Suit, Shawl : aad Silk) xen. EPAREMENT.— : CLOTHING. Come to Our Store AnD WE WILL TELL YOU THz weer, “ign lay Frits Ove Heating a suEsiaulme oomDS IMPORTANT DRY _GOODE, X PROPOSITION TO at. Boots & Shoes, SPRING TRADE HATS & CAPS, ‘YOUR ATTENTION!" ~“ The BEST. Th EREAPEST nd Made to Order! ma wi DAVY HARDWARE, tov * TABLE AND YooRwt pro iy Sona Ton Saat & ISAAG L, CLARKSON, UMBE “Was, cats Fela ier & Go, ML WHIR & BROTHERS, — oneston ance terenesneneny STRICTLY FOR CASH! ! So Modern suytest Sy ueermut "ne Brick Bio os oe gate ~ plac omit Wom WEAN TER PRISE boas and reat ipdiieaaiies Tl eH & Gaps the Latest x Fables, Bureaus,, cuima sere, Matrasees, Liens Ficture Frames, dc. ADRIAN, MICHIGAN. Poe oe Yorks he Largest, The Cheapest, TheBest, -~-- ; Ready-Made Clothing! - 6, EI _ i= ‘Time and Epace will Unly Permit Us to Give Headings, CLOTHING Come to Our Store !i | AND WE WILL TILA THU THE HST. a rrasisace soos, | ae DRY Coops. | Boots & Shoeg,, i =| . | [ sat ~_ Youn A ATTENTION!| Winter Goods =. The BEST; “The GHEAPEST ‘and 2 a SS Carpet Doparinet