if??? , . I h ‘. :f, "‘{ '4‘1'fc ' X“ , \\\\\\$ " w ..__l\ \ .\\ DETROIT, FEB. 6, 1892. THE HOUSEHOLD-"Supplement. For the Household. A WOMAN’S HAND. [“ In removing the debris from the wreck a woman’s hand was found in a good state of preservation.”] Only a hand. a woman’s hand. that was all That- was left of one who perished that night by the fall; Or the fire-fiend tortured her life away. who knows P No record is left of the fearful work that shows. Of those who were searching the ruin there o’er and o’er No one could claim this hand as one they had clasped oft before. Were little ones moaning and calling for her in vain P Or a mother left from whose eyes tears fell like rain ? Or a lover whose aching heart must hold, through life Only the image of what should have been his wife ? Was a husband searching Cith bated breath, poor heart! Whether for years she had struggled along 111' most done 0r whether the journey of life was for her just begun: Whether her sky was cloudy and dark as night : 0r whether the sun had made her life all bright; Whether her heart was true and pure none can tell Save He who knoweth all things and still doeth well. Only a woman’s hand. a hand. nothing more, Reaching back, as it were. to the loved ones here from the shore 0n the other side of the river of Death. At last The trials and cares of this earthly life all past. ROMEO. EL SEE. FALSE GUIDES. Years ago every thing printed was to me, “as true as true could be.” Then doubts obtruded, then certainty, and now I put sometimes a handful of salt instead of a grain, as is the customary allowance. Take the home columns in all the papers, and you are pretty sure to find a pitfall, and tumble into it, be- sides. One day I read that three broom handles and the top of a barrel would make the loveliest and most con- venient table that ever was seen. So of course I found the handles, and ne- gan work. Result, the nails wouldn‘t l l herself, and was obliged to lie in bed for a week. But the cooking recipzsl That’s where the pain and anguish came in. Didn’t I read directions how to prepare a delicious dish by frying bananas in oil, and pouring over them aglass of wine? Didn’t I work over them two hours? And didn‘t the family howl when they came to sample them, and moan over the lovely fruit, worse than wasted! Then came lots of heavy cake made without eggs, ac- cording to recipes in the HOUSEHOLD. The family grumbled, but kept pretty good natured. But they all “ riz ” to a man when I attempted to keep a family of eight on fifty cent dinners, as a cer- tain smart woman did in the “Home Circle.” The head man said he would either go home to his mother or stop every newspaper that came into the house. It was no use, so I took a back seat. looked up my old tried recipes, and we were happy. My neighbor cuddled and cooed to her first baby and enjoyed rocking him to sleep in her arms. But she read a communication from a Spartan mother that this was all wrong—bitterly and , entirely wrong. So to save her little one from a life of shame and woe, she undressed and put him into bed, and with tears rolling down her cheeks, heard his screams for an hour. When she took him up she found he was ruptured, and it took months of care and many doctor's bills to cure him. You see he wasn‘t that kind of a baby to stand being put into a bed alone, bein