from March through early October. "Not agriculture, but stemming from a differ- for manure application. dian Trapper pea and yields about 3/4- too rosy a year," according to Good. In ent opportunity. Jim has decided to re- Rich Hand, a dairyman from ton more dry matter per acre. the future they plan to graze heavier ani- turn to the family farm near Caledonia. Charlevoix, tried double cropping this This annual forage program captures mals - an enterprise that was profitable There he will assist in managing one of year. The weather didn't help him much, the attention of dairy farmers in north- in the two previous years of MASA- the world's largest herds of registered red but he was encouraged enough to try, it ern areas where alfalfa is less adapted or sponsored demonstrations on their farm. and white Holsteins on Med-O-Bloom again. frequently winter kills. D~irymen any- Although Jim and Tara Good's ex- Farm, where Jim grew up farming with Using seed from Wolf River Seeds, where would benefit having this program perience with grazing 8- to 10-week old his father Jerry Good and Elton Smith. White River, Wisconsin, he planted a pre- in their back pockets because alfalfa can pared seed mix of 60 percent field peas be killed anytime cOIJditionsare too cold Calf Budget , and 40 percent triticale. "The idea is to or too wet. Income plant early, mid-April, on fall-manured But the ~nnual forage doublecrop , $5,866 Gross Proceeds from Sale of 36 Steers, October ground," Hand said. When the triticale isn't perfect, either. Hand said it was cold Expenses comes into the boot stage about 55 days and wet early this year, delaying plant- , ($1,050) Purchase of 45 Calves, March after planting (peas will be in bloom), ing. Then it was dry, which hurt the yield ($2,326) Purchased Feed chop the mixture and ensile. Hand puts of the second crop. ($1,166) Medicine, Veterinary up the silage in the long plastic bags. Hand owns only 30 acres and milks ($120) Bedding . Then, about June 10, spread manure 100 cows. He rents 220 acres of land, ($200) Electricity and plant either corn or a mixture of soy- . but is still short of land, both for forage ($100) Lumber' beans and sorghum-sudangrass. Wolf and for spreading liquid manure. He's ($60) Trailer Rental River'offers the seed mix and varieties trying to make the double crop work to ($85>.. Misc. of short-maturity corn (68 to 80 days). help out in two ways. , $759 Net Return to Pasture, Labor, Management, and Investment John Densmore. Gratiot County Ten Years of Plowing Hurt Soybean Yields Does tillage history. affect the yield moldboard plow; chisel plow; or rjdge tainty that tillage history affected no-till age history may be different in another of no-till soybeans? That was till/cultivated no-till c'rop production. soybean yield in 1996, the effect of till- year or at another location. thequestion MAS A farmer -cooperator Results of this study show we can John Densmore and Gratiot County Ex- say with some certainty that tillage his- Cooperator: John Densmore Fertilizer: 0-0-60 (200 lbs/a) tension Ag Agent Dan Rossman at- tory affected the yield of no-till soy-. County: Gratiot Herbicide: Roundup (1 pt/a) te~pted to answer with this on-farm re- beans on the Densmore farm in 1996. Soil Type: Parkhill loam 2,4-D (1 pt/a) search. Soybean yield and crop value were sig- Field History: Corn 1995 Prowl (1 qt/a) No-till soybeans were planted into nificantly higher for no-till following the Tillage: No-till 1996 Pursuit (3 oz/a) fields that had been continuously main- three reduced tillage systems following 1996 Crop: Soybeans Fusilade (30z/a) tained for 10 years in one of the follow- moldboard plowing. Planting Date: May 20,1996 Variety: Northrup King ing tillage systems: no-till/zone till; fall While. we can say with some cer- _ Seeding Rate: 200,000 seeds/a S19-20 Harvest Date: October 22, 1996 Crop Value: $6.50/bu less drying 10-Year Soil O.M.% Harvest Crop Value Tillage History 0-4" 0-8" Moisture% BulA ~ Ridge till/Cultivated No-Till 4.5 4.3 17.1 55 378 No-till/Zone Till 4.1 3.8 17.0 55 373 Chisel Plow 4.3 4.1 17.1 54 368 Fall Moldboard Plow 3.9 3.9 17.1 51 349 LSD=0.05 n.s. n.s. n.s. 3 16 Least Significant Difference crop value of $16/a or more are also (LSD=0.05) of 3 bu/a means there is a real. Significant differences were not 95% probability that yield differences of observed in soil organic matter or in 3 bu/a or more are real (attributable to harvest moisture. LSD calculations more than mere chance). Likewise, there were possible because replications were John Densmore drilled no-till soybeans In fields with di,fferent tillage histories. is a 95% probability that differences in part of the experimental design. 6 Sustainable Agriculture Henry Miller. St. Joseph County Four Years' Results on N Rates in Corn Henry Miller has done research with trogen was sidedressed on June 28 at the MASA for five years. In four of those three different rates. Plots were harvested 1996 Yields (Bushels Per Acre) years, he looked at the effect of different on Oct. 18 at 26 percent moisture. N Rate 65 Ibs N .95 Ibs N 117.lbs N rates of nitrogen in growing irrigated seed In his work with cover crop plots in Yield Average 90.7 85.7 91.4 cor~ on his thousand-acre S1. Joseph 1996, Miller spread seed after potato har- Yield Range 86.1 - 99.2 80.4 - 91.1 84.2 - 103.9 .County farm. vest in August of 1995 and either disked 1995 Yields Looking at the four years of data, or chiseled the fields on Aug. 20. There sometimes the low rate N Rate 751bsN 821bs N . 1151bs N was good emergence of the covers, with did almost as well the Yield 99.0 104.4 103.1 oats and oats plus crimson clover produc- middle rates, but the ing the most growth in the fall. In 1996, 1994 Yields middle rates seemed to the disked plots were sprayed with N Rate 60 lbs N 761bs N 881bs N 991bs N deliver the best yield Roundup and Dual II and no-till planted Yield 89.1 91.9 93.2 99.8 for the money. Last to seed corn. The chiseled plots were 1993 Yields year seed com followed sprayed with Roundup, field cultivated and N Rate 681bs N 891bs N 95 Ibs N 120 Ibs N green beans and a fall then planted. Yields were measured at har- Yield 66.5 80.3 82.3 80.0 cover crop of oats in Henry Miller vest. 1995. A. single spring The data indicate that that rye, oats Tillage Trials field cultivator pass prepared the ground and ryegrass performed better as cover Cover Tilled Average No-till Average. Combined Average and seed was planted on May 22 in five crops and wheat and no cover crop at all Rye 134.9 112.7 123.8 randomized and replicated plots. The ni- performed the worst. Wheat 110.0 82.0 96.0 Oats 119.5 122.8 121.2 Cherry Bav Orchards. Leelanau County Crimson Clover/Oats 117.7 119.5 118.6 Alternative Ground Covers Ryegrass Control (no cover) '130.4 114.1' 122.7 115.5 126.6 114.8 for Orchards . Cherry Bay Orchards, Leelanau ited growth. Most could have used more George and 'Sall" Shetler. Kalkaska County County, completed a project looking at al- time to get established. The medic per- ternative ground covers for the orchard floor. formed well but a higher seeding rate will . be used next year. A mulching seeder may They May Add Milk IPM specialist Francis Otto and farm owner Bob Gregory say the conventional be a better way to establish the seedings. Seed costs of $8 to $16 per acre can't be justified by savings in fertilizer or pes- Bottling To Dairy Grazing . . MASA's longest-running demonstra- sible to gain a premium for milk from their system of orchard floor ticide costs, but long-term improvement tion project involves the Shetler family's farm. management - herbi- in soil health and organic matter may even- intensive rotational grazing project. The Shetler farm consists of 275 cide or mechanical .... tually support the costs. When the project l?egansix years ago, acres devoted to forage production. The control of vegetation in The project warrants further work and George and Sally realized that their farm farm dropped corn production three years the tree rows - results will be continued in 1997, Otto said. depended ago. George's goals of reducing labor in reduced organic v e r y ~ needs and cost of production have been matter, reduced hold- Francis Otto Snecies Seeding Rate heavily on largely successful. ing capacity, greater nutrient loss, and re- per Acre labor sup- t:" Although production per cow duced biodiversity. Berseem clover plied by dropped in the initial years, it has stabi- 16 pounds In the fa)) of 1995, 12 rows contain- their five lized (see figure). Last yea~ it increased. Buckwheat 1 bushel ing 56 tart cherry trees were treated with c~ildren. Last year offered challenges to all Roundup to kill all the vegetation. The plot Oilseed radish 20 pounds One goal dairymen, including graziers. Prices of was seeded in early September using a Mogul medic 16 pounds of the hay, feed and milk were all erratiC.George broadcast .seeder and then pressed. Seven Oats 1 bushel grazing made a month-by-month call on the cost seed combinations and a control were es- Oats and 3/4 bushel + pro g ram effectiveness of grain feeding .. tablished. Species were selected that berseem 13 pounds was to ad- After some experimentation with ex- would winter kill. dress the otic grasses, George has settled on con- Oats and 3/4 bushel + Plots were seeded too late, Otto says. Mogul medic coming la.. George Shetler ventional grass and legume mixtures. 13 pounds Dry weather and cool temperatures lim- bor short- Seed prices of the exotics were high and age. Now, six years later, only two are left performance didn't meet expectations. In How Extension Plans to help with the farming.' 1996, he interseeded clover and orchard However, the Shetlers oldest son, hav- grass into pastures needing a boost. Ear- ing completed military service, is inter- lier dependence on annual ryegrassforlast To Support Graziers. ested in returning to the farm. The emerg- ing challenge now is to make room in the operation for another family. season feed has been tempered by its poor performance in cool or dry conditions. This last year, George returned to In Ionia County, pasture walks have available and its feed value. "We feel there After looking at their milk and feed using sawdust for bedding. He has been evolved into tire primary vehicle for in- is a definite need to better understand the prices, their land base, milking facilities using locally shredded newspaper for bed- formation-sharing among graziers, say calculations associated with stock density, and the grazing lifestyle ~ompared to the ding, and found that worked very well in Extension agents Kevin Gould and George carrying capacity and forage quality." machine approach, they are considering manure composting, which has also be- . Atkeson. Farmers who graze their animals Last year, the two Extension agents another venture as a way to gain additional come a permanent practice on the farm. come together on a summer evening, look requested MASA support for a planting income. Local suppliers have discontinued paper over the pasture, ask questions and offer of 30 grass/legume mixture plots that They are considering purchase of a shredding. suggestions. could be pastured and visited by pasture bottling plant as a way of adding value to Overall, George and Sally were As graziers learn, they need more walkers. Samples from the plots could be the milk and increasing management op- pleased with the 1996 season. The winter detailed information and technology to . analyzed for feed value and yield, and gra- portunities on the farm. With their graz- . is being spent researching markets and increase productivity and profit, they say. ziers would be able to associate these with ing lifestyle and non-use of purchased fer- studying regulations for an on-farm milk "Graziers are showing increasing support the visual appearance of the plots. tilizers or agrichemicals, it may be fea- bottling plant. for on-farm trials and demonstrations that This work is going on across Michi- can be easily understood and targeted to- gan. Local Extension agents are working Roiling Herd Avenge SupplementaJ FMd eo.ts ward specific needs of the grazing group. with Rich Leep and Ben Barlett, Michi- 3.0, I , +- 2~t- I This is where Extension can help. We can gan State University Extension grazing 18000 I-- I offer the organizational support for infor- specialists with statewide responsiblities. 18000 t-- I I I I I • - mation gathering and compiling results 14000 r- -r- I I I i I I I C 2.0~ They want to be able to incorporate sample 12000 , t- 0 . 15f- I I I w +- I =mII. that will be accurate and supported by 1‫סס‬oo +-- I information into the SPARTAN DAIRY I I I : -r- I +- 0 1.0L - - specific data and visual evaluations." or BEEF computer evaluation programs 8000 8000 i I I I I ~ y - - -- I I I I Most graziers are guessing at intake producers use to balance rations. 4000 2000 t- I I t- i , I 0.5~ 0.0 11180 1118t 1882 18113 lee. 11185 and forage values, Gould and Atkeson say. The pasture demonstration plots i I I I I I 11180 1118t 111112 18113 lee. 1_ I. They see "a great deal of need" for better planted in Ionia County last June 5 were ways to evaluate the quantity of forage lost to heavy rains. Sustainable Agriculture 7 Tony Igl and Sid Hawkins. Ingham County Starter Fertilizer on Corn Paid Marginally For several years now, Sid Hawkins Coldwater. Harvest weights were taken by spread of nearly 10 bushels per acre from and his son-in-law Tony Igi have con- John Oakley and Dave Voss from Gutwein low to high yield. The dollar income ducted on-farm research to determine Seeds. spread, after paying starter fertilizer ex- whether starter fert~lizer pays off when soil Last year's cold, wet spring prevented penses, was $7.50. While the trend was tests don't particularly call for added nu- planting until May 29, and the crop grew to reward the starter fertilizers with some- trfents. afterward with virtually no rainfall, de- what higher yield, income generated by They farm Hawkins Homestead, pressing yield. Forty gallons of 28 per- the added fertilizer was quite small. their 2,300-acre farm near Mason in cent nitrogen solution were sidedressed Tests with soybeans last year brought Ingham County, on which they use a corn- over all treatments. no added yield to offset added fertilizer corn-soybeans-wheat rotation. This year's As the results show, there was a cost. test was conducted on corn planted on land in soybeans the previous year. Starter vs. No Starter Fertilizer on Corn The four treatments compared: Treatment Moisture Bushels/ac Fertilizer cost Dollars/ac '. 95 pounds of 18-46-0 dry fertiiizer applied below and to the side, cost- 18-46-0 dry 22.2 89.4 $12.30 $229 Sid Hawkins and Tony Igl ing $12.30 an acre Alpine 6-24-6 liquid 22.3 94.5 $17.25 $238 • i5 gallons per acre of 10-34-0 liquid $13.50, plus additional 28 percent ni- 10-34-0 liquid 22.2 91.2 $15.00 $231 placed below and to the side of the (rog~n solution to balance (total cost Control 22.4 85.2 $230 row, costing $15 per acre $17.25) Alpine treatments were seed-placed at by 2 inches at 15 gallons per acre. All • Five gallons per acre of Alpine 6-24- Plots were planted with the aid of Bill 5 gallons per acre. All 10-34-0 liquid 18-46-0 dry treatments were side 6 applied in the seed row, costing Moyer from Alpine Plant Foods in treatments were side-placed 2 inches placed 2" x 2" at 95 pounds per acre. Richard Ekins, Jackson County. , Lower Herbicide' Rate Performed Well in Soybeans "My goal is a find a soybean herbi- ounces) of Pursuit (cost: $21.05), with a cide 1 can apply at planting and get com- pint of oil and one gallon of 28 percent plete weed control, then work to cut the nitrogen so.lution. Total cost $22.79. rate as low as possible," says Richard A second treatment was the same Ekins, a farmer from Rives Junction in plus the addition of Assure II herbicide Jackson County. for added grass control used at 7 ounces This year, he tried Canopy as that per acre, that cost an added $6.35. herbicide. "I sprayed everything one week A third treatment used Pursuit ap- This planter provided by Alpine Fertilizer is equipped to make three different before planting with Canopy at 3.5 ounces, plied at two-thirds label rate (.9 ounce), fertilizer treatments by a simple selector switch. blending it with one quart of vegetable oil with a pint of oil and a gallon of 28 per- (Landoil). That's half the label rate. I also cent N.-That cut cost to $14.90. Tom Guthrie, Barry County used 2,4- D at two-thirds full rate as a Yields are shown in the table. The Soil Nitrate Test Vital To bumdown." Cost of that treatment: $11.25 per acre ($8.09 for Canopy, $1.75 for oil, check plot was severely infested with black nightshade, reducing yields and de- $1.41 for 2,4-D). laying maturity. The reduced rate of Pur- Water Quality Protection He planted his soybeans no-till in 30- inch rows on May 18. By mid-June, weeds suit didn't reduce yields - in fact, those plots showed the highest yield. The Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Test were appearing and he plann'ed a program One visual differenc'e was a higher (PSNT) was used to demonstrate cost sav- of post-emergence applications to attack incidence of marestail in the low-Pursuit ings through reduced nitrogen fertilizer foxtail, a heavy infestation of black night- strips .. rates on Tom Guthrie's farm this summer. shade and volunteer corn. Each treatment One of Ekins' goals is to reduce her- Guthrie's MASA-sponsored demonstra- was applied to 12 rows (his sprayer width) bicide rates to the lowest level he can, tion was conducted by members of the the length of the field (one-fourth mile). both for economic and environmental Barry County Innovative Farmers in con- One treatment was a full rate (1.44 reasons. junction with the Michigan Integrated Food and Far~ing Systems Stewardship Plan for Water Quality (SPWQ). The SPWQ Team is working to de- velop and implement a model farm stew- a~dship plan to protect water quality and other natural resources for a commercial cash crop and livestock farm. On-farm den:lOnstnition of agronomically sound, environmentally safe, an~ economically Tom Guthrie profitable production practices is an im- ing alfalfa and with or without manure portant component of the plan. from various sources (dairy slurry, dairy Outreach ~ctivities for the SPWQ in heifer, beef pack, and beef compost). 1996 included the annual field day for Sampling was done on June 20, prior to fourth graders from the Delton and Gull the period of rapid corn growth and nutri- Lake Schools, a SPWQ Field Day and ent uptake and early enough so that Whole Farm Planning Seminar, and field sidedress nitrogen rates could be adjusted days for groups including vocational ag- based on PSNT results. riculture teachers and Extension agents. Guthrie expects PSNT to be increas-, A sharp'line divides the nightshade-infested soybeans (right) from soybeans Guthrie and,other SPWQ Team members ingly important on his thousand-acre farm treated with Pursuit. But Richard Ekins found, Pursuit at two-thirds label rate also present their experiences at various as he pursues profitability and environ- worked equally as well as the fulf rate. off-farm educational meetings .. mental stewardship. Based on Michigan Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Tests take State University's laboratory fee of $6 per Post Treatment Yield Moisture level some of the guesswork out of making fer- sample and an estimated $6 for farmer or !In!l!!l (oercent) tilizer recommendations by providing bet- technician time to take the sample, PSNT Full rate Pursuit 44 15.9 ter estimates of the nitrogen available from costs $12 per 20 acres or $.60 an acre. Full rate Pursuit + full rate Assure II 45 15.8 spring-applied manure' and soil organic Reducing nitrogen fertilizer by just 5 Reduced rate Pursuit 47 14.2 matter. pounds per acre more than covers the cost Control- No post 34 28.5 Pre-sidedress S9il Nitrate Tests were of PSNT. Moreover, PSNT plays a vital All treatments were applied ,with LandoU and 28 percent nitrogen demonstrated in Guthrie's corn in 1996. role in protecting groundwater from over- solution at 10 gallons per acre Corn was grown following com or follow- application of nitrogen. 8 Sustainable Agriculture Richard Bilinsky. Marquette County Making Pasture on Acidic Sands for Exotic Animals The "charming" side of Richard The only two "real keepers" on the what the weather. Bilinsky~s farm is that he raises ex- unlimed plots were Tioga deertongue The hogs get too fat easily, he said. otic animals in an exotic place. But and showy tick trefoil. The deertongue, They grow slowly and fare best on a high- the other side of the story is that it's a low-growing broad-leafed grass, was protein, low-calorie diet li~e alfalfa, rape, hard to raise anything on his sandy, fairly aggressive at establishing itself, forage turnips or grasses like rye. He feeds acidic soils and cutover jack pine land' but the plant has.poor relative feed value. about two pounds of ground corn a day. in central Marquette County. Showy tick trefoil, reputed to grow well The hogs, weighing 250 pounds or more This last year, he worked with Ex- on infertile sites, established poorly but and two years old, are worth $1 a pound, tension Ag Agent Jim Isleib to test the plants that grew looked good, Isleib but they must look like wild razorbacks, plantings of 33 species and mixed spe- said. Seed is expensive. not prime pork. cies of forages that would provide pas- The hogs Bilinsky raises are more He's looking to find soil amendments ture for his livestock. He raises "Rus- hairy than the usual domestic breeds, and that would build soil organic matter and sian boars" and Barbados sheep that he says they do well even with the cold pH, without having to invest in 10 tons of provide game stock for ,hunting pre- and snow. He uses hut, shelters, and the lime per acre, at $25 a ton. Paper mill serves and trophies for the walls of sows burrow down into the straw pack, , wood ash and sludge may be available hunters. farrow and raise their pigs no matter much cheaper. The plots were set up with four replications, two receiving 10 tons of Chuck Cornillie, Shiawassee County lime per acre to bump up the pH from 4.~~ two' receiving no lime. All were Grazing Made More Beef in This Test fertilized with 100 pounds nitrogen, Grazing beef cows is more profitable clude its utilization of land not suited for 85 phosphorus and 250 potasssium. and less input-intensive than either feed- permanent pasture because of flooding or In general, most unlimed plots did lot beef or cash-crop cotn on Chuck other factors. Grazing sudangrass in late poorly. "The legumes germinated and Richard Bilinsky wants pasture for his tro- Cornillie's farm. CorniI.lie's Angus, summer and early fall also allows stock- died," Isleib said. "The perennial phy "razorback" hogs, but his land is acid Limousin and Simmental cow- grasses were failures. The large- sand. He and .county Agent Jim Isleib tested 33 forages. calf operation is in southeast seeded annuals did fairly well: rye, Shiawassee County. buckwheat, Japanese m,illet and sorghum bluestem, indiangrass - established poorly, This year Comillie com- sudangrass. " whether limed or unlimed, but since'they pared intensively grazed Warm-season grasses - big bluestem, normally take off slowly, plots with these sudangrass with cash-crop switchgrass, sideoats grama, little grasses may look better next year. corn. Side-by-side comparison plots of sudangrass and corn John Oswalt. Kalamazoo Countv were established in the spring. Gaining Fall Pasture with Actual production costs ($/ acre) for both crops are shown Companion Crops , in the budgets below. , Eighty-five cow-calf pairs John Oswalt and his wife farm 600 fall after corn was harvested and see which grazed the 5-acre sudangrass acres in the southeast comer of Kalamazoo gave the most tonnage. , plot for 2.5 days in July, 1 day County. They keep a flock of 600 to 700 Lack of rain led to poor results. The in August, and 1.5 days in Oc- ewes, that they rotationally graze. companion crops grew where there was tober. Farm records show This year they interseeded, on June 23, no corn but in the corn they did not grow calves gain an average ,of 2.7 compa~ion crops when the corn was at the because of no rain. pounds per day on pasture. The 4- to 5-leaf stage. Companions crop were Next year Oswald plans to try this in value of the beef produced on Chuck Cornillie (right) meets with his MASA co- essex rape seed, annua1 ryegrass, a com- soybeans. He is especially interested in the sudangrass plot was calcu-' ordinator John Durling. bination