Upou fs record tor THE WEEKLY SUN, Who des uot kuwwt THE WEEKLY SUf1? It civeudates deronghout th an beyonl counter, and felon. vl, a Titer ct pad, This pelea, quatlty eon ith #50 exh, we Will send a extra eupy five, Address PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, Pee Nei FERTILIZERS. seashore adepeedtent in li things, Devoted to Sato, Cownty aad Home Rows JANCHESTER, MICH. THURSDAY, JL MANCHESTER ENTERPRISE - ee es ee Pais Rie Oia artes ore = 2 cnrsan ah it be tent elias aa ‘esata SRE erage Tele Parad res aor eee ine eopesiel Geeta Arygos sre [nee ie an Eeasareasiss Saee zee er ie pl Sa i Sate eee Son Scere aeinrcr ce goer, Reema at Bee) Goleta ee : cae ea ae Se Ss keer Pe Tomid cere ouereic ei ad car tno "St HL oe tay ah “hy i atte eateateras sma weetes spree Rem Han ae rik bot bare te Soe ane toe See on crcl: a Boe pte os Bene Ue sitet rat i Seaeeet Feegemecaeriy ens if oe Sele Diab. aS coe poets esl a se i. Sachin Paty ee aa ried = one en eed Ee eects See ester Pattie ‘ee STRICTLY PURE _ , Paris Gresn, N. SCHMID & CO. evenant sors; tive muon, #%'* & Boy's CLOTHING for Summer Wear, =e ‘Yaar Excegtod all oshare Gomba ear Exceeded all ophere Gorn 3 Brow fore eo ae GALE by ail ‘an and Tress Siks | it ti ain unis Se SAGKSON, Watches, Clocks, ony Beved eS pew rin ing at Home, siLveaé PLATED-WARE, -- PHOTOGRAPH Watele a rand Jewel, Siem tele, iret day of September, HELE, The Taltor. cre {ia meog tha sbi ig nti wh ogy Tae amie stato ie «re : ory saison om " cCOVPAIB : iar. | } na St Tet an secu. Webutsy, Jay S4. ss ene St a cn se vente = ; ble een pres ip etnie rr fa Thi ck ™ sine cing ia Sg lc TT ted a mere Ge eae see a neue Perea ee Ba sto peo berger ei aS inno wh rtengeae TEST Snow 1811 AMERICAN ie ‘2 Gost at $180, a me Paes eae Ser AND ITALIAN. BONE WELL! » ‘Horse Shooing Dg cugrom, s208 SHOE Sp rpame se fos aint peat Bese ere ear a re eer GENTS WANT: ” FOR FOSTER'S NEW | _intemadent fn ai Ghiugs, Devoted to State, County and Home Newt sunceesen ENTERPRISE SCHESTER, MICH. THURSDAY IULY (SUBINESS OIAECTORY. ie ere one ee MAE OTE Zc SRE nn — a uel = oie ets ae oe ae Be See gee goenae a Sane pauctes makes pataroes eos yeas See tS eal eS = cr een, SORE BENE: Sor ae meal in tetera oat oak arper ch cord canes 7 ee rep inet daw Bayi nl ie Shae oo Sor ese Gee nal ocay Mintaorinds ay a aor woohoo te Sioa ete Foto cobras res tw ee ihc otis eee a Teaboa sa ci ana ay Ee aie Saez = inka ie 4 4 a on eae Sialic ed tai ea a =e Gee Eire ne ieee,