November 6, 1965 Attorney Victor 5. Peters | Chicago, Illinois Dear Attorney Peters: Recently you spoke with Attorney Mike Walch of Wilmette regarding the develop~ ment of the Grand Mere area. . We represent.a group opposed to sand mining and industrial development of this area. We believe there are alternatives which will better serve the long range public interest and which could be attractive to you, a land owner. av Mr. Manley has met with us, and we have found little in common, since his in+ terest is based on the removal of the sand. He represents himself as speaking for you, as well as for himself. We ask that you give us & hearing, at your convenience as to time and place, (but preferably on a Sunday.) .We arewwilling to work with you to obtain favorable legislation taxwise for scenic easements, to encourage a special limited commercial development or to 5 work for county acquisition of the property through purchase, taking advantage of recent federal legislation, dealing with the Land and Water Conservation Fund, There may be other alternatives you have considered prior to Mr. Manley's proposals, These also, we would like to discuss with you. May we please hear from you? Sincerely, Frank Lahr Grand Mere Association FL/a Route 3 Box 9)8 Stevensville, Michigan